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Bangumi.tv 净化

将 Bangumi.tv 中其他用户的所有活动例如评分、评论等信息隐藏,仅留下制作信息、内容介绍等客观信息。

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Bangumi.tv 净化
// @version      1.1
// @description  将 Bangumi.tv 中其他用户的所有活动例如评分、评论等信息隐藏,仅留下制作信息、内容介绍等客观信息。
// @author       takuzzz
// @match        *://bgm.tv/*
// @match        *://bangumi.tv/*
// @grant        none
// @license MIT
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/65521
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
// Array of text contents to match and remove
const textContentsToRemove = [
"讨论版", "评论", "吐槽箱", "推荐本条目的目录", "谁看这部动画?", "收藏盒", "Sumomo Board", "小组话题", "热门条目讨论"
// Array of element IDs to remove
const idsToRemove = [
"panelInterestWrapper", "subjectPanelIndex", "subjectPanelCollect", "crtPanelCollect", "robot",
"award2023", "home_tml"
const classToRemove = [
"rateInfo", "rank",
// Function to remove elements with specific text content
function removeElementsByTextContent() {
// Find all h2 elements with class 'subtitle'
const subtitles = document.querySelectorAll('h2.subtitle');
// Loop through the found h2 elements
subtitles.forEach(function(subtitle) {
// Check if the text content is in the array
if (textContentsToRemove.includes(subtitle.textContent.trim())) {
// Get the parent div of the h2 element
const parentDiv = subtitle.closest('div');
// Remove the parent div if it exists
if (parentDiv) {
// Function to remove elements by ID
function removeElementsById() {
idsToRemove.forEach(function(id) {
const element = document.getElementById(id);
if (element) {
function removeElementsByClass() {
classToRemove.forEach(function(className) {
const elements = document.getElementsByClassName(className);
while (elements.length > 0) {