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Gmail Outdated Notification Disabler

Disables the "your browser is no longer supported" notification from gmail

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Gmail Outdated Notification Disabler
// @namespace    http://your.homepage/
// @version      0.04
// @description  Disables the "your browser is no longer supported" notification from gmail
// @author       Domination9987
// @match        https://mail.google.com/*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==
var dismissBtn;                                                           //Button that is pressed if exists
var timeOut = 0;                                                          //Initially zero
var timeOutLimit = 10000;                                                 //How long the loop will run before ending, in ms
var interval = 100;                                                       //How often the checking is performed, in ms
var checkExists = setInterval(checkIfExists, interval);                   //Constant call to check if the element exists
function checkIfExists(){
dismissBtn = document.getElementById("link_ds");
if (dismissBtn !== null){
if (timeOut >= timeOutLimit){
timeOut += interval;