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Remove Limits - ALL KILL

ALL-KILL solution for removing limits on the website

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Remove Limits - ALL KILL
// @name:zh-CN   移除限制 - 通杀
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      0.2.0
// @description  ALL-KILL solution for removing limits on the website
// @description:zh-CN 用于移除网站限制的通杀解决方案
// @match        none
// @author       PRO
// @run-at       document-start
// @license      gpl-3.0
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
"use strict";
const debug = false;
const log = debug ? console.log.bind(console, "[Remove Limits]") : () => { };
// === JavaScript Part ===
// Stop listeners that might hinder right-click menu, selection, etc.
const events = ["contextmenu", "select", "selectstart", "copy", "cut", "dragstart"];
events.forEach((event) => {
document.addEventListener(event, (e) => {
}, { capture: true });
// === CSS Part ===
const userSelectAliases = ["-webkit-touch-callout", "-webkit-user-select", "-moz-user-select", "-ms-user-select", "user-select"];
// Remove CSS rules that might hinder user selection
function removeUserSelect(styleSheet) {
for (const rule of styleSheet.cssRules) { // Might encounter a SecurityError
if (!rule instanceof CSSStyleRule || !rule.style) continue; // Not what we're looking for
// Iterate over its styles
for (const property of rule.style) {
if (userSelectAliases.includes(property) && rule.style.getPropertyValue(property) === "none") {
rule.style.removeProperty(property); // Remove the property
log(`Removed "${property}" from rule:`, rule);
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
// Remove all `user-select: none` declarations
for (const styleSheet of document.styleSheets) {
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof DOMException && e.name === "SecurityError") {
log("Caught a SecurityError while trying to read a CSS rule. This is expected if the CSS rule is from a different origin.");
} else {
log("An unexpected error occurred while trying to read a CSS rule:", e);
// Allow selection using CSS (not needed anymore in most cases)
const style = document.createElement("style");
style.textContent = `* {
${userSelectAliases.map((alias) => `${alias}: unset !important;`).join("\n")}