Smooth scrolling on pages using javascript
// ==UserScript== // @name Smoothscroll // @author Creec Winceptor // @description Smooth scrolling on pages using javascript // @namespace // @include * // @version 12 // ==/UserScript== var Smoothscroll = {}; //settings Smoothscroll.Smoothness = 0.5; Smoothscroll.Acceleration = 0.5; //debug Smoothscroll.Debug = 0; //0-none, 1-some, etc. /* //initial fps, no need to change Smoothscroll.BaseRefreshrate = 60; Smoothscroll.MaxRefreshrate = Smoothscroll.BaseRefreshrate*3; Smoothscroll.MinRefreshrate = Smoothscroll.BaseRefreshrate/3; */ //automatically calculated Smoothscroll.Refreshrate = 60; Smoothscroll.MaxRefreshrate = 300; Smoothscroll.MinRefreshrate = 1; //scrolling and animation function ScrollSubpixels(element, newvalue) { if (newvalue!=undefined) { element.scrollsubpixels = newvalue; return newvalue; } else { var olddelta = element.scrollsubpixels; if (olddelta!=undefined) { return olddelta; } return 0; } } function ScrollPixels(element, newvalue) { if (newvalue!=undefined) { element.scrollpixels = newvalue; ScrollSubpixels(element, 0); return newvalue; } else { var olddelta = element.scrollpixels; if (olddelta!=undefined) { return olddelta; } return 0; } } var last = 0; function AnimateScroll(target, refreshrate) { var scrollsubpixels = ScrollSubpixels(target); var scrollpixels = ScrollPixels(target); if (Smoothscroll.Debug>3) { console.log("scrollpixels: " + scrollpixels); } if (Smoothscroll.Debug>3) { console.log("target: ", target); if (target == document.documentElement) { console.log("document.documentElement"); } } var scrolldirection = 0; if (scrollpixels>0) { scrolldirection = 1; } if (scrollpixels<0) { scrolldirection = -1; } var scrollratio = 1-Math.pow( refreshrate, -1/(refreshrate*Smoothscroll.Smoothness)); var scrollrate = scrollpixels*scrollratio; if (Math.abs(scrollpixels)>2) { var fullscrolls = Math.floor(Math.abs(scrollrate))*scrolldirection; var scrollsubpixelsadded = scrollrate - fullscrolls; var additionalscrolls = Math.floor(Math.abs(scrollsubpixels + scrollsubpixelsadded))*scrolldirection; var scrollsubpixelsleft = scrollsubpixels + scrollsubpixelsadded - additionalscrolls; ScrollPixels(target, scrollpixels-fullscrolls-additionalscrolls); ScrollSubpixels(target, scrollsubpixelsleft); var scrolldelta = fullscrolls + additionalscrolls; if (Smoothscroll.Debug>1) { console.log("scrolldelta: " + scrolldelta); } /* if (target.scrollBy != null) { target.scrollBy({ top: scrolldelta, left: 0, behavior: 'auto' }); if (Smoothscroll.Debug>1) { console.log("target.scrollBy: " + scrolldelta); } } else { */"auto"; // fix for pages with changed scroll-behavior target.scrollTop = target.scrollTop + scrolldelta; if (Smoothscroll.Debug>1) { console.log("target.scrollTop: " + target.scrollTop); } target.scrollanimated = true; RequestAnimationUpdate(function(newrefreshrate) { AnimateScroll(target, newrefreshrate); }); } else { RequestAnimationUpdate(function(newrefreshrate) { ScrollPixels(target, 0); }); target.scrollanimated = false; } } function RequestAnimationUpdate(cb) { var before =; window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { var after =; var frametime = after - before; var calculatedFps = 1000 / Math.max(frametime, 1); var refreshrate = Math.min(Math.max(calculatedFps, Smoothscroll.MinRefreshrate), Smoothscroll.MaxRefreshrate); //Smoothscroll.Refreshrate = refreshrate; cb(refreshrate); }); } Smoothscroll.Stop = function(target) { if (target) { ScrollPixels(target, 0); } } Smoothscroll.Start = function(target, scrollamount) { if (target) { var scrolltotal = ScrollPixels(target, scrollamount); if (!target.scrollanimated) { AnimateScroll(target, Smoothscroll.Refreshrate); } //var scrollpixels = ScrollPixels(target); } } if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = Smoothscroll; } function CanScroll(element, dir) { if (dir<0) { return element.scrollTop>0; } if (dir>0) { if (element==document.body) { if (element.scrollTop==0) { element.scrollTop = 3; if (element.scrollTop==0) { return false; } element.scrollTop = 0; } return Math.round(element.clientHeight+element.scrollTop)<(element.offsetHeight); } return Math.round(element.clientHeight+element.scrollTop)<(element.scrollHeight); } } function HasScrollbar(element) { //TODO: problem with webkit, body not scrollable? if (element==window || element==document) { return false; } if (element==document.body) { return window.getComputedStyle(document.body)['overflow-y']!="hidden"; } //THANK YOU TO: if (element==document.documentElement) { return window.innerWidth > document.documentElement.clientWidth; } else { //return (element.clientWidth-element.clientWidth)>0; var style = window.getComputedStyle(element); return style['overflow-y']!="hidden" && style['overflow-y']!="visible"; } } function Scrollable(element, dir) { //TODO: problem with webkit, body not scrollable? if (element==document.body) { //return false; } var scrollablecheck = CanScroll(element, dir); if (!scrollablecheck) { if (Smoothscroll.Debug>1) { console.log("scrollablecheck: " + scrollablecheck); } return false; } var scrollbarcheck = HasScrollbar(element); if (!scrollbarcheck) { if (Smoothscroll.Debug>1) { console.log("scrollbarcheck: " + scrollbarcheck); } return false; } if (Smoothscroll.Debug>1) { console.log("scrollablecheck: " + scrollablecheck); console.log("scrollbarcheck: " + scrollbarcheck); } return true; } function GetPath(e) { if (e.path) { return e.path; } if (e.composedPath) { return e.composedPath(); } if (Smoothscroll.Debug>1) { console.log("Smoothscroll: e.path is undefined"); } return null; } function GetTarget(e) { var direction = e.deltaY; var nodes = GetPath(e); if (!nodes) { return null; } if (Smoothscroll.Debug>2) { console.log("nodes: "); console.log(nodes); console.log("target: "); } for (var i=0; i<(nodes.length); i++) { var node = nodes[i]; if (Smoothscroll.Debug>2) { console.log(node); } if (Scrollable(node, direction)) { if (Smoothscroll.Debug>2) { console.log("true"); } return node; } } if (Smoothscroll.Debug>1) { console.log("false"); } return null; } function GetStyleProperty(el, styleprop){ if(window.getComputedStyle){ var heightprop = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue(styleprop); if (heightprop) { return parseInt(heightprop); } } else if(el.currentStyle){ var heightprop = el.currentStyle[styleprop.encamel()]; if (heightprop) { return parseInt(heightprop); } } return null; } //mouse event scroll handlers function StopScroll(e) { var nodes = GetPath(e); if (!nodes) { return null; } for (var i=0; i<(nodes.length); i++) { var node = nodes[i]; Smoothscroll.Stop(node); } } function StartScroll(e, target) { if (e.defaultPrevented) { return true; } else { var delta = e.deltaY; if (Smoothscroll.Debug) { console.log("e: ", e); } if (e.deltaMode && e.deltaMode==1) { var line = GetStyleProperty(target, 'line-height'); if (Smoothscroll.Debug) { console.log("line: " + line); } if (line && line>0) { delta = e.deltaY * line; } } if (e.deltaMode && e.deltaMode==2) { var page = target.clientHeight; if (Smoothscroll.Debug) { console.log("page: " + page); } if (page && page>0) { delta = e.deltaY * page; } } var scrollpixels = ScrollPixels(target); var accelerationratio = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(scrollpixels/delta*Smoothscroll.Acceleration)); var acceleration = Math.round(delta*accelerationratio); var totalscroll = scrollpixels + delta + acceleration; if (Smoothscroll.Debug) { console.log("scrollpixels: " + scrollpixels); console.log("delta: " + delta); console.log("acceleration: " + acceleration); console.log("totalscroll: " + totalscroll); } Smoothscroll.Start(target, totalscroll); e.preventDefault(); } } //mouse event call handlers function WheelEvent(e) { var target = GetTarget(e); if (target) { StartScroll(e, target); } } function ClickEvent(e) { StopScroll(e); } /* function GetFrametime(cb) { var before =; window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { var after =; var diff = after - before; if (cb) { cb(diff); } }); } function UpdateRefreshrateInternal(cb) { GetFrametime((frametime) => { var calculatedFps = 1000 / Math.max(frametime, 1); Smoothscroll.Refreshrate = Math.min(Math.max(calculatedFps, Smoothscroll.MinRefreshrate), Smoothscroll.MaxRefreshrate); if (Smoothscroll.Debug > 3) { console.log("Smoothscroll.Refreshrate: " + Smoothscroll.Refreshrate); } if (cb) { cb(); } }); } var updateRefreshrateLoopTimer = null; function UpdateRefreshrate() { if (updateRefreshrateLoopTimer) { clearTimeout(updateRefreshrateLoopTimer); } UpdateRefreshrateInternal(()=>{ updateRefreshrateLoopTimer = setTimeout(()=>{ UpdateRefreshrate(); },1000/Smoothscroll.BaseRefreshrate); }); }; */ //init function function Init() { if ( != window.self) { //console.log("Smoothscroll: ignoring iframe"); return null; } if (window.Smoothscroll && window.Smoothscroll.Loaded) { //console.log("Smoothscroll: already loaded"); return null; } //Smoothscroll.Refreshrate = Smoothscroll.BaseRefreshrate; if (!window.requestAnimationFrame) { window.requestAnimationFrame = window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame; } document.documentElement.addEventListener("wheel", function(e){ WheelEvent(e); if (Smoothscroll.Debug>0) { console.log(e); } },{ passive: false }); document.documentElement.addEventListener("mousedown", function(e){ ClickEvent(e); if (Smoothscroll.Debug>0) { console.log(e); } }); window.Smoothscroll = Smoothscroll; window.Smoothscroll.Loaded = true; //window.requestAnimationFrame(Fps); //UpdateRefreshrate(); //UpdateRefreshrate(); console.log("Smoothscroll: loaded"); } Init();