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Greasy Fork is available in English.

Hide Non-English Userstyles on Userstyles.World

Hide userstyles containing non-English characters on userstyles.world

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Hide Non-English Userstyles on Userstyles.World
// @namespace    typpi.online
// @version      1.10
// @description  Hide userstyles containing non-English characters on userstyles.world
// @author       Nick2bad4u
// @license      UnLicense
// @match        https://userstyles.world/*
// @icon         https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=userstyles.world
// @grant        none
// @homepageURL  https://github.com/Nick2bad4u/UserStyles
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
'use strict';
// Function to check if a string contains non-English characters
function containsNonEnglishCharacters(text) {
// Allow English letters, digits, spaces, and common punctuation
return /[^ -~\t\n\r]/.test(text);
// Matches characters outside printable ASCII, tab, newline, and carriage return
// Find all card elements on the page
document.querySelectorAll('.card').forEach((card) => {
// Get the text content from relevant child elements
const title = card.querySelector('.name')?.textContent.trim() || '';
// Get the title of the userstyle
const description =
card.querySelector('.card-body')?.textContent.trim() || '';
// Get the description of the userstyle
const ariaLabel =
?.getAttribute('aria-label') || '';
// Get the aria-label which may contain a description
// Log the content being checked
`Checking card: Title="${title}", Description="${description}", Aria-Label="${ariaLabel}"`,
// Check if any of these contain non-English characters
if (
containsNonEnglishCharacters(title) ||
containsNonEnglishCharacters(description) ||
) {
// Hide the card if non-English characters are found
card.style.display = 'none';
`Hiding card: Title="${title}", Description="${description}", Aria-Label="${ariaLabel}"`,