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SteamGifts: Hide joined and perform auto paging

Implements auto paging feature for SG and hides all joined giveaways. Also attempts to replicate Easy SteamGifts Join button if ESG installed.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        SteamGifts: Hide joined and perform auto paging
// @namespace   lainscripts_steamgifts_hide_joined_and_autopaging
// @description Implements auto paging feature for SG and hides all joined giveaways. Also attempts to replicate Easy SteamGifts Join button if ESG installed.
// @include     http://www.steamgifts.com/*
// @include     https://www.steamgifts.com/*
// @version     1.8
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==
var obs = new MutationObserver(function(m){
if(i.target.classList.contains('is-faded')) i.target.parentNode.style.display = 'none';
function joinedCleaner(n) {
[].forEach.call(n.querySelectorAll('.giveaway__row-inner-wrap'), function (i) {
if (i.classList.contains('is-faded')) i.parentNode.style.display = 'none';
else obs.observe(i, { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['class'] });
function offsetTopAbs(elm) {
var ofs = elm, top = 0;
while(ofs) {
top += ofs.offsetTop || 0;
ofs = ofs.offsetParent;
return top;
function checkVisible(elm) {
return (offsetTopAbs(elm) - 250 < (window.innerHeight + window.pageYOffset));
function esgHack(d){
if (document.querySelector('[class^="esg-"],[id^="esg-"]')){ // Seems like Easy SteamGifts is installed and did something
var gpts = parseInt(document.querySelector('.nav__points').innerHTML);
if (!gpts) return;
[].forEach.call(d.querySelectorAll('.giveaway__row-inner-wrap'), function(i){
if(i.querySelector('.esg-join')) return;
var dat = i.querySelector('.giveaway__heading');
if (!dat) return;
var ptsd = dat.querySelectorAll('.giveaway__heading__thin');
if (!ptsd) return;
var pts = parseInt(ptsd[ptsd.length-1].innerHTML.substring(1));
if (pts <= gpts) {
var btn = document.createElement('div');
btn.className = 'esg-join';
var img = i.querySelector('.global__image-outer-wrap--game-medium');
btn.innerHTML = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" points="'+pts+'" joinhref="'+img.getAttribute('href')+'">Join</a>';
img.insertBefore(btn, img.querySelector(':first-child'));
function sgHack(d){
var $ = window.$, el = $(d);
// Slightly adjusted version of the code copied from minified.js available on site
el.find('.giveaway__hide').click(function () {
$('.popup--hide-games input[name=game_id]').val($(this).attr('data-game-id'));
$('.popup--hide-games .popup__heading__bold').text($(this).closest('h2').find('.giveaway__heading__name').text());
el.find('.trigger-popup').click(function () {
$('.' + $(this).attr('data-popup')).bPopup({
opacity: 0.85,
fadeSpeed: 200,
followSpeed: 500,
modalColor: '#3c424d'
var pag = document.querySelector('.page__heading ~ .pagination'),
par = document.querySelector('.page__heading ~ div > .giveaway__row-outer-wrap').parentNode;
// add missing Join buttons if ESG glitched and missed some of them at the first page
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
var cnt = 10, check = function(c) {
if (document.querySelector('[class^="esg-"],[id^="esg-"]')) {
else if (c > 0) setTimeout(check.bind(this, --c), 250);
setTimeout(check.bind(this,cnt), 250);
// remove empty text nodes between blocks to fix the distance between blocks in minified layout style
[].forEach.call(par.childNodes, function(i) {
if (i.nodeName === '#text') i.parentNode.removeChild(i);
function replacePaginator(txt) {
var elements = /<div\s+class="giveaway__row-outer-wrap"[\s\S]*(?=<\/div><div\s+class="pagination")/im,
paginator = /<div\s+class="pagination__r###lts">[\s\S]*angle-double-right"><\/i><\/a><\/div>/im;
var lstt = elements.exec(txt);
if (lstt) {
var ldiv = document.createElement('div');
ldiv.innerHTML = lstt[0];
var pagt = paginator.exec(txt);
if (pagt) {
var pdiv = document.createElement('div');
pdiv.className = 'pagination';
pdiv.innerHTML = pagt[0];
pag.parentNode.insertBefore(pdiv, pag);
pag = pdiv;
if (pag) setTimeout(checkPagination,100);
function getNextPage(){
var nxtLink = pag.querySelector('.fa-angle-right');
if (nxtLink) nxtLink = nxtLink.parentNode; else return undefined;
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.onloadend = function() {
if (xmlhttp.status == 200) {
xmlhttp.open("GET", nxtLink.href, true);
function checkPagination(){
if (checkVisible(pag)) getNextPage();
else setTimeout(checkPagination,100);
if (pag) setTimeout(checkPagination,100);