Set YouTube volume manually on a scale of 1-100, remember last set volume, and inject the UI to the left of the volume slider on the video player. Syncs the slider, disables invalid inputs, and adds debugging.
// ==UserScript== // @name YouTube Volume Control with Memory // @namespace // @version 4.1 // @description Set YouTube volume manually on a scale of 1-100, remember last set volume, and inject the UI to the left of the volume slider on the video player. Syncs the slider, disables invalid inputs, and adds debugging. // @author Nick2bad4u // @match *://* // @icon // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM.setValue // @license UnLicense // @tag youtube // ==/UserScript== (async function () { 'use strict'; // Default volume if none is saved let previousVolume = await GM.getValue('youtubeVolume', 5); // Create input element for volume control const volumeInput = document.createElement('input'); volumeInput.type = 'number'; volumeInput.min = 0; volumeInput.max = 100; volumeInput.value = previousVolume; // Set input field styles to resemble YouTube's UI = '30px'; = '10px'; = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.0)'; = 'white'; = '0px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.0)'; = '4px'; = 9999; = '24px'; = '16px'; = '0 4px'; = 'border-color 0.3s, background-color 0.3s'; = 'none'; = 'relative'; = '13px'; // Change border color on focus volumeInput.addEventListener('focus', () => { = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6)'; }); volumeInput.addEventListener('blur', () => { = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)'; }); // Change background color on hover volumeInput.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => { = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)'; }); volumeInput.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => { = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.0)'; }); // Prevent YouTube hotkeys when typing in the input volumeInput.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); console.log('Keydown event in volume input, stopping propagation.'); }); // Function to set the volume based on input value async function setVolume(volumeValue) { const player = document.querySelector('video'); if (player) { // Validate input (must be between 0 and 100) if (volumeValue < 0) volumeValue = 0; if (volumeValue > 100) volumeValue = 100; volumeInput.value = volumeValue; // Set the player volume and save to Tampermonkey storage player.volume = volumeValue / 100; await GM.setValue('youtubeVolume', volumeValue); console.log( `Volume set to ${volumeValue} and saved to Tampermonkey storage.`, ); // Sync YouTube's volume slider UI const volumeSlider = document.querySelector('.ytp-volume-slider-handle'); if (volumeSlider) { = `${volumeValue}%`; console.log('YouTube volume slider updated.'); } } } // Event listener for input change (manually changing the volume in the input box) volumeInput.addEventListener('input', () => setVolume(volumeInput.value)); // Function to update the input field when YouTube's player volume is changed async function updateVolumeInput() { const player = document.querySelector('video'); if (player) { const currentVolume = Math.round(player.volume * 100); volumeInput.value = currentVolume; await GM.setValue('youtubeVolume', currentVolume); console.log( `Volume input updated to ${currentVolume} from video player.`, ); // Show 0 if the video is muted if (player.muted) { volumeInput.value = 0; } } } // Function to handle mute changes async function handleMuteChange() { const player = document.querySelector('video'); if (player) { if (player.muted) { volumeInput.value = 0; // Show 0 when muted } else { volumeInput.value = previousVolume; // Restore previous volume when unmuted player.volume = previousVolume / 100; // Set the player volume back to previous } console.log(`Mute state changed: muted = ${player.muted}`); } } // Inject the input box into YouTube's control bar function injectVolumeControl() { const volumeSliderPanel = document.querySelector('.ytp-volume-panel'); if (volumeSliderPanel) { volumeSliderPanel.parentNode.insertBefore(volumeInput, volumeSliderPanel); setVolume(previousVolume); // Set initial volume const player = document.querySelector('video'); if (player) { player.addEventListener('volumechange', updateVolumeInput); player.addEventListener('mute', handleMuteChange); player.addEventListener('unmute', handleMuteChange); console.log('Volume input injected and event listeners attached.'); } } else { console.log('Volume panel not found, retrying...'); setTimeout(injectVolumeControl, 500); } } // Inject the volume control when the page is ready injectVolumeControl(); })();