Restore the old Wikipedia look or choose between other available skins: Vector 2022, Vector legacy 2010, MinervaNeue, MonoBook, Timeless, Modern, Cologne Blue
// ==UserScript== // @name Wikipedia skins // @name:pl Wikipedia skins // @description Restore the old Wikipedia look or choose between other available skins: Vector 2022, Vector legacy 2010, MinervaNeue, MonoBook, Timeless, Modern, Cologne Blue // @description:pl Przywróć stary wygląd Wikipedii lub wybierz spośród innych dostępnych skórek: Vector 2022, Vector legacy 2010, MinervaNeue, MonoBook, Timeless, Modern, Cologne Blue // @version 1.3.1 // @author Pabli // @homepageURL // @supportURL // @namespace // @license MIT // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://* // @match *://* // @run-at document-start // @icon  // @grant GM_info // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // ==/UserScript== (async () => { 'use strict'; // const skin = await GM_getValue('skin', 'vector'); if (window.location.hostname !== '' && window.location.hostname !== '') { const skins = { 'vector-2022': 'Vector 2022 (default on desktop from 2022)', vector: 'Vector legacy 2010 (default on desktop from 2010 to 2021)', minerva: 'MinervaNeue (mobile)', monobook: 'MonoBook (default from 2004 to 2009)', timeless: 'Timeless', modern: 'Modern (created in 2008 and deprecated in 2021)', cologneblue: 'Cologne Blue (created in 2002 and deprecated in 2019)' }; const options = { nostalgia: { value: await GM_getValue('nostalgia', true), label: 'Nostalgia on the (original skin from 2001)', }, cleanUrl: { value: await GM_getValue('cleanUrl', true), label: 'Clean URL (remove ?useskin=skinname from the URL)', }, }; Object.entries(skins).forEach(([key, label]) => { GM_registerMenuCommand( `${skin === key ? '◉' : '○'} ${label}`, async () => { await GM_setValue('skin', key); const url = new URL(window.location.href); url.searchParams.append('useskin', key); window.location.href = url; } ); }); Object.entries(options).forEach(([key, config]) => { GM_registerMenuCommand( `${config.value ? '☑' : '☐'} ${config.label}`, async () => { options[key].value = !options[key].value; await GM_setValue(key, options[key].value); deleteUseskinParam() window.location.reload(); } ); }); if (options.nostalgia.value && window.location.hostname === '') return; function deleteUseskinParam() { const url = new URL(window.location.href); if (!url.searchParams.has('useskin')) return; url.searchParams.delete('useskin'); window.history.replaceState({}, '', url); } const url = new URL(window.location.href); if (!url.searchParams.has('useskin') && url.pathname !== '/') { url.searchParams.append('useskin', skin); window.location.href = url; } else if (options.cleanUrl.value) { deleteUseskinParam(); let lastUrl = window.location.href; const interval = setInterval(() => { if (window.location.href === lastUrl) return; deleteUseskinParam(); lastUrl = window.location.href; }, 200); setTimeout(() => { clearInterval(interval); }, 3000); } } const matches = GM_info.script.matches.slice(0, -2); // Remove google, ddg const userMatches = GM_info.script?.options?.override?.use_matches || []; // Tampermonkey only const allMatches = [...matches, ...userMatches]; const domains = => url.replace(/^.+\:\/\/\*?\.?([^\/]+)\/.*$/, '$1')); function linkUseskin(e) { let link ='a[href]:not([href^="#"])'); if (!link || link.dataset.useskin) return; if (!link.getAttribute('href').startsWith('/') && !domains.some(domain => link.hostname.endsWith(`.${domain}`) || link.hostname === domain)) return; const url = new URL(link.href); if (url.searchParams.has('useskin')) { url.searchParams.delete('useskin'); } url.searchParams.append('useskin', skin); link.href = url.toString(); link.dataset.useskin = true; } document.addEventListener('mouseover', linkUseskin); document.addEventListener('focusin', linkUseskin); })();