Library to hold MessageBox functions for Furaffinity
สคริปต์นี้ไม่ควรถูกติดตั้งโดยตรง มันเป็นคลังสำหรับสคริปต์อื่น ๆ เพื่อบรรจุด้วยคำสั่งเมทา // @require
// ==UserScript== // @name Furaffinity-Message-Box // @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts // @require // @grant GM_info // @version 1.0.1 // @author Midori Dragon // @description Library to hold MessageBox functions for Furaffinity // @icon // @license MIT // @homepageURL // @supportURL // ==/UserScript== // jshint esversion: 8 (() => { "use strict"; var MessageBoxButtons, MessageBoxIcon, DialogR###lt, MessageBoxThemes, __webpack_modules__ = { 978: (module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => { __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, { A: () => __WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__ }); var _node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_noSourceMaps_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(601), _node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_noSourceMaps_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = __webpack_require__.n(_node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_noSourceMaps_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__), _node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_api_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(314), ___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___ = __webpack_require__.n(_node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_api_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__)()(_node_modules_css_loader_dist_runtime_noSourceMaps_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default()); ___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___.push([, '/* Base styles */\n.message-box-overlay {\n position: fixed;\n top: 0;\n left: 0;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);\n display: flex;\n justify-content: center;\n align-items: center;\n z-index: 9999;\n}\n\n/* Dark theme (default) */\n.message-box-container {\n border: 1px solid #444;\n border-radius: 5px;\n padding: 20px;\n max-width: 500px;\n width: 100%;\n font-family: Arial, sans-serif;\n transition: background-color 0.3s, color 0.3s, border-color 0.3s, box-shadow 0.3s;\n}\n\n.message-box-header {\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n margin-bottom: 15px;\n}\n\n.message-box-icon-container {\n margin-right: 15px;\n width: 32px;\n height: 32px;\n flex-shrink: 0;\n}\n\n.message-box-title {\n font-size: 18px;\n font-weight: bold;\n margin: 0;\n transition: color 0.3s;\n}\n\n.message-box-content {\n margin-bottom: 20px;\n line-height: 1.5;\n transition: color 0.3s;\n}\n\n.message-box-button-container {\n display: flex;\n justify-content: flex-end;\n gap: 10px;\n}\n\n.message-box-button {\n padding: 8px 16px;\n border: none;\n border-radius: 4px;\n cursor: pointer;\n font-size: 14px;\n font-weight: bold;\n background-color: #f1efeb;\n transition: background-color 0.2s, color 0.2s, border-color 0.2s;\n}\n\n.message-box-button:hover {\n background-color: #e0ded8;\n}\n\n/* Theme: Dark */\nbody[class*="theme-dark"] .message-box-container {\n background-color: #353b45;\n border-color: #444;\n box-shadow: 0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);\n}\n\nbody[class*="theme-dark"] .message-box-button {\n background-color: #434b5b;\n}\n\nbody[class*="theme-dark"] .message-box-button:hover {\n background-color: #576175;\n}\n\n/* Theme: Aurora */\nbody[class*="theme-aurora"] .message-box-container {\n background-color: #262931;\n border-color: #444;\n box-shadow: 0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);\n}\n\nbody[class*="theme-aurora"] .message-box-button {\n background-color: #65707c;\n}\n\nbody[class*="theme-aurora"] .message-box-button:hover {\n background-color: #8692a0;\n}\n\n/* Theme: Retro */\nbody[class*="theme-retro"] .message-box-container {\n background-color: #2e3b41;\n border-color: #444;\n box-shadow: 0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);\n}\n\nbody[class*="theme-retro"] .message-box-button {\n background-color: #4c585e;\n}\n\nbody[class*="theme-retro"] .message-box-button:hover {\n background-color: #7b909a;\n}\n\n/* Theme: Slate */\nbody[class*="theme-slate"] .message-box-container {\n background-color: #202225;\n border-color: #444;\n box-shadow: 0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);\n}\n\nbody[class*="theme-slate"] .message-box-button {\n background-color: #8c8c8c;\n}\n\nbody[class*="theme-slate"] .message-box-button:hover {\n background-color: #b3b1b1;\n}\n\n/* Theme: Light - already defined in base styles */\nbody[class*="theme-light"] .message-box-container {\n background-color: #f7f7f7;\n border-color: #ccc;\n box-shadow: 0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);\n}\n\nbody[class*="theme-light"] .message-box-button {\n background-color: #f1efeb;\n}\n\nbody[class*="theme-light"] .message-box-button:hover {\n background-color: #f1ede7;\n}\n', "" ]); const __WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__ = ___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___; }, 314: module => { module.exports = function(cssWithMappingToString) { var list = []; list.toString = function toString() { return { var content = "", needLayer = void 0 !== item[5]; if (item[4]) content += "@supports (".concat(item[4], ") {"); if (item[2]) content += "@media ".concat(item[2], " {"); if (needLayer) content += "@layer".concat(item[5].length > 0 ? " ".concat(item[5]) : "", " {"); content += cssWithMappingToString(item); if (needLayer) content += "}"; if (item[2]) content += "}"; if (item[4]) content += "}"; return content; })).join(""); }; list.i = function i(modules, media, dedupe, supports, layer) { if ("string" == typeof modules) modules = [ [ null, modules, void 0 ] ]; var alreadyImportedModules = {}; if (dedupe) for (var k = 0; k < this.length; k++) { var id = this[k][0]; if (null != id) alreadyImportedModules[id] = true; } for (var _k = 0; _k < modules.length; _k++) { var item = [].concat(modules[_k]); if (!dedupe || !alreadyImportedModules[item[0]]) { if (void 0 !== layer) if (void 0 === item[5]) item[5] = layer; else { item[1] = "@layer".concat(item[5].length > 0 ? " ".concat(item[5]) : "", " {").concat(item[1], "}"); item[5] = layer; } if (media) if (!item[2]) item[2] = media; else { item[1] = "@media ".concat(item[2], " {").concat(item[1], "}"); item[2] = media; } if (supports) if (!item[4]) item[4] = "".concat(supports); else { item[1] = "@supports (".concat(item[4], ") {").concat(item[1], "}"); item[4] = supports; } list.push(item); } } }; return list; }; }, 601: module => { module.exports = function(i) { return i[1]; }; }, 72: module => { var stylesInDOM = []; function getIndexByIdentifier(identifier) { for (var r###lt = -1, i = 0; i < stylesInDOM.length; i++) if (stylesInDOM[i].identifier === identifier) { r###lt = i; break; } return r###lt; } function modulesToDom(list, options) { for (var idCountMap = {}, identifiers = [], i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var item = list[i], id = options.base ? item[0] + options.base : item[0], count = idCountMap[id] || 0, identifier = "".concat(id, " ").concat(count); idCountMap[id] = count + 1; var indexByIdentifier = getIndexByIdentifier(identifier), obj = { css: item[1], media: item[2], sourceMap: item[3], supports: item[4], layer: item[5] }; if (-1 !== indexByIdentifier) { stylesInDOM[indexByIdentifier].references++; stylesInDOM[indexByIdentifier].updater(obj); } else { var updater = addElementStyle(obj, options); options.byIndex = i; stylesInDOM.splice(i, 0, { identifier, updater, references: 1 }); } identifiers.push(identifier); } return identifiers; } function addElementStyle(obj, options) { var api = options.domAPI(options); api.update(obj); return function updater(newObj) { if (newObj) { if (newObj.css === obj.css && === && newObj.sourceMap === obj.sourceMap && newObj.supports === obj.supports && newObj.layer === obj.layer) return; api.update(obj = newObj); } else api.remove(); }; } module.exports = function(list, options) { var lastIdentifiers = modulesToDom(list = list || [], options = options || {}); return function update(newList) { newList = newList || []; for (var i = 0; i < lastIdentifiers.length; i++) { var index = getIndexByIdentifier(lastIdentifiers[i]); stylesInDOM[index].references--; } for (var newLastIdentifiers = modulesToDom(newList, options), _i = 0; _i < lastIdentifiers.length; _i++) { var _index = getIndexByIdentifier(lastIdentifiers[_i]); if (0 === stylesInDOM[_index].references) { stylesInDOM[_index].updater(); stylesInDOM.splice(_index, 1); } } lastIdentifiers = newLastIdentifiers; }; }; }, 659: module => { var memo = {}; module.exports = function insertBySelector(insert, style) { var target = function getTarget(target) { if (void 0 === memo[target]) { var styleTarget = document.querySelector(target); if (window.HTMLIFrameElement && styleTarget instanceof window.HTMLIFrameElement) try { styleTarget = styleTarget.contentDocument.head; } catch (e) { styleTarget = null; } memo[target] = styleTarget; } return memo[target]; }(insert); if (!target) throw new Error("Couldn't find a style target. This probably means that the value for the 'insert' parameter is invalid."); target.appendChild(style); }; }, 540: module => { module.exports = function insertStyleElement(options) { var element = document.createElement("style"); options.setAttributes(element, options.attributes); options.insert(element, options.options); return element; }; }, 56: (module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { module.exports = function setAttributesWithoutAttributes(styleElement) { var nonce = true ? : 0; if (nonce) styleElement.setAttribute("nonce", nonce); }; }, 825: module => { module.exports = function domAPI(options) { if ("undefined" == typeof document) return { update: function update() {}, remove: function remove() {} }; var styleElement = options.insertStyleElement(options); return { update: function update(obj) { !function apply(styleElement, options, obj) { var css = ""; if (obj.supports) css += "@supports (".concat(obj.supports, ") {"); if ( css += "@media ".concat(, " {"); var needLayer = void 0 !== obj.layer; if (needLayer) css += "@layer".concat(obj.layer.length > 0 ? " ".concat(obj.layer) : "", " {"); css += obj.css; if (needLayer) css += "}"; if ( css += "}"; if (obj.supports) css += "}"; var sourceMap = obj.sourceMap; if (sourceMap && "undefined" != typeof btoa) css += "\n/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,".concat(btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(sourceMap)))), " */"); options.styleTagTransform(css, styleElement, options.options); }(styleElement, options, obj); }, remove: function remove() { !function removeStyleElement(styleElement) { if (null === styleElement.parentNode) return false; styleElement.parentNode.removeChild(styleElement); }(styleElement); } }; }; }, 113: module => { module.exports = function styleTagTransform(css, styleElement) { if (styleElement.styleSheet) styleElement.styleSheet.cssText = css; else { for (;styleElement.firstChild; ) styleElement.removeChild(styleElement.firstChild); styleElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); } }; } }, __webpack_module_cache__ = {}; function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId]; if (void 0 !== cachedModule) return cachedModule.exports; var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = { id: moduleId, exports: {} }; __webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); return module.exports; } __webpack_require__.n = module => { var getter = module && module.__esModule ? () => module.default : () => module; __webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter }); return getter; }; __webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => { for (var key in definition) if (__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] }); }; __webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) =>, prop); = void 0; !function(MessageBoxButtons) { MessageBoxButtons[MessageBoxButtons.OK = 0] = "OK"; MessageBoxButtons[MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel = 1] = "OKCancel"; MessageBoxButtons[MessageBoxButtons.AbortRetryIgnore = 2] = "AbortRetryIgnore"; MessageBoxButtons[MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel = 3] = "YesNoCancel"; MessageBoxButtons[MessageBoxButtons.YesNo = 4] = "YesNo"; MessageBoxButtons[MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel = 5] = "RetryCancel"; }(MessageBoxButtons || (MessageBoxButtons = {})); !function(MessageBoxIcon) { MessageBoxIcon[MessageBoxIcon.None = 0] = "None"; MessageBoxIcon[MessageBoxIcon.Error = 16] = "Error"; MessageBoxIcon[MessageBoxIcon.Warning = 48] = "Warning"; MessageBoxIcon[MessageBoxIcon.Information = 64] = "Information"; MessageBoxIcon[MessageBoxIcon.Question = 32] = "Question"; }(MessageBoxIcon || (MessageBoxIcon = {})); !function(DialogR###lt) { DialogR###lt[DialogR###lt.None = 0] = "None"; DialogR###lt[DialogR###lt.OK = 1] = "OK"; DialogR###lt[DialogR###lt.Cancel = 2] = "Cancel"; DialogR###lt[DialogR###lt.Abort = 3] = "Abort"; DialogR###lt[DialogR###lt.Retry = 4] = "Retry"; DialogR###lt[DialogR###lt.Ignore = 5] = "Ignore"; DialogR###lt[DialogR###lt.Yes = 6] = "Yes"; DialogR###lt[DialogR###lt.No = 7] = "No"; }(DialogR###lt || (DialogR###lt = {})); class MessageBoxIcons { static getIconSvg(icon) { switch (icon) { case MessageBoxIcon.Error: return '<svg xmlns="" height="32px" viewBox="0 -960 960 960" width="32px" fill="#ff0000"><path d="M480-280q17 0 28.5-11.5T520-320q0-17-11.5-28.5T480-360q-17 0-28.5 11.5T440-320q0 17 11.5 28.5T480-280Zm-40-160h80v-240h-80v240Zm40 360q-83 0-156-31.5T197-197q-54-54-85.5-127T80-480q0-83 31.5-156T197-763q54-54 127-85.5T480-880q83 0 156 31.5T763-763q54 54 85.5 127T880-480q0 83-31.5 156T763-197q-54 54-127 85.5T480-80Zm0-80q134 0 227-93t93-227q0-134-93-227t-227-93q-134 0-227 93t-93 227q0 134 93 227t227 93Zm0-320Z"/></svg>'; case MessageBoxIcon.Warning: return '<svg xmlns="" height="32px" viewBox="0 -960 960 960" width="32px" fill="#ffcc4d"><path d="m40-120 440-760 440 760H40Zm138-80h604L480-720 178-200Zm302-40q17 0 28.5-11.5T520-280q0-17-11.5-28.5T480-320q-17 0-28.5 11.5T440-280q0 17 11.5 28.5T480-240Zm-40-120h80v-200h-80v200Zm40-100Z"/></svg>'; case MessageBoxIcon.Information: return '<svg xmlns="" height="32px" viewBox="0 -960 960 960" width="32px" fill="#2196f3"><path d="M440-280h80v-240h-80v240Zm40-320q17 0 28.5-11.5T520-640q0-17-11.5-28.5T480-680q-17 0-28.5 11.5T440-640q0 17 11.5 28.5T480-600Zm0 520q-83 0-156-31.5T197-197q-54-54-85.5-127T80-480q0-83 31.5-156T197-763q54-54 127-85.5T480-880q83 0 156 31.5T763-763q54 54 85.5 127T880-480q0 83-31.5 156T763-197q-54 54-127 85.5T480-80Zm0-80q134 0 227-93t93-227q0-134-93-227t-227-93q-134 0-227 93t-93 227q0 134 93 227t227 93Zm0-320Z"/></svg>'; case MessageBoxIcon.Question: return '<svg xmlns="" height="32px" viewBox="0 -960 960 960" width="32px" fill="#2196f3"><path d="M478-240q21 0 35.5-14.5T528-290q0-21-14.5-35.5T478-340q-21 0-35.5 14.5T428-290q0 21 14.5 35.5T478-240Zm-36-154h74q0-33 7.5-52t42.5-52q26-26 41-49.5t15-56.5q0-56-41-86t-97-30q-57 0-92.5 30T342-618l66 26q5-18 22.5-39t53.5-21q32 0 48 17.5t16 38.5q0 20-12 37.5T506-526q-44 39-54 59t-10 73Zm38 314q-83 0-156-31.5T197-197q-54-54-85.5-127T80-480q0-83 31.5-156T197-763q54-54 127-85.5T480-880q83 0 156 31.5T763-763q54 54 85.5 127T880-480q0 83-31.5 156T763-197q-54 54-127 85.5T480-80Zm0-80q134 0 227-93t93-227q0-134-93-227t-227-93q-134 0-227 93t-93 227q0 134 93 227t227 93Zm0-320Z"/></svg>'; case MessageBoxIcon.None: default: return ""; } } } !function(MessageBoxThemes) { MessageBoxThemes.Dark = "dark"; MessageBoxThemes.Aurora = "aurora"; MessageBoxThemes.Retro = "retro"; MessageBoxThemes.Slate = "slate"; MessageBoxThemes.Light = "light"; }(MessageBoxThemes || (MessageBoxThemes = {})); var injectStylesIntoStyleTag = __webpack_require__(72), injectStylesIntoStyleTag_default = __webpack_require__.n(injectStylesIntoStyleTag), styleDomAPI = __webpack_require__(825), styleDomAPI_default = __webpack_require__.n(styleDomAPI), insertBySelector = __webpack_require__(659), insertBySelector_default = __webpack_require__.n(insertBySelector), setAttributesWithoutAttributes = __webpack_require__(56), setAttributesWithoutAttributes_default = __webpack_require__.n(setAttributesWithoutAttributes), insertStyleElement = __webpack_require__(540), insertStyleElement_default = __webpack_require__.n(insertStyleElement), styleTagTransform = __webpack_require__(113), styleTagTransform_default = __webpack_require__.n(styleTagTransform), Style = __webpack_require__(978), options = {}; options.styleTagTransform = styleTagTransform_default(); options.setAttributes = setAttributesWithoutAttributes_default(); options.insert = insertBySelector_default().bind(null, "head"); options.domAPI = styleDomAPI_default(); options.insertStyleElement = insertStyleElement_default(); injectStylesIntoStyleTag_default()(Style.A, options); Style.A && Style.A.locals && Style.A.locals; const string = class { static isNullOrWhitespace(str) { return null == str || "" === str.trim(); } static isNullOrEmpty(str) { return null == str || "" === str; } }; var _a, _b, _c, __awaiter = function(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { return new (P || (P = Promise))((function(resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator.throw(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(r###lt) { r###lt.done ? resolve(r###lt.value) : function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P((function(resolve) { resolve(value); })); }(r###lt.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); })); }; class MessageBox { static getTheme() { return this.currentTheme; } static show(text_1) { return __awaiter(this, arguments, void 0, (function*(text, caption = "", buttons = MessageBoxButtons.OK, icon = MessageBoxIcon.None) { return new Promise((resolve => { this.resolvePromise = resolve; this.createMessageBox(text, caption, buttons, icon); })); })); } static createMessageBox(text, caption, buttons, icon) { this.overlay = document.createElement("div"); this.overlay.className = "message-box-overlay"; this.container = document.createElement("div"); this.container.className = "message-box-container"; const header = document.createElement("div"); header.className = "message-box-header"; if (icon !== MessageBoxIcon.None) { const iconContainer = document.createElement("div"); iconContainer.className = "message-box-icon-container"; iconContainer.innerHTML = MessageBoxIcons.getIconSvg(icon); header.appendChild(iconContainer); } if (!string.isNullOrWhitespace(caption)) { const title = document.createElement("h3"); title.className = "message-box-title"; title.textContent = caption; header.appendChild(title); } if (0 !== header.children.length) this.container.appendChild(header); const content = document.createElement("div"); content.className = "message-box-content"; content.textContent = text; this.container.appendChild(content); const buttonContainer = document.createElement("div"); buttonContainer.className = "message-box-button-container"; this.addButtons(buttonContainer, buttons); this.container.appendChild(buttonContainer); this.overlay.appendChild(this.container); document.body.appendChild(this.overlay); } static addButtons(buttonContainer, buttons) { switch (buttons) { case MessageBoxButtons.OK: this.createButton(buttonContainer, "OK", DialogR###lt.OK); break; case MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel: this.createButton(buttonContainer, "OK", DialogR###lt.OK); this.createButton(buttonContainer, "Cancel", DialogR###lt.Cancel); break; case MessageBoxButtons.AbortRetryIgnore: this.createButton(buttonContainer, "Abort", DialogR###lt.Abort); this.createButton(buttonContainer, "Retry", DialogR###lt.Retry); this.createButton(buttonContainer, "Ignore", DialogR###lt.Ignore); break; case MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel: this.createButton(buttonContainer, "Yes", DialogR###lt.Yes); this.createButton(buttonContainer, "No", DialogR###lt.No); this.createButton(buttonContainer, "Cancel", DialogR###lt.Cancel); break; case MessageBoxButtons.YesNo: this.createButton(buttonContainer, "Yes", DialogR###lt.Yes); this.createButton(buttonContainer, "No", DialogR###lt.No); break; case MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel: this.createButton(buttonContainer, "Retry", DialogR###lt.Retry); this.createButton(buttonContainer, "Cancel", DialogR###lt.Cancel); } } static createButton(container, text, r###lt) { const button = document.createElement("button"); button.className = "message-box-button"; button.textContent = text; button.addEventListener("click", (() => { this.close(r###lt); })); container.appendChild(button); } static close(r###lt) { this.r###lt = r###lt; if (null != this.overlay) { document.body.removeChild(this.overlay); this.overlay = null; this.container = null; } if (null != this.resolvePromise) { this.resolvePromise(r###lt); this.resolvePromise = null; } } } MessageBox.overlay = null; MessageBox.container = null; MessageBox.r###lt = DialogR###lt.None; MessageBox.resolvePromise = null; MessageBox.currentTheme = MessageBoxThemes.Light; Object.defineProperties(window, { FAMessageBox: { get: () => MessageBox }, FAMessageBoxButtons: { get: () => MessageBoxButtons }, FAMessageBoxIcon: { get: () => MessageBoxIcon }, FADialogR###lt: { get: () => DialogR###lt } }); let themeClassName = "dark"; const themeStylesheets = null !== (_a = document.head.querySelectorAll('link[rel="stylesheet"][href]')) && void 0 !== _a ? _a : []; for (const themeStylesheet of Array.from(themeStylesheets)) { const themePath = null !== (_c = null === (_b = themeStylesheet.getAttribute("href")) || void 0 === _b ? void 0 : _b.toLowerCase()) && void 0 !== _c ? _c : ""; if (themePath.includes("dark")) themeClassName = "dark"; else if (themePath.includes("aurora")) themeClassName = "aurora"; else if (themePath.includes("retro")) themeClassName = "retro"; else if (themePath.includes("slate")) themeClassName = "slate"; else if (themePath.includes("light")) themeClassName = "light"; } document.body.classList.add(`theme-${themeClassName}`); })();