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Adjust video player to maintain 21:9 aspect ratio, filling screen minus sidebars and toolbars with minimal cropping, with dynamic full-screen adjustment
- // ==UserScript==// @name Ultrawide Fix for Kick// @namespace @version 1.16// @description Adjust video player to maintain 21:9 aspect ratio, filling screen minus sidebars and toolbars with minimal cropping, with dynamic full-screen adjustment// @match *://*// @grant none// @license MIT// ==/UserScript==(function() {'use strict';// Function to adjust the video element considering sidebars and maintain 21:9 aspect ratiolet adjustVideoElement = () => {// Select the <video> elementlet videoElement = document.querySelector("video");if (videoElement) {// Sidebar and toolbar dimensions (only apply if not in full-screen mode)let leftSidebarWidth = 259;let rightSidebarWidth = 345;let topToolbarHeight = 77;// Check if the document is in full-screen modeif (document.fullscreenElement) {// Full-screen mode: fill entire screen with 21:9 aspect = '100vw'; = 'calc(100vw / (21 / 9))'; = 'fixed'; = '0'; = '0';} else {// Non-full-screen mode: adjust for sidebars and toolbarlet viewportWidth = window.innerWidth;let viewportHeight = window.innerHeight;let availableWidth = viewportWidth - (leftSidebarWidth + rightSidebarWidth);let desiredHeight = availableWidth / (21 / 9); = `${availableWidth}px`; = `${desiredHeight}px`; = 'fixed'; = `${leftSidebarWidth}px`; = `${topToolbarHeight}px`;}// Ensure the video fits within the container without significant = 'fill';}};// Adjust on full-screen change eventsdocument.addEventListener('fullscreenchange', adjustVideoElement);// Continuously adjust video element every 500mssetInterval(adjustVideoElement, 100);})();