Greasy Fork is available in English.
Removes annoying url trackers parameters and copies the cleaned URL to the clipboard when using alt+c (or option+c on mac)
// ==UserScript==// @name Remove URL trackers and Copy// @namespace @version 202409181420// @description Removes annoying url trackers parameters and copies the cleaned URL to the clipboard when using alt+c (or option+c on mac)// @match *://*/*// @author Hélio <[email protected]>// @license WTFPL// ==/UserScript==(function() {'use strict';const paramsToStrip = ['utm_', 'ref', 'gclid', 'gclsrc', 'gs_', 'ga_', '_ga', '_gaq', '__utm', 'fbclid', 'mc_', '_cid', 'epik', 'context'];function shouldPreserveParam(param) {return !paramsToStrip.some(prefix => param.startsWith(prefix));}function cleanUrl(url) {return url.replace(/\?([^#]*)/, (match, searchParams) => {const updatedParams = searchParams.split('&').filter(shouldPreserveParam).join('&');return updatedParams ? '?' + updatedParams : '';});}// Copy the cleaned URL to clipboardfunction copyToClipboard(url) {const tempInput = document.createElement('input');tempInput.value = url;document.body.appendChild(tempInput);;document.execCommand('copy');document.body.removeChild(tempInput);}// Display a sliding notification after copyingfunction showNotification(message) {const notification = document.createElement('div');notification.textContent = message; = 'fixed'; = '0'; = '10px'; = 'black'; = 'white'; = '10px'; = '3px solid white'; = '0'; = '0 0 5px 5px'; = '1000'; = 'translateY(-100%)'; // Start hidden above the = 'transform 0.5s ease'; // Smooth sliding effectdocument.body.appendChild(notification);// Slide down into viewsetTimeout(() => { = 'translateY(0)';}, 100); // Slight delay to allow CSS to apply// Slide up and remove after 1.5 secondssetTimeout(() => { = 'translateY(-100%)'; // Slide back upsetTimeout(() => {document.body.removeChild(notification); // Remove after sliding up}, 500); // Time for the slide-up transition to finish}, 1500);}// Event listener for the shortcutwindow.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {if (event.altKey && event.code === 'KeyC') {event.preventDefault();const currentUrl = location.href;const cleanedUrl = cleanUrl(currentUrl);copyToClipboard(cleanedUrl);// Check if the original URL and cleaned URL are differentif (currentUrl !== cleanedUrl) {showNotification('Copied without trackers');} else {showNotification('Copied!');}}});})();