Greasy Fork is available in English.
In SteamGifts, improve some features
Improve some features in SteamGifts
Home Page
- hilight owned games and dlcs
- fixed header position on top
- add 'Giveaways Entered' icon on header
- add paging on top of giveaways list
- auto hide entered giveaways
- add SteamDB links on each giveaways
- add filter links in Browse menu
Giveaways Page
- hilight owned games and dlcs
- show spoil texts
- auto enter giveaway
- auto reload when 'Not Enough Points'
- add SteamDB frame for package
- add train detector with train rider
- add warning detector
- add restriction info
Giveaways Entered Page
- hilight owned games and dlcs
Disscusions Page
- hilight owned games and dlcs
- show spoil texts
- add counters of giveaway, SGTools and puzzle
- hilight giveaway links
Sales Pages
- hilight owned games and dlcs
Users Page
- hilight owned games and dlcs
- show Contributor Level at title bar
Installation Note:
For Firefox users, please install Greasemonkey first.
For Chrome users, please install Tampermonkey first.