Injects new Reddit profile pictures into Old Reddit and next to the username
// ==UserScript== // @name Old Reddit with New Reddit Profile Pictures // @namespace // @version 3.1 // @description Injects new Reddit profile pictures into Old Reddit and next to the username // @author Nick2bad4u // @match https://** // @match https://www.** // @match* // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @connect // @license Unlicense // @icon // @tag reddit // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; console.log('Script loaded'); let profilePictureCache = GM_getValue('profilePictureCache', {}); let cacheTimestamps = GM_getValue('cacheTimestamps', {}); const CACHE_DURATION = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 7 days in milliseconds const MAX_CACHE_SIZE = 25000; // Maximum number of cache entries function flushOldCache() { console.log('Flushing old cache'); const now =; for (const username in cacheTimestamps) { if (now - cacheTimestamps[username] > CACHE_DURATION) { console.log(`Deleting cache for ${username}`); delete profilePictureCache[username]; delete cacheTimestamps[username]; } } GM_setValue('profilePictureCache', profilePictureCache); GM_setValue('cacheTimestamps', cacheTimestamps); console.log('Old cache entries flushed'); } function limitCacheSize() { const cacheEntries = Object.keys(profilePictureCache); if (cacheEntries.length > MAX_CACHE_SIZE) { console.log('Cache size exceeded, removing oldest entries'); const sortedEntries = cacheEntries.sort( (a, b) => cacheTimestamps[a] - cacheTimestamps[b], ); const entriesToRemove = sortedEntries.slice( 0, cacheEntries.length - MAX_CACHE_SIZE, ); entriesToRemove.forEach((username) => { delete profilePictureCache[username]; delete cacheTimestamps[username]; }); GM_setValue('profilePictureCache', profilePictureCache); GM_setValue('cacheTimestamps', cacheTimestamps); console.log('Cache size limited'); } } async function fetchProfilePictures(usernames) { console.log('Fetching profile pictures'); const uncachedUsernames = usernames.filter( (username) => !profilePictureCache[username] && username !== '[deleted]' && username !== '[removed]', ); if (uncachedUsernames.length === 0) { console.log('All usernames are cached'); return => profilePictureCache[username]); } console.log( `Fetching profile pictures for: ${uncachedUsernames.join(', ')}`, ); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const requests = => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: `${username}/about.json`, onload: (response) => { console.log(`Response received for ${username}`); const data = JSON.parse(response.responseText); if ( { const profilePictureUrl ='?')[0]; profilePictureCache[username] = profilePictureUrl; cacheTimestamps[username] =; GM_setValue('profilePictureCache', profilePictureCache); GM_setValue('cacheTimestamps', cacheTimestamps); console.log(`Fetched profile picture: ${username}`); resolve(profilePictureUrl); } else { console.warn(`No profile picture found for: ${username}`); resolve(null); } }, onerror: (error) => { console.error( `Error fetching profile picture: ${username}`, error, ); reject(error); }, }); }); }); Promise.all(requests) .then((r###lts) => { console.log('All profile pictures fetched'); limitCacheSize(); resolve( => profilePictureCache[username])); }) .catch((error) => { console.error('Error in fetching profile pictures', error); reject(error); }); }); } async function injectProfilePictures(comments) { console.log(`Comments found: ${comments.length}`); const usernames = Array.from(comments) .map((comment) => comment.textContent.trim()) .filter( (username) => username !== '[deleted]' && username !== '[removed]', ); const profilePictureUrls = await fetchProfilePictures(usernames); comments.forEach((comment, index) => { const username = usernames[index]; const profilePictureUrl = profilePictureUrls[index]; if ( profilePictureUrl && !comment.previousElementSibling?.classList.contains('profile-picture') ) { console.log(`Injecting profile picture: ${username}`); const img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = profilePictureUrl; img.classList.add('profile-picture'); img.onerror = () => { = 'none'; }; img.addEventListener('click', () => {, '_blank'); }); comment.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', img); const enlargedImg = document.createElement('img'); enlargedImg.src = profilePictureUrl; enlargedImg.classList.add('enlarged-profile-picture'); document.body.appendChild(enlargedImg); img.addEventListener('mouseover', () => { = 'block'; const rect = img.getBoundingClientRect(); = `${ + globalThis.scrollY + 20}px`; = `${rect.left + globalThis.scrollX + 20}px`; }); img.addEventListener('mouseout', () => { = 'none'; }); } }); console.log('Profile pictures injected'); } function setupObserver() { console.log('Setting up observer'); const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => { const comments = document.querySelectorAll('.author, .c-username'); if (comments.length > 0) { console.log('New comments detected'); observer.disconnect(); injectProfilePictures(comments); } }); observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true, }); console.log('Observer initialized'); } function runScript() { flushOldCache(); console.log('Cache loaded:', profilePictureCache); setupObserver(); } globalThis.addEventListener('load', () => { console.log('Page loaded'); runScript(); setInterval(runScript, 10000); // Run every 10 seconds }); const style = document.createElement('style'); style.textContent = ` .profile-picture { width: 20px; height: 20px; border-radius: 50%; margin-right: 5px; transition: transform 0.2s ease-in-out; position: relative; z-index: 1; cursor: pointer; } .enlarged-profile-picture { width: 250px; height: 250px; border-radius: 50%; position: absolute; display: none; z-index: 1000; pointer-events: none; outline: 3px solid #000; box-shadow: 0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 1); background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1); } `; document.head.appendChild(style); })();