Customize keyboard shortcuts in InoReader. / InoReaderのキーボードショートカットをカスタマイズします。
// ==UserScript== // @name InoReader Key Customize // @description Customize keyboard shortcuts in InoReader. / InoReaderのキーボードショートカットをカスタマイズします。 // @description:en Customize keyboard shortcuts in InoReader. // @description:ja InoReaderのキーボードショートカットをカスタマイズします。 // @id InoReaderKeyCustomize // @namespace // @homepage // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @exclude ** // @exclude ** // @grant GM_openInTab // @noframes // @require // @compatible firefox Firefox93以降ではabout:configを開いて"dom.keyboardevent.init_key_event.enabled"を"true"に変更してください。 // @version 1.81 // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; if (!/Ino\s?reader/i.test(document.title)) return; var gTimeout = 2000, key = {}, key2 = {}, st = {}, cha = '', cha2 = '', anime = false, iInit; var $id = function(id) { return document.getElementById(id); }; var init = function() { if (typeof jQuery !== 'function') return; var localeJa = { general: [ '設定', 'キャンセル', '"g"以外の英数字を登録。(例 "b": Bキーで動作 "B": Shift+Bキーで動作)', 'スムーズスクロール', 'スクロール時間 (ミリ秒)', 'スクロールマージン', 'インラインフレームをサンドボックス化', 'フォームの実行を許可', 'スクリプトの実行を許可', '前後の記事を選択する処理を軽量化' ], tabs: [ 'ナビゲーション', 'アイテム', 'ジャンプ', 'アプリケーション', 'ビュー', 'スクロール', 'その他' ], navigation: { k: '前の記事を開く ( k )', j: '次の記事を開く ( j )', p: '前の記事を選択 ( p )', n: '次の記事を選択 ( n )', o: '選択した記事を開閉 ( o )', X: '選択したフォルダを開閉 ( X )', K: '前のタグ/フィード/フォルダを開く ( K )', J: '次のタグ/フィード/フォルダを開く ( J )', P: '前のタグ/フィード/フォルダを選択 ( P )', N: '次のタグ/フィード/フォルダを選択 ( N )', O: '選択したタグ/フィード/フォルダを開く ( O )', D: '選択したタグ/フィード/フォルダを削除 ( D )', R: '選択したタグ/フィード/フォルダをリネーム ( R )' }, items: { v: '記事を新しいタブで開く ( v* )', b: '記事をバックグラウンドの新しいタブで開く ( b* )', m: '記事を既読/未読にする ( m )', A: 'すべての記事を既読にする ( A )', ctrlM: '上側の記事をすべて既読にする ( Ctrl+m )', M: '下側の記事をすべて既読にする ( M )', q: '記事全体をインラインフレームで読み込む ( q )', w: 'モバイル用コンテンツを読み込む ( w )', l: '記事に「いいね!」を付ける/外す ( l )', f: '記事にスターを付ける/外す ( f )', i: '記事をInstapaperへ送信 ( i )', x: '記事をOneNoteへ送信 ( x )', y: '記事をPocketへ送信 ( y )', z: '記事をEvernoteへ送信 ( z )', c: '記事にコメント ( c )', e: '記事をメールで共有 ( e )', s: '記事を拡散する ( s )', t: '記事のタグを編集 ( t )' }, jump: { gd: '「ダッシュボード」を開く ( g-d )', ga: '「全ての記事」を開く ( g-a )', gf: '「お気に入り」を開く ( g-f )', gw: '「保存したウェブページ」を開く ( g-w )', gs: '「統計表示」を開く ( g-s )', gc: '「チャンネル」を開く ( g-c )', gu: 'フィードを指定して表示 ( g-u )', gt: 'タグ/フォルダを指定して表示 ( g-t )', period: 'タグ/フォルダ/フィード/セクションを指定して表示 ( . )' }, application: { a: 'フィードを追加 ( a )', r: '更新 ( r )', slash: '検索ボックスにフォーカス ( / )', plus: '文字サイズを大きく ( + )', minus: '文字サイズを小さく ( - )', _0: '文字サイズをリセット ( 0 )', d: 'ツリーの表示/非表示 ( d )', u: 'ツリーの表示/(記事を最大幅に広げて)非表示 ( u )', altP: '設定ダイアログを開く ( Alt+p )', altC: '更新履歴を開く ( Alt+c )', altI: '講読アイテム/フォルダ/タグの情報を表示 ( Alt+i )', h: 'ヘルプを開く ( h )' }, reading: { _1: 'リストビューへ切替 ( 1 )', _2: '展開ビューへ切替 ( 2 )', _3: 'リストビューへ切替 ( 3 )', _4: 'カードビューへ切替 ( 4 )', _5: 'マガジンビューへ切替 ( 5 )', $sortNewest: '記事を新しい順に表示', $sortOldest: '記事を古い順に表示', shift1: 'すべての記事を表示 ( Shift+1 )', shift2: '未読記事のみ表示 ( Shift+2 )', shift3: 'スター付き記事のみ表示 ( Shift+3 )', $subscriptionsAll: 'すべての購読アイテムを表示', $subscriptionsUpdate: '未読の購読アイテムのみ表示', $subscriptionsDim: '既読の購読アイテムを薄く表示' }, scroll: { PageUp: '上に1ページスクロール ( PageUp* )', PageDown: '下に1ページスクロール ( PageDown* )', Home: '先頭にスクロール ( Home* )', End: '末尾にスクロール ( End* )', Up: '上に1行スクロール ( Up* )', Down: '下に1行スクロール ( Down* )', SPACE: '上にスクロール / 前へ移動 ( SPACE* )', space: '下にスクロール / 次へ移動 ( space* )' }, etc: {} }; var localeEn = { general: [ 'Settings', 'Cancel', 'An alphanumeric character except "g". (for example, "b": b key, "B": Shift-b key)', 'Smooth Scrolling', 'Scroll duration (msec)', 'Scroll margin', 'Sandboxed iframe', 'Allow Scripts', 'Allow Forms', 'Lightweight process for focus previous/next article' ], tabs: [ 'Navigation', 'Items', 'Jump', 'Application', 'Reading', 'Scroll', 'Others' ], navigation: { k: 'Previous article ( k )', j: 'Next article ( j )', p: 'Focus previous article ( p )', n: 'Focus next article ( n )', o: 'Open/Close article ( o )', X: 'Open/Collapse folder ( X )', K: 'Previous item ( K )', J: 'Next item ( J )', P: 'Focus previous item ( P )', N: 'Focus next item ( N )', O: 'Open focused item ( O )', D: 'Delete folder/feed ( D )', R: 'Rename folder/feed ( R )' }, items: { v: 'Open in new tab ( v* )', b: 'Open in background tab ( b* )', m: 'Mark as read/unread ( m )', A: 'Mark all as read ( A )', ctrlM: 'Mark above as read ( Ctrl+m )', M: 'Mark below as read ( M )', q: 'Embed full article ( q )', w: 'Load mobilized content ( w )', l: 'Like ( l )', f: 'Star article ( f )', i: 'Send article to Instapaper ( i )', x: 'Send article to OneNote ( x )', y: 'Send article to Pocket ( y )', z: 'Send article to Evernote ( z )', c: 'Comment ( c )', e: 'Send via email ( e )', s: 'Broadcast ( s )', t: 'Add tags ( t )' }, jump: { gd: 'Dashboard ( g-d )', ga: 'All articles ( g-a )', gf: 'Favorites ( g-f )', gw: 'Saved web pages ( g-w )', gs: 'Statistics ( g-s )', gc: 'Channels ( g-c )', gu: 'Go to feed ( g-u )', gt: 'All to folder/tag ( g-t )', period: 'Show Jumper ( . )' }, application: { a: 'Add subscription ( a )', r: 'Refresh feed ( r )', slash: 'Focus Search ( / )', plus: 'Increase font size ( + )', minus: 'Decrease font size ( - )', _0: 'Reset font size ( 0 )', d: 'Dock/Undock tree ( d )', u: 'Dock/Undock tree (full width) ( u )', altP: 'Preferences ( Alt+p )', altC: 'Changelog ( Alt+c )', altI: 'Info dialog ( Alt+i )', h: 'Open help ( h )' }, reading: { _1: 'List view ( 1 )', _2: 'Expanded view ( 2 )', _3: 'Column view ( 3 )', _4: 'Card view ( 4 )', _5: 'Magazine view ( 5 )', $sortNewest: 'Newest first', $sortOldest: 'Oldest first', shift1: 'All articles ( Shift+1 )', shift2: 'Unread articles ( Shift+2 )', shift3: 'Starred articles ( Shift+3 )', $subscriptionsAll: 'Show all subscriptions', $subscriptionsUpdate: 'Show updated subscriptions', $subscriptionsDim: 'Dim read subscriptions' }, scroll: { PageUp: 'scroll page up ( PageUp* )', PageDown: 'scroll page down ( PageDown* )', Home: 'scroll top ( Home* )', End: 'scroll end ( End* )', Up: 'scroll line up ( Up* )', Down: 'scroll line down ( Down* )', SPACE: 'scroll up / previous article ( SPACE* )', space: 'scroll down / next article ( space* )' }, etc: {} }; 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'%' : '&'; switch (code) { case key2.a: case key2.A: case cha = 'A'; break; case key2.b: cha = 'B'; break; case key2.c: case key2.gc: case key2.altC: cha = 'C'; break; case key2.d: case key2.D: case cha = 'D'; break; case key2.e: cha = 'E'; break; case key2.f: case cha = 'F'; break; case key2.h: cha = 'H'; break; case key2.i: case key2.altI: cha = 'I'; break; case key2.j: case key2.J: cha = 'J'; break; case key2.k: case key2.K: cha = 'K'; break; case key2.l: cha = 'L'; break; case key2.m: case key2.M: case key2.ctrlM: cha = 'M'; break; case key2.n: case key2.N: cha = 'N'; break; case key2.o: case key2.O: cha = 'O'; break; case key2.p: case key2.P: case key2.altP: cha = 'P'; break; case key2.q: cha = 'Q'; break; case key2.r: case key2.R: cha = 'R'; break; case key2.s: case cha = 'S'; break; case key2.t: case cha = 'T'; break; case key2.u: case cha = 'U'; break; case key2.v: cha = 'V'; break; case key2.w: case cha = 'W'; break; case key2.x: case key2.X: cha = 'X'; break; case key2.y: cha = 'Y'; break; case key2.z: cha = 'Z'; break; case key2._0: cha = 48; break; case key2._1: case key2.shift1: cha = 49; break; case key2._2: case key2.shift2: cha = 50; break; case key2._3: case key2.shift3: cha = 51; break; case key2._4: cha = 52; break; case key2._5: cha = 53; break; case cha = 107; break; case key2.minus: cha = 109; break; case key2.period: cha = 190; break; case key2.slash: cha = 191; break; case key2.PageUp: case key2.PageDown: case key2.Home: case key2.End: case key2.Up: case key2.Down: case case key2.SPACE: case key2.$sortNewest: case key2.$sortOldest: case key2.$subscriptionsAll: case key2.$subscriptionsUpdate: case key2.$subscriptionsDim: cha = -1; break; default: cha = ''; } if (/^\d$/.test(kc)) kc = `_${kc}`; else if (e.keyCode === 32) kc = (e.shiftKey) ? 'SPACE' : 'space'; else if (e.keyCode === 107) kc = 'plus'; else if (e.keyCode === 109) kc = 'minus'; else if (e.keyCode === 190) kc = 'period'; else if (e.keyCode === 191) kc = 'slash'; if (e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey) kc = `alt${(/^_/.test(kc)) ? '' : '_'}${kc}`; else if (!e.altKey && e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey) kc = `ctrl${(/^_/.test(kc)) ? '' : '_'}${kc}`; else if (!e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey && e.shiftKey && e.keyCode !== 32) kc = `shift${(/^_/.test(kc)) ? '' : '_'}${kc}`; if (cha || /^!/.test(key[kc])) e.stopPropagation(); }; var keyPress = function(e) { var set = $id('irkc_setting'), cc = String.fromCharCode(e.charCode); if (!set) return; if (/^irkc_key/.test( { =; if (/^[0-9a-fh-zA-Z%&]/.test(cc)) { if (/^[^!]/.test( = null; else if (/^!/.test( = '!'; } if (e.charCode === 32) = (e.shiftKey) ? '%' : '&'; } if (e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey || === 'block' || /input|textarea/i.test( return; var evt, eCe, code = cc.toUpperCase(), rp = $('#reader_pane'), ad = $('#article_dialog'), twc = $('#three_way_contents'), animeOption = { duration: st.scrollduration, complete: function() { anime = false; } }; if (/^\d$/.test(cc)) cc = `_${cc}`; else if (e.charCode === 32) cc = (e.shiftKey) ? 'SPACE' : 'space'; else if (e.charCode === 43) cc = 'plus'; else if (e.charCode === 45) cc = 'minus'; else if (e.charCode === 46) cc = 'period'; else if (e.charCode === 47) cc = 'slash'; if (!cha || cha === '!') return; if (e.shiftKey) code = `@${code}`; if (e.charCode === 32) code = (e.shiftKey) ? '%' : '&'; if (code === 'G') { document.removeEventListener('keypress', keyPress, true); setTimeout(() => { document.addEventListener('keypress', keyPress, true); }, gTimeout); return; } e.stopPropagation(); if (cha && isNaN(cha)) { if (cha === '%' || cha === '&') cha = 32; else cha = cha.charCodeAt(); } cha2 = cha; evt = document.createEvent('KeyboardEvent'); switch (code) { case case key2.SPACE: case key2.PageUp: case key2.PageDown: eCe = document.evaluate(currentEntryXPath(), document, null, 9, null).singleNodeValue; break; } switch (code) { case key2.a: case key2.c: case key2.d: case key2.e: case key2.f: case key2.h: case key2.i: case key2.l: case key2.m: case key2.o: case key2.q: case key2.r: case key2.s: case key2.t: case key2.u: case key2.w: case key2.x: case key2.y: case key2.z: case key2._0: case key2._1: case key2._2: case key2._3: case key2._4: case key2._5: case case key2.minus: case key2.period: case key2.slash: evt.initKeyEvent('keydown', 1, 1, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, cha, 0); break; case key2.A: case key2.D: case key2.J: case key2.K: case key2.M: case key2.N: case key2.O: case key2.P: case key2.R: case key2.X: case key2.shift1: case key2.shift2: case key2.shift3: evt.initKeyEvent('keydown', 1, 1, null, 0, 0, 1, 0, cha, 0); break; case key2.altC: case key2.altI: case key2.altP: evt.initKeyEvent('keydown', 1, 1, null, 0, 1, 0, 0, cha, 0); break; case key2.ctrlM: evt.initKeyEvent('keydown', 1, 1, null, 1, 0, 0, 0, cha, 0); break; case case key2.gc: case case case case case case evt.initKeyEvent('keydown', 1, 1, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'G'.charCodeAt(), 0); break; case key2.b: var el1 = document.evaluate(`${currentEntryXPath()}//a[starts-with(@id, "aurl_")]`, document, null, 9, null).singleNodeValue; if (el1 && el1.href && /^(https?|ftp):\/\/.+$/.test(el1.href)) GM_openInTab(el1.href, true); else { el1 = document.evaluate(`${currentEntryXPath()}//a[starts-with(@id, "article_title_link_")]`, document, null, 9, null).singleNodeValue; if (el1 && el1.href && /^(https?|ftp):\/\/.+$/.test(el1.href)) GM_openInTab(el1.href, true); } cha = ''; return; case key2.j: case key2.n: if (st.replacemovearticle) { var eA1 = document.getElementsByClassName('ar'), eC1 = document.getElementsByClassName('article_current')[0], eR1 = $id('reader_pane'), bC1 = true, aS1, nS1; aS1 = /reader_pane_view_style_(\d)/.exec(eR1.className); if (aS1 && aS1.length === 2) nS1 = aS1[1]; if (!nS1) { evt.initKeyEvent('keydown', 1, 1, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, cha, 0); break; } if (!eC1) { eC1 = eA1[0]; bC1 = false; } if (!eC1) return; var eN = (bC1) ? eC1.nextElementSibling : eC1; if (eN && !eN.classList.contains('ar')) { if (eC1 === eA1[eA1.length - 1] || === 'next_articles') eN = eC1; else { for (var in1 = 0, in2 = eA1.length, in3 = false; in1 < in2; in1++) { if (in3) { eN = eA1[in1]; break; } if (in1 < in2 - 1 && === eA1[in1].id) in3 = true; } } } if (!eN) return; if (code === key2.j) { if ( contentScriptInjection(`toggle_articleview("${'_') + 1)}");`); } else { var nT1 = eN.offsetTop, nB1 = nT1 - eR1.scrollTop; if (nB1 - eR1.offsetHeight + eN.offsetHeight > 0) { if (nS1 !== '1') eN.scrollIntoView(false); else eN.scrollIntoView(); } else if (nB1 < 0) { if (nS1 !== '1') eN.scrollIntoView(); else eN.scrollIntoView(false); } if (bC1) { eC1.classList.remove('article_current'); if (nS1 !== '1') eC1.classList.remove('article_current_collapsed'); } eN.classList.add('article_current'); if (nS1 !== '1') eN.classList.add('article_current_collapsed'); } return; } evt.initKeyEvent('keydown', 1, 1, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, cha, 0); break; case key2.k: case key2.p: if (st.replacemovearticle) { var eA2 = document.getElementsByClassName('ar'), eC2 = document.getElementsByClassName('article_current')[0], eR2 = $id('reader_pane'), bC2 = true, aS2, nS2; aS2 = /reader_pane_view_style_(\d)/.exec(eR2.className); if (aS2 && aS2.length === 2) nS2 = aS2[1]; if (!nS2) { evt.initKeyEvent('keydown', 1, 1, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, cha, 0); break; } if (!eC2) { eC2 = eA2[0]; bC2 = false; } if (!eC2) return; var eP = (bC2) ? eC2.previousElementSibling : eC2; if (eP && !eP.classList.contains('ar')) { if (eC2 === eA2[0]) eP = eC2; else { for (var ip1 = eA2.length - 1, ip2 = false; ip1 > 0; ip1--) { if (ip2) { eP = eA2[ip1]; break; } if (ip1 > 0 && === eA2[ip1].id) ip2 = true; } } } if (!eP) return; if (code === key2.k) { if ( contentScriptInjection(`toggle_articleview("${'_') + 1)}");`); } else { var nT2 = eP.offsetTop, nB2 = nT2 - eR2.scrollTop; if (nB2 - eR2.offsetHeight + eP.offsetHeight > 0) eP.scrollIntoView(false); else if (nB2 < 0) eP.scrollIntoView(); if (bC2) { eC2.classList.remove('article_current'); if (nS2 !== '1') eC2.classList.remove('article_current_collapsed'); } eP.classList.add('article_current'); if (nS2 !== '1') eP.classList.add('article_current_collapsed'); } return; } evt.initKeyEvent('keydown', 1, 1, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, cha, 0); break; case key2.v: var el2 = document.evaluate(`${currentEntryXPath()}//a[starts-with(@id, "aurl_")]`, document, null, 9, null).singleNodeValue; if (el2 && el2.href && /^(https?|ftp):\/\/.+$/.test(el2.href)) GM_openInTab(el2.href); else { el2 = document.evaluate(`${currentEntryXPath()}//a[starts-with(@id, "article_title_link_")]`, document, null, 9, null).singleNodeValue; if (el2 && el2.href && /^(https?|ftp):\/\/.+$/.test(el2.href)) GM_openInTab(el2.href); } cha = ''; return; case if ($id('subscriptions_articles') && $id('subscriptions_articles').innerHTML === '') { cha = ''; return; } if (eCe) { var bottom = ($id('three_way_contents') && $id('three_way_contents').style.display !== 'none' ? 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rp.height() - 100 : st.scrollmarginpage)) }, animeOption); } } cha = ''; return; case key2.Home: if (!anime) { anime = true; if ($id('three_way_contents') && $id('three_way_contents').style.display !== 'none') { twc.animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, animeOption); } else if ($id('article_dialog')) { ad.animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, animeOption); } else { rp.animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, animeOption); } } cha = ''; return; case key2.End: if (!anime) { anime = true; if ($id('three_way_contents') && $id('three_way_contents').style.display !== 'none') { twc.animate({ scrollTop: ($id('three_way_contents').scrollHeight) }, animeOption); } else if ($id('article_dialog')) { ad.animate({ scrollTop: ($id('article_dialog').scrollHeight) }, animeOption); } else { rp.animate({ scrollTop: ($id('reader_pane').scrollHeight) }, animeOption); } } cha = ''; return; case key2.Up: if (!anime) { anime = true; if ($id('three_way_contents') && $id('three_way_contents').style.display !== 'none') { twc.animate({ scrollTop: ($id('three_way_contents').scrollTop - 42) }, animeOption); } else if ($id('article_dialog')) { ad.animate({ scrollTop: ($id('article_dialog').scrollTop - 42) }, animeOption); } else { rp.animate({ scrollTop: ($id('reader_pane').scrollTop - 42) }, animeOption); } } cha = ''; return; case key2.Down: if (!anime) { anime = true; if ($id('three_way_contents') && $id('three_way_contents').style.display !== 'none') { twc.animate({ scrollTop: ($id('three_way_contents').scrollTop + 42) }, animeOption); } else if ($id('article_dialog')) { ad.animate({ scrollTop: ($id('article_dialog').scrollTop + 42) }, animeOption); } else { rp.animate({ scrollTop: ($id('reader_pane').scrollTop + 42) }, animeOption); } } cha = ''; return; case key2.$sortNewest: var eNew1 = $('#sb_rp_view_options_menu > .inno_toolbar_button_menu_item'), eNew2 = $('#sb_rp_section_options_menu > div'), n1; for (var i1 = 0, j1 = eNew2.length; i1 < j1; i1++) { if (/heading$/.test(eNew2[i1].className)) { n1 = i1; break; } } if (eNew1[9] && !eNew1[9].classList.contains('inno_toolbar_button_menu_item_disabled')) eNew1[9].click(); else if (eNew2[n1 + 2]) eNew2[n1 + 2].click(); cha = ''; return; case key2.$sortOldest: var eOld1 = $('#sb_rp_view_options_menu > .inno_toolbar_button_menu_item'), eOld2 = $('#sb_rp_section_options_menu > div'), n2; for (var i2 = 0, j2 = eOld2.length; i2 < j2; i2++) { if (/heading$/.test(eOld2[i2].className)) { n2 = i2; break; } } if (eOld1[10] && !eOld1[10].classList.contains('inno_toolbar_button_menu_item_disabled')) eOld1[10].click(); else if (eOld2[n2 + 3]) eOld2[n2 + 3].click(); cha = ''; return; case key2.$subscriptionsAll: $('#subscriptions_radio_all').click(); cha = ''; return; case key2.$subscriptionsUpdate: $('#subscriptions_radio_updated').click(); cha = ''; return; case key2.$subscriptionsDim: $('#subscriptions_radio_dim').click(); cha = ''; return; default: cha = ''; return; } document.dispatchEvent(evt); switch (code) { case key2.q: var el5 = document.evaluate(currentEntryXPath(), document, null, 9, null).singleNodeValue, itemId = (el5 && ?'_') + 1) : ''; if (itemId && $id(`iframe_embed_${itemId}`)) { var att = []; if (st.iframesandbox) { if (st.iframesandboxform) att.push('allow-forms'); if (st.iframesandboxscript) att.push('allow-scripts'); $id(`iframe_embed_${itemId}`).setAttribute('sandbox', att.join(' ')); } } return; case case key2.gc: case case case case case case evt.initKeyEvent('keydown', 1, 1, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, cha, 0); break; default: cha = ''; return; } document.dispatchEvent(evt); cha = ''; }; var keyUp = function(e) { if (/^irkc_key/.test( { =; if ( === 2) { =^[^!](.)$/, '$1'); if ( === '!!') = '!'; } if (/[^0-9a-fh-zA-Z!%&]/.test( = null; else if ( === '!') = null; var el = document.evaluate('id("irkc_form")/div/span/label/input', document, null, 7, null), key3 = [], duplicate = false, check = function(a, b, c) { var i = 0; if (a.some(d => { if (d === b) i += 1; if (i > 1) return true; })) { = '#FFFF66'; duplicate = true; } else = null; }; for (let n = 0, l = el.snapshotLength, v; n < l; n++) { v = el.snapshotItem(n).value; if (/[0-9a-fh-zA-Z%&!]/.test(v) && v !== '!') key3.push(v); } for (let n = 0, l = el.snapshotLength, s, v; n < l; n++) { s = el.snapshotItem(n); v = s.value; if (/[^0-9a-fh-zA-Z%&!]/.test(v)) { = null; continue; } check(key3, v, s); } if (duplicate) $id('irkc_ok').setAttribute('disabled', ''); else $id('irkc_ok').removeAttribute('disabled'); } else if (cha2) { e.stopPropagation(); cha2 = ''; } }; iInit = window.setInterval(() => { var tree = $id('tree'); if (tree && tree.innerHTML) { window.clearInterval(iInit); window.setTimeout(() => init(), 1000); } }, 500); })();