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Kinorium.com – Enhanced [Ath]

Kinorium.com enhancements: user collections usability, links to extra streaming providers, native lazy loading of images etc.

// ==UserScript==
// @name           Kinorium.com – Enhanced [Ath]
// @name:ru        Kinorium.com – Улучшенный [Ath]
// @name:uk        Kinorium.com – Покращений [Ath]
// @name:be        Kinorium.com – Удасканалены [Ath]
// @name:bg        Kinorium.com – Подобрен [Ath]
// @name:tt        Kinorium.com – Яхшыртылган [Ath]
// @name:sl        Kinorium.com – Izboljšan [Ath]
// @name:sr        Kinorium.com – Poboljšan [Ath]
// @name:ka        Kinorium.com – გაუმჯობესებული [Ath]
// @description    Kinorium.com enhancements: user collections usability, links to extra streaming providers, native lazy loading of images etc.
// @description:ru Улучшения для Kinorium.com: удобство работы с пользовательскими коллекциями, ссылки на дополнительные онлайн-кинотеатры, нативная ленивая загрузка изображений и т.д.
// @description:uk Покращення для Kinorium.com: зручність роботи з користувацькими колекціями, посилання на додаткові онлайн-кінотеатри, нативна лінива завантаження зображень тощо.
// @description:be Удасканаленні для Kinorium.com: зручнасць працы з карыстальніцкімі калекцыямі, спасылкі на дадатковыя анлайн-кінатэатры, натыўная ленівая загрузка здымкаў і г.д.
// @description:bg Подобрения за Kinorium.com: удобство при работата с потребителски колекции, връзки към допълнителни онлайн кинотеатри, нативно мързеливо зареждане на изображения и т.н.
// @description:tt Kinorium.com өчен яхшыртулар: кулланучы коллекцияләре белән эш итү җиңеллеге, өстәмә онлайн-кинотеатрларга сылтамалар, туган ленивая загрузка изображений һ.б.
// @description:sl Izboljšave za Kinorium.com: uporabnost uporabniških zbirk, povezave do dodatnih spletnih kinodvoran, domače leno nalaganje slik itd.
// @description:sr Poboljšanja za Kinorium.com: upotrebljivost korisničkih kolekcija, linkovi ka dodatnim online bioskopima, nativno lenjo učitavanje slika itd.
// @description:ka Kinorium.com-ის გაუმჯობესება: მომხმარებლის კოლექციების გამოყენების მარტივება, დამატებითი ონლაინ-კინოთეატრების ბმულები, ნატიური ზარმაცი იმიჯების ჩატვირთვა და სხვა.
// @namespace      athari
// @author         Athari (https://github.com/Athari)
// @copyright      © Prokhorov ‘Athari’ Alexander, 2024–2025
// @license        MIT
// @homepageURL    https://github.com/Athari/AthariUserJS
// @supportURL     https://github.com/Athari/AthariUserJS/issues
// @version        1.6.0
// @icon           https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=kinorium.com
// @match          https://*.kinorium.com/*
// @grant          unsafeWindow
// @grant          GM_getValue
// @grant          GM_setValue
// @grant          GM_getResourceText
// @grant          GM_getResourceURL
// @grant          GM_info
// @grant          GM_registerMenuCommand
// @run-at         document-start
// @require        https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/string.min.js
// @require        https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@athari/[email protected]/monkeyutils.u.min.js
// @resource       script-microdata   https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@cucumber/[email protected]/dist/esm/src/index.min.js
// @resource       script-urlpattern  https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/urlpattern-polyfill/dist/urlpattern.js
// @resource       font-neucha-latin  https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/neucha/v17/q5uGsou0JOdh94bfvQlt.woff2
// @resource       img-cinema-default https://images.kinorium.com/web/vod/vod_channels.svg
// @resource       img-cinema-rezka   https://rezka.ag/templates/hdrezka/images/hdrezka-logo.png
// @resource       img-cinema-mults   https://mults.info/img/logo.png
// @resource       img-cinema-kinobox data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="32" viewBox="0 0 16 32"><polygon points="3,11 10,16 3,21" fill="%23eee" stroke="%23eee" stroke-width="4" stroke-linejoin="round" /></svg>
// @tag            athari
// ==/UserScript==
(async () => {
'use strict'
const { assignDeep, delay, waitForDocumentReady, h, u, f, utf8ToWin1251, toUrl, matchLocation, download, attempt, throwError, overrideProperty, overrideXmlHttpRequest, reviveConsole, wrapElement, ress, scripts, els, opts } =
//require("../@athari-monkeyutils/monkeyutils.u"); // TODO
const hostKinorium = "*\.kinorium\.com";
const res = ress(), script = scripts(res);
const eld = doc => els(doc, {
dlgCollections: ".collectionWrapper.collectionsWindow",
collectionCaches: ".collection_cache", lstCollection: ".collectionList, .filmList, .statuses", athMovieUserList: ".ath-movie-ulist",
lazyImages: "img[data-preload], img[src*='/img/blank'][style^='background:']",
lstCinemaButtons: ".film-page__buttons-cinema",
item: ".item", itemComment: ".statusText", itemInfo: ".info", statusWidget: ".statusWidget",
athItemComment: ".ath-item-status", athItemCommentRating: ".ath-item-status-rating",
lnkTrailer: ".trailers__list .trailers__link, .trailer.item.video",
mnuUser: ".userMenu",
lstSites: ".sites_page .sites", lnkSiteDataHref: ".sites_page .sites a[href='#']:is([data-original-url], [data-url])", btnDelSite: ".sites_page .sites .delReport",
filmLeftPanel: ".film-page_leftContent",
}), el = eld(document);
const ctls = ctl => els(ctl, {
ctlMovieItem: ".item.movie", ctlColItemSpan: "span:is(.title, .icon, .cnt)", ctlColItemIcon: ".collectionList span.icon",
checkbox: "input[type=checkbox]",
const opt = opts({
listUserCollections: true, iconifyUserCollections: true, addExtraCinemaSources: true,
commentsBelowRatings: true, directLinksToTrailers: true, addExternalLinks: true,
nativeLazyImages: true,
const strs = {
en: {
listUserCollections: "List user collections",
iconifyUserCollections: "Iconify user collections",
addExtraCinemaSources: "Add extra cinema sources",
nativeLazyImages: "Native lazy images",
commentsBelowRatings: "Comments below ratings",
directLinksToTrailers: "Direct links to videos",
addExternalLinks: "External movie links in sidebar",
watchMovieOn: "watch “%0%” on %1%",
ru: {
listUserCollections: "Список коллекций юзера",
iconifyUserCollections: "Иконки у коллекций юзера",
addExtraCinemaSources: "Дополнительные кинотеатры",
nativeLazyImages: "Нативные ленивые картинки",
commentsBelowRatings: "Комментарии под оценками",
directLinksToTrailers: "Прямые ссылки на видео",
addExternalLinks: "Внешние ссылки на фильм сбоку",
watchMovieOn: "смотреть «%0%» на %1%",
uk: {
listUserCollections: "Список колекцій користувача",
iconifyUserCollections: "Іконки у колекціях користувача",
addExtraCinemaSources: "Додаткові кінотеатри",
nativeLazyImages: "Нативні ліниві зображення",
commentsBelowRatings: "Коментарі під оцінками",
directLinksToTrailers: "Прямі посилання на відео",
addExternalLinks: "Зовнішні посилання на фільм збоку",
watchMovieOn: "дивитися «%0%» на %1%",
const op = {};
const { log: consoleLog } = unsafeWindow.console;
unsafeWindow.console.log = (...args) => args[0]?.includes?.("Не пиши парсер") ? throwError("#### you") : consoleLog(...args);
const consoleRevived = reviveConsole(unsafeWindow);
overrideXmlHttpRequest(unsafeWindow, {
on: {
load: async (_, load) => {
await delay(0);
if (!op.isInitialized)
await consoleRevived;
Object.assign(globalThis, globalThis.URLPattern ? null : await script.urlpattern);
console.debug("GM info", GM_info);
//GM_registerMenuCommand("Config", e => alert(e), { accessKey: 'a', title: "Config Enhancer" });
//overrideProperty(unsafeWindow, 'loadedTimestamp', v => (v.setFullYear(3000), v));
console.log(await waitForDocumentReady());
const { USER_ID: userId, PRO: userPro } = unsafeWindow;
const language = { ua: 'uk' }[unsafeWindow.LANGUAGE] ?? unsafeWindow.LANGUAGE;
const str = strs[language] ?? strs.en;
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letter-spacing: 1px;
&::after {
content: "KINOGO";
.trailers__item {
display: flex;
flex-flow: column;
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display: none;
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display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 32rem 1fr;
gap: 20rem;
min-height: 32rem;
margin: 8rem 0;
.ath-item-status-rating {
margin: -10rem auto 0;
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margin: 0;
width: auto;
min-width: 32rem;
.statusText {
display: block;
align-self: end;
margin: 0;
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line-height: 1.3;
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label {
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(op.addOptionsMenu = () => attempt("add options menu", () => {
const chks = [];
const tplCheckbox = (id) => (
chks.push({ id }), /*html*/`
<label class="title">
<input type="checkbox" id="ath-${id}" ${opt[id] ? 'checked' : ""}> ${str[id]}
const userScriptStr = (prop, def) => GM_info.script[`${prop}_i18n`]?.[language] ?? GM_info.script[prop] ?? def;
el.mnuUser.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd', /*html*/`
<li class="settings settings_border ath-menu-options">
<span class="icon"></span>
<div class="title">
<label title="${h(userScriptStr('description'))}">${h(userScriptStr('name'))} ${GM_info.script.version}</label>
for (let chk of chks)
el.id[`ath-${chk.id}`].onchange = (e) => opt[chk.id] = e.target.checked;
let userCollections = [];
(op.doListUserCollections = () => attempt("list user collections under movie title", () => {
for (let elwCache of el.wrap.all.collectionCaches) {
const cache = JSON.parse(elwCache.self.dataset.cache);
console.debug("collection cache", cache);
let { items: movies, ulist: collections } = cache;
userCollections = /*userCollections.concat(collections)*/collections;
const elwLstCollection = elwCache.wrap.parent.lstCollection;
if (!opt.listUserCollections || movies == null || elwLstCollection == null || elwLstCollection.athMovieUserList != null)
for (let [ itemId, uids ] of Object.entries(movies)) {
const itemUlist = uids
.map(uid => collections.filter(l => l.ulist_id == uid)[0])
.sort((a, b) => a.sequence - b.sequence)
.map(u => /*html*/`
<a href="/user/${userId}/collection/movie/${u.ulist_id}/"
>${u.icon != null ? `${u.icon} ` : ""}${u.title.replace(/[^\p{L}\p{N} -]/ug, '').trim()}</a>`);
for (let elTitle of elwLstCollection.self.querySelectorAll(`:is(.movie-title__text, .link-info-movie-type-film)[data-id="${itemId}"]`))
(elTitle.closest("h3") ?? elTitle.closest("a")).insertAdjacentHTML('afterEnd', /*html*/`
<div class="ath-movie-ulist">${itemUlist.length > 0 ? itemUlist.join(", ") : "—"}<div>`);
console.info("user collections", userCollections);
(op.doNativeLazyImages = () => attempt("switch to native lazy loading of images", () => {
if (!opt.nativeLazyImages)
for (let elImage of el.all.lazyImages)
assignDeep(elImage, {
loading: 'lazy',
style: { opacity: 1 },
src: elImage.dataset.preload ?? elImage.style.backgroundImage?.replace(/url\("?(.*?)"?\)/, "$1"),
(op.doAddExtraCinemaSources = () => attempt("add extra external links", async () => {
if ((murl = matchLocation(hostKinorium, { pathname: "/:movieId/" })) != null) {
if (!opt.addExtraCinemaSources)
const { microdata/*, microdataAll*/ } = await script.microdata;
const movie = microdata("http://schema.org/Movie", document);
const titleRu = movie.name;
const titleRu1251 = utf8ToWin1251(titleRu.replace(/ё/gi, "е").toLowerCase(), { encode: true });
const titleOrig = movie.alternativeHeadline?.length > 0 ? movie.alternativeHeadline : titleRu;
const cinemas = [
{ id: 'rezka', name: "HDRezka", url: `https://rezka.ag/search/?do=search&subaction=search&q=${u(titleOrig)}` },
{ id: 'reyohoho', name: "ReYohoho", url: `https://reyohoho.github.io/reyohoho/#search=${u(titleOrig)}` },
{ id: 'mults', name: "Mults", url: `https://mults.info/mults/?wp=1&wd=1&s=${titleRu1251}` },
{ id: 'kinobox', name: "Kinobox", url: `https://kinohost.web.app/search?query=${u(titleOrig)}` },
{ id: 'kinogo', name: "Kinogo", url: `https://kinogo.fun/search/${u(titleRu)}` },
el.lstCinemaButtons.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd', cinemas.map(c => /*html*/`
<a title='${h(f(str.watchMovieOn, movie.name, c.name))}' href="${h(c.url)}" target="_top">
<div class="ath-cinema ath-cinema-${c.id}"></div>
(op.doAddExternalLinks = () => attempt("add external links", async () => {
if ((murl = matchLocation(hostKinorium, { pathname: "/:movieId/" })) != null) {
if (!opt.addExternalLinks)
const sitesEl = eld(await download(`/${murl.movieId}/sites/`, 'html'));
for (const elLink of sitesEl.all.lnkSiteDataHref)
elLink.href = elLink.dataset.originalUrl ?? elLink.dataset.url;
for (const btnDelSite of sitesEl.all.btnDelSite)
el.filmLeftPanel.insertAdjacentElement('beforeEnd', sitesEl.lstSites);
(op.doCommentsBelowRatings = () => attempt("show comments after user comments", () => {
if (!opt.commentsBelowRatings)
for (const elwComment of el.wrap.all.itemComment) {
const elwItem = elwComment.wrap.parent.item;
if (elwItem.athItemComment != null)
elwItem.itemInfo.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd', /*html*/`
<div class="ath-item-status">
<div class="ath-item-status-rating"></div>
elwItem.athItemCommentRating.insertAdjacentElement('beforeEnd', elwItem.all.statusWidget.at(-1));
elwItem.athItemComment.insertAdjacentElement('beforeEnd', elwComment.self);
(op.doDirectLinksToTrailers = () => attempt("add direct trailer links", () => {
if (!opt.directLinksToTrailers)
for (let lnkTrailer of el.all.lnkTrailer) {
const elLnkTrailer = els(lnkTrailer);
const trailer = { ...lnkTrailer.dataset, ...elLnkTrailer.tag.img?.dataset };
const trailerUrl = toUrl(trailer.video);
const trailerTitle = {
"www.youtube.com": "YouTube",
}[trailerUrl.hostname] ?? "Video";
const trailerUrlHref = trailerUrl.toString()
.replace("https://www.youtube.com/embed/", "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=");
if (lnkTrailer.classList.contains('item'))
wrapElement(lnkTrailer, 'DIV', { copyAttrs: true });
lnkTrailer.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd', /*html*/`
<span class="ath-trailer-title">${h(lnkTrailer.title)}</span>`);
lnkTrailer.insertAdjacentHTML('afterEnd', /*html*/`
<a class="ath-trailer-link" href="${h(trailerUrlHref)}">${h(trailerTitle)}</a>`);
(op.iconifyCollections = (force = false) => {
if (!opt.iconifyUserCollections)
const dlgCollections = el.dlgCollections;
if (dlgCollections == null || (!force && dlgCollections.classList.contains('ath-iconified')))
const ctl = ctls(dlgCollections);
let i = 0;
for (let icon of ctl.all.ctlColItemIcon)
icon.innerText = userCollections[i++].icon;
[ 'click', 'mouseup' ].forEach(e => document.addEventListener(e, async e => {
console.debug("document event", e.type, e.target, e);
const ctl = ctls(e.target);
const pctl = ctls(e.target.parentElement);
// Collection list checkbox
if (e.type == 'click' && ctl.is.ctlColItemSpan && pctl.is.ctlMovieItem) {
await delay(0);
if (e.type == 'mouseup') {
op.isInitialized = true;
for (;;) {
attempt("iconify user collections popup", () => {
await delay(200);