Displays a dynamic breadcrumb location trail that shows where you are while in both standard and (hoist) focus mode.
A blue text display is added above your tasklist, the breadcrumb will look similar to this (see screenshot below):
[ Introduction > List sequence > Requirements > Analysis > Specifications > Testing ]
This script was primarily intended for use in focus mode, but also works unfocused.
The example above is 5 levels deep, but the script will work on any task no matter how many (n)levels deep the node might be. The script operates by making it's own internal copy of the list and then using it to read/write the location updates.
This internal copy will automatically be updated/synced each time you create, edit or delete a task node.
For instances where you re-position tasks up/down the tree, the display will (intentionally) not auto-update, but you can manually update/sync the display with the instructions below.
Either pressing 'Enter' twice (2 times, 2x) or 'Ctrl-Shift-U' can be used at any time to manually refresh the display whenever if the location happens to need to be updated.
PRO Checkvist users note - this script was tested on Chrome non-pro account, you may need to edit the following near the top of the script to make this work: