enter something useful
สคริปต์นี้ไม่ควรถูกติดตั้งโดยตรง มันเป็นคลังสำหรับสคริปต์อื่น ๆ เพื่อบรรจุด้วยคำสั่งเมทา // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/9160/219970/My%20Function%20library.js
/** * Created by Magnus Fohlström on 2016-09-24 at 22:56 * with file name * in project TampermonkeyUserscripts. */ "use strict"; //// ==UserScript== // @name My Function library // @namespace http://use.i.E.your.homepage/ // @version 0.52 // @description enter something useful // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_listValues // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @run-at document-start // @created 2015-04-06 // @released 2014-00-00 // @updated 2014-00-00 // @history @version 0.25 - first version: public@released - 2015-04-12 // @history @version 0.30 - Second version: public@released - 2015-12-10 // @history @version 0.35 - Second version: public@released - 2016-03-04 // @history @version 0.45 - Second version: public@released - 2016-09-24 // @history @version 0.45 - third version: public@released - 2017-01-10 // @history @version 0.51 - third version: public@released - 2017-08-17 // @history @version 0.52 - third version: public@released - 2017-09-23 // @compatible Greasemonkey, Tampermonkey // @license GNU GPL v3 (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html) // @copyright 2014+, Magnus Fohlström // ==/UserScript== /*global $, jQuery*/ /*jshint -W014, -W030, -W082*/ // -W014, laxbreak, Bad line breaking before '+' // -W030, Expected assignment or function call instead saw an expression // -W082, a function declaration inside a block statement /* $("li").not(function() { // returns true for those elements with at least one span as child element return $(this).children('span').length > 0 }).each(function() { /* ... }) */ //noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction,JSUnresolvedVariable,BadExpressionStatementJS,JSPotentiallyInvalidConstructorUsage, JSPrimitiveTypeWrapperUsage //noinspection BadExpressionStatementJS,JSUnresolvedVariable,JSDeprecatedSymbols performance; function setGM(window2) { window2 = window2 || window; console.log('setGM' ); var localStorage = localStorage; window2.GM_getValue = function( key, def ){ return localStorage[key] || def; }; window2.GM_setValue = function( key, value ){ localStorage[key] = value; }; window2.GM_deleteValue = function( key ){ delete localStorage[ key ]; }; window2.GM_listValues = function( ){ return Object.keys( localStorage ); }; window2.GM_lister = function( remove, item ){ var keys = GM_listValues(), i = 0, val; for ( i; i <= keys.length; i++ ) { val = keys[i]; //noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable val !== undefined && ( console.log( 'GM_ListItem: ' + val + ':', GM_getValue( val ) ), ( ( item !== undefined && val.inElem( item ) ) || item === undefined ) && Boolean.parse( remove ) && GM_deleteValue( val ) ); } }; } console.log('isFunction( GM_getValue() )', $.isFunction( window.GM_getValue ) ); !!$.isFunction( window.GM_getValue ) || setGM(); (function(){ var eventMatchers = { 'HTMLEvents': /^(?:load|unload|abort|error|select|change|submit|reset|focus|blur|resize|scroll)$/, 'MouseEvents': /^(?:click|mouse(?:down|up|over|move|enter|out))$/ //'MouseEvents': /^(?:click|dblclick|hover|contextmenu|mouse(?:down|up|over|move|enter|leave|out))$/ }; var defaultOptions = { pointerX: 0, pointerY: 0, button: 0, ctrlKey: false, altKey: false, shiftKey: false, metaKey: false, bubbles: true, cancelable: true }; jQuery.fn.simulate = function(eventName) { var element = this[0]; var options = $.extend(true, defaultOptions, arguments[2] || { }); var oEvent, eventType = null; for (var name in eventMatchers) { if (eventMatchers[name].test(eventName)) { eventType = name; break; } } if (!eventType) throw new SyntaxError('Only HTMLEvents and MouseEvents interfaces are supported'); //noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable if (document.createEvent) { //noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction oEvent = document.createEvent(eventType); if (eventType == 'HTMLEvents') { oEvent.initEvent(eventName, options.bubbles, options.cancelable); } else { //noinspection JSDeprecatedSymbols,noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable oEvent.initMouseEvent(eventName, options.bubbles, options.cancelable, document.defaultView, options.button, options.pointerX, options.pointerY, options.pointerX, options.pointerY, options.ctrlKey, options.altKey, options.shiftKey, options.metaKey, options.button, element); } element.dispatchEvent(oEvent); } else { options.clientX = options.pointerX; options.clientY = options.pointerY; //noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction oEvent = $.extend(document.createEventObject(), options); element.fireEvent('on' + eventName, oEvent); } return element; }; })(); /*window.onerror = function (errorMsg, url, lineNumber, column, errorObj) { console.debug('Error: ' + errorMsg + '\nScript: ' + url + '\nLine: ' + lineNumber + '\nColumn: ' + column + '\nStackTrace: ' + errorObj); };*/ /** * @namespace waitUntilExists_Intervals */ $.fn.waitUntilExists = function (handler, shouldRunHandlerOnce, isChild){ var found = 'found', $this = $(this.selector), $elements = $this.not(function () { return $(this).data(found); }).each(handler).data(found, true); if( !isChild ) { (window.waitUntilExists_Intervals = window.waitUntilExists_Intervals || {})[this.selector] = window.setInterval(function () { $this.waitUntilExists( handler, shouldRunHandlerOnce, true); }, 500); } else if (shouldRunHandlerOnce && $elements.length){ window.clearInterval(window.waitUntilExists_Intervals[this.selector]); } return $this; }; $.extend( $.easing,{ easeOutBounceSmall : function(x, t, b, c, d) { var ts=(t/=d)*t; var tc=ts*t; return b+c*(-16.195*tc*ts + 49.935*ts*ts + -53.785*tc + 21.795*ts + -0.75*t); }, easeOutSmoothBounce : function(x, t, b, c, d) { var ts=(t/=d)*t; var tc=ts*t; return b+c*(-19.4293*tc*ts + 53.3838*ts*ts + -49.8485*tc + 15.8081*ts + 1.08586*t); }, easeInOutCubic : function(x, t, b, c, d) { if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2*t*t*t + b; return c/2*((t-=2)*t*t + 2) + b; } }); $.extend( $.fn, { // Name of our method & one argument (the parent selector) /** * Suppress all rules containing "unused" in this * class * * @SuppressWarnings("unused") */ //noinspection JSUnusedProperty isNode : function ( node ) { var e = this[0] || $('<undefined/>'), node_name = e.nodeName; return node_name !== undefined && e.nodeName.toLowerCase() === node.toLowerCase(); } }); $.extend( $.fn, { // Name of our method & one argument (the parent selector) /** * Suppress all rules containing "unused" in this * class * * @SuppressWarnings("unused") */ //noinspection JSUnusedProperty within: function( pSelector ) { // Returns a subset of items using jQuery.filter return this.filter(function(){ // Return truthy/falsey based on presence in parent return $(this).closest( pSelector ).length; }); /* Example $("li").within(".x").css("background", "red"); This selects all list items on the document, and then filters to only those that have .x as an ancestor. Because this uses jQuery internally, you could pass in a more complicated selector: $("li").within(".x, .y").css("background", "red"); http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2389540/jquery-hasparent http://stackoverflow.com/a/2389549 */ } }); $.fn.extend({ exists : function () { return !!this.length; }, Exists : function ( callback ) { var self = this; var wrapper = (function(){ function notExists(){} //noinspection JSPotentiallyInvalidConstructorUsage notExists.prototype.ExistsNot = function( fallback ){ !self.length && fallback.call(); }; //noinspection JSPotentiallyInvalidConstructorUsage return new notExists; })(); self.length && callback.call(); return wrapper; /* And now i can write code like this - $("#elem").Exists(function(){ alert ("it exists"); }).ExistsNot(function(){ alert ("it doesn't exist"); }); */ }, ifExists : function ( fn ) { this.length && fn( this ); return this.length && this; /* $("#element").ifExists( function( $this ){ $this.addClass('someClass').animate({marginTop:20},function(){alert('ok')}); }); */ }, iff : function ( bool, fn ) { ( bool && this.length || !bool && !this.length) && fn( this ); return ( bool && this.length || !bool && !this.length ) && this; /* $("#element").if( true, function( $this ){); $("#element").if( false, function( $this ){); */ }, ifs : function ( fnTrue, fnFalse ) { fn( this.length ? fnTrue : fnFalse ); /* $("#element").ifs( function( $this ){}, function( $this ){}); */ }, hasId : function ( id ) { return id === this.attr('id'); }, hasClasses : function ( classes, any ) { classes = classes.split( classes.inElem(',') ? ',' : ' ' ); var check = 0, i = 0; for ( i; i < classes.length; i++ ) { this.hasClass( classes[ i ] ) && check++; if ( any !== undefined && check !== 0 ) return true; } return check === classes.length; }, hasClassLongerThan : function ( length, addClass ) { var str = $( this ).addClass('å').attr('class'), classes = str.split( ' ' ), check = 0, i = 0; for ( i; i < classes.length; i++ ) { check = classes[ i ].length >= length ? check++ : check; classes[ i ].length >= length && $( this ).addClass( addClass ); $( this ).removeClass('å'); } return check; }, hasIdLongerThan : function ( length, addClass ) { var str = $( this ).hasAttr('id') ? $( this ).attr('id') : ' ', check = 0; check = str.length >= length ? check++ : check; str.length >= length && $( this ).addClass( addClass ); return check; }, hasAttrLength : function ( attar, length, addClass ) { var str = $( this ).attr( attar ), attribs = str.attr( attar, $( this ).attr( attar ) + ' ' ).split( ' ' ), check = 0, i = 0; for ( i; i < attribs.length; i++ ) { check = attribs[ i ].length >= length ? check++ : check; //attribs[ i ].length >= length check && $( this ).addClass( addClass ); } return check; }, hasSiblings : function ( find ) { return !!$(this).siblings( find ).length; }, hasChildren : function () { return $(this).children().length !== 0; }, hasNoChildren : function ( selection ) { return $( this ).filter( function(){ return $( this ).children( selection ).length === 0; }); }, /* hasParent : function( parentSelection ){ return parentSelection.inElem('#') ? this.parent().hasId( parentSelection.split('#').shift() ) : this.parent().hasClass( parentSelection.split('.').shift() ); }, */ hasAncestor : function ( Ancestor ) { return this.filter(function() { return !!$( this ).closest( Ancestor ).length; }); //$('.element').hasAncestor('.container').myAction(); }, hasParent : function ( selection ) { return !!$( this ).parent( selection ).length; }, hasParents : function ( selection ) { return !!$( this ).parents( selection ).length; }, hasQuery : function ( query ) { return document.querySelector(query).length; }, hasAttr : function ( name, val ) { var thisAttr = $( this ).attr( name ); thisAttr = val !== undefined ? thisAttr === val : thisAttr; return ( typeof thisAttr !== "undefined" && thisAttr !== false && thisAttr !== null ); //return val !== undefined // ? attrName === val // : typeof( attrName ) !== 'undefined'; //$( this )[0].hasAttribute( name ); }, getThisAttr : function ( destinationObj ) { var that = this, allAttributes = ($(that) && $(that).length > 0) ? $(that).prop("attributes") : null; allAttributes && $(destinationObj) && $(destinationObj).length == 1 && $.each(allAttributes, function() { this.name == "class" ? $(destinationObj).addClass(this.value) : destinationObj.attr(this.name, this.value); }); return destinationObj !== undefined && $(destinationObj).length == 1 ? $(destinationObj) : allAttributes; }, getAttrFrom : function ( sourceObj ) { var that = this, allAttributes = ($(sourceObj) && $(sourceObj).length > 0) ? $(sourceObj).prop("attributes") : null; allAttributes && $(that) && $(that).length == 1 && $.each(allAttributes, function() { this.name == "class" ? $(that).addClass(this.value) : that.attr(this.name, this.value); }); return that; }, isTag : function ( tag ) { var e = this[0] || $('<undefined/>'), nodename = e.nodeName; return nodename !== undefined && e.nodeName.toLowerCase() === tag.toLowerCase(); }, isNode : function ( node ) { var e = this[0] || $('<undefined/>'), nodename = e.nodeName; return nodename !== undefined && e.nodeName.toLowerCase() === node.toLowerCase(); }, swapClass : function ( replace, newClass) { this.className.replace(replace, newClass); }, toggleClasses : function ( add, remove, if_none) { var $this = $(this.selector); if_none !== undefined && !$this.hasClass(add) && !$this.hasClass(remove) && $this.addClass(if_none); $this.addClass(add).removeClass(remove); }, searchAttr : function ( search, type, chkLen ) { //bool name value length or 1 2 3 4 var Attributes = this[0].attributes; if ( arguments.length === 0 ) { var obj = {}; $.each( Attributes, function() { this.specified && ( obj[ this.name ] = this.value ); }); return obj; } else if( search != undefined ) { var name = '', val = ''; $.each( Attributes, function() { if( this.specified && type == 'length' ) { if( this.name.length > chkLen ) { name = this.name; c.i('Attributes', Attributes); return false; } } else { if( this.specified && this.name.inElem( search ) ) { name = this.name; val = this.value; return false; } } }); return ( type == 'bool' || type == 1 ) ? name.length : ( type == 'name' || type == 2 ) ? name : ( type == 'value' || type == 3 ) ? val : ( type == 'length' || type == 4 ) && name; } }, findClass : function ( Class ) { return this.find('.' + Class); }, findNextSibling : function ( thisSelector, bool ) { bool = bool || true; return bool ? this.eq(0).nextAll( thisSelector ).eq(0) : this.nextAll( thisSelector ).eq(0) ; }, findPrevSibling : function ( thisSelector, bool ) { bool = bool || true; return bool ? this.eq(0).prevAll( thisSelector ).eq(0) : this.prevAll( thisSelector ).eq(0) ; }, nthChildClass : function(expr) { return this.filter(':nth-child('+ expr +')'); }, href : function ( newURL ) { return arguments.length === 0 ? this.attr('href') : this.attr('href', newURL); }, src : function ( newSRC ) { return arguments.length === 0 ? this.attr('src') : this.attr('src', newSRC); }, refreshElement : function ( speed, parentBoolean ) { var $elem = parentBoolean ? this.parent() : this, data = $elem.html(); $elem.hide( speed / 2 ).empty().html( data ).fadeIn( speed ); }, replaceElementOld : function ( newTagName, addAttr ) { function stringifyAttr( attrs ){ var attrString = '', newAttr = addAttr || ''; $.each( attrs, function( index ){ attrString += ' ' + attrs[ index ].name + '="' + attrs[ index ].value + '"'; }); return newAttr.length ? attrString + ' ' + newAttr : attrString; } $( this ).each(function(){ var attributes = stringifyAttr( this.attributes ), StartTag = '<' + newTagName + attributes +'>', EndTag = '</' + newTagName + '>'; $( this ).replaceWith( StartTag + $( this ).html() + EndTag ); }); }, replaceElement : function ( newNodeName, htmlElement ) { newNodeName = $('<'+ newNodeName +'/>'); htmlElement = htmlElement !== undefined ? htmlElement : $('<span/>',{ 'data-tmp':'TemparyAttribute'}); function newElem_addAttr( attrs, newAttr, newElem ){ $.each( attrs, function( index ){ newElem.attr( attrs[ index ].name, attrs[ index ].value ); }); $.each( newAttr, function( index ){ newElem.attr( newAttr[ index ].name, newAttr[ index ].value ); }); return newElem; } $( this ).each(function(){ $( this ).replaceWith( newElem_addAttr( this.attributes, htmlElement[0].attributes, newNodeName ).html( $( this ).html() ).removeAttr('data-tmp') ); }); return this; }, equals : function ( compareTo ) { if (!compareTo || this.length != compareTo.length) return false; for (var i = 0; i < this.length; ++i) { if (this[i] !== compareTo[i]) return false; } return true; }, cleaner : function () { $( this ).contents().filter(function () { return this.nodeType !== 1 && this.nodeType !== 3 && this.nodeType !== 10; }).remove(); return this; }, defragText : function (){ this.nodeType === 3 && this.normalize(); return this; }, removeText : function () { $( this ).contents().filter(function () { return this.nodeType === 3; }).remove(); return this; }, selectText : function(){ var range, selection, obj = this[0], type = { func:'function', obj:'object' }, // Convenience is = function(type, o){ return typeof o === type; }; if( is(type.obj, obj.ownerDocument) && is(type.obj, obj.ownerDocument.defaultView) && is(type.func, obj.ownerDocument.defaultView.getSelection) ){ selection = obj.ownerDocument.defaultView.getSelection(); if( is(type.func, selection.setBaseAndExtent) ){ // Chrome, Safari - nice and easy selection.setBaseAndExtent(obj, 0, obj, $(obj).contents().size()); } else if( is(type.func, obj.ownerDocument.createRange) ){ range = obj.ownerDocument.createRange(); if( is(type.func, range.selectNodeContents) && is(type.func, selection.removeAllRanges) && is(type.func, selection.addRange)){ // Mozilla range.selectNodeContents(obj); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); } } } else if( is(type.obj, document.body) && is(type.obj, document.body.createTextRange) ){ range = document.body.createTextRange(); if( is(type.obj, range.moveToElementText) && is(type.obj, range.select) ){ // IE most likely range.moveToElementText(obj); range.select(); } } // Chainable return this; }, selectThisText : function(){ var doc = document , element = this[0] , range, selection ; if (doc.body.createTextRange) { range = document.body.createTextRange(); range.moveToElementText(element); range.select(); } else if (window.getSelection) { selection = window.getSelection(); range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(element); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); } return this; }, justText : function ( newText, prepend ) { var $children = null, placement = prepend === undefined ? 'prepend':'append'; if ( newText ) { $children = $( this ) .children() .clone(); $( this ) .children() .remove() .end() .text( newText ) [ placement ]( $children ); return $(this); } else { return $.trim( $( this ) .clone() .children() .remove() .end() .text()); } }, justThisText : function () { var array = []; this.contents().each(function(){ this.nodeType == 3 && array.push( this.textContent || this.innerText || '' ); }); return array; }, toComment : function ( textNode ) { textNode = textNode || false; var $this = $( this ), comment = function( elem ){ return document.createComment( !textNode ? elem.get(0).outerHTML : elem ); }; textNode !== undefined && textNode ? $this.contents().filter(function(){ return this.nodeType === 3; }) .each(function(){ $( this ).replaceWith( comment( this.nodeValue ) ); }) : $this.replaceWith( comment( $this ) ); }, uncomment : function ( recurse ) { <!-- hidden --> // this will reveal, whats inside. In this case it will bi the word hidden recurse = recurse || false; $( this ).contents().each(function(){ this.nodeType === 8 && $( this ).replaceWith( this.nodeValue ); }); recurse && $( this ).hasChildren() && $( this ).find('> *').not('iframe').uncomment( recurse ); /* $( this ).contents().each(function() { if ( recurse && this.hasChildNodes() ) { $( this ).uncomment(recurse); } else { if ( this.nodeType == 8 ) { // Need to "evaluate" the HTML content, // otherwise simple text won't replace var e = $('<span>' + this.nodeValue + '</span>'); $( this ).replaceWith( e.contents() ); } } }); */ // $('#uncomment').uncomment( true ); // http://stackoverflow.com/a/22439787 }, getComment : function ( getValue ) { var COMMENT_NODE = this.contents().filter(function(){ return this.nodeType == Node.COMMENT_NODE; }); return getValue ? COMMENT_NODE.each(function(){ return $( this ).nodeValue.str2html(); }) : COMMENT_NODE; }, getURL : function ( url, how ) { //$.get('defaultComp/foot.html', function(dataContent) {$('#foot').replaceWith(dataContent); }); how = how || 'html'; var that = this; $.get( url, function(dataContent) { $(that)[ how ](dataContent); }); return this; }, scrollTuneAdv : function ( opt ){ // $("body").scrollTune({ pps: 1700, pageY: config.pageY, easing:'easeOutSmoothBounce', hsc: true }).promise() // .done( function() { setTimeout(function(){ toggleClassState( config, 'fullPlayer', type ); },100); }) console.log('scrollTune'); var position, defaults = { tune: 0, speed: 0, pps: false, // pixel per second ppsM: 1000, pageYmini: 0, pageY: false, //{ pps: 300, pageY: event.pageY } hsc: false, // height speed compensation animate: false, // require http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/jquery.easing.1.3.js or jQueryUI - if other than ' swing or linear ' easing: "easeInOutCubic", // easeInOutCubic easeInOutQuad easeInOutElastic http://easings.net/ delay: 0, varStore: '', varAltStore:false, name: false, start: false, startTime: 0, step: false, stepTime: 0, complete: false, completeTime: 0, done: false, doneTime: 0, goTo: $('body') }, heightSpeedComp = function(){ return opt.hsc ? 1 + ( ( $(document).height() / opt.pageY ) / 1.4 ) : 1 ; }, varStore = function( action, step ){ (console.log(action,step), opt.name !== false ? opt.varAltStore !== false ? ( console.log('Store'), opt.varAltStore[opt.name][ action ](step) ) : ( console.log('Store false'), opt.name[ action ](step) ) : opt.pageYmini < opt.pageY || opt.varStore === config ? ( console.log('config'), opt.varStore[ action ](step) ) : ( console.log('config false'), opt.varStore(step) )); }; console.log('opt.pageY',opt.pageY); opt = $.extend( {}, defaults, opt ); position = ( $( this ).offset().top + opt.tune ) + 'px'; opt.pps !== false || opt.animate !== false || ( typeof opt.speed === 'string' ? opt.speed.length !== 0 : opt.speed !== 0 ) ? ( opt.speed = opt.pps !== false ? parseInt( ( opt.pageY / opt.pps * heightSpeedComp() ) * opt.ppsM ) : opt.speed, opt.goTo.delay( opt.delay ).animate( { scrollTop : position }, { duration : opt.speed, easing: opt.easing, start : function(){ opt.start && setTimeout(function(){ varStore('start'); }, opt.startTime ); }, step : function(i){ opt.step && setTimeout(function(){ varStore('step',i); }, opt.stepTime ); }, complete : function(){ opt.complete && setTimeout(function(){ varStore('complete'); }, opt.completeTime ); }, done : function(){ opt.done && setTimeout(function(){ varStore('done'); }, opt.doneTime ); } } ) ) : opt.goTo.scrollTop( position ); return this; // for chaining... }, scrollTuneNew : function ( opt ){ var defaultOptions = { tune: 0, speed: 512, animate: true, easing: 'swing', goTo: $('html, body') }, element = $( this ), options = $.extend({}, defaultOptions, $.fn.scrollTuneNew.changeDefaults, opt ), position = ( element.offset().top + options.tune ) + 'px'; options.animate ? options.goTo.animate({ scrollTop: position }, options.speed, options.easing ) : options.goTo.scrollTop( position ); return element; // for chaining... }, simulateMouseEvent : function ( MouseEvents ){ var $this = this[0], evt, mEvent = MouseEvents || 'click'; //noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable, noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction document.createEvent //noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction ? ( evt = document.MouseEvents('MouseEvents'), //evt.initCustomEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, detail) //evt.initCustomEvent("MyEventType", true, true, "Any Object Here"); evt.initEvent(mEvent, true, false), $this.dispatchEvent(evt) ) : //noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction document.createEventObject ? $this.fireEvent('onclick') : typeof node['on' + mEvent] == 'function' && $this['on' + mEvent](); }, simulateMouse : function ( typeOfEvent ){ var $this = this[0], evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"), mEvent = typeOfEvent || 'click'; //noinspection JSDeprecatedSymbols evt.initMouseEvent( mEvent, true, true, $this.ownerDocument.defaultView, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); $this !== undefined && $this.dispatchEvent(evt); return this; }, simulateMouseAdv : function ( typeOfEvent, options ){ var target = this[0], event = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"), defaults = { mButton : 'left', type : typeOfEvent || 'click', canBubble : true, cancelable : true, view : target.ownerDocument.defaultView, //window, // detail : 1, screenX : 0, //The coordinates within the entire page screenY : 0, clientX : 0, //The coordinates within the viewport clientY : 0, ctrlKey : false, altKey : false, shiftKey : false, metaKey : false, //I *think* 'meta' is 'Cmd/Apple' on Mac, and 'Windows key' on Win. Not sure, though! button : 0, //0 = left, 1 = middle, 2 = right relatedTarget : null }, opts = $.extend({}, defaults, $.fn.simulateMouseAdv.changeDefaults, options ), oButton = { left:0, middle:1, right:2 }; console.log('oButton', opts.mButton ); opts.button = oButton[ opts.mButton ]; //Pass in the options //noinspection JSDeprecatedSymbols event.initMouseEvent( opts.type, opts.canBubble, opts.cancelable, opts.view, opts.detail, opts.screenX, opts.screenY, opts.clientX, opts.clientY, opts.ctrlKey, opts.altKey, opts.shiftKey, opts.metaKey, opts.button, opts.relatedTarget ); //Fire the event target.dispatchEvent(event); }, hasEvent : function ( event ) { var eventHandlerType; $( this ).on( event, clickEventHandler ).triggerHandler( event ); function clickEventHandler( e ) { eventHandlerType = e.type; } return eventHandlerType === event; }, qUnWrap : function (){ $( this ).find(':first-child').unwrap(); }, designMode : function ( state, contenteditable ) { state = ( state === true || state === 1 || state === 'on' ) ? 'on' : ( state === false || state === 0 || state === 'off' ) && 'off'; contenteditable = contenteditable || 'off'; contenteditable !== 'off' ? contenteditable === 'document' ? document.designMode = state : contenteditable ? this.attr('contenteditable', true) : this.removeAttr('contenteditable') : this.contentWindow.document.designMode = state; }, getThisComputedStyle : function ( style ) { return window.getComputedStyle( $(this), null ).getPropertyValue( style ); }, thisCompStyle : function ( cssStyle ) { return cssStyle !== undefined ? this.getComputedStyle().getPropertyValue( cssStyle ) : this.getComputedStyle(); }, getStyle : function( propertyKey ) { var cssPropAll = window.getComputedStyle(this, null); return propertyKey === undefined ? cssPropAll : cssPropAll.getPropertyValue( propertyKey ); } }); //$.fn.scrollTune.changeDefault = {}; $.extend({ confirm: function (title, message, yesText, noText, yesCallback) { //dialog needs jQueryUI /* $.confirm( "CONFIRM", //title "Delete " + filename + "?", //message "Delete", //button text deleteOk //"yes" callback ); */ $("<div></div>").dialog( { buttons: [{ text: yesText, click: function() { yesCallback(); $( this ).remove(); } }, { text: noText, click: function() { $( this ).remove(); } } ], close: function (event, ui) { $(this).remove(); }, resizable: false, title: title, modal: true }).text(message).parent().addClass("alert"); } }); $.extend( $.expr[":"], { }); $.extend( $.expr[":"], { ldata: function(el, idx, selector) { var attr = selector[3].split(", "); return el.dataset[attr[0]] === attr[1]; }, value: function(el, idx, selector) { return el.value === selector[selector.length - 1]; }, isEmptyTrimmed: function(el){ return !$.trim($(el).html()); }, lengthBetween: function(elem, i, match) { var params = match[3].split(","); //split our parameter string by commas var elemLen = $(elem).val().length; //cache current element length return ((elemLen >= params[0] - 0) && (elemLen <= params[1] - 0)); //perform our check }, data: $.expr.createPseudo ? $.expr.createPseudo(function( dataName ) { return function( elem ) { return !!$.data( elem, dataName ); }; }) // support: jQuery <1.8 : function( elem, i, match ) { return !!$.data( elem, match[ 3 ] ); } }); $.extend( $.expr[":"], { 'nth-class': function(elem, index, match) { return $(elem).is(':nth-child('+ match[3] +')'); }, 'nth-last-class': function(elem, index, match) { return $(elem).is(':nth-last-child('+ match[3] +')'); }, 'nth-class-of-type': function(elem, index, match) { return $(elem).is(':nth-of-type('+ match[3] +')'); }, 'nth-last-class-of-type': function(elem, index, match) { return $(elem).is(':nth-last-of-type('+ match[3] +')'); }, 'only-class-of-type': function(elem, index, match) { return $(elem).is(':first-of-type'); }, 'first-class-of-type': function(elem, index, match) { return $(elem).is(':first-of-type'); }, 'last-class-of-type': function(elem, index, match) { return $(elem).is(':last-of-type'); }, 'first-class': function(elem, index, match) { return $(elem).is(':first-child'); }, 'last-class': function(elem, index, match) { return $(elem).is(':last-child'); }, 'has': function(elem, index, match) { return $(elem).has( match[3] ); }, 'nth-class-leftOver' : function(elem, index, match, array){ var elemLen = $(elem).length, div = index % match[3], indexLT = ( ( $(elem).length % match[3] === 0 ) * match[3] ) + 1; var N= document.getElementsByTagName('*'); c.i('indexOf',Array.prototype.indexOf.call(elem, $(elem).parent())); c.i('elem.eq', $(elem).eq( )); c.i('elem', $(elem)); c.i('elemLen', elemLen); c.i('index', index); c.i('div', div); c.i('indexLT', indexLT); return $(elem).is(':lt(' + indexLT + ')'); //return $(elem).lt( ( ( $(elem).length % match[3] === 0 ) * match[3] ) + 1 ); }, external: function(element,index,match) { if(!element.href) {return false;} return element.hostname && match[3] !== undefined || false ? element.hostname !== window.location.hostname && element.hostname.search( match[3] ) === window.location.hostname.search( match[3] ) : element.hostname !== window.location.hostname; }, inView: function(element) { var st = (document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop), ot = $(element).offset().top, wh = (window.innerHeight && window.innerHeight < $(window).height()) ? window.innerHeight : $(window).height(); return ot > st && ($(element).height() + ot) < (st + wh); }, width: function(element,index,match) { // Usage: $('div:width(>200)'); // Select all DIVs that have a width greater than 200px // Alternative usage: ('div:width(>200):width(<300)'); if(!match[3]||!(/^(<|>)d+$/).test(match[3])) {return false;} return match[3].substr(0,1) === '>' ? $(element).width() > match[3].substr(1) : $(element).width() < match[3].substr(1); }, containsNC: function(elem, i, match, array) { return (elem.textContent || elem.innerText || "").toLowerCase().indexOf((match[3] || "").toLowerCase()) >= 0; }, containsExact: function( element, index, details, collection ){ return $(element).text() === details[3]; } }); jQuery.expr[":"].Contains = $.expr.createPseudo(function(selector) { return function( elem ) { return jQuery(elem).text().toUpperCase().indexOf(selector.toUpperCase()) >= 0; }; }); jQuery.expr[':']['new-nth-class'] = function(elem, index, match) { return $(elem).is(':nth-child('+ match[3] +')'); }; jQuery.expr[':']['new-nth-class'] = $.expr.createPseudo( function( matchSelection ) { return function( elem ) { return $(elem).is(':nth-child('+ matchSelection +')'); }; }); $.isInArray = function( item, array ) { return !!~$.inArray(item, array); }; $.allVar = function( array, value, all, atLeast ) { var count = 0, arrLength = array.length, isBool = typeof value === 'boolean'; $.each( array, function( i, e ){ value === ( isBool ? !!e : e ) && count++; }); return all ? count === arrLength : count >= atLeast; }; /* Object.defineProperty(HTMLMediaElement.prototype, 'playing', { //$( selector ).get(0).playing; get: function(){ return !!( this.currentTime > 0 && !this.paused && !this.ended && this.readyState > 2 ); } }); */ /* Object.prototype.hasAttribute = function( attrName, val ){ var thisAttr = this.attr ? val !== undefined ? this.attr( attrName ) === val : this.attr( attrName ) : this.getAttribute( attrName ); return ( typeof thisAttr !== "undefined" && thisAttr !== false && thisAttr !== null ); }; */ Array.prototype.findArrayObj = function( findKey, exactValue ){ return $.grep( this, function( obj ){ return obj[ findKey ] === exactValue; })[0]; //This prototype doesn't modify the array, // it gets the element that contains key with correct value and // the returns that element }; Array.prototype.removeArrayObj = function( findKey, exactValue ){ //my own example test: http://jsfiddle.net/aPH7m/82/ //This prototype doesn't modify the array, needs to be overwritten or put into new var array return $.grep( this, function( obj ) { return obj[ findKey ] !== exactValue; }); }; Array.prototype.addKeyToArrayObj = function( findKey, exactValue, newKey, newValue ){ return $.grep( this, function( obj ){ return obj[ findKey ] === exactValue ? obj[ newKey ] = newValue : obj[ findKey ] !== exactValue; }); // This prototype doesn't modify the array, // it gets the element that contains key with correct value and // adds a new key with its value to that element }; Array.prototype.filterArrayObj = function( doWhat, findKey, exactValue, newKey, newValue ){ return doWhat === 'remove' ? this.filter(function( obj ) { return obj[ findKey ] !== exactValue; }) : doWhat === 'addKey' ? this.filter(function( obj ){ return obj[ findKey ] === exactValue ? obj[ newKey ] = newValue : obj[ findKey ] !== exactValue; }) : doWhat === 'find' && this.filter(function( obj ){ return obj[ findKey ] === exactValue; })[0]; }; Array.prototype.grepArrayObj = function( doWhat, idKey, uniqueValue, theKey, theValue ){ doWhat = doWhat === 'updateKey' ? 'addKey' : doWhat; return doWhat === 'remove' ? $.grep( this, function( obj ){ return obj[ idKey ] !== uniqueValue; }) : doWhat === 'addKey' ? $.grep( this, function( obj ){ return obj[ idKey ] === uniqueValue ? ( obj[ theKey ] = theValue, obj[ idKey ] === uniqueValue ) : obj[ idKey ] !== uniqueValue; }) : doWhat === 'find' ? $.grep( this, function( obj ){ return obj[ idKey ] === uniqueValue; })[0] : doWhat === 'deleteKey' && $.grep( this, function( obj ){ return obj[ idKey ] === uniqueValue ? ( delete obj[ theKey ], obj[ idKey ] === uniqueValue ) : obj[ idKey ] !== uniqueValue; }); }; /*Array.prototype.sortObjArray = function( key, reverse ){ this.sort(function(a, b){ return ( reverse || false ) ? b[key] - a[key] : a[key] - b[key]; }) };*/ //noinspection JSPrimitiveTypeWrapperUsage Boolean.parse = function(val) { // http://stackoverflow.com/a/24744599 var falsely = /^(?:f(?:alse)?|no?|0+)$/i; return !falsely.test(val) && !!val; }; Boolean.prototype.isFalse = function( ){ return this.toString() == "false"; }; Boolean.prototype.isTrue = function( ){ return this.toString() == "true"; }; Boolean.prototype.ifs = function ( fnTrue, fnFalse ){ fn( this ? fnTrue : fnFalse ); /* $("#element").ifs( function( $this ){}, function( $this ){}); */ }; Boolean.prototype.ifBool = function ( Boolean, fn ){ ( this == ( typeof Boolean === 'string' ) ? parseBoolean( Boolean ) : Boolean ) && fn(); }; /* Object.prototype.isObjectType = function( type, showType ){ //"[object Number]" var objectString = Object.prototype.toString.call( this ); return showType === 'show' ? objectString : showType === 'exact' ? objectString === type : showType === 'search' && objectString.toLowerCase().inElem( type.toLowerCase() ); }; Object.defineProperty(String.prototype, "_defineBool", { //myBool.toString()._defineBool() get : function() { var falsely = /^(?:f(?:alse)?|no?|off?|n?|failure?|sudumoo?|0+)$/i, truely = /^(?:t(?:rue)?|yes?|on?|y?|success?|yabbdoo?|1+)$/i, stateBool = !!this; return ( truely.test( this ) === stateBool ) ? true : ( falsely.test( this ) === stateBool ) ? false : !isNaN(parseFloat( this )) && isFinite( this ) ? true : null; } }); Object.prototype.obj2Str = function( obj ){ var objArr = $.makeArray( obj ); return objArr[0].outerHTML; }; */ String.prototype.splitEvery = function( splitter, every ){ var array = this.split( splitter ), returnString = ''; $.each( array, function( index, elem ){ returnString += elem + ( index < array.length - 1 || index % every === 0 ) ? '' : splitter; }); return returnString; }; String.prototype.advSplit = function( chr, nbr ){ var str = this.split(chr), strLen = str.length, chrLen = chr.length, returnStr = ['',''], newArr = []; $.each( str, function( index ){ returnStr[ index < nbr ? 0 : 1 ] += str[ index ] + chr; }); $.each( returnStr, function( index ){ returnStr[ index ] = returnStr[ index ].slice(0, - chrLen); returnStr[ index ].length > 0 && newArr.push( returnStr[ index] ); }); return newArr; }; String.prototype.advSplitJoin = function( chr, nbr, ips ){ var str = this.split(chr), strLen = str.length, ipsLen = ips.length, returnStr = '', returnStrLen; $.each( str, function( index ) { var add = index < strLen - 1 ? chr : ''; returnStr += index + 1 === nbr ? str[index] + ips : str[index] + add; }); returnStrLen = returnStr.length; returnStr.slice( returnStrLen - ipsLen ) === ips && ( returnStr = returnStr.slice( 0, returnStrLen - ipsLen ) ); return returnStr; }; String.prototype.extract = function( start, end, inside, newWay ){ var str = this, myArray = [ true, 1, 'yes', 'inside' ], startCharIndex = str.indexOf( start ), endCharIndex = str.indexOf( end ); newWay = newWay !== undefined ? $.inArray( newWay, myArray ) !== -1 : false; inside = inside !== undefined ? $.inArray( inside, myArray ) !== -1 : false; function simpler() { return inside ? str.split( start ).pop().split( end ).shift() : start + str.split( start ).pop().split( end ).shift() + end; } function older() { return inside //old buggy way, some old scripts may depends on it ? str.replace( start, '').replace( end, '') : str.substr( startCharIndex, endCharIndex ); } return newWay ? simpler() : older(); }; String.prototype.extractNew = function( start, end, inside ){ var str = this; return inside !== undefined && inside ? str.split( start ).pop().split( end ).shift() : inside || start + str.split( start ).pop().split( end ).shift() + end; }; String.prototype.charTrim = function( char ){ // alert("...their.here.".charTrim('.')); var first_pos = 0, last_pos = this.length- 1, i ; //find first non needle char position for( i = 0; i < this.length; i++ ){ if( this.charAt( i ) !== char ){ first_pos = ( i == 0 ? 0 : i ); break; } } //find last non needle char position for( i = this.length - 1; i > 0; i-- ){ if( this.charAt( i ) !== char ){ last_pos = ( i == this.length ? this.length: i + 1 ); break; } } return this.substring( first_pos, last_pos ); }; String.prototype.reduceWhiteSpace = function(){ return this.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); }; String.prototype.formatString = function(){ var inputStr = this.toString().reduceWhiteSpace() .split('!').join(' !').split('!;').join("!important;") .split(/\s+/g).join(' ') .split('{').join('{\n\t') .split('; ').join(';') .split('( ').join('(') .split(' )').join(')') .split(' :').join(':') .split(';').join(';\n\t') .split('*/').join('*/\n') .split(')*(').join(') * (') .split('}').join('}\n'), returnStr = '\t', pop; $.each( inputStr.split('\n'), function ( i, elem ) { elem.search( '{' ) === -1 && elem.search( ': ' ) === -1 && ( elem.search( ':' ) > 1 ? ( pop = elem.split(': ').join(':').split( ':' ).pop(), elem = elem.split( pop ).shift() + ' ' + pop ) : elem.search(':') === 1 && ( elem = elem.split(': ').join(':').split( ':' ).join( ': ' ) ) ); // : elem.search( '{' ) === 1 && ( elem.search( ': ' ) !== -1 || elem.search( ' :' ) !== -1 || elem.search( ' : ' ) !== -1 ) // && ( elem = elem.split( ': ' ).join( ' :' ).split( ' :' ).join( ':' ).split( ' : ' ).join( ': ' ) ); returnStr += elem + '\n\t'; }); returnStr = returnStr.split('>').join(' > ').split(' > ').join(' > ').split( ': //' ).join( '://' ).split( ':url' ).join( ': url' ); return returnStr.slice( 0, returnStr.lastIndexOf('}') ) + '}'; }; /** * Parses mixed type values into booleans. This is the same function as filter_var in PHP using boolean validation * //@return {Boolean|Null} */ String.prototype.parseBooleanStyle = function( onNull ){ //myBool.toString().parseBooleanStyle() onNull = onNull || false; var bool, $this = this.toString().toLowerCase(); switch( $this ){ case 'true': case '1': case 'on': case 'y': case 'yes': bool = true; break; case 'false': case '0': case 'off': case 'n': case 'no': bool = false; break; default: bool = typeof bool === 'boolean' ? bool : null; break; } return onNull && bool == null || parseInt( $this ) > 0 || bool; }; String.prototype.parseBool = function(){ //myBool.toString().parseBool() var thisStr = ( parseInt( this ) ? this === 0 ? 'false' : !isNaN( parseFloat( this ) ) && 'true' : '' + this ).toLowerCase().trim(), trueArray = [ 'on', 'yes','y', 'j', 'success', 'true', true ], falseArray = [ 'off', 'no', 'n', 'failure', 'false', false ]; thisStr = thisStr.toLowerCase().trim(); return $.inArray( thisStr, trueArray ) !== -1 ? true : $.inArray( thisStr, falseArray ) !== -1 ? false : null; }; String.prototype.defineBool = function(){ var falsely = /^(?:f(?:alse)?|no?|off?|n?|failure?|sudumoo?|0+)$/i, truely = /^(?:t(?:rue)?|yes?|on?|y?|success?|yabbdoo?|1+)$/i, stateBool = !!this, $string = this; return ( truely.test( this ) === stateBool ) ? true : ( falsely.test( this ) === stateBool ) ? false : $string != 0 && !isNaN(parseFloat($string)) && ( (typeof $string === 'number' || typeof $string === 'string') && isFinite($string) ) ? true : null; }; String.prototype.isType = function( type ){ return !!$.type( this ) === type; }; String.prototype.undef = function( replace ){ return this === undefined ? replace : this; }; String.prototype.isUndefined = function( state, replace ){ state = state !== undefined ? state : true; replace = replace !== undefined ? replace : true; return state ? this === undefined ? replace : this : state; }; String.prototype.isNumber = function ( float ) { var reg = new RegExp( "^[-]?[0-9]+[\.]?[0-9]+$" ); return reg.test( this ); }; String.prototype.inURL = function(){ var winLoc = window.location.href; return winLoc.search(this) !== -1; }; String.prototype.inString = function( string ){ return string !== undefined ? string.search(this) !== -1 : false; }; String.prototype.inElem = function( search ){ return this !== undefined ? this.search(search) !== -1 : false; }; String.prototype.inElemX = function( search, exact ){ var isAll,isNone,inArr,checkInArr, string = this, countAll = 0, countNone = 0; exact = exact || false; isAll = exact === 'all'; isNone = exact === 'none'; exact = isNone || isAll ? false : exact; checkInArr = function( search, all ){ inArr = false; $.each( search, function( i, e ){ if(string.search( e ) !== -1 || string.search( e ) === -1){ inArr = true; if( all ) string.search( e ) !== -1 ? countAll++ : string.search( e ) === -1 && countNone++; else return false; } }); return all ? inArr && ( string.length === countAll || string.length === countNone ) : inArr; }; return exact ? string === search : $.isArray( search ) ? checkInArr( search, isAll || isNone ) : isNone ? string.search( search ) === -1 : string.search( search ) !== -1; }; String.prototype.count = function( char, UpperCase ){ var numberOf = this.toString().match( new RegExp( char, ( UpperCase ? "gi" : "g" ) ) ); return numberOf != null ? numberOf.length : 0; }; String.prototype.startsWith = function( str ){ return this.slice(0, str.length) == str; }; String.prototype.removeStarts = function( many ){ return this.substring( many - 1, this.length ); }; String.prototype.removeEnds = function( many ){ return this.substring( 0, this.length - many ); }; String.prototype.endsWith = function( str ){ return this.slice( -str.length ) == str; }; String.prototype.capitalizeFirst = function(){ return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.slice(1); }; String.prototype.lpad = function( padString, length ){ var str = this; while ( str.length < length ) { str = padString + str; } return str; }; // use full to convert String URL, so that you can use location commands String.prototype.toLocation = function(){ var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = this; return a; }; String.prototype.toStyle = function( styleId, append ){ append = append || 'head'; var cssID, cssSplit = this.split('¤'), cssStyled = cssSplit.pop().formatString(); styleId = styleId !== undefined ? styleId : cssSplit.shift(); cssID = $( append + ' #' + styleId ); cssID.length ? cssID.html( cssStyled ) : $( $( '<style/>',{ id: styleId, class:'mySuperStyles', html: cssStyled } ) ).appendTo( append ); }; String.prototype.HTMLEncodedParserHTML = function(){ return $('<div/>').html( $( $.parseHTML( decodeURI(this) ) ) ).contents(); }; String.prototype.strParserHTML = function(){ return $($.parseHTML(this)); }; String.prototype.strDOMParser = function(){ return new DOMParser().parseFromString(this, "text/html"); }; String.prototype.str2html = function(){ return $('<div/>').html( this ).contents(); }; String.prototype.autoCopyToClipboard = function( cssElement, how ) { cssElement = cssElement || 'body'; how = how || 'append'; var mainID = 'autoCopyToClipboard', copyThis = $( '#' + mainID ); $( cssElement )[ how ]( $('<div/>',{ id: mainID + 'Wrapper', style: 'position:relative;' }).append( $('<textarea/>',{ id: mainID, rows:"5", cols:"500", type:"text", value: this.toString(), style: 'position:absolute; top:-300px; display:block;' }) ) ); setTimeout(function (){ copyThis.focus().select(); document.execCommand("copy"); var remove = setInterval(function(){ $( '#' + mainID + 'Wrapper' ).ifExists(function( $this ){ $this.remove(); clearInterval( remove ); }); },8); },2); }; //HTMLObjectElement.prototype.obj2Str = function(){var objArr = $.makeArray( this ); return objArr[0].outerHTML;}; /* String.prototype.replaceAll = function( target, replacement ) { return this.split(target).join(replacement); }; */ function ScrollZoomTune( selection, zooms, tune, ani, speed ){ //ScrollZoomTune("div.thumb .title a",1,-25,1,'slow'); var body = $('body'), sel = $( selection), position; //noinspection JSValidateTypes sel.size() !== 0 && ( body.css('zoom',zooms), position = sel.position().top + tune, ani === 1 ? body.animate({ scrollTop: position * zooms }, speed ) : body.scrollTop( position * zooms ) ); } function refreshElement( elem , speed ){ //refreshElement('.videoPlayer','slow'); var $elem = $( elem ), data = $elem.html(); $elem.empty().html( data ).fadeIn( speed ); } !!$.isFunction( $.fn.execCommand ) || ($.fn.execCommand = function(){}); function autoCopy2Clipboard( input, cssElement, how ){ cssElement = cssElement || 'body'; how = how || 'append'; var mainID = 'autoCopyToClipboard', copyThis = $( '#' + autoCopyToClipboard ); '#autoCopyToClipboard { position:absolute; top:-300px; display:block; }'.toStyle( mainID ); $( cssElement )[ how ]( $('<textarea/>',{ id:mainID, rows:"5", cols:"500", type:"text", value: input }) ); copyThis.focus().select(); document.execCommand("copy"); copyThis.remove(); } function toStyle( styleId, str, append ){ append = append || 'head'; var $id = $( append + ' #' + styleId ), cssID = str.formatString(); $id.length ? $id.html( cssID ) : $( $( '<style/>',{ id: styleId, class:'mySuperStyles', html: cssID } ) ).appendTo( append ); } function getTheStyle( id ){ var elem = document.getElementById("elem-container"); var theCSSprop; theCSSprop = window.getComputedStyle(elem, null).getPropertyValue("height"); document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = theCSSprop; } function obj2Str( obj ){ var objArr = $.makeArray(obj); return objArr[0].outerHTML; } function orderBy(key, reverse){ return function (a, b) { return ( reverse || false ) ? b[ key ] - a[ key ] : a[ key ] - b[ key ]; }; } function sortBy(key, reverse){ var R = reverse || false; return function (a, b) { var A = a[ key ], B = b[ key ]; return A < B ? R ? 1 : -1 : A > B ? R ? -1 : 1 : 0; }; } function sortByOLD(key, reverse){ // Usage: array.sort( sortBy( key, reverse ) ) // Move smaller items towards the front // or back of the array depending on if // we want to sort the array in reverse // order or not. var moveSmaller = reverse ? 1 : -1; // Move larger items towards the front // or back of the array depending on if // we want to sort the array in reverse // order or not. var moveLarger = reverse ? -1 : 1; /** * @param {*} a * @param {*} b * @return {Number} */ return function (a, b) { if (a[key] < b[key]) { return moveSmaller; } if (a[key] > b[key]) { return moveLarger; } return 0; }; } /** @function sec2timeFormat @description convert second to time format in 4+ different ways into @example DD:HH:MM:SS.ms @param {(string|Number)} totalSeconds - @desc it will convert to millisecond inside of @function @param {Boolean} [complete] - @example true 02:45:05 or 02h 45m 05s false 2:45:05 or 2h 45m 05s @param {(string|Boolean)} [divider] - @example common ':' or '-' or '/' @param {Number} [toFix] - @desc millisecond after second - @default 2 - @example 45:05.44 or 5.44s @return {string} @copyright May 2017 - Magnus Fohlström @license MIT */ function sec2timeFormat( totalSeconds, complete, divider, toFix ){ totalSeconds = typeof totalSeconds === 'string' ? parseInt(totalSeconds) : totalSeconds; toFix = toFix !== undefined ? ( toFix === 0 ? 0 : toFix ) : 2; var bFull = complete !== undefined ? complete && true : false, div = divider !== undefined ? divider !== false : false, date = new Date( totalSeconds * 1000 ), d = Math.floor( totalSeconds / 3600 / 24 ), // d = date.getUTCDate() - 1, h = date.getUTCHours(), m = date.getUTCMinutes(), s = date.getSeconds(), ms = totalSeconds - Math.floor( totalSeconds ), preD = div ? divider : 'd ', dPreD = d + preD, dd = bFull ? d === 0 ? '00' + preD : (d < 10 ? '0':'') + dPreD : d === 0 ? '' : dPreD, preH = div ? divider : 'h ', hPreH = h + preH, hh = dd.length > 0 ? h === 0 ? '00' + preH : (h < 10 ? '0':'') + hPreH : h === 0 ? bFull ? h < 10 ? '0' + hPreH : hPreH : '' : hPreH, preM = div ? divider : 'm ', mPreM = m + preM, mm = hh.length > 0 ? m === 0 ? '00' + preM : (m < 10 ? '0':'') + mPreM : m === 0 ? bFull ? m < 10 ? '0' + mPreM : mPreM : '' : mPreM, preMS = ( s + ms ).toFixed( toFix ), preS = div ? '' : 's', sPreS = preMS + preS, ss = mm.length > 0 ? s === 0 ? '00' + preS : (s < 10 ? '0':'') + sPreS : sPreS; return ( dd + hh + mm + ss ).toString(); } function VideoTitleA( elem , state ){ //VideoTitleA("div.thumb .title a",'on'); $( elem ).each(function(){ var $this = $(this), strTitle = $this.attr('title'), strText = $this.attr('data-text'), strHtml = $this.text(); state === 'on' ? $this.text(strTitle).attr('data-text',strHtml) : $this.text(strText); }); } /** * @return {string} */ function MultiString( f ){ return f.toString().split('\n').slice(1, -1).join('\n'); } function wrapWithTag( tag, text, selection ){ var thisAttr = selection != undefined && selection.startsWith('.') ? 'class' : selection.startsWith('#') && 'id', thisTag = $('<' + tag + '/>', { text: text }); return thisAttr.length ? thisTag.attr( thisAttr, selection.splice( 1 ) ) : thisTag; } function clean( node ) { /* So to clean those unwanted nodes from inside the <body> element, you would simply do this: clean(document.body); Alternatively, to clean the entire document, you could do this: clean(document); */ for( var n = 0; n < node.childNodes.length; n ++ ){ var child = node.childNodes[ n ]; ( child.nodeType === 8 || ( child.nodeType === 3 && !/\S/.test( child.nodeValue ) ) ) ? ( node.removeChild( child ), n -- ) : child.nodeType === 1 && clean( child ); } } function commentsCleaner( array ){ array = array === undefined ? [ '*', document, 'html' ] : array; // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/nodeType // http://stackoverflow.com/a/2364760 $.each( array, function( i, e ) { $( e ).contents().each( function() { this.nodeType === Node.COMMENT_NODE && $( this ).remove(); }); }); } function clearSelection() { var sel; if ( (sel = document.selection) && sel.empty ) { sel.empty(); } else { if (window.getSelection) { window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); } var activeEl = document.activeElement; if (activeEl) { var tagName = activeEl.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if ( tagName == "textarea" || (tagName == "input" && activeEl.type == "text") ) { // Collapse the selection to the end activeEl.selectionStart = activeEl.selectionEnd; } } } } function newUrlNoReload( title, url ){ window.history.pushState("string", title, url ); } function inURLo( search, exact ){ exact = exact || false; var winLoc = window.location.href; return exact ? winLoc === search : winLoc.search( search ) !== -1; } function inURLe( search, exact ){ exact = exact || false; var inArr, winLoc = window.location.href, tiA = function( search ){ inArr = false; $.each( search, function(i,e){ if( winLoc.search( search ) !== -1 ){ inArr = true; return false; } }); return inArr; }; return exact ? winLoc === search : $.isArray( search ) ? tiA( search ) : winLoc.search( search ) !== -1; } function inURL( search, exact ){ var isAll,isNone,inArr,checkInArr, winLoc = window.location.href, countAll = 0, countNone = 0; exact = exact || false; isAll = exact === 'all'; isNone = exact === 'none'; exact = isNone || isAll ? false : exact; checkInArr = function( search, all ){ inArr = false; $.each( search, function( i, e ){ if(winLoc.search( e ) !== -1 || winLoc.search( e ) === -1){ inArr = true; if( all ) winLoc.search( e ) !== -1 ? countAll++ : winLoc.search( e ) === -1 && countNone++; else return false; } /* if( winLoc.search( e ) !== -1 ){ inArr = true; if( all ) countAll++; else return false; } else if( winLoc.search( e ) === -1 ){ inArr = true; if( all ) countNone++; else return false; } */ }); return all ? inArr && ( search.length === countAll || search.length === countNone ) : inArr; }; return exact ? winLoc === search : $.isArray( search ) ? checkInArr( search, isAll || isNone ) : isNone ? winLoc.search( search ) === -1 : winLoc.search( search ) !== -1; } function loadDoc( href ){ $( location ).attr('href', href ); } function isPrimitiveType( value ){ // will return true if the value is a primitive value switch ( typeof value ) { case 'string': case 'number': case 'boolean': case 'undefined': { return true; } case 'object': { return !value; } } return false; } function checkDividedIsInteger( num, div ){ return ( num % div === 0 ); } function isEven( value ){ return ( value % 2 === 0 ); } function inDom( array, onElement ) { var found = false, isArrayFN = function(){ $.each( array, function( i, value ){ value = onElement !== undefined ? onElement + value : value; if( $( value ).length ){ found = true; return false; } }); }; $.isArray( array ) ? isArrayFN() : $( array ).length && ( found = true ); /** * @return {boolean} */ return found; } function isHTMLObject( obj ){ obj = typeof obj == 'string' ? obj : $( obj ); return obj.length ? !!~( obj instanceof HTMLElement || obj[0] instanceof HTMLElement) : !!( obj && ( obj.nodeName || ( obj.prop && obj.attr && obj.find ) ) ); } function isFunction( functionToCheck ){ var getType = {}; return functionToCheck && getType.toString.call( functionToCheck ) === '[object Function]'; } function isNumeric( value ){ return /^\d+$/.test( value ); } function is_Numeric(n) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n); } function parse_Boolean( Boolean, onNull, nullIs ) { var falsely = /^(?:f(?:alse)?|no?|off?|n?|failure?|sudumoo?|0+)$/i, truely = /^(?:t(?:rue)?|yes?|on?|y?|success?|yabbdoo?|1+)$/i; //noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable return truely.test( Boolean ) === !!Boolean ? true : falsely.test( Boolean ) === !!Boolean ? false : !isNaN(parseFloat( Boolean )) && isFinite( Boolean ) ? true : ( onNull || false ) ? bool == null ? nullIs : false : null; } function parseBoolean( Boolean , Type ) { // http://stackoverflow.com/a/24744599 Type = Type || false; var falsely = /^(?:f(?:alse)?|no?|0+)$/i, truely = /^(?:t(?:rue)?|yes?|1+)$/i; return Type ? !truely.test( Boolean ) && !!Boolean : !falsely.test( Boolean ) && !!Boolean; } function parseBooleanStyle( str, onNull, nullIs ){ onNull = onNull || false; var bool, $this = this.toString().toLowerCase(); switch( $this ){ case 'true': case '1': case 'on': case 'y': case 'yes': bool = true; break; case 'false': case '0': case 'off': case 'n': case 'no': bool = false; break; default: bool = typeof bool === 'boolean' ? bool : null; break; } return ( onNull || false ) && ( bool == null && nullIs || false ) || parseInt( $this ) !== 0 || bool; } /** * Search for correct object in array and return it. * @function getObjKeyVal * @param {Array} array - The array you wanna search trough * @param {string} findKey - The key to search for * @param {string} exactValue - Check correct key is found * @param {string} [getObjKeyVal] - get a key value in that object */ function getObjKeyVal( array, findKey, exactValue, getObjKeyVal ){ var obj, node; for( node in array ) for( findKey in obj = array[ node ] ) if( obj.hasOwnProperty( findKey ) && obj[ findKey ] == exactValue ) return getObjKeyVal || false ? obj[ getObjKeyVal ] : obj; return false; } /** * Search for all matched objects in array and return those. * @function getAllMatchedObj * @param {Array} array - The array you wanna search trough * @param {string} findKey - The key to search for * @param {string} exactValue - Check correct key found */ function getAllMatchedObj( array, findKey, exactValue ){ var newArr = [], obj, node; for( node in array ) for( findKey in obj = array[ node ] ) if( obj.hasOwnProperty( findKey ) && obj[ findKey ] == exactValue ) newArr.push( obj ); return newArr; } /** * Search for all matched objects in array and return those. * @function getAllMatchedObjByObject * @param {Array} mainArray - The array you wanna search trough * @param {Array} filterObject - Is one array object to match object in main array, * this object has multiple keys one each for a search criteria example "{ joined:'2012', rank:5, gender:'female' }" */ function getAllMatchedObjByObject( mainArray, filterObject ){ var newArr = [], objectCount = 0, mainLen = mainArray.length, mainObj, filterLen; for ( objectCount; objectCount != mainLen; objectCount++ ){ mainObj = mainArray[ objectCount ]; filterLen = Object.keys( filterObject ).length; Object.keys( filterObject ).forEach( function( filterKey, index ){ mainObj.hasOwnProperty( filterKey ) && mainObj[ filterKey ] == filterObject[ filterKey ] && ++index === filterLen && newArr.push( mainObj ); }); } return newArr; } /** * Do something with an array then return it * @function arrayDo * @param {string} what - what function is going to be used on an array * @param {(string|string[])} array - The array you wanna search trough * @param {string} findKey - The key to search for * @param {string} [keyValue] - Check correct key found * @param {string} [getKeyVal] - Get a key value from correct object found, or add in conjunction with newVal * @param {string} [newVal] - Set a new Value to a key */ function arrayDo( what, array, findKey, keyValue, getKeyVal, newVal) { what = what === 'newKey' ? 'updateKey' : what; /* index = array.findIndex( function( obj ){ return obj.hasOwnProperty( findKey ) && obj[ findKey ] === keyValue; }) */ var index = -1, i=0, len = array.length; // if( !!~$.inArray( doWhat, ['allMatched','add','sort'] ) === true ) for ( i; i != len ; i++ ) { var obj = array[ i ]; if( obj.hasOwnProperty( findKey ) && obj[ findKey ] === keyValue ){ c.i('inArray',obj[ findKey ]); index = i; break; } } var object = array[ index ], doWhat = { find : function(){ array = object; }, remove : function(){ index !== -1 && array.splice( index, 1 ); }, keyVal : function(){ var obj = object[ getKeyVal ]; array = obj !== undefined ? obj : ''; }, updateKey : function(){ //newKey /* c.i('updateKey array ', JSON.stringify( array ) ) c.i('updateKey index ', index ) c.i('updateKey Value ', keyValue) c.i('updateKey newVal', newVal ) c.i('getKeyVal before', array[ index ] ) c.i('updateKey', '____________________') */ index !== -1 && ( array[ index ][ getKeyVal ] = newVal ); // c.i('getKeyVal after ', array[ index ] ) }, deleteKey : function(){ index !== -1 && delete array[ index ][ getKeyVal ]; }, add : function(){ array.push( newVal ); }, sort : function(){ array.sort( sortBy( findKey, keyValue ) ); }, allMatched : function(){ var newArr = [], i = 0, secondMatch = ( getKeyVal !== undefined && newVal !== undefined ); for ( i; i != len; i++ ) { var obj = array[ i ]; ( obj.hasOwnProperty( findKey ) && obj[ findKey ] === keyValue ) && ( secondMatch ? ( obj.hasOwnProperty( getKeyVal ) && obj[ getKeyVal ] === newVal ) : true ) && newArr.push( obj ); } array = newArr; } }; doWhat[ what ](); return array; } function getsComputedStyle( style, elem ) { elem = elem || 'body'; return window.getComputedStyle( document[ elem ] )[ style ] !== undefined; } function isPropertySupported( property, elem ){ elem = elem || 'body'; return property in document[ elem ].style; } function cssPropertyValu###pported( prop, value, elem ) { //cssPropertyValu###pported('width', '1px'); elem = elem || 'div'; var d = document.createElement( elem ); d.style[ prop ] = value; return d.style[ prop ] === value; } var cssSupports = (function(){ // http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/quick-tip-detect-css3-support-in-browsers-with-javascript--net-16444 /* if ( supports('textShadow') ) { document.documentElement.className += ' textShadow'; } */ var div = document.createElement('div'), vendors = 'Khtml Ms O Moz Webkit'.split(' '), len = vendors.length; return function(prop) { if ( prop in div.style ) return true; prop = prop.replace(/^[a-z]/, function(val) { return val.toUpperCase(); }); while(len--) { if ( vendors[len] + prop in div.style ) { // browser supports box-shadow. Do what you need. // Or use a bang (!) to test if the browser doesn't. return true; } } return false; }; })(); function toggleClassState( config, Class, state, elem ){ config === undefined ? window.config = {} : config; config = config || ( window.config = {} ); config[ Class ] = typeof state === 'string' ? !config[ Class ] : state; $( elem || 'html' )[ config[ Class ] ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass' ]( Class ); $( elem || 'html' ).attr('class'); } function filterClick( e, $this ){ return e.which == 1 && e.target == $this; } function dispatchEventResize() { //noinspection JSClosureCompilerSyntax,JSUnresolvedFunction window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); } /** * @return {string} */ function Undefined( check, replace ){ return check === undefined ? replace.toString() : check.toString(); } function checkJqueryUI( maxCount, timeout, module ){ //noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable if( typeof jQuery.ui != 'undefined' ){ //noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable return module != undefined ? typeof jQuery.ui[ module ] != 'undefined' : true; } else setTimeout(function(){ if( counter.setGet('chkJQ') > maxCount ){ counter.del('chkJQ'); return false; } else checkJqueryUI( maxCount, timeout ); }, timeout ); } function getGlobal(){ return (function(){ return this; })(); } function GM_lister( remove, item ){ var keys = GM_listValues(); for (var i = 0, key = null; key = keys[i]; i++) { GM_listValues()[i] !== undefined && ( c.i('GM_ListItem: ' + GM_listValues()[i] + ':', GM_getValue(key)), ( ( item !== undefined && GM_listValues()[i].inElem( item ) ) || item === undefined ) && ( remove === true || remove === 'yes' || remove === 1 ) && GM_deleteValue(key)); } } function roundFloat( num, dec ){ var d = 1; for ( var i=0; i<dec; i++ ){ d += "0"; } return Math.round(num * d) / d; } function randomFloatBetween( min, max, dec ){ dec = typeof( dec ) == 'undefined' ? 2 : dec; return parseFloat( Math.min( min + ( Math.random() * ( max - min ) ), max ).toFixed( dec ) ); } function random( max ) { var min = 1, rand = function(){ return Math.floor( Math.random() * ( max - min + 1 ) + min ); }, num1 = rand(), num2 = rand(); return ( num1 > num2 ? num2/num1 : num1/num2 ) * max; } function roundNearPeace( number, peaces, dec ) { return ( Math.round( number * peaces ) / peaces ).toFixed( dec ); } var w = window, glob = w, $w = $( w ), $l = $( location ), locDoc = window.location.href, d = document, $d = $( d ), c = { defaultState: 3, cute : function( type, msg, color ) { color = color || "black"; var newColor, bgc = "White"; switch ( color ) { case "success": newColor = "Green"; bgc = "LimeGreen"; break; case "info": newColor = "DodgerBlue"; bgc = "Turquoise"; break; case "error": newColor = "Red"; bgc = "Black"; break; case "start": newColor = "OliveDrab"; bgc = "PaleGreen"; break; case "warning": newColor = "Tomato"; bgc = "Black"; break; case "end": newColor = "Orchid"; bgc = "MediumVioletRed"; break; default: //noinspection SillyAssignmentJS newColor = color; } typeof msg == "object" ? window.console[ type ]( msg ) : typeof color == "object" ? ( window.console[ type ]("%c" + msg, "color: PowderBlue;font-weight:bold; background-color: RoyalBlue;"), window.console[ type ]( newColor ) ) : window.console[ type ]("%c" + msg, "color:" + newColor + "; background-color: " + bgc + ";"); }, show: function( showThis, type ){ var State = GM_getValue( type + 'StateValue' ) || this.defaultState; return showThis !== 0 && State !== 0 && State === ( showThis || State ) || State === 'all'; }, pre: function( type, name, fn, line, color ){ line = line == undefined ? '' : line + ': '; /** * @return {string} */ var Fn = function(){ return fn !== undefined ? fn : ''; }; typeof fn == "object" ? window.console[ type ]( name, Fn() ) : c.cute( type, line + name + ': ' + Fn(), color ); }, type: function( type, name, fn, line, color, showThis ){ this.show( showThis, type ) && this.pre( type, name, fn, line, color ); }, l: function( name, fn, line, color, showThis ){ this.type( 'log', name, fn, line, color, showThis ); }, h: function( name, fn, line, color, showThis ){ this.type( 'handled', name, fn, line, color, showThis ); }, //c.l('name', 'fn'=='fn', 'line', 'blue') i: function( name, fn, line, color, showThis ){ this.type( 'info', name, fn, line, color, showThis ); }, d: function( name, fn, line, color, showThis ){ this.type( 'debug', name, fn, line, color, showThis ); } }, localStorageObj = { name : 'setName', //important localArray : function(){ return window.localStorage.getItem( this.name ); }, getArray : function(){ return this.localArray() === null ? [] : JSON.parse( this.localArray() ); }, removeArray : function(){ window.localStorage.removeItem( this.name ); }, stringify : function( array ){ c.i('[stringify]', JSON.stringify(array) ); window.localStorage.setItem( this.name, JSON.stringify(array) ); }, check : function( key, value ){ var array = this.getArray(); return array.grepArrayObj('find', key, value ); }, viewConsole : function( json ){ var array = this.getArray(); // $.toJSON() --- https://github.com/Krinkle/jquery-json/blob/master/src/jquery.json.js // array.join('\n'); c.d( this.name, array ); //debug mode important to make this work c.i( this.name, json ? isFunction( $.toJSON() ) ? $.toJSON( array ) : JSON.stringify( array ) : array.toSource() ); }, addTo : function() { }, add : function( key, value, obj ){ var array = this.getArray(), inA = array.toString(); c.i('[check array 1]', inA ); this.check( array, key, value ) || ( array.push( obj ), c.i('[Added Object into array]', obj ), c.i('[check array 2]', array ) ); this.stringify( array ); }, remove : function( key, value, obj ){ var array = this.getArray(); this.check( array, key, value ) && ( array = array.grepArrayObj('remove', key, value ), c.i('[Removed Object from array]', obj ) ); this.stringify( array ); } }, booleanTimer = { timers : [], start : function( name, ms ){ var that = this, value = name, stop = setTimeout(function(){ that.stop( value ); }, ms ); this.timers.push( { 'name': value, stop:stop } ); //setTimeout(function(){that.stop( value );}, ms ); }, check : function( value ){ return this.timers.grepArrayObj( 'find', 'name', value ) !== undefined; }, stop : function( value ){ this.timers = this.timers.grepArrayObj( 'remove', 'name', value ); } }, advTimer = { timers : [], start : function( name, ms ){ var that = this, value = name, stop = setTimeout(function(){ that.stop( value ); }, ms ); //noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable this.timers.push({ 'name':value, start:window.performance.now(), timeout:ms, stop:stop }); }, check : function( value ){ var findObj = this.timers.grepArrayObj( 'find', 'name', value ); //noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable return findObj !== undefined ? findObj.timeout - ( window.performance.now() - findObj.start ) : false; }, stop : function( value ){ this.timers = this.timers.grepArrayObj( 'remove', 'name', value ); } }, lap = { data : {}, tid : function(){ //noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable return performance.now(); }, set : function(name){ this.data[name] = this.tid(); }, get : function(name){ return this.tid() - this.data[name]; }, end : function(name){ this.print(name); this.del(name); }, del : function(name){ delete this.data[name]; }, print: function(name){ var get = this.get( name ); c.i( 'Lap: ' + name, isNaN( get ) ? 'There is no such a name ' : get + 'ms' ); } }, timer = { ms : 0, set : function(ms){ var that = this; this.ms = ms; setTimeout(function(){ that.ms = 0; }, ms ); } }, counter = { data : {}, setGet : function(name, decrease, reset) { this.exists(name) && ( reset || false ) && this.set(name,0); this.exists(name) ? this[ ( decrease || false ) ? 'decrease' : 'increase' ](name) : this.set(name); return this.get(name); }, set : function(name, start, base){ this.data[name] = start || 0; this.data[name+'Default'] = base || 1; }, get : function(name){ return this.data[name]; }, is : function(name, count){ return this.data[name] === count; }, lessThen: function(name, count, equal ){ return ( equal || false ) ? this.data[name] <= count : this.data[name] < count; }, moreThen: function(name, count, equal){ return ( equal || false ) ? this.data[name] >= count : this.data[name] > count; }, del : function(name){ delete this.data[name]; }, exists : function(name) { return this.data[name] !== undefined; }, plus : function(name, num){ this.exists(name) || this.set(name); this.data[name] = this.data[name] + ( num === undefined ? this.data[name+'Default'] : num ); }, minus : function(name, num){ this.exists(name) || this.set(name); this.data[name] = this.data[name] - ( num === undefined ? this.data[name+'Default'] : num ); }, increase: function (name, num) { this.plus(name, num); }, decrease: function (name, num) { this.minus(name, num); }, '+' : function (name, num) { this.plus(name, num); }, '-' : function (name, num) { this.minus(name, num); }, up : function (name, num) { this.plus(name, num); }, down : function (name, num) { this.minus(name, num); }, add : function (name, num) { this.plus(name, num); }, subtract: function (name, num) { this.minus(name, num); }, withdraw: function (name, num) { this.minus(name, num); } }, g = { locDoc : window.location.href, ms : 0, timer : function(ms){ g.ms = ms; setTimeout(function(){ g.ms = 0; }, ms ); }, GM : { engine : function( mode, val, range ){ switch (mode){ case 'set': GM_setValue( val.name, val.default ); break; case 'get': range ? config[ val.name ] = GM_getValue( val.name ): ui.config[ val.name ] = GM_getValue( val.name ); break; case 'del': GM_deleteValue( val.name ); } }, manager : function( mode, array, range ){ $.each( array, function( i, val ){ this.engine( mode, val, range === undefined ); }); mode === 'del' && ( GM_deleteValue( 'firstRun' ), GM_deleteValue( 'yourVer' ) ); } } }, testPerformance = function( name, fn, testCycles ) { lap.set( name ); var i = 0; for ( i ; i < testCycles; i++ ){ fn(); } lap.end( name ); }, perf = function (testName, fn) { var startTime = new Date().getTime(); fn(); var endTime = new Date().getTime(); console.log( testName + ": " + ( endTime - startTime ) + "ms" ); }; $(document).on('click','*',function(e){ this == e.target && c.i('target:', $(this)[0] ); }); c.i('my Function Library ÖÖö'); /* isScrolledIntoView = (elem) -> docViewTop = $(window).scrollTop() docViewBottom = docViewTop + $(window).height() elemTop = $(elem).offset().top elemBottom = elemTop + $(elem).height() (elemBottom - 200 < docViewBottom) and (elemBottom + $(elem).height() > docViewBottom ) */