Greasy Fork is available in English.
Adds a P hotkey to Youtube, to bring up the Save to Playlist dialog. Playlists will be displayed alfabetically sorted, any any playlist the current video belongs to, will be shown at the top. Also adds a focuced filter input field. If nothing is written into the filter input, all playlists will be shown, alternatively only the playlists where the name containes the sequence of letters typed in the input field, will be displayed. Press escape to exit the dialog.
// ==UserScript==// @name Youtube Save To Playlist Hotkey And Filter// @namespace @version 1.2// @description Adds a P hotkey to Youtube, to bring up the Save to Playlist dialog. Playlists will be displayed alfabetically sorted, any any playlist the current video belongs to, will be shown at the top. Also adds a focuced filter input field. If nothing is written into the filter input, all playlists will be shown, alternatively only the playlists where the name containes the sequence of letters typed in the input field, will be displayed. Press escape to exit the dialog.// @author Flemming Steffensen// @license MIT// @match*// @match*// @include*// @include*// @grant none// @homepageURL @run-at document-start// ==/UserScript==(function (d) {/*** Pressing 'p' simulates a click on YouTube's "Save" button to open the dialog.*/function openSaveToPlaylistDialog() {// Commonly, there's a button with aria-label="Save" or aria-label^="Save"// near the Like/Dislike/Share row on the watch page.const saveButton = d.querySelector('button[aria-label^="Save"]');if (saveButton) {;} else {console.log("Could not find 'Save' button. Adjust the selector if needed.");}}// Listen for the 'p' key at the document leveld.addEventListener('keydown', evt => {// Avoid capturing if user holds Ctrl/Alt/Meta, or if in a text field, etc.if (evt.key === 'p' &&!evt.ctrlKey &&!evt.altKey &&!evt.metaKey && !== 'INPUT' && !== 'TEXTAREA' && !== "true") {// Prevent YouTube from interpreting 'p' in any other wayevt.preventDefault();evt.stopPropagation();// Attempt to open the "Save to playlist" dialogopenSaveToPlaylistDialog();}}, true);/*** Sort playlists such that:* - checked items (aria-checked="true") come first,* - then everything else in alphabetical (0-9,A→Z).*/function sortPlaylist(playlist) {let options = query(playlist, 'ytd-playlist-add-to-option-renderer');let optionsMap = new Map();// Collect items by playlist titleoptions.forEach(op => {let formattedString = query(op, 'yt-formatted-string')[0];let title = formattedString?.getAttribute('title') || '';if (!optionsMap.has(title)) {optionsMap.set(title, []);}optionsMap.get(title).push(op);});// Sort so "checked" groups come first, then A→Zlet sortedEntries = [...optionsMap.entries()].sort(([titleA, groupA], [titleB, groupB]) => {const checkedA = groupA.some(op => query(op, 'tp-yt-paper-checkbox[aria-checked="true"]').length);const checkedB = groupB.some(op => query(op, 'tp-yt-paper-checkbox[aria-checked="true"]').length);if (checkedA && !checkedB) return -1;if (checkedB && !checkedA) return 1;// Otherwise alphabeticalconst upA = titleA.toUpperCase();const upB = titleB.toUpperCase();if (upA < upB) return -1;if (upA > upB) return 1;return 0;});// Re-insert items in sorted orderfor (const [, group] of sortedEntries) {for (const opNode of group) {playlist.appendChild(opNode);}}}/*** Filter all playlist entries based on user-typed substring.* If the filter is blank, show everything; otherwise hide non-matches.*/function filterPlaylist(playlist, filterText) {let options = query(playlist, 'ytd-playlist-add-to-option-renderer');const text = filterText.trim().toLowerCase();options.forEach(op => {let formattedString = query(op, 'yt-formatted-string')[0];let title = (formattedString?.getAttribute('title') || '').toLowerCase(); = (text && !title.includes(text)) ? 'none' : 'block';});}/*** When the dialog closes, re-attach the observer so we see the next open event.*/function observePaperDialogClose(paperDialog, onCloseDialog) {let ob = new MutationObserver((mutations, me) => {mutations.forEach(mutation => {if (mutation.type === 'attributes' && mutation.attributeName === 'aria-hidden') {me.disconnect();onCloseDialog();}});});ob.observe(paperDialog, { attributes: true });}/*** Main logic: watch for the "Add to Playlist" dialog, then* Insert input, sort once, filter, focus the input, etc.* Added a small setTimeout to avoid first-time invocation timing issues.*/function handlePopupContainer(popupContainer) {let currentFilter = '';const popupObserverConfig = { subtree: true, childList: true };const popupContainerObserver = new MutationObserver(function (mut, me) {// Defer so the DOM has time to settle on first invocationsetTimeout(() => {const paperDialog = query(popupContainer, 'tp-yt-paper-dialog')[0];if (paperDialog) {// Sort/insert only once per openme.disconnect();// Re-attach after closingobservePaperDialogClose(paperDialog, function () {popupContainerObserver.observe(popupContainer, popupObserverConfig);});// Look for "Save video to..."const headingSpan = query(paperDialog,'[role="text"]').find(el => el.textContent.trim() === 'Save video to...');// Grab #playlists containerconst playlistContainer = query(paperDialog, '#playlists')[0];if (headingSpan && playlistContainer) {// If we haven't inserted our input yet, do it nowconst existingFilterInput = d.getElementById('filterText');if (!existingFilterInput) {// Create <input> and <br>const filterInput = d.createElement('input'); = 'filterText';filterInput.type = 'text';filterInput.placeholder = 'Filter';const br = d.createElement('br');headingSpan.parentNode.appendChild(filterInput);headingSpan.parentNode.appendChild(br);// On typing => filterfilterInput.addEventListener('input', evt => {currentFilter =;filterPlaylist(playlistContainer, currentFilter);});}// Sort once for this sessionsortPlaylist(playlistContainer);// Re-apply current filter (if any)filterPlaylist(playlistContainer, currentFilter);// Focusconst input = d.getElementById('filterText');if (input) {input.focus();}}}}, 10); // 10ms delay});// Start observingpopupContainerObserver.observe(popupContainer, popupObserverConfig);}/*** A top-level observer that waits for <ytd-popup-container> to show up,* then calls handlePopupContainer() exactly once.*/const documentObserver = new MutationObserver(function (mutations, me) {const popupContainer = query(d, 'ytd-popup-container')[0];if (popupContainer) {console.log("Found ytd-popup-container");handlePopupContainer(popupContainer);me.disconnect(); // stop once found}});documentObserver.observe(d, { childList: true, subtree: true });/*** Helper: safely do querySelectorAll, returns an Array*/function query(startNode, selector) {try {return;} catch (e) {return [];}}})(document);