Greasy Fork is available in English.
Makes directory index pages (either local or remote open directories) actually useful. Adds sidebar and content preview pane; keyboard navigation; sorting; light/dark UI; preview images/fonts in navigable grids; browse subdirectories w/o page reload (“tree view”); media playback, shuffle/loop options; basic playlist (m3u, extm3u) & cuesheet (.cue) support; create, edit, preview, save markdown/plain text files; open font files, view complete glyph repertoire, save glyphs as .svg; more.
/* eslint-disable no-case-declarations, no-fallthrough, indent, no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs, no-multi-spaces, no-return-assign, no-useless-escape, quotes */ /* jshint esversion: 6 */ // ==UserScript== // @name Supercharged Local Directory File Browser (Nick2bad4u Version) // @version 8.1.7 // @description Makes directory index pages (either local or remote open directories) actually useful. Adds sidebar and content preview pane; keyboard navigation; sorting; light/dark UI; preview images/fonts in navigable grids; browse subdirectories w/o page reload (“tree view”); media playback, shuffle/loop options; basic playlist (m3u, extm3u) & cuesheet (.cue) support; create, edit, preview, save markdown/plain text files; open font files, view complete glyph repertoire, save glyphs as .svg; more. // @author gaspar_schot // @author Nick2bad4u // @namespace // @license GPL-3.0-or-later // @homepageURL // @icon  // @match file://*/* // @match* // @exclude file://*/*.* // @require[email protected]/dist/markdown-it.min.js // @require[email protected]/dist/markdown-it-footnote.min.js // @require[email protected]/dist/markdown-it-toc-made-right.min.js // @require[email protected]/dist/markdown-it-sub.min.js // @require[email protected]/dist/markdown-it-sup.min.js // @require[email protected]/dist/markdown-it-deflist.min.js // @require[email protected]/dist/markdown-it-multimd-table.min.js // @require[email protected]/dist/markdown-it-center-text.min.js // @require[email protected]/dist/opentype.min.js // @require[email protected]/dist/markdownItCheckbox.umd.js // ==/UserScript== (function () { // ************ J + M + J ************* // 'use strict'; // ***** UI SETTINGS ***** // const UI_Prefs_Bool = { alternate_background: true, apps_as_dirs: true, autoload_index_files: true, iframe_theme: true, ignore_ignored_items: true, media_autoload: true, media_autoplay: true, media_play_all: true, show_details: true, show_ignored_items: true, show_image_thumbnails: true, show_large_image_thumbnails: true, show_invisibles: true, show_media_name_in_window_title: true, show_numbers: true, show_sidebar: true, text_editing_enable: true, texteditor_split_view: true, texteditor_sync_scroll: true, use_custom_icons: true, audio_player_on_top: true, }; const UI_Prefs_Non_Bool = { grid_font_size: 1, // Default = 1 grid_image_size: 200, // Default = 184 (200px - 16px) sort_by: 'default', // Choose from: 'name', 'size', 'date', 'kind', 'ext', 'default ( = Chrome sorting: dirs on top, files alphabetical). sort_direction: 'ascending', // Choose from: 'ascending' (A-Z) [default] or 'descending' (Z-A). texteditor_view: 'styled', // Options: 'raw','styled','html' theme: 'dark', // Options: 'light' or 'dark' ui_font: 'system-ui, sans-serif', // Choose an installed font for the UI; if undefined, use browser defaults instead. [system-ui, sans-serif] ui_font_size: '14px', // Choose a default UI font size; use any standard CSS units. ui_scale: '120', }; let UI_Settings = { ...UI_Prefs_Bool, ...UI_Prefs_Non_Bool, }; const Item_Kinds = { dir: ['/'], // loaded in iframe#content_iframe app: [ 'app/', 'app', 'appimage', 'apk', 'exe', 'ipa', 'ipk', 'jar', 'msi', 'wsf', ], // generally ignored; some apps may be opened as directories alias: [ 'alias', 'desktop', 'directory', 'lnk', 'symlink', 'symlink/', ], archive: [ '7z', 'archive', 'b6z', 'bin', 'bzip', 'bz2', 'cbr', 'dmg', 'gz', 'iso', 'mpkg', 'pkg', 'rar', 'sit', 'sitx', 'tar', 'tar.gz', 'zip', 'zipx', 'zxp', ], // ignored audio: [ 'aac', 'aif', 'aiff', 'ape', 'flac', 'm4a', 'mka', 'mp3', 'ogg', 'opus', 'wav', ], // loaded in audio#audio bin: [ 'a', 'ase', 'bundle', 'dll', 'dyld', 'dylib', 'gem', 'icc', 'msi', 'profraw', 'pyc', 'pyo', 'o', 'rakefile', 'ri', 'so', 'torrent', 'xml', '2', 'opml', 'qm', 'scpt', 'uo', 'vsix', 'zwc', ], // ignored code: [ 'bak', 'bash', 'bash_profile', 'bashrc', 'bat', 'cgi', 'com', 'c', 'cfg', 'cnf', 'codes', 'coffee', 'conf', 'csh', 'cshrc', 'cson', 'css', 'cuetxt', 'custom_aliases', 'd', 'default', 'description', 'dist', 'editorconfig', 'emacs', 'example', 'gemspec', 'gitconfig', 'gitignore', 'gitignore_global', 'h', 'hd', 'ini', 'js', 'json', 'jsx', 'less', 'list', 'local', 'login', 'logout', 'lua', 'mkshrc', 'old', 'pc', 'php', 'pl', 'plist', 'pre-oh-my-zsh', 'profile', 'pth', 'py', 'rb', 'rc', 'rdoc', 'sass', 'settings', 'sh', 'strings', 'taskrc', 'tcl', 'viminfo', 'vimrc', 'vue', 'vtt', 'yaml', 'yml', 'zlogin', 'zlogout', 'zpreztorc', 'zprofile', 'zsh', 'zshenv', 'zshrc', ], // treated as text, opened in iframe#content_iframe text editor database: [ 'accdb', 'db', 'dbf', 'mdb', 'pdb', 'sql', 'sqlite', 'sqlitedb', 'sqlite3', ], // ignored ebook: [ 'azw', 'azw1', 'azw3', 'azw4', 'epub', 'ibook', 'kfx', 'mobi', 'tpz', ], // ignored font: [ 'otf', 'ttf', 'woff', 'woff2', 'afm', 'pfb', 'pfm', 'tfm', ], // opened in div#content_font graphics: [ 'afdesign', 'afpub', 'ai', 'book', 'dtp', 'eps', 'fm', 'icml', 'icns', 'idml', 'indb', 'indd', 'indt', 'inx', 'mif', 'pmd', 'pub', 'qxb', 'qxd', 'qxp', 'sla', 'swf', 'ai', 'arw', 'cr2', 'dng', 'eps', 'jpf', 'nef', 'psd', 'psd', 'raw', 'tif', 'tiff', ], // ignored htm: ['htm', 'html', 'xhtm', 'xhtml'], // opened in iframe#content_iframe image: [ 'apng', 'avif', 'bmp', 'gif', 'ico', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'svg', 'webp', ], link: ['url', 'webloc', 'inetloc'], markdown: [ 'md', 'markdown', 'mdown', 'mkdn', 'mkd', 'mdwn', 'mdtxt', 'mdtext', 'mk', ], // treated as text, opened in iframe#content_iframe text editor other_ignored: [ 'alias', 'cue', 'dat', 'dic', 'idx', 'xmp', ], office: [ 'csv', 'doc', 'docx', 'key', 'numbers', 'odf', 'ods', 'odt', 'pages', 'rtf', 'scriv', 'wpd', 'wps', 'xlr', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'xlm', ], // ignored playlist: [ 'm3u', 'm3u8', 'pls', 'asx', 'wpl', 'xspf', ], pdf: ['pdf'], // open in #content_pdf system: [ 'DS_Store', 'ds_store', 'icon', 'ics', 'spotlight-v100/', 'temporaryitems/', 'documentrevisions-v100/', 'trashes/', 'fseventsd/', 'dbfseventsd', 'file', 'programdata', 'localized', ], // ignored system items text: ['log', 'nfo', 'txt', 'text', 'readme'], // opened in iframe#content_iframe text editor video: [ 'm4v', 'mkv', 'mov', 'mp4', 'mpeg', 'webm', ], // loaded in video#content_video }; const Item_Settings = { // ITEM_SETTINGS: Ignore or Exclude files by extension (prevents browser from attempting to download the file). ignored: [ ...Item_Kinds.archive, ...Item_Kinds.bin, ...Item_Kinds.database,, ...Item_Kinds.other_ignored,, ...Item_Kinds.playlist, ...Item_Kinds.system, ], }; // ***** UTILITIES ***** // function loadFileURL() { // ===> LOAD FILE URL // if window.location points to a file, change the location to the file's container dir, add search_param of file name; then load the file's container dir and load file in content pane. let search_params = searchParamsGet(); search_params.set( 'file', window.location.pathname .split('/') .reverse()[0], ); window.location = window.location.pathname.slice( 0, window.location.pathname.lastIndexOf('/'), ) + '/?' + search_params; return; } if ( !window.location.pathname.endsWith('/') && === window.self ) { loadFileURL(); } // load file urls //==============================// function isTopWindow() { return === window.self || false; } // ===> TOP WINDOW OR IFRAME function getBrowser() { //*** needs testing for new userAgentData object --> what are possible brand names?; combine with getOS() // ===> GET BROWSER let brand = navigator.userAgentData !== undefined ? navigator.userAgentData.brands[1].brand.toLowerCase() : navigator.userAgent; switch (true) { case brand === 'chromium' || /chrome?chromium/.test(brand): return 'is_chrome'; case brand === 'msie' || /msie/.test(brand): return 'is_explorer'; // case brand === 'edge' || ( /edge/.test(brand) ): return 'is_edge'; // need case for ms edge case brand === 'opera' || /opera/.test(brand): return 'is_opera'; case brand === 'safari' || /safari/.test(brand): return 'is_safari'; case brand === 'firefox' || !/chrome|chromium/.test(brand): return 'is_gecko'; } } function getOS() { // modded from https://*** // ===> GET OS let platform = ( navigator.userAgentData !== undefined ? navigator.userAgentData.platform : window.navigator.platform ).toLowerCase(); let macos_platforms = [ 'macos', 'macintosh', 'macintel', 'macppc', 'mac68k', ], windows_platforms = [ 'win32', 'win64', 'windows', 'wince', ], os = null; switch (true) { case macos_platforms.indexOf(platform) !== -1: os = 'macos'; break; case windows_platforms.indexOf(platform) !== -1: os = 'windows'; break; // case iosPlatforms.indexOf(platform) !== -1: os = 'ios'; break; // just in case; // case /Android/.test(userAgent): os = 'android'; break; // just in case; case !os && /Linux/.test(platform): os = 'linux'; break; } return os; } function newURL(link) { try { return new URL(link, document.baseURI); } catch (error) { return new URL(encodeURI(link)); } } // ===> NEW URL function decodeURIComponentSafe(str) { if (!str) { return str; } // ===> DECODE URI COMPONENT SAFE; // Fix "%" error in file name; see try { return decodeURIComponent( str.replace( /%(?![0-9a-fA-F]{2})/g, '%25', ), ).replace(/\"/g, '"'); } catch (e) { return str; } // replace % with %25 if not followed by two a-f/number; replace " with html entity } //function sanitizeReservedChars(str) { let chars = ['#','$','&','+',',','/',':',';','=','?','@','[',']']; } //function escapeStr(str) { str = str.replace(/([$?*+()[]|^])/g,'\\$1'); return str; } // ===> ESCAPE STRING function convertHex2Decimal(d) { return parseInt(d, 16); } function convertDecimal2Hex(d, padding) { let hex = Number(d).toString(16); hex = isNaN(hex) ? null : '000000'.substr(0, padding - hex.length) + hex; return hex; } //==============================// const window_protocol = window.location.protocol; // GLOBAL: protocol //const window_origin = window_protocol +'//'+; // GLOBAL: origin let window_location = decodeURIComponentSafe( [ location.protocol, '//',, location.pathname, ].join(''), ); // GLOBAL: current location const current_dir_path = window_location .replace(/([/|_|—])/g, '$1<wbr>') .replace(/\\/g, '/'); // GLOBAL: current dir path w/o query string for display // const current_dir = window_location.split('/').slice(-2,-1).toString(); // GLOBAL: current dir //==============================// function setLocation(link) { window.location = link; } function changeLocation(args) { // args[0] === href, args[1] === 'external || ok' switch (true) { case args[1] === 'external':[0]); break; // open external menu links: about, coffee, contact case args[1] === 'ok': window.location = args[0]; break; case /has_\w+list/.test( getClassNames('body'), ): args = window.location.href; // nobreak; show playlist warning default: showWarning( 'setLocation', args.toString(), ); } } function searchParamsGet() { let search_params = new URL(window.location) ?.searchParams; search_params.sort(); return search_params; } // ===> GET SEARCH PARAMS function searchParamSet(key, value, bool) { let search_params = searchParamsGet(); search_params.set(key, value); if (bool !== false) { updateSearchParams(search_params); } } // ===> SET SEARCH PARAM (bool false = don't update) function searchParamDelete(key) { let search_params = searchParamsGet(); search_params.delete(key); updateSearchParams(search_params); } // ===> REMOVE SEARCH PARAM function updateSearchParams(search_params) { // ===> UPDATE SEARCH PARAMS search_params = sanitizeSearchParams( search_params, ); search_params.sort(); // sort and sanitize params let search_params_str = search_params .toString() .replace(/%2F/g, '') .replace('/', '') .replace(/%2Cfalse/g, ''); // further sanitization let new_location = search_params_str.length === 0 ? window.location.pathname : window.location.pathname + '?' + search_params_str; // don't add ? if no search params window.history.replaceState( {}, document.title, new_location, ); // set new location if (isTopWindow()) { updateParentLinks(); } } function sanitizeSearchParams( search_params_str, ) { // remove search_params that are not in UI_Settings for (let entry of search_params_str.entries()) { if ( !UI_Settings[entry[0]] && !/selected|history|width/.test(entry[0]) ) { search_params_str.delete(entry[0]); } } return search_params_str; } function getCurrentUIPref(pref_id) { // ===> GET SEARCH PARAM value by key let search_params = searchParamsGet(), value = ''; switch (true) { case pref_id === 'width': if (!isTopWindow()) { return; } // width: set the stored sidebar width or use default 30% value = !search_params.has(pref_id) || window.innerWidth === 0 ? 30 : Math.round( (100 * Number.parseInt( search_params.get('width'), )) / window.innerWidth, ); break; // percentage case pref_id === 'parent_id': value = search_params.has(pref_id) ? search_params.get(pref_id) : UI_Settings?.[pref_id] ? UI_Settings[pref_id]?.toString() : ''; break; // default: // if query_string has key/value pair, use it, else use key/value pair from UI_Settings value = ( search_params.has(pref_id) ? search_params.get(pref_id) : UI_Settings?.[pref_id] ? UI_Settings[pref_id]?.toString() : pref_id )?.toString(); value = value ?.replace('%2F', '') ?.replace('/', '') || ''; // some servers add a '/' to end of query string } return value; } function getNewUIPref(key) { let value, bool_prefs = Object.keys(UI_Prefs_Bool); let non_bool_prefs = { sort_direction_ascending: { sort_direction: 'descending', }, sort_direction_descending: { sort_direction: 'ascending', }, sort_by_name: { sort_by: 'name' }, sort_by_default: { sort_by: 'default' }, sort_by_duration: { sort_by: 'duration' }, sort_by_size: { sort_by: 'size' }, sort_by_date: { sort_by: 'date' }, sort_by_kind: { sort_by: 'kind' }, sort_by_ext: { sort_by: 'ext' }, texteditor_view: { texteditor_view: getCurrentUIPref( 'texteditor_view', ), }, texteditor_view_raw: { texteditor_view: 'raw', }, texteditor_view_styled: { texteditor_view: 'styled', }, texteditor_view_html: { texteditor_view: 'html', }, theme: { theme: getCurrentUIPref('theme') === 'light' ? 'dark' : 'light', }, theme_dark: { theme: 'dark' }, theme_light: { theme: 'light' }, ui_font: { ui_font: getCurrentUIPref('ui_font'), }, ui_scale: { ui_scale: getCurrentUIPref('ui_scale'), }, }; switch (true) { case bool_prefs.includes(key): return getCurrentUIPref(key) === 'true' ? [key, 'false'] : [key, 'true']; // toggle bool prefs default: value = Object.values( non_bool_prefs[key], ).toString(); key = Object.keys( non_bool_prefs[key], ).toString(); return [key, value]; // get value for key; then key (i.e., don't redefine key before getting value) } } let setWarningItemNotLoadedID; let str = ''; // global str var; function timeoutID() { return window.setTimeout(() => { str = ''; }, 1000); } // ===> TIMEOUT ID: reset typed string to '' after 1.5 sec. //==============================// function getEl(sel) { try { return document.querySelector(sel); } catch (error) { return null; } } function getEls(sel) { try { return document.querySelectorAll(sel); } catch (error) { return null; } } function elExists(sel) { return document.querySelector(sel) !== null ? true : false; } function getVisibleElsBySelector(sel) { // ===> GET VISIBLE ELS BY SELECTOR // remove els with display:none or 0 width/height let els = Array.from(getEls(sel)).filter( (el) => { let el_styles = window.getComputedStyle(el); return ( el_styles.getPropertyValue( 'display', ) !== 'none' || el?.offsetWidth > 0 || el?.offsetHeight > 0 ); }, ); return els; } function getContentPaneData() { return getAttr( '#content_pane', 'data-content', ); } // ===> GET CONTENT_PANE DATA content function hasContent(args) { // ===> HAS CONTENT? switch (true) { case args === undefined: return hasClass( '#content_pane', 'has_audio', ) || getContentPaneData() !== 'has_null' ? true : false; // has any content case args.includes('audio'): return hasClass( '#content_pane', 'has_audio', ) && (args.includes('ignore') || getContentPaneData() === 'has_null') ? true : false; // has audio only or ignore other content case args.includes('_'): return hasClass( '#content_pane', 'has_' + args, ); default: return args .split(',') .includes( getContentPaneData()?.split('_')[1], ) ? true : false; // has named content (e.g., pdf, iframe) } } //==============================// function getClassNames(sel) { return getEl(sel)?.className; } function hasClass(sel, classname) { let el = getEl(sel); return el?.classList.contains(classname); } // ===> HAS CLASS function addClass(sel, classname) { let els = Array.from(getEls(sel)), classes = classname .split(' ') .filter((item) => item); els?.forEach((el) => el.classList.add(...classes), ); } // ===> ADD CLASS function removeClass(sel, classname) { // ===> REMOVE CLASS let els = Array.from(getEls(sel)), classes = classname ?.split(' ') ?.filter((item) => item) || null; if ( classname === undefined || classes === null ) { els?.forEach((el) => el.removeAttribute('class'), ); } else { els?.forEach((el) => el.classList.remove(...classes), ); } // if no className, remove all classes } function addRemoveClassSiblings( sel, classname, ) { // ===> ADD/REMOVE CLASS SIBLINGS let el = document.querySelector(sel), siblings = el?.parentElement.children; if (el !== null) { Array.from(siblings).forEach((sibling) => sibling.classList.remove( ...classname .replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ') .split(' '), ), ); addClass(sel, classname); } // remove class from els & add class to selected el } //==============================// function getAttr(sel, attributeName) { return getEl(sel)?.getAttribute( attributeName, ); } // ===> GET ATTRIBUTE function hasAttr(sel, attributeName) { return getEl(sel)?.hasAttribute( attributeName, ); } // ===> HAS ATTRIBUTE function setAttr(sel, attributeName, value) { getEl(sel)?.setAttribute( attributeName, value, ); } // ===> SET ATTRIBUTE function removeAttr(sel, attributeNamesArr) { // ===> REMOVE ATTRIBUTE if (typeof attributeNamesArr === 'string') { attributeNamesArr = [attributeNamesArr]; } let els = getEls(sel); Array.from(els)?.forEach((el) => attributeNamesArr.forEach((attributeName) => el.removeAttribute(attributeName), ), ); } function getData(sel, keyname) { let el = typeof sel === 'string' ? getEl(sel) : sel; return el?.getAttribute('data-' + keyname); } // ===> GET DATASET function setData(sel, keyname, value) { if (elExists(sel)) { setAttr(sel, 'data-' + keyname, value); } } // ===> SET DATASET function deleteData(sel, keyname) { removeAttr(sel, 'data-' + keyname); } // ===> REMOVE DATASET function setStyle(sel, property, value) { getEl(sel)?.style.setProperty( property, value, ); } // ===> SET STYLE function setValue(sel, value) { getEl(sel).value = value; } // ===> SET VALUE //==============================// function clickThis(sel) { let el = getEl(sel); el?.querySelector('a')?.click() || el?.click(); } // ===> CLICK THIS by CSS selector // function dblclick(el,func) { var evt = new MouseEvent('dblclick'); el.addEventListener(evt,func); el.dispatchEvent(evt); } // ===> DOUBLE CLICK function altKey(e) { return ( !e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey && e.altKey && !e.shiftKey ); } // ===> ALT KEY test function altShiftKey(e) { return ( !e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey && e.altKey && e.shiftKey ); } // ===> ALT SHIFT KEY test function cmdKey(e) { return ( (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) && !e.altKey && !e.shiftKey ); } // ===> CMD/CTRL KEY test function cmdAltKey(e) { return ( (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) && e.altKey && !e.shiftKey ); } // ===> CMD/CTRL ALT KEY test function cmdShiftKey(e) { return ( (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) && !e.altKey && e.shiftKey ); } // ===> CMD/CTRL SHIFT KEY test // function cmdAltShiftKey(e) { return ( (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) && e.altKey && e.shiftKey; } // ===> CMD/CTRL ALT SHIFT KEY test (not used) function eStopPrevent(e) { e?.preventDefault(); e?.stopPropagation(); } //============================// // ***** BASIC UI FUNCTIONS ***** // function scrollThis(container_ID, sel, bool) { // ===> SCROLL to Selected Item let container = getEl(container_ID); const isInViewport = (sel) => { const rect = getEl(sel) !== null ? getEl(sel).getBoundingClientRect() : null; if (rect === null) { return false; } return ( >= getEl('#sidebar_header').offsetHeight && rect.bottom <= (window.innerHeight - getEl('#sidebar_footer') .offsetHeight || document.documentElement .clientHeight - getEl('#sidebar_footer') .offsetHeight) ); }; if ( container?.height === 0 || isInViewport(sel) ) { return; } // don't scroll hidden elements let scroll_el = container?.querySelector(sel), scroll_behavior = bool !== undefined || bool === true ? 'instant' : 'smooth', scroll_block = hasClass('body', 'is_gecko') ? 'start' : 'center'; scroll_el?.scrollIntoView({ behavior: scroll_behavior, block: scroll_block, inline: 'nearest', }); } function mouseMove( e, sel, startX, startY, elOffsetLeft, elOffsetTop, ) { // ===> Init events to allow glyphs to be dragged into view let scale_factor = sel === '#font_specimen_glyph' ? 2 : 1; // scale_factor needed for svg glyphs setStyle( sel, 'left', elOffsetLeft + (e.pageX - startX) * scale_factor + 'px', ); setStyle( sel, 'top', elOffsetTop + (e.pageY - startY) * scale_factor + 'px', ); } //==============================// OPEN/SAVE FILES function openFile(args) { menuClose(); // ===> OPEN FILE; type: font or playlist. if ( window.File && window.FileReader && window.FileList && window.Blob ) { // if browser supports file API... let files = args[0].target.files[0], id = args[1], reader = new FileReader(); switch (id) { case 'open_font': reader.readAsArrayBuffer(files); break; case 'open_playlist': reader.readAsText(files); break; } // get the file reader reader.onload = () => { // on file reader load switch (true) { case id === 'open_font': openFontFile(files, reader); break; case id === 'open_playlist': openPlaylist(, '', reader.r###lt, ); break; } // open the file return true; }; getEl('#' + id).value = ''; // reset input to allow same item to be reopened immediately after closing } else { alert( "Can't open file: file APIs are not fully supported in this browser.", ); } // else error } function saveFile( content, mimetype, file_name, ) { // ===> SAVE FILE let blob = new Blob([content], { type: mimetype, }); let download_el = window.document.createElement('a'); = 'display:none'; download_el.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); = file_name; // define & style download_el document.body.appendChild(download_el);; document.body.removeChild(download_el); URL.revokeObjectURL(blob); // add download_el, click, & remove } // END UTILITIES //==============================// // ***** SET UP UI ELEMENTS ***** // function updateParentLinkSearchParams(str) { //*** decrement selected and history values ***// // ===> UPDATE PARENT LINK SEARCH PARAMS let query_str = new URLSearchParams(str); query_str.sort(); // make new search params from let history = query_str.has('history') ? query_str.get('history') : undefined; switch (true) { case history !== undefined: history = history.split(' '); switch (true) { case history.length > 1: query_str.set('selected', history[0]); history.shift(); query_str.set( 'history', history.join('+'), ); break; case history.length === 1: query_str.set('selected', history[0]); history.shift(); query_str.delete('history'); break; } break; default: query_str.delete('selected'); } return decodeURIComponentSafe( query_str.toString(), ); } function createParentLinks() { // ===> CREATE PARENT LINKS let link, links = [], search_params = searchParamsGet(); search_params.sort(); let query_str = search_params.toString(); let link_pieces = window_location.split('/'); link_pieces = link_pieces.slice(2, -2); // make array of parent directories; remove beginning and ending empty elements and current directory while (link_pieces.length > 0) { // while there are link pieces... query_str = updateParentLinkSearchParams(query_str); // update selected and history link = window_protocol + '//' + link_pieces.join('/') + '/?' + query_str; links.push(link); link_pieces.pop(); // assemble link; add to link array; remove last link piece and repeat... } return links; } function createParentLinkItems() { // ===> CREATE PARENT LINK ITEMS let parent_link_menu_items = [], links = createParentLinks(); for (let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { let display_name = links[i].split('/?')[0]; display_name = display_name.replace( /\//g, '/<wbr>', ); let menu_item = `<li><a id="parents_link_${i}" href="${links[i]}" class="display_block padding_4_8">${display_name}/</a></li>`; parent_link_menu_items.push(menu_item); } let parent_link = links[0] === undefined ? window.location.href : links[0]; parent_link = parent_link.replace( /parents_link_/, 'parent_link_', ); return [ parent_link_menu_items.join(''), parent_link, ]; // return parents link items } function updateParentLinks() { // ===> UPDATE PARENT LINKS and init new item events let links = createParentLinkItems(); getEl('#parents_links').innerHTML = links[0]; getEl('#parent_dir_nav a').href = links[1]; // add the links getEls( '#sidebar_menu_parent a,#parents_links a', ).forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { eStopPrevent(e); showWarning('changeLocation', [ this.href, 'false', ]); }), ); // reinit onclick } //==============================// // SVG UI ICONS const SVG_UI_Icons = { arrow: "<svg class=\"icon_arrow invert\" viewBox='0 0 20 20' xmlns='' class='invert'><path fill='%23888' fill-opacity='.75' d='m4 4 12 6-12 6z'/></svg>", bookmark: "<svg viewBox='0 0 20 20' xmlns='' class='invert'><path fill='%23888' d='m2 2c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h12a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v18l-8-4-8 4zm2 0v15l6-3 6 3v-15z'/></svg>", check_mark: "<svg 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9.293-.707.707 5.657 5.657 1.414-1.414-4.242-4.243 4.242-4.243-1.414-1.414z'/><path d='m4.207 9.293-.707.707 5.657 5.657 1.414-1.414-4.242-4.243 4.242-4.243-1.414-1.414z'/></g></svg>", ui_layout: "<svg width='100px' height='100%' viewBox='0 0 50 39' version='1.1' xmlns='' xmlns:xlink='' xml:space='preserve' xmlns:serif='' style='fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:1.5;'><rect x='0.5' y='0.5' width='14.5' height='38' style='fill:rgb(204,204,204);'/><path d='M50,0L50,39L0,39L0,0L50,0ZM49,1L1,1L1,38L49,38L49,1Z'/><path d='M15,0.5L15,38.5' style='fill:none;stroke:black;stroke-width:1px;'/><g transform='matrix(1,0,0,1,0,1.5)'><path d='M0.5,5L15,5' style='fill:none;stroke:black;stroke-width:1px;'/></g><g transform='matrix(1,0,0,1,15.0936,-0.5)'><path d='M0,5L34.406,5' style='fill:none;stroke:black;stroke-width:1px;'/></g><g><g transform='matrix(1,0,0,1,0,1.5)'><path d='M2.5,7L3,7' 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d='M5,7L13,7' style='fill:none;stroke:black;stroke-width:1px;'/></g><g transform='matrix(1,0,0,1,0,25.5)'><path d='M5,7L13,7' style='fill:none;stroke:black;stroke-width:1px;'/></g><g transform='matrix(1,0,0,1,0,27.5)'><path d='M5,7L13,7' style='fill:none;stroke:black;stroke-width:1px;'/></g></g><g class='invert'><g transform='matrix(1.42857,0,0,1.42857,22.5,10.5)'><path d='M0.369,9.141C0.117,8.463 0,7.745 0,7C0,3.137 3.137,0 7,0C10.863,0 14,3.137 14,7L13.863,8.353L10.01,4.5L6.51,8L4.01,5.5L0.369,9.141Z' style='fill:rgb(128,128,255);fill-rule:nonzero;'/></g><g transform='matrix(1.42857,0,0,1.42857,22.5,10.5)'><path d='M0.839,10.151L0.369,9.141L4.01,5.5L6.51,8L10.01,4.5L13.863,8.353C13.787,8.748 13.662,9.131 13.522,9.5L3.151,12.845C2.858,12.651 2.572,12.429 2.313,12.194L0.839,10.151Z' style='fill:white;fill-rule:nonzero;'/></g><g transform='matrix(1.42857,0,0,1.42857,22.5,10.5)'><path d='M13.522,9.5C12.532,12.14 9.983,14 7,14C5.574,14 4.247,13.579 3.151,12.845L10.01,5.979L13.522,9.5Z' style='fill:rgb(51,51,204);fill-rule:nonzero;'/></g><g transform='matrix(1.42857,0,0,1.42857,22.5,10.5)'><path d='M0.839,10.151L4.01,6.979L5.771,8.74L2.312,12.194C1.721,11.562 1.233,10.881 0.839,10.151Z' style='fill:rgb(51,51,204);fill-rule:nonzero;'/></g><g transform='matrix(1.42857,0,0,1.42857,22.5,10.5)'><circle cx='6' cy='3.5' r='1.5' style='fill:white;'/></g></g></svg>", }; function get_SVG_UI_Icon(icon_name) { return `url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,${SVG_UI_Icons[icon_name]}")`; } const SVG_UI_File_Icons = { // n.b.: order is important file_icon_dir: "<svg viewBox='0 0 14 14' xmlns=''><path d='m6 2.5-1-1.5h-5v12h14v-10.5z' fill='%2339f'/><path d='m1.5 4h11v7.5h-11z' fill='%239cf'/></svg>", file_icon_dir_open: "<svg viewBox='0 0 14 14' clip-rule='evenodd' fill-rule='evenodd' xmlns=''><path d='m6.1 2.7-1.3-1.7h-4.8v12h14v-10.3z' fill='%2339f' fill-rule='nonzero'/><path d='m7 6h5.5v5.5h-11z' fill='%239cf'/></svg>", file_icon_file: "<svg viewBox='0 0 14 14' xmlns=''><path d='m8.3 0h-6.8v14h11v-9.8l-4.2-4.2z' fill='%23888'/><g fill='%23fff'><path d='m11 12.5h-8v-11h3.8v4.2h4.2z'/><path d='m8.3 4.2h1.9l-1.9-2z'/></g></svg>", file_icon_invisible: "<svg viewBox='0 0 14 14' xmlns=''><path d='m8.3 0h-6.8v14h11v-9.8l-4.2-4.2z' fill='%23888'/><path d='m11 12.5h-8v-11h3.8v4.2h4.2z' fill='%23bbb'/><path d='m8.3 4.2h1.9l-1.9-2z' fill='%23bbb'/><circle cx='7' cy='9' fill='%23878787' r='1.5'/></svg>", file_icon_ignored: "<svg viewBox='0 0 14 14' xmlns=''><path d='M 10.695,1.774 1.856,10.613 3.482,12.239 12.321,3.4 Z M 7,2 c 2.8,0 5,2.2 5,5 0,2.8 -2.2,5 -5,5 C 4.2,12 2,9.8 2,7 2,4.2 4.2,2 7,2 M 7,0 C 3.1,0 0,3.1 0,7 c 0,3.9 3.1,7 7,7 3.9,0 7,-3.1 7,-7 C 14,3.1 10.9,0 7,0 Z' style='fill:%23888888;fill-opacity:1' /></svg>", file_icon_dirinvisible: "<svg viewBox='0 0 14 14' xmlns=''><path d='m6 2.5-1-1.5h-5v12h14v-10.5z' fill='%23888'/><path d='m1.5 4h11v7.5h-11z' fill='%23bbb'/><circle cx='7' cy='7.5' fill='%23888' r='1.5'/></svg>", file_icon_alias: "<svg viewBox='0 0 14 14' 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d='M0 0h21.996v14H0z'/><clipPath id='a'><path d='M0 0h21.996v14H0z'/></clipPath><g clip-path='url(%23a)' fill='%23333'><path d='M0 7.393v-.786l6.062-3.5.75 1.3L2.32 7l4.492 2.593-.75 1.3L0 7.393zM21.996 6.607v.786l-6.062 3.5-.75-1.3L19.676 7l-4.492-2.593.75-1.3 6.062 3.5zM15.15 1.313l-1.3-.75-7 12.124 1.3.75 7-12.124z'/></g></svg>", show_preview: "<svg viewBox='0 0 16 16' xmlns='' fill-rule='evenodd' clip-rule='evenodd'><path d='M10 2.5V1H0v1.5h4V15h2V2.5h4zM9 6.5V8h2v4.053c0 2.211 1.547 3.442 3 3.442.989 0 1.556-.258 2-.495v-1.5c-.565.257-.882.376-1.507.376-.847 0-1.493-.474-1.493-1.876V8h2.5V6.5H13v-3h-1.98v3H9z' fill='%23333' fill-rule='nonzero'/></svg>", show_html: "<svg viewBox='0 0 22 16' xmlns='' fill-rule='evenodd' clip-rule='evenodd'><path fill='none' d='M0 0h21.022v16H0z'/><clipPath id='a'><path d='M0 0h21.022v16H0z'/></clipPath><g clip-path='url(%23a)' fill='%23333'><path d='M7.732.222L9.5 1.99 3.49 8l6.01 6.01-1.768 1.768L-.046 8 7.732.222zM13.268 15.778L11.5 14.01 17.51 8 11.5 1.99 13.268.222 21.046 8l-7.778 7.778z'/></g></svg>", toggle_split: "<svg viewBox='0 0 16 16' xmlns='' fill-rule='evenodd' clip-rule='evenodd'><path d='M0 0v16h16V0H0zm14 14H9V2h5v12zm-7 0H2V2h5v12z' fill='%23333' fill-rule='nonzero'/></svg>", save_btn: "<svg viewBox='0 0 16 16' xmlns='' fill-rule='evenodd' clip-rule='evenodd'><g fill='currentColor'><path d='M16 0v10.02L14 10V2H2v8l-2 .02V0h16z' fill-rule='nonzero'/><path d='M7 5h2v9H7z'/><path d='M3.757 11.757l1.415-1.414L8 13.172l2.828-2.829 1.415 1.414L8 16l-4.243-4.243z'/></g></svg>", save_btn_edited: "<svg viewBox='0 0 16 16' xmlns='' fill-rule='evenodd' clip-rule='evenodd'><g fill='%23DD2222'><path d='M16 0v10.02L14 10V2H2v8l-2 .02V0h16z' fill-rule='nonzero'/><path d='M7 5h2v9H7z'/><path d='M3.757 11.757l1.415-1.414L8 13.172l2.828-2.829 1.415 1.414L8 16l-4.243-4.243z'/></g></svg>", }; // ===> GET SVG UI ICON by name function get_SVG_UI_File_Icon(icon_name) { // ===> GET SVG UI FILE Icon by name switch (icon_name) { case 'favicon': return '<link href="" rel="icon" sizes="16x16" />'; case 'file_icon_dir_default': return 'url("###o8ejn+c/6eiK9poz15Kw7Dr/vN/z6W7q++091/AQYA5mZ8GYJ9K0AAAAAASUVORK5CYII= ")'; case 'file_icon_file_default': return 'url("###pn/BH4zh2XZdlWVmWiUK4IgCBoFMUz9eP6zRN75cLgEQhcmTQIbl72O0f9865qLAAsURAAgKBJKEtgLXWvyjLuFsThCSstb8rBCaAQhDYWgIZ7myM+TUBjDHrHlZcbMYYk34cN0YSLcgS+wL0fe9TXDMbY33fR2AYBvyQ8L0Gk8MwREBrTfKe4TpTzwhArXWi8HI84h/1DfwI5mhxJamFAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC ")'; default: return ( 'url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,' + SVG_UI_File_Icons[icon_name] + '")' ); } } function CSS_UI_Icon_Rules() { // programatically add File icon CSS rules // ===> CSS UI ICON RULES let rules = '', kind, class_name; for (let icon in SVG_UI_File_Icons) { kind = icon.slice( icon.lastIndexOf('_') + 1, ); class_name = kind; if (class_name !== 'file') { // exceptions: if (kind === 'dirinvisible') { class_name = 'dir.invisible'; } if (kind === 'ignoredimage') { class_name = 'ignored_image'; } if (kind === 'open') { class_name = 'has_subdirectory'; kind = 'dir_open'; } if (/alias|symlink/.test(kind)) { class_name = 'link'; } if (/bin|other/.test(kind)) { kind = 'system'; } // add rules for dir_list items, content_header, stats details: rules += `body:not(.use_custom_icons_false) .${class_name} .has_icon_before_before, #content_pane[data-content^="has_${class_name}"] #content_title span::before,body:not(.use_custom_icons_false) .${class_name}.has_icon_before::before, .${class_name} .has_icon_before::before { background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,${SVG_UI_File_Icons['file_icon_' + kind]}"); }`; // add custom file icons } } return rules; } // END SVG UI ICONS //==============================// UI HTML // SIDEBAR ELEMENTS function Sidebar_Elements( body_id, parent_link, ) { // Assemble directory elements for both top and iframe directories const sidebar_header_menu_elements = ` <li id="go_to_item" class="no_checkmark border_bottom" title="Go to item..."><span class="menu_item">Go to item… (⌘⇧J)</span><input id="go_to_item_input" class="display_none resize_none whitespace_pre" rows="1" placeholder="Item row number" spellcheck="false" /></li> <li id="menu_sort_by" class="has_submenu border_bottom error_display_none"><span class="menu_item">Sort by…</span>${SVG_UI_Icons.arrow} <ul id="sort_menu" class="submenu box_shadow_menu background_grey_80 border_all"> <li id="menu_sort_by_name" class="is_submenu_item toggle_UI_pref sorting" data-ui_pref="sort_by_name"><span class="menu_item">Name</span></li> <li id="menu_sort_by_duration" class="is_submenu_item toggle_UI_pref sorting" data-ui_pref="sort_by_duration"><span class="menu_item">Duration</span></li> <li id="menu_sort_by_size" class="is_submenu_item toggle_UI_pref sorting" data-ui_pref="sort_by_size"><span class="menu_item">Size</span></li> <li id="menu_sort_by_date" class="is_submenu_item toggle_UI_pref sorting" data-ui_pref="sort_by_date"><span class="menu_item">Date</span></li> <li id="menu_sort_by_kind" class="is_submenu_item toggle_UI_pref sorting" data-ui_pref="sort_by_kind"><span class="menu_item">Kind</span></li> <li id="menu_sort_by_ext" class="is_submenu_item toggle_UI_pref sorting" data-ui_pref="sort_by_ext"><span class="menu_item">Extension</span></li> <li id="menu_sort_by_default" class="is_submenu_item toggle_UI_pref sorting" data-ui_pref="sort_by_default"><span class="menu_item">Default</span></li> </ul></li> <li id="UI_settings" class="has_submenu"><span class="menu_item">UI Preferences</span>${SVG_UI_Icons.arrow} <ul id="UI_settings_submenu" class="submenu box_shadow_menu background_grey_80 border_all"> <li id="menu_theme_container" class="is_submenu_item" title="Set the main UI theme (light or dark)."><span id="menu_theme" class="toggle_UI_pref menu_item checkmark ignore_warning" data-ui_pref="theme"><span> Theme</span></span></li> <li id="alternate_background" class="is_submenu_item toggle_UI_pref ignore_warning border_top" data-ui_pref="alternate_background" title="Alternate backgrounds of directory items."><span class="menu_item checkmark">Alternate Backgrounds</span></li> <li id="show_numbers" class="is_submenu_item toggle_UI_pref ignore_warning error_display_none" data-ui_pref="show_numbers" title="Number directory list items."><span class="menu_item checkmark">Show Numbers</span></li> <li id="use_custom_icons" class="is_submenu_item toggle_UI_pref ignore_warning border_top" data-ui_pref="use_custom_icons" title="Use custom or browser/server default file and dir icons"><span class="menu_item checkmark">Use Custom Icons</span></li> <li id="show_image_thumbnails" class="is_submenu_item toggle_UI_pref ignore_warning" data-ui_pref="show_image_thumbnails" title="Show image thumbnails in directory list items."><span class="menu_item checkmark">Show Image Thumbnails</span></li> <li id="show_large_image_thumbnails" class="is_submenu_item toggle_UI_pref ignore_warning" data-ui_pref="show_large_image_thumbnails" title="Use large image thumbnails."><span class="menu_item checkmark">Use Large Image Thumbnails</span></li> <li id="audio_player_on_top" class="is_submenu_item toggle_UI_pref" data-ui_pref="audio_player_on_top border_top" title="Toggle off to place the audio player at the bottom of the content pane."><span class="menu_item checkmark">Audio Player at Top</span></li> <li id="ui_font" class="is_submenu_item ignore_warning no_checkmark border_top" data-ui_pref="ui_font" title="Enter the name of an installed font."><span class="menu_item">Set UI Font…</span><input id="ui_font_input" class="display_none resize_none whitespace_pre" rows="1" placeholder="CSS Font Family" spellcheck="false" /></li> <li id="ui_scale" class="is_submenu_item ignore_warning display_flex flex_column no_checkmark" data-ui_pref="ui_scale" title="Scale the UI. Double-click to reset."><span class="menu_item">Scale UI…</span><span id="ui_scale_input_container" class="flex_justify_center_row padding_4_6"><input id="ui_scale_input" class="width_100 whitespace_pre display_block resize_none" type="range" min="75" max="125" step="1" placeholder="Scale UI"></span></li> </ul></li> <li id="file_handling" class="has_submenu error_display_none"><span class="menu_item">File Handling Preferences</span>${SVG_UI_Icons.arrow} <ul id="file_handling_submenu" class="submenu box_shadow_menu background_grey_80 border_all"> <li id="show_invisible_items" class="is_submenu_item toggle_UI_pref" data-ui_pref="show_invisibles" title="Show/hide invisible items"><span class="menu_item checkmark">Show Invisible Items (⌘⇧I)</span></li> <li id="show_ignored_items" class="is_submenu_item toggle_UI_pref" data-ui_pref="show_ignored_items" title="Show/hide ignored items (from the list of ignored file types in the user settings)."><span class="menu_item checkmark">Show Ignored Items</span></li> <li id="ignore_ignored_items" class="is_submenu_item toggle_UI_pref border_bottom" data-ui_pref="ignore_ignored_items" title="If checked, the browser will not attempt to load ignored items (from the list of ignored file types in the user settings). It is recommended to leave this checked."><span class="menu_item checkmark">Ignore Ignored Items</span></li> <li id="iframe_theme" class="is_submenu_item border_bottom" title="HTML/PDF files will use the main UI theme."><span id="iframe_theme_menu" class="toggle_UI_pref menu_item checkmark ignore_warning" data-ui_pref="iframe_theme"><span>HTML/PDF Files Use UI Theme</span></span></li> <li id="autoload_index_files" class="is_submenu_item toggle_UI_pref" data-ui_pref="autoload_index_files" title="Automatically load html index file."><span id="autoload_index_files_menu" class="menu_item checkmark">Autoload Index Files</span></li> </ul></li> <li id="media_settings" class="has_submenu error_display_none"><span class="menu_item">Media Preferences</span>${SVG_UI_Icons.arrow} <ul id="UI_settings_submenu" class="submenu box_shadow_menu background_grey_80 border_all"> <li id="media_autoload" class="is_submenu_item toggle_UI_pref" data-ui_pref="media_autoload" title="Automatically select and load the first media item in a directory and cover art (if any)."><span id="media_autoload_menu" class="menu_item checkmark">Autoload Media</span></li> <li id="media_autoplay" class="is_submenu_item toggle_UI_pref" data-ui_pref="media_autoplay" title="Automatically play the next media item."><span id="media_autoload_menu" class="menu_item checkmark">Autoplay Media</span></li> <li id="media_play_all" class="is_submenu_item toggle_UI_pref border_bottom" data-ui_pref="media_play_all" title="If checked, autoplay all media types (i.e., audio and video), else just autoplay the currently selected/playing media type."><span class="menu_item checkmark">Play All Media Files</span></li> <li id="loop_media_files" class="is_submenu_item" title="If checked, loop media playback."><span id="loop_media_menu" class="menu_item">Loop Media Playback</span></li> <li id="shuffle_media_files" class="is_submenu_item border_bottom" title="If checked, shuffle media playback."><span id="shuffle_media_menu" class="menu_item">Shuffle Media Playback</span></li> <li id="show_media_name_in_window_title" class="is_submenu_item toggle_UI_pref border_bottom" data-ui_pref="show_media_name_in_window_title" title="Show media name in window title"><span id="show_media_name_in_window_title_menu" class="menu_item checkmark">Show media name in window title</span></li> <li id="refresh_media_durations" class="is_submenu_item border_bottom" title=""><span id="refresh_media_durations_menu" class="menu_item">Refresh Media Durations</span></li> </ul></li> <li id="text_editing" class="has_submenu error_display_none"><span class="menu_item">Text Editing Preferences</span>${SVG_UI_Icons.arrow} <ul id="text_editing_menu" class="submenu box_shadow_menu background_grey_80 border_all"> <li id="texteditor_menu_item" class="is_submenu_item border_bottom" title="Toggle the main text editor."><span id="texteditor" class="menu_item">Toggle Main Text Editor</span></li> <li id="toggle_text_editing" class="error_display_none border_bottom" title="Enable/disable editing of text files. Does not effect main text editor."><span id="text_editing_enable" class="menu_item checkmark" data-ui_pref="text_editing_enable"><span id="disable">Text File Editing </span></span></li> <li id="texteditor_split_view" class="is_submenu_item toggle_UI_pref border_bottom" data-ui_pref="texteditor_split_view" title="Toggle display of default text view and both source and rendered text."><span class="menu_item checkmark">Split View</span></li> <li id="toggle_texteditor_raw_menu" class="is_submenu_item toggle_UI_pref" data-ui_pref="texteditor_view_raw"><span id="toggle_texteditor_raw" class="menu_item">View Source Text</span></li> <li id="toggle_texteditor_preview_menu" class="is_submenu_item toggle_UI_pref" data-ui_pref="texteditor_view_styled"><span id="toggle_texteditor_preview" class="menu_item">View Styled Text</span></li> <li id="toggle_texteditor_html_menu" class="is_submenu_item toggle_UI_pref" data-ui_pref="texteditor_view_html"><span id="toggle_texteditor_html" class="menu_item">View Rendered HTML</span></li></ul> <li id="default_settings" class="menu_item border_bottom"><span class="" href="#" title="Delete custom UI preferences stored in the URL query string and reload page.">Default Preferences</span></li> <li id="playlist_options" class="has_submenu border_bottom error_display_none"><span class="menu_item">Playlists</span>${SVG_UI_Icons.arrow} <ul id="playlist_menu" class="submenu box_shadow_menu background_grey_80 border_all"> <li id="open_playlist_container" class="is_submenu_item"><label id="open_playlist_label" class="menu_item" for="open_playlist" title="Open local .m3u playlist/filelist file.">Open Playlist/Filelist File…</label><input type="file" id="open_playlist" name="open_playlist" accept=".m3u,.m3u8"></li> <li id="close_playlist_container" class="is_submenu_item display_none"><span id="close_playlist" class="menu_item" href="#">Close Playlist/Filelist</span></li> <li class="is_submenu_item"><span id="make_playlist" class="menu_item border_top error_display_none" href="#" title="Make an .m3u playlist/filelist of the items in the current directory (if any).">Make Playlist/Filelist…</span></li> </ul></li> <li id="open_font_file" class="border_bottom error_display_none"><label id="open_font_label" class="menu_item" for="open_font" title="Open font file (.oft, .ttf, .woff) to view glyph repertoire and font info; save individual glyphs as .svg.">Open Font File…</label><input type="file" id="open_font" name="open_font" accept=".otf,.ttf,.woff"></li> <li id="about" class="menu_item" title="Go to script home page."><a id="about_link" class="flex_grow_1 ignore_warning" href="" target="_blank"><span class="icon_container"></span>Script Home ↗</a></li> <li id="show_help" class="menu_item" title="Show help."><span class="flex_grow_1"><span class="icon_container"></span>Help</span></li> <li id="donate" class="menu_item" title="Buy me a coffee!"><a id="donate_link" class="flex_grow_1 ignore_warning" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="icon_container"></span>Buy me a Coffee <svg xmlns="" width="14px" viewBox="0 0 64 64" enable-background="new 0 0 64 64"><path d="m32 2c-16.568 0-30 13.432-30 30 0 16.568 13.432 30 30 30s30-13.432 30-30c0-16.568-13.432-30-30-30m0 48c-1.371-1.814-20.53-12.883-16.602-25.218 3.53-11.073 15.094-6.597 16.602-.594 1.094-5.635 12.949-10.694 16.604.584 3.925 12.136-15.237 23.785-16.604 25.228" fill="#757575"/></svg></a></li> <li id="contact" class="menu_item" title="Send me an email."><a id="contact_link" class="flex_grow_1 ignore_warning" href="mailto:[email protected]"><span class="icon_container"></span>Contact</a></li> `; const sidebar_header_elements = function ( body_id, parent_link, ) { let parent_links = createParentLinkItems(), sidebar_header_title_element = '', sidebar_header_menus = '', sidebar_texteditor_element = ''; let checked = getCurrentUIPref('show_invisibles') === 'true' ? 'checked="true"' : ''; const sidebar_header_utilities_row_1 = `<div id="sidebar_header_utilities_row_1" class="background_grey_80"> <ul class="display_flex flex_row position_relative background_grey_80 border_bottom"> <li id="directory_buttons_left" class="display_flex no_highlight"> <button id="show_details" class="toggle_UI_pref pointer outline_none" data-ui_pref="show_details" tabindex="-1" title="Toggle display of directory item detail information (⌘⇧D)"><span id="show"> details</span></button></li> <li class="display_flex no_highlight"><label id="show_invisibles_container" for="inv_checkbox" class="margin_0 padding_0 flex_justify_center_row"><input class="toggle_UI_pref margin_0" type="checkbox" id="show_invisibles" data-ui_pref="show_invisibles" title="Toggle display of invisible items (⌘⇧;I)" name="inv_checkbox" tabindex="-1"${checked} /><span> Show Invisibles</span></label> </li> <li id="show_grid_btn" class="has_flyout_menu width_24px display_none position_relative pointer margin_0 padding_0 z_index_9997 no_highlight" tabindex="-1" title="Show Grid (⌘G)"><div class="display_flex width_14px_contents background_grey_80">${SVG_UI_Icons.grid}</div> <ul class="menu has_popout_menu display_none position_absolute margin_0 padding_0 box_shadow_menu border_all background_grey_80"><div class="display_flex width_24px width_14px_contents">${SVG_UI_Icons.grid}</div> <li id="show_image_grid" class="item_1 border_right border_bottom background_grey_80">Show Image Grid</li> <li id="show_font_grid" class="item_2 border_right background_grey_80">Show Font Grid</li> </ul> </li></ul></div>`; const sidebar_header_utilities_row_2 = `<div id="sidebar_header_utilities_row_2" class="background_grey_80"> <ul id="sorting_row_1" class="whitespace_pre pointer container display_flex flex_justify_contents border_bottom"> <li id="sort_by_name" class="whitespace_pre pointer toggle_UI_pref name sorting align_left no_highlight" data-ui_pref="sort_by_name" title="Sort by name"><span><input id="play_toggle" class="whitespace_pre pointer display_none position_relative" type="checkbox" tabindex="-1" checked="true" />Name</span></li> <li id="sort_by_default" class="whitespace_pre pointer toggle_UI_pref sorting align_right no_highlight" data-ui_pref="sort_by_default" title="Default sort"><span>Default</span></li> <li id="sort_by_duration" class="whitespace_pre pointer toggle_UI_pref sorting align_right display_none no_highlight" data-ui_pref="sort_by_duration" title="Sort by media duration"><span>Duration</span></li> </ul> <ul id="sorting_row_2" class="whitespace_pre pointer iframe_item border_bottom display_none"> <li id="sort_by_ext" class="whitespace_pre pointer toggle_UI_pref details sorting align_left no_highlight" data-ui_pref="sort_by_ext" title="Sort by extension"><span>Ext</span></li> <li id="sort_by_duration" class="whitespace_pre pointer toggle_UI_pref sorting align_right display_none no_highlight" data-ui_pref="sort_by_duration" title="Sort by media duration"><span>Duration</span></li> <li id="sort_by_size" class="whitespace_pre pointer toggle_UI_pref details sorting align_center no_highlight" data-ui_pref="sort_by_size" title="Sort by size"><span>Size</span></li> <li id="sort_by_date" class="whitespace_pre pointer toggle_UI_pref details sorting align_center no_highlight" data-ui_pref="sort_by_date" title="Sort by date"><span>Date</span></li> <li id="sort_by_kind" class="whitespace_pre pointer toggle_UI_pref details sorting align_right no_highlight" data-ui_pref="sort_by_kind" title="Sort by kind"><span>Kind</span></li> </ul> </div>`; switch (body_id) { case 'top_body': sidebar_header_title_element = `<div id="sidebar_header_title" class="display_flex flex_row border_bottom background_grey_75 normal"><div id="sidebar_header_title_div" class="align_center padding_4_6"></div></div>`; sidebar_header_menus = `<div id="sidebar_menus" class="display_flex flex_row background_grey_75 border_bottom pointer"> <div id="sidebar_menu_parent" class="menu_container flex_justify_center width_24px padding_0"> <nav id="parent_dir_nav" class="flex_justify_center invert"><a href="${parent_links[1]}" title="Parent Directory (⌘↑)" class="flex_justify_center"><div class="display_flex">${SVG_UI_Icons.chevron}${SVG_UI_Icons.multiply}</div></a></nav> </div> <div id="sidebar_menu_parents" class="menu_container padding_0 flex_grow_1"> <nav id="parents_dir_nav" class="display_flex border_right line_height_1_4 border_left"> <div id="current_dir_path" class="bold flex_justify_center hyphens_none pointer z_index_9998" title="Parent Directories"><span class="has_icon_before">${current_dir_path}</span></div> </nav> <ul id="parents_links" class="menu background_grey_85 position_absolute position_LR_0 border_top border_bottom margin_0 padding_0 display_none box_shadow_menu z_index_9998">${parent_links[0]}</ul> </div> <div id="sidebar_menu_main_container" class="menu_container width_24px flex_justify_center margin_0 padding_0"> <nav id="dir_menu_main_container_nav" class="invert pointer width_14px_contents" title="Show main menu (⌘E); navigate by arrow keys or typed string."><div class="display_flex">${}</div></nav> <ul id="sidebar_menu_main" class="menu position_absolute background_grey_80 border_top border_bottom margin_0 padding_0 display_none box_shadow_menu position_LR_0 z_index_9998"> ${sidebar_header_menu_elements} </ul> </div> </div>`; sidebar_texteditor_element = `<ul id="show_texteditor" class="bold border_bottom display_none"><li class="padding_4_6 width_100 background_grey_80" title="Toggle Text Editor (⌘⇧E)"><span>Text Editor</span></li></ul>`; break; case 'iframe': sidebar_header_menus = `<ul id="change_dirs" class="flex_justify_center_row flex_justify_contents border_bottom background_grey_75"> <li id="parent" class="flex_grow_1 no_highlight"><a href="${parent_link}" id="iframe_parent_link" class="display_inline_flex" title="Go to parent directory"><span class="width_14px_contents invert">${SVG_UI_Icons.chevron}</span>Parent Directory</a></li> <li id="open_in_sidebar" class="align_right flex_grow_1 no_highlight"><a href="#" title="Open this directory in sidebar">Open in Sidebar<span class="width_14px_contents invert transform_rotate_270_contents">${SVG_UI_Icons.chevron}</span></a></li> </ul>`; break; } return `<header id="sidebar_header" class="display_flex flex_column text_color_default font_size_small user_select_none z_index_3"> ${sidebar_header_title_element} <div id="sidebar_header_utilities" class="display_flex flex_column"> ${sidebar_header_menus} ${sidebar_header_utilities_row_1} ${sidebar_header_utilities_row_2} ${sidebar_texteditor_element} </div> </header>`; }; let sidebar_footer_utilities = '', sidebar_utilities = ''; if (body_id === 'top_body') { // various elements not needed in iframe directories sidebar_footer_utilities = `<div id="sidebar_footer_utilities" class="width_24px flex_justify_center position_relative pointer z_index_1 background_grey_80 border_left border_right"><div class="width_18px_contents display_flex transform_rotate_180"><span class="invert">${SVG_UI_Icons.toggle}</span></div> <ul class="has_popout_menu margin_0 padding_0 display_none border_all position_absolute background_grey_80"> <li id="open_in_content_pane" class="align_right border_bottom padding_4_6">Open Sidebar in Content Pane</li> <li id="show_directory_source" class="align_right padding_4_6" data-kind="show_directory_source">View Sidebar Directory Source</li> </ul> </div>`; sidebar_utilities = `<div id="sidebar_utilities"><div id="handle" class="position_absolute z_index_1"></div> <div id="show_sidebar" class="toggle_UI_pref width_24px width_18px_contents position_absolute flex_justify_center invert pointer z_index_9997" data-ui_pref="show_sidebar" title="Toggle Sidebar (⌘\\)">${SVG_UI_Icons.toggle}</div></div> </div>`; } const sidebar_nav = `<nav id="sidebar_nav" class="display_flex flex_column background_grey_85 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U+1A000–U+1AFFF</option> <option id="SMP_Range_12" value="SMP_Range_12" data-block_start="1B000" data-block_end="1BFFF">SMP-12: U+1B000–U+1BFFF</option> <option id="SMP_Range_13" value="SMP_Range_13" data-block_start="1C000" data-block_end="1CFFF">SMP-13: U+1C000–U+1CFFF</option> <option id="SMP_Range_14" value="SMP_Range_14" data-block_start="1D000" data-block_end="1DFFF">SMP-14: U+1D000–U+1DFFF</option> <option id="SMP_Range_15" value="SMP_Range_15" data-block_start="1E000" data-block_end="1EFFF">SMP-15: U+1E000–U+1EFFF</option> <option id="SMP_Range_16" value="SMP_Range_16" data-block_start="1F000" data-block_end="1FFFF">SMP-16: U+1F000–U+1FFFF</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Supplementary Ideographic Plane" data-block_start="20000" data-block_end="20FFF"> <option id="SIP_Range_01" value="SIP_Range_01">SIP-01: U+20000–U+20FFF</option> <option id="SIP_Range_02" value="SIP_Range_02" data-block_start="21000" data-block_end="21FFF">SIP-02: U+21000–U+21FFF</option> <option 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U+29000–U+29FFF</option> <option id="SIP_Range_11" value="SIP_Range_11" data-block_start="2A000" data-block_end="2AFFF">SIP-11: U+2A000–U+2AFFF</option> <option id="SIP_Range_12" value="SIP_Range_12" data-block_start="2B000" data-block_end="2BFFF">SIP-12: U+2B000–U+2BFFF</option> <option id="SIP_Range_13" value="SIP_Range_13" data-block_start="2C000" data-block_end="2CFFF">SIP-13: U+2C000–U+2CFFF</option> <option id="SIP_Range_14" value="SIP_Range_14" data-block_start="2D000" data-block_end="2DFFF">SIP-14: U+2D000–U+2DFFF</option> <option id="SIP_Range_15" value="SIP_Range_15" data-block_start="2E000" data-block_end="2EFFF">SIP-15: U+2E000–U+2EFFF</option> <option id="SIP_Range_16" value="SIP_Range_16" data-block_start="2F000" data-block_end="2FFFF">SIP-16: U+2F000–U+2FFFF</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Tertiary Ideographic Plane" data-block_start="30000" data-block_end="30FFF"> <option id="TIP_Range_01" value="TIP_Range_01">TIP-01: U+30000–U+30FFF</option> <option id="TIP_Range_02" value="TIP_Range_02" data-block_start="31000" data-block_end="31FFF">TIP-02: U+31000–U+31FFF</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Supplementary Special-Purpose Plane" data-block_start="E0000" data-block_end="E0FFF"> <option id="SSP_Range_01" value="SSP_Range_01">SSP-01: U+E0000–U+E0FFF</option> </optgroup> </select></li> </ol> <ol id="font_specimen_adjustments" class="display_flex flex_row flex_grow_1"> <li class="no_highlight" data-inputid="font_size"><span class="flex_justify_center"><input type="range" id="font_size" data-tab_order="14" name="font_size" min="0" max="2" step="any"><label for="font_size">Font Size</label></span></li> <li class="no_highlight display_none" data-inputid="line_height"><span class="flex_justify_center"><input type="range" id="line_height" data-tab_order="15" name="line_height" min="-1.2" max="1.2" step="any"><label for="line_height">Line Height</label></span></li> <li class="no_highlight display_none" data-inputid="letter_spacing"><span 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position_relative"><textarea id="text_stroke_color" class="whitespace_pre resize_none outline_none" data-tab_order="19" rows="1" cols="7" spellcheck="false" placeholder="CSS color"></textarea>Text Stroke Color</span></li> </ol></div>`; const content_font_sample_string = `ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ<br />abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz<br />0123456789<br />!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_\`{|}~`; const content_font_lorem_string = `Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.`; const content_font_viewer = '<div id="font_file_viewer" class="position_absolute position_0 display_none"><div id="font_file_glyph_viewer" class="invert margin_0 padding_0 position_absolute position_0 display_none z_index_2"></div><ol id="font_file_grid" class="font_grid position_relative padding_0 align_center display_grid overflow_x_hidden"></ol></div>'; const content_font_elements = `<div id="font_specimen_viewer" class="padding_0 display_none"> <ol id="font_specimen_grid" class="font_grid display_grid overflow_visible"></ol> <div id="font_specimen"> <div id="font_specimen_1" class="specimen border_bottom_x margin_0 overflow_visible normal" data-tab_order="1" contenteditable="true">${content_font_sample_string}</div> <div id="font_specimen_2" class="specimen border_bottom_x align_left overflow_visible normal" data-tab_order="2" contenteditable="true" tabindex="0"><h2 id="specimen_2" class="margin_0 line_height_1 normal">Typography</h2><p id="specimen_2H4">The art of using types to produce impressions on paper, vellum, &c.</p></div> <div id="font_specimen_3" class="specimen border_bottom_x align_justify overflow_visible normal line_height_1" data-tab_order="3" contenteditable="true"><h3 id="specimen_3" class="margin_0 normal">S P E C I M E N</h3><p id="specimen_3H3" class="margin_0">Typography is the work of typesetters (also known as compositors), typographers, graphic designers, art directors, manga artists, comic book artists, graffiti artists, and, now, anyone who arranges words, letters, numbers, and symbols for publication, display, or distribution.</p></div> <div id="font_specimen_4" class="specimen overflow_visible normal" data-tab_order="4" contenteditable="true" tabindex="0"><div id="lorem" class="lorem align_justify">${content_font_lorem_string}</div><div id="lorem_2" class="lorem align_justify">${content_font_lorem_string}</div><div id="lorem_3" class="lorem align_justify">${content_font_lorem_string}</div></div> </div> <div id="font_specimen_glyph_viewer" class="background_grey_90 display_none overflow_visible normal"> <div id="font_specimen_glyph" class="flex_justify_center position_fixed position_0 z_index_2" data-scale="1"></div><div id="font_specimen_glyph_overlay" class="position_fixed position_0 background_grey_100 user_select_none z_index_1"></div> </div> </div> ${content_font_viewer}`; const content_header_elements = `<header id="content_header" class="font_size_small z_index_3"> <div id="audio_wrapper" class="text_color_default background_grey_80 display_none">${content_audio_elements}</div> <div id="content_title_container" class="title display_flex text_color_default border_bottom"> <div id="title_buttons_left" class="display_flex padding_4_6 align_left"> <nav id="cuesheet_track_list_container_video" class="cuesheet_track_list_container background_grey_75" title="Cue sheet track list"><div class="box_shadow_menu display_none font_size_small position_absolute position_LR_0 z_index_1"><ul id="cuesheet_track_list_video" class="cuesheet_track_list border_bottom margin_0 padding_0 display_none"></ul></div></nav> <button id="reload_btn" class=" outline_none" tabindex="-1"><span></span></button> <button id="prev_next_btns" class="split_btn padding_0 position_relative display_none outline_none" tabindex="-1"><span id="prev_btn" class="prev_next_btn flex_justify_center"><span class="transform_rotate_270_contents">${SVG_UI_Icons.chevron}</span></span><span id="next_btn" class="prev_next_btn flex_justify_center"><span class="display_flex transform_rotate_90_contents">${SVG_UI_Icons.chevron}</span></span></button> </div> <div id="content_title" class="pointer align_center hyphens_none line_height_1_4 flex_justify_center_row flex_grow_1"><div><span class="has_icon_before has_icon_after bold"></span></div></div> <div id="title_buttons_right" class="display_flex padding_4_6 align_right"> <button id="scale" class="split_btn padding_0 position_relative display_none outline_none" tabindex="-1"><span id="decrease" class="flex_justify_center" title="Reduce"><span class="display_flex width_10px_contents">${SVG_UI_Icons.minus}</span></span><span id="increase" class="flex_justify_center" title="Enlarge"><span class="display_flex width_10px_contents">${}</span></span></button> <button id="open_in_texteditor" class="display_none outline_none" title="Open in Text Editor" tabindex="-1"><span>Edit</span></button> <button id="save_svg" class="display_none whitespace_pre outline_none" title="Save glyph as svg"><span>Save SVG</span></button> <button id="close_btn" class="outline_none" tabindex="-1" title="Close Content"><span></span></button></div> </div> <div id="content_playlist_item" class="playlist_entry_container border_bottom background_grey_85 align_center display_none"><textarea id="content_playlist_item_textarea" class="text_color_default padding_4_6 border_0 outline_none" rows="3" spellcheck="false"></textarea></div> ${content_font_toolbar} </header>`; switch ( true // ASSEMBLE CONTENT ELEMENTS ) { case id === 'content_font_viewer': return content_font_viewer; case id === 'content_text_elements': return content_text_elements; default: return `<div id="content_pane" class="display_flex flex_column flex_grow_1 position_relative padding_0" data-content="has_null"> ${content_header_elements} <main id="content_container" class="display_flex position_relative background_grey_90 no_hover margin_0 padding_0"> ${SVG_UI_Icons.spinner} <ol id="content_grid" class="content_el" data-kind="grid"></ol> ${content_text_elements} <div id="content_font" class="content_el background_grey_90 hyphens_none position_relative text_color_default" spellcheck="false" data-kind="font">${content_font_elements}</div> <div id="content_image_container" class="content_el background_grey_95 position_relative margin_0" data-kind="image"><img id="content_image" class="content_el position_relative" src="#" alt="" tabindex="0" /></div> <embed id="content_pdf" class="content_el position_relative border_0" tabindex="0" data-kind="pdf"> <div id="content_video_container" class="display_none track_title_container"><video id="content_video" class="content_el media_player background_grey_95 media" controls data-kind="video">Your browser does not support the video tag.</video></div> <iframe id="content_iframe" class="content_el position_relative border_0 background_grey_85" name="content_iframe" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-modals allow-popups" tabindex="0"></iframe> <iframe id="content_iframe_utility" class="display_none" name="content_iframe_utility" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-modals allow-popups" tabindex="0"></iframe> </main></div>`; } } //==============================// // UTILITIES HTML (warnings and help) function Utilities_Elements(body_id) { let utilities_warning_elements = `<header id="warnings_header" class="text_color_default background_grey_85"><h3 id="warning_header" class="display_none margin_0"><span>Warning:</span></h3><h3 id="make_playlist_header" class="display_none margin_0 normal"><span>Make Playlist/Filelist (.m3u)</span></h3></header> <ul id="warnings" class="text_color_default background_grey_85"> <li id="warning_open_font" class="warning">Are you sure you want to close the font file?</li> <li id="warning_close_font" class="warning">Are you sure you want to close the font file?</li> <li id="warning_unsaved_text" class="warning">You have unsaved changes.</li> <li id="warning_clear_text" class="warning">Are you sure you want to clear all your text?</li> <li id="warning_local_file" class="warning">Can’t load local file from non-local page.</li> <li id="warning_close_playlist" class="warning">Are you sure you want to close the playlist?</li> <li id="warning_local_playlist" class="warning">This playlist contains local files. <br /> Please reload this playlist from a local page in order to play them.</li> <li id="warning_non_local_file" class="warning">This is a non-local file/dir/link. Would you like to open it in a new window?</li> <li id="warning_make_playlist" class="warning"><form id="make_playlist_form" action="#"><fieldset class="margin_0 padding_0 border_0"> <ul id="make_playlist_options_sublist"><li><input name="make_playlist" type="radio" id="all_items" checked><label for="all_items">All items</label></li> <li class="indent"><input name="make_playlist" type="radio" id="directories_only"><label for="directories_only">Directories only</label></li> <li class="indent"><input name="make_playlist" type="radio" id="files_only"><label for="files_only">Files only</label></li> <li><input name="make_playlist" type="radio" id="media_files_only"><label for="media_files_only">All media files</label></li> <li class="indent"><input name="make_playlist" type="radio" id="audio_files_only"><label for="audio_files_only">Audio files only</label></li> <li class="indent"><input name="make_playlist" type="radio" id="video_files_only"><label for="video_files_only">Video files only</label></li> <li><input name="make_playlist" type="radio" id="all_non_media_files"><label for="all_non_media_files">All non-media items</label></li></ul></fieldset></form></li> </ul> <div id="warning_buttons_container" class="display_flex flex_column background_grey_90"><div id="warning_buttons" class="display_flex flex_row"> <button id="warning_btn_dont_save" class="warning_button">Don’t Save</button> <button id="warning_btn_cancel" class="warning_button">Cancel</button> <button id="warning_btn_clear" class="warning_button">Clear</button> <button id="warning_btn_save" class="warning_button">Save</button> <button id="warning_btn_ok" class="warning_button">OK</button> </div></div>`; let utilities_help_elements = ` <header id="help_header" class="title padding_4_6 position_LR_0 text_color_default border_bottom background_grey_75 align_center position_fixed z_index_3"><button style="visibility:hidden;float:left"><span>Close</span></button><span class="bold">HELP</span><button id="close_help" class="focus outline_none" style="float:right;"><span>Close</span></button></header> <nav id="help_contents" class="align_center background_grey_85 no_hover border_bottom"><h2 id="contents" style="margin-bottom:0;"><strong>CONTENTS</strong></h2> <ul class="margin_0 no_highlight bold"><li class="no_highlight"><a class="internal" href="#about">I. About this Script</a></li><li class="no_highlight"><a class="internal" href="#shortcuts">II. Keyboard Shortcuts</a></li><li class="no_highlight"><a class="internal" href="#usage">III. Usage</a></li><li class="no_highlight"><a class="internal" href="#other">IV. Other Script Functions</a></li><li class="no_highlight"><a class="internal" href="#troubleshooting">V. Troubleshooting</a></li></ul> </nav> <section class="line_height_1_4"> <article><h2 id="about"><strong>I. ABOUT THIS SCRIPT</strong></h2> <dl><dt><a href="" class="has_icon_before link" target="_blank">Script home:</a></dt></dl> <dl><dt>GENERAL INFORMATION</dt> <dd>This script works on <strong>local directories</strong>, as well as many remote server-generated index pages or “<strong>open directories</strong>”.</dd> <dd>By default, userscripts do not run on local file:/// urls, so for this script to work on local directories you will need to enable it in your browser’s extension settings (e.g.: For Tampermonkey in Chrome, open the Chrome extensions page, click the details button for Tampermonkey and check ‘Allow access to file URLs’).</dd> <dd>To make the script work on a remote <strong>open directory</strong>, you must add its URL to the list of allowed sites in the settings for this userscript, as provided by your userscript manager.</dd> <dd>Because server configurations vary, the script may not work perfectly (or at all) on some open directories. You may also need to allow—or block—javascript on some ODs, and/or allow cookies. Please let me know if you encounter any problems.</dd> <dd>This script was developed in the latest version of Vivaldi, running on the latest MacOS. It has been <em>minimally</em> tested in other Chrome-based browsers, Safari, and Firefox, and has been <strong>not</strong> been tested in any other browsers or OSes. No effort has been made to ensure compatibility with older browsers. Please report any issues. </dd></dl> <dl><dt><span class="invert" style="float:left; margin:4px 6px 0 0;">${SVG_UI_Icons.ui_layout}</span>The UI consists of two main parts:</dt> <dd>(1) the directory list <strong>SIDEBAR</strong> on the left and </dd> <dd>(2) the <strong>CONTENT PANE</strong> on the right.</dd> <dd>The Sidebar shows all the items in the current directory, while the Content Pane shows a preview of items selected in the Sidebar.</dd></dl> <dl><dt>1. The <strong>SIDEBAR</strong> comprises a <strong>HEADER</strong>, the <strong>DIRECTORY LIST</strong> itself, and a <strong>FOOTER</strong>.</dt> <dd>The <strong>Sidebar</strong> is resizeable; it can be hidden completely by clicking the double-chevron icon at the Sidebar top right or typing <b>⌘\</b>.</dd></dl> <dl><dt>1A. The <strong>SIDEBAR HEADER</strong> contains a <strong>Parent Directory</strong> button, a <strong>Parent Directories</strong> menu which displays separate links for all the parent directories, and the <strong>Main Menu</strong>.</dt> <dd>Below these are <strong>Show Details</strong> and <strong>Show Invisibles</strong> items, a <strong>Show Grid</strong> button (when appropriate), and sort by <strong>Name</strong> or <strong>Default</strong> items.</dd> <dd>If <strong>Show Details</strong> is selected, additional sorting options are shown, along with the <strong>Text Editor</strong> item.</dd> <dd>All of these items are also available in the Main Menu, and some can be toggled via keyboard shortcuts (see below).</dd></dl> <dl><dt>1B. The <strong>DIRECTORY LIST</strong> displays the items in the current directory.</dt> <dd>Directory items can be selected with the arrow keys or by clicking.</dd> <dd>Selecting an item will preview it in the content pane.</dd> <dd>Multiple directories, fonts, or images can be selected with shift+arrowkey, cmd+click, or shift+click.</dd> <dd>Directories can be previewed in the content pane or toggled open in the sidebar to create a “tree view” of the directory by clicking the folder icon or typing Cmd→.</dd></dl> <dl><dt>1C. The <strong>SIDEBAR FOOTER</strong> displays <strong>Stats</strong> for the items in the current directory.</dt> <dd>Detailed stats can be shown by clicking the footer.</dd> <dd>There is also a popup menu on the right of the footer with options to display the Sidebar directory or the raw directory index in the Content Pane.</dd></dl> <dl><dt>2. The <strong>CONTENT PANE</strong> displays the selected sidebar item.</dt> <dd>The content pane can be focused by tabbing from the sidebar or clicking. Links in HTML files can be navigated via the tab key.</dd> <dd>Clicking the title of the content pane title reveals an EXTM3U-formatted playlist item for use in an EXTM3U file.</dd></dl> <dl><dt>Previewed Content</dt></dl> <dl><dt>Previewed Directories</dt> <dd>Previewed directories in the Content Pane inherit the sorting and other UI preferences from the Sidebar directory list. They can be navigated independently from the Sidebar via the “Parent Directory” link in the header or Cmd-Up Arrow.</dd> <dd>An item in the content pane header allows previewed directories to be opened into the sidebar.</dd> <dd>A selected item can be previewed by pressing the spacebar. This is similar to the “quicklook” function in MacOS.</dd> <dd>Double-clicking a selected directory list item or typing Cmd-Down Arrow will open it in the content pane, replacing the previewed directory. Closing the item via the Close Button or Cmd-W will restore the original previewed directory.</dd></dl> </article> <article><h2 id="shortcuts" class="border_top_x padding_top_1rem"><strong>II. KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS</strong></h2> <ul id="utilities_help" class="info_list background_grey_80 font_size_small border_all padding_0 no_highlight"> <li class="info_list_header display_grid align_center bold no_hover no_highlight"><span class="col_1">SHORTCUT</span><span class="col_2">DESCRIPTION</span></li> <li class="display_grid no_hover no_highlight"><span class="col_1"><kbd>↑</kbd> or <kbd>↓</kbd></span><span class="col_2">Select the previous/next sidebar item or previewed directory item.<br />If audio is playing, and the previous/next file is also audio, the file will be highlighted but not loaded in the audio player; press <kbd>return</kbd> to load it.</span></li> <li class="display_grid no_hover no_highlight"><span class="col_1"><kbd>←</kbd> or <kbd>→</kbd></span><span class="col_2">Select prev/next item of the same kind as the current selection.<br />If current selection is a media file, select and begin playback of the next media item.</span></li> <li class="display_grid no_hover no_highlight"><span class="col_1"><kbd>⌥</kbd><kbd>←</kbd> or <kbd>→</kbd></span><span class="col_2">Skip media ±10 seconds.</span></li> <li class="display_grid no_hover no_highlight"><span class="col_1"><kbd>⌥</kbd><kbd>⇧</kbd><kbd>←</kbd> or <kbd>→</kbd></span><span class="col_2">Skip media ±30 seconds.</span></li> <li class="display_grid no_hover no_highlight"><span class="col_1"><kbd>⌘</kbd><kbd>↑</kbd></span><span class="col_2">Go to parent directory.</span></li> <li class="display_grid no_hover no_highlight"><span class="col_1"><kbd>⌘</kbd><kbd>↓</kbd></span><span class="col_2">Go to selected sidebar directory.</span></li> <li class="display_grid no_hover no_highlight"><span class="col_1"><kbd>⌘</kbd><kbd>→</kbd></span><span class="col_2">Open selected sidebar directory as subdirectory.</span></li> <li class="display_grid no_hover no_highlight"><span class="col_1"><kbd>⌘</kbd><kbd>←</kbd></span><span class="col_2">1. Close selected subdirectory, or <br />2. jump from selected subdirectory item to parent directory, or <br />3. jump up to closest open subdirectory, or <br />4. jump up to top of directory list.</span></li> <li class="display_grid no_hover no_highlight"><span class="col_1"><kbd>⇧</kbd><kbd>↑</kbd> or <kbd>↓</kbd> or <kbd>←</kbd> or <kbd>→</kbd></span><span class="col_2">Select multiple sidebar items: directories, images, or fonts only. Multiple images and fonts will open a grid view in the content pane.</span></li> <li class="display_grid no_hover no_highlight"><span class="col_1"><kbd>⇧</kbd><kbd>Click</kbd></span><span class="col_2">Select a range of sidebar items: directories, images, or fonts only. Multiple images and fonts will open a grid view in the content pane.</span></li> <li class="display_grid no_hover no_highlight"><span class="col_1"><kbd>Escape</kbd></span><span class="col_2">Close menus and help, unfocus textareas and content pane, etc.</span></li> <li class="display_grid no_hover no_highlight"><span class="col_1"><kbd>Return</kbd></span><span class="col_2">Open selected sidebar directory, select file, or pause/play media.</span></li> <li class="display_grid no_hover no_highlight"><span class="col_1"><kbd>Space</kbd></span><span class="col_2">Pause/Play media files (if media player loaded).<br />“Quicklook” selected content pane directory list item.</span></li> <li class="display_grid no_hover no_highlight"><span class="col_1"><kbd>⌘</kbd><kbd>A</kbd></span><span class="col_2">Select all sidebar items of selected type; works with dirs, images, and fonts. Images and fonts will open a grid view in the content pane.</span></li> <li class="display_grid no_hover no_highlight"><span class="col_1"><kbd>Tab</kbd></span><span class="col_2">Toggle focus between sidebar and content pane.</span></li> <li class="display_grid no_hover no_highlight"><span class="col_1"><kbd>⌘</kbd><kbd>⇧</kbd><kbd>D</kbd></span><span class="col_2">Toggle file details (size, date modified, kind) in some index page types.</span></li> <li class="display_grid no_hover no_highlight"><span class="col_1"><kbd>⌘</kbd><kbd>E</kbd></span><span class="col_2">Toggle main menu.</span></li> <li class="display_grid no_hover no_highlight"><span class="col_1"><kbd>⌘</kbd><kbd>⇧</kbd><kbd>E</kbd></span><span class="col_2">Show text editor.</span></li> <li class="display_grid no_hover no_highlight"><span class="col_1"><kbd>⌘</kbd><kbd>G</kbd></span><span class="col_2">Show or reload image or font grids.</span></li> <li class="display_grid no_hover no_highlight"><span class="col_1"><kbd>⌘</kbd><kbd>⇧</kbd><kbd>I</kbd></span><span class="col_2">Toggle invisible files.</span></li> <li class="display_grid no_hover no_highlight"><span class="col_1"><kbd>⌘</kbd><kbd>⇧</kbd><kbd>J</kbd></span><span class="col_2">Go to item by row number.</span></li> <li class="display_grid no_hover no_highlight"><span class="col_1"><kbd>⌘</kbd><kbd>⇧</kbd><kbd>O</kbd></span><span class="col_2">Open selected sidebar item in new window/tab.</span></li> <li class="display_grid no_hover no_highlight"><span class="col_1"><kbd>⌘</kbd><kbd>R</kbd></span><span class="col_2">Reload grids and previewed content, reset scaled images/fonts, reset media files to beginning.</span></li> <li class="display_grid no_hover no_highlight"><span class="col_1"><kbd>⌘</kbd><kbd>W</kbd></span><span class="col_2">Close previewed content (doesn’t work in all browsers; use close button instead), or close window if no content is being previewed.</span></li> <li class="display_grid no_hover no_highlight"><span class="col_1"><kbd>⌘</kbd><kbd>⇧</kbd><kbd><</kbd> or <kbd>></kbd></span><span class="col_2">Scale preview items and grids.</span></li> <li class="display_grid no_hover no_highlight"><span class="col_1"><kbd>⌘</kbd><kbd>\\</kbd></span><span class="col_2">Toggle sidebar.</span></li> <li class="display_grid no_hover no_highlight"><span class="col_1"><kbd>⇧</kbd><kbd>⌘</kbd><kbd>\\</kbd></span><span class="col_2">Toggle text editor split view.</span></li></ul> </article> <article><h2 id="usage" class="border_top_x padding_top_1rem"><strong>III. USAGE</strong></h2> <p><span class="width_14px_contents">${}</span><strong> MAIN MENU</strong> (⌘+E)<br />The Main Menu contains the following top-level items:<p> <ul class="border_all no_highlight bold" style="display:inline-block;"> <li class="no_highlight padding_4_6 border_bottom">1. Go to item... (⌘+⇧+J)</li> <li class="no_highlight padding_4_6 border_bottom">2. Sort by... ${SVG_UI_Icons.arrow}</li> <li class="no_highlight padding_4_6">3. UI Preferences ${SVG_UI_Icons.arrow}</li> <li class="no_highlight padding_4_6">4. File Handling Preferences ${SVG_UI_Icons.arrow}</li> <li class="no_highlight padding_4_6">5. Media Preferences ${SVG_UI_Icons.arrow}</li> <li class="no_highlight padding_4_6">6. Text Editing Preferences ${SVG_UI_Icons.arrow}</li> <li class="no_highlight padding_4_6 border_bottom">7. Default Preferences</li> <li class="no_highlight padding_4_6 border_bottom">8. Playlists ${SVG_UI_Icons.arrow}</li> <li class="no_highlight padding_4_6 border_bottom">9. Open Font File...</li> <li class="no_highlight padding_4_6">10. Script Home</li> <li class="no_highlight padding_4_6">11. Help</li> <li class="no_highlight padding_4_6">12. Buy me a Coffee</li> <li class="no_highlight padding_4_6">13. Contact</li></ul> <dl class="border_top_x padding_top_1rem"><dt>1. Go to Item...</dt> <dd>Select a sidebar item by its row number (displayed if "Show Numbers" pref is set). Useful especially for large directories. Directory list can also be navigated by typed strings.</dd></dl> <p class="border_top_x"><strong>2. SORT BY...</strong> ${SVG_UI_Icons.arrow}<br />Sort directory items by <strong>Name</strong>, <strong>Size</strong>, <strong>Date</strong>, <strong>Kind</strong>, <strong>Extension</strong>, <strong>Duration</strong> (media items only). <strong>Default</strong> sort = sort items by Name, with directories on top.</p> <dl><dd>Clicking the sort preference again will reverse the sort.</dd> <dd>Sorting preferences are also available in the Sidebar Header.</dd> <dd>Note that many server configurations don’t report directory size, so when sorting by size, directories will be on top, sorted by name.</dd></dl> <p class="border_top_x"><strong>3. UI PREFERENCES</strong> ${SVG_UI_Icons.arrow}<br />Selecting these preferences items will add the new setting to the URL query string, so that the setting will persist as you navigate within the same window, or if you bookmark the page.</p> <dl><dt>a. Light Theme/Dark Theme</dt> <dd>Change the UI theme.</dd></dl> <dl><dt>b. Alternate Backgrounds</dt> <dd>Alternate background colors for directory list items.</dd></dl> <dl><dt>c. Show Numbers</dt> <dd>Show numbers for directory list items.</dd></dl> <dl><dt>d. Use Custom Icons</dt> <dd>If enabled, use custom file and directory icons provided by the script; if disabled, use the browser’s default icons.</dd></dl> <dl><dt>e. Show Image Thumbnails</dt> <dd>Replace image file icons with a thumbnail icon of the image itself. Enabling this setting may slow down page load, because each image file in the directory must be downloaded.</dd></dl> <dl><dt>f. Use Large Image Thumbnails</dt> <dd>If “Show Image Thumbnails” is also enabled, a larger version of the image thumbnail is displayed.</dd></dl> <dl><dt>g. Always Show Image Thumbnails</dt> <dd>Image thumbnails are always shown, no matter how many images are in the directory. This overrides the default behavior which automatically disables thumbnail display for directories containing more than 2000 items in order to improve performance.</dd></dl> <dl><dt>h. Audio Player at Top</dt> <dd>Disable this item in order to position the audio player at the bottom of the content pane.</dd></dl> <dl><dt>i. Set UI Font</dt> <dd>Set a custom font for the UI.</dd></dl> <dl><dt>j. Scale UI</dt> <dd>Scale the entire UI (50%–150%). Double-click the label to quickly reset the scale to 100%.</dd></dl> <p class="border_top_x"><strong>4. FILE HANDLING PREFERENCES</strong> ${SVG_UI_Icons.arrow}</p> <dl><dt>a. Show/Hide Invisible Items</dt> <dd>It does what it says on the tin…</dd></dl> <dl><dt>b. Show/Hide Ignored Items</dt> <dd>Ignored items include files that the browser cannot handle natively (e.g., common Office and graphics files, various binary files, etc.). Hide them to reduce clutter.</dd></dl> <dl><dt>c. Ignore Ignored Items</dt> <dd>Prevent normal browser behavior for handling such files, which is to open a download file dialog.</dd></dl> <dl><dt>d. Autoload Index Files</dt> <dd>Automatically load “index.html” or similar files in the Content Pane when the directory loads.</dd></dl> <p class="border_top_x"><strong>5. MEDIA PREFERENCES</strong> ${SVG_UI_Icons.arrow}</p> <dl><dt>a. Autoload Media</dt> <dd>If enabled, automatically load the first media file (audio or video) when the directory loads.</dd> <dd>For audio files, this will also automatically load any “cover art” (image file) found in the same directory. The script will first look for an image file with <i>exactly</i> the same name as the currently selected/playing audio file, followed in order by files containing the words “cover”, “front”, “album”, “jacket”, “sleeve”, “cd”, “disc”, “insert”, “liner”, or “notes.” If it finds no matching files, it will load the first image file it finds. Cover art will be automatically loaded whenever a new audio file is selected for playback.</dd></dl> <dl><dt>b. Autoplay Media</dt> <dd>If enabled, play the next media file when the currently playing media file ends.</dd></dl> <dl><dt>c. Play All Media Files</dt> <dd>If disabled (and Autoplay Media enabled), only play media of the same type (audio or video) as the currently playing media file.</dd></dl> <dl><dt>d. Loop Media Playback</dt> <dd>Loop media playback to the first media item when the last media item ends and continue playing. This option can also be enabled from the audio player.</dd></dl> <dl><dt>e. Shuffle Media Playback</dt> <dd>Randomize the order of media playback. This option can also be enabled from the audio player.</dd> <dd>A media item selected via the up/down arrow keys will be played after the currently playing item. This give you the option to play a specific item while continuing with shuffle play.</dd></dl> <p class="border_top_x"><strong>6. TEXT EDITING PREFERENCES</strong> ${SVG_UI_Icons.arrow}</p> <dl><dt>a. Text Editing Enabled/Disabled</dt><dd>If text editing is disabled, text files are displayed as normal files.</dd></dl> <dl><dt>b. Text Editing Options</dt><dd>Toggle the Text Editor. Select Editor UI theme: Default = same as main UI. Toggle split view. Select view of raw text, preview text, rendered HTML.</dd></dl> <dl class="border_top_x padding_top_1rem padding_bottom_1rem"><dt>7. DEFAULT PREFERENCES</dt><dd>Resets UI to defaults by removing manually set preferences from the URL query string.</dd></dl> <p class="border_top_x"><strong>8. PLAYLISTS</strong> ${SVG_UI_Icons.arrow}</p> <dl><dt>a. Open Playlist/Filelist…</dt> <dd>Click to load a local .m3u file. See below for more details.</dd></dl> <dl><dt>b. Make Playlist/Filelist…</dt><dd>Make an .m3u playlist/filelist of the items in the current sidebar directory, with option to include audio only, video only, all media, all non-media, all items, directories or files only.</dd></dl> <dl class="border_top_x padding_top_1rem"><dt><strong>9. OPEN FONT FILE…</strong></dt> <dd>Load a local font file to view its complete glyph repertoire in a grid and information about the font.</dd> <dd>Note that this function is different from previewing a font from the sidebar.</dd> <dd>Font file glyph grids can be navigated with the arrow keys. Individual glyphs can be selected by clicking them or pressing <strong>Return</strong>.</dd> <dd>Individual glyphs may be saved as .svg files.</dd></dl> <dl class="border_top_x padding_top_1rem"><dt><strong>10. SCRIPT HOME</strong></dt> <dd><strong><a href="" class="link text_color_default" target="_blank"></a></strong>.</dd></dl> <dl><dt><strong>11. HELP</strong></dt><dd>Show this help page.</dd></dl> <dl><dt><strong>12. BUY ME A COFFEE</strong></dt><dd><strong><a id="donate_link" class="ignore_warning" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Coding is a lot of work...</a></strong></dd></dl> <dl><dt><strong>13. CONTACT</strong></dt><dd><strong><a id="contact_link" class="ignore_warning" href="mailto:[email protected]">Email</a></strong> me about anything to do with the script.</dd></dl> </article> <article><h2 id="other" class=" border_top_x padding_top_1rem"><strong>IV. OTHER SCRIPT FUNCTIONS</strong></h2> <dl><dt>NAVIGATION</dt> <dd>Use the up and down arrow keys to navigate items in the sidebar and previewed directories in the content pane.</dd> <dd>Use the left and right arrow keys to navigate items of the same kind as the currently selected item.</dd> <dd>Use the Tab key to toggle the focus between the sidebar and the content pane.</dd> <dd>Type a letter or letters to navigate the directory by file name.</dd> <dd>Type <b>⌘↓</b> to navigate to the selected directory.</dd> <dd>Click a directory icon in the sidebar or select it and type <b>⌘→</b> to open subdirectory; to close, click the icon again or type <b>⌘←</b>.</dd></dl> <dl><dt>IMAGES, FONTS, and FONT GLYPHS</dt><dd>These previewed items can be scaled with <b>⌘+/–</b> keys.</dd></dl> <dl><dt>FONT and IMAGE GRIDS</dt><dd>If a directory contains fonts and/or image files, the “Show Grid” icon will appear in the sidebar. Click it or type <b>⌘G</b> to show a grid of the available items.</dd> <dd>Grids can be navigated with the arrow keys, and individual grid items may be viewed by clicking them or pressing <b>Return</b>.</dd> <dd>When a grid item is being viewed, the grid can still be navigated with the arrow keys.</dd> <dd>Closing a selected grid item will show the grid again.</dd></dl> <dl><dt>PLAYLISTS AND FILELISTS (m3u)</dt><dd>The script supports basic .m3u playlists containing links to audio or video files, but it also has custom support for “filelists,” which are standard .m3u files that contain links to <i>any</i> type of file or directory.</dd> <dd>Playlist files can be opened via the menu item.</dd> <dd>However, for ease of use, if you change the extension of an ordinary .m3u file to .txt, the script will read it normally as an editable text file. Double-clicking such a file in the sidebar or typing <b>⌘↓</b> or <b>⌘+Return</b> will open it as a playlist/filelist. Please note that the text file must begin with “#EXTM3U&sdquo; for this work.</dd></dl> <dl><dt>CUE SHEETS (cue)</dt><dd>When a media file (audio or video) is loaded, the script will look for a .cue file in the same directory with <i>EXACTLY</i> the same name as the media file.</dd> <dd>If it finds one, it will load the Track ID, the PERFORMER, the TITLE, and the INDEX (time position) into a menu next to the audio player; there is no support for other commands.</dd> <dd>Tracks can be selected by clicking the item, and played or paused by clicking the selected item.</dd> <dd>.cue files can also be selected independently in the sidebar and edited and saved (locally). This may be handy for creating “on the fly” bookmarks for a long media track before closing the page.</dd> <dd>Note that you can also create and save (locally) a new .cue file by using the Text Editor.</dd> <dd>Note (MacOS): If you prefer not to clutter the sidebar with .cue files, you may make them invisible by adding a dot to beginning of the file name; the script will still find them.</dd></dl> </article> <article><h2 id="troubleshooting" class="border_top_x padding_top_1rem"><strong>V. TROUBLESHOOTING</strong></h2> <dl><dt>The script doesn’t work with a specific directory.</dt><dd>If you have a javascript blocker installed in your browser (and if you don’t, you should), try disabling some of the site-specific scripts and XHR requests, as they may be interfering with the execution of this script.</dd> <dd>Alternately, if you do have a javascript blocker installed, you may need to allow some scripts and XHR requests instead.</dd> <dd>If the open directory still does not display correctly, check to see if cookies from the site are blocked.</dd> <dd>Try deleting preferences from the Main Menu or removing the query string from the URL in the browser.</dd></dl> <dl><dt>A specific item in a directory does not display correctly.</dt><dd>Confirm that the file is one that browser is capable of rendering. This script cannot display files that the browser itself cannot display.</dd> <dd>If the item is from a playlist (m3u) and links to a remote site (e.g.,, check your javascript blocker and cookies for any that need to be allowed from that site.</dd></dl> <dl><dt>If you think you have found a bug, please <a class="ignore_warning" href="mailto:[email protected]"><b><i>contact me</i></b></a>.</dt></dl><p> </p> </article></section>`; let help_elements = ''; if (body_id === 'top_body') { help_elements = `<aside id="help_container" class="background_grey_95 text_color_default no_hover display_none">${utilities_help_elements}</aside>`; } return `<div id="utilities" class="position_absolute display_none position_LR_0 z_index_9999"> <aside id="warnings_container" class="overflow_hidden background_grey_90 hyphens_none z_index_9999">${utilities_warning_elements}</aside> ${help_elements} </div>`; } // ===> END UI HTML //==============================// // ===> STYLES const background_images = ` .menu_item::before { content:""; width:12px; max-width:12px; min-width:12px; height:9px; margin:2px 0 -2px; background-position:center; background-repeat:no-repeat; display:flex; } .submenu .menu_item::before { width:24px; max-width:24px; min-width:24px; } .has_background, .has_background_before::before, .has_background_after::after { background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:center; background-color:transparent !important; } .bookmark > a::before { background-image:${get_SVG_UI_Icon('bookmark')}; } :is(.sort_by_default #menu_sort_by_default, .sort_by_name #menu_sort_by_name, .sort_by_duration #menu_sort_by_duration, .sort_by_size #menu_sort_by_size, .sort_by_date #menu_sort_by_date, .sort_by_kind #menu_sort_by_kind, .sort_by_ext #menu_sort_by_ext, #menu_theme_container, #toggle_text_editing) .menu_item::before, :is(.sort_by_default #sort_by_default, .sort_by_name #sort_by_name, .sort_by_duration #sort_by_duration, .sort_by_size #sort_by_size, .sort_by_date #sort_by_date, .sort_by_kind #sort_by_kind, .sort_by_ext #sort_by_ext) span::before, .loop_media #loop_media_menu::before, .shuffle_media #shuffle_media_menu::before, .background_color_check_mark::before, .texteditor_view_raw #toggle_texteditor_raw::before, .texteditor_view_styled #toggle_texteditor_preview::before, .texteditor_view_html #toggle_texteditor_html::before, body:not(.text_editing_enable_false) #text_editing_enable::before, .texteditor_view_html #texteditor_view_html::before, .cuesheet_track.selected .cue_track_id::before, .menu_item.checkmark::before { background-image:${get_SVG_UI_Icon('check_mark')}; } :is( .show_invisibles_false #show_invisible_items, .alternate_background_false #alternate_background, .show_numbers_false #show_numbers, .use_custom_icons_false #use_custom_icons, .show_image_thumbnails_false #show_image_thumbnails, .show_large_image_thumbnails_false #show_large_image_thumbnails, .show_ignored_items_false #show_ignored_items, .ignore_ignored_items_false #ignore_ignored_items, .autoload_index_files_false #autoload_index_files, .media_autoload_false #media_autoload, .media_autoplay_false #media_autoplay, .media_play_all_false #media_play_all, .texteditor_split_view_false:not(.has_texteditor) #texteditor_split_view, .show_media_name_in_window_title_false #show_media_name_in_window_title, .audio_player_on_top_false #audio_player_on_top, .iframe_theme_false #iframe_theme) .menu_item.checkmark::before { background-image:none; } .sort_by_default #sort_by_default span::after, .sort_by_name #sort_by_name span::after, .sort_by_duration #sort_by_duration span::after, .sort_by_size #sort_by_size span::after, .sort_by_date #sort_by_date span::after, .sort_by_kind #sort_by_kind span::after, .sort_by_ext #sort_by_ext span::after { background-image:${get_SVG_UI_Icon('chevron')}; background-size:75%; transform:rotate(180deg); } .is_error #sidebar_nav, .is_error #current_dir_path span::before { background-image:${get_SVG_UI_Icon('error')}; } .is_error #sidebar_nav { background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:center top 6rem; background-size:6rem;} .is_error #current_dir_path span::before { float:none; display:inline-flex; margin:0 0 -2px 0; width:24px; } #content_pane[data-content="has_ignored"] #content_container { background-image:${get_SVG_UI_File_Icon('file_icon_ignored')}; background-size:28px; } #content_pane.has_audio[data-content="has_null"]:not([data-loaded="unloaded"]) #content_container, #content_pane.has_audio:not([data-content]) #content_container, .has_audio #content_pane[data-content="has_null"]:not([data-loaded="unloaded"]) #content_container, .has_audio #content_pane:not([data-content])[data-loaded="loaded"] #content_container { background-image:${get_SVG_UI_Icon('music')}; } ${CSS_UI_Icon_Rules()} #sidebar_menu_main ul a::before { background-image:${get_SVG_UI_File_Icon('file_icon_file')}; } #sidebar_menu_main ul a[href^="file"]::before, #current_dir_path span::before { background-image:${get_SVG_UI_File_Icon('file_icon_dir')}; margin-bottom:-3px; } #sidebar_menu_main ul a[href^="http"]::before { background-image:${get_SVG_UI_File_Icon('file_icon_htm')}; } body.use_custom_icons_false .dir .has_icon_before_before { background-image:${get_SVG_UI_File_Icon('file_icon_dir_default')}; background-size:auto 13px; } body.use_custom_icons_false.show_image_thumbnails_false .file:not(.app) .has_icon_before_before, body.use_custom_icons_false:not(.show_image_thumbnails_false) .file:not(.app) .has_icon_before_before { background-image:${get_SVG_UI_File_Icon('file_icon_file_default')}; background-size:auto 13px; } body:not(.use_custom_icons_false).show_image_thumbnails_false .image .has_icon_before_before { background-image:${get_SVG_UI_File_Icon('file_icon_image')} } .has_playlist #current_dir_path span::before { background-image:${get_SVG_UI_File_Icon('file_icon_playlist')}; display:inline-flex; margin:-2px 0 0; width:24px; vertical-align:middle;} .dirlist_item.dir:not(.has_subdirectory) .has_icon_before_before:hover { background-image:${get_SVG_UI_Icon('chevron')}; transform:rotate(90deg); filter:invert(1); } .dirlist_item.dir.has_subdirectory .has_icon_before_before:hover { background-image:${get_SVG_UI_Icon('chevron')}; transform:rotate(180deg); filter:invert(1); } .dirlist_item.non_local .name_span span::before { background-image:${get_SVG_UI_Icon('external_link')}; content:""; width:20px; min-width:20px; height:14px; margin-top:-3px; margin-bottom:-3px; background-position:left center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-blend-mode:screen; display:inline-block; } .dirlist_item:is(.dir,.other,.system,.bin,.invisible,.markdown):is(.selected,:hover) a .has_icon_before_before { filter:brightness(var(--brightness_low)); } .theme_light,:hover) a .has_icon_before_before { mix-blend-mode: hard-light; filter:brightness(0.75) contrast(2) saturate(2.66); } .theme_dark,:hover) a .has_icon_before_before, .dirlist_item.content_loaded.non_local .name_span span::before { filter:brightness(1.33); } .dirlist_item.selected:is(.archive,.app) a .has_icon_before_before, .dirlist_item:is(.archive,.app):hover a .has_icon_before_before { filter:brightness(var(--brightness_high)) saturate(6); } .dirlist_item.non_local:is(.selected,.audio_loaded) .name_span span::before, body:not(.no_hover) .dirlist_item.non_local:hover .name_span span::before { filter:brightness(2); } .dirlist_subdir_loading .has_icon_before_before { background-image:${get_SVG_UI_Icon('spinner')} !important; filter:invert(1); background-size:20px; } `; const global_styles = ` .theme_light { --percent_100:100%; --percent_95:95%; --percent_90:90%; --percent_85:85%; --percent_80:80%; --percent_75:75%; --percent_70:70%; --percent_65:65%; --percent_60:60%; --percent_55:55%; --percent_50:50%; --percent_45:45%; --percent_40:40%; --percent_35:35%; --percent_30:30%; --percent_25:25%; --percent_20:20%; --percent_15:15%; --percent_10:10%; --percent_05:05%; --percent_00:00%; --border_lum:40%; --border_lum_inverted:40%; --brightness_low:1.15; --brightness_med:1.33; --brightness_high:1.875; --non_media_item_background_h:216deg; --non_media_item_background_s:100%; --non_media_item_background_l:50%; --non_media_item_background_a:0.8; --media_item_background_h:180deg; --media_item_background_s:100%; --media_item_background_l:33%; --media_item_background_a:1; --texteditor_item_background_h:250deg; --texteditor_item_background_s:66%; --texteditor_item_background_l:66%; --texteditor_item_background_a:1.00; } .theme_dark { --percent_100:00%; --percent_95:05%; --percent_90:10%; --percent_85:15%; --percent_80:20%; --percent_75:25%; --percent_70:30%; --percent_65:35%; --percent_60:40%; --percent_55:45%; --percent_50:50%; --percent_45:55%; --percent_40:60%; --percent_35:65%; --percent_30:70%; --percent_25:75%; --percent_20:80%; --percent_15:85%; --percent_10:90%; --percent_05:95%; --percent_00:100%; --border_lum:05%; --border_lum_inverted:40%; --brightness_low:1.15; --brightness_med:1.5; --brightness_high:1.66; --non_media_item_background_h:216deg; --non_media_item_background_s:80%; --non_media_item_background_l:60%; --non_media_item_background_a:0.8; --media_item_background_h:180deg; --media_item_background_s:50%; --media_item_background_l:40%; --media_item_background_a:1; --texteditor_item_background_h:250deg; --texteditor_item_background_s:50%; --texteditor_item_background_l:60%; --texteditor_item_background_a:1.00; } li, div { --non_media_background: hsla(var(--non_media_item_background_h), var(--non_media_item_background_s), var(--non_media_item_background_l), var(--non_media_item_background_a)); --media_background: hsla(var(--media_item_background_h), var(--media_item_background_s), var(--media_item_background_l), var(--media_item_background_a)); --texteditor_item_background: hsla(var(--texteditor_item_background_h), var(--texteditor_item_background_s), var(--texteditor_item_background_l), var(--texteditor_item_background_a)); } :root { --font_size_small:0.875rem; --font_size_smaller:0.75rem; color-scheme:none; } :root, html, body { margin:0; padding:0; border:0; border-radius:0; overflow:hidden; display:flex; flex-direction:row; width:100%; height:100vh; font-family:${UI_Prefs_Non_Bool.ui_font}; font-size:${UI_Prefs_Non_Bool.ui_font_size}; hyphens:auto; transform-origin:0 0; } a, a:hover { color:inherit; font-weight:inherit; text-decoration:none !important; } ul, li { list-style:none; } svg { margin:auto; } button, .warning_button { background-color:hsl(0,0%,95%); border:solid 1px #333; border-radius:3px; height:18px; font-size:0.875em; font-family:${UI_Prefs_Non_Bool.ui_font} !important; cursor:pointer; } button.focus, button:focus, .warning_button { border-radius:3px !important; border-style:solid !important; border-width:1px !important; border-color:#222 !important; } .selected, .audio_loaded { --background_opacity:1; } :hover, .hovered { --background_opacity:0.75; } .focus_content #sidebar .selected, .focus_content #sidebar .audio_loaded { --background_opacity:0.50; opacity:1; } .focus_content #sidebar :hover, .focus_content #sidebar .hovered { --background_opacity:0.25; } .align_left { text-align:left; } .align_center { text-align:center; } .align_right { text-align:right; } .align_justify { text-align:justify; text-justify:inter-character; hyphens:auto; } .background_grey_60 { background-color:hsl(0,0%,var(--percent_60)); } .background_grey_65 { background-color:hsl(0,0%,var(--percent_65)); } .background_grey_70 { background-color:hsl(0,0%,var(--percent_70)); } .background_grey_75, body { background-color:hsl(0,0%,var(--percent_75)); } .background_grey_80 { background-color:hsl(0,0%,var(--percent_80)); } .background_grey_85, .dirlist_item:nth-of-type(odd), .cuesheet_track:not(.header):nth-of-type(odd), #utilities_help li:nth-of-type(even), body.alternate_background_false .dirlist_item:nth-of-type(even) { background-color:hsl(0,0%,var(--percent_85)); } .background_grey_90, .dirlist_item:nth-of-type(even), .cuesheet_track:not(.header):nth-of-type(even), #stats li:nth-of-type(even) { background-color:hsl(0,0%,var(--percent_90)); } .background_grey_95, .background_grey_90:not(.no_hover):hover, .background_grey_90.hovered, .background_grey_90.selected, .background_grey_90:focus { background-color:hsl(0,0%,var(--percent_95)); } .background_grey_100, .background_grey_95:not(.no_hover):hover, .background_grey_95.hovered, .background_grey_95.selected { background-color:hsl(0,0%,var(--percent_100)); } ${background_images} .border_0 { border: none; } .border_all { border: solid 1px hsl(0,0%,var(--border_lum)); } .border_top { border-top: solid 1px hsl(0,0%,var(--border_lum)); } .border_right { border-right: solid 1px hsl(0,0%,var(--border_lum)); } .border_bottom { border-bottom: solid 1px hsl(0,0%,var(--border_lum)); } .border_left { border-left: solid 1px hsl(0,0%,var(--border_lum)); } .border_top_x { border-top: solid 1px hsl(0,0%,var(--border_lum_inverted)); } .border_right_x { border-right: solid 1px hsl(0,0%,var(--border_lum_inverted)); } /* "x" = inverted for theme_dark */ .border_bottom_x { border-bottom: solid 1px hsl(0,0%,var(--border_lum_inverted)); } .border_left_x { border-left: solid 1px hsl(0,0%,var(--border_lum_inverted)); } .box_shadow_menu { box-shadow:0px 4px 6px -3px #000; } .display_grid, .info_list:hover li, .has_flyout_menu:hover ul { display:grid; 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display:none; } #warning_buttons_container { padding:1rem 1.5rem; } button.focus, button:focus { background-color:#0E4399; color:#EEE; outline:none; } .warning_button { min-width:4em; display:none; font-size:1em; justify-content:center; } #warning_btn_cancel + #warning_btn_save, #warning_btn_dont_save + #warning_btn_cancel, #warning_btn_clear { margin-right:auto; } #warning_btn_cancel, #warning_btn_clear, #warning_btn_save { margin-left:0.5rem; } #warnings_container.clear #warning_buttons { justify-content:space-between; } #warning_make_playlist fieldset div { padding:0 0 2px; } #warning_make_playlist .indent { text-indent:2em; } #warning_make_playlist input { margin-right:6px; } .has_warning::before, .has_overlay::before { content:""; position:fixed; top:0; right:0; bottom:0; left:0; z-index:9998;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none; user-select:none; } #help_container { padding:0 1em 1em; overflow:auto; flex-direction:column; } #help_container > header { grid-template-columns:5em auto fit-content(100%); 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} /* TEXT CONTENT CONTAINERS */ .texteditor_pane { padding:1em; overflow-y:scroll; box-sizing:border-box; background:transparent; font-size:${parseFloat(UI_Prefs_Non_Bool.ui_font_size) + UI_Prefs_Non_Bool.ui_font_size.replace(/\d*/, '')}; } body:not(.text_editing_enable_false) .texteditor_pane, body:not(.texteditor_split_view_false) .texteditor_pane { width:50%; } body:is(.text_editing_enable_false,.texteditor_split_view_false) .texteditor_pane { width:100% !important; } #text_container .texteditor_pane:focus { background-color:hsl(0,0%,var(--percent_90)); outline:none; box-shadow:inset 0px 0px 4px hsl(0,0%,var(--percent_95)); } #text_container textarea { font-family:monospace; } /* EDITOR PANES */ .texteditor_split_view_false.texteditor_view_raw #texteditor_raw_pane, .texteditor_split_view_false.texteditor_view_styled #texteditor_styled_pane, .texteditor_split_view_false.texteditor_view_html #texteditor_html_pane, .texteditor_split_view_false.texteditor_view_html.texteditor_view_raw #texteditor_raw_pane, .texteditor_split_view_false.texteditor_view_styled.texteditor_view_raw #texteditor_raw_pane, .texteditor_split_view_true #texteditor_raw_pane, .texteditor_split_view_true:not(.texteditor_view_styled):not(.texteditor_view_html) #texteditor_styled_pane, .texteditor_split_view_true.texteditor_view_styled #texteditor_styled_pane, .texteditor_split_view_true.texteditor_view_html #texteditor_html_pane, .text_editing_enable_true #reading_btn_icon, .text_editing_enable_false:not(.texteditor_view_styled) #texteditor_raw_pane, .text_editing_enable_false.texteditor_view_raw #texteditor_raw_pane, .text_editing_enable_false.texteditor_view_styled #texteditor_styled_pane { display:block !important; } .text_editing_enable_false:not(.has_texteditor) :is(#text_editing_handle,#texteditor_toolbar,#save_btn,#texteditor_sync_scroll,#toggle_texteditor_html_menu,#texteditor_html_pane), .texteditor_split_view_false :is(#texteditor_sync_scroll,#text_editing_handle), .texteditor_split_view_false.texteditor_view_raw :is(#texteditor_styled_pane,#texteditor_html_pane), .texteditor_split_view_false.texteditor_view_styled :is(#texteditor_raw_pane,#texteditor_html_pane), .texteditor_split_view_false.texteditor_view_html :is(#texteditor_raw_pane,#texteditor_styled_pane), .texteditor_split_view_true.texteditor_view_styled #texteditor_html_pane, .texteditor_split_view_true.texteditor_view_html #texteditor_styled_pane { display:none !important; } /* THEMES & COLORS */ .texteditor_theme_default #content_texteditor .background_grey_95, .background_grey_90:focus, #texteditor_styled_pane table th { background-color:hsl(0,0%,var(--percent_95)); } .theme_dark.texteditor_theme_light #content_texteditor .text_color_default, .theme_light.texteditor_theme_default #content_texteditor .text_color_default { color:hsl(0,0%,var(--percent_05)); 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padding:0; } h1:hover .uplink,h2:hover .uplink,h3:hover .uplink,h4:hover .uplink,h5:hover .uplink,h6:hover .uplink { transition:opacity 0.25s; opacity:0.5; } #texteditor_styled_pane table { font-size:inherit; } .markdown_body table tr, .markdown_body .highlight pre, .markdown_body pre { background-color:transparent !important; } .markdown_body::before, .markdown_body::after { display:none !important; background:transparent; } #content_body.has_warning::after { content:""; position:absolute; top:0; right:0; bottom:0; left:0; background:rgba(0,0,0,0.33); z-index:9998; } #text_editing_handle { width:8px; top:0; bottom:0; left:calc(50% - 4px); cursor:col-resize; } #text_editing_handle::before { content:""; width:1px; background:hsl(0,0%,var(--border_lum)); position:absolute; top:0; bottom:0; left:calc(50%); } .texteditor_theme_dark #text_editing_handle::before, .theme_dark.texteditor_theme_default #text_editing_handle::before { background:#111; } .is_link #texteditor_styled_pane a { font-size:0.875rem; } .is_link #texteditor_styled_pane a:hover { font-weight:bold; } `; // Gecko (Firefos) Styles: const gecko_style_rules = ` .dir::before { content:"" !important; display:none !important; } .is_gecko button { padding:revert; } .is_gecko #show_grid_btn .menu { top:-7px; left:-120px; } .is_gecko thead { font-size:100%; } .is_gecko .dirlist_item.dir::before { position:absolute; } .is_gecko .dirlist_item_name span { display:-webkit-box; width:auto; white-space:normal; } .dirlist_item.dir td:not(:first-child), .dirlist_item.file td:not(:first-child) { width:unset !important; } .is_gecko .dirlist_item td { min-width:calc(100% - 24px); } .is_gecko .dir::before { content:"" !important; display:none !important; } .is_gecko.use_default_icons:not(.is_converted_list) .dirlist_item.file .icon { padding-left:4px; background:none; } .is_gecko.use_default_icons .dirlist_item.file .icon img { margin-right:6px; height:14px; } .is_gecko #directory_list > tr > td:not(:first-of-type) { float:left } .is_gecko #content_audio_title span { padding-top:6px;, padding-bottom:0; 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switch (user_agent) { case user_agent === 'is_gecko': default_styles += `<style id="gecko_style_rules">${gecko_style_rules}</style>`; break; case user_agent === 'is_safari': default_styles += `<style id="safari_style_rules">${safari_style_rules}</style>`; break; case user_agent === 'is_chrome': default_styles += `<style id="chrome_style_rules">${chrome_style_rules}</style>`; break; } return default_styles; // return styles } // ***** END STYLES ***** // //==============================// // ***** INDEX PREP ***** // // Try to determine index type from parent directory link container, with fallbacks for indexes that don't have parent directories, or for parent directory links that aren't siblings or ancestors of the index itself. function getIndexType() { // ===> GET INDEX TYPE let index_el = getEls( 'body > ul, body ul, body > pre, body > table:last-of-type, body div table', ); if (index_el.length > 1) { index_el = Array.from(index_el).filter( (el) => el?.nodeName?.toLowerCase() === 'table', ) || index_el.reverse()[0]; } // some index pages have pre and table elements; list is usually table index_el = index_el[0]; let node_name = index_el !== undefined ? index_el.nodeName.toLowerCase() : 'body'; // "body" is likely to be an error page let types = { gecko: 'gecko', ul: 'list', pre: 'pre', table: 'table', th: 'table', td: 'table', div: 'default', error: 'error', body: 'error', permission_denied: 'permission_denied', }; // object array of types return types[node_name]; // return index type } function getIndexItems(agent) { let type = getIndexType(agent), items; // ===> GET INDEX ITEMS // get index type, define items switch (type) { case 'error': items = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0] .outerHTML; break; // error type case 'pre': items = getEl('body > pre').innerHTML; break; // pre type case 'list': items = getEls( 'body > ul li, body > * > ul li', ); break; // list type case 'table': case 'td': // table types switch (true) { case elExists('table > tbody'): items = getEls( 'body table > tbody tr', ); break; // ordinary tables case !elExists('table > tbody'): items = getEls('body table tr'); break; // tables without tbody element } break; case 'gecko': items = getEls( 'body > table > tbody > tr', ); break; // gecko type case 'default': items = getEls('body > table > tbody tr'); break; // default: how is this different from table type? } return [items, type]; // return index items and index type } //==============================// function prepPreType(items_str) { // ===> PREP PRE TYPE let prepped_index = [], parser = new DOMParser(), items_HTML = parser.parseFromString( items_str, 'text/html', ); // convert items_str to DOM html items_HTML .querySelectorAll('hr,img') .forEach((el) => el.remove()); // remove junk elements items_HTML.querySelectorAll('a').forEach( // remove junk links (sorting and parent links) or define item_link (el) => { if ( /^\?|^\./m.test( el.getAttribute('href'), ) || /^Parent$|^Parent Directory$|^\s*Up\s*$|^\s*Root\s*$/im.test( el.innerText, ) ) { el.remove(); } }, ); items_str = items_HTML.querySelector('body').innerHTML; // convert DOM html back to str // remove header elements | link text nodes | links with empty text nodes (which are sometimes duplicated) | name, last modified, size, description) items_str = items_str .replace(/\<dir\>/gm, ' ') .replace(/<br>/gi, '\n') .replace(/[ ]*<h\d>[^<]*<\/h\d>[ ]*/gim, '') .replace( /[ ]*(<a[^>]+?>)[^<]*(<\/a>)/g, '$1$2 ', ) .replace(/(\w)<a /g, '$1 <a '); // clean string const items = items_str.split('\n'); // create array of item strings from items for (let i = items.length; i--; ) { let prepped_item = [], link; let cells = items[i].split(/\s{2,}/); for (let j = cells.length; j--; ) { let cell = cells[j]; if ( cell.trim().length > 0 && cell.trim() !== '-' ) { if (!cell.startsWith('<a ')) { prepped_item.push(cell); } else { link = cell.split('"')[1]; } // extract link } } if ( link === undefined || /^\.\.$|^\.\.\/$|^\/$|^\?|\?sort=|\?path=\&/im.test( link, ) ) { prepped_item = []; } else { prepped_item.unshift(link); } // exclude some items (e.g., parent directory links) if (prepped_item.length > 0) { prepped_index.push(prepped_item); } // add prepped item to index } return prepped_index; // return prepped index } function prepListType(items) { // ===> PREP LIST TYPE let prepped_index = []; for (let i = items.length; i--; ) { let item = items[i]; if ( item.innerHTML.indexOf( 'Parent Directory', ) === -1 ) { let prepped_item = [], link = item.querySelector('a')?.href; item.querySelector('a')?.remove(); Array.from(item.children).forEach( (child) => { if (child.innerText === '') { child.remove(); } }, ); // remove link and empty child elements let cells = item.innerHTML.split(' '); // create array from remaining elements for (let cell of cells) { prepped_item.push(cell); } if ( link === undefined || /^\.\.$|^\.\.\/$|^\/$|^\?|\?sort=|\?path=\&/im.test( link, ) ) { prepped_item = []; } else { prepped_item.unshift(link); } // exclude some items (e.g., parent directory links) if (prepped_item.length > 0) { prepped_index.push(prepped_item); } } } return prepped_index; // return prepped index } function prepGeckoType(items) { // ===> PREP GECKO TYPE let prepped_index = []; for (let item of items) { let prepped_item = [], cellContents = '', cells = item.cells, link = item.innerHTML .split('href="')[1] .split('">')[0]; for (let cell of cells) { cellContents = cell.innerText; cellContents = cellContents !== undefined ? cellContents.trim() : ''; prepped_item.push(cellContents); } prepped_item[1] = prepped_item[1].replace( /\s*KB/, '000', ); // convert reported size in KB to total bytes prepped_item[2] = prepped_item[2] + ' ' + prepped_item[3]; prepped_item = prepped_item.slice(1, -1); if ( link === undefined || /^\.\.$|^\.\.\/$|^\/$|^\?|\?sort=|\?path=\&/im.test( link, ) ) { prepped_item = []; } else { prepped_item.unshift(link); } // exclude some items (e.g., parent directory links) if (prepped_item.length > 0) { prepped_index.push(prepped_item); } } return prepped_index; // return prepped index } function prepTableType(items) { //*** for local chrome indexes and server-generated table-type indexes // ===> PREP TABLE TYPE // const testString = new RegExp(/alt=\"\[PARENTDIR\]|>\s*\ \s*<|^\s*\ \s*$|^\s*-\s*$|\?sort=|\?path=\&/,'mi'); let prepped_index = [], prepped_item, item, cell, cell_text; for (item of items) { if (item.querySelector('td a') !== null) { let link; prepped_item = []; // get legitimate items (i.e., those containing a link) for (cell of item.cells) { // get text from remaining cells (date & size) switch (true) { case cell.querySelector('a') !== null && link === undefined: link = item .querySelector('a') ?.getAttribute('href'); // get link; add to prepped_item; ignore if link already defined if ( !/^\?|^\.\.\/$|^\|\"\/\".$/m.test( link, ) && !/^\s*parent directory\*$|^\*up\s*$/m.test( item.innerText.toLowerCase(), ) ) { prepped_item.unshift(link); } // else { prepped_item.unshift(''); } break; default: cell_text = cell.innerText .trim() .replace( /(^[ ]*-[ ]*$|[ ]*-[ ]*\ [ ]*$)|\ /m, '', ); // prep cells and clean cell text if ( !/<td\s*[^>]*>dir|directory|file<\/td>|>\w*\s*file<|>\w*\s*unknown</i.test( cell.outerHTML.toLowerCase(), ) && cell_text !== '' ) { prepped_item.push(cell_text); } // exclude various cells } } if ( prepped_item.length > 1 && prepped_item[0] !== '' ) { prepped_index.push(prepped_item); } // prepped_item.length > 2 in order to omit parent directory item } } return prepped_index; // return prepped index } function prepErrorType(items) { return items; } // ===> PREP ERROR TYPE; receives and returns html string function prepPlaylist(items) { // ===> PREP PLAYLIST items let prepped_index = []; let prepped_item, link, duration, name, info; let items_arr, type; items = items .replace(/\s*#EXTM3U.*\s*/g, '') .replace(/^\*\n{2,}/gm, '\n') .replace(/\.pdf\?.+?\n/g, '.pdf\n'); //.replace(/\?/g,'%3F'); // remove header comment and multiple returns switch ( true // determine playlist type; ) { case /#EXTINF:/i.test(items): type = 'extm3u'; items_arr = items.split('#EXTINF:'); break; // rows made by splitting at "#EXTIMG:" prefix default: type = 'm3u'; items_arr = items.split('\n'); break; // rows are just naked links } items_arr.forEach((item) => { switch ( true // get entry information: title, link, etc. ) { case type === 'extm3u': item = item.trim().split('\n'); link = item[1]; info = item[0].split(','); duration = info.shift(); name = info.join(','); if (item[1] !== undefined) { prepped_item = [ link, duration, '', name, ]; } break; case type === 'm3u': prepped_item = [item, '', '']; break; // m3u with urls only } if (prepped_item !== undefined) { prepped_index.push(prepped_item); } }); return prepped_index; // return prepped index } function convertIndexItems(items, type) { let converted = []; // ===> CONVERT INDEX ITEMS by type; returns [prepped_index] switch (type) { case 'gecko': converted = prepGeckoType(items); break; case 'list': converted = prepListType(items); break; case 'pre': converted = prepPreType(items); break; case 'table': case 'default': converted = prepTableType(items, type); break; case 'error': converted = prepErrorType(items); break; } return converted; } //==============================// function buildNewIndex( id, prepped_index, sort, type, body_id, ) { // ===> BUILD NEW INDEX from prepped rows let i, new_index_items = [], body_classes = new Set(); let index_html = ''; let new_item, item, item_info = [], item_link, item_name, item_sort_name, item_size_and_date, item_size, item_sort_size, item_date, item_sort_date, item_ext, item_description, item_sort_kind, item_classes; let name_span, cell_link, cell_name, cell_size, cell_date, cell_kind, cell_ext, cell_time, prepped_index_length = prepped_index.length, item_disabled, item_input; let stats, stats_classes = [], stats_kinds = [], stats_total_size = 0, media_count = 0; let dir_list_parent_class = body_id === (null || 'top_body') || type === 'playlist' ? 'top_item' : 'iframe_item', is_playlist = type === 'playlist' ? type + '_' : ''; // id used to set dir list details style let parent_id = getCurrentUIPref('parent_id') || '', connector = getCurrentUIPref('parent_id') ? '_' : '', level = Number(getCurrentUIPref('level')) || 0, level_style = level === 0 ? '' : `style="padding-left:${Number(level) * 22}px;"`; // ensure unique ids (with parent_id) and set indents for subdirectory items if (prepped_index_length > 5000) { if ( confirm( `This directory contains ${prepped_index_length} items; it may take a long time to process and could cause your browser to crash. Are you sure you want to open it?`, ) === false ) { return; } } switch ( type // add body classes according to index type ) { case 'error': body_classes.add('is_error'); break; case 'pre': body_classes.add('is_converted_pre'); break; case 'list': body_classes.add('is_converted_list'); break; case 'table': case 'td': body_classes.add('is_converted_table'); break; case 'default': body_classes.add('is_default'); break; } // create and format directory item for (i = 0; i < prepped_index_length; i++) { item = prepped_index[i]; item_info = getLinkInfo(item[0]); // returns [link,name,ext,kind,item_classes,body_classes]; item_link = item_info[0]; item_name = item_info[1] || item[3]; // prep display name, with word breaks added after unbreakable chars item_sort_name = item_name.toLocaleLowerCase(); item_size_and_date = getItemSizeAndDate(item); item_size = item_size_and_date[0]; item_sort_size = item_size_and_date[1]; item_date = item_size_and_date[2]; item_sort_date = item_size_and_date[3]; item_ext = item_info[2]; item_sort_kind = item_info[3]; item_classes = item_info[4] + ' ' + dir_list_parent_class; item_disabled = /local/.test(item_classes) ? ' disabled="disabled"' : ''; // disable media if local file on non_local page or vice versa item_input = (/audio|video/.test(item_sort_kind) && /top/.test(body_id)) || type === 'playlist' ? `<input class="dirlist_item_input" type="checkbox" tabindex="-1" checked="true" ${item_disabled} autocomplete="off" />` : ''; // Assemble item elements name_span = `<span class="icon has_icon_before_before"></span><span class="name_span display_flex">${item_input}<span>${item_name}</span></span>`; cell_link = `<a href="${item_link}" class="icon dirlist_item_name name dirlist_item_name_a position_relative">${name_span}</a>`; cell_name = `${cell_link}`; cell_time = `<span class="dirlist_item_media_duration align_right" data-duration=""></span>`; cell_size = `<span class="dirlist_item_details size details" data-size="${item_sort_size}">${item_size}</span>`; cell_date = `<span class="dirlist_item_details date details overflow_hidden" data-date="${item_sort_date}">${item_date}</span>`; cell_kind = `<span class="dirlist_item_details kind details" data-kind="${item_sort_kind}">${item_sort_kind}</span>`; cell_ext = `<span class="ext details" data-ext="${item_ext}"></span>`; item_description = item[3] !== undefined ? `<span class="desc dirlist_item_details"><i>Description</i>: ${item[3]} </span>` : ''; // some servers provide a description of the item // Assemble item new_item = `<li id="${parent_id}${connector}${is_playlist}rowid-${prepped_index.length - i}" class="dirlist_item ${item_classes}" data-title="${item_name}" data-name="${item_sort_name.split('/')[0]}" data-kind="${item_sort_kind}" data-ext="${item_ext}" data-level="${level}" ${level_style}>${cell_name} ${cell_time} ${cell_size} ${cell_date} ${cell_kind} ${cell_ext} ${item_description}</li>\n`; if (/audio|video/.test(item_sort_kind)) { media_count += 1; // if media item... let media_kind = item_sort_kind, media_item_id = parent_id + connector + is_playlist + 'rowid-' + (prepped_index.length - i), is_subdir = /subdirectory/.test(, ) ? true : false; // get media duration, not in utility subdir (limit to 1000 calls): if ( media_count < 1000 && is_subdir !== true ) { getMediaDuration( item_link, media_kind, media_item_id, is_subdir, ); } else { new_item = new_item.replace( /data-duration="">/, 'data-duration="NaN">', ); } } new_index_items.push(new_item); // add item to index items body_classes.add(item_info[5].join(' ')); // add item classes to body_classes stats_kinds.push(item_sort_kind); stats_total_size += Number(item_sort_size); stats_classes.push(item_info[6]); // STATS: add item kind; update total size; add to stats classes } body_classes = [...body_classes] .filter((body_class) => body_class) .sort(); // BODY CLASSES: body_classes to array, filter empty items, sort stats = buildStats( stats_classes, stats_kinds, stats_total_size, ); // STATS: build stats if (sort === '' || sort === undefined) { sort = getCurrentUIPref('sort_by'); } // SORT ITEMS: get sort_by pref let sort_direction = getCurrentUIPref( 'sort_direction', ); // get sort_direction pref let sorted_index_items = sortDirListItems( new_index_items, 'sort_by_' + sort, sort_direction, ); // make initial sort return [ sorted_index_items, body_classes.join(' '), stats, index_html, ]; // RETURN [sorted_index_items, body_classes, stats, index_html] } //==============================// function getLinkInfo(link) { // ===> GET LINK INFO; returns [link,name,ext,kind,item_classes,body_classes,link_protocol] switch (true) { case link === undefined: return; // return if link undefined case link === null: link = getEl('#content_iframe').src; break; // link from opening local link files links in iframe case link.startsWith('file://') && window.location.protocol === 'file:': link = link.split('file://')[1]; break; // local links case link.startsWith('/') && window.location.protocol === 'file:': link = 'file://' + link; break; // local links case !link.startsWith('/') && !link.endsWith('/') && !/\./.test(link): link = '/' + link + ''; break; } link = link .replace(/%3C/g, '<') .replace(/\.pdf\..+/, '.pdf'); // fix and sanitize links // if ( /\.php\?(\w+)=/.test(link) ) { link = link.split('\.php')[1]; } // attempt to deal with some php links let URL = newURL( decodeURIComponentSafe( encodeURIComponent(link), ), ); let prepped_link, display_name, kind, ext, item_classes = [], body_classes = [], stats_classes = [], aliases = new RegExp( /(symlink|alias|symbolic link)$/, 'm', ), link_protocol = URL.protocol; switch ( true // prep link ) { case window_protocol !== 'file:': // for non-local pages switch (true) { case URL.protocol === 'file:': case URL.protocol === undefined: prepped_link = link; item_classes.push('local', 'ignored'); break; // local links from non-local pages default: prepped_link = URL.href; // non-local pages } break; case window_protocol === 'file:': // for non-local pages switch (true) { case URL.protocol !== 'file:': prepped_link = URL.href; item_classes.push('non_local'); break; default: prepped_link = URL.pathname; } } switch ( true // prepare display name, body_classes, and item_classes ) { case /| && !link.indexOf('/.'): prepped_link = link.replace( /watch%3F/, 'watch?', ); kind = 'video'; item_classes.push('video', 'media'); display_name = undefined; break; // youtube videos from playlists case URL.pathname.endsWith('/'): case /\.php\?/.test(link): // nobreak; dirs, apps and index.php? links display_name = URL.pathname.endsWith('/') ? URL.pathname.split('/').reverse()[1] + '/' : /\.php\?/.test(link) ? link : null; switch (true) { case /\.app$|\.app\/$|\.exe$/m.test( display_name, ): ext = 'app'; kind = ext; // apps if ( UI_Prefs_Bool.apps_as_dirs === false ) { item_classes .sort() .unshift('file', 'app'); } else { item_classes .sort() .unshift('dir', 'app'); } break; default: ext = 'dir'; kind = 'dir'; item_classes.unshift(kind); // dirs; remove kind from item_classes } item_classes.push('non_media'); // add "non_media" to item_classes if (display_name.startsWith('.')) { item_classes.push('invisible'); stats_classes.push('invisible'); } break; default: // files display_name = prepped_link .trim() .split('/?')[0] .split('/') .reverse()[0]; switch (true) { case display_name .toLowerCase() .endsWith('symlink'): ext = 'symlink'; break; case !/\./.test(display_name): ext = display_name.toLowerCase(); break; // if no '.' in link (typical for bin files), ... default: // find the last . and get the remaining characters ext = display_name .slice( display_name.lastIndexOf('.') + 1, ) .toLowerCase(); for (let item_kind in Item_Kinds) { if ( Item_Kinds[item_kind].includes( ext, ) ) { kind = item_kind; } } // kind = types if ( /url|url\/|webloc|webloc\//.test( ext, ) ) { kind = 'link'; } // links switch (true) { case kind === 'audio': item_classes.push('media'); body_classes.push( 'has_media', 'has_audio', ); break; case kind === 'video': item_classes.push('media'); body_classes.push( 'has_media', 'has_video', ); break; case kind === 'font': body_classes.push('has_fonts'); break; case kind === 'image': body_classes.push('has_images'); break; } if ( Item_Settings.ignored.includes(ext) ) { item_classes.push('ignored'); stats_classes.push('ignored'); } if (display_name.startsWith('.')) { item_classes.push('invisible'); stats_classes.push('invisible'); } } if (kind === undefined) { kind = 'other'; } if (!/audio|video/.test(kind)) { item_classes.push('non_media'); } item_classes.unshift(kind); item_classes.unshift('file'); prepped_link = decodeURIComponentSafe( encodeURIComponent(prepped_link), )?.trim(); } stats_classes.push(kind); if (ext === undefined) { ext = ''; } if (aliases.test(display_name)) { item_classes.push('alias'); } for (let item_kind_system of Item_Kinds.system) { if ( display_name?.endsWith(item_kind_system) ) { item_classes.push('ignored'); } } // ignore various system items item_classes = Array.from( new Set(item_classes), ) .filter((item) => item) .join(' '); // remove dupe or empty classes, join return [ prepped_link, decodeURIComponentSafe( display_name, )?.trim(), ext, kind, item_classes, body_classes, stats_classes.join(' '), link_protocol, URL.origin + URL.pathname, ]; } //==============================// function getItemSizeAndDate(item) { // ===> GET ITEM SIZE AND DATE let item_size_and_date = [], item_display_size, item_sort_size, item_display_date, item_sort_date, size_units = /[BYTES|B|K|KB|MB|GB|TB|PB|EB|ZB|YB]/; if (item.length > 1) { // test for typical date/time separators. if (/[-:\/]/.test(item[1])) { item_display_date = item[1]; item_display_size = item[2]; } else { item_display_date = item[2]; item_display_size = item[1]; } } switch ( true // get size ) { case item_display_size !== undefined && item_display_size.toLowerCase() === 'dir': case /undefined|—|-|,|\*/.test( item_display_size, ): case item_display_size === '': item_display_size = '—'; item_sort_size = '0'; break; // if size is undefined, empty, or punctuation, use these defaults default: item_sort_size = getItemSortSize( item_display_size, ); switch (true) { case !item_display_size .toUpperCase() .match(size_units): item_display_size = formatBytes( item_display_size, 1, ); break; // if provided size is only numeric, format byte size default: item_display_size = item_display_size .replace('K', 'k') .replace( /(\d+)\s*([A-z])/, '$1 $2', ); // default: format and ensure display size has space between number and units } break; } if (item_display_size === 'NaN undefined') { item_display_size = '0 B'; } // get date if ( [undefined, '', '-'].includes( item_display_date, ) ) { item_display_date = '—'; item_sort_date = '0'; } else { item_sort_date = getItemDate( item_display_date, ); } item_display_date = item_display_date .replace(/, (.+)/, '<wbr>, $1') .replace(/ (AM|PM)$/im, '<wbr> $1') .replace(/\s/g, ' '); // ensure that time acts as a block for wrapping in narrow sidebar item_size_and_date.push( item_display_size, item_sort_size, item_display_date, item_sort_date, ); return item_size_and_date; } function getItemSortSize(val) { // GET ITEM SORT SIZE let sort_size, values = val .replace(/(\d+)\s*([A-z]+)/, '$1 $2') .split(' '), size = values[0], unit = values[1]; const factor = { undefined: 1, '': 1, B: 1, K: 1000, KB: 1000, M: 1000000, MB: 1000000, G: 1000000000, GB: 1000000000, T: 1000000000000, TB: 1000000000000, P: 1000000000000000, PB: 1000000000000000, E: 1000000000000000000, EB: 1000000000000000000, Z: 1000000000000000000000, ZB: 1000000000000000000000, }; // unit to file size if (unit !== undefined) { unit = unit.toUpperCase(); } sort_size = size * factor[unit]; // convert byte size to multiplication factor return sort_size; } function formatBytes(val, decimals) { // ===> FORMAT BYTES: format numeric sizes for display const k = ####, dm = decimals < 0 ? 0 : decimals, sizes = [ 'B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB', ], i = Math.floor(Math.log(val) / Math.log(k)); if (val === 0) { return '0 Bytes'; } else { return ( parseFloat( (val / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(dm), ) + ' ' + sizes[i] ); } } function processDate(match, p1, p2, p3) { //***date formats: 2017-10-09 13:12 || 2015-07-25T02:02:57.000Z || 12-Mon-2017 21:11 ***// // ===> PROCESS DATE const mo = 'JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec'.indexOf( p2, ) / 3 + 1; // e.g., convert month into number, or use number return p3 + '-' + mo + '-' + p1; // return assembled date: YYYY-MM-DD } function getItemDate(val) { // ===> GET ITEM DATE: for sorting (YYYY-MM-DD) let sort_date = val .replace( /^(\d{2})-(\w{3})-(\d{4})/m, processDate, ) // convert Month to number .replace(/\b(\d{1})[-:/]/g, '0$1/') // add leading 0 for single digit numbers .replace( /(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{2}),/, '$3$1$2', ) // reorder MM/DD/YY dates to YY/MM/DD .replace(/-|:|\s+|\//g, ''); // remove spacing characters return sort_date; } //==============================// // FETCH MEDIA DURATIONS var getFormattedDuration = (secs) => { if (isNaN(secs)) { return Number.NaN; } // ===> GET FORMATTED TIME let sec_num = parseInt(secs, 10), hours = Math.floor(sec_num / 3600), minutes = Math.floor(sec_num / 60) % 60, seconds = sec_num % 60; let formattedTime = [hours, minutes, seconds] .map((v) => (v < 10 ? '0' + v : v)) .filter((v, i) => v !== '00' || i > 0) .join(':'); formattedTime = formattedTime.replace( /^0/m, '', ); return formattedTime; // remove initial 0 and return formatted time }; async function fetchMediaDuration(link, kind) { // ===> ASYNC FETCH MEDIA DURATION return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const media = kind === 'audio' ? new Audio() : document.createElement('video'); media.addEventListener( 'loadedmetadata', () => { resolve(media.duration); }, ); media.addEventListener('error', reject); media.src = link.replace(/\&/g, '&'); }); } async function getMediaDuration( link, media_kind, id, ) { // ===> ASYNC GET MEDIA DURATION (not utility iframe subdir items; see buildNewIndex) try { const duration = await fetchMediaDuration( link, media_kind, ); setMediaDuration(id, media_kind, duration); // await media duration; set media duration } catch (error) { if ( (id?.indexOf('playlist') && hasClass('body', 'has_playlist')) || (!id?.indexOf('playlist') && !hasClass('body', 'has_playlist')) ) { setMediaDuration( id, media_kind, Number.NaN, ); } // on error, set dur = NaN } } // SET MEDIA DURATIONS function getThisDuration(id) { let item_dur = Number( getData( '#' + id + ' .dirlist_item_media_duration', 'duration', ), ); if (id !== undefined) { return isNaN(item_dur) ? Number.NaN : item_dur; } } // return dur or NaN function setThisDuration(id, dur) { getEl('#' + id).querySelector( '.dirlist_item_media_duration', ).dataset.duration = dur; } function setMediaDuration(id, kind, duration) { let el; // ===> SET MEDIA DURATION if ( id === 'content_iframe_file' || /| getEl('#' + id + ' a')?.href, ) ) { return; } // do not attempt to set duration for iframe files or youtube playlist items try { el = getEl('#' + id); setThisDuration(id, duration); switch (true) { case Number(duration) === 0: case isNaN(Number(duration)): el.classList.add('disabled'); break; // if duration is NaN, disable and show spinner default: el.querySelector( '.dirlist_item_media_duration', ).innerText = getFormattedDuration(duration); el.classList.remove('disabled'); el.querySelector( 'input', )?.removeAttribute('disabled'); statsSetTotalDuration(duration, kind); break; // if duration is a number, update stats } } catch (error) { null; } } function statsSetTotalDuration(duration, kind) { let media_items = getEls( '', ); if (!media_items) { return; } // if no media items, or total times already calculated, abort let total_duration = Number( getEl('#total_duration')?.dataset .total_duration, ), audio_duration = 0, video_duration = 0; switch (true) { case kind !== 'refresh_all': addClass('body', 'has_' + kind); // after opening subdir total_duration = Number(total_duration) + Number(duration); getEl( '#total_duration', ).dataset.total_duration = total_duration; getEl('#total_duration').innerText = getFormattedDuration(total_duration); break; // set display total duration default: for ( let i = 0; i < media_items.length; i++ ) { duration = getThisDuration( media_items[i].id, ); // get duration from dirlist item if (!isNaN(Number(duration))) { total_duration = Number(total_duration) + Number(duration); } else { return; } // update total duration switch ( true // update audio and video total durations ) { case kind === 'audio': audio_duration = Number(audio_duration) + Number(duration); // add has_audio class, increment total audio duration setAttr( '#stats_details_items', 'data-audio_duration', ' (Total Time: ' + getFormattedDuration( audio_duration, ) + ')', ); break; case kind === 'video': video_duration = Number(video_duration) + Number(duration); // add has_video class, increment total video duration setAttr( '#stats_details_items', 'data-video_duration', ' (Total Time: ' + getFormattedDuration( video_duration, ) + ')', ); break; } setAttr( '#total_duration', 'data-total_duration', total_duration, ); getEl('#total_duration').innerText = getFormattedDuration(total_duration); // set display total duration } } } // REFRESH MEDIA DURATIONS function refreshMediaDurations(id) { let media_items, item = getEl('#' + id), link = item?.querySelector('a')?.href, kind = item?.dataset?.kind; // ===> REFRESH MEDIA DURATIONS from menu or selecting [Error] media file switch (true) { case id === 'refresh_media_durations': // refresh all durations; from click refresh media durations menu item media_items = Array.from( getEls(''), ); media_items = media_items.filter((el) => { return ( isNaN(getThisDuration(el?.id)) || getThisDuration(el?.id) === 0 ); }); // only update if dur is falsey media_items.forEach((el) => refreshMediaDurations(el?.id), ); // send each media item with id back to function for default processing if (isTopWindow()) { messageSend( 'iframe', 'refresh_media_durations', ); } break; // send refresh message to iframe default: if ( isNaN(getThisDuration(id)) || getThisDuration(id) === 0 ) { setThisDuration(id, 0); getMediaDuration(link, kind, id); } break; // refresh dur by id; first set dur to 0 to show loading spinner } } //==============================// function buildStats( stats_classes, stats_kinds, stats_total_size, ) { //*** BUILD STATS stats_classes.sort(); let total_items = stats_classes.length, counts = {}, kinds = [], stats_items = [], total_dirs = 0, total_files = 0, total_dirs_invisible = 0, total_files_invisible = 0, total_invisibles = ''; for (let i = 0; i < total_items; i++) { // Get counts stats_classes[i] = stats_classes[i] .split(' ') .reverse() .join(' '); // reorder classes to make invisible/ignored last counts[stats_classes[i]] = 1 + (counts[stats_classes[i]] || 0); // get key/value pairs for item_classes/total counts switch (true) { case !/invisible|ignored/.test( stats_classes[i], ): break; // don't count :not(.invisible) and :not(.ignored) case getCurrentUIPref( 'show_invisibles', ) === 'true' && getCurrentUIPref( 'show_ignored_items', ) === 'false': // show_invisibles && hide_ignored if ( /invisible/.test(stats_classes[i]) && /ignored/.test(stats_classes[i]) ) { break; } // don't count .invisible.ignored if (/dir/.test(stats_classes[i])) { total_dirs_invisible++; } else { total_files_invisible++; } break; // else count .ignored case getCurrentUIPref( 'show_invisibles', ) === 'false' && getCurrentUIPref( 'show_ignored_items', ) === 'false': // hide_invisibles && hide_ignored (hide all) if (/dir/.test(stats_classes[i])) { total_dirs_invisible++; } else { total_files_invisible++; } break; // count .invisible and .ignored (count all) case getCurrentUIPref( 'show_invisibles', ) === 'true' && getCurrentUIPref( 'show_ignored_items', ) === 'true': break; // don't count .invisible or .ignored (count none) case getCurrentUIPref( 'show_invisibles', ) === 'false' && getCurrentUIPref( 'show_ignored_items', ) === 'true': // hide_invisibles && show_ignored if ( !/invisible/.test(stats_classes[i]) && /ignored/.test(stats_classes[i]) ) { break; } // don't count .ignored:not(.invisible) if (/dir/.test(stats_classes[i])) { total_dirs_invisible++; } else { total_files_invisible++; } break; // else count .invisible and .invisible.ignored } } for (let i = 0; i < stats_kinds.length; i++) { kinds[stats_kinds[i]] = 1 + (kinds[stats_kinds[i]] || 0); } // get key/value pairs for item kinds/counts total_dirs = kinds.dir || 0; total_files = total_items - total_dirs; // total dirs && files count if ( getCurrentUIPref('show_invisibles') === 'false' || getCurrentUIPref('show_ignored_items') === 'false' ) { total_invisibles = ' (+' + (total_dirs_invisible + total_files_invisible) + ')'; total_items = total_items - (total_dirs_invisible + total_files_invisible); total_dirs = total_dirs - total_dirs_invisible; total_files = total_files - total_files_invisible; } for (let count in counts) { // make detail item for each kind of dirlist item --> doesn't preserve order let kinds_items = count.split(' '), temp_items = [], stats_Item_Kinds = ''; kinds_items.forEach((item) => !/ignored|invisible/.test(item) ? temp_items.unshift(item) : temp_items.push(item), ); kinds_items = temp_items; kinds_items.forEach( (item) => (stats_Item_Kinds += `<span class="${item}" >` + (/ignored|invisible/.test(item) ? ' (' + item + ')' : item.trim()) + `</span>`), ); let stats_item = `<li class="stats_list_item display_grid ${kinds_items[0]}" data-kind="${kinds_items[0]}"><a class="icon stats_list_item_name_a display_flex" data-count="${counts[count]}"><span class="has_icon_before_before"></span><span class="stats_list_item_name_a_span">${stats_Item_Kinds}</span></a></li>`; stats_items.push(stats_item); } stats_items.sort(); return `<nav id="stats_container" class="display_flex width_100"><div id="stats" class="normal pointer overflow_hidden font_size_small"> <ol id="stats_summary" class="background_grey_80 text_color_default margin_0 padding_0"> <li class="stats_list_item line_height_1_2 no_highlight padding_4_8"><span id="stats_summary_totals" class="display_flex align_left" data-size="${stats_total_size}">${total_items} Items${total_invisibles}: ${total_dirs} Dirs, ${total_files} Files (${formatBytes(stats_total_size, 2)})</span><span id="total_duration" class="display_none" data-total_duration=""></span></li> </ol> <ol id="stats_details_summary" class="border_bottom position_relative background_grey_80 text_color_default margin_0 padding_0 display_none"> <li id="stats_details_summary_total" class="summary_detailed border_bottom padding_4_8 no_highlight"><span>${total_items} Items (${total_dirs_invisible + total_files_invisible} invisible or ignored)</span></li> <li id="stats_details_summary_dirs" class="stats_list_item line_height_1_2 dir summary_detailed background_grey_85 padding_0"><a class="icon stats_list_item_name_a display_flex" data-count="${total_dirs}"> <span class="stats_list_item_name_a_span display_flex has_icon_before stats_kind">Dirs (${total_dirs_invisible} invisible or ignored)</span> </a></li> <li id="stats_details_summary_files" class="stats_list_item line_height_1_2 file summary_detailed background_grey_85 padding_0"><a class="icon stats_list_item_name_a display_flex" data-count="${total_files}"><span class="stats_list_item_name_a_span display_flex has_icon_before stats_kind">Files (${total_files_invisible} invisible or ignored)</span></a></li> </ol> <div id="stats_details_items_container"> <ol id="stats_details_items" class="margin_0 padding_0 position_relative display_none"> ${stats_items.join('\n')} </ol> </div> </div></nav>`; } function updateStats(bool) { // ===> UPDATE STATS (bool: add or subtract size from total) let items = getEls('.dirlist_item'), item_info, total_item_size, stats_classes = [], stats_kinds = [], item_classlist = [], total_size = 0; // get all dir_list items getEls('.dirlist_item_details.size').forEach( (el) => (total_size += Number(el.dataset.size)), ); total_item_size = bool === false ? total_size : Number( getData( '#stats_summary_totals', 'size', ), ); for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { // get classes and kind for each item item_info = getLinkInfo( items[i].getElementsByClassName( 'dirlist_item_name_a', )[0].href, ); // get item info = [link,name,ext,kind,item_classes,body_classes]; item_classlist = item_info[4]; item_classlist = item_classlist .replace( /file|media|audio_loaded|content_loaded|has_subdirectory|selected|non_/g, '', ) .trim(); // get item_classlist; remove unwanted classes stats_classes.push(item_classlist); stats_kinds.push(item_info[3]); // add item_classlist to stats_classes; add Item_Kinds to stats_kinds total_item_size += Number( items[i].querySelector('.size').dataset .size, ); } getEl('#stats_container').remove(); getEl('#sidebar_footer').insertAdjacentHTML( 'afterbegin', buildStats( stats_classes, stats_kinds, total_item_size, 2, ), ); // remove old stats; build new stats and add to sidebar_footer statsSetTotalDuration(null, 'refresh_all'); initStatsEvents(); // initial event listeners for new stats items } // ***** END DIR_LIST SETUP ***** // //============================// // ***** UI SETUP ***** // function prepDocHead(agent) { // ===> PREP DOC HEAD document.title = 'Index of ' + window_location; // change the doc title to current location for (let attr_name of getEl( 'html', ).getAttributeNames()) { getEl('html').removeAttribute(attr_name); } // remove html attributes, if any getEl('head title').removeAttribute('id'); getEls( 'head meta, head base, head link, head style, head script, head noscript', ).forEach((headEl) => headEl.remove()); // remove various head elements let head_content = '<meta charset="utf-8"><base href="' + window.location.origin + '">' + getEl('head').innerHTML.replace( /<!--(?!>)[\S\s]*?-->/g, '', ); // add meta and remove conditional comments if ( window.location.protocol.startsWith('file') ) { head_content = get_SVG_UI_File_Icon('favicon') + head_content; } // add custom favicon for local directories getEl('head').innerHTML = head_content + addStyles(agent); // replace head content with prepped content } function getUIPrefBodyClasses(agent) { // ===> GET UI PREF BODY CLASSES and other initial settings let queries = new URLSearchParams(, ).entries(); queries = Object.fromEntries(queries); // make new search params from let body_classes = [], settings = Object.assign( {}, queries, UI_Settings, ); // merge UI_Settings and query settings for (let key in settings) { switch (true) { case [ 'grid_font_size', 'grid_image_size', 'ui_font', 'ui_scale', 'show_image_thumbnails', ].includes(key): break; // ignore these keys (values set in css or by buildTextEditorUI) case [ 'sort_by', 'sort_direction', 'theme', 'texteditor_view', ].includes(key): body_classes.push( key + '_' + getCurrentUIPref(key), ); break; // other non-booleans: class = key + value case getCurrentUIPref(key) === 'false': body_classes.push(key + '_false'); break; // booleans: only add false values } } body_classes.push(agent); body_classes.push('is_' + getOS()); // add browser and os classes return body_classes.sort().join(' '); } function makeNewIndex( el, sort, agent, body_id, ) { // ===> MAKE NEW INDEX const index_items = getIndexItems(agent), items = index_items[0], type = index_items[1]; const converted_index = convertIndexItems( items, type, ); // = array of rows: ["link","date","size"] switch (type) { case 'error': return [ [ [ '<tr id="is_error"><td id="is_error_items" class="padding_6_8">' + (items === undefined ? '' : items) + '</td></tr>', ], 'is_error', ], '', '', index_items, ]; default: return [ buildNewIndex(, converted_index, sort, type, body_id, ), ]; } } // ===> BUILD IFRAME DIR LIST UI, with utility iframe for subdirectories add function buildIframeUI(src, file_name, agent) { let parent_link = src.split('/').slice(0, -2).join('/') + '/', query_str = new URLSearchParams( .toString() .slice(1), ); let subdirectory = query_str.get('subdirectory') || null, body_id = query_str.get('body_id'); let iframe_directory, iframe_head, iframe_dir_list, content_body, gecko_styles, body_classes, iframe_utility_iframe, new_index, make_new_index, additional_classes; window.onmessage = function (e) { messageReceive(e); return; }; // init receive messages switch (true) { case === '': // nobreak; case is true when opening dirs from sidebar source dir case (query_str.get( 'show_directory_source', ) || query_str.get('is_error')) === 'true': if (elExists('#iframe_dir_styles')) { getEl('#iframe_dir_styles').remove(); } break; // do nothing when viewing directory source or if error page... default: // ...else set up iframe directory: iframe_head = getEl('head'); content_body = getEl('body'); iframe_dir_list = ''; gecko_styles = ''; body_classes = []; iframe_utility_iframe = '<iframe id="content_iframe_utility" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-modals allow-popups" style="display:none;"></iframe>'; if (/\.php\?/.test(src)) { query_str = new URLSearchParams( makeSrcSearchParams('dir'), ); } // define default params for index.php?folder=... pages for (let key of query_str.keys()) { // add various body_classes... switch (true) { case /show_details|ui_font/.test(key): break; // show details by default case query_str.get(key) === 'true': break; // ignore true booleans case query_str.get(key) === 'false': body_classes.push(key + '_false'); break; // add body classes for false boolean params default: body_classes.push( key + '_' + getCurrentUIPref(key), ); break; // non-boolean params (theme, sort) } } if (agent === 'is_gecko') { gecko_styles = '<style id="gecko_style_rules">' + gecko_style_rules + '</style>'; } new_index = makeNewIndex( content_body, query_str.get('sort_by'), '', body_id, ); // make new index make_new_index = new_index[0]; additional_classes = new_index[0][1] .trim() .split(/\s+/) .concat(body_classes); // define additional body classes if (!/is_error/.test(new_index[0][1])) { // if not an a error the ui iframe_head .querySelectorAll( 'style,script,meta,link[rel="stylesheet"],link[href$="css"]', ) .forEach((el) => el.remove()); // remove any existing directory index styles iframe_head.insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeend', `<style id="iframe_dir_styles">${iframe_dir_styles}</style><style id="sidebar_styles">${sidebar_styles}</style><style>${content_pane_styles}</style><style id="font_styles"></style><style id="font_grid_styles"></style>${gecko_styles}`, ); // assemble the iframe head switch ( true // Assemble content_iframe and utility_iframe content ) { case subdirectory === 'true': iframe_dir_list = `<div id="directory_list_outer"><ol id="directory_list" class="border_bottom text_color_default">${make_new_index[0]}</ol></div>`; break; default: iframe_directory = Sidebar_Elements( 'iframe', parent_link, ); // create iframe directory elements iframe_dir_list = iframe_directory .replace( /insert_prepped_index/, make_new_index[0], ) .replace( /insert_stats/, make_new_index[2], ); // assemble iframe directory content_body.removeAttribute( 'style', ); = getCurrentUIPref('ui_font'); // remove any body inline styles; set ui_font content_body.classList.add( ...additional_classes, ); // add body styles } content_body.innerHTML = iframe_dir_list + Content_Pane_Elements(); // append iframe_dir_list and content_pane for quicklook } if (subdirectory === null) { content_body.insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeend', iframe_utility_iframe, ); initIframeEvents(); } // don't multiply utility_iframes; init iframe event listeners if (subdirectory === 'true') { messageSend( 'top_body', 'dirlist_subdir_loaded', '', [ getEl('#directory_list').innerHTML, make_new_index[1], getCurrentUIPref('parent_id'), ], ); // send prepped subdir to parent window } else { messageSend( 'top_body', 'iframe_loaded', '', [src, file_name, 'dir'], ); // else send iframe_loaded message } } } // ===> BUILD TEXT EDITOR UI function buildTextEditorUI(kind) { let raw_markdown, body_classes = [], content; if (document.body === null) { // process remote webloc files content = document.documentElement.textContent; //messageSend('top_body','iframe_loaded','',[window_location,'',kind,null,content]); return; } if (!hasClass('body', 'has_texteditorUI')) { // add classes, styles, and scripts; only add once getEl('head').insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeend', '<style id="texteditor_styles">' + texteditor_styles + '</style>', ); getEl('head').insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeend', '<link id="github_markdown_css" rel="stylesheet" href=""></link>', ); body_classes.push( 'has_texteditorUI', 'texteditor_view_' + getCurrentUIPref('texteditor_view'), ); } switch ( true // get source text and append UI elements ) { case !isTopWindow(): // iframe text editing UI window.onmessage = function (e) { messageReceive(e); return false; }; // init receive messages is_link getEl('head').insertAdjacentHTML( 'afterbegin', '<meta charset="utf-8" /><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/plain; charset="utf-8">', ); getEl('head').insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeend', '<style id="global_styles">' + global_styles + '</style><style id="utilities_styles">' + utilities_styles + '</style>', ); // add iframe text editing styles if (kind === 'link') { tempHideTexteditor(); } // prevent FOUC for some kinds of content... raw_markdown = decodeURIComponentSafe( getEl('body').innerText, ); // get source text and decode Unicode chars. document.body.innerHTML = Content_Pane_Elements( 'content_text_elements', ) + Utilities_Elements('texteditor'); // add the UI getEl('#texteditor_raw_pane').value = raw_markdown; // set the source text value getEl( '#texteditor_raw_pane', ).setSelectionRange(0, 0); // set the insertion point to the beginning of the text if ( /^\#EXTM3U/m.test( getEl('#texteditor_raw_pane').value, ) ) { content = getEl( '#texteditor_raw_pane', ).value.trim(); messageSend( 'top_body', 'iframe_playlist', '', content, ); } // playlists & filelists addClass('body', 'is_text'); searchParamsGet().forEach( (key, value) => { addClass('body', value + '_' + key); }, ); // add text editor body classes break; } switch ( true // assemble text editing body classes ) { case getCurrentUIPref( 'text_editing_enable', ) === 'false' && !isTopWindow(): // if text editing disabled... if ( hasClass('body', 'texteditor_view_html') ) { searchParamSet( 'texteditor_view', 'raw', ); } removeClass( 'body', 'texteditor_view_html texteditor_split_view_true', ); // remove split_view and view_html classes body_classes.push( 'text_editing_enable_false', 'texteditor_split_view_false', 'texteditor_view_' + getCurrentUIPref('texteditor_view'), ); // show the raw text, no split view setAttr( '#texteditor_raw_pane', 'readonly', '', ); break; // disable textarea editing default: // ...otherwise set up text editing textEditorTogglePrefs( 'texteditor_split_view', getCurrentUIPref( 'texteditor_split_view', ) === 'false' ? 'false' : 'true', ); // set split view textEditorTogglePrefs( 'texteditor_sync_scroll', getCurrentUIPref( 'texteditor_sync_scroll', ) === 'false' ? 'false' : 'true', ); // set sync scroll } TextEditing(); initTextEditorEvents(); // text editing functions & init text editor event listeners } // ===> BUILD UI: Append all assembled elements to body function buildUI() { let make_new_index, body_classes, main_content, agent = getBrowser(), link_info, file_name, kind, iframe_src; switch (true) { case isTopWindow(): // if it's not an iframe... make_new_index = makeNewIndex( 'body', '', agent, 'top_body', ); // make index if (make_new_index[0] === undefined) { return; } // in case user cancels processing of large directory > 5000 items body_classes = make_new_index[0][1] + ' ' + getUIPrefBodyClasses(agent); // delete extra spaces, create array of body class names main_content = `${Sidebar_Elements('top_body')} ${Content_Pane_Elements()} ${Utilities_Elements('top_body')}`; // assemble html elements if (make_new_index[0][1] !== 'is_error') { main_content = main_content .replace( /insert_prepped_index/, make_new_index[0][0], ) .replace( /insert_stats/, make_new_index[0][2], ); // build dir_index and stats, add to MainContent } else { main_content = main_content .replace(/insert_prepped_index/, '') .replace( /<ul id=\"sidebar_header_utilities_row_1[\s\S]+Show Font Grid<\/li>\s*<\/ul>\s*<\/li>\s*<\/ul>/m, '', ) .replace( /<ul id=\"show_texteditor[\s\S]+Text Editor<\/span><\/li><\/ul>/, '', ) .replace(/<footer[\s\S]+footer>/, ''); // build error ui } document.body.innerHTML = ''; // remove body contents prepDocHead(agent); // add title, favicon, meta tags, styles to head setAttr('body', 'id', 'top_body'); // add body id setAttr('body', 'lang', 'en'); // add body lang attr if ( document.body.getAttribute('class') !== null ) { document.body.removeAttribute('class'); } // remove body classes, if any addClass('body', body_classes); // add body classes document.body.innerHTML = main_content; // add main content to body uiPrefFontSet(); uiPrefScaleSet( null, Number(getCurrentUIPref('ui_scale')), true, ); // set ui font and scale if (make_new_index[0][1] !== 'is_error') { initEvents(); autoLoadItems(); } else { initBaseEvents(); showDirectorySource( window.location.origin + window.location.pathname + '?error=is_error', ); addClass( '#content_iframe', 'has_content', ); } break; case !isTopWindow() && !/\.pdf$/.test(window.location.pathname): // if iframe and not pdf (i.e. embed el), setup iframe UI iframe_src = window.location.href; link_info = getLinkInfo(iframe_src); file_name = link_info[1]; kind = link_info[3]; setAttr('body', 'id', 'content_body'); // add iframe body id switch ( true // determine UI type... ) { case /\.php\?/.test(iframe_src): // attempt to deal with some .php?folder links case /app|dir/.test(kind) && !/is_error/.test(iframe_src): buildIframeUI( iframe_src, file_name, agent, ); addClass('body', 'is_dir'); break; // if dir, set up iframe dir list UI case kind === 'link': case link_info[2] === 'cuetxt': main_content = document.body?.innerText || document.documentElement .textContent; // nobreak; if link or cuetxt, send file content if ( link_info[2].startsWith('webloc') && window_protocol !== 'file:' ) { kind = 'remote_webloc'; break; } // if remote webloc file w/o document.body case /code|text|markdown|other/.test( kind, ) && !(window.parent !== buildTextEditorUI(kind); addClass('body', 'is_text'); // if text file, set up iframe text editor main_content = getEl( '#texteditor_raw_pane', )?.value; break; // get text content for optional processing (cuetxt) case kind === 'htm': main_content = getEl('html').outerHTML; addClass('body', 'is_html'); if ( document.head.querySelector( '#supercharged_styles', ) === null ) { getEl('head').insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeend', '<style id="supercharged_styles">body.theme_dark img { filter:invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg) saturate(0.5) !important; }</style>', ); } if ( getCurrentUIPref('theme') === 'dark' ) { addClass('body', 'theme_dark'); } else { removeClass('body', 'theme_dark'); } // nobreak; if html file, get innerHTML default: initIframeEvents(); break; // if any other iframe content } messageSend( 'top_body', 'iframe_loaded', '', [ iframe_src, file_name, kind, null, main_content, ], ); // send iframe_loaded message (not dir|link file) with args break; } uiPrefImgThumbsToggle( getCurrentUIPref('show_image_thumbnails'), ); // load image thumbnails after building ui } buildUI(); //============================// // INITIALIZE EVENT LISTENERS function initEvents() { if (window.parent !== { return; } initBaseEvents(); initDirListEvents(); initStatsEvents(); initWarningEvents(); // ===> INIT EVENT LISTENERS // init base events, stats events, and dir list events getEl('#default_settings').onclick = function (e) { uiPrefsReset(e); }; // settings to default getEl('#show_directory_source').onclick = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); showWarning('showDirectorySource'); }; // toggle show directory source getEl('#open_in_content_pane').onclick = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); showWarning('openSidebarInContentPane'); }; // open sidebar in content pane getEl('#open_in_texteditor').onclick = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); openInTextEditor(); }; // openInTextEditor getEls( '#open_font_label, #open_playlist_label, textarea, div[contenteditable], select, #scale', ).forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }), ); // stopProp on various clicks getEls( '#show_font_grid, #show_grid_btn, #show_image_grid, #show_texteditor, #texteditor', ).forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { eStopPrevent(e); showThis(, false, true); }), ); // show grids or text editor getEl('#show_grid_btn').onmouseenter = function () { addClass('body', 'has_menu_grid'); }; getEl('#show_grid_btn').onmouseleave = function () { removeClass('body', 'has_menu_grid'); }; getEl('#close_audio').onclick = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); showMedia('close_audio'); }; // close audio button click getEl('#sidebar_footer').onclick = function () { removeClass('.dirlist_item', 'hovered'); }; // getEl('#content_image').onclick = function ( e, ) { e.stopPropagation(); scaleImages(e); }; // Zoom image on click getEls( '#content_title,#content_audio_title', ).forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function () { playlistShowItem(; }), ); window.onresize = function (e) { if ( hasClass( 'body', 'audio_player_on_top_false', ) ) { audioPlayerPositionToggle('reset'); } menuShow( e, 'cuesheet_track_list_container_audio', ); }; // reset text editor split getEls('#open_font,#open_playlist').forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { openFiles(e,; }), ); // Open files (onclick show warnings) getEls('#open_font,#open_playlist').forEach( (el) => (el.onchange = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); openFiles(e,; }), ); // Open font and playlist files getEl('#go_to_item').onclick = function (e) { goToItem(e); }; // Go to item getEl('#show_invisible_items').onclick = function () { getEl('#show_invisibles').click(); getEl('#show_invisibles').blur(); }; // getEl('#play_toggle').onclick = function (e) { toggleAllChecked(e); }; // toggle media checkboxes getEl('#make_playlist').onclick = function ( e, ) { eStopPrevent(e); showWarning('warning_make_playlist'); }; // make playlist getEl('#save_svg').onclick = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); fontGlyphSave(); }; // save glyph as svg getEl( '#sidebar_footer_utilities', ).onmouseenter = function () { addClass( 'body:not(.has_menu), body:not(.has_menu_parents)', 'has_menu_footer', ); }; getEl( '#sidebar_footer_utilities', ).onmouseleave = function () { removeClass( 'body:not(.has_menu), body:not(.has_menu_parents)', 'has_menu_footer', ); }; getEls('.prev_next_btn').forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { contentHeaderButtons(e,; }), ); // ============> combine with next? getEls('#increase,#decrease').forEach( (el) => (el.onmousedown = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); contentHeaderButtons(e,; }), ); // onclick scale buttons getEls('.media_player').forEach( (el) => (el.onended = function () { navigateByArrowKey([ 'ArrowRight', true, ]); }), ); // autoplay media onended getEls( '#loop_media_files,#shuffle_media_files,#audio_options input,#audio_options label', ).forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { el.blur(); mediaPlaybackOptions(e,; }), ); // media loop/shuffle options getEl('#refresh_media_durations').onclick = function () { refreshMediaDurations( 'refresh_media_durations', ); }; getEls( '#parent_dir_nav #svg_multiply,#close_playlist', ).forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); showWarning( 'closePlaylist', 'close_playlist', ); }), ); getEl('#text_editing_enable').onclick = function () { textEditorTogglePrefs( 'text_editing_enable', ); menuClose(); }; // getEl('#audio').ontimeupdate = getMediaTimeRemaining; // update remaining media time; !!!disabled until remaining time fixed } function initBaseEvents() { // ===> INIT BASE EVENT LISTENERS: minimal listeners needed for error pages window.onmessage = function (e) { messageReceive(e); return false; }; // init receive messages document.body.onclick = function () { menuClose(); }; // close menu click getEls('.menu_container').forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); menuShow(e,; }), ); // toggle menus on click getEls('#sidebar_menu_main li').forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); menuClick(); menuClose(e); }), ); getEls('#sidebar_menu_main li').forEach( (el) => (el.onmouseenter = function () { removeClass( '#sidebar_menu_main li', 'selected hovered', ); addClass( '#sidebar_menu_main li:hover', 'selected', ); }), ); getEls('.toggle_UI_pref').forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { uiPrefToggleOnClick(e,; menuClose(e); }), ); // toggle UI prefs click getEl('#font_toolbar').onclick = function ( e, ) { e.stopPropagation(); }; getEls('#sidebar,#content_header').forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); focusEl('#top_body'); }), ); // focus sidebar on click getEls( '#content_pane, #content_pane .content_el', ).forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); focusEl('#' +; }), ); // focus content on click getEls( '#content_audio,#content_font,#content_image,#content_video', ).forEach( (el) => (el.onerror = function (e) { setWarningItemNotLoaded([ null,'_')[1], ]); }), ); // audio,font,image,video load error getEl('#ui_font').onclick = function (e) { uiPrefFontSet(e,; }; // show the UI font textarea getEl('#ui_scale input').oninput = function ( e, ) { e.stopPropagation(); setData( '#ui_scale span.menu_item', 'value', Math.round(this.value) + '%', ); }; // show scale % getEl('#ui_scale input').onmouseup = function (e) { uiPrefScaleSet(e, this.value); }; // scale UI getEl('#ui_scale').ondblclick = function (e) { uiPrefScaleSet(e, 100); }; // set 100% scale on dblclick getEl('#show_help').onclick = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); addClass('#top_body', 'has_help'); }; // show help click getEl('#close_help').onclick = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); removeClass('body', 'has_help'); }; // close help click getEl('#help_container').onclick = function ( e, ) { e.stopPropagation(); }; // help container: ignore clicks getEl('#close_btn').onclick = function (e) { eStopPrevent(e); closeContent(); this.blur(); }; // close button getEl('#reload_btn').onclick = function (e) { eStopPrevent(e); resetContent(); this.blur(); this.classList.remove('reset'); }; // reset btn getEl('#handle').onmousedown = function (e) { resizeSidebar(e); }; // resize sidebar getEls('a.internal').forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); scrollThis( '#help_container', this.getAttribute('href'), ); }), ); document.addEventListener( 'mouseup', function () { document.onmousemove = null; }, ); // revoke drag on mouseup document.addEventListener( 'mousemove', function () { removeClass('body', 'no_hover'); }, ); // remove no_hover class document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', lazyLoadImageThumbs(), ); } function initWarningEvents() { getEls('#warnings_container button')?.forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { eStopPrevent(e); warningButtons(; }), ); getEls( 'body.has_overlay, body.has_warning', ).forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { eStopPrevent(e); return; }), ); // prevent user actions with warning or overlay getEls( 'body.has_overlay, body.has_warning', ).forEach( (el) => (el.onmousedown = function (e) { eStopPrevent(e); return; }), ); // prevent user actions with warning or overlay getEls( 'body.has_overlay, body.has_warning', ).forEach( (el) => (el.onmouseup = function (e) { eStopPrevent(e); return; }), ); // prevent user actions with warning or overlay } function initDirListEvents() { if (!isTopWindow()) { return; } // ===> INIT DIR_LIST EVENT LISTENERS; called whenever new dir list items added getEls('.dirlist_item')?.forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { clickDirListItem(e,; }), ); // show item or play/pause media getEls( '.dirlist_item.dir .has_icon_before_before', )?.forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { subDirOpenClose( e, el.closest('.dirlist_item').id, ); }), ); // open/close subdirectories getEls('.dirlist_item.dir')?.forEach( (el) => (el.ondblclick = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); showWarning('dirOpen', [, el.querySelector('a').href, ]); }), ); getEls('')?.forEach( (el) => (el.ondblclick = function (e) { openLinkFile(e,; }), ); // open link files on dblclick getEls(' input')?.forEach( (el) => (el.onmousedown = function (e) { toggleChecked( e, el.closest('.dirlist_item').id, ); }), ); // toggle media checkboxes getEls(' input')?.forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { el.blur(); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }), ); // Click media checkboxes getEls('.dirlist_item.playlist')?.forEach( (el) => (el.ondblclick = function (e) { eStopPrevent(e); clickThis('#open_playlist'); }), ); // open playlist getEls('.dirlist_item.non_local')?.forEach( (el) => (el.onmouseenter = function () { el.title = 'Non-local file'; }), ); // add non-local title prop getEl( '#show_invisibles_container', )?.addEventListener('click', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); clickThis( '#show_invisibles_container input', ); }); } function initStatsEvents() { // ===> INIT STATS EVENT LISTENERS getEl('#stats')?.addEventListener( 'mouseleave', function () { menuClose(); }, ); getEl('#stats_summary')?.addEventListener( 'click', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); menuShow(e, 'stats_summary'); }, ); // show stats getEls( '#stats_details_items li, #stats_details_summary_dirs, #stats_details_summary_files', )?.forEach( (el) => (el.onmouseenter = function () { getEls( '.dirlist_item' + statsGetHoveredListClass(el), )?.forEach((el) => el.classList.add('hovered'), ); // add the hovered class getEl( '.dirlist_item.hovered', )?.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'nearest', inline: 'nearest', }); // scroll 1st matched el }), ); getEl( '#stats_details_summary_total', )?.addEventListener('click', function () { menuClose(); }); getEls( '#stats_details_items li, #stats_details_summary_dirs, #stats_details_summary_files', )?.forEach( (el) => (el.onmouseleave = function () { removeClass( '.dirlist_item.hovered', 'hovered', ); }), ); getEls( '#stats_details_items li, #stats_details_summary_dirs, #stats_details_summary_files', )?.forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function () { // onclick stats footer detail items if (!hasClass('body', 'sort_by_kind')) { clickThis('#sort_by_kind'); } // sort by kind if ( getEl( '.dirlist_item' + statsGetHoveredListClass(el), ) !== null ) { if ( el.classList.contains( 'invisible', ) && getCurrentUIPref( 'show_invisibles', ) === 'false' ) { clickThis('#show_invisibles'); } if ( el.classList.contains('ignored') && getCurrentUIPref( 'show_ignored_items', ) === 'true' ) { clickThis('#show_ignored_items'); } if (isTopWindow()) { showThis( getEl( '.dirlist_item' + statsGetHoveredListClass(el), ).id, ); } else { showThis( getEl( '.dirlist_item' + statsGetHoveredListClass(el), ).id, true, false, ); } // click first matched item } }), ); } function initGridItemEvents() { // ===> INIT GRID ITEM EVENT LISTENERS getEls('#content_grid .grid_item')?.forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); showContentGridItem(, el.querySelector('a').href, el.dataset.kind, ); }), ); // grid item getEls( '#content_grid .grid_item:not(.selected)', )?.forEach( (el) => (el.onmouseenter = function () { addClass( '#' +, 'hovered', ); scrollThis( '#directory_list', '.hovered', ); }), ); getEls( '#content_grid .grid_item:not(.selected)', )?.forEach( (el) => (el.onmouseleave = function () { removeClass( '#' +, 'hovered', ); }), ); getEls( '.dirlist_item.image,.dirlist_item.font', )?.forEach( (el) => (el.onmouseenter = function () { if (hasContent('grid')) { addClass( '#content_grid > .grid_item[data-id="' + + '"]', 'hovered', ); scrollThis( '#content_grid', '.hovered', ); } }), ); getEls( '.dirlist_item.image,.dirlist_item.font', )?.forEach( (el) => (el.onmouseleave = function () { if (hasContent('grid')) { removeClass( '#content_grid > .grid_item[data-id="' + + '"]', 'hovered', ); scrollThis( '#content_grid', '.hovered', ); } }), ); } function initCuesheetEvents() { // ===> INIT CUESHEET EVENT LISTENERS getEls( '.cuesheet_track_list_container', ).forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); menuShow(e,; el.classList.toggle('has_menu'); }), ); // don't focus content on click getEls( '.cuesheet_track_list_container li', )?.forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); menuShow(e,; cueSheetMenuUpdate(); addClass('body', 'focus_content'); el.closest('nav') .querySelector('.cuesheet_track_list') .focus(); }), ); // update the menu on track click getEls( '.cuesheet_track_list_container', )?.forEach( (el) => (el.onmouseenter = function (e) { menuShow(e,; }), ); // show track list on mouseenter getEl('.media_player[src]')?.addEventListener( 'timeupdate', cueSheetMenuUpdate, ); // update cuesheet menu selected track and title getEl('.media_player[src]')?.addEventListener( 'click', cueSheetMenuUpdate, ); } //============================// // INITIALIZE IFRAME EVENT LISTENERS function initIframeEvents() { initSubframeEvents(); if ( isTopWindow() || window.parent !== ) { return; } // ===> INIT IFRAME EVENT LISTENERS document.body.onclick = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); focusEl('#content_iframe'); }; // focus iframe document.body .querySelectorAll( 'body,textarea,form,select,input,option,#sidebar', ) ?.forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); messageSend('top_body', 'blur_top'); el.focus(); }), ); // focus iframe if ( hasClass('body', 'is_html') || window.location.href.includes('.php') ) { getEls('a')?.forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { iframeClick( e, '', 'link', el.getAttribute('href'), ); }), ); return; // return if html; rest unneeded } document.addEventListener( 'mousemove', function () { removeClass('body', 'no_hover'); }, ); // remove no_hover class getEls('.dirlist_item')?.forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function () { showThis(, true, false); }), ); // select clicked iframe dirlist item getEls('.dirlist_item a')?.forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }), ); // do nothing for iframe dirlist links getEls( '.dirlist_item.dir .has_icon_before_before', )?.forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { subDirOpenClose( e, el.closest('.dirlist_item').id, ); }), ); // open/close subdirs getEls( '.dirlist_item:not(.ignored)', )?.forEach( (el) => (el.ondblclick = function (e) { iframeClick( e,, 'link', el.querySelector('a').href, ); }), ); // dblclick open iframe dirs/files getEls('ul,li')?.forEach( (el) => (el.onmousedown = function () { messageSend('top_body', 'menu_close'); }), ); getEl('#open_in_sidebar a')?.addEventListener( 'click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); messageSend( 'top_body', 'open_iframe_dir_in_sidebar', '', window.location.href, ); }, ); // no break; getEl( '#iframe_parent_link', )?.addEventListener('click', function (e) { iframeClick( e, 'iframe_parent_link', 'link', this.href, ); }); // iframe parent getEls('.toggle_UI_pref')?.forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { uiPrefToggleOnClick(e,; }), ); // toggle UI prefs initStatsEvents(); // initialize stats events listeners lazyLoadImageThumbs(); } function initSubframeEvents() { if (window.parent !== { getEl('#content_body').addEventListener( 'click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }, ); } } // prevent events in quicklook function initTextEditorEvents() { let preview = getEl( '#texteditor_styled_pane', ); // ===> INIT TEXT EDITOR EVENT LISTENERS getEls( '#content_texteditor, #content_texteditor *, #texteditor_styled_pane *', ).forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { let el_id; // focus texteditor on click e.stopPropagation(); el_id = el.closest( '#texteditor_styled_pane', ) !== null ? '#texteditor_styled_pane' :; focusEl(el_id); if (!isTopWindow()) { messageSend( 'top_body', 'focus_iframe', ); } }), ); getEls( '#toolbar_buttons .toggle_UI_pref', ).forEach( (el) => (el.onmouseup = function (e) { uiPrefToggleOnClick(e,; }), ); // text editing UI is not in DOM on page load; getEl('#texteditor_toolbar').onmousedown = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }; // prevent textarea from losing focus if sidebar clicked window.onresize = function () { texteditor_ResetSplit(); }; // reset text editor split getEl('#text_editing_handle').ondblclick = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); texteditor_ResetSplit(); }; // reset text editor split getEl('#text_editing_handle').onmousedown = function (e) { eStopPrevent(e); texteditor_ResizeSplit(); }; // resize text editor panes getEl('#text_editing_handle').onmouseup = function () { document.onmousemove = null; }; // remove onmousemove getEls('.checkbox_container').forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { toggleCheckBox(e,; }), ); // toggle checkboxes (texteditor_preview, toolbar) getEl('#texteditor_raw_pane').oninput = function () { // add edited body class; if iframe, send edited message; update live markdown preview if ( !hasClass('body', 'texteditor_edited') ) { addClass('body', 'texteditor_edited'); if (!isTopWindow()) { messageSend( 'top_body', 'iframe_edited', '', '', ); } } MDlivePreview(); }; messageSend('top_body', 'menu_close'); getEls('.texteditor_pane').forEach( (el) => (el.onscroll = function (e) { texteditor_SyncScroll(e,; }), ); getEls('#save_btn li').forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function () { texteditorSaveBtn(; }), ); // save text editor content getEl('#clear_text').onclick = function () { showWarning('texteditorClear'); }; // clear text button preview .querySelectorAll('.checklist input') .forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); MDliveCheckBoxes(el); }), ); // Live checkboxes preview .querySelectorAll('.table-of-contents a') .forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); MDtocClick(; }), ); // Preview TOC click navigation preview.querySelectorAll('.uplink').forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); MDheaderClick(); }), ); // Click header uplinks initWarningEvents(); } function initFontPreviewEvents() { // ==> INIT FONT PREVIEW_EVENTS getEls( '#font_toolbar select,#font_toolbar textarea,#font_toolbar input', ).forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); el.focus(); }), ); getEls('#font_toolbar label').forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); el.parentElement .querySelector('input') .focus(); }), ); // Stop click propagation getEls('#content_font *').forEach( (el) => (el.onmousedown = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); focusEl(; }), ); // Stop click propagation getEls('#font_toolbar select').forEach( (el) => (el.onchange = function (e) { fontOptions( e,, el.value, el.options[el.selectedIndex].dataset ?.prop, el.options[el.selectedIndex].dataset ?.value, ); }), ); getEls('#font_toolbar textarea').forEach( (el) => (el.onkeydown = function (e) { if (/enter/.test(e.key.toLowerCase())) { e.preventDefault(); } }), ); // prevent typing return in textareas getEls( '#font_toolbar textarea,#font_toolbar input', ).forEach( (el) => (el.oninput = function (e) { fontOptions(e,, el.value); }), ); // init font toolbar specimen modifications getEls( '#font_specimen_adjustments li', ).forEach( (el) => (el.ondblclick = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); fontReset(el.dataset.inputid); }), ); // reset adjustments getEls('.font_glyph_item').forEach( (el) => (el.onclick = (e) => { showFontGlyph(e,; }), ); // show font specimen glyph on click getEl('#font_specimen_glyph').onmousedown = ( e, ) => { fontGlyphMove(e, '#font_specimen_glyph'); }; // init move glyph } //============================// // INITIALIZE KEYDOWN EVENTS function eKey_BackSlash(e) { // "BACKSLASH" KEY switch (true) { case cmdShiftKey(e): // Cmd Shift + \ : toggle split switch (true) { case isTopWindow() && hasContent('text,code,markdown'): messageSend( 'iframe', 'texteditor_split_view', ); break; // send toggle split view message case getEl('#texteditor_split_view') .height > 0: getEl( '#texteditor_split_view', ).click(); break; // if split view toggle split } break; case cmdKey(e): if (!isTopWindow()) { messageSend('top_body', 'show_sidebar'); } else { getEl('#show_sidebar').click(); } break; // Cmd + \ : toggle sidebar } } function eKey_Enter(e) { // "ENTER" KEY let selected_el = hasContent('font_file') || hasContent('font_specimen') || hasContent('grid') ? getEls( '#content_font .selected,#content_grid .selected', )[0] : getEls('.dirlist_item.selected')[0]; switch (true) { case hasClass('body', 'has_menu'): e.preventDefault(); menuClick(); menuClose(); messageSend('iframe', 'menu_close'); break; // click selected menu item case hasClass('body', 'has_warning') || hasClass('body', 'has_help'): e.preventDefault(); clickThis('button.focus, button:focus'); break; // click focused warning btn case hasClass('body', 'focus_content') && hasContent('font') && selected_el !== null: showFontGlyph(e,; break; // show font glyph case !isTopWindow(): // if iframe... switch (true) { case hasClass('body', 'has_top_menu'): messageSend('top_body', 'menuClick'); break; // close main menu case elExists( '', ) && !hasClass( '', 'audio_loaded', ): iframeClick( e, getEl('.dirlist_item.selected').id, 'dblclick', getEl('.dirlist_item.selected a') .href, ); break; case elExists( '.dirlist_item.selected', ) && cmdKey(e): iframeClick( e, getEl('.dirlist_item.selected').id, 'dblclick', getEl('.dirlist_item.selected a') .href, ); break; // webloc or url file case elExists( '.dirlist_item.audio_loaded', ) && !hasClass( '.dirlist_item.selected', 'audio_loaded', ): eStopPrevent(e); mediaPlayPause(); break; // play/pause media } break; case selected_el?.classList.contains( 'app', ) && UI_Prefs_Bool.apps_as_dirs === false: break; // don't open app folders default: switch (true) { case selected_el?.classList.contains( '.disabled', ): case hasContent('texteditor'): break; // no nothing for disabled or default behavior case selected_el?.classList.contains( 'audio', ) && !selected_el.classList.contains( 'audio_loaded', ): showMedia( 'audio', getEl( '', ).id, ); break; // show selected audio file case selected_el?.classList.contains( 'media', ): eStopPrevent(e); mediaPlayPause(); break; // else play/pause media case /dir|link|playlist/.test( selected_el?.classList, ) && cmdKey(e): dirOpen( e, getEl('.dirlist_item.selected').id, getEl('.dirlist_item.selected a') .href, ); break; // open dirs, links, playlists case /dir|link/.test( selected_el?.classList, ): // nobreak default: e.stopPropagation(); selected_el?.click(); // default: click selected item } } } function eKey_Escape() { // "ESCAPE" KEY if ( getAttr('#content_pane', 'data-loaded') !== 'loaded' ) { removeAttr('#content_pane', 'data-loaded'); removeAttr('#content_iframe', 'src'); } // close loading iframe switch (true) { case !isTopWindow(): if (hasClass('body', 'has_quicklook')) { quickLookThis('close'); } else { messageSend('top_body', 'focus_top'); } break; // focus top from iframe content case document.activeElement.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'body': case hasClass('body', 'focus_content') && !hasClass('body', 'has_menu'): focusEl('#top_body'); break; // focus top from non-iframe content case document.activeElement.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'body': // if top already focussed... switch (true) { case hasClass('body', 'has_menu'): case hasClass('body', 'has_menu_stats'): menuClose(); break; // close menu or default: /* closeContent('esc'); */ focusEl( '#top_body', ); // close content } } document.onmousemove = null; window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); window.stop(); // remove text selections; stop loading; cancel mousemove event watcher removeClass('body', 'has_overlay'); removeClass( '.dirlist_item', 'dirlist_subdir_loading', ); getEls( '.dirlist_item.selected,.dirlist_item.content_loaded', ).forEach((el) => el.classList.remove( 'selected', 'content_loaded', ), ); getEls('').forEach( (el) => { if ( el.querySelector( '.dirlist_item_media_duration', ).innerHTML === '' ) { setMediaDuration(, el.dataset.kind, Number.NaN, ); } }, ); // set loading durations to error getEls('.show_input input')?.forEach( (el) => (el.value = ''), ); removeClass('.show_input', 'show_input'); if ( hasClass('body', 'has_warning') || hasClass('body', 'has_help') ) { getEls( '#warning_btn_cancel,#close_help', ).forEach((el) =>; } // close warnings or help } function eKey_Period(e) { // close loading iframe window.stop(); removeClass( '.dirlist_item', 'dirlist_subdir_loading', ); if (hasClass('body', 'has_warning')) { e.preventDefault(); getEl( '#warning_btn_cancel,#close_help', ).click(); } if ( getAttr('#content_pane', 'data-loaded') !== 'loaded' ) { closeContent('iframe'); } } function eKey_Space(e) { // "SPACE" KEY switch (true) { case isTopWindow(): switch (true) { case hasContent(['audio', 'ignore']): case hasContent('video'): e.preventDefault(); mediaPlayPause(); break; // media play/pause case (hasContent('image') || hasContent('font_specimen')) && hasContent('hidden_grid'): e.preventDefault(); closeContent(); break; // close grid image case hasContent('font_file_glyph'): case hasContent('font_specimen_glyph'): e.preventDefault(); closeFont(); break; // close glyph case hasContent('font') && getEl('.font_glyph_item.selected') !== null: e.preventDefault(); showFontGlyph( null, getEl('.font_glyph_item.selected') .id, ); break; // show glyph case hasContent('grid') && getEl('.grid_item.selected') !== null: e.preventDefault(); getEl('.grid_item.selected').click(); break; // show grid items } break; case !isTopWindow(): // not top window switch (true) { case hasClass('body', 'is_html'): case hasClass('body', 'is_text'): return; case elExists( '.dirlist_item.audio_loaded', ) && !hasClass('body', 'has_quicklook'): e.preventDefault(); messageSend( 'top_body', 'iframe_play_pause_media', ); break; // play/pause top media if no quicklook case hasClass('body', 'has_quicklook'): e.preventDefault(); quickLookThis('close'); break; // close quicklook case getEl('.dirlist_item.selected') !== null: e.preventDefault(); quickLookThis( getEl('.dirlist_item.selected').id, getData( '.dirlist_item.selected', 'kind', ), ); break; // show quicklook } } } function eKey_Tab(e) { e.preventDefault(); let incr = e.shiftKey === true ? 1 : -1; navigateByTabKey(e, incr); } // "TAB" KEY function eKey_A(e) { selectMultipleItems(e); } // "A" KEY Select all dir items with cmd_key function eKey_E(e) { // "E" KEY switch (true) { case hasClass('body', 'has_warning'): break; case cmdShiftKey(e): eStopPrevent(e); if (!isTopWindow()) { messageSend( 'top_body', 'toggle_texteditor', ); } else { getEl('#show_texteditor a').click(); } addClass('#top_body', 'focus_content'); break; // toggle text editor case cmdKey(e): eStopPrevent(e); if (!isTopWindow()) { messageSend('top_body', 'toggle_menu'); } else { menuShow( e, 'sidebar_menu_main_container', ); } break; // toggle main menu } } function eKey_R(e) { // "R" KEY switch (true) { case cmdKey(e) && !isTopWindow(): e.preventDefault(); messageSend('top_body', 'reload'); break; // send reload message to top case cmdKey(e) && hasClass( '#content_body', 'texteditor_edited', ): e.preventDefault(); showWarning('resetContent'); break; // warn before reloading edited iframe text files from textarea case cmdKey(e): if ( !hasContent('audio') && !hasContent() ) { return true; } else { e.preventDefault(); showWarning('resetContent'); } break; // reload window if no content open else reload/reset content } } function eKey_W(e) { // "W" KEY switch (true) { case !isTopWindow(): e.preventDefault(); messageSend('top_body', 'close'); break; // send close message to top case hasClass('body', 'has_help'): getEl('#close_help').click(); break; // close help case hasContent('audio') && hasContent('null'): closeContent('audio'); break; // close audio when nothing else open case /has_\w+list/.test( getClassNames('body'), ) && !hasContent(): showWarning('closeContent', [ 'closePlaylist', 'false', ]); break; // close playlist case !hasContent('null'): e.preventDefault(); closeContent(); break; // close content default: return; // else close window (or normal behavior) } } getEls('#top_body, #content_body').forEach( (el) => (el.onkeydown = function (e) { if (window.parent !== { return; } // ===> MAIN KEYDOWN EVENTS (prevent keydown in quicklooked window) let active_el = document.activeElement, active_el_tag = active_el.tagName.toLowerCase(); // allow default: buttons, inputs, selects, textareas switch (true) { case e.key === 'Enter': switch (true) { case /ui_font/.test( uiPrefFontSet(e); break; case /go_to_item_input/.test(, ): goToItem(e); break; default: eKey_Enter(e, active_el); break; // Key = Enter/Return } case /button|input|select|textarea/.test( active_el_tag, ) && !/escape|tab|shiftkey|metakey|altkey/.test( e.key.toLowerCase(), ) && !(cmdKey(e) && /r|w|-|=/.test(e.key)): return; // prevent/allow certain key combos case active_el.hasAttribute( 'contentEditable', ) && !( /escape|tab|shiftkey|metakey|altkey/.test( e.key.toLowerCase(), ) && !( cmdKey(e) && /r|w|-|=/.test(e.key) ) ): return; // certain situations. case e.key === 'Escape': eKey_Escape(); break; case /has_warning|has_help/.test( getClassNames('body'), ) && !( cmdKey(e) || /escape|tab|shiftkey|enter/.test( e.key.toLowerCase(), ) ): // nobreak case e.key === 'shiftKey' && (hasClass('body', 'has_warning') || hasClass('body', 'has_help')): if ( e.key !== 'Enter' && e.key !== 'Tab' ) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } break; // Key = Shift case /Arrow/.test(e.key): arrowKeyFunctions(e, false, el); break; // (e,bool,; id for dblclick iframe item case e.key === ' ': eKey_Space(e); break; // Key = Space case e.key && !e.metaKey && !e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey && e.key !== 'Tab' && !/Arrow/.test(e.key): navigateByTypedStr(e); break; // alphanumeric navigation case e.key === 'a' && cmdKey(e): eKey_A(e); break; // Cmd + a: select all case e.key === 'd' && cmdShiftKey(e) && !hasClass('body', 'has_warning'): e.preventDefault(); getEl('#show_details').click(); break; // Cmd/Ctrl + D: Toggle Details case e.key === 'e': eKey_E(e); break; // Cmd/Ctrl + E: Toggle Main Menu or Text Editor case e.key === 'g' && cmdKey(e) && (hasClass( '#top_body', 'has_images', ) || hasClass('#top_body', 'has_fonts')): e.preventDefault(); getEl('#show_grid_btn').click(); break; // Show grids case e.key === 'i' && cmdShiftKey(e): if (!isTopWindow()) { messageSend( 'top_body', 'toggle_invisibles', ); } else { getEl( '#show_invisibles_container input', ).click(); } break; // Toggle invisibles case e.key === 'j' && cmdShiftKey(e): goToItem(e); break; case e.key === 'o' && cmdShiftKey(e): getAttr( '.dirlist_item.selected a', 'href', ), ); break; // Cmd+Shift+O: Open in new window case e.key === 'r': eKey_R(e); break; // Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + R: Refresh case e.key === 'w' && cmdKey(e): eKey_W(e); break; // KEY = W && Cmd/Ctrl: close content case e.key === '=' && cmdKey(e) && hasContent('grid,image,font,glyph'): e.preventDefault(); contentHeaderButtons(e, 'increase'); break; // Cmd/Ctrl + equals: scale larger case e.key === '-' && cmdKey(e) && hasContent('grid,image,font,glyph'): e.preventDefault(); contentHeaderButtons(e, 'decrease'); break; // Cmd/Ctrl + hyphen: scale smaller case e.key === '\\': eKey_BackSlash(e); break; // KEY = \ BACKSLASH case e.key === 'Tab': eKey_Tab(e); break; // KEY = TAB case e.key === '.' && cmdKey(e): eKey_Period(e); break; // click cancel button } }), ); // ***** END EVENT LISTENER INITIALIZATION //============================// function menuShow(e, id) { // ===> SHOW MENUS if (e !== null) { e.stopPropagation(); } if ( /sidebar_menu/.test(id) && /has_menu/.test(getClassNames('body')) ) { menuClose(); return; } // close menu on click if open removeClass( 'body', 'has_top_menu has_menu has_menu_parents has_menu_stats is_blurred,show_sidebar_false', ); removeClass( '#sidebar_menu_main *', 'selected hovered show_input', ); // remove classes let el, menu_el = getEl('#' + id), menu_el_classlist = menu_el.classList, time, position = getEl('#sidebar_header_utilities_row_1') .offsetTop - 1 + 'px', track, media_el; switch (true) { case id === 'sidebar_menu_main_container': setStyle( '#' + id + ' > ul', 'top', position, ); addClass('#top_body', 'has_menu'); break; // show main menu case id === 'sidebar_menu_parents': setStyle( '#' + id + ' > ul', 'top', position, ); addClass('body', 'has_menu_parents'); break; // show sidebar_menu_parents case id === 'stats_summary': setStyle( '#stats_details_items', 'height', getEl('#stats_container').height - getEl('#stats_details_summary') .height - 4, ); // show stats menu addClass('body', 'has_menu_stats'); break; // update durations, set classes case menu_el_classlist.contains( 'has_submenu', ): removeClass( 'li.has_submenu', 'selected hovered', ); menu_el.classList.toggle('selected'); break; // toggle open submenu case /about_link|donate_link|contact_link/.test( id, ): changeLocation([ menu_el.href, 'external', ]); break; // open external menu links case /cuesheet_track_list_container/.test( id, ): // show cue_sheet track menu el = getEl('#' + id); if ( === 'cuesheet_track_list_container_video' ) { getEl( '#cuesheet_track_list_video', ) = getEl( '#content_title_container', ).clientHeight; } el.querySelector( '.cuesheet_track_list', ).style.height = getEl('#content_container').height + getEl('#content_title_container') .height; // set height of cue sheet track list setStyle( '#' + id + ' > div', 'top', el.offsetTop + el.clientHeight - 5 + 'px', ); break; // set y position of cuesheet track list case id.startsWith('cuesheet_item_'): // click cuesheet track list items switch (true) { case menu_el.classList.contains( 'selected', ): mediaPlayPause(); break; // play/pause if already selected default: track = getEl('#' + id); // otherwise select new cuesheet track list item media_el = track .closest('nav') .id.split('_') .reverse()[0]; time = track.dataset.position; // get the media type from the cuesheet menu nav; get position from track dataset addRemoveClassSiblings( '#' + id, 'selected', ); if ( time < getEl('#content_' + media_el) .duration ) { getEl( '#content_' + media_el, ).currentTime = time; } // setCueSheetTrackTitle(id, media_el); // set cuesheet track title } } } function menuClick() { getEl( '#sidebar_menu_main .selected:not(.hovered)', ) ?.querySelectorAll('a,span,label')[0] ?.click(); if (hasClass('body', 'focus_content')) { messageSend('iframe', 'menu_close'); } } // ===> CLICK MENU function menuClose() { removeClass( 'body,.cuesheet_track_list_container', 'has_top_menu has_menu has_menu_parents has_menu_stats is_blurred', ); removeClass( '#sidebar_menu_main *', 'selected hovered show_input', ); } // ==> CLOSE MENUS function statsGetHoveredListClass(el) { let this_class = '.' + el?.dataset?.kind?.split(', '); // ===> GET HOVERED STATS CLASS switch (true) { case === 'stats_details_summary_dirs': this_class = '.dir'; break; case === 'stats_details_summary_files': this_class = '.file'; break; case this_class === '.dir': this_class = '.dir:not(.ignored):not(.invisible):not(.app)'; break; case this_class === '': this_class = ''; break; } return this_class; } //============================// // DIRLIST CLICK AND SELECT FUNCTIONS function clickDirListItem(e, id) { e.preventDefault(); let el = getEl('#' + id), src = el.querySelector('a').href; // ===> CLICK DIR LIST ITEM switch (true) { case window.parent !== return; case !/rowid/.test(id): break; // null if not a dirlist item case e.metaKey && /'app|dir|font|image/.test( el.dataset.kind, ): selectMultipleItems(e, id); break; // select multiple items on click case e.shiftKey && /'app|dir|font|image/.test( el.dataset.kind, ): selectMultipleItems(e, id); break; // select multiple items on click case !isTopWindow(): e.stopPropagation(); showThis(id, true, true); // iframe dirlist items if (hasClass('#' + id, 'audio_loaded')) { messageSend( 'top_body', 'iframe_play_pause_media', ); } break; // play/pause iframe audio onclick case hasClass('#' + id, 'audio'): if (hasClass('#' + id, 'audio_loaded')) { mediaPlayPause(); removeClass( '.dirlist_item.selected', 'selected', ); addClass('#' + id, 'selected'); return; } // else...showThis: showThis(id, true, true); break; case hasClass('#' + id, 'video'): if (/| { showThis(id); return; } if ( hasClass('#' + id, 'content_loaded') ) { mediaPlayPause(); } else { showWarning('showThis', [id]); } break; // '' '' default: switch (true) { case hasClass( 'body', 'texteditor_edited', ) || /has_\w+list/.test( getClassNames('#top_body'), ): showThis(id); break; // if top edited, show item (i.e.hide text editor) case hasClass('body', 'iframe_edited'): messageSend( 'iframe', 'unloading', '', ['showThis', id], ); break; // if iframe edited, show warning default: showWarning('showThis', [id]); // default: show content with warning } } } function iframeClickLink(e, id, link) { let url, kind; // ===> IFRAME CLICK LINKS from html files if (!link.startsWith('#')) { url = newURL(link); if (e !== null) { e.preventDefault(); } } // if link is not a link fragment, create url, prevent default switch (true) { case link.startsWith('#'): document .getElementById(link.slice(1)) ?.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'start', inline: 'nearest', }) || document .querySelector( '[name="' + link.slice(1) + '"]', ) ?.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'start', inline: 'nearest', }); break; // allow default link fragment behavior case url.href.startsWith('file:///?'): case url === undefined: break; case id === 'tbody': window.location = link + '?&show_directory_source=true'; break; // case id === 'iframe_parent_link': messageSend( 'top_body', 'show_iframe_parent', '', [ getEl('#iframe_parent_link').href, 'dir', 'iframe_parent', ], ); break; // send message "show_iframe_parent" case url.protocol === 'file:' && window.location.protocol !== 'file:': messageSend('top_body', 'local_link'); break; // show warning when attempting to open local links from non-local pages case url.protocol !== 'file:' && window.location.protocol === 'file:':, '_blank'); break; // open remote link from local page in new tab/window case url.protocol === 'file:' && window.location.protocol === 'file:': // nobreak; open local links to local files in iframe case url.protocol === 'about:': // nobreak; document #link fragments case RegExp(url.hostname).test( window.location.hostname, ): // nobreak; same origin links (might not include TLD) (just covering bases) case RegExp(window.location.hostname).test( url.hostname, ): // no break; same origin links (might not include TLD) (just covering bases) kind = getLinkInfo(url.href)[3]; if (/dir|app/.test(kind)) { messageSend( 'top_body', 'show_iframe_dir', '', [url.href, kind, id], ); } else { messageSend( 'top_body', 'show_iframe_file', '', [url.href, kind, id], ); } break; default:, '_blank'); break; // else open external document links in new tab } } function iframedblClickThis(e, id, link) { e.stopPropagation(); // ===> IFRAME DOUBLECLICK THIS iframe dir_list items (files and dirs) if (/_/.test(id)) { id = id.split('_')[0]; } // temp: if double-clicking a subdir item, id === top parent item id; we'd like to send full subdir item id so that it can be reopened when the subdir item is closed. let el = getEl('#' + id); let kind = el.dataset.kind, message = /dir|app/.test(kind) ? 'show_iframe_dir' : 'show_iframe_file'; // get item kind if (kind === 'audio') { removeClass( '', 'audio_loaded selected', ); el.classList.add( 'audio_loaded', 'selected', ); } // iframe audio messageSend('top_body', message, '', [ link, kind, id, ]); // send message } function iframeClick(e, id, kind, link) { e.preventDefault(); switch (true) { case window.parent !== e.stopPropagation(); return; case kind === 'dblclick': case e.type === 'dblclick': iframedblClickThis(e, id, link); break; case kind === 'dirlist_item': clickDirListItem(e, id); break; case kind === 'link': iframeClickLink(e, id, link); break; } } //============================// // ===> CLICK TOGGLE UI PREF ELEMENTS function uiPrefToggleOnClick(e, id) { e.stopPropagation(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); showWarning( 'uiPrefToggle', getEl('#' + id).getAttribute( 'data-ui_pref', ), ); } function uiPrefToggle(pref_id) { // ===> TOGGLE UI PREFS: and update searchParams let settings_value = [ pref_id, UI_Settings[pref_id], ].join('_'), current_value = getCurrentUIPref(pref_id), new_value = getNewUIPref(pref_id); let message_target = isTopWindow() ? 'iframe' : 'top_body', send = 'false'; if ( /button|label|select|input/.test( document.activeElement.tagName.toLowerCase(), ) ) { document.activeElement.blur(); } // blur any focused form elements switch (true) { case pref_id === 'audio_player_on_top': audioPlayerPositionToggle(); break; case pref_id === 'show_image_thumbnails': uiPrefImgThumbsToggle(new_value[1]); send = 'true'; break; case pref_id === 'show_media_name_in_window_title': toggleMediaNameInWindowTitle('toggle'); break; // nobreak; case /texteditor_|text_editing/.test( pref_id, ): textEditorTogglePrefs(pref_id); send = 'true'; break; // Text Editor Preferences case !hasClass( '#content_body', 'show_details_false', ) && pref_id === 'show_details' && !isTopWindow(): // nobreak; hide iframe details on first toggle case new_value[1] === 'false': addClass('body', pref_id + '_false'); searchParamSet(pref_id, 'false'); send = 'true'; break; case new_value[1] === 'true': case current_value === 'false': removeClass('body', pref_id + '_false'); searchParamDelete(pref_id); send = 'true'; break; case /sort_by_/.test(pref_id): uiPrefSortToggle(pref_id); break; // toggle sorting case /theme|theme_light|theme_dark/.test( pref_id, ): uiPrefThemeToggle(new_value); break; // toggle light/dark theme case new_value.length > 1 && settings_value === new_value.join('_'): // nobreak; new value === settings value default: // other non-booleans searchParamSet( getNewUIPref(pref_id)[0], new_value.join('_'), ); // set searchParam removeClass( 'body', [pref_id, current_value].join('_'), ); addClass('body', new_value.join('_')); // remove old bodyclass; add new bodyclass send = 'true'; } if ( send === 'true' && isTopWindow() && !/show_details|show_sidebar/.test(pref_id) ) { messageSend( message_target, 'uiPrefToggle', '', pref_id, ); } // send message to iframe if ( /show_invisibles|show_ignored_items/.test( pref_id, ) ) { updateStats(); } // update stats if necessary } function uiPrefsReset(e) { eStopPrevent(e); // ===> DEFAULT SETTINGS: remove queries; if ( window.confirm( 'Are you sure you want to remove all your temporary UI settings from the URL query string?', ) ) { removeClass('body', 'has_menu'); let query_str = '', selected_str = '', history_str = ''; if ( getCurrentUIPref('selected').length && getCurrentUIPref('selected').match( /[0-9\+]+?/, ) ) { selected_str += 'selected=' + getCurrentUIPref('selected'); } if ( getCurrentUIPref('history').length && getCurrentUIPref('history').match( /[0-9\+]+?/, ) ) { history_str += 'history=' + getCurrentUIPref('history'); } query_str = history_str + '&' + selected_str; if (query_str.length > 1) { query_str = '?' + query_str.replace(/\s/g, '+'); } window.location.assign( window_location + query_str, ); } } //============================// function uiPrefThemeToggle(new_value) { let iframe_src = getEl('#content_iframe').src; // ===> TOGGLE UI PREF THEME new_value = new_value.join('_'); // "theme_[light|dark]" removeClass('body', 'theme_dark theme_light'); addClass('body', new_value); // set top level theme classes if (new_value === 'theme_light') { searchParamDelete('theme'); } else { searchParamSet('theme', 'dark'); } // set top level theme search param switch (isTopWindow()) { case getContentPaneData() === 'has_htm': switch (true) { case new_value === 'theme_light': iframe_src = iframe_src.replace( /\?theme=dark/, '', ); break; case new_value !== 'theme_light' && !/\\?theme=dark/.test(iframe_src): iframe_src = iframe_src + '?theme=dark'; } getEl('#content_iframe').src = iframe_src; break; case getEl( '#content_iframe', ).src.startsWith('data:text/html;'): // toggle iframe data src let src = getEl('#content_iframe').src; src = src.replace( /texteditor_view_styled.20theme_[^%]+?.20/, 'texteditor_view_styled%20' + new_value + '%20', ); getEl('#content_iframe').src = src; break; default: messageSend( 'iframe', 'uiPrefToggle', '', new_value, ); // else default iframe toggle: send message to iframe } } function uiPrefFontSet(e) { eStopPrevent(e); let value; // ===> SET UI FONT switch (true) { case e?.type === 'click': getEl('#ui_font input').value = getCurrentUIPref('ui_font'); addClass('#ui_font', 'show_input'); getEl('#ui_font input').focus(); break; // show input & current ui font on click case e?.key === 'Enter': value = getEl('#ui_font input').value; // get the entered ui font if (value !== '') { = value; searchParamSet('ui_font', value); } else { = null; searchParamDelete('ui_font'); } messageSend( 'iframe', 'set_ui_font', '', value, ); removeClass('#ui_font', 'show_input'); menuClose(); break; // set the font; close menu default: if ( UI_Prefs_Non_Bool.ui_font !== getCurrentUIPref('ui_font') ) { = getCurrentUIPref('ui_font'); } // set the ui font on page load } } function uiPrefScaleSet(e, value, bool) { // bool === true --> from buildUI // ===> SET UI SCALE if (e !== null) { e.stopPropagation(); } switch (true) { case Math.round(value) === 100: 'transform', ); 'width', ); 'height', ); // remove body styles setData( '#ui_scale .menu_item', 'value', '100%', ); getEl('#ui_scale_input').value = 100; // reset input searchParamDelete('ui_scale'); break; // delete the searchParam default: = 'scale(' + value + '%)'; = Math.round(10000 / Number(value)) + '%'; = Math.round(10000 / Number(value)) + '%'; // add body styles searchParamSet( 'ui_scale', Math.round(value), ); // set the searchParam } if (Number(value) < 100) { = Math.round(10000 / Number(value)) + '%'; } else { 'width', ); } // scale the html element if value < 1 if (bool === true) { setData( '#ui_scale .menu_item', 'value', value + '%', ); getEl('#ui_scale_input').value = value; } // set the input on load } function uiPrefImgThumbsToggle(bool) { // ===> TOGGLE UI PREF IMG THUMBS let image_files = getEls( '.dirlist_item.image', ), current_background_image, max_count = 2000; // Add/remove image thumbnails as background icons switch (true) { case bool === 'false': addClass( 'body', 'show_image_thumbnails_false', ); searchParamSet( 'show_image_thumbnails', 'false', ); break; default: removeClass( 'body', 'show_image_thumbnails_false', ); searchParamDelete( 'show_image_thumbnails', ); } image_files.forEach((image) => { current_background_image = image.querySelector( 'a .has_icon_before_before', ).style.backgroundImage; // get the current background_image, save for future toggle switch ( true // toggle thumbnail display ) { case bool === 'false': // show default icon, don't remove existing thumbnail image.querySelector( 'a .has_icon_before_before', ).style.backgroundImage = get_SVG_UI_File_Icon( 'file_icon_image', ) + ',' + current_background_image; // only first background image is visible break; default: // remove default image icon or load image thumbnail image.querySelector( 'a .has_icon_before_before', ).dataset.image_url = 'url("' + image.querySelector('a').href + '")'; lazyLoadImageThumbs(); } }); } function lazyLoadImageThumbs() { if ( getCurrentUIPref( 'show_image_thumbnails', ) === 'false' ) { return; } const handleIntersection = (entries) => { => { if (entry.isIntersecting) { =; observer.unobserve(; } }); }; const observer = new IntersectionObserver( handleIntersection, { rootMargin: '100px', }, ); const thumbs = document.querySelectorAll( '.dirlist_item.image a .has_icon_before_before', ); thumbs.forEach((thumb) => observer.observe(thumb), ); } function uiPrefSortToggle(pref_id) { // ===> TOGGLE UI SORT PREF let current_sort_by = getCurrentUIPref('sort_by'), new_sort_by = pref_id .split('_') .reverse()[0]; let current_sort_direction = getCurrentUIPref( 'sort_direction', ), new_sort_direction = new_sort_by !== current_sort_by ? 'ascending' : getNewUIPref( 'sort_direction_' + current_sort_direction, )[1]; switch ( true // toggle sort_by ) { case new_sort_by !== current_sort_by: new_sort_by === 'default' ? searchParamDelete('sort_by') : searchParamSet( 'sort_by', new_sort_by, ); break; case new_sort_by === current_sort_by: break; } switch ( true // toggle sort_direction ) { case new_sort_by !== current_sort_by: // nobreak case current_sort_direction === 'descending': searchParamDelete('sort_direction'); break; // delete search_param if new sort is ascending (default) case current_sort_direction === 'ascending': searchParamSet( 'sort_direction', 'descending', ); break; // add descending search_param } removeClass( 'body', 'has_menu sort_by_name sort_by_default sort_by_duration sort_by_size sort_by_date sort_by_kind sort_by_ext sort_direction_ascending sort_direction_descending', ); // remove all sorting body classes addClass( 'body', pref_id, 'sort_direction_' + new_sort_direction, ); subDirClose(); // close subdirs // RE-SORT DIRECTORY ITEMS: let has_dir = false, sorted, iframe_src, iframe_url, iframe_params, items_html_arr = []; if (isTopWindow() && hasContent('dir')) { has_dir = true; iframe_src = getEl('#content_iframe').src; } Array.from(getEls('.dirlist_item')).forEach( (el) => items_html_arr.push( el.outerHTML.replace( /border_bottom |border_top /g, '', ), ), ); // get elements for new sort sorted = sortDirListItems( Array.from(items_html_arr), pref_id, new_sort_direction, ); // sort the items getEl('#directory_list').innerHTML = sorted; // insert sorted items into dir_list initDirListEvents(); initIframeEvents(); // re-initialize dir_list event listeners switch (true) { case hasContent('font_grid'): showGrid('show_font_grid'); break; // sort grids --> change this to actual sort, not reload case hasContent('image_grid'): showGrid('show_image_grid'); break; // sort grids --> change this to actual sort, not reload case hasContent('grid'): showGrid('show_grid'); break; // sort grids --> change this to actual sort, not reload case has_dir === true: // re-sort iframe directory if (elExists('.dirlist_item.selected')) { showThis( getEl('.dirlist_item.selected').id, ); } // show the selected directory iframe_url = new URL(iframe_src); // create url obj iframe_params = new URLSearchParams(, ); // create url search params iframe_params.set( 'sort_by', pref_id.slice( pref_id.lastIndexOf('_') + 1, ), ); // set sort_by iframe_params.set( 'sort_direction', new_sort_direction, ); // set sort_direction params = iframe_params.toString(); // update url search params getEl('#content_iframe').src = iframe_url.href; break; // reload the iframe with new src url case elExists( '.dirlist_item.selected:not(.audio)', ): showThis( getEl('.dirlist_item.selected').id, ); break; // after sort, show selected item; don't autoloadcoverart } } function audioPlayerPositionToggle(option) { switch (true) { case option === 'reset': getEl( '#content_container', ).style.paddingBottom = Number( getEl('#audio_wrapper').offsetHeight, ) + 'px'; break; case hasClass( 'body', 'audio_player_on_top_false', ): getEl( '#content_container', ).style.paddingBottom = 0; searchParamDelete('audio_player_on_top'); removeClass( 'body', 'audio_player_on_top_false', ); break; default: addClass( 'body', 'audio_player_on_top_false', ); getEl( '#content_container', ).style.paddingBottom = Number( getEl('#audio_wrapper').offsetHeight, ) + 'px'; searchParamSet( 'audio_player_on_top', 'false', ); } } function textEditorTogglePrefs(pref_id, bool) { let args = []; // ===> TOGGLE TEXT EDITOR PREFERENCES (from menus or toolbar buttons); bool from UIsetup switch (true) { case /text_editing_enable/.test(pref_id): // toggle text editing bool = hasClass( 'body', 'text_editing_enable_false', ) ? 'true' : 'false'; switch (true) { case bool === 'false': addClass( 'body', 'text_editing_enable_false', ); searchParamSet( 'text_editing_enable', 'false', ); setAttr( '#content_body #texteditor_raw_pane', 'readonly', '', ); // set readonly removeClass( 'body', 'texteditor_split_view_true', ); addClass( 'body', 'texteditor_split_view_false', ); break; default: removeClass( 'body', 'text_editing_enable_false texteditor_split_view_false texteditor_split_view_true texteditor_sync_scroll_false texteditor_sync_scroll_true', ); searchParamDelete( 'text_editing_enable', ); removeAttr( '#content_body #texteditor_raw_pane', 'readonly', ); // remove readonly textEditorTogglePrefs( 'texteditor_split_view', getCurrentUIPref( 'texteditor_split_view', ) !== undefined ? getCurrentUIPref( 'texteditor_split_view', ) : 'true', ); textEditorTogglePrefs( 'texteditor_sync_scroll', getCurrentUIPref( 'texteditor_sync_scroll', ) !== undefined ? getCurrentUIPref( 'texteditor_sync_scroll', ) : 'true', ); break; } if (isTopWindow()) { messageSend( 'iframe', 'uiPrefToggle', '', 'text_editing_enable', ); } break; case /texteditor_view_raw|texteditor_view_styled|texteditor_view_html/.test( pref_id, ): // toggle texteditor_preview & html panes args = [ 'texteditor_view', pref_id.split('_').reverse()[0], ]; bool = hasClass('body', pref_id) ? 'true' : 'false'; // set args removeClass( 'body', 'texteditor_view_raw texteditor_view_styled texteditor_view_html', ); addClass('body', pref_id); if ( bool === 'true' && hasClass('body', pref_id) ) { textEditorTogglePrefs( 'texteditor_split_view', ); } // toggle split if same view clicked break; // add pref_id body_class case /texteditor_split_view/.test(pref_id): bool = /true|false/.test(bool) ? bool : hasClass( 'body', 'texteditor_split_view_true', ) || hasClass( 'body', 'text_editing_enable_false', ) ? 'false' : 'true'; // set bool args = ['texteditor_split_view', bool]; addClass( 'body', 'texteditor_split_view_' + bool, ); searchParamSet('texteditor_split_view'); // set args, add body_class, set search param switch (true) { case bool === 'true': removeClass( 'body', 'texteditor_split_view_false', ); if ( getCurrentUIPref( 'texteditor_view', ) === 'raw' ) { addClass( 'body', 'texteditor_view_styled', ); } break; case bool === 'false': removeClass( 'body', 'texteditor_split_view_true', ); focusEl('#texteditor_raw_pane'); break; } break; case /texteditor_sync_scroll/.test(pref_id): // sync_scroll bool = /true|false/.test(bool) ? bool : getCurrentUIPref( 'texteditor_sync_scroll', ) === 'true' ? 'false' : 'true'; args = ['texteditor_sync_scroll', bool]; // set bool and args searchParamSet( 'texteditor_sync_scroll', bool, ); // set search param if (bool === 'false') { getEl( '#texteditor_sync_scroll input', ).checked = false; } else { getEl( '#texteditor_sync_scroll input', ).checked = true; } break; } if (!isTopWindow()) { messageSend( 'top_body', 'searchParamSet', '', args, ); messageSend('top_body', 'menu_close'); } // send messages to top: set search param, close menu } //============================// function resizeSidebar(e) { e.preventDefault(); // ===> RESIZE SIDEBAR/Content Pane menuClose(); let sidebar = getEl('#sidebar'), startX = e.pageX, window_width = window.innerWidth, sidebar_width = sidebar.offsetWidth; addClass('body', 'has_overlay'); // prevent interference from the rest of ui document.onmousemove = (f) => { f.stopPropagation(); f.preventDefault(); let deltaX = f.pageX - startX; if ( f.pageX > 230 && f.pageX < window_width - 200 ) { = sidebar_width + deltaX + 'px'; } scrollThis( '#directory_list', '.selected', false, ); // true = instant scroll if ( hasClass( 'body', 'audio_player_on_top_false', ) ) { audioPlayerPositionToggle('reset'); } }; document.onmouseup = (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); removeClass('body', 'has_overlay'); document.onmousemove = null; searchParamSet( 'width', sidebar.offsetWidth, ); }; } //============================// // ***** SORTING ***** // function sortAddBorders(sorted) { let item_kinds; // ===> ADD SORTING BORDERS for (let i = 0; i < sorted.length - 1; i++) { item_kinds = sorted[i].match( /data-kind=\"\w+?\" /, )[0]; if ( sorted[i + 1].indexOf(item_kinds) === -1 ) { sorted[i] = sorted[i].replace( /class=\"/, 'class="border_bottom ', ); } // add border class } return sorted; } function sortItems( items_html_arr, sort_type, sort_direction, ) { let sort_id = sort_type .split('_') .reverse()[0]; // ===> SORT INDEX ITEMS const new_sort = new Intl.Collator( undefined, { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base', }, ); let sorted = [], aName, bName, aData, bData; // aLevel, bLevel, aKind, bKind; sorted = items_html_arr.sort((a, b) => { // sorted items // aLevel = a.dataset.level; bLevel = b.dataset.level; // subdirectory level if ( !/data-name/.test(a) || !/data-name/.test(b) ) { null; } else { aName = a.replace( /(.+?)data-name="([^"]+?)"(.+)/g, '$2', ); bName = b.replace( /(.+?)data-name="([^"]+?)"(.+)/g, '$2', ); } // get data-name switch ( true // aData, bData = size, date, kind, ext, time ) { case !new RegExp('data-' + sort_id).test( a, ) || !new RegExp('data-' + sort_id).test(b): break; default: aData = a.replace( new RegExp( '.+?data-' + sort_id + '="([^"]+?)".+', ), '$1', ); bData = b.replace( new RegExp( '.+?data-' + sort_id + '="([^"]+?)".+', ), '$1', ); } switch ( true // sort 'em! ) { case sort_direction === 'ascending': return aData, bData, ) === 0 ?, bName) :, bData); // A-Z case sort_direction === 'descending': return bData, aData, ) === 0 ?, aName) :, aData); // Z-A } }); return sorted; // return sorted items } function sortDirListItems( items_html_arr, sort_type, sort_direction, ) { // ===> SORT DIR LIST on click let sorted = [], sort_all = items_html_arr, sort_dirs = items_html_arr.filter((item) => /data-kind=\"dir\"/.test(item), ), sort_files = items_html_arr.filter( (item) => !/data-kind=\"dir\"/.test(item), ); switch (true) { case /sort_by_size|sort_by_date/.test( sort_type, ) && /has_\w+list/.test( getClassNames('#top_body'), ): return items_html_arr.join('\n'); // don't sort playlists by size/date case sort_type === 'sort_by_default': // if sort default const sorted_dirs = sortItems( sort_dirs, sort_type, sort_direction, ), sorted_files = sortItems( sort_files, sort_type, sort_direction, ); // ...sort dirs and files separately switch (true) { case sort_direction === 'ascending': // if sort ascending... if ( sorted_files[0] !== undefined && sorted_dirs[0] !== undefined && !/sort_by_name|sort_by_kind|sort_by_ext/.test( sort_type, ) ) { sorted_files[0] = sorted_files[0].replace( /class=\"/, 'class="border_top ', ); // add border class } sorted = [ ...sorted_dirs, ...sorted_files, ]; // sorted = sorted_dirs.concat(sorted_files); // ...dirs before files break; case sort_direction === 'descending': // sort descending... if ( sorted_dirs[0] !== undefined && !/sort_by_name|sort_by_kind|sort_by_ext/.test( sort_type, ) ) { sorted_dirs[ sorted_dirs.length - 1 ] = sorted_dirs[ sorted_dirs.length - 1 ].replace( /class=\"/, 'class="border_top ', ); // add border class } sorted = [ ...sorted_dirs, ...sorted_files, ]; // ...else files before dirs } break; default: sorted = sortItems( sort_all, sort_type, sort_direction, ); // other sorts (name, size, date): files and dirs together } if ( /sort_by_kind|sort_by_ext/.test(sort_type) ) { sorted = sortAddBorders(sorted); } // add borders for sort by kind and ext return sorted.join('\n'); } // ***** END BASIC UI FUNCTIONS ***** // //============================// // ***** CONTENT PANE ***** // //============================// function contentHeaderButtons(e, id) { eStopPrevent(e); let incr; // ===> CONTENT HEADER BUTTONS switch (true) { case /prev|next/.test(id): // PREV/NEXT item or audio track let key = /prev_btn|prev_track/.test(id) ? 'ArrowLeft' : /next_btn|next_track/.test(id) ? 'ArrowRight' : null; // define arrowkey if (hasClass('body', 'focus_content')) { focusEl('#content_pane'); } else { getEl('#' + id).parentElement.blur(); } navigateGetEl([key, false]); break; // get the next item case /increase|decrease/.test(id): incr = hasContent('font_file') ? 1.0625 : 1.125; scaleItems( e, incr, id, getContentPaneData(), ); break; // SCALE BUTTONS; set scaling increment } } // ===> SHOW INDIVIDUAL CONTENT TYPES //============================// MEDIA function showMedia( kind, id, src, file_name, bool, ) { let title = ''; removeAttr( '#content_audio_container,#content_video', 'data-track_title', ); getEl( '.media_player[src]', )?.removeEventListener( 'timeupdate', cueSheetMenuUpdate, ); getEl( '.media_player[src]', )?.removeEventListener( 'click', cueSheetMenuUpdate, ); // remove cuesheet attrs and event listener switch (kind) { case 'audio': showMedia('close_video'); removeClass( '#content_pane', 'has_audio_error', ); switch (true) { case id === 'content_iframe_file': // clicked iframe audio files src = decodeURIComponentSafe(src); title = src.slice( src.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, ); addClass( '#content_pane', 'has_audio has_iframe_audio', ); setAttr( '#content_iframe_utility', 'src', src.slice(0, -4), ); break; default: // dir_list audio files switch (true) { case hasClass('#' + id, 'local'): break; case bool === 'true': // bool !== undefined: if from autoLoadItems, just select file (don't add .audio_loaded class) if ( getEl('.dir.content_loaded') !== undefined ) { addRemoveClassSiblings( '.dir.content_loaded', 'selected', ); } // select dir.selected instead of media addClass('#' + id, 'selected'); break; default: addRemoveClassSiblings( '#' + id, 'audio_loaded selected', ); // otherwise select loaded media } title = getEl('#' + id).querySelector( 'a', ).innerText; addClass( '#content_pane', 'has_audio', ); removeClass( '#content_pane', 'has_iframe_audio', ); src = getEl('#' + id) .querySelector('a') .getAttribute('href'); cuesheetGet(id, src, 'audio'); // get cuesheet } if ( hasClass( 'body', 'audio_player_on_top_false', ) ) { audioPlayerPositionToggle('reset'); } if (hasClass('body', 'has_quicklook')) { closeContent(); } autoLoadCoverArt(bool, id); setAttr('#content_audio', 'src', src); setAttr( '#content_audio', 'data-src_id', id, ); getEl( '#content_audio_title span', ).innerText = title; removeClass( '#content_audio_playlist_item', 'has_content', ); break; case 'close_audio': // CLOSE AUDIO; pause media; needed in each case, not outside switch getEl( '#content_audio_title span', ).innerHTML = ''; removeAttr( '#content_audio', 'data-src_id', ); removeAttr('#content_container', 'style'); removeClass( 'body', 'is_playing is_paused', ); removeClass( '.dirlist_item.audio_loaded', 'audio_loaded', ); removeClass( '#content_pane', 'has_audio has_iframe_audio has_audio_error', ); removeClass( '#content_audio_playlist_item', 'has_content', ); messageSend( 'iframe', 'close_iframe_audio', ); mediaPlayPause('close'); break; case 'video': setAttr( '#content_video', 'data-src_id', id, ); // SHOW VIDEO showMedia('close_audio'); cuesheetGet(id, src, 'video'); setData( '#content_pane', 'content', 'has_video', ); addClass('#content_video', 'has_content'); break; case 'close_video': // CLOSE VIDEO; pause media; needed in each case, not outside switch mediaPlayPause('close'); removeClass( '', 'content_loaded', ); removeClass( '#content_video', 'has_content', ); removeAttr('#content_video', 'src'); removeAttr( '#content_pane', 'data-content', ); break; } if ( getCurrentUIPref( 'show_media_name_in_window_title', ) === 'true' ) { toggleMediaNameInWindowTitle( kind, file_name, ); } } function toggleMediaNameInWindowTitle( kind, file_name, ) { let document_title = / :: /.test( document.title, ) ? document.title.split(' :: ')[1] : document.title; // add playing media item to document.title switch (true) { case /close/.test(kind): break; case kind === 'toggle' && getCurrentUIPref( 'show_media_name_in_window_title', ) === 'true': searchParamSet( 'show_media_name_in_window_title', 'false', ); document.body.classList.add( 'show_media_name_in_window_title_false', ); break; // toggle off; add searchParam and body class case kind === 'toggle' && getCurrentUIPref( 'show_media_name_in_window_title', ) === 'false': searchParamDelete( 'show_media_name_in_window_title', ); document.body.classList.remove( 'show_media_name_in_window_title_false', ); // toggle on; delete searchParam and body class file_name = getEls( ',', )[0].dataset.title; // nobreak case !/close/.test(kind): document_title = 'Playing: ' + file_name + ' :: ' + document_title; break; // default add name to document title } document.title = document_title; } //============================// MEDIA PLAYBACK function mediaShuffleListUpdate(id, bool) { let shuffle_list; // ===> UPDATE SHUFFLE LIST; bool === false: there is a selected media item const mediaGetUpdatedShuffleArray = () => { let playlist = []; Array.from( getEls( ',.disabled)', ), ).forEach((el) => playlist.push(; return playlist; }; const mediaShuffleArray = (array) => { for (let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { const j = Math.floor( Math.random() * (i + 1), ); [array[i], array[j]] = [ array[j], array[i], ]; } return array; }; switch (true) { case !hasClass('body', 'shuffle_media'): return; // don't shuffle if normal playback case id !== undefined: shuffle_list = getData( '#content_audio_container', 'shufflelist', ).split(','); // handle checked and unchecked media items: id = checked/unchecked switch (true) { case bool === false: case hasClass('#' + id, 'unchecked'): shuffle_list = shuffle_list.filter( (shuffle_item_id) => shuffle_item_id !== id, ); break; // remove selected or unchecked items default: shuffle_list.push(id); shuffle_list = mediaShuffleArray(shuffle_list); // else add re-checked items to shufflelist } break; default: shuffle_list = mediaShuffleArray( mediaGetUpdatedShuffleArray(), ); // reset shufflelist when shuffle option checked if ( !mediaIsPlaying('content_audio') || !mediaIsPlaying('content_video') ) { showThis(shuffle_list[0]); shuffle_list.shift(); // if nothing playing, load first item from list and remove it } else { shuffle_list = shuffle_list.filter( (shuffle_item_id) => shuffle_item_id !== getEls( '', ).id, ); // else just remove the current item from the shuffle list } } setMediaShuffleListData(shuffle_list); // set shufflelist data and remaining count } function setMediaShuffleListData(shuffle_list) { shuffle_list = typeof shuffle_list === 'string' ? shuffle_list.split(',') : shuffle_list; let shufflecount = shuffle_list[0] === '' ? '0' : shuffle_list.length; setData( '#content_audio_container', 'shufflelist', shuffle_list, ); setData( '#shuffle_label', 'shufflecount', ' (' + shufflecount + ' remaining)', ); // set shufflelist data and remaining count } function toggleCheckBox(e, id) { let input_el = getEl('#' + id).querySelector( 'input', ); input_el.checked = !input_el.checked; input_el.blur(); } function toggleChecked(e, id) { e?.stopPropagation(); let el = getEl('#' + id), input_el = getEl('#' + id).querySelector( 'input', ); input_el.checked = !input_el.checked; el.classList.toggle('unchecked'); mediaShuffleListUpdate(id); } function toggleAllChecked(e) { e.stopPropagation(); getEls('').forEach((el) => toggleCheckBox(e,, ); mediaShuffleListUpdate(); } // ===> TOGGLE ALL MEDIA CHECKBOXES; update shufflelist function mediaScrub(e, args) { let factor, skip; // ===> MEDIA SKIP +/-10/30 seconds switch (true) { case e !== undefined: factor = e.key === 'ArrowLeft' ? -1 : 1; skip = e.altKey && e.shiftKey ? 30 : e.altKey ? 10 : null; break; // from top case args !== undefined: factor = args[0] === 'ArrowLeft' ? -1 : 1; skip = args[1] || 0; break; // from iframe } const player = hasContent('video') ? getEl('#content_video') : getEl('#content_audio'), time = player.currentTime; // get current time player.currentTime = time + factor * skip; // set new time } function mediaIsPlaying(id) { // ===> IS PLAYING; returns true if all conditions are true switch (true) { case !isTopWindow() && !hasClass('body', 'has_quicklook'): return hasClass('body', 'is_playing') ? true : false; default: return ( id !== undefined && getEl('#' + id).currentTime > 0 && !getEl('#' + id).paused && !getEl('#' + id).ended ); } } function mediaPlayPause(task) { let player_el = hasContent('video') ? getEl('#content_video') : getEl('#content_audio'), playing = mediaIsPlaying(; // ===> PLAY/PAUSE MEDIA switch (true) { case player_el === null: break; case task === 'close': player_el.removeAttribute('src'); // nobreak; case task === 'pause': case playing === true: try { player_el.pause(); } catch (e) { null; } break; case task === 'play': case playing === false: try {; } catch (e) { null; } break; } if (hasContent('iframe_audio')) { messageSend( 'iframe', 'setIframePlayerStatus', '', task, ); } } function mediaPlayPrevNextIframeItem() { if (!isTopWindow()) { getEl( ' a', ).trigger('dblclick'); messageSend( 'top_body', 'iframe_play_pause_media', ); } } // ===> PLAY PREV/NEXT IFRAME MEDIA ITEM function mediaPlaybackOptions(e, id) { e.stopPropagation(); // ===> AUDIO PLAYBACK OPTIONS (shuffle, loop) let loop_el = getEl('#loop'), shuffle_el = getEl('#shuffle'); switch (true) { case id === 'loop': case id === 'loop_media_files': document.body.classList.toggle( 'loop_media', ); break; case id === 'shuffle': case id === 'shuffle_media_files': document.body.classList.toggle( 'shuffle_media', ); mediaShuffleListUpdate(); break; // set shufflelist } switch ( true // change audio checkboxes prop ) { case id === 'loop_media_files': loop_el.checked === true ? (loop_el.checked = false) : (loop_el.checked = true); break; case id === 'shuffle_media_files': shuffle_el.checked === true ? (shuffle_el.checked = false) : (shuffle_el.checked = true); if (shuffle_el.checked === false) { delete getEl('#shuffle_label').dataset( 'shufflecount', ); } break; // remove shufflecount } } //============================// PLAYLISTS/FILELISTS function openPlaylist(file_name, reader, data) { let bool, list_class; // files & reader = open .m3u file; data = m3u.txtfile content// // ===> OPEN PLAYLIST if (!data.startsWith('#EXTM3U')) { return; } // prevent reading non-playlist files if ( !/has_\w+list/.test(getClassNames('body')) ) { // if body does not already have playlist or filelist... let body_classes = document.body.classList; // original dir_list and body "has_"classes as data setData( '#directory_list', 'dir_list', getEl('#directory_list').innerHTML, ); setData( '#directory_list', 'body_classes', body_classes.value, ); // store the original dir_list and body classes body_classes.forEach((body_class) => { if (body_class.startsWith('has_')) { removeClass('body', body_class); } }); // remove media and other body classes } file_name = file_name !== '' ? file_name : getEl( '.dirlist_item.selected.playlist .dirlist_item_name_a', ).innerText; // get the file name for the title and current_dir_path getEl('#current_dir_path span').innerHTML = file_name; // set sidebar header title let new_index = buildNewIndex( '', prepPlaylist(data), '', 'playlist', ); // build the new dir_list addClass('body', new_index[1]); // add playlist body classes (has_media, has_audio, etc.) list_class = new_index[1] .split(' ') .every((el) => [ 'has_audio', 'has_media', 'has_video', ].includes(el), ) ? 'has_playlist' : 'has_filelist'; addClass('body', list_class); // set play- or filelist class if ( /file:/.test(new_index) && !/file:/.test(window_protocol) ) { addClass('body', 'has_warning'); addClass('#directory_list', 'local'); showWarning( 'openPlaylist', 'warning_local_playlist', ); } // warn local on non-local getEl('#directory_list').innerHTML = new_index[0]; // replace dir_list with prepared playlist autoLoadItems(); // if autoload media... scrollThis( '#directory_list', '.selected', false, ); document.title = 'Playlist: ' + file_name; bool = true; initEvents(); updateStats(bool); } function closePlaylist() { // files & reader = open .m3u file; data = m3u.txtfile content// // ===> OPEN PLAYLIST window.stop(); closeContent('audio'); closeContent(); removeClass('body'); // close all content, remove all body classes, stop window resource loading addClass( 'body', getData('#directory_list', 'body_classes'), ); // restore original body classes getEl('head title').innerText = 'Index of ' + window_location; // restore window title getEl('#current_dir_path span').innerHTML = current_dir_path; // restore current_dir_path tilte getEl('#directory_list').innerHTML = getData( '#directory_list', 'dir_list', ); // restore original dir_list... deleteData('#directory_list', 'dir_list'); deleteData('#directory_list', 'body_classes'); // ...and remove data showThis( getEl('') ?.id, ); showThis( getEl('.dirlist_item.content_loaded')?.id, ); // reload previously loaded content initEvents(); updateStats(false); } function playlistMake() { let items, playlist = []; // ===> MAKE PLAYLIST file from directory files for export as m3u let playlist_type = getEl( '#make_playlist_form input:checked', ).id; switch ( playlist_type // get playlist items according to selected type ) { case 'media_files_only': items = getEls( '', ); break; case 'audio_files_only': items = getEls( '', ); break; case 'video_files_only': items = getEls( '', ); break; case 'all_non_media_files': items = getEls('.dirlist_item.non_media'); break; case 'all_items': items = getEls('.dirlist_item'); break; case 'directories_only': items = getEls('.dirlist_item.dir'); break; case 'files_only': items = getEls('.dirlist_item.file'); break; } switch (true) { default: items.forEach((item) => { playlist.push( playlistMakeItem(, true), ); }); // make playlist entry for each item playlist = '#EXTM3U\n' + playlist.join('\n'); // add playlist header id saveFile( playlist, 'audio/mpeg-url', getEl('#current_dir_path') .innerText.split('/') .reverse()[1] + '.m3u', ); // save m3u with default name = current dir name closeWarning(); // close warning } } // Make playlist entry for display in title bar function playlistMakeItem(id, bool) { //*** id = 'content_title' or 'content_audio_title', bool = true --> from playlistMake(), otherwise from playlistShowItem(); ***// let title, link, duration, full_path = window.location.protocol + window.location.hostname + window.location.pathname; title = hasContent('grid') && id === 'content_title' ? 'Files from: ' + full_path : bool === true ? getEl('#' + id) : getEl('#' + id).innerText; // get title txt switch ( true // Get link ) { case bool === true: link = getEl('#' + id).querySelector( 'a', ).href; break; // get item link for filelists case hasContent('grid') && id === 'content_title': link = full_path; break; // grid link = dir path case id === 'content_title': link = hasContent('image') ? getAttr('#content_image', 'src') : getAttr( '.content_el.has_content', 'src', ); break; // content link case id === 'content_audio_title': link = getLinkInfo( getAttr('#content_audio', 'src'), )[0].trim(); break; // audio link } link = link.startsWith('/') ? window.location.protocol + '//' + link : link; // fix links without protocols (local files) link = new URL(link); // make new URL from link link = link.protocol + '//' + link.hostname + link.pathname; // compose link duration = hasContent('video') ? Number.parseInt(getEl('#video').duration) : id === 'content_audio_title' ? Number.parseInt( getEl('#content_audio').duration, ) : ''; return ( '#EXTINF:' + duration + ',' + title + '\n' + link + '\n' ); // return composed playlist entry } function playlistShowItem(id) { // ===> SHOW PLAYLIST ENTRY switch (true) { case id === 'close': removeClass( '#content_playlist_item,#content_audio_playlist_item', 'has_content', ); getEls( '#content_header textarea', ).forEach((el) => (el.value = '')); return; case hasClass('body', 'has_quicklook') && id === 'content_audio_title': closeContent('audio'); case !hasContent(): case hasContent('texteditor'): return; } let el_id = id === 'content_title' ? 'content_playlist_item' : id === 'content_audio_title' ? 'content_audio_playlist_item' : ''; document .getElementById(el_id) .classList.toggle('has_content'); document .getElementById(el_id) .querySelector('textarea').value = playlistMakeItem(id); textareaSelectContent( document .getElementById(el_id) .querySelector('textarea').id, ); // add entry to the textarea document .getElementById(el_id) .querySelector('textarea') .focus(); } //============================// CUESHEETS function cuesheetGet(id, link, kind) { // id = 'content_iframe_file' or '', link = selected.href, kind = audio/video // ===> GET CUE SHEET if (id === 'content_iframe_file') { return; } // prevent error for iframe files removeClass( '.cuesheet_track_list_container', 'has_cue_sheet', ); // reset cuesheet container getEl( '#cuesheet_track_list_audio', ).innerHTML = ''; // empty existing cue sheet track list let media_file_name = decodeURIComponentSafe( getEl('#' + id), ); let cue_file_name = decodeURIComponentSafe( media_file_name, ).slice( 0, media_file_name.lastIndexOf('.'), ) + '.cuetxt', cue_file_link = ''; let cue_file = getEl( '.dirlist_item.code[data-name="' + cue_file_name + '"', ); // get the cuesheet id if (cue_file !== null) { cue_file_link = document .getElementById( .querySelector('a') .href.trim(); getEl('#content_iframe_utility').src = cue_file_link; // set utility iframe src for processing setAttr( '#cuesheet_track_list_container_' + kind, 'data-duration', getEl('#content_' + kind).duration, ); } } function cuesheetProcess(cuesheet_text) { // ===> PROCESS CUE SHEET let commands_arr = [ 'PERFORMER', 'TITLE', 'INDEX', ], track_command, classes = 'cuesheet_track display_grid background_grey_85 pointer padding_4_6'; let cuesheet_tracks, track, prepped_track, prepped_track_list = [], track_header, track_id, display_time, duration, index, position, previous_position, container_id; cuesheet_text = cuesheet_text.replace( /\t/g, ' ', ); cuesheet_tracks = !cuesheet_text.startsWith( 'TRACK', ) ? cuesheet_text .slice(cuesheet_text.indexOf('TRACK ')) .split('TRACK ') .reverse() : cuesheet_text.split('TRACK ').reverse(); for (track of cuesheet_tracks) { prepped_track = []; track = track.trim().split(/[\n\r]/); track_id = track.shift().split(' ')[0]; // for each track in the cue sheet... for ( let i = 0; i < commands_arr.length; i++ ) { // and for each command in commands_arr... for (track_command of track) { // and for each command in the track if ( track_command.match(commands_arr[i]) ) { track_command = track_command .trim() .replace( /^(performer|title|index\s+\d+)\s*/gim, '', ) .replace( /^('|\"|\")|('|\"|\")$/gim, '', ); // prep the displayed track information if (commands_arr[i] === 'INDEX') { // format INDEX command; N.B.: cuesheet time format = mm:ss:ff (ff = frames @ 75fr/sec): previous_position = position || getEl( ' .dirlist_item_media_duration', )?.dataset.duration; // first track won't have position, so use length of audio file display_time = track_command.replace( /INDEX\s+\d+\s+/, '', ); index = display_time .split(':') .reverse(); // split the display time position = index[0] / 75 + index[1] * 1 + index[2] * 60; // sum the parts to get total seconds for audio position track_command = getFormattedDuration( Math.abs( previous_position - position, ), ) + '</span><span class="cue_position">' + getFormattedDuration(position); // display duration of track duration = getFormattedDuration( Math.abs( previous_position - position, ), ); } prepped_track[i] = '<span class="cue_' + commands_arr[i].toLowerCase() + '">' + (track_command.length === 0 ? '—' : track_command) + '</span>'; // make span for each track command } } } prepped_track.unshift( `<li id="cuesheet_item_${track_id}" class="${classes}" data-duration="${duration}" data-position="${position}"><span class="cue_index align_right">${track_id}</span><span class="icon has_icon_before_before"></span>`, ); // add prepped_track prefix html (track number/index, icon) prepped_track_list.push( prepped_track.join(''), ); // add prepped_track to prepped_track_list } prepped_track_list.pop(); prepped_track_list = prepped_track_list.reverse().join('</li>') + '</li>'; // remove mystery empty track item; create prepped track list track_header = '<li class="cuesheet_track header display_grid cursor_default background_grey_85 border_top border_bottom bold"><span class="cue_track_id"></span><span class="icon"></span><span class="cue_performer">Performer</span><span class="cue_title">Title</span><span class="cue_index">Time</span><span class="cue_position">Position</span></li>'; // tracklist menu header elements switch (true) { case elExists('.dirlist_item.audio_loaded'): case hasContent('iframe_audio'): container_id = '#cuesheet_track_list_audio'; break; case elExists( '', ): case hasContent('iframe_file'): container_id = '#cuesheet_track_list_video'; break; } getEl(container_id) ?.closest('nav') ?.classList.add('has_cue_sheet'); getEl(container_id).innerHTML = track_header + prepped_track_list; // add cue sheet track list to menu initCuesheetEvents(); cueSheetMenuUpdate(); // init cuesheet event listeners } function cueSheetMenuUpdate() { let media_el = getEl('.media_player[src]'); // UPDATE CUESHEET MENU: continuously on timeupdate let current_time = media_el?.currentTime; let current_track = getEl('.cuesheet_track.selected') !== null ? getEl('.cuesheet_track.selected') : getEl('#cuesheet_item_1'); let current_position = current_track?.dataset.position, next_track = current_track?.nextElementSibling, next_position = next_track?.dataset.position, track_title, bool; switch (true) { case current_time >= current_position && current_time < next_position: bool = true; if ( !current_track.classList.contains( 'selected', ) ) { current_track.classList.add('selected'); } break; // current track playing case current_track === null && current_position === undefined: // nobreak; click media player timeline with nothing selected case current_time < current_position || current_time > next_position: // nobreak; click media player timeline outside of current track case current_time < next_position: bool = false; // or when scrubbing backwards... current_track?.classList.remove( 'selected', ); current_track = Array.from( getEls('.cuesheet_track'), ) .reverse() .find( (el) => el.dataset.position < current_time, ); break; // current track by position case current_time > next_position: bool = false; // when current track ends (playing or scrubbing forward... current_track.classList.remove( 'selected', ); current_track = next_track; // redefine current track } next_track = current_track?.nextElementSibling; // redefine next track track_title = current_track?.querySelector( '.cue_performer', ).innerText + ': ' + current_track?.querySelector('.cue_title') .innerText; // get the current track title media_el.closest( '.track_title_container', ).dataset.track_title = track_title; // else update title if (bool !== true) { current_track?.classList.add('selected'); scrollThis( '#cuesheet_track_list_audio', '.cuesheet_track.selected', ); } // select and scroll to current track } function updateCueSheetDisplay() { null; } function setCueSheetTrackTitle(id, media_el) { let current_track = getEl( '.cuesheet_track.selected', ); let track_title = current_track.querySelector( '.cue_performer', ).innerText + ': ' + current_track.querySelector('.cue_title') .innerText; // get the current track title getEl( '#content_' + media_el, ).dataset.track_title = track_title; // set media player data-track_title } //============================// FONTS function fontRestoreOptions(id) { // restore font toolbar values after closing previewed glyph with modified options values getEl('#font_size').value = getEl(id).dataset.scale; getEl('#text_color').value = getEl(id).style.color; // restore size and color switch ( true // restore text stroke color & width ) { case id === '#font_file_grid': getEl('#text_stroke_width').value = getEl(id) .querySelector('svg path') .getAttribute('stroke-width') ?.replace(/[A-z]+/, '') || ''; getEl('#text_stroke_color').value = getEl(id) .querySelector('svg path') .getAttribute('stroke') || ''; break; case id === '#font_specimen_viewer': getEl('#text_stroke_width').value = getEl( id, ).style.webkitTextStrokeWidth.replace( /[A-z]+/, '', ); getEl('#text_stroke_color').value = getEl(id).style.webkitTextStrokeColor; break; } } function setFontSpecimenViewerStyles( font_family, ) { if (font_family !== false) { getEl( '#font_specimen_viewer', ).style.fontFamily = '"' + font_family + '"'; } // set content font styles getEl( '#font_specimen_viewer', ).style.fontSize = getEl('#font_size').value + 'em'; // "" "" getEl( '#font_specimen_viewer', ).style.lineHeight = Number(getEl('#line_height').value) === 0 ? 1.2 : Number(getEl('#line_height').value) + 1.2; // "" "" getEl( '#font_specimen_viewer', ).style.letterSpacing = getEl( '#letter_spacing', ).value; // "" "" getEl( '#font_specimen_viewer', ).style.webkitTextStrokeWidth = getEl( '#text_stroke_width', ).value; // "" "" getEl('#text_color').value = getEl( '#font_specimen_viewer', ).style.color; getEl('#text_stroke_color').value = getEl( '#font_specimen_viewer', ).style.webkitTextStrokeColor; } function showFont( id, bool, font_grid, link, i, font_items_length, ) { // ===> SET FONT CSS rules or create font grid items (bool === true) // id from gridMakeFontItems(); link = from previewed directory let font_styles = getEl('#font_styles'), border_class = '', last_item_class = '', display_name, font_grid_item_info = '', font_grid_item_el = ''; let font_family = link !== '' ? link?.slice( link.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, link?.lastIndexOf('.'), ) : getEl('#' + id); font_family = decodeURIComponentSafe(font_family); // get CSS font family let font_url = link !== '' ? link : getAttr('#' + id + ' a', 'href'); font_url = decodeURIComponentSafe(font_url); // get CSS font src setWarningItemNotLoaded(link, 'font'); switch (true) { case bool === false: // If bool === false, set CSS rules for previewed fonts font_styles.innerHTML = `@font-face { font-family: "${font_family}"; src: url("${font_url}"); }`; // insert new @font-face rule addClass( '#content_pane', 'has_font_specimen', ); setFontSpecimenViewerStyles(font_family); break; case font_grid === 'font_grid': // ...else (if bool === true) make grid font items display_name = font_family; if (i === font_items_length - 1) { last_item_class = 'border_bottom_x'; } if (i > 0) { border_class = 'border_top_x'; } font_grid_item_info = `<p class="font_grid_item_info margin_0 text_color_default font_size_small line_height_1">${display_name.toUpperCase()}</p><h2 style=\'font-family: "${font_family}"\'; class="margin_0 normal"><a class="text_color_default" href="${font_url}">${display_name.slice(0, font_family.lastIndexOf('.'))}</a></h2>`; font_grid_item_el = `<li class="grid_item font_grid_item ${border_class} ${last_item_class} background_grey_90" data-id="${id}" data-kind="font">${font_grid_item_info}</li>`; if ( !/font_family/.test( getEl('#font_grid_styles').innerHTML, ) ) { // only add font family style if it isn't already there getEl( '#font_grid_styles', ).insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeend', `@font-face { font-family: "${font_family}"; src: url("${font_url}"); }`, ); } return font_grid_item_el; } initFontPreviewEvents(); } function closeFont() { switch (true) { case hasContent('iframe_file,iframe_dir'): showThis( getEl( '.dirlist_item.non_media.selected', )?.id, ); break; // if iframe item, reopen sidebar dir case hasContent('font_file_glyph'): // CLOSE FONT_FILE_GLYPH font_specimen_grid removeClass( '#content_pane', 'has_font_file_glyph', ); addClass( '#content_pane', 'has_font_file', ); getEl( '#svg_container g', ).style.transform = 'scale(1)'; fontRestoreOptions('#font_file_grid'); break; // reset font_scale slider case hasContent('font_specimen_glyph'): // CLOSE FONT_SPECIMEN_GLYPH removeClass( '#content_pane', 'has_font_specimen_glyph', ); addClass( '#content_pane', 'has_font_specimen', ); removeAttr( '#font_specimen_glyph', 'style', ); removeAttr('#font_specimen_viewer', [ 'data-char', 'data-unicode_hex', ]); getEl('#font_specimen_glyph').innerText = ''; fontRestoreOptions( '#font_specimen_viewer', ); break; // reset font_scale slider case hasContent('font_file'): showWarning('showFont', 'close'); break; // CLOSE FONT FILE with warning case getEl('#font_specimen_grid').children ?.length > 0: getEl('#font_specimen_grid').innerHTML = ''; getEl( '#unicode_char_ranges_select', ).value = ''; showContentPaneEl('font'); break; case hasContent('font_specimen'): if (getEl('.dirlist_item.dir.selected')) { showThis( getEl('.dirlist_item.dir.selected') .id, ); } // reopen selected sidebar dir else { setData( '#content_pane', 'content', 'has_null', ); setData( '#content_pane', 'loaded_id', 'null', ); // else close sidebar font removeClass( '#content_pane', 'has_font_specimen has_file', ); removeClass( '#content_font', 'has_content', ); setContentTitle('close'); } break; default: setAttr( '#content_pane', 'data-content', 'has_null', ); removeClass( '#content_pane', 'has_font_specimen has_font_specimen_glyph has_font_file has_font_file_glyph', ); removeClass( '#content_font', 'has_content', ); removeAttr('#content_font', 'src'); removeAttr( '#font_specimen_viewer', 'style', ); setContentTitle('close'); focusEl('#top_body'); break; } } function showFontGlyph(e, id) { e?.stopPropagation(); // ===> SHOW INDIVIDUAL GLYPH let this_glyph, glyph_viewer, data_glyph_SVG, glyph_name, unicode_dec, unicode_hex, svg_container; if ( (e?.type === 'click' || e?.key === 'Enter') && /glyph_container/.test(id) ) { removeClass( '#font_file_grid .selected', 'selected', ); addClass('#' + id, 'selected'); } // select clicked or if ( !hasContent('font_file_glyph') && !hasContent('font_specimen_glyph') ) { getEl('#font_size').value = 1; } switch (true) { case id === 'close': case id === 'close_specimen': closeContent('font'); return; // close font glyph case /font_specimen/.test(id): case hasContent('font_specimen'): case hasContent('font_specimen_glyph'): // font specimens and font specimen glyphs this_glyph = getEl('#' + id); glyph_viewer = getEl( '#font_specimen_viewer', ); getEl('#font_specimen_glyph').innerText = String.fromCodePoint( this_glyph.dataset.unicode_dec, ); // add glyph to specimen glyph glyph_name = String.fromCodePoint( this_glyph.dataset.unicode_dec, ); unicode_dec = this_glyph.dataset.unicode_dec; unicode_hex = this_glyph.dataset.unicode_hex; removeClass( '#content_pane', 'has_font_specimen', ); addClass( '#content_pane', 'has_font_specimen_glyph', ); focusEl('#content_pane'); getEl( '#content_pane .font_glyph_item.selected', )?.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'nearest', }); break; // hide font_specimen, show font_specimen glyph case hasContent('font_file'): case hasContent('font_file_glyph'): // font files and font file glyphs this_glyph = getEl('#' + id) || getEl('#font_file_grid .selected'); glyph_viewer = getEl( '#font_file_glyph_viewer', ); data_glyph_SVG = this_glyph .querySelector('svg') .cloneNode(true); // get glyph by id, glyph path, & glyph SVG data_glyph_SVG.setAttribute( 'viewBox', '0 0 50 160', ); = '100%'; = '100%'; = getEl( '#text_color', ).value; // set attrs & styles data_glyph_SVG.classList.remove('invert'); data_glyph_SVG.classList.add( 'overflow_visible', ); data_glyph_SVG.querySelector( 'g', ).style.transform = 'scale(' + glyph_viewer.dataset.scale + ')'; if (elExists('#svg_container')) { // if a glyph is being shown... getEl('#svg_container svg').remove(); getEl( '#svg_container', ).insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeend', data_glyph_SVG.outerHTML, ); svg_container = getEl( '#svg_container', ).outerHTML; // get svg_container, add new svg; } else { // ...and so preserve any added styles svg_container = '<div id="svg_container" class="display_flex invert position_relative width_100 height_100">' + data_glyph_SVG.outerHTML + '</div>'; // else create new svg container } getEl('#glyph_container')?.remove(); // remove existing glyph_container glyph_viewer.insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeend', '<div id="glyph_container" class="flex_justify_center">' + svg_container + '</div>', ); // add the glyph_container to font_file_glyph_viewer glyph_name = this_glyph.dataset.glyph_name; unicode_dec = this_glyph.dataset.unicode_dec; unicode_hex = this_glyph.dataset.unicode_hex; getEl('#svg_container').onmousedown = function (e) { fontGlyphMove(e, '#svg_container'); }; // init fontGlyphMove removeClass( '#content_pane', 'has_font_file', ); addClass( '#content_pane', 'has_font_file_glyph', ); focusEl('#content_pane'); getEl( '#content_pane .font_glyph_item.selected', )?.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'nearest', }); break; // hide font_file grid, show font_file_glyph } glyph_viewer.dataset.glyph_name = glyph_name; glyph_viewer.dataset.unicode_dec = 'Unicode Dec: ' + unicode_dec; glyph_viewer.dataset.unicode_hex = 'Unicode Hex: ' + unicode_hex; } function openFontFile(files, reader, bool) { // ===> OPEN FONT FILE getEl('#font_file_viewer').remove(); getEl('#content_font').insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeend', Content_Pane_Elements( 'content_font_viewer', ), ); // reset font_file_viewer switch (true) { case files === 'close': // close font file removeClass('body', 'focus_content'); removeAttr( '#content_pane', 'data-content', ); removeClass( '#content_pane', 'has_font_specimen has_font_specimen_glyph has_font_file has_font_file_glyph', ); // remove content_pane attrs and classes removeClass( '#content_font', 'has_content', ); // remove content_font classes getEl('#font_file_grid').innerHTML = ''; getEl('#content_title span').innerHTML = ''; // empty font_file_grid and content_title if (bool === undefined) { // show previously loaded content or close content, but not if bool if ( getEl('.dirlist_item.content_loaded') ) { showThis( getEl( '.dirlist_item.content_loaded', )?.id, ); } else { showThis('close'); } // (but not when opening new font file) } break; default: // show font file if ( !hasContent('font_file') && !/has_\w+list/.test( getClassNames('#top_body'), ) ) { showThis('close'); } // close content & hide grids removeClass( '#content_pane', 'has_font_specimen has_font_specimen_glyph has_font_file_glyph', ); addClass( '#content_pane', 'has_font_file', ); // content_pane classes setContentPaneAttrs(, 'font', 'content_font',, ); showContentPaneEl('font'); setData( '#font_file_glyph_viewer', 'scale', '1', ); // reset font file glyph viewer makeFontGlyphItems( 'font_file', reader.r###lt, ); // => make glyph items from font file getEls('.glyph_container').forEach((el) => el.addEventListener('click', (e) => showFontGlyph(e,, ), ); // init click listener for each glyph focusEl('#font_file_grid'); // focus font_file_grid } } function getFontFileInfo(font) { let font_names = font.names, font_info_details = '', name, value; // ===> GET FONT INFO for (name in font_names) { value = font_names[name].en; if (name.endsWith('URL')) { let href = !value.startsWith('http') ? 'http://' + value : value; // in case url without protocol is used value = '<a class="bold" href="' + href + '" target="_blank">' + value + '</a>'; } font_info_details += `<li class="display_none"><span class="col_1 font_info_name align_right"> ${name}: </span><span class="font_info_value">${value}</span></li>`; } let font_info = `<ul id="font_info" class="info_list font_size_small border_all margin_0 padding_0 text_color_default background_grey_80 position_fixed z_index_2"> <li class="info_list_header align_center bold"><span>FONT INFO:${font.names.fullName.en.toUpperCase()}</span></li> ${font_info_details} <li class="display_none"><span class="col_1 font_info_name align_right">numGlyphs: </span><span class="font_info_value">${font.numGlyphs}</span></li> </ul>`; getEl('#font_file_viewer').insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeend', font_info, ); } // FONT GLYPHS function makeFontGlyphItem(kind, index, glyph) { // MAKE FONT GLYPH GRID ITEM; "index" is for font_specimens, "glyph" for font_files let glyph_svg, glyph_index, glyph_name, glyph_dec, glyph_hex, glyph_path, glyph_boundingbox, tab_order = index === 0 ? 'data-tab_order="0"' : ''; // glyph_width,glyph_height,glyph_advancewidth,glyph_leftsidebearing; switch (kind) { case 'font_file': glyph_name =; glyph_index = glyph.index; glyph_dec = glyph.unicode !== undefined ? glyph.unicode : ''; glyph_hex = glyph_dec !== null ? convertDecimal2Hex(glyph_dec, 4) : ''; // get glyph dec and hex values glyph_path = glyph.getPath(0, 100, 72); glyph_boundingbox = glyph_path.getBoundingBox(); glyph_path = glyph_path .toSVG() .replace(/"/g, "'") .replace( /path /g, "path fill='currentColor' ", ); // define glyph svg path and escape " glyph_svg = `<svg xmlns=\'\' x=\'0px\' y=\'0px\' viewBox=\'${glyph_boundingbox.x1 < 0 ? 0 : glyph_boundingbox.x1} 20 ${Math.abs(glyph_boundingbox.x2)} ${glyph_boundingbox.y2}\' xml:space=\'preserve\' preserveAspectRatio=\'xMidYMid meet\'><g>${glyph_path}</g></svg>`; break; case 'font_specimen': glyph_index = index; glyph_dec = index; glyph_hex = convertDecimal2Hex(index, 4); break; } return `<li id="${kind}_glyph_container_${glyph_index}" data-id="glyph_container_${glyph_index}" data-glyph_name="${glyph_name || ''}" ${tab_order} data-unicode_dec="${glyph_dec}" data-unicode_hex="U+${glyph_hex}" class="grid_item font_glyph_item glyph_container flex_justify_center border_right_x border_bottom_x position_relative"><div class="glyph display_block">${glyph_svg || String.fromCharCode(glyph_index)}</div></li>`; // return glyph item } function makeFontGlyphItems(kind, data, bool) { // MAKE FONT GLYPH GRIDS; kind,data === font_specimen,char_block_id or font_file,fontblob let glyph_items = '', font_file, font_glyphs, font_file_grid = getEl('#font_file_grid'), loop_start, loop_end; switch (kind) { case 'font_file': // display font_file glyphs font_file = window.opentype.parse(data); // parse font (req opentype.js) font_glyphs = font_file.glyphs; // get font glyphs setData( '#font_file_glyph_viewer', 'font_name', font_file.names.fullName.en, ); // add font name to glyph viewer dataset (loop_start = 0), (loop_end = font_glyphs.length); break; case 'font_specimen': // for displaying unicode char_block ranges if (data !== '') { loop_start = convertHex2Decimal( getEl('#' + data).dataset.block_start, ); loop_end = convertHex2Decimal( getEl('#' + data).dataset.block_end, ) + 1; } break; // loop char_block start/end range } for (let i = loop_start; i < loop_end; i++) { glyph_items += makeFontGlyphItem( kind, i, font_glyphs?.glyphs?.[i], ); } // loop make glyph items for glyph grids switch (true) { case bool: return glyph_items; case data === '': getEl('#font_specimen_grid').innerHTML = ''; break; // close font_specimen_grid case kind === 'font_file': getFontFileInfo(font_file); font_file_grid.insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeend', glyph_items, ); initFontPreviewEvents(); break; case kind === 'font_specimen': getEl('#font_specimen_grid').innerHTML = glyph_items.trim(); initFontPreviewEvents(); focusEl('#content_pane'); break; } } function fontGlyphMove(e, sel) { e.stopPropagation(); let startX = e.pageX, startY = e.pageY, elOffsetLeft = getEl(sel).offsetLeft, elOffsetTop = getEl(sel).offsetTop; // Move glyphs document.onmousemove = function (e) { mouseMove( e, sel, startX, startY, elOffsetLeft, elOffsetTop, ); }; } function fontGlyphSave() { // ===> SAVE GLYPH SVG let data = getEl( '#svg_container svg', ).cloneNode(true), file_name = getData( '#font_file_glyph_viewer', 'font_name', ) + '_' + getData( '#font_file_glyph_viewer', 'glyph_name', ); data.setAttribute('viewBox', '0 0 120 120'); data.removeAttribute('class'); data .querySelector('g') .removeAttribute('style'); saveFile( data.outerHTML, 'image/svg+xml', file_name, ); } // FONT UTILITIES function fontOptions( e, id, value, variant_prop, variant_value, ) { eStopPrevent(e); // value sets select el and font-feature-settings; if variant_prop exists, it is used to set font-variant value let props = { font_size: 'font-size', line_height: 'line-height', letter_spacing: 'letter-spacing', text_color: 'color', text_stroke_width: '-webkit-text-stroke-width', text_stroke_color: '-webkit-text-stroke-color', }; let prop = variant_prop || props[id] || 'font-feature-settings', units = /font_size|letter_spacing|text_stroke_width/.test( id, ) ? 'em' : '', text_stroke_color, current_stroke_color, fontElId; let el = getEl('#' + id); switch ( true // font_toolbar row 1: #font_specimen_variants ) { case /font_variant_select/.test(id): setValue('#font_tag_textarea', value); el.focus(); break; // select variants/stylistic sets case id === 'font_tag_textarea': // textarea font tags; set corresponding font_variant_select value switch (true) { case value === null: setValue('#font_tag_textarea', ''); return; // if value === null: reset case Number(value?.length) < 4: setValue('#font_variant_select', ''); break; // case value?.startsWith('cv'): setValue( '#font_variant_select', 'cv01', ); break; // case value?.startsWith('nalt'): setValue( '#font_variant_select', 'nalt', ); break; // case value?.startsWith('ornm'): setValue( '#font_variant_select', 'ornm', ); break; // case value?.startsWith('salt'): setValue( '#font_variant_select', 'salt', ); break; // case value?.startsWith('ss'): setValue( '#font_variant_select', 'ss01', ); break; // case value?.startsWith('swsh'): setValue( '#font_variant_select', 'swsh', ); break; // default: setValue( '#font_variant_select', value.slice(0, 4), ); break; // } break; // focus font_tag_textarea case id === 'unicode_char_ranges_select': makeFontGlyphItems( 'font_specimen', value, ); getEl('#content_font').scroll(0, 0); return; // unicode chars startsWith case id === 'font_size': scaleFonts(null, value, 'font_size'); return; case id === 'line_height': value = Number(value) + 1.2; if (value === 1.2) { el.value = 0; } break; // line-height; default 1.2 case id === 'letter_spacing': value = Number(value) < 0 ? value / 50 : Math.pow(value / 50, 2); if (value === 0) { el.value = 0; } break; // letter-spacing case id === 'text_color': if (value === null) { el.value = ''; value = ''; } break; // if value === null: reset case id === 'text_stroke_width': current_stroke_color = getEl( '#text_stroke_color', ).value; text_stroke_color = value < 0 ? 'white' : (current_stroke_color === '' || /white|black/.test( current_stroke_color, )) && value > 0 ? 'black' : current_stroke_color; getEl( '#font_specimen_viewer', )?.style.setProperty( '-webkit-text-stroke-color', text_stroke_color, ); value = Math.abs(Number(value)); if (value === 0) { el.value = 0; getEl('#text_stroke_color').value = ''; } break; // if value === 0: reset case id === 'text_stroke_color': if (value === null) { el.value = ''; fontOptions( null, 'text_stroke_width', null, ); } // if value === null: reset value = getEl('#text_stroke_width').value < 0 ? 'white' : getEl('#text_stroke_color') .value !== '' ? getEl('#text_stroke_color').value : 'black'; break; } switch ( true // determine element(s) to target ) { case hasContent('font_file_glyph'): fontElId = /text_stroke/.test(id) ? '#svg_container path' : '#svg_container'; break; // el = svg_container or svg path case hasContent('font_file'): fontElId = /text_stroke/.test(id) ? '#font_file_viewer path' : '#font_file_grid'; break; // el = svg_container or svg path case hasContent('font_specimen_glyph'): fontElId = '#font_specimen_glyph'; break; case hasContent('font_specimen'): fontElId = '#font_specimen_viewer'; break; } switch ( true // apply style to font element ) { case hasContent('font_file') && /text_stroke/.test(id): // if font_file and text_stroke style... current_stroke_color = getEl( '#text_stroke_color', ).value; text_stroke_color = getEl('#text_stroke_width').value < 0 ? 'white' : (current_stroke_color === '' || /white|black/.test( current_stroke_color, )) && value > 0 ? 'black' : current_stroke_color; prop = id === 'text_stroke_width' ? 'stroke-width' : 'stroke'; getEls(fontElId).forEach((el) => el.setAttribute(prop, value + units), ); if (id === 'text_stroke_width') { getEls(fontElId).forEach((el) => el.setAttribute( 'stroke', text_stroke_color, ), ); } break; // set prop on font file svg paths default: switch (true) { case /^cv|^ss|salt|swsh|ornm|nalt/.test( value, ) || id === 'font_tag_textarea': prop = 'font-feature-settings'; value = '"' + value.slice(0, 4) + '" ' + value.slice(4); getEl('#font_tag_textarea').focus(); break; case props[id] !== undefined: break; case variant_value !== undefined: value = variant_value; break; case value?.length < 4: value = ''; break; } getEl(fontElId)?.style.setProperty( prop, value + units, ); // default: set style properties } } function fontReset(id) { let el_ids = [ 'font_tag_textarea', 'font_size', 'line_height', 'letter_spacing', 'text_color', 'text_stroke_width', 'text_stroke_color', ], current_font; switch (true) { case id === 'reset': setValue('#font_variant_select', ''); el_ids.forEach( (el_id) => (getEl('#' + el_id).value = null), ); // default toolbar values switch (true) { case hasContent('font_specimen'): setFontSpecimenViewerStyles(false); break; // reset font_specimen case hasContent('font_file'): setData( '#font_file_grid', 'scale', '1', ); // reset font_file getEls( '#font_file_grid, #font_file_grid svg g', ).forEach((el) => el.removeAttribute('style'), ); getEls( '#font_file_grid svg path', ).forEach((el) => el.removeAttribute('stroke'), ); break; } default: if ( id === 'font_size' && hasContent('font_file') ) { // reset all font options... getEl( '#font_file_grid', ).removeAttribute('style'); getEl('#font_file_grid') .querySelectorAll('svg g') .forEach(function (el) { = 'none'; }); getEl('#' + id).value = 1; } else { fontOptions(null, id, null); // or reset individual font options by id } } } //============================// GRIDS function showGrid(id, bool) { let selected_ID = id || getEl('.dirlist_item.selected')?.id; // ===> SHOW GRID if ( id !== undefined && !elExists( '#content_pane li[data-id="' + selected_ID + '"]', ) ) { gridMake(id); } // initial make grid items, no dupes; else just unhide existing grid (see below) addClass('#show_grid_btn', 'has_grid'); // add class to #show_grid_btn button setAttr( '#content_pane', 'data-content', 'has_grid', ); // set content_pane data-content attribute removeClass( '#content_pane', 'has_hidden_grid has_dir has_file has_font_specimen has_zoom_image', ); removeClass( '#content_pane div', 'selected hovered', ); // remove classes; show hidden grid setContentTitle('', 'grid'); // set content title addClass( '#content_pane div[data-id="' + selected_ID + '"]', 'selected', ); // reselect selected grid item if (bool !== false) { focusEl('#content_grid'); } // focus grid, unless shift navigating (bool === false => selecting multiple items) scrollThis( '#content_grid', '.grid_item.selected', ); // scroll first item into view } function closeGrid(id) { // ===> CLOSE GRID switch (true) { case id === 'hide': removeAttr( '#content_pane', 'data-content', ); addClass( '#content_pane', 'has_hidden_grid', ); break; // hide grid, e.g., when viewing a grid item or other item case id !== 'close' && (hasContent('font') || hasContent('image')): showGrid(); break; default: removeClass('#show_grid_btn', 'has_grid'); // remove #show_grid_btn button class if (id === 'close') { removeClass( '#content_pane', 'has_hidden_grid', ); } removeClass( '#content_pane', 'has_image_grid has_font_grid has_zoom_image', ); removeAttr( '#content_pane', 'data-content', ); // remove data-content removeAttr( '#content_title span', 'data-grid_item_count', ); // remove data-grid_item_count removeAttr( '#content_grid,.image_grid_item img', 'style', ); // remove styles getEl('#content_grid').innerHTML = ''; // empty #content_grid focusEl('#top_body'); if ( getEl('.dirlist_item.hovered') !== null ) { showThis( getEl('.dirlist_item.hovered').id, ); removeClass( '.dirlist_item.hovered', 'hovered', ); } else { showThis( getVisibleElsBySelector( '.dirlist_item', )[0].id, ); // focus sidebar; show 1st sidebar item } break; } } function showContentGridItem(id, src, kind) { closeGrid('hide'); // ===> SHOW GRID ITEM switch (true) { case elExists('#' + id): addRemoveClassSiblings( '#' + id, 'selected', 'selected', ); removeClass( '.grid_item.selected', 'selected', ); addClass( '.grid_item[data-id="' + id + '"', 'selected', ); getEl('#' + id).click(); break; // normal grid item display case !elExists('#' + id): showThis('', false, true, [src, kind]); break; // show grid items from closed subdirectory } focusEl('#content_pane .has_content'); } // ***** IMAGE/FONT GRID SETUP function gridMakeFontItems(id) { // ===> FONT GRID ITEMS let font_grid_items = '', font_files = id !== undefined ? getEls('#' + id) : getEls('.dirlist_item.font'), new_grid_item, font_items_length = font_files.length; for (let i = 0; i < font_items_length; i++) { // for each font... new_grid_item = showFont( font_files[i].id, true, 'font_grid', '', i, font_items_length, ); font_grid_items += new_grid_item; // make new font_grid_item and add it to the font_grid_items } return font_grid_items; // return font_grid_items } function gridMakeImageItems(id) { // ===> IMAGE GRID ITEMS let image_grid_items = '', this_id, this_link, exts, title_name; let image_files = id !== undefined ? getEls('#' + id) : getEls( '.dirlist_item.image:not(.ignored)', ); let image_files_length = image_files.length, classes = 'grid_item image_grid_item flex_justify_center border_right_x border_bottom_x'; for (let i = 0; i < image_files_length; i++) { this_id = image_files[i].id; this_link = image_files[i].querySelector('a').href; title_name = this_link.slice( this_link.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, ); exts = Item_Kinds.image.filter( (ext) => !Item_Settings.ignored.includes(ext), ); // decide which image files can be displayed if ( exts.includes(image_files[i].dataset.ext) ) { // if item ext is in the image extension array... let item = `<li class="${classes} background_grey_90" data-ID="${this_id}" data-index="${i}" data-kind="image"><a href="${this_link}"><img src="${this_link}" title="${title_name}" loading="lazy" /></a></li>`; // make new image_grid_item image_grid_items += item; // ...add it to the image_grid_items } } return image_grid_items; // return image_grid_items } function gridMake(id) { let el, kind; // ===> MAKE GRIDS const gridItemCount = () => { let count = getEl('#content_grid')?.children ?.length, str = count !== 1 ? ' items' : ' item'; setAttr( '#content_title span', 'data-grid_item_count', ' [' + count.toString() + str + ']', ); }; if (/rowid/.test(id)) { el = getEl('#' + id); kind = el.dataset.kind; } else { getEl('#content_grid').innerHTML = ''; } // remove previous grid items or make single grid item removeClass( '#content_pane', 'has_hidden_grid has_image_grid has_font_grid', ); removeAttr( '#content_title span', 'data-grid_item_count', ); // reset content_pane grid classes and data switch ( true // determine which grid type to make ) { case el !== undefined: switch ( kind // make single grid items on cmd-click ) { case 'font': getEl( '#content_grid', ).insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeend', gridMakeFontItems(id), ); break; // make single font grid item case 'image': getEl( '#content_grid', ).insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeend', gridMakeImageItems(id), ); break; // make single image grid item } break; case id === 'show_font_grid': addClass( '#content_pane', 'has_font_grid', ); getEl('#content_grid').innerHTML = gridMakeFontItems(); break; // make font grid case id === 'show_image_grid': addClass( '#content_pane', 'has_image_grid', ); getEl('#content_grid').innerHTML = gridMakeImageItems(); break; // make image grid default: getEl('#content_grid').innerHTML = gridMakeImageItems() + gridMakeFontItems(); // make image and font grid } gridItemCount(); // add grid item count to content_title initGridItemEvents(); // register event watchers for added grid elements } // ***** IMAGE/FONT/GLYPH SCALE function scaleItems(e, incr, id, kind) { addClass('#reload_btn', 'reset'); // add reset class to reload button switch (kind) { case 'has_grid': scaleFonts(e, incr, id); scaleImages(e, incr, id); break; // scale grids case 'has_font': scaleFonts(e, incr, id); break; // scale glyphs case 'has_image': scaleImages(e, incr, id); break; // scale glyphs or images and fonts } } function scaleFonts(e, scale, id) { scale = scale <= 0 ? (1, (getEl('#font_size').value = 1)) : scale; let incr = Number(scale).toFixed(4); if (id === 'decrease') { incr = 1 / incr; scale = 1 / scale; } // ===> SCALE FONT let content_grid = getEl('#content_grid'), font_specimen_viewer = getEl( '#font_specimen_viewer', ), font_file_glyph, font_file_grid = getEl('#font_file_grid'), value, font_input_value, data_scale, transform_scale, translateY, el_id; let font_size = parseInt( getComputedStyle(document.body).fontSize, ).toFixed(4), fontGetSize = function (el) { return Number.parseFloat( window.getComputedStyle(el).fontSize, ).toFixed(4); }; switch (true) { case hasContent('grid'): setStyle( '#content_grid', 'font-size', (fontGetSize(content_grid) / font_size) * incr + 'em', ); break; // scale grid font items // font files case hasContent('font_file_glyph'): font_file_glyph = getEl( '#font_file_glyph_viewer g', ); // scale font file glyph data_scale =; data_scale = Number( data_scale.match(/[\.\d]+/g), ); if (data_scale === 0) { data_scale = 1; } // define data_scale... switch (true) { case scale === null: data_scale = 1; font_input_value = 1; break; case /increase|decrease/.test(id): data_scale = incr * data_scale; font_input_value = Math.pow( data_scale, 0.2, ); break; // ...for +/- buttons; set #font-size value default: data_scale = data_scale >= 1 ? Math.pow(incr, 5) : Math.pow(incr, 1.25); // ...for #font_size slider } = 'scale(' + data_scale + ')'; break; // scale glyph case hasContent('font_file'): if (/increase|decrease/.test(id)) { scale = font_file_grid.dataset.scale === undefined ? scale : Number( font_file_grid.dataset.scale, ) <= 0 ? 1 : Number( font_file_grid.dataset.scale, ) + Number(scale) - 1; // scale scale = Number(scale) * Number(incr); font_input_value = scale; // set slider value } transform_scale = scale >= 1 ? Math.pow(scale, 4) : Math.pow(scale, 1.125); translateY = Number(scale) < 0.5 ? 0.5 : Number(scale) < 1.5 ? 1 - scale : -0.5; // transform_scale & translateY font_file_grid .querySelectorAll('svg g') .forEach(function (el) { = 'scale(' + transform_scale + ') translateY(' + translateY + 'em)'; }); // set transform scale & translateY if (scale > 0.33) { = 'repeat(auto-fit, minmax(max(52px,' + Math.pow(scale, 3) * 1.33 + 'em ), 1.5fr))'; // scale font file grid cols = 'minmax(max(52px,' + Math.pow(scale, 3.33) * 1.33 + 'em), max-content)'; // scale font file grid rows } font_file_grid.dataset.scale = scale; break; // font specimens case hasContent('font_specimen_glyph'): el_id = '#font_specimen_glyph'; // scale font specimen glyph (in vw) switch (id) { case 'font_size': // from font_size input slider if (incr === null) { value = 64; } else { value = 64 * Math.pow(incr, 3); } // max value of incr = 64 * 2^3 = 512 // reset if scale is 0 setStyle( el_id, 'font-size', value + 'vw', ); getEl(el_id).dataset.scale = Number( value / 64, ).toFixed(4); break; default: // from increase/decrease buttons getEl(el_id).dataset.scale = Number(getEl(el_id).dataset.scale) * incr; data_scale = Number( getEl(el_id).dataset.scale, ); // update data-scale; define data_scale value = 64 * data_scale + 'vw'; setStyle(el_id, 'font-size', value); font_input_value = Math.pow( data_scale, 0.3333, ); // set the font-size using data-scale } break; case hasContent('font_specimen'): el_id = '#font_specimen_viewer'; switch ( id // scale font specimen ) { case 'font_size': // from font_size input slider if (Number(incr) === Number(0.0)) { incr = 1; getEl('#' + id).value = 1; } // reset font size setStyle( el_id, 'font-size', Math.pow(incr, 4) + 'em', ); getEl(el_id).dataset.scale = Number(incr).toFixed(4); break; // set the font size default: // from increase/decrease buttons if ( Number( fontGetSize(font_specimen_viewer), ) === 0 ) { incr = 1; } else { incr = Number( (fontGetSize( font_specimen_viewer, ) / font_size) * incr, ); } // reset if scale is 0 getEl(el_id).dataset.scale = incr.toFixed(4); setStyle( el_id, 'font-size', incr.toFixed(4) + 'em', ); font_input_value = Math.pow( incr, 0.25, ); } break; } if ( (id === 'font_size' && scale === null) || id !== 'font_size' ) { getEl('#font_size').value = font_input_value; } // set #font_size input value scrollThis( '#content_container', '#content_font', ); // scroll content_font } function scaleImages(e, incr, id) { // ===> ZOOM IMAGES ON CLICK let content_el = elExists('#content_body') && elExists('#content_body > img') ? getEl('#content_body') : getEl('#content_container'); let this_img = elExists('#content_body > img') ? getEl('#content_body > img') : getEl('#content_image'); // define this_img let CC_width = Math.round( content_el.offsetWidth, ), CC_height = Math.round( content_el.offsetHeight, ); // content_container dimensions let img_width = Math.round( this_img.offsetWidth, ), img_height = Math.round( this_img.offsetHeight, ); // this_img dimensions let CC_offset, img_offset, percentX, percentY, scrollX, scrollY; const iframe_delta = getEls('#content_body > img').length === 1 ? Number.parseInt( getEl('#content_body').style.padding, ) : 0; switch (true) { case hasContent('grid'): scaleImageGrid(incr, id); break; // scale grid images default: // scale single images imageGetDimensions( this_img.src, (width, height) => { switch (true) { case incr !== undefined && id !== undefined: // scale images by increment addClass( '#content_pane', 'has_scaled_image', ); removeClass( '#content_pane', 'has_zoom_image', ); // remove zoom classes in case window resized after zoom switch (true) { case id === 'increase': = `width:${img_width * incr}px; height:auto; max-width:none; max-height:none;`; break; case id === 'decrease' && img_width >= 1 && img_height >= 1: = `width:${img_width / incr}px; height:auto; max-width:none; max-height:none;`; break; } if ( Math.round( this_img.offsetWidth, ) >= CC_width ) { getEl( '#content_image_container', ).scrollLeft = (Math.round( this_img.offsetWidth, ) - CC_width) / 2; } // keep scaled img centered switch ( true // keep scaled img centered ) { case Math.round( this_img.offsetHeight, ) <= CC_height: getEl( '#content_image_container', ).scrollTop = (CC_height - Math.round( this_img.offsetHeight, )) / 2; break; default: getEl( '#content_image_container', ).scrollTop = (Math.round( this_img.offsetHeight, ) - CC_height) / 2; break; } break; default: // else zoom single image on click if ( width <= CC_width && height <= CC_height ) { // click to toggle small images between 100% and full size if ( /100%/.test( this_img.getAttribute( 'style', ), ) ) { this_img.removeAttribute( 'style', ); } else { = '100%'; } removeClass( '#content_pane', 'has_zoom_image has_scaled_image', ); return; // no need to set scroll position } CC_offset = content_el.getBoundingClientRect(); img_offset = this_img.getBoundingClientRect(); // get offsets percentX = Number( (e.pageX - img_offset.left) / img_width, ).toFixed(2); percentY = Number( (e.pageY - / img_height, ).toFixed(2); // x,y coordinates of zoom click as % of image width/height scrollX = width * percentX - e.pageX + CC_offset.left - (iframe_delta * width) / img_width; // calculate clicked x-coordinates for full-size image scrollY = height * percentY - e.pageY + - (iframe_delta * height) / img_height; // calculate clicked y-coordinate for full-size image removeClass( '#content_pane', 'has_scaled_image', ); // in case image scaled already getEl( '#content_pane', ).classList.toggle( 'has_zoom_image', ); getEl( '#content_image_container', ).scrollTo(scrollX, scrollY); // scroll to clicked position } }, ); imageSetDimensions(); focusEl('#content_image_container'); // set image dimensions } } function scaleImageGrid(incr, id) { // ===> SCALE IMAGE GRID ITEMS if (id === 'decrease') { incr = 1 / incr; } let grid_container = getEl('#content_grid'), grid_items = getEls('.image_grid_item img'); if (!grid_items?.length) { return; } let grid_item_width = Number.parseFloat( grid_items[0].offsetWidth, 10, ) * incr; let grid_item_height = Number.parseFloat( grid_items[0].offsetHeight, 10, ) * incr; let grid_item_max_width = Number.parseFloat( grid_items[0].style.maxWidth, 10, ) * incr; let grid_item_max_height = Number.parseFloat( grid_items[0].style.maxHeight, 10, ) * incr; if (grid_item_width < grid_item_max_width) { grid_item_width = grid_item_max_width; } // don't reduce grid image size on first scale click if (grid_item_height < grid_item_max_height) { grid_item_height = grid_item_max_height; } // don't reduce grid image size on first scale click = 'repeat(auto-fill, minmax(' + (grid_item_width + 16) + 'px, auto ) )'; // set grid properties grid_items.forEach((el) => { = grid_item_width + 'px'; = grid_item_height + 'px'; }); // set grid properties return; } function imageGetDimensions(link, callback) { if (link !== undefined) { let img = new Image(); img.src = link; img.onload = function () { callback(this.width, this.height); }; img = null; } } // GET IMG DIMENSIONS function imageSetDimensions() { if (!isTopWindow()) { return; } // ===> SET IMAGE DIMENSIONS; // ignore iframe image switch (true) { case hasContent('image'): imageGetDimensions( getAttr('#content_image', 'src'), function (width, height) { // imageGetDimensions() let percentage = ( (getEl('#content_image').width / width) * 100 ).toFixed(1); // define percentage setAttr( '#content_title span', 'data-after', ' (' + width + 'px × ' + height + 'px) (' + percentage + '%)', ); // set dataset.after for content_title }, ); break; default: removeAttr( '#content_title span', 'data-after', ); // remove image dimensions } } //============================// SHOW TEXT EDITOR function showTextEditor(bool) { // ===> SHOW TEXT EDITOR; bool === false => hide editor switch (true) { case bool === false: case hasClass('body', 'has_texteditor'): removeClass('body', 'has_texteditor'); if (elExists('.dirlist_item.selected')) { null; } else { focusEl('#top_body'); } break; // close editor case !hasClass('body', 'has_texteditorUI'): buildTextEditorUI(); // no break; add the text editor UI if needed default: addClass('body', 'has_texteditor'); addClass('#top_body', 'focus_content'); getEl('#texteditor_raw_pane').focus(); // show editor: add class, focus texteditor } } function tempHideTexteditor() { getEl('head').insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeend', '<style id="temp_styles">#text_container {display:none;}</style>', ); } // ...hide editor UI for link files until formatted_link received from top // to prevent FOUC for some kinds of content... function showTexteditorPreview(content) { // ===> SHOW TEXTEDITOR PREVIEW removeClass( '#content_body', 'texteditor_view_raw texteditor_view_html', ); // remove classes addClass( '#content_body', 'is_link texteditor_split_view_false texteditor_view_styled text_editing_enable_false', ); // add classes to prevent editing without changing UI_Pref getEl('#texteditor_styled_pane').innerHTML = content; // insert processed text from top getEl('#temp_styles').remove(); // show texteditor after hiding it until processed content received } //============================// PDF function showPDF() { // ===> SET UP CONTENT_PDF let pdf_container = `<embed id="content_pdf" class="content_el position_relative border_0" tabindex="0" data-kind="pdf">`; // replace content_pdf for each pdf getEl('#content_pdf').remove(); // remove existing content_pdf el getEl( '#content_image_container', ).insertAdjacentHTML( 'afterend', pdf_container, ); // add new content_pdf el } //============================// LINK FILES function openLinkFile(e, id) { eStopPrevent(e); // ===> OPEN LINK FILES: on cmd-arrowdown or dblclick (webloc, url) let link = getEl('#' + id); // get the link switch (true) { case link === undefined: break; case !hasClass('#' + id, 'non_local'): if (!isTopWindow()) { window.location = link; } else { showThis( 'open_link_file', false, true, [link, 'link'], ); } break; default:; // else open link file links in new window } } function linkFileProcess(kind, content) { // ===> LINK FILE PROCESS: on "iframe_loaded" message received let link_item = getEl( '', ), link_content = content || getData(link_item, 'html_content') || '', regex = /URL\=(.+?)$|<key>URL<\/key>\s*<string\>(.+?)<\/string\>/im; let link = link_content?.match(regex)?.[1] || link_content?.match(regex)?.[2]; let link_class = '', link_target = '', formatted_link; // get the link; define link elements switch (true) { case kind === 'remote_webloc' && window_protocol !== 'file:': content = content .trim() .replace(/^URL[\s\W\t\n\r]+/i, ''); getEl('#content_iframe').src = 'data:text/html;charset=utf-8,' + escape( `<html><head><meta name="color-scheme" content="light dark"><style id="texteditor_styles">${texteditor_styles}</style><style id="global_styles">${global_styles}</style><style id="utilities_styles">${utilities_styles}</style></head><body id="content_body" class="is_text text_editing_enable_true texteditor_split_view_true texteditor_sync_scroll_true texteditor_view_styled theme_${getCurrentUIPref('theme')} is_link texteditor_split_view_false text_editing_enable_false"><div id="content_texteditor" class="background_grey_85 margin_0 padding_0 width_100 height_100 overflow_hidden position_absolute z_index_1 flex_column flex_grow_1 display_none"><div id="text_container" class="display_flex flex_grow_1 overflow_hidden"><div id="texteditor_styled_pane" class="texteditor_pane margin_0 border_0 line_height_1_2 text_color_default height_100 display_none markdown_body z_index_1"><a href="${content}">${content}</a></div></div></div></body></html>`, ); return; case window_protocol === 'file:' && !link?.startsWith('file'): getEl( '.dirlist_item.selected', ).classList.add('non_local'); link_class = ' class="non_local"'; link_target = ' target="_blank"'; break; case window_protocol !== 'file:' && link?.startsWith('file'): getEl( '.dirlist_item.selected', ).classList.add('local'); link_class = ' class="local"'; break; } formatted_link = '<a id="link_file_01" href="' + link + '"' + link_class + link_target + '>' + link + '</a>'; // assemble formatted link = link; // set data-link on sidebar item link_item.dataset.html_content = null; // remove data-html_content messageSend( 'iframe', 'show_texteditor_preview', '', formatted_link, ); // send formatted link to iframe for display } //============================// DIRECTORY SOURCE function showDirectorySource(link) { // ===> SHOW DIRECTORY SOURCE switch (true) { case hasClass( 'body', 'has_directory_source', ): removeClass( 'body', 'has_directory_source', ); showThis( getEl( '.dirlist_item.non_media.selected', ).id, ); break; // close if open default: addClass('body', 'has_directory_source'); showThis( 'show_directory_source', false, true, [link || window_location], ); setAttr( '#content_pane', 'data-loaded', 'loaded', ); // else show directory source } } function openSidebarInContentPane() { showThis( 'open_sidebar_in_content_pane', false, true, [window_location, 'dir'], ); addClass( '#top_body', 'open_sidebar_in_content_pane', ); } // ===> OPEN SIDEBAR IN CONTENT PANE function openInTextEditor() { // ===> OPEN IN TEXT EDITOR let html = getData( '.dirlist_item.htm.content_loaded', 'html_content', ); showTextEditor(true); if (html !== undefined) { getEl('#texteditor_raw_pane').value = html; getEl('#texteditor_styled_pane').value = html; getEl('#texteditor_html_pane').value = html; } // set previewed text getEl('#open_in_texteditor')?.blur(); } // END SHOW INDIVIDUAL CONTENT TYPES //============================// AUTOLOAD CONTENT function autoLoadItems() { // ===> AUTOLOAD FILE: index files or files from the file shortcut list let selected_el = getEl( '.dirlist_item.dir[id="rowid-' + Number(getCurrentUIPref('selected')) + '"]', ); switch (true) { case selected_el !== null && isTopWindow() && searchParamsGet().has('selected'): showThis(; break; // select from searchParam; prevents being overridden by autoload media case getCurrentUIPref( 'autoload_index_files', ) !== 'false' && elExists( '.dirlist_item.file.htm a[href*="/index."]', ): // load index file showThis( getEl( '.dirlist_item.file.htm a[href*="/index."]', ).closest('.dirlist_item').id, ); break; case selected_el !== null && selected_el.classList.contains('local'): case !isTopWindow(): break; // do nothing for local files or iframes case searchParamsGet().has('file'): { // load files (from bookmark or url) let file_name = decodeURIComponentSafe( getCurrentUIPref('file'), ); let file = Array.from( getEls('.dirlist_item.file'), ).filter( (el) => === file_name, ); if (file[0] !== undefined) { showThis(file[0].id); } searchParamDelete('file'); } break; case hasClass('body', 'has_video'): getEl('video').volume = '0.5'; // video; set video volume if ( getCurrentUIPref('media_autoload') === 'true' && !hasClass('body', 'has_audio') ) { showThis( getEl('')?.id, ); break; } // load video only if no audio case hasClass('body', 'has_audio'): getEl('#content_audio').volume = '0.5'; // audio; set audio volume if ( getCurrentUIPref('media_autoload') === 'true' ) { showThis( getEl('')?.id, ); } break; // load audio case selected_el !== null: showThis(, false, true); break; } if ( getEl('.content_el.has_content') === null ) { setData( '#content_pane', 'content', 'has_null', ); } if (selected_el !== null) { scrollThis('#directory_list', '.selected'); } } function getImageNames(id) { // ===> GET IMAGE NAMES (for cover art) let images = getEls('.dirlist_item.image'), image_names = [], image_name, subdir_prefix; if (id.includes('_')) { subdir_prefix = RegExp( '^' + id.slice(0, id.lastIndexOf('_') + 1), 'm', ); images = Array.from(images).filter( (image) => subdir_prefix.test(, ); // filter images by subdir of selected item } for (let image of images) { if ('_').length === id.split('_').length ) { // if audio and found image in same dir level... image_name =; image_name = image_name.slice( 0, image_name.lastIndexOf('.'), ); image_names.push({ id:, name: image_name, }); // get image name w/o extension, add to image_names } } return image_names; } function getCoverArtID(id) { // ===> GET COVER ART ID let cover_art_id, match, exact_match, cover_names = [ 'cover', 'front', 'album', 'jacket', 'sleeve', 'cd', 'disc', 'insert', 'liner', 'notes', ]; let selected_audio_name = getData('', 'name') || undefined; // is there an image file with the same name? if (selected_audio_name !== undefined) { selected_audio_name = selected_audio_name.slice( 0, selected_audio_name.lastIndexOf('.'), ); cover_names.unshift(selected_audio_name); } // prep the name & add to cover names const image_names = getImageNames(id); // get names of all image files if (image_names?.length === 0) { closeContent('image'); return; } // close existing image if no cover art found for (let cover_name of cover_names) { // test available image names against cover names exact_match = image_names.filter( (el) => === cover_name, ); match = image_names.filter( (el) => > -1, ); // check for exact and partial matches switch (true) { case exact_match.length > 0: return (cover_art_id = exact_match[0].id); // if exact match, return case match.length > 0: return (cover_art_id = match[0].id); // else return first match } } if (cover_art_id === undefined) { return (cover_art_id = image_names[0].id); } // if no matches, return first image id } function autoLoadCoverArt(bool, id) { // ===> AUTOLOAD COVER ART if dir contains audio & images if (bool === false || !isTopWindow()) { setData( '#content_pane', 'content', 'has_null', ); return; } if (!hasClass('body', 'has_images')) { return; } // do nothing if no audio or images let cover_ID = getCoverArtID(id), selected_ID = getCurrentUIPref('selected').length > 0 ? 'rowid-' + getCurrentUIPref('selected') : undefined; if (cover_ID !== undefined) { showThis(cover_ID, true, true, [ getEl('#' + cover_ID).querySelector('a') .href, false, ]); removeClass('#' + cover_ID, 'selected'); addClass( '.dirlist_item.audio_loaded', 'selected', ); } else { removeClass( '.dirlist_item.image', 'content_loaded', ); } //if ( selected_ID !== undefined && typeof selected_ID === 'number' ) { removeClass('','selected'); addClass('#'+selected_ID,'selected'); } } //============================// // ***** MAIN SHOW CONTENT FUNCTIONS ***** // //============================// // LINKS, SEARCH PARAMS, AND QUERIES function makeSrcSearchParams(kind) { // ===> GET LINK QUERIES let query_str = '', params; const makeSearchParams = ( params, query_str, ) => { query_str = new URLSearchParams(); for (let param of params) { query_str.append( param, getCurrentUIPref(param), ); } return query_str; }; // ===> MAKE SEARCH PARAMS switch (true) { case /audio|font|image|video/.test(kind): break; // no query_str for audio, fonts, images, video, or htm case kind === 'show_directory_source': query_str = '?&show_directory_source=true'; break; // view directory source case kind === 'pdf': query_str = '#view=fitB&scrollbar=1&toolbar=1&navpanes=1'; break; // query_str for pdfs case kind === 'htm': query_str = '?theme=' + getCurrentUIPref('theme'); break; // query_str for htm files; allow improved dark mode styles case /text|markdown|code|other|link/.test( kind, ): // editable text files (including dot and plaintext files ["other"]) params = [ 'theme', 'text_editing_enable', 'texteditor_view', 'texteditor_split_view', 'texteditor_sync_scroll', ]; // define array of required params for text editing query_str = '?' + makeSearchParams(params).toString(); break; // compose query_str for text files case /app|dir/.test(kind): params = [ 'sort_by', 'sort_direction', 'show_details', 'show_image_thumbnails', 'show_large_image_thumbnails', 'show_numbers', 'use_custom_icons', 'show_invisibles', 'show_ignored_items', 'ignore_ignored_items', 'alternate_background', 'theme', 'media_play_all', ]; if (searchParamsGet().has('ui_font')) { params.push('ui_font'); } query_str = '?' + makeSearchParams(params).toString(); break; // define array of params for dirs; compose query_str for dirs } return query_str; // return query_str } //============================// DIRS & SUBDIRS function dirOpen(args) { // args: [,dir.selected a.href] // ===> OPEN DIR (dirs only): update selected and history searchParam in querystring const updateHistory = function (id) { let id_arr = id.split('_'); id_arr = (el) => el.split('-')[1], ); return id_arr.reverse().join('+'); }; // get numerical part(s) of selected dir/subdir id let item = document.getElementById(args[0]), history = updateHistory(args[0]), searchParams = searchParamsGet(); // get selected item, history, and searchParams object if ( item.classList.contains('dir') && item.classList.contains('invisible') && item.classList.contains('ignored') ) { return; } // don't attempt to open ignored invisible dirs (chiefly system dirs) searchParams.delete('selected'); // delete 'selected' searchParam history = searchParams.has('history') ? history + '+' + searchParams.get('history') : history; searchParams.set('history', history); // configure and set 'history' searchParam window.location = args[1] + '?' + searchParams .toString() .replace(/%2B/g, '+'); // set the window location, replacing encoded + sign. } function subDirOpen(parent_id) { // ===> OPEN SUDIRECTORY let parent_el = document.getElementById(parent_id), parent_link = parent_el.querySelector('a').href, level = Number(parent_el.dataset.level) + 1, body_id =; // define subdir level let content_iframe_utility_src = parent_link + makeSrcSearchParams('dir') + '&parent_id=' + parent_id + '&subdirectory=true&level=' + level + '&body_id=' + body_id; // assemble src link for utility_iframe setAttr( '#content_iframe_utility', 'src', content_iframe_utility_src, ); // set src for utility_iframe (which processes dir & sends it back to top) parent_el.classList.add( 'dirlist_subdir_loading', ); // removed when iframe_utility sends loaded message with subdir data } function subDirClose(subdir_id) { subdir_id = [subdir_id]; // ===> CLOSE SUBDIRECTOY if ( !elExists('.dirlist_item.has_subdirectory') ) { return; } let classes = [ { font: 'has_fonts' }, { image: 'has_images' }, { media: 'has_media' }, { audio: 'has_audio' }, ]; // if no items with these classes found, remove the body class if (subdir_id[0] === undefined) { subdir_id = []; Array.from( getEls('.dirlist_item.has_subdirectory'), ).forEach((el) => subdir_id.push(; } // close all subdirs if no id given subdir_id.forEach((el_id) => { removeClass( '#' + el_id, 'has_subdirectory content_loaded', ); getEls('.dirlist_item').forEach((el) => { if ( + '_')) { el.remove(); } }); // remove all items whose id begins with subdirectory parent id classes.forEach((item) => { let key = Object.keys(item).toString(); if ( !elExists('#directory_list li.' + key) ) { removeClass( 'body', item[key].toString(), ); } }); if (!elExists('.dirlist_item.selected')) { getEl('#' + el_id).classList.add( 'selected', ); } // select closed dir if no other selected item exists }); updateStats(false); } function subDirOpenClose(e, id) { if (e !== null) { eStopPrevent(e); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); } // ===> OPEN CLOSE SUBDIRECTORY; e === null when opening multiple subdirs let parent_el = getEl('#' + id); removeClass('body', 'has_menu_stats'); switch (true) { case parent_el.querySelector('.name') !== null && /\.trashes|\.temporaryitems|\.spotlight-v\d+/.test( parent_el.querySelector('.name').dataset .name, ): parent_el.classList.remove( 'dirlist_subdir_loading', ); break; default: if ( parent_el.classList.contains( 'has_subdirectory', ) ) { subDirClose(id); } else { subDirOpen(id); } // if ( e !== null ) { showThis(id,true,false); } // select parent dir // open/close the subdir } } function subDirInsert(args) { // args = [items,classes,parent_id]; message received: add the subdirectory to the dir_list, update stats, check for additional selected dirs let parent_item, source_el; if ( !elExists( '.dirlist_item.dirlist_subdir_loading', ) ) { return; } else { parent_item = document.getElementById( args[2], ); } // select loading dir by id (args[2]) parent_item.classList.remove( 'dirlist_subdir_loading', ); parent_item.classList.add('has_subdirectory'); // remove "loading" class, add "has_subdirectory" class parent_item.insertAdjacentHTML( 'afterend', args[0], ); // insert subdir items if ( getCurrentUIPref( 'show_image_thumbnails', ) === 'true' ) { uiPrefImgThumbsToggle('true'); } updateStats(true); // update stats [ 'has_fonts', 'has_images', 'has_media', 'has_audio', ].forEach((subdir_class) => { if ( args[1].split(' ').includes(subdir_class) ) { addClass('body', subdir_class); } }); // add new body classes initDirListEvents(); initIframeEvents(); if (/media/.test(args[1])) { refreshMediaDurations( 'refresh_media_durations', ); } // init dir_list event listeners if ( elExists( '.dir.selected:not(.has_subdirectory)', ) && parent_item.classList.contains('selected') ) { // open multiple selected subdirs, but don't open selected if current item is not selected subDirOpenClose( null, getEl( '.dir.selected:not(.has_subdirectory)', ).id, ); // i.e., allow unselected dirs to be opened by icon click without also opening selected dirs } if (isTopWindow()) { // reselect current content (audio or content_pane) if it was originally in newly-reopened subdirectory: if (/media/.test(args[1])) { if (!hasContent()) { showThis( getEl( '[id^="' + + '"]', ).id, ); } // autoload media from new subdirs, if no media or other content currently loaded else if ( hasClass('#content_pane', 'has_audio') ) { addClass( '#' + getData('#content_audio', 'src_id'), 'audio_loaded', ); } // else reselect loaded audio file } if (!hasContent('null')) { source_el = getEl( '#' + getData('#content_pane', 'loaded_id'), ); // get content_el by content_source if (source_el !== null) { removeClass( '.dirlist_item.file.non_media.selected,.dirlist_item.file.non_media.content_loaded', 'selected content_loaded', ); source_el.classList.add( 'selected', 'content_loaded', ); } } } lazyLoadImageThumbs(); } //============================// // FOCUS ELS function focusEl(sel, e) { let content_pane_data = getContentPaneData(), content_el_id = 'content' + content_pane_data?.slice(3) || '', bool = false, incr = 1; // ===> FOCUS CONTENT sel = sel === null || sel === undefined ? '#top_body' : !sel.startsWith('#') ? '#' + sel : sel; // enforce correct sel format menuClose(); document.activeElement.blur(); // close menus, blur active element switch (true) { case sel === '#top_body': case sel === undefined: // focus sidebar switch (true) { case isTopWindow(): removeClass('body', 'focus_content'); getEl(sel).focus(); scrollThis( '#directory_list', '.selected', ); break; case !isTopWindow(): messageSend('top_body', 'focus_top'); break; } break; case sel === '#content_iframe': selectThisItem( getData('#content_pane', 'loaded_id'), ); switch (true) { case isTopWindow(): addClass('body', 'focus_content'); getEl('#content_iframe').focus(); if ( e !== undefined && e.key === 'Tab' ) { if (e.shiftKey) { bool = true; incr = -1; } switch (true) { case hasContent('dir'): messageSend( 'iframe', 'iframe_navigation', '', [e.key, bool], ); break; case hasContent( 'code,htm,markdown,text,other,link', ): messageSend( 'iframe', 'navigateTabKeyFocus', null, ['texteditor', incr], ); break; } } break; case !isTopWindow(): quickLookThis('close'); messageSend( 'top_body', 'focus_iframe', ); break; } break; case sel === '#content_pane': selectThisItem( getData('#content_pane', 'loaded_id'), ); break; // <-- test and clean this focusEl\('#content_pane case sel !== '#top_body': selectThisItem( getData('#content_pane', 'loaded_id'), ); // All other sel addClass('#top_body', 'focus_content'); removeClass('body', 'is_blurred'); switch ( true // switch according to content_pane_data ) { case content_pane_data === undefined && isTopWindow(): removeClass('body', 'focus_content'); document.body.focus(); break; // don't focus undefined content case hasContent('font'): getEl(sel)?.focus(); if ( !hasContent( 'font_specimen_glyph', ) && !hasContent('font_file_glyph') ) { removeClass( '#content_font .selected', 'selected', ); } switch (true) { case sel === '#font_file_glyph_container_0': addClass(sel, 'selected'); scrollThis( '#font_file_grid', '.selected', ); getEl(sel)?.focus(); break; case sel === '#font_specimen_glyph_container_0': addClass(sel, 'selected'); scrollThis( '#font_specimen_grid', '.selected', ); break; } switch (true) { default: getEl(sel)?.focus(); break; case sel === '#font_toolbar': getEl(sel)?.focus(); break; case e?.key === 'Tab' || sel === '#font_specimen_1': getEl( '#font_specimen_1', )?.focus(); break; } break; case hasContent('grid,image,video,pdf'): document .getElementById(content_el_id) .focus(); break; default: getEl(sel)?.focus(); } break; } } //============================// // SELECT DIR LIST ITEMS function selectThisItem(id, args) { let el = getEl('#' + id), kind = el?.dataset?.kind ?? null; //, id_arr; // ===> SELECT THIS on click and set classes for content_pane; args = bool scroll or not switch (true) { case id === 'close': case getEl('#' + id) || id === 'open_sidebar_in_content_pane': return; //case ( /_/.test(id) && !isTopWindow() ): id_arr === id.split('_'); //id_arr.forEach( id => { subDirOpenClose(null,id); id_arr.shift(); } ); break; // we'd like to reopen iframe subdirs when iframe file/dir item from a subdir is closed case el === null: break; case kind === 'audio': removeClass('.audio', 'selected'); el.classList.add('selected'); if (!isTopWindow()) { removeClass( '.non_media', 'selected content_loaded', ); } break; // audio; iframe dirlists default: removeClass( 'body', 'has_directory_source', ); addRemoveClassSiblings( '#' + id + ':not(.audio)', 'selected content_loaded', ); // select dir_list item; remove classes from siblings, leave .audio with .playing } if ( !/audio/.test(kind) && !/grid|/.test(id) ) { addRemoveClassSiblings( '#' + id, 'content_loaded', 'content_loaded', ); } // only remove siblings content_loaded class and change content_pane data-source if not audio if ( /audio|video/.test(kind) && id !== undefined && (Number(getThisDuration(id)) === 0 || isNaN(Number(getThisDuration(id)))) ) { refreshMediaDurations(id); } // reset media duration if necessary. if (args?.[1] !== false) { scrollThis('#directory_list', '.selected'); } // bool = false from autoloadcover art } function selectMultipleItems(e, id) { e?.preventDefault(); // ===> SELECT MULTIPLE ITEMS (dirs, fonts, images only) if (e?.key !== 'a' && id === undefined) { return; } // id === undefined if kind !== dir/font/image let el = getEl('#' + id), els, kind = el?.dataset.kind || 'dir', selected_el, selected_el_index, el_index; switch (true) { case e?.shiftKey: // shiftKey: range select selected_el = getEl( '.dirlist_item.selected.' + kind, ); els = Array.from( getEls('.dirlist_item.' + kind), ); el_index = els.indexOf(el); selected_el_index = els.indexOf(selected_el); els = el_index > selected_el_index ? els.slice( selected_el_index, el_index + 1, ) : els.slice( el_index, selected_el_index + 1, ); // select up or down from selected item els.forEach((el) => selectMultipleItems(null,, ); break; case e?.key === 'a': e.preventDefault(); if (isTopWindow()) { closeContent(); } // cmd + a: select all kind = getEls( '.dirlist_item.dir.selected,,.dirlist_item.image.selected,.dirlist_item.font.selected', )[0]?.dataset.kind || 'dir'; getEls( '.dirlist_item.selected,.dirlist_item.content_loaded', ).forEach((el) => el.classList.remove( 'selected', 'content_loaded', ), ); els = getEls('.dirlist_item.' + kind); els?.forEach((el) => el.classList.add('selected'), ); if (/image|font/.test(kind)) { showGrid('show_' + kind + '_grid'); } break; // show grid of all fonts/images case /image|font/.test(kind) && isTopWindow(): // select font or image removeClass( '.dirlist_item.selected:not(.font):not(.image)', 'selected', ); removeClass( '.dirlist_item.content_loaded', 'content_loaded', ); el.classList.add('selected'); showGrid(id, false); break; // grids case /dir|app/.test(kind): closeContent(); removeClass( '.dirlist_item.file.selected', 'selected', ); removeClass( '.dirlist_item.content_loaded', 'content_loaded', ); el.classList.add('selected'); break; // dirs } } //============================// // ===> SHOW CONTENT FUNCTIONS function openFiles(e, id) { let funcName = id; // id/funcName === 'open_font' or 'open_playlist' switch (e.type) { case 'click': switch ( true // These cases are only for when a playlist or font file is already open (check for edited content_iframe...) ) { case /has_\w+list/.test( getClassNames('body'), ): e.preventDefault(); showWarning( funcName, 'close_playlist', ); break; // showWarning('openFile'); case hasContent('font_file'): e.preventDefault(); showWarning(funcName, 'close_font'); break; // showWarning('openFile'); } break; case 'change': openFile([e, id]); break; } } // ===> SET CONTENT TITLE function setContentTitle( id, kind, file_name, src, bool, ) { // ===> SET CONTENT TITLE let title_text = '', selected_title = getData( '.dirlist_item.selected', 'title', ), selected_item = getEl( '.dirlist_item.selected', ), selected_link, content_link, content_link_info = getLinkInfo(src); let title_span = kind === 'has_audio_error' ? getEl('#content_audio_title span') : getEl('#content_title span'); switch (true) { case id === 'close': removeAttr( '#content_title span', 'data-after', ); removeAttr( '#content_title span', 'data-grid_item_count', ); break; default: selected_link = selected_item !== null ? decodeURIComponentSafe( selected_item.querySelector('a') .pathname, ).trim() : ''; // get selected item link content_link = content_link_info !== undefined ? decodeURIComponentSafe( content_link_info[0], ).trim() : ''; // get content link switch (true) { case kind === 'has_audio_error': title_text = 'Audio file not found'; break; // audio error title case kind === 'content_error': title_text = 'File not found'; break; // content error title case kind === 'grid': title_text = current_dir_path; break; // grid title case selected_link !== content_link && bool !== false: // nav unsynced iframe items and... try { title_text = decodeURIComponentSafe( content_link_info[8], ); } catch (error) { title_text = content_link; } break; // ...error pages default: title_text = file_name || selected_title; // nav synced iframe items } if (kind !== 'grid') { title_text = title_text ?.split('/') .join('/<wbr>') ?.split('_') .join('_<wbr>'); removeAttr( '#content_title span', 'data-after', ); } // allow nice line breaks in title if (kind === 'image') { imageSetDimensions(); } // show images; set image dimensions } if (title_span !== null) { title_span.innerHTML = title_text; } // set title text } function showContentPaneEl(id) { setAttr( '#content_pane', 'data-content', 'has_' + id, ); addClass('#content_' + id, 'has_content'); getEl('#content_title span').innerHTML = getData('#content_pane', 'loaded_id'); } function setContentPaneAttrs( id, kind, content_el_id, ) { // ===> SET CONTENT PANE ATTRIBUTES let class_str_iframe = id === 'content_iframe_file' ? 'iframe_' : '', class_str_kind = /app|dir/.test(kind) ? 'dir' : 'file'; // set strings to insert in content_pane class switch (true) { case id === 'close': removeClass( '#content_pane', 'content_error has_file has_dir has_zoom_image has_scaled_image has_emptycontent', ); // removeclass various iframe_item_src removeAttr( '#content_pane .has_content', 'style', ); removeAttr( '#content_pane', 'data-loaded_id', ); // remove inline styles and data-loaded_id setAttr( '#content_pane', 'data-content', 'has_null', ); setAttr( '#content_pane', 'data-loaded', 'loaded', ); // set data-content=has_null, data-loaded=loaded (remove spinner) break; default: switch (true) { case /content_iframe_dir|content_iframe_parent|open_link_file/.test( id, ): removeClass( '#content_pane', 'has_iframe_file', ); addClass( '#content_pane', 'has_iframe_dir', ); break; // iframe_dirs case /content_iframe_file/.test(id): removeClass( '#content_pane', 'has_dir', ); addClass( '#content_pane', 'has_iframe_file', ); break; // iframe files case /^rowid/.test(id): default: removeClass( '#content_pane', 'has_dir has_file has_iframe_dir has_iframe_file', ); break; // all sidebar items } removeClass( '#content_pane', 'content_error has_emptycontent', ); // removeclass #content_pane error addClass( '#content_pane', 'has_' + class_str_iframe + class_str_kind, ); // addclass #content_pane "has_"+ kind setAttr( '#content_pane', 'data-content', 'has_' + kind, ); // add data.content to content_pane setAttr( '#content_pane', 'data-loaded_id', id, ); // hide all iframe content until loaded, show loading spinner: if (kind !== 'video') { removeAttr( '#content_video', 'data-src_id', ); } if ( /content_iframe/.test(content_el_id) && !/ignored/.test(kind) ) { setAttr( '#content_pane', 'data-loaded', 'unloaded', ); } else { setAttr( '#content_pane', 'data-loaded', 'loaded', ); } } } function setContentElAttrs( id, content_el_id, kind, src, selected_id, ) { // ===> SET CONTENT EL ATTRIBUTES switch (true) { case /content_iframe_dir|content_iframe_parent|open_link_file/.test( id, ): // iframe_dirs setAttr( '#content_pane', 'data-iframe_item_src', src, ); // if iframe_dir, set iframe_item_src attr if ( !hasAttr( '#content_pane', 'data-iframe_selected_id', ) ) { setAttr( '#content_pane', 'data-iframe_selected_id', selected_id, ); } break; // select iframe_dirlist selected if iframe_dir case /content_iframe_file/.test(id): setAttr( '#content_pane', 'data-iframe_selected_id', selected_id, ); break; // iframe files case kind === 'ignored': return; // ignored } removeAttr('.content_el', 'src'); setAttr(content_el_id, 'src', src); // set content el source removeClass( '.content_el.has_content', 'has_content', ); addClass(content_el_id, 'has_content'); // addclass .has_content to content_el & remove from siblings if (kind === 'image') { imageSetDimensions(); } // set image dimensions if necessary } function iframeLoadedFunctions( id, kind, file_name, content, ) { let focus_el; // ===> IFRAME LOADED FUNCTIONS setAttr( '#content_pane', 'data-loaded', 'loaded', ); clearTimeout(setWarningItemNotLoadedID); // set data-loaded (remove loading spinner) if ( hasAttr( '#content_pane', 'data-iframe_selected_id', ) ) { // select iframe_dirlist selected IFF is iframe_dir messageSend( 'iframe', 'select_iframe_item', '', getData( '#content_pane', 'iframe_selected_id', ), ); // tell iframe to reselect original item focus_el = '#content_iframe'; } deleteData( '.dirlist_item[data-html_content]', 'html_content', ); // remove existing data-html_content getEl( '.dirlist_item.selected', )?.classList.add('content_loaded'); // add content_loaded class to dirlist_item setData( '.dirlist_item.content_loaded', 'html_content', content, ); // set data-html_content for sidebar items (for processing cue, playlist, link files, htm, &c.) switch (true) { case file_name.endsWith('.cuetxt'): cuesheetProcess(content); break; // process cuesheet files; name must end with ".cuetxt" case kind === 'link': case kind === 'remote_webloc': linkFileProcess(kind, content); break; // process link files case kind === 'htm': switch (true) { case getData( '#content_pane', 'content', ) !== 'has_htm': setData( '#content_pane', 'content', 'has_' + kind, ); break; case content === '': addClass( '#content_pane', 'has_emptycontent', ); break; // if htm content === '', set empty content class for proper iframe display } break; case hasClass( '#top_body', 'open_sidebar_in_content_pane', ): addClass('#top_body', 'no_hover'); removeClass( '#top_body', 'open_sidebar_in_content_pane', ); focus_el = '#content_iframe'; break; } if (focus_el !== undefined) { focusEl(focus_el); } // focus element after iframe loaded } // TESTING function fileNotFound(e, id) { if (e.type === 'error') { if (id === 'content_audio') { addClass( '#content_pane', 'has_audio_error', ); setContentTitle('has_audio_error'); } else { addClass( '#content_pane', 'content_error', ); closeContent(); setContentTitle('error'); } } } function initContentError(id, content_el_id) { if (id !== 'close') { getEl(content_el_id).addEventListener( 'error', (e) => { fileNotFound(e, content_el_id); }, ); } } // ===> INIT CONTENT ERROR const testFontLoaded = async (src) => { let font = new FontFace( 'myfont', 'url(' + src + ')', ); let fontFile = new FontFace( 'FontName', 'url(' + src + ')', ); fontFile.load().then( () => { console.log('LOADED'); }, (err) => { console.log(err); }, ); }; const testItemLoaded = (src, kind) => { switch (true) { case kind === 'font': testFontLoaded(src); break; } }; function setWarningItemNotLoaded(args) { return; let src = args?.[0]; let kind = args?.[1]; // Show warning if item is not found; typically after clicking a bad link in an html file let warning_message = 'data:text/html;charset=utf-8,' + escape( `<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>html,body { background:transparent; }</style></head><body style="text-align: center;" id="content_body" class="is_html"> <h1 style="font-family: Georgia, serif; color: #4a4a4a; margin-top: 4em; line-height: 1.5;">Sorry, this page doesn't exist.<br>Please check the URL or go back a page.</h1> <h2 style=" font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; color: #7d7d7d; font-weight: 300;">404 Error. Page Not Found.</h2> <button onclick="window.parent.postMessage( {\'messageContent\':\'go_back\'},\'*\')">Go back</button></body></html>`, ); switch (true) { case !/audio|video|font|image|pdf/.test( kind, ): // Show warning for iframe items not found setWarningItemNotLoadedID = setTimeout( () => { if ( getEl('#content_pane').dataset .loaded === 'unloaded' ) { removeClass( '#content_pane', 'has_file', ); delete getEl('#content_pane') .dataset.iframe_selected_id; delete getEl('#content_pane') .dataset.iframe_item_src; setData( '#content_pane', 'loaded', 'loaded', ); setData( '#content_pane', 'content', 'has_htm', ); addClass( '#content_iframe', 'has_content', ); getEl('#content_iframe').src = warning_message; } }, 5000, ); break; case kind === 'font': testItemLoaded(src, kind); break; default: //console.log("NOT FOUND"); } } // END TESTING // ===> SHOW THIS ITEM // file_name = link_info[1], file_ext = link_info[2], kind = link_info[3], item_classes = link_info[4], body_classes = link_info[5], stats_classes = link_info[6]; function showThisItem(id, args) { // ===> SHOW CONTENT // args = [link,kind,selected_id (for iframe dirs/files)] or "close"; bool === false for proper content title for autoload_coverart let link_info = /rowid/.test(id) ? getLinkInfo( getAttr('#' + id + ' a', 'href'), ) : args !== undefined ? getLinkInfo(args[0]) : id; let src, file_name, kind, content_el_id, selected_id = args?.[2] || undefined, content = args?.[4] || '', link_protocol = link_info?.[7]; if ( typeof link_info !== 'string' && link_info !== undefined ) { src = link_info[0]; file_name = link_info[1]; kind = link_info[4].includes('ignored') ? 'ignored' : args?.[2] === 'remote_webloc' ? args[2] : link_info[3]; } // src, file_name, kind let bool = args?.[1] || true; // bool: tell set_content_title to use name for cover art, not file path if (!/editor/.test(id)) { removeClass('body', 'has_texteditor'); } playlistShowItem('close'); // close texteditor and make_playlist item textarea if ( !/video/.test(kind) && hasContent('video') ) { mediaPlayPause('close'); toggleMediaNameInWindowTitle('close'); } // nobreak; close video when opening any other content switch ( true // MAKE CONTENT SRC STRING ) { case id === 'close': id = 'close'; kind = 'close'; break; // close case /\.php\?/.test(src): break; // do nothing for php files case id === '': src = args[0]; kind = args[1]; break; // id = '' typically when grid items remain after closing subdirectory case /open_sidebar_in_content_pane/.test( id, ): src = args[0] + makeSrcSearchParams('dir'); kind = args[1]; break; // open in sidebar case /iframe_parent|iframe_dir/.test(id): src += makeSrcSearchParams('dir'); break; // prep for iframe dirs case /rowid/.test(id): case /link/.test(kind): case id === 'content_iframe_file': src += makeSrcSearchParams(kind); break; // dirlist_items, link files, content_iframe_files } content_el_id = [ 'audio', 'font', 'image', 'pdf', 'video', ].includes(kind) ? '#content_' + kind : id === 'close' ? 'close' : '#content_iframe'; switch ( true // SHOW INDIVIDUAL CONTENT TYPES ) { case hasContent('font_file') && !/audio/.test(kind): showWarning('closeContent'); break; // prevent accidentally closing font file case /audio/.test(kind): showMedia(kind, id, src, file_name); break; // show audio or audio_close case /editor/.test(id): showTextEditor(); return; // show top text editor; don't change any other content pane params and attrs case /iframe_loaded/.test(id): iframeLoadedFunctions( id, kind, file_name, content, ); break; // iframe_loaded case /grid/.test(id): showGrid(id); break; // show grid case window.location.protocol !== link_protocol && link_protocol !== undefined && ![ 'audio', 'font', 'image', 'pdf', 'video', 'dir', 'app', ].includes(kind): // replace this text with test has non_local class? switch (true) { case link_protocol !== 'file:': showWarning('non_local_file', [src]); break; // warning non-local file on local page (for playlist pages) case link_protocol === 'file:': showWarning('local_file'); break; // warning local file on non-local page (for playlist pages) } showThis('close'); break; // close previous content case kind === 'ignored' && getCurrentUIPref( 'ignore_ignored_items', ) === 'false': window.location = src; break; // attempt to open ignored files if ignore ignored items enabled default: switch (true) { case /font/.test(kind): showFont(id, false, '', src); break; // show font specimen; init font preview event listeners case /pdf/.test(kind): showPDF(); break; // show pdf: setup new #content_pdf el case /video/.test(kind): if ( getData( '#content_video', 'src_id', ) !== id ) { showMedia( 'video', id, src, file_name, ); break; } else { return; } // show video } if ( /font|image/.test(kind) && hasContent('grid') ) { closeGrid('hide'); showContentGridItem( id, getEl('#' + id).querySelector('a') .href, getEl('#' + id).dataset.kind, ); } if (!hasContent('font_file_glyph')) { setContentPaneAttrs( id, kind, content_el_id, ); setContentElAttrs( id, content_el_id, kind, src, selected_id, ); setContentTitle( id, kind, file_name, src, bool, ); initContentError(id, content_el_id); } } setWarningItemNotLoaded([src, kind]); } // ===> SHOW THIS // bool_1 !== false: select item; bool_2 !== false: show item function showThis(id, bool_1, bool_2, args) { if (bool_1 !== false) { selectThisItem(id, args); } if (bool_2 !== false) { showThisItem(id, args); } } // ===> SHOW THIS (args = [src,kind,selected_id]) function quickLookThis(id, kind) { getEl('#content_audio')?.blur(); getEl('#content_video')?.blur(); // prevent media play on space key if focused switch (true) { case window.parent !== break; // prevent infinite quicklook regression case id === 'close': closeContent(); removeClass('body', 'has_quicklook'); getEl( '#content_pane .selected', )?.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'nearest', }); break; // close; scroll grid item into view default: addClass('body', 'has_quicklook'); showMedia('close_audio'); if ( getEl('#' + id).classList.contains( 'ignored', ) ) { closeContent(); } showThis(id); if (/audio|video/.test(kind)) { mediaPlayPause('play'); } } } //============================// // ===> CLOSE CONTENT function closeContent(kind) { // Close all .content elements before opening any new .content from sidebar. // ===> CLOSE CONTENT let content_el_id = getEl('.content_el.has_content')?.id || ''; kind = kind || content_el_id.split('_')[1]; switch ( true // additional actions for specific cases ) { case hasContent('hidden_grid'): showGrid(); break; // show hidden grid case kind === 'grid': case hasContent('grid'): closeGrid(); break; // close grid case kind === 'font': case hasContent('font_file_glyph'): case hasContent('font_specimen_glyph'): case hasContent('font'): showWarning('close_font', 'close_font'); break; // close font specimen // case kind === 'image': break; // case kind === 'audio': break; // case kind === 'video': break; // case kind === 'pdf': break; // case kind === 'iframe': break; case kind === 'playlist': showWarning('closePlaylist'); break; // close playlist/filelist case kind === 'texteditor': case hasClass('body', 'has_texteditor'): showTextEditor(false); break; // hide text editor case hasContent('audio'): showMedia('close_audio'); break; // close audio if content pane empty case hasClass('body', 'iframe_edited'): messageSend( 'iframe', 'unloading', 'closeContent', ); break; // close edited iframe file with warning case hasClass( 'body', 'has_directory_source', ) && !hasClass('body', 'is_error'): showDirectorySource(); break; // close directory source, reopen selected sidebar item case kind === 'esc': removeClass( '.selected,.content_loaded,.hovered,.is_blurred', 'selected content_loaded hovered,is_blurred', ); removeClass('body', 'focus_content'); break; default: showThis('close'); removeClass( 'body', 'focus_content has_directory_source', ); break; // case hasClass( '#content_pane', 'has_iframe_file', ) && !hasClass( '#content_pane', 'has_iframe_dir', ): // if content has iframe file opened from sidebar dir case !hasClass( '#content_pane', 'has_iframe_file', ) && hasClass( '#content_pane', 'has_iframe_dir', ): // or if content has iframe dir... removeClass( '#content_pane', 'has_iframe_file', ); // remove has_iframe_file class showThis( getEl( '.dirlist_item.non_media.selected', )?.id, ); break; // show the selected sidebar dir case hasClass( '#content_pane', 'has_iframe_file', ) && hasClass( '#content_pane', 'has_iframe_dir', ): // if content has iframe file from iframe dir... removeClass( '#content_pane', 'has_iframe_dir', ); // remove has_iframe_dir class showThis( 'content_iframe_dir', false, true, [ getAttr( '#content_pane', 'data-iframe_item_src', ), 'dir', ], ); // show the iframe dir removeAttr( '#content_pane', 'data-iframe_item_src', ); break; } } //============================// // ===> RESET CONTENT (Reset button or Cmd/Ctrl + R) function resetContent() { let content_pane_data = getContentPaneData(), grid_btn_id; // ===> RELOAD CONTENT switch (true) { case !hasContent('audio') && !hasContent(): location.reload(); break; // reload window if no content visible case hasContent('audio ignore'): getEl('#content_audio').currentTime = 0; getEl('#content_audio').pause(); // nobreak; pause audio, reset time to 0 case hasContent('video'): getEl('#content_video').currentTime = 0; getEl('#content_video').pause(); refreshMediaDurations( 'refresh_media_durations', ); break; // pause video, reset time to 0 } switch ( true // reset other content ) { case hasContent('texteditor'): case /has_\w+list/.test( getClassNames('#top_body'), ): break; // do nothing for audio, video, text editor, playlist content. case hasContent('grid'): grid_btn_id = hasClass( '#content_pane', 'has_image_grid', ) ? '#show_image_grid' : hasClass( '#content_pane', 'has_font_grid', ) ? '#show_font_grid' : '#show_grid_btn'; closeGrid('close'); getEl(grid_btn_id).click(); break; // reset grid case hasContent('font'): fontReset('reset'); break; case hasContent('image'): closeContent(); if ( elExists('.image.selected') || elExists('.image.content_loaded') ) { showThis( getEl( '.dirlist_item.image.content_loaded', ).id, ); } break; case hasContent( 'text,markdown,htm,iframe,dir', ): switch (true) { case hasClass('body', 'iframe_edited'): messageSend( 'iframe', 'reloading', 'resetContent', ); break; default: showThis( getEl( '.dirlist_item.content_loaded', ).id, ); } case hasContent('audio') || hasContent('video'): break; // don't do anything else for audio, video, text editor, playlist content. case /has_ignored|undefined/.test( content_pane_data, ): window.location = window.location.href; break; // reload page } deleteData('#content_pane', 'loaded'); // remove dataset.loaded in case file can't be read by utility iframe } //**********************// ===> NAVIGATION function navigationGetType() { let content_pane_data = elExists( '#content_pane', ) ? getContentPaneData() : 'iframe', nav_type; // ===> GET NAVIGATION TYPE switch (true) { case elExists( '.cuesheet_track_list_container.has_menu', ) && hasClass('body', 'focus_content'): nav_type = '.cuesheet_track_list_container.has_menu .cuesheet_track_list'; break; case hasClass('body', 'has_menu'): nav_type = getEl( '#sidebar_menu_main .hovered', ) ? '#sidebar_menu_main .hovered ul' : '#sidebar_menu_main'; break; // submenu or menu case content_pane_data === 'iframe' && elExists('#directory_list'): nav_type = '#directory_list'; break; // iframe dir_list case (hasContent('font_file_glyph') || hasContent('font_file')) && hasClass('body', 'focus_content'): nav_type = '#font_file_grid'; break; // font file glyphs case getEl('#font_specimen_grid').children .length > 0 && hasClass('body', 'focus_content') && document.activeElement.contentEditable !== true: nav_type = '#font_specimen_grid'; break; // font specimen glyphs case hasContent('image,font') && hasClass( '#content_pane', 'has_hidden_grid', ) && hasClass('body', 'focus_content'): case hasContent('grid') && hasClass('body', 'focus_content'): nav_type = '#content_grid'; break; // grids default: nav_type = '#directory_list'; // default: dir_list } return nav_type; // = selector of container of items to be navigated } function getNavigatedElID(e, sel, bool) { // bool === false: don't cycle selection let els = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll(sel), ), selected_els = els.filter((el) => el.classList.contains('selected'), ); // get els to navigate and currently selected el(s) let navigatedElIndex = /ArrowDown|ArrowRight/.test(e.key) ? els.indexOf( selected_els[selected_els.length - 1], ) + 1 : /ArrowUp|ArrowLeft/.test(e.key) ? els.indexOf(selected_els[0]) - 1 : null; // navigated el index if (bool !== false) { // cycle round to first or last item (but not for selectMultiple via arrows) navigatedElIndex = /ArrowDown|ArrowRight/.test(e.key) && els[navigatedElIndex] === undefined ? 0 : /ArrowUp|ArrowLeft/.test(e.key) && els[navigatedElIndex] === undefined ? els.length - 1 : navigatedElIndex; } return els[navigatedElIndex]?.id; // return the id of the navigated item } function navigateGetEl(args) { // ===> GET NEXT NAVIGATED ITEM let els, els_length, selected_el_index, key = args[0], bool = args[1], nav_type = navigationGetType(), selected_el, selected_el_kind, navigated_el; switch ( true // Get selected_el ) { case bool === true: selected_el = getEl('.media.selected') || getEls( '.audio_loaded,.media.content_loaded,.dirlist_item.is_blurred', )[0] || getEl('.media'); break; // bool === true: autoplay media default: selected_el = getEl(nav_type).querySelector( '.selected', ); // get currently selected item } if (selected_el !== null) { selected_el.classList.remove('selected'); // If there is a selected item...remove its selected class unless shuffle if (!/warning_buttons/.test(nav_type)) { switch ( true // get both images and fonts from mixed grids for L/R navigation... ) { case nav_type === '#content_grid' && elExists('.image_grid_item') && elExists('.font_grid_item'): selected_el_kind = new RegExp( /image|font/, ); break; default: selected_el_kind = new RegExp( selected_el.dataset.kind, ); // or get selected_el kind (for L/R navigation) } } if ( /audio|video/.test(selected_el_kind) && hasClass('body', 'media_play_all') ) { selected_el_kind = /audio|video/; } // but if media_play_all, get both media kinds if ( selected_el?.classList.contains( 'hovered', ) && /ArrowUp|ArrowDown/.test(key) ) { getEl( '#sidebar_menu_main .hovered', )?.classList.remove('hovered'); } } els = Array.from( getEl(nav_type).children, ).filter((el) => { // Get all navigable elements and filter if ( /font_specimen_grid|font_file_grid|content_grid/.test( nav_type, ) || (el.offsetWidth > 0 && el.offsetHeight > 0) ) { // only return visible items (or glyphs grid items) switch (true) { case /cuesheet/.test(nav_type): return !el.classList.contains( 'header', ); // ignore header row in cuesheet menu case selected_el !== null && /ArrowLeft|ArrowRight/.test(key) && !/warning_buttons|menu/.test( nav_type, ): // if L/R arrow and not menu or warning, and selected_el !== null... return ( selected_el_kind.test( el.dataset.kind, ) && !el.classList.contains('unchecked') ); // ...return all unchecked items of same kind as selected_el default: return true; // else return all items } } }); els_length = els.length; selected_el_index = selected_el === null ? -1 : els.indexOf(selected_el); // get index of selected item from filtered els or -1 if null switch ( true // GET NEXT NAVIGATED ELEMENT ) { case hasClass( 'body', 'has_directory_source', ): // if viewing directory source, arrows will reopen selected sidebar item if ( elExists('.dirlist_item.content_loaded') ) { showThis( getEl('.dirlist_item.content_loaded') .id, ); } else { showThis(; } return; case key === 'Tab': if (selected_el === null) { navigated_el = bool !== true ? els[0] : els[els_length - 1]; } else { navigated_el = selected_el; } break; // navigation from tab into iframe case key === 'ArrowUp': case key === 'ArrowLeft': // ArrowUp / ArrowDown switch (true) { case /audio|video/.test( selected_el_kind, ) && key === 'ArrowLeft': switch (true) { case hasClass( 'body', 'shuffle_media', ) && getEl('#content_audio_container') .dataset.shufflelist === '': mediaShuffleListUpdate(); break; case hasClass( 'body', 'shuffle_media', ) && !/loaded/.test( selected_el.className, ): navigated_el = selected_el; mediaShuffleListUpdate(, false, ); break; // allow selected to be played next default: navigated_el = navigateGetMediaLeftRightEl( els, selected_el, selected_el_index, key, ); // media } break; case /font_file|grid/.test(nav_type) && !hasClass('body', 'has_menu'): navigated_el = els[ navigateGetGridItemIndex( selected_el_index, els_length, nav_type, key, ) ]; break; case hasClass('body', 'has_menu') && selected_el === null && key === 'ArrowLeft': navigated_el = getEl( '#sidebar_menu_parents', ); break; // select parents menu if no main menu item selected case selected_el?.classList.contains( 'is_submenu_item', ) && key === 'ArrowLeft': navigated_el = navigateGetSubMenuEl( selected_el, key, ); break; // go to parent menu case selected_el === null || (selected_el_index === 0 && !key === 'ArrowLeft'): navigated_el = els[els_length - 1]; break; // select last if nothing selected case selected_el_index === 0: navigated_el = els[els_length - 1]; break; // additional case for menus default: navigated_el = els[selected_el_index - 1]; // default dir_list and menu items } break; case key === 'ArrowDown': case key === 'ArrowRight': // ArrowLeft / ArrowRight switch (true) { case /audio|video/.test( selected_el_kind, ) && key === 'ArrowRight': switch ( true // if autoplay off, navigated_el = selected_el, else navigated_el = next media item ) { case hasClass( 'body', 'shuffle_media', ) && getEl('#content_audio_container') .dataset.shufflelist === '': mediaShuffleListUpdate(); // end of shuffle items if ( hasClass( 'body', 'shuffle_media', ) && hasClass('body', 'loop_media') ) { navigated_el = getEl( '#' + getEl( '#content_audio_container', ).dataset.shufflelist.split( ',', )[0], ); } // if shuffle & loop break; case hasClass( 'body', 'shuffle_media', ) && !/loaded/.test( selected_el.className, ): mediaShuffleListUpdate(, false, ); // no break: allow selected item to be played next case hasClass( 'body', 'media_autoplay_false', ) && bool === true: navigated_el = selected_el; break; // shuffle play default: navigated_el = navigateGetMediaLeftRightEl( els, selected_el, selected_el_index, key, ); } break; case /font_file|grid/.test(nav_type) && !hasClass('body', 'has_menu'): navigated_el = els[ navigateGetGridItemIndex( selected_el_index, els_length, nav_type, key, ) ]; break; case selected_el === null || selected_el_index === els_length - 1: navigated_el = els[0]; break; // select first if nothing selected case selected_el?.classList.contains( 'has_submenu', ) && key === 'ArrowRight': navigated_el = navigateGetSubMenuEl( selected_el, key, ); break; // open submenu default: navigated_el = els[selected_el_index + 1]; // default dir_list and menu items } break; } switch ( true // WHAT TO DO WITH NAVIGATED ELEMENT: ) { case navigated_el === undefined: navigated_el = /ArrowUp|ArrowLeft/.test( key, ) ? els[els_length - 1] : /ArrowDown|ArrowRight/.test(key) ? els[0] : null; showThis( navigated_el?.id || navigated_el?, ); break; case /cuesheet/.test(nav_type):; break; // if cuesheet track list menu is open case /grid|menu/.test(nav_type): removeClass( '#sidebar_menu_main li', 'selected', ); navigated_el?.classList.add('selected'); // for grids and menus; ...add selected class to navigated_el switch (true) { case hasClass('body', 'has_menu'): case hasClass( 'body', 'has_menu_parents', ): break; case === 'sidebar_menu_parents': menuShow( null, 'sidebar_menu_parents', ); break; case hasContent('font_specimen_glyph'): showFontGlyph(null,; break; case hasContent('font_file_glyph'): showFontGlyph(null,; break; // show the navigated font file glyph case hasClass( '#content_pane', 'has_hidden_grid', ) && /image|font/.test( navigated_el.dataset.kind, ): removeClass( '.grid_item.selected', 'selected', ); navigated_el?.classList.add( 'selected', ); showThis(; // no break case /grid/.test(nav_type): getEl( '#directory_list .selected', )?.scrollIntoView({ block: 'nearest', }); // scroll dir_list item into view getEl( '#content_pane .selected', )?.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'nearest', }); break; // scroll grid item into view } break; case !isTopWindow(): switch (true) { case hasClass( '#content_body', 'has_quicklook', ): quickLookThis(, navigated_el.dataset.kind, ); break; // either quicklook or select item default: showThis(, true, false, ); } break; case /ArrowUp|ArrowDown/.test(key) && getData(navigated_el, 'kind') === 'audio' && !hasClass( '#content_body', 'has_quicklook', ): showThis(, true, false); break; // only select audio on U/D arrow case /ArrowLeft|ArrowRight/.test(key) && navigated_el?.classList.contains('media'): switch (true) { case hasClass( 'body', 'media_autoplay_false', ) && bool === 'true': showThis(, true, false); break; default: showThis(; // L/R arrow: load and play media if ( selected_el_index === els_length - 1 && !hasClass('body', 'loop_media') && bool === true ) { null; } else { mediaPlayPause('play'); } // if last item & !loop, select first item, else play } break; default: showThis(; // default: show item } } function navigateGetSubMenuEl( selected_el, key, ) { let navigated_el; // ===> SUBMENU NAVIGATION switch (true) { case selected_el?.classList.contains( 'has_submenu', ) && key === 'ArrowRight': selected_el.classList.add('hovered'); selected_el .querySelector('ul li.selected') ?.classList.remove('selected'); navigated_el = selected_el.querySelector('ul li'); navigated_el.classList.add('selected'); break; case selected_el?.classList.contains( 'is_submenu_item', ) && key === 'ArrowLeft': removeClass( '#sidebar_menu_main li.is_submenu_item.selected', 'selected', ); navigated_el = getEl( '#sidebar_menu_main .hovered', ); navigated_el.classList.add('selected'); navigated_el.classList.remove('hovered'); break; } return navigated_el; } function navigateGetGridItemIndex( selected_el_index, els_length, nav_type, key, ) { let grid_col_count, grid_row_count, grid_item_index; // ===> GRID NAVIGATION if (/ArrowUp|ArrowDown/.test(key)) { // calculate number of grid rows and columns grid_col_count = Math.round( getEl(nav_type).offsetWidth / getEl(nav_type + ' > li').offsetWidth, ); // number of grid items per row grid_row_count = Math.floor( els_length / grid_col_count, ); // number of full grid rows } switch (true) { case key === 'ArrowUp': // ArrowUp switch (true) { case selected_el_index === -1: grid_item_index = els_length - 1; break; // if nothing selected case selected_el_index < grid_col_count: // if selected el is in first grid row... switch ( true // ...and if it is in a column to the right of last item in last row get... ) { case grid_col_count * grid_row_count + selected_el_index >= els_length: grid_item_index = selected_el_index + grid_col_count * (grid_row_count - 1); break; // last in penultimate col or... default: grid_item_index = selected_el_index + grid_col_count * grid_row_count; // last in last row } break; default: grid_item_index = selected_el_index - grid_col_count; // default: grid_item_index = selected_el_index - length of grid row } break; case key === 'ArrowDown': // ArrowDown switch (true) { case selected_el_index === -1: grid_item_index = 0; break; // if nothing selected, get first item case selected_el_index + 1 + grid_col_count > els_length: grid_item_index = (selected_el_index - grid_col_count * (grid_row_count - 1)) % grid_col_count; break; // if selected is last in column default: grid_item_index = Number(selected_el_index) + Number(grid_col_count); // default: index = selected_el_index plus the length of the grid row } break; case key === 'ArrowLeft': grid_item_index = selected_el_index === -1 || selected_el_index === 0 ? els_length - 1 : selected_el_index - 1; break; // if first or nothing selected, get last or prev case key === 'ArrowRight': grid_item_index = selected_el_index === -1 || selected_el_index + 1 === els_length ? 0 : selected_el_index + 1; break; // if last or nothing selected, get first or next } if ( !hasContent('font_file') && nav_type !== '#font_specimen_grid' && nav_type !== '#font_file_grid' ) { // select corresponding dir_list item for image/font grids, but not font files removeClass( '.dirlist_item', 'selected hovered', ); removeClass( '.dirlist_item.content_loaded', 'content_loaded', ); // remove classes from dir_list items let selected_id = getEl(nav_type).querySelectorAll( '.grid_item', )?.[grid_item_index]?; // get the data-id from the currently selected grid item if (selected_id) { getEl('#' + selected_id)?.classList.add( 'selected', ); getEl( '.dirlist_item.selected', )?.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'nearest', }); } // select & scroll dir_list item into view } return grid_item_index; } function navigateGetMediaLeftRightEl( els, selected_el, selected_el_index, key, ) { let navigated_el, navigated_el_id; // ===> MEDIA LEFT/RIGHT NAVIGATION (Audio) const mediaShuffleGetNextItem = () => { // ===> GET NEXT SHUFFLED ITEM let shuffle_list = getData( '#content_audio_container', 'shufflelist', ).split(','), shuffled_item_id = shuffle_list.pop(); setData( '#content_audio_container', 'shufflelist', shuffle_list, ); return shuffled_item_id; }; switch (true) { case hasClass('body', 'shuffle_media'): navigated_el_id = mediaShuffleGetNextItem(); // if shuffle play enabled...get the next shuffled item id switch ( true // but if all shuffled items have been played (i.e., navigated_el_id === ''): if loop, update shufflelist, get next item; else get first item. ) { case navigated_el_id === '': mediaShuffleListUpdate(); navigated_el = hasClass( 'body', 'loop_media', ) ? (navigated_el = getEl( '#' + mediaShuffleGetNextItem(), )) : (navigated_el = els[0]); break; default: navigated_el = getEl( '#' + navigated_el_id, ); // else get next item in the shufflelist } setMediaShuffleListData( getAttr( '#content_audio_container', 'data-shufflelist', ), ); break; case !selected_el.classList.contains( 'audio_loaded', ) && selected_el.classList.contains('audio') && isTopWindow(): navigated_el = selected_el; break; // if selected audio item not loaded, select it case key === 'ArrowRight': navigated_el = selected_el_index + 1 < els.length ? els[selected_el_index + 1] : (navigated_el = els[0]); break; // if selected not last, select next, else select first case key === 'ArrowLeft': navigated_el = selected_el_index - 1 !== -1 ? els[selected_el_index - 1] : (navigated_el = els[els.length - 1]); break; // if selected not first, select prev item, else last } selected_el.classList.remove( 'audio_loaded', 'content_loaded', ); // deselect currently selected media item class return navigated_el; } function navigateWarningBtns(e) { // ===> NAVIGATE WARNING BUTTONS let buttons = getVisibleElsBySelector( '#warning_buttons button', ); let focused_button = getVisibleElsBySelector( '#warning_buttons :focus,#warning_buttons .focus', )[0], focused_btn_index = buttons.indexOf( focused_button, ); removeClass( '#warning_buttons button', 'focus', ); switch (true) { case e.shiftKey: switch (true) { case focused_button === null || buttons.indexOf(focused_button) === 0: buttons[buttons.length - 1].focus(); buttons[ buttons.length - 1 ].classList.add('focus'); break; // focus last button default: buttons[ focused_btn_index - 1 ].classList.add('focus'); buttons[ focused_btn_index - 1 ].focus(); // else focus previous button } break; default: // e.Tab switch (true) { case focused_button === null || buttons.indexOf(focused_button) === buttons.length - 1: buttons[0].focus(); buttons[0].classList.add('focus'); break; // focus first button default: buttons[ focused_btn_index + 1 ].classList.add('focus'); buttons[ focused_btn_index + 1 ].focus(); // else focus next button } } } function navigateByArrowModKey(e, id) { let args = [e.key], selected_el, navigated_el_id, selected_kind = getEl( '.dirlist_item.selected', )?.dataset.kind; // ===> ARROW KEY MODIFIER FUNCTIONS if ( cmdAltKey(e) && /ArrowLeft|ArrowRight|ArrowUp|ArrowDown/.test( e.key, ) ) { return; } else { e.preventDefault(); } // prevents starting audio play when changing tabs; allows browser tab cycling switch (true) { case /Up|Down|Left|Right/.test(e.key) && /dir|font|image/.test(selected_kind) && e.shiftKey && !cmdKey(e) && !altKey(e) && !altShiftKey(e): // e.shiftKey => select multiple items switch (true) { case getEl('#content_grid').children .length === 0 && /font|image/.test(selected_kind): showGrid( getEls( '.dirlist_item.font.selected,.dirlist_item.image.selected', )[0]?.id, ); break; // show first selected font or image in grid; default: navigated_el_id = getNavigatedElID( e, '.dirlist_item.' + selected_kind, false, ); selectMultipleItems( e, navigated_el_id, ); // else get next navigated el id and select it } break; case /ArrowLeft|ArrowRight/.test(e.key) && (altKey(e) || altShiftKey(e)): // alt/shift + L/R => mediaScrub(e) if (e.shiftKey) { args.push(30); } else { args.push(10); } // scrub 10s or 30s if (!isTopWindow()) { messageSend( 'top_body', 'mediaScrub', 'mediaScrub', args, ); } else { mediaScrub(e); } break; case cmdKey(e) && e.key === 'ArrowUp': // Cmd/Ctrl + Up switch (true) { case hasClass('body', 'is_dir'): case !isTopWindow(): iframeClick( e, 'iframe_parent_link', 'link', getEl('#iframe_parent_link').href, ); break; // go to iframe parent case isTopWindow() && hasClass('body', 'focus_content') && hasClass( '#content_iframe', 'has_content', ): messageSend( 'iframe', 'open_iframe_parent_dir', ); break; // fallback for go to iframe parent in case top is incorrectly focused default: e.preventDefault(); showWarning('changeLocation', [ getEl('#parent_dir_nav a').href, 'false', ]); break; // go to parent (with warning for playlists/fonts/edited text) } break; case cmdKey(e) && e.key === 'ArrowDown': // Cmd/Ctrl + Down switch (true) { case !elExists('.selected'): break; // do nothing if nothing selected case elExists( '#content_body #directory_list', ) && cmdKey(e): iframeClick( e, id, 'dblclick', getEl('#' + id).querySelector('a') .href, ); break; case hasClass( '.dirlist_item.selected', 'link', ): openLinkFile( e, getEl('') .id, ); break; // open webloc or url files case hasClass( '.dirlist_item.selected', 'playlist', ): openPlaylist( '', '', getData( '.dirlist_item.selected.playlist', 'playlist', ), ); break; // open playlist or filelist case isTopWindow() && hasClass('body', 'focus_content'): focusEl('#content_iframe', e); break; // select first item if nothing selected in iframe case isTopWindow() && hasClass( '.dirlist_item.selected', 'file', ) && !hasClass( '.dirlist_item.selected', 'link', ): break; // ? do nothing for link files case isTopWindow() && hasClass( '.dirlist_item.selected', 'dir', ) && hasClass( '.dirlist_item.selected', 'app', ) && UI_Prefs_Bool.apps_as_dirs === false: break; // break if not viewing apps as dirs default: showWarning('dirOpen', [ getAttr( '.dirlist_item.selected', 'id', ), getAttr( '.dirlist_item.selected a', 'href', ), ]); // else open dirs & all iframe items with dbl-click } break; case cmdKey(e) && e.key === 'ArrowLeft': // Cmd/Ctrl + Left switch (true) { case elExists( '.dirlist_item.dir.selected.has_subdirectory', ): getEls( '.dirlist_item.dir.selected.has_subdirectory', ).forEach((dir) => subDirClose(, ); break; // close all selected subdirectories case !hasClass( '.dirlist_item.selected', 'has_subdirectory', ) && elExists( '.dirlist_item.has_subdirectory', ): // if selected item is in subdirectory... selected_el = getEl( '.dirlist_item.selected', ); if ( selected_el === null || selected_el.previousElementSibling === null ) { break; } // do nothing if no selection or prev element while ( !selected_el.previousElementSibling.classList.contains( 'has_subdirectory', ) ) { selected_el = selected_el.previousElementSibling; } // find subdir "parent" === prev .has_subdirectory if ( selected_el !== null && selected_el.previousElementSibling !== null ) { showThis( selected_el.previousElementSibling .id, ); } break; // select and show parent dir default: showThis( getVisibleElsBySelector( '.dirlist_item', )[0].id, ); // select first visible item } break; case cmdKey(e) && e.key === 'ArrowRight': try { subDirOpen( getEl( '.dirlist_item.dir.selected:not(.has_subdirectory)', ).id, ); } catch (e) { null; } break; // Cmd/Ctrl + R: open (1st) selected subdirectory } } function navigateByArrowKey(args) { navigateGetEl(args); } // args[0] = key, args[1] = bool (for autoplay media),bool = shift // ===> ARROW KEY NAVIGATION function arrowKeyFunctions(e, bool, el) { addClass('body', 'no_hover'); // 'e' = keyboardEvent or string (e.g. 'ArrowLeft/Right' from clickPrevNextButtons() // ===> ARROW KEY FUNCTIONS if (hasClass('body', 'has_help')) { getEl('#help_container').focus(); return true; } let id = /ArrowUp|ArrowLeft/.test(e.key) ? el?.querySelector('.selected')?.id : Array.from( el?.querySelectorAll('.selected'), )?.reverse()[0]?.id; // get first or last selected item if ( !/texteditor/.test(, ) && !/textarea/.test( document.activeElement.tagName.toLowerCase(), ) ) { window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); document.activeElement.blur(); } // TEST all situations switch (true) { case /a|input|select|textarea/.test( document.activeElement.tagName.toLowerCase(), ) && !cmdKey(e): // nobreak: allow normal arrow key functions case /texteditor/.test(, ) && !cmdKey(e): // nobreak // " " case document.activeElement.hasAttribute( 'contentEditable', ) && !cmdKey(e): // nobreak // " " case !isTopWindow() && !elExists( '#content_body #directory_list', ) && !cmdKey(e): return; // iframe is not a dir_list case hasContent('pdf') && hasClass('body', 'focus_content'): focusEl('#content_pdf'); break; // focus content_pdf case (hasContent('zoom_image') || hasContent('scaled_image')) && hasClass('body', 'focus_content'): focusEl('#content_image'); return; // scroll imgs case e.altKey: case e.ctrlKey: case e.metaKey: case e.shiftKey: navigateByArrowModKey(e, id); break; // arrow keys + modifiers case isTopWindow() && hasClass('body', 'iframe_edited'): e.preventDefault(); messageSend('iframe', 'unloading', '', [ 'arrow_key_navigation', e.key, ]); break; case isTopWindow() && hasClass('body', 'focus_content') && hasContent('dir'): e.preventDefault(); // req. after nav to iframe dir_list parent dir switch (true) { case hasClass('body'): navigateByArrowKey([e.key, false]); break; default: messageSend( 'iframe', 'iframe_navigation', '', [e.key, false], ); getEl('#content_iframe').focus(); } break; case hasClass('body', 'has_top_menu') && !isTopWindow(): e.preventDefault(); messageSend( 'top_body', 'arrow_key_navigation', 'navigateByArrowKey', [e.key, false], ); break; // menu navigation from focused iframe case hasClass('body', 'has_quicklook'): e.preventDefault(); navigateByArrowKey([e.key, bool]); break; default: e.preventDefault(); showWarning('navigateByArrowKey', [ e.key, bool, ]); // normal arrow key navigation, with warning } } // NAVIGATION Go to Item function goToItem(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); let value, input_el = getEl('#go_to_item input'); switch (true) { case e.key === 'j' && cmdShiftKey(e): menuShow( e, 'sidebar_menu_main_container', ); // nobreak; show menu case e?.type === 'click' && !== 'go_to_item_input': addClass('#go_to_item', 'show_input'); getEl('#go_to_item input').focus(); break; // show input on click case e?.key === 'Enter': default: value = input_el.value - 1; removeClass('#go_to_item', 'show_input'); input_el.value = null; menuClose(); showThis( getEls('#directory_list .dirlist_item')[ value ]?.id, ); break; // get the entered ui font } } // NAVIGATION Tab Key function navigateTabKeyFocus(kind, incr) { let sel = { font: '#content_font .selected,#content_font *[data-tab_order],#font_toolbar *[data-tab_order]', grid: '#content_grid,#top_body', html: 'a,button,input,select,textarea,div[contenteditable]', link: '#texteditor_styled_pane a', texteditor: '#content_texteditor .texteditor_pane', }; // tab-able elements by nav type let els = Array.from( getEls(sel[kind]), ).filter( (el) => el.offsetWidth > 0 && el.offsetHeight > 0, ), el_ids, next_item_id, font_els = []; // get tab-able elements; other vars let active_el = kind === 'font' ? getEls( '#content_font .selected,#content_font *:focus,#font_toolbar *:focus', )[0] : document.activeElement; if (els !== null) { el_ids = kind !== 'html' ? => : => els.indexOf(el)); } else { return null; } // get ids or define ids by index if (kind === 'font' && incr === 1) { // reorder font_specimen items font_els = el_ids.filter((id) => /font_specimen/.test(id), ); el_ids = el_ids.filter( (id) => !/font_specimen/.test(id), ); if (incr === -1) { el_ids.reverse(); } el_ids = font_els.concat(el_ids); if (getEl('#font_file_grid .selected')) { null; } } switch ( true // get first or last item... ) { case active_el === undefined && kind === 'font' && incr === 1: case (active_el?.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'body' || active_el === null) && incr === 1: next_item_id = el_ids[0]; break; case active_el === undefined && kind === 'font' && incr === -1: case (active_el?.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'body' || active_el === null) && incr === -1: next_item_id = el_ids[el_ids.length - 1]; break; default: next_item_id = kind !== 'html' ? el_ids[ el_ids.indexOf( + incr ] : el_ids[ els.indexOf(active_el) + incr ]; break; // or tab to next item for any other content } switch (true) { case next_item_id === undefined: if ( kind === 'font' && !hasClass('body', 'focus_content') ) { addClass('body', 'focus_content'); } else { focusEl('#top_body'); } break; //focus top or font case kind === 'grid': focusEl('#content_grid'); break; case kind !== 'html': focusEl('#' + next_item_id); break; case kind === 'html': if (!getEl('#html_styles')) { document.head.insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeend', '<style id="html_styles">' + html_style_rules + '</style>', ); } els[next_item_id].focus({ focusVisible: true, }); break; } } function navigateByTabKey(e, incr) { // ===> NAVIGATION TAB KEY if (e === null) { null; } else { incr = e.shiftKey ? -1 : 1; } // e === null if from message navigateTabKeyFocus; let content_pane_data = getContentPaneData(), content_el_id = 'content' + content_pane_data?.slice(3) || null, next_item_id; switch (true) { case hasClass('body', 'has_warning'): navigateWarningBtns(e); break; // nav warning buttons case hasContent('texteditor'): navigateTabKeyFocus('texteditor', incr); break; // focus font preview, grid, text editor els case hasContent('font,grid'): navigateTabKeyFocus( content_pane_data.slice(4), incr, ); break; // focus font preview, grid, text editor els case !isTopWindow(): switch (true) { case hasClass('body', 'is_dir'): messageSend('top_body', 'focus_top'); break; case hasClass('body', 'is_link'): navigateTabKeyFocus('link', incr); break; // nav link file case hasClass('body', 'is_html'): navigateTabKeyFocus('html', incr); break; // nav html file els (links, etc.) case hasClass('body', 'is_text'): navigateTabKeyFocus( 'texteditor', incr, ); break; // nav html file els (links, etc.) } break; default: switch (true) { case hasContent('image,pdf,video') && !hasClass('body', 'focus_content'): next_item_id = content_el_id; break; // tab into images, pdf, video case hasClass( 'body', 'has_texteditor', ) && !hasClass('body', 'focus_content'): // tab into text editor case hasContent( 'dir,htm,markdown,text,code,other,link', ): next_item_id = '#content_iframe'; break; // tab into iframe dirs and text files case hasClass('body', 'focus_content'): next_item_id = '#top_body'; break; // tab into top } focusEl(next_item_id, e); // focusEl } } // NAVIGATION Other function navigateByTypedStr(e) { let items, item, timer; // ===> NAVIGATE BY TYPED STRING switch (true) { case /textarea|input/.test( document.activeElement.tagName.toLowerCase(), ) || document.activeElement.getAttribute( 'contentEditable', ) === true: return; // ignore editable textareas default: timer = timeoutID(); if (typeof timer === 'number') { window.clearTimeout(timer); timer = 0; } timeoutID(); // set timer for typed string str += e.key.toLowerCase(); // define typed string switch (true) { case hasClass('#top_body', 'has_menu'): // navigate main menu items = getEls( '#sidebar_menu_main > li.has_submenu.hovered', ).length > 0 ? getEls( '#sidebar_menu_main > li.has_submenu.hovered li', ) : getEls( '#sidebar_menu_main > li', ); // get menu/submenu items items = Array.from(items).filter( (item) => item.innerText .toLowerCase() .startsWith(str), ); // get menu items and filter items that match typed string if (items.length > 0) { item = items[0]; item?.parentNode .querySelector('.selected') ?.classList.remove('selected'); item?.classList.add('selected'); } break; // select if matching menu item found default: if ( elExists( '.dirlist_item[data-name^="' + str + '"]', ) ) { showThis( getEl( '.dirlist_item[data-name^="' + str + '"]', ).id, ); scrollThis( '#directory_list', '.selected', ); } // select dir_list item } } } // ===> END NAVIGATION //============================// // ===> TEXT EDITING function TextEditing() { // ===> TEXT EDITING Function: create Markdown Preview let raw_markdown = elExists( '#texteditor_raw_pane', ) ? getEl( '#texteditor_raw_pane', ).value.toString() : ''; MDmarkdown( raw_markdown, getEl('#texteditor_html_pane'), ); MDsetChecklistClass(); // set checklist class in case any added } function textareaSelectContent(id) { let textarea_el = getEl('#' + id); focusEl('#' + id);; textarea_el.scrollTop = 0; } // ===> SELECT TEXTAREA CONTENT function texteditorClear() { // ===> CLEAR TEXT if (!isTopWindow()) { messageSend('top_body', 'iframe_edited'); addClass('body', 'texteditor_edited'); } else { removeClass('body', 'texteditor_edited'); } getEl('#texteditor_raw_pane').value = ''; getEl('#texteditor_styled_pane').innerHTML = ''; getEl('#texteditor_html_pane').value = ''; getEl('#texteditor_raw_pane').style.width = ''; focusEl('#texteditor_raw_pane'); } function texteditorSaveBtn(id) { let data, file_name, ext = ''; // let Text_Files = item => '.'+item ); // ===> SAVE BUTTON file_name = hasContent('texteditor') ? 'untitled' : decodeURIComponentSafe( window.location.pathname .split('/') .reverse()[0], ); switch (true) { case id === 'save_text': data = getEl( '#texteditor_raw_pane', ).value; break; // if ( Text_Files.() ) { ext = '.md'; } break; case id === 'save_HTML': data = MDprepHTML( getEl('#texteditor_styled_pane') .innerHTML, ); ext = '.html'; break; } saveMD(data, file_name + ext); } function MDprepHTML(data) { // ===> MD PREP HTML for saving let save_HTML_open = `<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8" /><title></title> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""></link> <style></style><script></script></head><body lang="en" class="markdown_body">`, save_HTML_close = '</body></html>'; data = data.replace( /<span\sclass="uplink">.<\/span>/g, '', ); return ( save_HTML_open + data + save_HTML_close ); } function saveMD(data, file_name) { // ===> SAVE MD if (!isTopWindow()) { messageSend('top_body', 'save_text', '', [ data, file_name, ]); } else { saveFile(data, 'text/plain', file_name); } // #top_body must save text, else a new window opens containing blob content removeClass( 'body,#texteditor_raw_pane,#content_texteditor', 'texteditor_edited', ); } function MDmarkdown(raw_markdown) { // ===> MDMARKDOWN: Render markdown from processed source text const MDcustomPreProcess = function (src) { return src; }; // MD CUSTOM PREPROCESS (we're not doing anything here just yet...) const MDcustomPostProcess = function (html) { // MD CUSTOM POSTPROCESS html = html .replace( /<(p|li|dt|dd)>-*\s*\[\s*x\s*\]\s*(.+?)<\/(p|li|dt|dd)>$/gm, '<$1 class="checklist"><input type="checkbox" checked><label>$2</label></$3>', ) // checkboxes in p,li,dt,dd .replace( /<(p|li|dt|dd)>-*\s*\[\s{1,}\]\s*(.+?)<\/(p|li|dt|dd)>$/gm, '<$1 class="checklist"><input type="checkbox"><label>$2</label></$3>', ) // checkboxes .replace( /<li><p class="checklist">"/g, '<li class="checklist"><p>', ); return html; }; const MDit = window .markdownit({ linkify: false, typography: false, html: true, }) .use(window.markdownitMultimdTable, { enableMultilineRows: true, }) .use(window.markdownitCheckbox) .use(window.markdownitSub) .use(window.markdownitSup) .use(window.markdownitFootnote) .use(window.markdownitCentertext) .use(window.markdownitDeflist) .use(window.markdownitTocDoneRight); let MD_Preview = MDcustomPostProcess( MDit.render( MDcustomPreProcess(raw_markdown), ), ); let MD_script = `<style>body{margin:0;padding:0;}</style>`; // inline scripts to permit sync scrolling and focus getEl('#texteditor_styled_pane').innerHTML = MD_script + MD_Preview; // set previewed text let source_HTML = MD_Preview.toString(); getEl('#texteditor_html_pane').value = source_HTML; // set raw html view } function MDlivePreview() { MDmarkdown( getEl('#texteditor_raw_pane').value, ); MDsetChecklistClass(); } // ===> MD LIVE PREVIEW function MDliveCheckBoxes( checkbox, source_el, preview_el, ) { // ===> MD LIVE CHECKBOXES const MDreplaceNthSubStr = function ( str, substr, replacement, index, ) { const MDreplaceAt = function ( str, replacement, position, ) { str = str.substring(0, position) + replacement + str.substring( position + replacement.length, ); return str; }; let count = 0, found = substr.exec(str); while (found !== null) { if (count === index) { return MDreplaceAt( str, replacement, found.index, ); } else { count++; found = substr.exec(str); } } }; removeClass('.checklist', 'clicked'); checkbox .closest('p,li,dt,dd') .classList.add('clicked'); const this_index = preview_el .querySelector('.checklist') .index( preview_el.querySelector( '.checklist .clicked', ), ); const src_text = source_el.value; const substr = new RegExp(/\[\s*.\s*\]/g); const replacement =':checked') ? '[x]' : '[ ]'; source_el.value = MDreplaceNthSubStr( src_text, substr, replacement, this_index, ); } function MDsetChecklistClass() { getEls( '#text_container input[type="checkbox"]', ).forEach( (el) => (el.closest('ul').style.cssText = 'list-style:none;padding:0;'), ); } // ===> MD SET CHECKBOX LIST CLASS function texteditor_ResizeSplit() { // ===> MD RESIZE SPLIT VIEW let page_width = window.innerWidth, editor_width = getEl( '#content_texteditor', ).offsetWidth, editor_offsetLeft = === 'top_body' ? getEl('#content_pane').offsetLeft : 0; document.onmousemove = function (e) { eStopPrevent(e); let pageX = e.pageX; if ( pageX > editor_offsetLeft + 150 && pageX < page_width - 150 ) { // min split pane widths setStyle( '#text_editing_handle', 'left', pageX - editor_offsetLeft - 4 + 'px', ); setStyle( '#texteditor_raw_pane', 'width', pageX - editor_offsetLeft + 'px', ); setStyle( '#texteditor_styled_pane', 'width', editor_width + editor_offsetLeft - pageX + 'px', ); setStyle( '#texteditor_html_pane', 'width', editor_width + editor_offsetLeft - pageX + 'px', ); } }; } function texteditor_ResetSplit() { getEls( '#text_container .texteditor_pane,#text_editing_handle', ).forEach((el) => el.removeAttribute('style'), ); } function texteditor_SyncScroll(e) { // ===> MD SYNC SCROLL if ( !getEl( 'input[name="texteditor_sync_scroll"', ).checked || hasClass( 'body', 'texteditor_split_view_false', ) || hasClass( 'body', 'text_editing_enable_false', ) ) { return; } // ignore if no split or no sync scroll let scrolled = e.currentTarget, scrolled_scrollTop = scrolled.scrollTop, scrolled_height = scrolled.scrollHeight, scrolled_percentage = ( scrolled_scrollTop / scrolled_height ).toFixed(4); let synced_id = [ 'texteditor_raw_pane', 'texteditor_styled_pane', 'texteditor_html_pane', ] .filter((el) => el !== .filter( (el) => document.getElementById(el) .offsetHeight > 0, ) .toString(); let synced = document.getElementById(synced_id); // the element to be sync scrolled synced.scrollTo( 0, ( scrolled_percentage * synced.scrollHeight ).toFixed(0), { behavior: 'smooth', }, ); } function MDtocClick(id) { let thisId = getEl('#' + id).href; if (thisId !== null) { getEl('#texteditor_styled_pane').scrollTop = getEl('#' + id).offset().top - 48; } } // ===> MD TOC CLICK anchors function MDheaderClick() { // ===> MD HEADER CLICK switch (true) { case elExists( '#texteditor_styled_pane .table-of-contents', ): getEl('#texteditor_styled_pane') .getElementsByClassName( 'table-of-contents', )[0] .scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'nearest', }); break; default: getEl('#texteditor_styled_pane').scroll( 0, 0, ); } } //***********************// // MESSAGES function messageSend( target, message, funcName, args, ) { // ===> SEND MESSAGE to iframe or parent let messageObj = { messageContent: message, functionName: funcName, arguments: args, }; switch (target) { case 'iframe': getEl( '#content_iframe', ).contentWindow.postMessage( messageObj, '*', ); break; case 'top_body': window.parent.postMessage( messageObj, '*', ); break; } } function messageReceive(e) { // ===> RECEIVE MESSAGE from iframe or parent, do appropriate action if ( === 'iframe_loaded' ) { showThis( 'iframe_loaded', false, true,, ); } else if ( e.origin === 'null' || e.origin === origin ) { let message =, args =; switch (message) { case 'uiPrefToggle': uiPrefToggle(args); break; case 'searchParamSet': searchParamSet(args[0], args[1]); break; case 'set_ui_font': if (args !== '') { = args; } else { = null; } break; // set iframe ui font case 'arrow_key_navigation': removeClass('body', 'iframe_edited'); navigateByArrowKey(args); break; // class_name, key case 'iframe_navigation': addClass('body', 'no_hover'); navigateByArrowKey(args); break; // get first or last iframe dirlist item case 'show_sidebar': document.body.classList.toggle( getNewUIPref('show_sidebar')[0], ); break; case 'toggle_menu': menuShow( null, 'sidebar_menu_main_container', ); messageSend('iframe', 'has_top_menu'); break; // show menu, tell iframe to allow menu arrow navigation case 'menu_close': menuClose(); break; case 'has_top_menu': addClass( '#content_body', 'has_top_menu is_blurred', ); break; // tell iframe top has menu to allow arrow navigation case 'menu_selection': case 'menuClick': menuClick(); break; // show menu case 'menu_navigation': navigateByArrowKey(args); break; // menu navigation from iframe case 'toggle_invisibles': getEl('#show_invisibles input').click(); getEl('#show_invisibles input').blur(); break; case 'blur_top': addClass('#top_body', 'focus_content'); menuClose(); selectThisItem( getData('#content_pane', 'loaded_id'), ); break; case 'focus_top': // close menus and refocus content or focus sidebar switch (true) { case hasClass( '#top_body', 'focus_content', ) && hasClass('#top_body', 'has_menu'): focusEl('#content_pane'); break; default: focusEl('#top_body'); break; } break; case 'focus_iframe': addClass('body', 'focus_content'); menuClose(); break; // focusEl('#content_iframe'); break; case 'theme_light': case 'theme_dark': // toggle iframe UI theme and iframe Text Editor theme getEl('#content_body').classList.remove( 'theme_dark', 'theme_light', ); getEl('#content_body').classList.add( message, 'texteditor_' + message, ); break; // change iframe dir theme case 'show_iframe_parent': showThis( 'content_iframe_parent', false, true, args, ); break; // args[0] === item link, args[1] === item kind case 'show_iframe_dir': showThis( 'content_iframe_dir', false, true, args, ); break; // args[0] === item link, args[1] === item kind case 'show_iframe_file': showThis( 'content_iframe_file', false, true, args, ); break; // args[0] === item link, args[1] === item kind case 'select_iframe_item': getEl('#' + args)?.classList.add( 'selected', ); scrollThis( '#directory_list', '.selected', false, ); break; case 'open_iframe_dir_in_sidebar': window.location = args; break; // tell top to open iframe directory in sidebar; args: iframe dir url case 'open_iframe_parent_dir': iframeClick( e, 'parent', 'link', getAttr( '#iframe_parent_link', 'href', ), ); break; // getEl('##parent').find('a').click(); case 'go_back': showThis( getEl('.dirlist_item.selected')?.id, ); break; case 'close': clickThis('#close_btn'); break; // escape content_iframe and close content case 'close_content': showThis('close'); removeClass('body', 'iframe_edited'); focusEl('#top_body'); break; // close edited_iframe text after clicking "Save/Don't Save" buttons case 'reload': showWarning('resetContent'); break; // reload content case 'reloading': showWarning('resetContent'); break; case 'resetContent': showThis( getEl('.dirlist_item.content_loaded') .id, ); removeClass('body', 'iframe_edited'); break; // reload iframe content after "Save/Don't Save" buttons case 'showThis': removeClass('body', 'iframe_edited'); focusEl('#top_body'); showThis(args); break; // show clicked/navigated sidebar item after "Save/Don't Save" buttons case 'show_numbers': case 'show_invisibles': case 'alternate_background': case 'show_ignored_items': case 'ignore_ignored_items': getEl('#content_body').classList.toggle( message, ); break; // toggle iframe dir_list UI prefs from main menu: case 'show_image_thumbnails': uiPrefImgThumbsToggle(); break; // toggle image thumbnails in iframe case 'iframe_play_pause_media': mediaPlayPause(); break; // tell top to play/pause audio from iframe click case 'mediaScrub': mediaScrub(undefined, args); break; // tell top to mediaScrub from focused iframe case 'play_prev_next_iframe_audio': mediaPlayPrevNextIframeItem(args); break; // play next iframe track case 'close_iframe_audio': removeClass( '.audio_loaded', 'audio_loaded', ); break; // remove iframe audio loaded class case 'set_media_duration': setMediaDuration( args[0], args[1], args[2], true, ); break; // set media durations for subdirs [id, item_sort_kind, duration] case 'refresh_media_durations': refreshMediaDurations( 'refresh_media_durations', ); break; case 'navigateTabKeyFocus': navigateTabKeyFocus(args[0], args[1]); break; // args[0] = kind, args[1] = incr (tab:1,shift+tab:-1) case 'texteditor_split_view': uiPrefToggle('texteditor_split_view'); break; case 'iframe_edited': if ( !hasClass( '#top_body', 'iframe_edited', ) ) { addClass( '#top_body', 'iframe_edited', ); } break; // let top know iframe text has been edited case 'texteditor_toolbar_button': if (!isTopWindow()) { document.body.classList.toggle(args); } else { uiPrefToggle(args); } break; case 'clear': addClass('#top_body', 'iframe_edited'); break; // add edited class after clearing text from edited iframe file case 'save_text': removeClass('body', 'iframe_edited'); saveFile( args[0], 'text/plain', args[1], ); break; case 'iframe_text_saved': removeClass('body', 'iframe_edited'); break; case 'toggle_texteditor': showTextEditor(true); break; case 'unloading': showWarning('closeContent', args); break; // show unsaved changes warning in iframe case 'iframe_loaded': showThis( 'iframe_loaded', false, true, args, ); break; // args = [iframe_src,file_name,kind,content] case 'dirlist_subdir_loaded': subDirInsert(args); break; // when subdirs processed, insert subdirs in dirlist case 'show_texteditor_preview': showTexteditorPreview(args); break; // only show previewed text for certain files (e.g., webloc, url) case 'local_link': showWarning('warning_local_file'); break; // local link warning case 'iframe_playlist': getEls('.dirlist_item.text').forEach( (el) => el.removeAttribute('data-playlist'), ); // iframe_playlist removeClass( '.dirlist_item.text', 'playlist', ); addClass( '.dirlist_item.text.selected', 'playlist', ); setData( '.dirlist_item.text.selected', 'playlist', args, ); break; case 'setIframePlayerStatus': // for iframe audio playback if (args === 'play') { removeClass('body', 'is_paused'); addClass('body', 'is_playing'); } else { removeClass('body', 'is_playing'); addClass('body', 'is_paused'); } break; } } } // END MESSAGES //============================// // WARNINGS function doFunction(funcName, args) { // ===> DO FUNCTION let funcDictionary = { navigateByArrowKey: navigateByArrowKey, showThis: showThis, dirOpen: dirOpen, null: null, menuClick: menuClick, clickThis: clickThis, texteditorClear: texteditorClear, closeContent: closeContent, showFont: showFont, showFontGlyph: showFontGlyph, mediaScrub: mediaScrub, closePlaylist: closePlaylist, openSidebarInContentPane: openSidebarInContentPane, resetContent: resetContent, setLocation: setLocation, showDirectorySource: showDirectorySource, uiPrefToggle: uiPrefToggle, openInTextEditor: openInTextEditor, playlistMake: playlistMake, changeLocation: changeLocation, }; // list of functions to remember and execute after warning button click return funcName === 'null' ? null : funcDictionary[funcName](args); // return the function and call it with args } function showWarning(funcName, args) { // ===> SHOW WARNING switch (true) { case funcName === null: break; case /warning_make_playlist/.test(funcName): getEls( '#directories_only,#files_only,#audio_files_only,#video_files_only,#media_files_only,#all_non_media_files', ).forEach((el) => el.removeAttribute('disabled'), ); // setup makeplaylist alert if (getEl('.dirlist_item.dir') === null) { getEl('#directories_only').disabled = 'disabled'; } if ( getEl('.dirlist_item.file') === null ) { getEl('#files_only').disabled = 'disabled'; } if (!hasClass('body', 'has_audio')) { getEl('#audio_files_only').disabled = 'disabled'; } if (!hasClass('body', 'has_video')) { getEl('#video_files_only').disabled = 'disabled'; } if (!hasClass('body', 'has_media')) { getEl('#media_files_only').disabled = 'disabled'; } if ( getEl('.dirlist_item.non_media') === null ) { getEl('#all_non_media_files').disabled = 'disabled'; } openWarning( 'warning_make_playlist', [ 'warning_btn_ok', 'warning_btn_cancel', ], 'playlistMake', args, ); break; // make playlist/filelist case /open_font|open_playlist|close_font|closePlaylist/.test( funcName, ): // close playlist or font file; args === close_font, close_playlist; if funcName[close_] === args, close item, else open file if ( !hasContent('font_file_glyph') && !hasContent('font_specimen') && !hasContent('font_specimen_glyph') && !hasClass('body', 'has_quicklook') ) { openWarning( 'warning_' + args, [ 'warning_btn_cancel', 'warning_btn_ok', ], funcName, args, ); } else { closeFont(); /*i.e., glyphs*/ } break; // close font or font glyphs case /texteditorClear/.test(funcName): openWarning( 'warning_clear_text', [ 'warning_btn_ok', 'warning_btn_save', 'warning_btn_cancel', ], funcName, ); break; case /non_local_file/.test(funcName): openWarning( 'warning_non_local_file', [ 'warning_btn_ok', 'warning_btn_cancel', ], null, args, ); break; case /local_file/.test(funcName): openWarning('warning_local_file', [ 'warning_btn_ok', ]); break; case /showThis|closeContent|resetContent|changeLocation|setLocation/.test( funcName, ): // warnings for various cases switch (true) { case !isTopWindow(): switch (true) { case args?.length === 2: openWarning( 'unloading', [ 'warning_btn_save', 'warning_btn_dont_save', 'warning_btn_cancel', ], args[0], args[1], ); break; // iframe edited warning for dirlist_item click default: openWarning( 'unloading', [ 'warning_btn_save', 'warning_btn_dont_save', 'warning_btn_cancel', ], funcName, args, ); // iframe unload warning for close/resetContent } break; default: doFunction(funcName, [args]); break; // default: perform requested function w/o warning } break; default: switch (true) { case hasClass('body', 'iframe_edited'): messageSend( 'iframe', 'unloading', funcName, args, ); break; // send unloading message for close or resetContent case hasClass( 'body', 'texteditor_edited', ) && !/navigateByArrowKey|uiPrefToggle/.test( funcName, ): case funcName === 'texteditorClear': if (isTopWindow()) { removeClass( '#content_pane', 'has_hidden_texteditor', ); setData( '#content_pane', 'content', 'has_texteditor', ); } openWarning('texteditorClear', [ 'warning_btn_save', 'warning_btn_dont_save', 'warning_btn_cancel', ]); break; default: doFunction(funcName, args); break; } } } function openWarning( id, buttonids, funcName, args, ) { // ===> OPEN WARNING addClass('body', 'has_warning'); removeAttr('#warnings_container', 'class'); addClass('#warnings_container', id); addClass('#' + id, 'show'); buttonids.forEach((el) => addClass('#' + el, 'show'), ); // show warning buttons and message getEl('#' + buttonids[0]).focus(); getEl('#' + buttonids[0]).classList.add( 'focus', ); // focus default warning button if (funcName !== undefined) { setData( '#warnings_container', 'funcname', funcName, ); } // store funcName and args to complete after clicking warning button if (args !== undefined) { setData( '#warnings_container', 'args', args, ); } } function closeWarning() { // ===> CLOSE WARNINGS removeClass('body', 'has_warning'); getEls( '#warnings_container .show,#warnings_container .focus', ).forEach((el) => el.classList.remove('show', 'focus'), ); removeAttr('#warnings_container', [ 'class', 'data-funcname', ]); } function warningButtons(id) { // ===> WARNING BUTTONs: what to do after warning button click let funcName = getData( '#warnings_container', 'funcname', ) || '', args = getData('#warnings_container', 'args') || ''; switch (id) { case 'warning_btn_save': // Save/Don't Save Buttons switch ( true // After clicking Save/Don't Save Button... ) { case !isTopWindow(): messageSend( 'top_body', getData( '#warnings_container', 'funcname', ), getData( '#warnings_container', 'funcname', ), [ getData( '#warnings_container', 'args', ), ], ); break; // funcName to top default: removeClass('body', 'iframe_edited'); doFunction(funcName, args); focusEl('#top_body'); // remove iframe_edited class; do the function, if any; focus sidebar } deleteData( '#warnings_container', 'funcname', ); deleteData('#warnings_container', args); // remove warnings_container data if (id === 'warning_btn_save') { getEl('#save_text_link').click(); } break; // if id = save button, click save text link case 'warning_btn_dont_save': if (!isTopWindow()) { messageSend( 'top_body', 'close_content', ); } else { doFunction(funcName, [args, 'ok']); } break; case 'warning_btn_cancel': switch (true) { case isTopWindow(): if ( hasClass('body', 'focus_content') ) { focusEl('#content_pane'); } else { focusEl('#top_body'); } break; // Cancel Button case !isTopWindow(): if ( getData( '#warnings_container', 'args', ) === 'warning_btn_save' && getData( '#warnings_container', 'funcname', ) === 'closeContent' ) { messageSend( 'top_body', 'close_content', ); } break; } break; case 'warning_btn_clear': texteditorClear(); break; // Clear text editor case 'warning_btn_ok': // OK Button switch (true) { case hasClass( '#warnings_container', 'warning_close_font', ): closeWarning(); openFontFile('close'); if ( funcName !== args && !/close_playlist|close_font/.test( args, ) ) { getEl('#' + funcName).click(); } else { getEl( '.dirlist_item.selected', ).click(); } return; // close font file, open file by funcName (if funcName !== args) case hasClass( '#warnings_container', 'warning_close_playlist', ): window.stop(); closeWarning(); closePlaylist(); closeContent(); showThis( getEl('.dirlist_item.selected').id, ); if ( funcName !== args && !/close_playlist|close_font/.test( args, ) ) { getEl('#' + funcName).click(); } return; // close playlist, open file by case hasClass( '#warnings_container', 'warning_local_playlist', ): // no break; local playlist case hasClass( '#warnings_container', 'warning_local_file', ): closeWarning(); return; // local file case hasClass( '#warnings_container', 'warning_non_local_file', ): open(args, '_blank'); break; // no break; open non_local file in new window } doFunction(funcName, args); break; // do the function, if any, after clicking OK button } closeWarning(); } // END WARNINGS //============================// // FINIS! † DEO GRATIAS † // })();