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Customizable Colored Comments for Reddit. [Updated for RES Users 2025]
/* ==UserStyle== @name Reddit Colored Comments [Updated for RES Users] @namespace @description Customizable Colored Comments for Reddit. [Updated for RES Users 2025] @author vednoc [Updated by Nick2bad4u] @version 1.6.3 @license MIT @homepageURL @supportURL @supportURL @preprocessor stylus ------------------------------------------------ New Reddit Options ------------------------------------------------ @var range lineWidth '● New Design - Line Width' [4, 1, 25, 1] @var checkbox lineStyle '⠀⠀⚬ Line Color Style: Full or Partial' 0 @var checkbox hideLines '⠀⠀⚬ Hide previous lines' 0 ------------------------------------------------ Old Reddit Options ------------------------------------------------ @var range oldLineWidth '● Old Design - Line Width' [4, 1, 25, 1] @var checkbox oldLineStyle '⠀⠀Line Style: Solid or Dotted' 0 ------------------------------------------------ Old Reddit - Minimize Button Area ------------------------------------------------ @var checkbox oldMinimizeArea '● Old Design - Color the Minimize Button Area' 0 @var color oldMinimizeColor '⠀⠀⚬ Color of the Minimize Button Area' #00000080 @var checkbox oldMinimizeRainbow '⠀⠀⚬ Rainbow Color the Minimize Button Area' 0 ------------------------------------------------ Old Reddit - Minimize Button Area Hover ------------------------------------------------ @var checkbox oldHoverArea '● Old Design - Color the Minimize Button Area Hover' 0 @var color oldHoverColor '⠀⠀⚬ Color of the Minimize Button Area Hover' #00000080 @var checkbox oldHoverRainbow '⠀⠀⚬ Rainbow Color the Minimize Button Area Hover' 0 ------------------------------------------------ New Reddit and Old Reddit - Comment Depth Colors ------------------------------------------------ @var color color1 '>>> Old + New - Comment Depth 1 - Color' #f07178 @var color color2 '>>> Old + New - Comment Depth 2 - Color' #f78c6c @var color color3 '>>> Old + New - Comment Depth 3 - Color' #ffcb6b @var color color4 '>>> Old + New - Comment Depth 4 - Color' #f3ff89 @var color color5 '>>> Old + New - Comment Depth 5 - Color' #c3e88d @var color color6 '>>> Old + New - Comment Depth 6 - Color' #8de89e @var color color7 '>>> Old + New - Comment Depth 7 - Color' #89ddff @var color color8 '>>> Old + New - Comment Depth 8 - Color' #82aaff @var color color9 '>>> Old + New - Comment Depth 9 - Color' #c792ea @var color color10 '>>> Old + New - Comment Depth 10 - Color' #9a91ea @var color color11 '>>> Old + New - Comment Depth 11 - Color' #f8b0b7 @var color color12 '>>> Old + New - Comment Depth 12 - Color' #fbc7c3 @var color color13 '>>> Old + New - Comment Depth 13 - Color' #ffd6a9 @var color color14 '>>> Old + New - Comment Depth 14 - Color' #fdf8b2 @var color color15 '>>> Old + New - Comment Depth 15 - Color' #d8f1b9 @var color color16 '>>> Old + New - Comment Depth 16 - Color' #aeecc3 @var color color17 '>>> Old + New - Comment Depth 17 - Color' #a5e2f9 @var color color18 '>>> Old + New - Comment Depth 18 - Color' #a2bff8 @var color color19 '>>> Old + New - Comment Depth 19 - Color' #ddbaf5 @var color color20 '>>> Old + New - Comment Depth 20 - Color' #c4bcf5 ------------------------------------------------ Original Style made by Vendoc ------------------------------------------------ @var text originalstyle '● Original Style made by Vendoc' "''" ==/UserStyle== */ @-moz-document domain('') { // Set line width for the new design if ( lineWidth != 2 ) { .threadline { border-right-width: s( '%spx', lineWidth ) !important; } } // Set mode for line style in the new design $mode = ''; if ( lineStyle ) { $mode = '> div >'; } // Apply colors and styles to each level up to 20 for $i in 1 .. 20 { div[id ^= 't'] > :first-child, div[id ^= 'moreComments'] > :first-child, div[id ^= 'continueThread'] > :first-child { // Create a string for the nth-child selector $nth = s( '%s', $i ); > :nth-child({$nth}) { $mode; } .threadline { border-right-color: color + $i !important; } // Hide previous lines if the option is checked if ( hideLines ) { > :nth-child({$nth}) > .threadline { border-right-color: #0000 !important; } } } } // Old design specific styles .comment .child, .comment .showreplies, .res-commentBoxes.res-continuity .comment div.child { // Set line width for the old design if ( oldLineWidth != 1 ) { border-left-width: s( '%spx', oldLineWidth ) !important; } // Set line style for the old design if ( oldLineStyle == 0 ) { border-left-style: solid !important; } else { border-left-style: dotted !important; } } // Apply colors to nested child elements $str = '.res-commentBoxes.res-continuity .comment div.child '; for $i in 1 .. 20 { {$str} { border-left-color: color + $i !important; } // Increase the nesting level for each iteration $str += '> .sitetable > .comment > .child '; } // Toggle coloring of the area if ( oldMinimizeRainbow == 1 ) { // Apply color to .expand elements within nested child elements $str2 = '.res-commentBoxes.res-continuity .comment div.child '; for $i in 1 .. 20 { {$str2} .expand { background-color: color + $i !important; } // Increase the nesting level for each iteration $str2 += '> .sitetable > .comment > .child '; } } if ( oldHoverRainbow == 1 && oldMinimizeRainbow == 1 ) { // Apply hover effect to .expand elements within nested child elements $str5 = '.res-commentBoxes.res-continuity .comment div.child '; for $i in 11 .. 20 { {$str5} .expand:hover { background-color: color + $i !important; } // Increase the nesting level for each iteration $str5 += '> .sitetable > .comment > .child '; } } if ( oldHoverRainbow == 1 && oldMinimizeRainbow == 0 ) { // Apply hover effect to .expand elements within nested child elements $str5 = '.res-commentBoxes.res-continuity .comment div.child '; for $i in 1 .. 20 { {$str5} .expand:hover { background-color: color + $i !important; } // Increase the nesting level for each iteration $str5 += '> .sitetable > .comment > .child '; } } if ( oldMinimizeArea == 1 ) { // Apply a background color to .expand elements in the tagline .commentarea .entry > .tagline > .expand { background-color: oldMinimizeColor !important; } } if ( oldHoverArea == 1 ) { // Apply a background color to .expand elements in the tagline .commentarea .entry > .tagline > .expand:hover { background-color: oldHoverColor !important; } } }