Greasy Fork is available in English.
Automatically clicks the merge button on Dependabot PRs and "Done" button on the notification bar
นี่คือเวอร์ชันของสคริปต์นี้ที่โค้ดมีการอัปเดต แสดงเวอร์ชันทั้งหมด
fix: update debounce function for improved readability and maintainability
Enhance AutoMergeDependabotPRs.user.js with UI options, improved token handling, and API integration for merging PRs
Refactor AutoMergeDependabotPRs.user.js to simplify functionality and update version to 2.0
update AutoMergeDependabotPRs.user.js to support merging selected PRs and display status messages
formatting width change
update 153 files
Update AutoMergeDependabotPRs.user.js
ver update
update namespace