Adds nuke buttons to instantly nuke all submissions or messages
// ==UserScript== // @name FA Instant Nuker // @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts // @match *://** // @require // @require // @require // @require // @grant GM_info // @version 1.0.2 // @author Midori Dragon // @description Adds nuke buttons to instantly nuke all submissions or messages // @icon // @license MIT // @homepageURL // @supportURL // ==/UserScript== // jshint esversion: 8 (() => { "use strict"; var NukeIconOptions, MessageType, __webpack_require__ = { d: (exports, definition) => { for (var key in definition) if (__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] }); }, o: (obj, prop) =>, prop) }; __webpack_require__.d({}, { uL: () => requestHelper, j_: () => selectNukeIconSetting }); !function(NukeIconOptions) { NukeIconOptions.Red = "red"; NukeIconOptions.White = "white"; }(NukeIconOptions || (NukeIconOptions = {})); !function(MessageType) { MessageType[MessageType.None = 0] = "None"; MessageType[MessageType.Watches = 1] = "Watches"; MessageType[MessageType.JournalComments = 2] = "JournalComments"; MessageType[MessageType.Shouts = 3] = "Shouts"; MessageType[MessageType.Favorites = 4] = "Favorites"; MessageType[MessageType.Journals = 5] = "Journals"; MessageType[MessageType.Submission = 6] = "Submission"; MessageType[MessageType.All = 7] = "All"; }(MessageType || (MessageType = {})); class WhiteNukeSVG { static get Svg() { return '<svg class="svg-icon" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" style="fill: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);transform: ;msFilter:;"><path d="M9.912 8.531 7.121 3.877a.501.501 0 0 0-.704-.166 9.982 9.982 0 0 0-4.396 7.604.505.505 0 0 0 .497.528l5.421.09a4.042 4.042 0 0 1 1.973-3.402zm8.109-4.51a.504.504 0 0 0-.729.151L14.499 8.83a4.03 4.03 0 0 1 1.546 3.112l5.419-.09a.507.507 0 0 0 .499-.53 9.986 9.986 0 0 0-3.942-7.301zm-4.067 11.511a4.015 4.015 0 0 1-1.962.526 4.016 4.016 0 0 1-1.963-.526l-2.642 4.755a.5.5 0 0 0 .207.692A9.948 9.948 0 0 0 11.992 22a9.94 9.94 0 0 0 4.396- 0 0 0 .207-.692l-2.641-4.755z"></path><circle cx="12" cy="12" r="3"></circle></svg>'; } } var __awaiter = function(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { return new (P || (P = Promise))((function(resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator.throw(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(r###lt) { r###lt.done ? resolve(r###lt.value) : function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P((function(resolve) { resolve(value); })); }(r###lt.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); })); }; class NukeButton { constructor(messageType) { this.messageType = messageType; this.nukeButton = document.createElement("button"); this.nukeButton.classList.add("in-button", "standard", "nuke"); if (selectNukeIconSetting.value === NukeIconOptions.Red) { const nukeIcon = document.createElement("div"); nukeIcon.classList.add("in-button-icon", "sprite-nuke"); = "0px"; this.nukeButton.appendChild(nukeIcon); } else if (selectNukeIconSetting.value === NukeIconOptions.White) this.nukeButton.innerHTML = WhiteNukeSVG.Svg; this.nukeButton.addEventListener("click", (() => { this.nuke(); })); } nuke() { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, (function*() { switch (this.messageType) { case MessageType.Watches: yield requestHelper.PersonalUserRequests.MessageRequests.NewMessages.Watches.nukeMessages(); break; case MessageType.JournalComments: yield requestHelper.PersonalUserRequests.MessageRequests.NewMessages.JournalComments.nukeMessages(); break; case MessageType.Shouts: yield requestHelper.PersonalUserRequests.MessageRequests.NewMessages.Shouts.nukeMessages(); break; case MessageType.Favorites: yield requestHelper.PersonalUserRequests.MessageRequests.NewMessages.Favorites.nukeMessages(); break; case MessageType.Journals: yield requestHelper.PersonalUserRequests.MessageRequests.NewMessages.Journals.nukeMessages(); break; case MessageType.Submission: yield requestHelper.PersonalUserRequests.MessageRequests.NewSubmissions.nuk###bmissions(); } })); } } class MessageNuker { constructor() { const messagesForm = document.getElementById("messages-form"), messageSections = null == messagesForm ? void 0 : messagesForm.querySelectorAll('section[class="section_container"][id*="messages-"]'); if (null != messageSections) for (const section of Array.from(messageSections)) { const sectionType = this.getSectionTypeFromElement(section); if (sectionType === MessageType.None) continue; const nukeButton = new NukeButton(sectionType), sectionControls = section.querySelector('div[class*="section_controls"]'); if (sectionControls) sectionControls.appendChild(nukeButton.nukeButton); } } getSectionTypeFromElement(section) { switch ("messages-")) { default: return MessageType.None; case "watches": return MessageType.Watches; case "comments-journal": return MessageType.JournalComments; case "shouts": return MessageType.Shouts; case "favorites": return MessageType.Favorites; case "journals": return MessageType.Journals; } } } class SubmissionNuker { constructor() { const standardPage = document.getElementById("standardpage"), actionsSection = null == standardPage ? void 0 : standardPage.querySelectorAll('section[class*="actions-section"]'); if (null != actionsSection) for (const section of Array.from(actionsSection)) { const sectionOptions = section.querySelector('div[class*="section-options"]'); if (null == sectionOptions) continue; const nukeButton = new NukeButton(MessageType.Submission); sectionOptions.appendChild(nukeButton.nukeButton); } } } const customSettings = new window.FACustomSettings("Midori's Script Settings", "FA Instant Nuker Settings"), selectNukeIconSetting = customSettings.newSetting(window.FASettingType.Option, "Select Nuke Icon"); selectNukeIconSetting.description = "Select the Nuke Icon to use for the Nuke Button."; selectNukeIconSetting.options = { [NukeIconOptions.Red]: "Red Nuke Icon", [NukeIconOptions.White]: "White Nuke Icon" }; selectNukeIconSetting.defaultValue = NukeIconOptions.Red; customSettings.loadSettings(); const requestHelper = new window.FARequestHelper(2); if (customSettings.isFeatureEnabled) { const matchListSubmissions = new window.FAMatchList(customSettings); matchListSubmissions.matches = [ "msg/submissions" ]; matchListSubmissions.runInIFrame = false; if (matchListSubmissions.hasMatch) new SubmissionNuker; const matchListMessages = new window.FAMatchList(customSettings); matchListMessages.matches = [ "msg/others" ]; matchListMessages.runInIFrame = false; if (matchListMessages.hasMatch) new MessageNuker; } })();