Greasy Fork is available in English.
Stop showing context menu when long-pressing a link, enable text selection.
// ==UserScript== // @name Delink on Touch // @version 0.1.2 // @description Stop showing context menu when long-pressing a link, enable text selection. // @homepageURL // @supportURL // @license MIT // @author eight04 <[email protected]> // @namespace // @match *://*/* // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // ==/UserScript== /* global GM_registerMenuCommand */ let id; register(); function register() { id = GM_registerMenuCommand("Enable", init, {id}); } function init() { const links = new Map(); GM_registerMenuCommand("Disable", uninit, {id}); document.addEventListener("touchstart", onTouchStart); document.addEventListener("touchend", onTouchEnd); let timeoutId; function onTouchStart(e) { clearTimeout(timeoutId); // add a delay so users can still tap the link without triggering this timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { const a ="a"); if (a && a.getAttribute("href") && { links.set(a, a.href); a.href = ""; } }, 150); } function onTouchEnd() { clearTimeout(timeoutId) for (const [a, href] of links) { a.href = href; } links.clear(); } function uninit() { register(); document.removeEventListener("touchstart", onTouchStart); document.removeEventListener("touchend", onTouchEnd) } }