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Shows your Left/Right balance under the analysis section on Strava.
// ==UserScript== // @name Left-Right Balance for Strava [Updated] // @namespace // @description Shows your Left/Right balance under the analysis section on Strava. // @version 2.9 // @include* // @icon // @author Nick2bad4u // @license UnLicense // @grant none // @homepageURL // ==/UserScript== /** * URL of the script to be loaded from the CDN. * This script is hosted on jsDelivr and is part of the UserStyles repository. * * @constant {string} */ const SCRIPT_URL = ''; // Cache expiration time set to 24 hours in milliseconds const CACHE_EXPIRE_TIME = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // Key used to store the last fetch time of the script in localStorage const CACHE_LAST_FETCH_TIME_KEY = 'stravaBalanceScriptFetchTime'; // Key used to store the cached script in localStorage const CACHED_SCRIPT_KEY = 'stravaBalanceScript'; //SCRIPT_BALANCE_ELEMENT.src=""; /** * Determines if the cache has expired based on the last fetch time and the cache expiration time. * * @param {number} CACHE_LAST_FETCH_TIME - The timestamp of the last fetch. * @param {number} CACHE_EXPIRE_TIME - The duration in milliseconds after which the cache is considered expired. * @returns {boolean} - Returns true if the cache is expired, otherwise false. */ const isCacheExpired = (CACHE_LAST_FETCH_TIME, CACHE_EXPIRE_TIME) => { const CURRENT_TIME =; return !CACHE_LAST_FETCH_TIME || CURRENT_TIME - CACHE_LAST_FETCH_TIME > CACHE_EXPIRE_TIME; }; /** * Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) to load and execute the Strava balance script. * It checks the cache for the script and fetches it from the network if the cache is expired. */ function loadStravaBalanceScript() { const CACHED_SCRIPT = localStorage.getItem(CACHED_SCRIPT_KEY) || ''; const CACHE_LAST_FETCH_TIME = localStorage.getItem(CACHE_LAST_FETCH_TIME_KEY) || '0'; const CACHE_EXPIRED = isCacheExpired(Number(CACHE_LAST_FETCH_TIME) || 0, CACHE_EXPIRE_TIME); if (CACHED_SCRIPT && !CACHE_EXPIRED) { loadScriptFromCache(CACHED_SCRIPT); console.log('Strava balance script loaded from cache and executed successfully.'); } else { fetchAndCacheScript(); } } /** * Loads and executes the provided script from the cache. * * @param {string} script - The script content to be executed. */ function loadScriptFromCache(script) { let SCRIPT_BALANCE_ELEMENT = document.querySelector('script[data-source="stravaBalanceScript"]'); if (!SCRIPT_BALANCE_ELEMENT) { SCRIPT_BALANCE_ELEMENT = document.createElement('script'); SCRIPT_BALANCE_ELEMENT.type = 'module'; SCRIPT_BALANCE_ELEMENT.setAttribute('data-source', 'stravaBalanceScript'); document.body.appendChild(SCRIPT_BALANCE_ELEMENT); } SCRIPT_BALANCE_ELEMENT.text = script; } function fetchAndCacheScript() { const CONTROLLER = new AbortController(); const TIMEOUT_ID = setTimeout(() => CONTROLLER.abort(), 10000); // 10 seconds timeout fetch(SCRIPT_URL, { signal: CONTROLLER.signal }) .then((SCRIPT_URL_RESPONSE) => { clearTimeout(TIMEOUT_ID); if (!SCRIPT_URL_RESPONSE.ok) { throw new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${SCRIPT_URL_RESPONSE.status} while fetching ${SCRIPT_URL}`); } return SCRIPT_URL_RESPONSE.text(); }) .then((SCRIPT_URL_RESPONSE_DATA) => { localStorage.setItem(CACHED_SCRIPT_KEY, SCRIPT_URL_RESPONSE_DATA); localStorage.setItem(CACHE_LAST_FETCH_TIME_KEY,; loadScriptFromCache(SCRIPT_URL_RESPONSE_DATA); console.log('Strava balance script loaded from network and executed successfully.'); }) .catch((error) => { if ( === 'AbortError') { console.error('Fetch request timed out after 10 seconds'); } else { console.error(`Error fetching script from ${SCRIPT_URL}:`, error); } }); } (function () { loadStravaBalanceScript(); })();