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Force space bar to play/pause videos
- // ==UserScript==// @name YouTube Space Bar to Pause// @namespace YouTube Space Bar to Pause Fix// @description Force space bar to play/pause videos// @version 2.3// @author DryChicken// @match http://**// @match https://**// @exclude https://**// @exclude*// @icon @grant none// @license MIT// ==/UserScript==// Function to determine if on a YouTube Shortfunction isYouTubeShort() {const currentUrl = window.location.href;return currentUrl.includes('shorts')}function getKeyboardEvent(key, type) {return new KeyboardEvent(type, {key: key,keyCode: key.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0),bubbles: true,cancelable: true,});}function simulateKeyDown(key) {let keydownEvent = getKeyboardEvent(key, 'keydown');document.dispatchEvent(keydownEvent);}function simulateKeyUp(key) {let keyupEvent = getKeyboardEvent(key, 'keyup');document.dispatchEvent(keyupEvent);}// Function to simulate the pressing and releasing of a keyfunction simulateKeyPress(key) {simulateKeyDown(key);simulateKeyUp(key);}function shortsPlayPause() {const shortsPlayer = document.querySelector('#shorts-player');if (shortsPlayer);}// Keyup on spacebar - when it works, is YouTube's default play/pause videodocument.addEventListener("keyup", function(event) {if (event.key !== " ") return;// If in search bar or comment inputlet ae = document.activeElement;if (ae.tagName.toLowerCase() == "input" || ae.hasAttribute("contenteditable")) return;// if (isYouTubeShort()) return;event.preventDefault();event.stopImmediatePropagation();}, true);// Use keydown on spacebar to trigger our simulated play/pause actiondocument.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {if (event.key !== " ") return;// If in search bar or comment inputlet ae = document.activeElement;if (ae.tagName.toLowerCase() == "input" || ae.hasAttribute("contenteditable")) return;event.preventDefault();// event.stopImmediatePropagation();simulateKeyDown('k');}, true);