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cssgradient.io - Dark Mode

Dark theme for CSSGradient.io

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           cssgradient.io - Dark Mode
@namespace      typpi.online
@version        1.1.1
@description    Dark theme for CSSGradient.io
@author         Nick2bad4u
@license        UnLicense
@homepageURL    https://github.com/Nick2bad4u/UserStyles
@supportURL     https://github.com/Nick2bad4u/UserStyles/issues
@var color backgroundColor "Background Color" #000000
@var color textColor "Text Color" #ffffff
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("cssgradient.io") {
/* Use the variables for colors */
:root {
--backgroundColor: var(backgroundColor);
--textColor: var(textColor);
/* Invert colors except images and videos */
.swatch-card__copy {
background: var(--backgroundColor) !important;
color: var(--textColor) !important;
.app-color__stop.is-active {
background: var(--backgroundColor) !important;
color: var(--textColor) !important;