Keeps stats of number of install and show number of install since your last visit of the page and if you don't clear with its button "Clear StatsKeeper"
// ==UserScript== // @name Userstyles World Stats Keeper v 1.15 // @version 1.16 // @description Keeps stats of number of install and show number of install since your last visit of the page and if you don't clear with its button "Clear StatsKeeper" // @icon // @namespace // @match* // @author decembre // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; // Create a storage object to store the stats var storage = localStorage; // Function to get the style ID and installs from a card function getStyleStats(card) { var styleId = card.querySelector('.grid.flex.rwrap .card-header.thumbnail').href.match(/\/style\/(\d+)/)[1]; console.log('Number ID found:', styleId); var installs = card.querySelector('.grid.flex.rwrap small:first-of-type + small > [data-tooltip]').textContent; console.log('Number Install found:', installs); return { styleId: styleId, installs: installs }; } // Function to update the stats and show the difference function updateStats(card) { console.log('Updating stats for card:', card); var styleId = getStyleStats(card).styleId; var installs = card.querySelector('.grid.flex.rwrap small:first-of-type + small > [data-tooltip]').textContent; console.log('Number Install found:', installs); var initialInstalls = storage.getItem(styleId + '_initial'); if (!initialInstalls) { initialInstalls = installs; storage.setItem(styleId + '_initial', initialInstalls); } console.log('Création de l\'élément statsElement'); var statsElement = document.createElement('span'); statsElement.className = 'StatsKeeper'; var installsInt = parseInt(installs.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '')); // Remove non-numeric characters var initialInstallsInt = parseInt(initialInstalls.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '')); // Remove non-numeric characters var diff = installsInt - initialInstallsInt; console.log('Diff:', diff); if (diff > 0) { statsElement.textContent = '+' + diff; = 'green'; = '5px'; = 'gold'; } else { statsElement.textContent = '⦁ ⦁ ⦁'; = 'gray'; } console.log('Récupération de l\'élément timeElement'); var timeElement = card.querySelector('.grid.flex.rwrap small:first-of-type + small > [data-tooltip]'); if (timeElement) { console.log('Time element trouvé:', timeElement); timeElement.parentNode.insertBefore(statsElement, timeElement.nextSibling); console.log('StatsKeeper ajouté:', statsElement); } else { console.error('Time element non trouvé'); } } // Function to load stored stats function loadStats(cards) { cards.forEach(function(card) { var styleId = getStyleStats(card).styleId; var installs = getStyleStats(card).installs; var initialInstalls = storage.getItem(styleId + '_initial'); if (initialInstalls) { var statsElement = document.createElement('span'); statsElement.className = 'StatsKeeper'; var installsInt = parseInt(installs.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '')); // Remove non-numeric characters var initialInstallsInt = parseInt(initialInstalls.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '')); // Remove non-numeric characters var diff = installsInt - initialInstallsInt; console.log('Diff:', diff); if (diff > 0) { statsElement.textContent = '+' + diff; = 'green'; = '5px'; = 'gold'; } else { statsElement.textContent = '⦁ ⦁ ⦁'; = 'gray'; } console.log('Stats element:', statsElement); var timeElement = card.querySelector('.grid.flex.rwrap small:first-of-type + small > [data-tooltip]'); console.log('Time element:', timeElement); timeElement.parentNode.insertBefore(statsElement, timeElement.nextSibling); console.log('StatsKeeper added:', statsElement); } }); } // Function to clear all stats function clearStats() { console.log('Clearing all stats'); storage.clear(); var statsElements = document.querySelectorAll('.StatsKeeper'); statsElements.forEach(function(element) { element.parentNode.removeChild(element); }); } // Get all cards and update the stats var cards = document.querySelectorAll('.grid.flex.rwrap'); console.log('Cards:', cards); // loadStats(cards); cards.forEach(function(card) { updateStats(card); }); // Add a style to the page var style = document.createElement('style'); style.innerHTML = ` .card-body:has(.StatsKeeper) { position: relative !important; display: inline-block !important; width: 57% !important; top: 0vh !important; margin: 0vh 0 0 0px !important; padding: 2px 5px; font-size: 12px !important; border-radius: 5px; /*border: 1px solid yellow !important;*/ } .card-footer small.flex:nth-child(2) span.StatsKeeper:not([style="color: gray;"]) { position: relative !important; display: inline-block !important; width: 40px!important; height: 1.5vh !important; line-height: 1.1vh !important; top: -0.2vh !important; left: -180px !important; margin: 0vh 0 0 -20px !important; padding: 2px 5px; font-size: 12px !important; border-radius: 5px; text-align: right !important; color: gold !important; /*border: 1px solid aqua !important;*/ } .card-footer small.flex:nth-child(2) span.StatsKeeper[style="color: gray;"] { position: relative !important; display: inline-block !important; width: 40px!important; height: 1.5vh !important; line-height: 0.9vh !important; top: -0.2vh !important; left: -180px !important; margin: 0vh 0 0 -20px !important; padding: 2px 5px; font-size: 8px !important; border-radius: 5px; text-align: right !important; color: silver !important; border: none !important; } .ClearStatsButton { position: absolute !important; margin: 0 0 0 -150px !important; padding: 2px 5px !important; border-radius: 5px; font-size: 12px; cursor: pointer; color: #fff; background-color: #4CAF50; border: none; } `; document.head.appendChild(style); // Add a button to clear all stats var clearButton = document.createElement('button'); clearButton.textContent = 'Clear StatsKeeper'; clearButton.className = 'ClearStatsButton'; clearButton.onclick = clearStats; var countElement = document.querySelector('#content section#styles .flex p.count'); countElement.parentNode.appendChild(clearButton); })();