Greasy Fork is available in English.
Hugely improves load speed of pages with lots of embedded Youtube videos by instantly showing clickable and immediately accessible placeholders, then the thumbnails are loaded in background. Optionally a fast simple HTML5 direct playback (720p max) can be selected if available for the video.
// ==UserScript== // @name FYTE /Fast YouTube Embedded/ Player // @description Hugely improves load speed of pages with lots of embedded Youtube videos by instantly showing clickable and immediately accessible placeholders, then the thumbnails are loaded in background. Optionally a fast simple HTML5 direct playback (720p max) can be selected if available for the video. // @description:en Hugely improves load speed of pages with lots of embedded Youtube videos by instantly showing clickable and immediately accessible placeholders, then the thumbnails are loaded in background. Optionally a fast simple HTML5 direct playback (720p max) can be selected if available for the video. // @description:ru На порядок ускоряет время загрузки страниц с большим количеством вставленных Youtube-видео. С первого момента загрузки страницы появляются заглушки для видео, которые можно щелкнуть для загрузки плеера, и почти сразу же появляются кавер-картинки с названием видео. В опциях можно включить режим использования упрощенного браузерного плеера (макс. 720p). // // @version 2.15.1 // // @include * // @exclude /^https:\/\/(www\.)?youtube\.com\/(?!embed)/ // @exclude*/o/oauth2/postmessageRelay* // @exclude https://clients*.google.*/youtubei/* // @exclude https://clients*.google.*/static/proxy* // @exclude* // // @author wOxxOm // @namespace wOxxOm.scripts // @license MIT License // // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_listValues // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // // @connect // @connect // // @run-at document-start // // @icon  // // @compatible chrome // @compatible firefox // @compatible opera // ==/UserScript== 'use strict'; let localStorage; try { ({localStorage} = window); } catch (e) { localStorage = {}; } // keep video info cache for a month since last time it's shown const CACHE_STALE_DURATION = 30 * 24 * 3600e3; const CACHE_PREFIX = 'FYTE-cache-'; const CACHE_PROPS = [ ['videoWidth', 0], ['videoHeight', 0], ['duration'], ['fps'], ['title'], ['cover'], ]; const CHROME = !CSS.supports('-moz-appearance', 'none'); const rxYoutubeId = /(?:https?:)?\/\/(?:www\.)?(?:youtube(?:-nocookie)?\.com(?=\/)(?:\/embed\/(?:v=)?|.*?[&?/]v[=/])|youtu\.be\/)([-\w]+)[^'"\s]*/; const rxYoutubeIdHtml = new RegExp(`${/(?:src|value)\s*=\s*["']\s*/.source}(${rxYoutubeId.source})['"]|$`, 'i'); const cfg = { width: 1280, height: 720, invidious: false, resize: 'Fit to width', rules: {}, pinnable: 'on', pinnedWidth: 400, playHTML5: false, playHTML5Shown: false, showStoryboard: true, skipCustom: true, }; const checked = new WeakMap(); const fyteMap = new WeakMap(); const dbCache = {}; const dbFlush = new Set(); const dbFlushDelay = 1000; let _, db, fytedom, styledom, iframes, objects, persite, playbtn; if (location.hostname === '') { if (CHROME && window !== top) setupYoutubeFullscreenRelay(); } else { for (const [k, def] of Object.entries(cfg)) { const v = GM_getValue(k, def); cfg[k] = typeof v === typeof def ? v : def; } _ = initTL(); persite = getPersiteRule(); fytedom = document.getElementsByClassName('instant-youtube-container'); iframes = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe'); objects = document.getElementsByTagName('object'); updateCustomSize(); findEmbeds([]); injectStylesIfNeeded(); new MutationObserver(findEmbeds) .observe(document, {subtree: true, childList: true}); document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', e => { injectStylesIfNeeded(); adjustNodesIfNeeded(e); }, {once: true}); addEventListener('resize', adjustNodesIfNeeded, true); addEventListener('message', onMessageHost); } function setupYoutubeFullscreenRelay() { parent.postMessage('FYTE-toggle-fullscreen-init', '*'); addEventListener('message', function onMessage(e) { if (e.source !== parent || !== 'FYTE-toggle-fullscreen-init-confirmed') return; removeEventListener('message', onMessage); const fsbtn = document.getElementsByClassName('ytp-fullscreen-button'); new MutationObserver(function () { const el = fsbtn[0]; if (el) { this.disconnect(); el.removeAttribute('aria-disabled'); el.replaceWith(el.cloneNode(true)); fsbtn[0].addEventListener('click', () => parent.postMessage('FYTE-toggle-fullscreen', '*')); } }).observe(document, {subtree: true, childList: true}); }); } function getPersiteRule() { const h = location.hostname; const rule = (cfg.rules || {})[h] || h === '' && { test: '[data-video-id]', src: e => '//' + e.dataset.videoId, } || h === '' && { eatparent: 0, } || h === '' && { eatparent: '.video-container', } || h === '' && { test: '[data-url*=""], [data-url*=""]', has: '[src*="/mediaembed"]', attr: 'data-url', } || h === '' && { eatparent: 0, } || h === '' && { eatparent: '.youtube', } || h === '' && { eatparent: '.p-scalable-video', } || /^www\.google\.\w{2,3}(\.\w{2,3})?$/.test(h) && $('html[itemtype$="SearchR###ltsPage"]') && { find: '#rcnt a[data-attrid="VisualDigestVideoR###lt"][href*=""]', test: '', eatparent: 2, }; if (!rule) return; Object.setPrototypeOf(rule, null); const {find = 'iframe', has, test: q = '[src*=""]'} = rule; if (!/^\.?[a-z][-a-z]*$/i.test(find)) Object.defineProperty(rule, 'find', {get: () => document.querySelectorAll(find)}); else rule.find = find[0] === '.' ? document.getElementsByClassName(find.slice(1)) : document.getElementsByTagName(find); if (q) rule.test = el => (el = el.matches(q) ? el : el.querySelector(q)) && (!has || el.querySelector(has)) && el; return rule; } function onMessageHost(e) { switch ( { case 'FYTE-toggle-fullscreen-init': if (findFrameElement(e.source)) e.source.postMessage('FYTE-toggle-fullscreen-init-confirmed', '*'); break; case 'FYTE-toggle-fullscreen': { const el = findFrameElement(e.source); if (el) goFullscreen(el, !(document.fullscreenElement || document.fullScreen || document.mozFullScreen)); break; } case 'iframe-allowfs': $$('iframe:not([allowfullscreen])').some(iframe => { if (iframe.contentWindow === e.source) { iframe.allowFullscreen = true; return true; } }); if (window !== top) parent.postMessage('iframe-allowfs', '*'); break; } } function findFrameElement(frameWindow) { return $$('iframe[allowfullscreen]').find(el => el.contentWindow === frameWindow); } async function findEmbeds(mutations) { const found = []; if (mutations.length === 1) { const added = mutations[0].addedNodes; if (!added[0] || !added[1] && added[0].nodeType === 3) return; } if (persite) for (let el of persite.find) if (!persite.test || (el = persite.test(el))) processEmbed(found, el, persite.src ? persite.src(el) : el.getAttribute(persite.attr)); if (length && hasChildWindow()) { for (const el of iframes) { const src = rxYoutubeId.exec(el.dataset.src || el.src); if (src) processEmbed(found, el, src[0]); } for (const el of objects) { const src = el.innerHTML.match(rxYoutubeIdHtml)[1]; if (src) processEmbed(found, el, src); } } if (!found.length) return; const toRead = []; for (const [id] of found) if (!dbCache[id] && !toRead.includes(id)) toRead.push(id); if (toRead.length) await read(toRead); for (const r of found) createFYTE(...r); } function hasChildWindow() { for (let i = 0, w; i < length; i++) if ((w = unsafeWindow[i]) && typeof w === 'object' && !checked.has(w)) return checked.set(w, 0); } function decodeEmbedUrl(url) { return /youtube(-nocookie)?\.com%2Fembed/.test(url) ? decodeURIComponent(url.replace(/^.*?(http[^&?=]+?youtube(-nocookie)?\.com%2Fembed[^&]+).*$/i, '$1')) : url; } function processEmbed(res, node, src) { src = src || node.src || node.href || ''; if (!src || checked.get(node) === src) return; checked.set(node, src); let n = node; let np = n.parentNode; const srcFixed = decodeEmbedUrl(src) .replace(/\/(watch\?v=|v\/)/, '/embed/') .replace(/^([^?&]+)&/, '$1?'); if (src.indexOf('') > 0 || cfg.resize !== 'Original' && np && np.children.length === 1 && !np.className && ! { n = location.hostname === '' ? np.parentNode : np; np = n.parentElement; } if (!np || !np.parentNode || cfg.skipCustom && srcFixed.includes('enablejsapi=1') || srcFixed.includes('/embed/videoseries') || node.matches('.instant-youtube-embed, .YTLT-embed, .ihvyoutube') || === 'fixed' || node.onload // skip some retarded loaders ) return; let id = srcFixed.match(rxYoutubeId); if (!id) return; id = id[1]; if (np.localName === 'object') { n = np; np = n.parentElement; } let eatparent = persite && persite.eatparent || 0; if (typeof eatparent === 'string') { n = np.closest(eatparent) || n; } else { while (eatparent--) { n = np; np = n.parentElement; } } (n.contentWindow || {}).location = 'about:blank'; res.push([id, n, srcFixed]); } function createFYTE(id, n, srcFixed) { const cache = dbCache[id] || {id}; const autoplay = /[?&](autoplay=1|ps=play)(&|$)/.test(srcFixed); const div = $create('div.container'); const img = $create('img.thumbnail', {style: important('opacity:0;')}); if (!autoplay) { img.src = cache.cover || getCoverUrl(id, 'maxresdefault.jpg'); img.onload = onCoverLoad; img.onerror = onCoverError; } injectStylesIfNeeded('force'); const fyte = { state: 'querying', srcEmbed: srcFixed.replace(/&$/, ''), originalWidth: /%/.test(n.width) ? 320 : n.width | 0 || n.clientWidth | 0, originalHeight: /%/.test(n.height) ? 200 : n.height | 0 || n.clientHeight | 0, cache, }; fyteMap.set(div, fyte); fyte.srcEmbedFixed = fyte.srcEmbed.replace(/^http:/, 'https:') .replace(/([&?])(wmode=\w+|feature=oembed)&?/, '$1') .replace(/[&?]$/, ''); fyte.srcWatchFixed = fyte.srcEmbedFixed.replace('/embed/', '/watch?v=').replace(/(\?.*?)\?/, '$1&'); cache.lastUsed = new Date(); write(cache); if (cache.reason) div.setAttribute('disabled', ''); const divSize = calcContainerSize(div, n, fyte); const origStyle = getComputedStyle(n); overrideCSS(div, Object.assign( { height: persite && persite.eatparent === 0 ? '100%' : divSize.h + 'px', 'min-width': Math.min(divSize.w, fyte.originalWidth) + 'px', 'min-height': Math.min(divSize.h, fyte.originalHeight) + 'px', 'max-width': divSize.w + 'px', }, origStyle.transform && { transform: origStyle.transform, }, !autoplay && { 'background-color': 'transparent', transition: 'background-color 2s', }, // eslint-disable-next-line no-proto ...Object.keys(origStyle.hasOwnProperty('position') ? origStyle : origStyle.__proto__ /*FF*/) .filter(k => /^(position|left|right|top|bottom)$/.test(k) && !/^(auto|static|block)$/.test(origStyle[k])) .map(k => ({[k]: origStyle[k]})), origStyle.display === 'inline' && { display: 'inline-block', width: '100%', }, cfg.resize === 'Fit to width' && { width: '100%', })); if (!autoplay) { setTimeout(() =>'background-color')); setTimeout(() =>'transition'), 2000); } const wrapper = $create('div.wrapper', {}, [ img, $create('a.title', {target: '_blank', href: fyte.srcWatchFixed}, cache.title || cache.reason ? [ $create('strong', {}, cache.title || cache.reason || ''), cache.duration && $create('span', {}, cache.duration), cache.fps && $create('i', {}, `${cache.fps}fps`), ] : '\xA0'), (playbtn || initPlayButton()).cloneNode(true), $create('span.alternative', {}, _(`msgPlay${cfg.playHTML5 ? 'HTML5' : ''}`)), $create('div.storyboard', {hidden: !cfg.showStoryboard}), $create('div.options-button', {}, _('Options')), ]); div.appendChild(wrapper); fyteMap.set(img, autoplay); if (!autoplay && img.naturalWidth) img.onload(); n.replaceWith(div); if (!cache.title && !cache.reason || autoplay && cfg.playHTML5); if (autoplay) { startPlaying(div); } else { div.addEventListener('click', clickHandler); div.addEventListener('mousedown', clickHandler); div.addEventListener('mouseenter', fetchInfo); } if (cfg.showStoryboard) div.addEventListener('mousemove', trackMouse); } function fetchInfo(e) { const fyte = fyteMap.get(this); fyte.mouseEvent = e; this.removeEventListener('mouseenter', fetchInfo); if (!fyte.storyboard) { const {id} = fyte.cache; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: '' + id, context: this, onload: parseVideoInfo, }); } } function onCoverLoad(e) { if (this.naturalWidth <= 120) return this.onerror(e); = ''; fyteMap.delete(this); } function onCoverError() { const {src} = this; const id = src.split('/')[4]; const src2 = getCoverUrl(id, 'sddefault.jpg'); this.src = src2 !== src ? src2 : getCoverUrl(id, 'hqdefault.jpg'); } function adjustNodesIfNeeded(e) { if (!fytedom[0]) return; if (adjustNodesIfNeeded.scheduled) clearTimeout(adjustNodesIfNeeded.scheduled); adjustNodesIfNeeded.scheduled = setTimeout(() => { adjustNodes(e); adjustNodesIfNeeded.scheduled = 0; }, 16); } function adjustNodes(event, clickedContainer) { const force = !!clickedContainer; let nearest = force ? clickedContainer : null; let nearestCenterYpct; const vids = $$('.instant-youtube-container:not([pinned]):not([stub])'); if (!nearest && event.type !== 'DOMContentLoaded') { let minDistance = window.innerHeight * 3 / 4 | 0; const nearTargetY = window.innerHeight / 2; for (const n of vids) { const bounds = n.getBoundingClientRect(); const distance = Math.abs((bounds.bottom + / 2 - nearTargetY); if (distance < minDistance) { minDistance = distance; nearest = n; } } } if (nearest) { const bounds = nearest.getBoundingClientRect(); nearestCenterYpct = ( + bounds.bottom) / 2 / window.innerHeight; } let resized = false; for (const n of vids) { const size = calcContainerSize(n); const w = size.w; const h = size.h; // prevent parent clipping for (let e = n.parentElement, style; e; e = e.parentElement) { if ( !== 'visible' && n.offsetTop < e.clientHeight / 2 && n.offsetTop + n.clientHeight > e.clientHeight && (style = getComputedStyle(e)) && /hidden|scroll/.test(style.overflow + style.overflowX + style.overflowY)) { overrideCSS(e, { overflow: 'visible', 'overflow-x': 'visible', 'overflow-y': 'visible', }); } } if (force && Math.abs(w - parseFloat( <= 2) continue; overrideCSS(n, Object.assign({}, !== `${w}px` && { 'max-width': `${w}px`, }, !== h + 'px' && { height: h + 'px', }, parseFloat( > w && { 'min-width':, }, parseFloat( > h && { 'min-height':, })); resized = true; } if (resized && nearest) setTimeout(() => { const bounds = nearest.getBoundingClientRect(); const h = bounds.bottom -; const projectedCenterY = nearestCenterYpct * window.innerHeight; const projectedTop = projectedCenterY - h / 2; const safeTop = Math.min(Math.max(0, projectedTop), window.innerHeight - h); window.scrollBy(0, - safeTop); }, 16); } function calcContainerSize(div, origNode, fyte = fyteMap.get(div)) { if (!fyte) return; origNode = origNode || div; let w, h; let np = origNode.parentElement; const style = getComputedStyle(np); let parentWidth = parseFloat(style.width) - floatPadding(np, style, 'Left') - floatPadding(np, style, 'Right'); if (+style.columnCount > 1) parentWidth = (parentWidth + parseFloat(style.columnGap)) / style.columnCount - parseFloat(style.columnGap); switch (cfg.resize) { case 'Original': if (fyte.originalWidth === 320 && fyte.originalHeight === 200) { w = parentWidth; h = parentWidth / 16 * 9; } else { w = fyte.originalWidth; h = fyte.originalHeight; } break; case 'Custom': w = cfg.width; h = cfg.height; break; case '1080p': case '720p': case '480p': case '360p': h = parseInt(cfg.resize); w = h / 9 * 16; break; default: // fit-to-width mode // find parent node with nonzero width (i.e. independent of our video element) while (np && !(w = np.clientWidth)) np = np.parentNode; if (w) h = w / 16 * 9; else { w = origNode.clientWidth; h = origNode.clientHeight; } } if (parentWidth > 0 && parentWidth < w) { h *= parentWidth / w; w = parentWidth; } if (cfg.resize === 'Fit to width' && h < fyte.originalHeight * 0.9) h = Math.min(fyte.originalHeight, w / fyte.originalWidth * fyte.originalHeight); return {w: CHROME ? w : Math.round(w), h: h}; } function parseVideoInfo(response) { const div = response.context; const txt = response.responseText; const info = tryJSONparse(txt.match(/var\s+ytInitialPlayerResponse\s*=\s*({.+?});|$/)[1]) || {}; const {reason} = info.playabilityStatus || {}; const vid = info.videoDetails || {}; const streams = info.streamingData || {}; const fyte = fyteMap.get(div); const cache = fyte.cache; let shouldUpdateCache = false; const videoSources = []; const fmts = (streams.formats || streams.adaptiveFormats || []) .sort((a, b) => b.width - a.width || b.height - a.height); // parse width & height to adjust the thumbnail if (fmts.length && (cache.videoWidth !== fmts[0].width || cache.videoHeight !== fmts[0].height)) { cache.videoWidth = fmts[0].width; cache.videoHeight = fmts[0].height; shouldUpdateCache = true; } // parse video sources for (const f of fmts) { const codec = f.mimeType.match(/codecs="([^.]+)|$/)[1] || ''; const type = f.mimeType.split(/[/;]/)[1]; let src = f.url; if (!src && f.cipher) { const sp = {}; for (const str of f.cipher.split('&')) { const [k, v] = str.split('='); sp[k] = v; } src = decodeURIComponent(sp.url); if (sp.s) src += `&${sp.sp || 'sig'}=${decodeYoutubeSignature(sp.s)}`; } videoSources.push({ src, title: [ f.quality, f.qualityLabel !== f.quality ? f.qualityLabel : '', type + (codec ? `:${codec}` : ''), ].filter(Boolean).join(', '), }); } let fps = new Set(); for (const f of streams.adaptiveFormats || []) { if (f.fps) fps.add(f.fps); } fps = [...fps].join('/'); if (fps && cache.fps !== fps) { cache.fps = fps; shouldUpdateCache = true; } let duration = fyte.duration = vid.lengthSeconds | 0; if (duration) { duration = secondsToTimeString(duration); if (cache.duration !== duration) { cache.duration = duration; shouldUpdateCache = true; } } if (duration || fps) duration = `<span>${duration}</span>${fps ? `<i>${fps}fps</i>` : ''}`; const title = [ decodeURIComponent(vid.title || ''), reason && reason.replace(/\s*\.$/, ''), ].filter(Boolean).join(' | ').replace(/\+/g, ' '); if (title) { $('.instant-youtube-title', div).innerHTML = (title ? `<strong>${title}</strong>` : '') + duration; if (cache.title !== title) { cache.title = title; shouldUpdateCache = true; } } if (cfg.pinnable !== 'off' && vid.title) makeDraggable(div); if (reason) { div.setAttribute('disabled', ''); if (cache.reason !== reason) { cache.reason = reason; shouldUpdateCache = true; } } if (videoSources.length) fyte.videoSources = videoSources; if (txt.includes('playerStoryboardSpecRenderer') && info.storyboards && fyte.state !== 'scheduled play') { const m = info.storyboards.playerStoryboardSpecRenderer.spec.split('|'); const [w, h, len, rows, cols] = m[m.length - 1].split('#').map(Number); fyte.storyboard = {w, h, len, rows, cols}; if (w * h > 2000) { fyte.storyboard.url = m[0].replace('?', '&').replace( '$L/$N.jpg', `${m.length - 2}/M0.jpg?sigh=${m[m.length - 1].replace(/^.+?#([^#]+)$/, '$1')}`); const elSb = $('.instant-youtube-storyboard', div); if (elSb) { elSb.dataset.loaded = ''; elSb.appendChild(overrideCSS($create('', {}, '\xA0'), { width: w - 1 + 'px', height: h + 'px', })); if (cfg.showStoryboard) updateHoverHandler(div); } } } injectStylesIfNeeded(); if (fyte.state === 'scheduled play') setTimeout(startPlayingDirectly, 0, div); fyte.state = ''; try { const cover = vid.thumbnail.thumbnails.pop().url; if (cache.cover !== cover) { cache.cover = cover; shouldUpdateCache = true; const img = $('img', div); if (img.src && img.src !== cover) img.src = cover; } } catch (e) {} if (shouldUpdateCache) write(cache); } function decodeYoutubeSignature(s) { const a = s.split(''); a.reverse(); swap(a, 24); a.reverse(); swap(a, 41); a.reverse(); swap(a, 2); return a.join(''); } function swap(a, b) { const c = a[0]; a[0] = a[b % a.length]; a[b % a.length] = c; } function trackMouse(e) { fyteMap.get(this).mouseEvent = e; } function updateHoverHandler(div) { const fyte = fyteMap.get(div); const sb = fyte.storyboard; const elSb = $('.instant-youtube-storyboard', div); if (!cfg.showStoryboard) { elSb.hidden = true; return; } elSb.hidden = false; let oldIndex = null; const tracker = elSb.firstElementChild; const style =; const sbImg = $create('img'); const spinner = $create('span.loading-spinner'); elSb.addEventListener('mousemove', storyboardHoverHandler); elSb.addEventListener('mouseout', storyboardHoverHandler); elSb.addEventListener('click', storyboardClickHandler, {once: true}); div.addEventListener('mouseover', storyboardPreloader); div.addEventListener('mouseout', storyboardPreloader); if (div.closest(':hover')) storyboardPreloader({}); function storyboardClickHandler(e) { const offsetX = e.offsetX || e.clientX - elSb.getBoundingClientRect().left; fyte.startAt = offsetX / elSb.clientWidth * fyte.duration | 0; fyte.srcEmbedFixed = setUrlParams(fyte.srcEmbedFixed, {start: fyte.startAt}); startPlaying(div, {alternateMode: e.shiftKey}); } function storyboardPreloader(e) { if (e.type === 'mouseout') { spinner.remove(); return; } const {len, rows, cols, preloaded} = sb || {}; const lastpart = (len - 1) / (rows * cols || 1) | 0; if (lastpart <= 0 || preloaded) return; let part = 0; $create('img', { src: setStoryboardUrl(part++), onload() { if (part <= lastpart) { this.src = setStoryboardUrl(part++); return; } sb.preloaded = true; div.removeEventListener('mouseover', storyboardPreloader); div.removeEventListener('mouseout', storyboardPreloader); this.onload = null; this.src = ''; spinner.remove(); }, }); if (elSb.matches(':hover') && fyte.mouseEvent) storyboardHoverHandler(fyte.mouseEvent); } function setStoryboardUrl(part) { return sb.url.replace(/M\d+\.jpg\?/, `M${part}.jpg?`); } function storyboardHoverHandler(e) { div.removeEventListener('mousemove', trackMouse); if (!cfg.showStoryboard || !sb) return; if (e.type === 'mouseout') { sbImg.onload && sbImg.onload(); return; } const {w, h, cols, rows, len, preloaded} = sb; const partlen = rows * cols; const offsetX = e.offsetX || e.clientX - elSb.getBoundingClientRect().left; const left = Math.min(elSb.clientWidth - w, Math.max(0, offsetX - w)) | 0; if (!style.left || parseInt(style.left) !== left) { style.left = `${left}px`; if (spinner.parentElement) = important(`left:${left + w / 2 - 10}px; right:auto;`); } let index = Math.min(offsetX / elSb.clientWidth * (len + 1) | 0, len - 1); if (index === oldIndex) return; const part = index / partlen | 0; if (!oldIndex || part !== (oldIndex / partlen | 0)) { const url = setStoryboardUrl(part); style.setProperty('background-image', `url(${url})`, 'important'); if (!preloaded) { if (spinner.timer) clearTimeout(spinner.timer); spinner.timer = setTimeout(() => { spinner.timer = 0; if (!sbImg.src) return; elSb.appendChild(spinner); = important(`left:${left + w / 2 - 10}px; right:auto;`); }, 50); sbImg.onload = () => { clearTimeout(spinner.timer); spinner.remove(); spinner.timer = 0; sbImg.onload = null; sbImg.src = ''; }; sbImg.src = url; } } tracker.dataset.time = secondsToTimeString(index / (len - 1 || 1) * fyte.duration | 0); oldIndex = index; index %= partlen; style.setProperty('background-position', `-${(index % cols) * w}px -${(index / cols | 0) * h}px`, 'important'); } } function clickHandler(e) { const el =; if (el.closest('a') || e.type === 'mousedown' && e.button !== 1 || e.type === 'click' && el.matches('.instant-youtube-options, .instant-youtube-options *')) return; if (e.type === 'click' && el.matches('.instant-youtube-options-button')) { showOptions(e); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return; } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); startPlaying(el.closest('.instant-youtube-container'), { alternateMode: e.shiftKey || el.matches('.instant-youtube-alternative'), fullscreen: e.button === 1, }); } function startPlaying(div, params) { div.removeEventListener('click', clickHandler); div.removeEventListener('mousedown', clickHandler); $$remove([ '.instant-youtube-alternative', '.instant-youtube-storyboard', '.instant-youtube-options-button', '.instant-youtube-options', ].join(','), div); $('svg', div).outerHTML = '<span class=instant-youtube-loading-spinner></span>'; if (cfg.pinnable !== 'off') { makePinnable(div); if (params && $(`[pin="${}"]`, div).click(); } if (window !== top) parent.postMessage('iframe-allowfs', '*'); const fyte = fyteMap.get(div); if ((!!cfg.playHTML5 + !!(params && params.alternateMode) === 1) && (fyte.videoSources || fyte.state === 'querying')) { if (fyte.videoSources) startPlayingDirectly(div, params); else { // playback will start in parseVideoInfo fyte.state = 'scheduled play'; // fallback to iframe in 5s setTimeout(() => { if (fyte.state) { fyte.state = '';, params); } }, 5000); } } else, params); } function startPlayingDirectly(div, params) { const switchTimer = setTimeout(switchToIFrame.bind(div, params), 5000); const video = $create('video.embed', { autoplay: true, controls: true, volume: GM_getValue('volume', 0.5), style: { position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, padding: 0, margin: 'auto', opacity: 0, width: '100%', height: '100%', }, oncanplay() { this.oncanplay = null; const fyte = fyteMap.get(div); if (fyte.startAt && Math.abs(this.currentTime - fyte.startAt) > 1) this.currentTime = fyte.startAt; clearTimeout(switchTimer); pauseOtherVideos(this); if (params && params.fullscreen) return; div.setAttribute('playing', ''); div.firstElementChild.appendChild(this); overrideCSS(this, {opacity: 1}); }, onvolumechange() { GM_setValue('volume', this.volume); }, }); for (const src of fyteMap.get(div).videoSources || []) { video.appendChild($create('source', src)) .onerror = switchToIFrame.bind(div, params); } overrideCSS($('img', div), { transition: 'opacity 1s', opacity: '0', }); if (params && params.fullscreen) { div.firstElementChild.appendChild(video); div.setAttribute('playing', ''); = 1; goFullscreen(video); } if (CHROME && +navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrom\D+(\d+)|$/)[1] < 74) video.addEventListener('click', () => setTimeout(() => video.paused ? : video.pause())); const title = $('.instant-youtube-title', div); if (title) { video.onpause = () => (title.hidden = false); video.onplay = () => (title.hidden = true); } } function switchToIFrame(params, e) { if (this.querySelector('iframe')) return; const div = this; const wrapper = div.firstElementChild; const fullscreen = params && params.fullscreen && !e; const fyte = fyteMap.get(div); if (e instanceof Event) { console.log('[FYTE] Direct linking canceled on %s, switching to IFRAME player', fyte.srcEmbed); const video = ?'video') : e.composedPath().pop(); video.textContent = ''; goFullscreen(video, false); video.remove(); } const url = setUrlParams(fyte.srcEmbedFixed, { html5: 1, autoplay: 1, autohide: 2, border: 0, controls: 1, fs: 1, showinfo: 1, ssl: 1, theme: 'dark', enablejsapi: 1, local: 'true', quality: 'medium', FYTEfullscreen: fullscreen | 0, }); let iframe = $create('iframe.embed', { src: url, allow: 'autoplay; fullscreen', allowFullscreen: true, width: '100%', height: '100%', style: { position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, padding: 0, margin: 'auto', opacity: 0, border: 0, }, }); if (cfg.pinnable !== 'off') { $('[pin]', div).insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', iframe); } else { wrapper.appendChild(iframe); } div.setAttribute('iframe', ''); div.setAttribute('playing', ''); iframe = $('iframe', div); if (fullscreen) { goFullscreen(iframe); overrideCSS(iframe, {opacity: 1}); } addEventListener('message', YTlistener); iframe.addEventListener('load', () => { iframe.contentWindow.postMessage('{"event":"listening"}', '*'); if (fyte.cache.reason) show(); }, {once: true}); setTimeout(show, 1000); function show() { overrideCSS(iframe, {opacity: 1}); $('.instant-youtube-title', div).hidden = true; } function YTlistener(e) { const data = e.source === iframe.contentWindow && && tryJSONparse(; if (!data || ! || !== 1) return; removeEventListener('message', YTlistener); pauseOtherVideos(iframe); overrideCSS(iframe, {opacity: 1}); overrideCSS($('img', div), {display: 'none'}); $$remove('span, a', div); } } function getCoverUrl(id, name) { return `${name.endsWith('.webp') ? '_webp' : ''}/${id}/${name}`; } function setUrlParams(url, params) { const u = new URL(url); for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(params)) u.searchParams.set(k, v); return u.href; } function pauseOtherVideos(activePlayer) { for (const v of $$('.instant-youtube-embed', activePlayer.ownerDocument)) { if (v === activePlayer) continue; switch (v.localName) { case 'video': if (!v.paused) v.pause(); break; case 'iframe': try { v.contentWindow.postMessage('{"event":"command", "func":"pauseVideo", "args":""}', '*'); } catch (e) {} break; } } } function goFullscreen(el, enable) { if (enable !== false) el.webkitRequestFullScreen && el.webkitRequestFullScreen() || el.mozRequestFullScreen && el.mozRequestFullScreen() || el.requestFullScreen && el.requestFullScreen(); else document.webkitCancelFullScreen && document.webkitCancelFullScreen() || document.mozCancelFullScreen && document.mozCancelFullScreen() || document.cancelFullScreen && document.cancelFullScreen(); } function makePinnable(div) { div.firstElementChild.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<div size-gripper></div>' + '<div pin="top-left"></div>' + '<div pin="top-right"></div>' + '<div pin="bottom-right"></div>' + '<div pin="bottom-left"></div>'); for (const pin of $$('[pin]', div)) { if (cfg.pinnable === 'hide') pin.setAttribute('transparent', ''); pin.onclick = pinClicked; } $('[size-gripper]', div).addEventListener('mousedown', startResize, true); function pinClicked() { const pin = this; const pinIt = !div.hasAttribute('pinned') || !pin.hasAttribute('active'); const corner = pin.getAttribute('pin'); const video = $('video', div); const paused = video.paused; const fyte = fyteMap.get(div); if (pinIt) { for (const p of $$('[pin][active]', div)) p.removeAttribute('active'); pin.setAttribute('active', ''); if (!fyte.unpinnedStyle) { fyte.unpinnedStyle =; const stub = div.cloneNode(); const img = $('img', div).cloneNode(); = 1; = 'block'; img.title = ''; stub.appendChild(img); stub.onclick = e => $('[pin][active]', div).onclick(e);'opacity', .3, 'important'); stub.setAttribute('stub', ''); fyte.stub = stub; div.parentNode.insertBefore(stub, div); } const size = constrainPinnedSize(div, localStorage.FYTEwidth || cfg.pinnedWidth); overrideCSS(div, { position: 'fixed', width: size.w + 'px', height: size.h + 'px', top: corner.includes('top') ? 0 : 'auto', left: corner.includes('left') ? 0 : 'auto', right: corner.includes('right') ? 0 : 'auto', bottom: corner.includes('bottom') ? 0 : 'auto', 'z-index': 999999999, }); adjustPinnedOffset(div, div, corner); div.setAttribute('pinned', corner); if (video && document.body) document.body.appendChild(div); } else { // unpin pin.removeAttribute('active'); div.removeAttribute('pinned'); = fyte.unpinnedStyle; fyte.unpinnedStyle = ''; if (fyte.stub) { if (video && document.body) fyte.stub.parentNode.replaceChild(div, fyte.stub); fyte.stub.remove(); fyte.stub = null; } } if (paused) video.pause(); } function startResize(e) { const siteSaved = localStorage.FYTEwidth; let saveAs = siteSaved ? 'site' : 'global'; const oldSizeCSS = {w:, h:}; const oldDraggable = div.draggable; div.draggable = false; const gripper = this; gripper.removeAttribute('tried-exceeding'); gripper.innerHTML = `<div> <div save-as="${saveAs}"><b>S</b> = Site mode: <span>${getSiteOnlyText()}</span></div> ${!siteSaved ? '' : '<div><b>R</b> = Reset to global size</div>'} <div><b>Esc</b> = Cancel</div> </div>`; document.addEventListener('mousemove', resize); document.addEventListener('mouseup', resizeDone); document.addEventListener('keydown', resizeKeyDown); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); return false; function getSiteOnlyText() { return saveAs === 'site' ? `only ${location.hostname}` : 'global'; } function resize(e) { let deltaX = e.movementX || e.webkitMovementX || e.mozMovementX || 0; if (/right/.test(div.getAttribute('pinned'))) deltaX = -deltaX; const newSize = constrainPinnedSize(div, div.clientWidth + deltaX); if (newSize.w !== div.clientWidth) {'width', newSize.w + 'px', 'important');'height', newSize.h + 'px', 'important'); gripper.removeAttribute('tried-exceeding'); } else if (newSize.triedExceeding) { gripper.setAttribute('tried-exceeding', ''); } window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); return false; } function resizeDone() { div.draggable = oldDraggable; gripper.removeAttribute('tried-exceeding'); gripper.innerHTML = ''; document.removeEventListener('mousemove', resize); document.removeEventListener('mouseup', resizeDone); document.removeEventListener('keydown', resizeKeyDown); switch (saveAs) { case 'site': localStorage.FYTEwidth = div.clientWidth; break; case 'global': cfg.pinnedWidth = div.clientWidth; GM_setValue('pinnedWidth', cfg.pinnedWidth); // fallthrough to remove the locally saved value case 'reset': delete localStorage.FYTEwidth; break; case '': return false; } gripper.setAttribute('saveAs', saveAs); setTimeout(() => gripper.removeAttribute('saveAs'), 250); return false; } function resizeKeyDown(e) { switch (e.code) { case 'Escape': saveAs = 'cancel'; = oldSizeCSS.w; = oldSizeCSS.h; break; case 'KeyS': saveAs = saveAs === 'site' ? 'global' : 'site'; $('[save-as]', gripper).setAttribute('save-as', saveAs); $('[save-as] span', gripper).textContent = getSiteOnlyText(); return false; case 'KeyR': { if (!siteSaved) return; saveAs = 'reset'; const {w, h} = constrainPinnedSize(div, cfg.pinnedWidth); = w; = h; break; } default: return; } document.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mouseup')); return false; } } } function makeDraggable(div) { div.draggable = true; div.addEventListener('dragstart', e => { const offsetY = e.offsetY || e.clientY - div.getBoundingClientRect().top; if (offsetY > div.clientHeight - 30) { e.preventDefault(); return; } e.dataTransfer.setData('text/plain', ''); let dropZone = $create('div.dragndrop-placeholder'); const fyte = fyteMap.get(div); const dropZoneHeight = 400 / fyte.cache.videoWidth * fyte.cache.videoHeight; document.body.addEventListener('dragenter', dragHandler); document.body.addEventListener('dragover', dragHandler); document.body.addEventListener('dragend', dragHandler); document.body.addEventListener('drop', dragHandler); function dragHandler(e) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); switch (e.type) { case 'dragover': { const playing = div.hasAttribute('playing'); const stub ='.instant-youtube-container[stub]') === fyte.stub && fyte.stub; const gizmo = playing && !stub ? {left: 0, top: 0, right: innerWidth, bottom: innerHeight} : (stub || div).getBoundingClientRect(); const x = e.clientX; const y = e.clientY; const cx = (gizmo.left + gizmo.right) / 2; const cy = ( + gizmo.bottom) / 2; const stay = !!stub || y >= cy - 200 && y <= cy + 200 && x >= cx - 200 && x <= cx + 200; overrideCSS(dropZone, { top: y < cy || stay ? '0' : 'auto', bottom: y > cy || stay ? '0' : 'auto', left: x < cx || stay ? '0' : 'auto', right: x > cx || stay ? '0' : 'auto', width: playing && stay && stub ? stub.clientWidth + 'px' : '400px', height: playing && stay && stub ? stub.clientHeight + 'px' : dropZoneHeight + 'px', margin: playing && stay ? 'auto' : '0', position: !playing && stay || stub ? 'absolute' : 'fixed', 'background-color': stub ? 'rgba(0,0,255,0.5)' : stay ? 'rgba(255,255,0,0.4)' : 'rgba(0,255,0,0.2)', }); adjustPinnedOffset(dropZone, div); (stay && !playing || stub ? (stub || div) : document.body).appendChild(dropZone); break; } case 'dragend': case 'drop': { const corner = calcPinnedCorner(dropZone); dropZone.remove(); dropZone = null; document.body.removeEventListener('dragenter', dragHandler); document.body.removeEventListener('dragover', dragHandler); document.body.removeEventListener('dragend', dragHandler); document.body.removeEventListener('drop', dragHandler); if (e.type === 'dragend') break; if (div.hasAttribute('playing')) (corner ? $(`[pin="${corner}"]`, div) : fyte.stub).click(); else startPlaying(div, {pin: corner}); } } } }); } function adjustPinnedOffset(el, self, corner) { let offset = 0; if (!corner) corner = calcPinnedCorner(el); for (const pin of $$(`.instant-youtube-container[pinned] [pin="${corner}"][active]`)) { const container = pin.closest('[pinned]'); if (container !== el && container !== self) { const {top, bottom} = container.getBoundingClientRect(); offset = Math.max(offset, === '0px' ? bottom : innerHeight - top); } } if (offset)[ === '0px' ? 'top' : 'bottom'] = offset + 'px'; } function calcPinnedCorner(el) { const t = !== 'auto'; const l = !== 'auto'; const r = !== 'auto'; const b = !== 'auto'; return t && b && l && r ? '' : `${t ? 'top' : 'bottom'}-${l ? 'left' : 'right'}`; } function constrainPinnedSize(div, width) { const fyte = fyteMap.get(div); const maxWidth = window.innerWidth - 100 | 0; const triedExceeding = (width | 0) > maxWidth; width = Math.max(200, Math.min(maxWidth, width | 0)); return { w: width, h: width / fyte.cache.videoWidth * fyte.cache.videoHeight, triedExceeding, }; } function showOptions(e) { const [options] = translateHTML(` <div class=instant-youtube-options> <span> <label tl style="width: 100% !important;">Size: <select data-action=resize> <option tl value=Original>Original <option tl value="Fit to width">Fit to width <option>360p <option>480p <option>720p <option>1080p <option tl value=Custom>Custom... </select> </label> <label data-action=resize-custom ${cfg.resize !== 'Custom' ? 'disabled' : ''}> <input type=number min=320 max=9999 tl-placeholder=width data-action=width step=1> x <input type=number min=240 max=9999 tl-placeholder=height data-action=height step=1> </label> </span> <label tl=content,title title=msgStoryboardTip> <input data-action=showStoryboard type=checkbox> msgStoryboard </label> <span> <label tl=content,title title=msgDirectTip> <input data-action=playHTML5 type=checkbox> msgDirect </label> <label tl=content,title title=msgDirectTip> <input data-action=playHTML5Shown type=checkbox> msgDirectShown </label> </span> <label tl=content,title title=msgSafeTip> <input data-action=skipCustom type=checkbox> msgSafe </label> <table> <tr> <td><label tl=content,title title=msgPinningTip>msgPinning</label></td> <td> <select data-action=pinnable> <option tl value=on>msgPinningOn <option tl value=hide>msgPinningHover <option tl value=off>msgPinningOff </select> </td> </tr> </table> <span data-action=buttons> <button tl data-action=ok>OK</button> <button tl data-action=cancel>Cancel</button> </span> </div> `); for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(cfg)) { const el = $(`[data-action=${k}]`, options); if (el) el[el.type === 'checkbox' ? 'checked' : 'value'] = v; } $('[data-action=resize]', options).onchange = function () { const v = this.value !== 'Custom'; const e = $('[data-action=resize-custom]', options); e.children[0].disabled = e.children[1].disabled = v; v ? e.setAttribute('disabled', '') : e.removeAttribute('disabled'); }; $('[data-action=buttons]', options).onclick = e => { const btn =; if (btn.dataset.action !== 'ok') { options.remove(); return; } let shouldAdjust; const oldCfg = Object.assign({}, cfg); for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(cfg)) { const el = $(`[data-action=${k}]`, options); const newVal = el && ( el.type === 'checkbox' ? el.checked : el.type === 'number' ? el.valueAsNumber : el.value); if (newVal != null && newVal !== v) { GM_setValue(k, newVal); cfg[k] = newVal; shouldAdjust = true; } } options.remove(); if (cfg.resize === 'Custom' && (cfg.width !== oldCfg.width || cfg.height !== oldCfg.height)) updateCustomSize(cfg.width, cfg.height); if (cfg.showStoryboard !== oldCfg.showStoryboard) $$('.instant-youtube-container').forEach(updateHoverHandler); if (cfg.playHTML5 !== oldCfg.playHTML5 && cfg.playHTML5Shown) { const alt = _(`msgPlay${cfg.playHTML5 ? '' : 'HTML5'}`); for (const e of $$('.instant-youtube-alternative')) e.textContent = alt; } if (cfg.playHTML5Shown !== oldCfg.playHTML5Shown) updateAltPlayerCSS(); if (shouldAdjust) adjustNodes(e, btn.closest('.instant-youtube-container')); };'afterend', options); } function updateCustomSize(w, h) { cfg.width = Math.min(9999, Math.max(320, w | 0 || cfg.width | 0)); cfg.height = Math.min(9999, Math.max(240, h | 0 || cfg.height | 0)); } function updateAltPlayerCSS() { const ALT = '.instant-youtube-alternative:not(#foo)'; styledom.textContent = styledom.textContent.split(ALT)[0] + /*language=CSS*/ `${ALT} { display: ${cfg.playHTML5Shown ? 'block' : 'none'} !important; }`; } function important(cssText, rx = /;/g) { return cssText.replace(rx, '!important;'); } function $(sel, base = document) { return base.querySelector(sel) || 0; } function $$(sel, base = document) { return [...base.querySelectorAll(sel)]; } function $create(tagCls, props, children) { const [tag, cls] = tagCls.split('.'); const el = Object.assign(document.createElement(tag), props); if (cls) el.className = `instant-youtube-${cls}`; if (props && typeof === 'object') overrideCSS(el,; if (children && typeof children !== 'object') children = document.createTextNode(children); if (children instanceof Node) el.appendChild(children); else if (Array.isArray(children)) el.append(...children.filter(Boolean)); return el; } function $$remove(sel, base = document) { for (const el of base.querySelectorAll(sel)) el.remove(); } function overrideCSS(el, props) { const names = Object.keys(props); = .replace(new RegExp(`(^|\\s|;)(${names.join('|')})(:[^;]+)`, 'gi'), '$1') .replace(/[^;]\s*$/, '$&;') .replace(/^\s*;\s*/, '') + => `${n}:${props[n]}!important;`).join(' '); return el; } // fix dumb Firefox bug function floatPadding(node, style, dir) { const padding = style['padding' + dir]; if (padding.indexOf('%') < 0) return parseFloat(padding); return parseFloat(padding) * (parseFloat(style.width) || node.clientWidth) / 100; } async function cleanupStorage() { cleanupStorage.timer = 0; const cutoff = - CACHE_STALE_DURATION; // TODO: remove localStorage in 2024 for (const k in localStorage) { if (k.startsWith(CACHE_PREFIX)) { try { const str = localStorage[k]; const isObj = str[0] === '{'; const val = isObj ? tryJSONparse(str) || false : str; const time = isObj ? val.lastUsed : parseInt(val, 36) * 1000; if (time > cutoff) { const res = isObj ? (val.lastUsed = new Date(time), val) : unpack(val, k.slice(CACHE_PREFIX.length)); write(res); } } catch (e) {} } } // TODO: remove GM_listValues in 2024 for (const k of GM_listValues()) if (k.startsWith('cache-')) GM_deleteValue(k); try { /** @type {IDBIndex} */ const store = await db({raw: true, write: true, index: 'lastUsed'}); const req = store.openCursor(IDBKeyRange.upperBound(new Date(cutoff))); req.onerror = console.warn; req.onsuccess = () => { const cur = /** @type {IDBCursorWithValue} */ req.r###lt; if (!cur) return; cur.delete().onerror = console.warn; cur.continue(); }; } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } await write().catch(console.warn); for (const k in localStorage) if (k.startsWith(CACHE_PREFIX)) delete localStorage[k]; } function initDB() { db = TinyIDB('FYTE', { onUpgrade() { this.r###lt .createObjectStore('data', {keyPath: 'id'}) .createIndex('lastUsed', 'u'); }, }); cleanupStorage.timer = setTimeout(cleanupStorage, 1e3); return db; } async function read(ids) { const toRead = []; const toWrite = []; for (const id of ids) { const str = localStorage[CACHE_PREFIX + id]; if (str) { toWrite.push(id); unpack(str, id); } else { toRead.push(id); } } if (toRead.length) { for (const val of await (db || initDB()).getMulti(toRead)) if (val) unpack(val); } if (toWrite.length) { if (!cleanupStorage.timer) cleanupStorage.timer = setTimeout(cleanupStorage, 1000); toWrite.forEach(write); } } function unpack(data, id) { const old = !!id; const arr = (old ? data : data.a).split('\n'); const obj = { id: id || (id =, lastUsed: old ? new Date(parseInt(arr.shift(), 36) * 1000) : data.u, }; for (let j = 0; j < CACHE_PROPS.length; j++) { const [key, type] = CACHE_PROPS[j]; const v = arr[j] || ''; obj[key] = type === 0 ? parseInt(v, 36) || 0 : key === 'cover' ? getCoverUrl(id, v) || '' : v; } return (dbCache[id] = obj); } function write(data) { if (data) { if (!write.timer) write.timer = setTimeout(write, dbFlushDelay); const id = typeof data === 'object' ? : data; dbCache[id] = data; dbFlush.add(id); return; } const toWrite = []; for (const id of dbFlush) { const obj = dbCache[id]; let res = ''; for (const [key, type] of CACHE_PROPS) { const v = obj[key]; // not storing array values separately to minimize byte size res += `${res ? '\n' : ''}${!v ? '' : type === 0 ? (+v).toString(36) : key === 'cover' ? v.split('?')[0].split('/').pop() : v.replace(/\n/g, ' ')}`; } toWrite.push({ a: res, u: obj.lastUsed, id, }); } dbFlush.clear(); write.timer = 0; return toWrite.length ? (db || initDB()).putMulti(toWrite) : Promise.resolve(); } function tryJSONparse(s) { try { return JSON.parse(s); } catch (e) {} } function secondsToTimeString(sec) { const h = sec / 3600 | 0; const m = (sec / 60 | 0) % 60; const s = sec % 60; return `${h ? h + ':' : ''}${h && m < 10 ? 0 : ''}${m}:${s < 10 ? 0 : ''}${s}`; } function translateHTML(html) { const tmp = $create('div', {innerHTML: html.trim().replace(/\n\s*/g, '')}); for (const node of $$('[tl]', tmp)) { for (const what of (node.getAttribute('tl') || 'content').split(',')) { let child; if (what === 'content') { for (const n of [...node.childNodes].reverse()) { if (n.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && n.textContent.trim()) { child = n; break; } } } else child = node.getAttributeNode(what); if (!child) continue; const src = child.textContent; const srcTrimmed = src.trim(); const tl = src.replace(srcTrimmed, _(srcTrimmed)); if (src !== tl) child.textContent = tl; } } return [...tmp.childNodes]; } function initTL() { const tlSource = { msgWatch: { en: 'watch on Youtube', ru: 'открыть на Youtube', }, msgPlay: { en: 'Play with Youtube player', ru: 'Включить плеер Youtube', }, msgPlayHTML5: { en: 'Play directly (up to 720p)', ru: 'Включить напрямую (макс. 720p)', }, msgAltPlayerHint: { en: 'Shift-click to use alternative player', ru: 'Shift-клик для смены типа плеера', }, Options: { ru: 'Опции', }, 'Size:': { ru: 'Размер:', }, Original: { ru: 'Исходный', }, 'Fit to width': { ru: 'На всю ширину', }, 'Custom...': { ru: 'Настроить...', }, width: { ru: 'ширина', }, height: { ru: 'высота', }, msgStoryboard: { en: 'Storyboard thumbnails on hover', ru: 'Раскадровка при наведении курсора', }, msgStoryboardTip: { en: 'Show storyboard preview on mouse hover at the bottom', ru: 'Показывать миникадры при наведении мыши на низ кавер-картинки', }, msgDirect: { en: 'Play directly', ru: 'Встроенный плеер браузера', }, msgDirectTip: { en: 'Shift-click a thumbnail to use the alternative player', ru: 'Удерживайте клавишу Shift при щелчке на картинке для альтернативного плеера', }, msgDirectShown: { en: 'Show under play button', ru: 'Показывать под кнопкой ►', }, msgInvidious: { en: 'Use to play videos', ru: 'Использовать в плеере', }, msgSafe: { en: 'Safe (skip videos with enablejsapi=1)', ru: 'Консервативный режим', }, msgSafeTip: { en: 'Do not process customized videos with enablejsapi=1 parameter (requires page reload)', ru: 'Не обрабатывать нестандартные видео с параметром enablejsapi=1 ' + '(подействует после обновления страницы)', }, msgPinning: { en: 'Corner pinning', ru: 'Закрепление по углам', }, msgPinningTip: { en: 'Enable corner pinning controls when a video is playing.\n' + 'To restore the video click the active corner pin or the original video placeholder.', ru: 'Включить шпильки по углам для закрепления видео во время просмотра.\n' + 'Для отмены можно нажать еще раз на активированный угол или на заглушку, ' + 'где исходно было видео', }, msgPinningOn: { en: 'On', ru: 'Да', }, msgPinningHover: { en: 'On, hover a corner to show', ru: 'Да, при наведении курсора', }, msgPinningOff: { en: 'Off', ru: 'Нет', }, OK: { ru: 'ОК', }, Cancel: { ru: 'Оменить', }, }; const browserLang = navigator.language || navigator.languages && navigator.languages[0] || ''; const browserLangMajor = browserLang.replace(/-.+/, ''); const tl = {}; for (const k of Object.keys(tlSource)) { const langs = tlSource[k]; const text = langs[browserLang] || langs[browserLangMajor]; if (text) tl[k] = text; } return src => tl[src] || src; } function initPlayButton() { [playbtn] = translateHTML(` <svg class="instant-youtube-play-button"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" fill="#1F1F1F" class="ytp-large-play-button-svg" d="M84.15,26.4v6.35c0,2.833-0.15,5.967-0.45,9.4c-0.133,1.7-0.267,3.117-0.4,4.25l-0.15,0.95c-0.167,0.767-0.367,1.517-0.6,2.25c-0.667,2.367-1.533,4.083-2.6,5.15c-1.367,1.4-2.967,2.383-4.8,2.95c-0.633,0.2-1.316,0.333-2.05,0.4c-0.767,0.1-1.3,0.167-1.6,0.2c-4.9,0.367-11.283,0.617-19.15,0.75c-2.434,0.034-4.883,0.067-7.35,0.1h-2.95C38.417,59.117,34.5,59.067,30.3,59c-8.433-0.167-14.05-0.383-16.85-0.65c-0.067-0.033-0.667-0.117-1.8-0.25c-0.9-0.133-1.683-0.283-2.35-0.45c-2.066-0.533-3.783-1.5-5.15-2.9c-1.033-1.067-1.9-2.783-2.6-5.15C1.317,48.867,1.133,48.117,1,47.35L0.8,46.4c-0.133-1.133-0.267-2.55-0.4-4.25C0.133,38.717,0,35.583,0,32.75V26.4c0-2.833,0.133-5.95,0.4-9.35l0.4-4.25c0.167-0.966,0.417-2.05,0.75-3.25c0.7-2.333,1.567-4.033,2.6-5.1c1.367-1.434,2.967-2.434,4.8-3c0.633-0.167,1.333-0.3,2.1-0.4c0.4-0.066,0.917-0.133,1.55-0.2c4.9-0.333,11.283-0.567,19.15-0.7C35.65,0.05,39.083,0,42.05,0L45,0.05c2.467,0,4.933,0.034,7.4,0.1c7.833,0.133,14.2,0.367,19.1,0.7c0.3,0.033,0.833,0.1,1.6,0.2c0.733,0.1,1.417,0.233,2.05,0.4c1.833,0.566,3.434,1.566,4.8,3c1.066,1.066,1.933,2.767,2.6,5.1c0.367,1.2,0.617,2.284,0.75,3.25l0.4,4.25C84,20.45,84.15,23.567,84.15,26.4z M33.3,41.4L56,29.6L33.3,17.75V41.4z"><title tl>msgAltPlayerHint</title></path> <polygon fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" fill="#FFFFFF" points="33.3,41.4 33.3,17.75 56,29.6"></polygon> </svg>`); return playbtn; } /** * @param {string} dbName * @param {Object} [opts] * @param {string} [] * @param {string} [opts.index] * @param {number} [opts.timeout] * @param {number} [opts.version] * @param {(this:IDBOpenDBRequest, e:IDBVersionChangeEvent)=>void} [opts.onUpgrade] * @returns {TinyIDB} */ function TinyIDB(dbName, { store = 'data', index, version, timeout = 250, onUpgrade = function (evt) { if (store); }, } = {}) { /** @typedef {TinyIDBSource | ((config?:TinyIDBConfig) => Promise<TinyIDBSource>)} TinyIDB */ /** @typedef {number|string|Date|BufferSource|IDBKeyRange} IDBKey */ /** @typedef {IDBObjectStore | IDBIndex | { * getMulti: (keys: IDBKey[]) => ?[] * putMulti: (values: Object[] | [val:?, key:IDBKey][]) => IDBKey[] * }} TinyIDBSource */ /** @typedef TinyIDBConfig * @prop {boolean} [raw] - returns the raw IDBObjectStore | IDBIndex object * @prop {boolean} [write] * @prop {string} [store] * @prop {string} [index] */ let timer; /** @type {IDBDatabase} */ let db; let dbPromise; const RW = ['add', 'clear', 'delete', 'put', 'putMulti']; const handler = { apply: proxyApply, get: (cfg, method) => proxyGet.bind(null, cfg, method), }; return new Proxy(TinyIDB, handler); function proxyApply(_, thisObj, [cfg]) { return cfg && cfg.raw ? proxyGet(cfg) : new Proxy(cfg || {}, handler); } /** * @param {TinyIDBConfig} cfg * @param {keyof IDBObjectStore | 'getMulti' | 'putMulti'} method * @param {...?[]} args * @return {Promise<?>} */ async function proxyGet(cfg, method, ...args) { if (!db) await (dbPromise || open()); const { raw, index: txIndex = index, store: txStore = store, write = RW.includes(method), } = cfg; const arg = args[0]; const isMulti = !raw && (method === 'getMulti' || method === 'putMulti'); if (isMulti) { if (!Array.isArray(arg)) throw new Error('Argument must be an array'); if (!arg.length) return []; } const tx = db.transaction(txStore, write ? 'readwrite' : 'readonly'); let source = tx.objectStore(txStore); if (timer) clearTimeout(timer); if (txIndex) source = source.index(txIndex); if (timeout) tx.oncomplete = tx.onerror = closeLater; if (raw) return source; let req, resolve, reject; const promise = new Promise((ok, ko) => (resolve = ok) && (reject = ko)); if (isMulti) { source._r###lts = []; method = method.slice(0, 3); const addKey = method === 'put' && !source.keyPath; for (let i = 0, val, len = arg.length; i < len; i++) { val = arg[i]; req = addKey ? source[method](val[0], val[1]) : source[method](val); req.onsuccess = onExecMulti; req.onerror = reject; } } else { req = source[method](...args); req.onsuccess = onExec; req.onerror = reject; } req._resolve = resolve; return promise; } function onExec() { this._resolve(this.r###lt); } function onExecMulti() { const {r###lt, _resolve: cb, source: {_r###lts: arr}} = this; arr.push(r###lt); if (cb) cb(arr); } function open() { dbPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const op =, version); op.onupgradeneeded = onUpgrade; op.onsuccess = onOpened; op.onerror = reject; op._resolve = resolve; }); return dbPromise; } function onOpened() { this._resolve(db = this.r###lt); dbPromise = null; } function closeLater() { timer = setTimeout(closeNow, timeout); } function closeNow() { timer = 0; if (db) { db.close(); db = null; } } } function injectStylesIfNeeded(force) { if (!fytedom[0] && !force) return; styledom = styledom || GM_addStyle(/*language=CSS*/ ` [class^="instant-youtube-"]:not(#foo) { margin: 0; padding: 0; transform: none; } ` + important(/*language=CSS*/ ` .instant-youtube-container { contain: strict; display: block; position: relative; overflow: hidden; cursor: pointer; margin: auto; font: normal 14px/1.0 sans-serif, Arial, Helvetica, Verdana; text-align: center; background: black; break-inside: avoid-column; } .instant-youtube-container[disabled] { background: #888; } .instant-youtube-container[disabled] .instant-youtube-storyboard { display: none; } .instant-youtube-container[pinned] { box-shadow: 0 0 30px black; } .instant-youtube-container[playing] { contain: none; } .instant-youtube-wrapper { width: 100%; height: 100%; } .instant-youtube-play-button { display: block; position: absolute; width: 85px; height: 60px; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; margin: auto; } .instant-youtube-loading-spinner { display: block; position: absolute; width: 20px; height: 20px; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; margin: auto; pointer-events: none; background: url(""); } .instant-youtube-container:hover .ytp-large-play-button-svg { fill: #CC181E; } .instant-youtube-alternative { display: block; position: absolute; width: 20em; height: 20px; top: 50%; left: 0; right: 0; margin: 60px auto; border: none; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px black; color: white; z-index: 8; font-weight: normal; font-size: 12px; } .instant-youtube-alternative:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: white; background: transparent; } .instant-youtube-embed { z-index: 10; background: transparent; transition: opacity .25s; } .instant-youtube-title { z-index: 20; display: block; position: absolute; width: auto; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; padding: 7px; border: none; text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px black; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; color: white; background-color: #0008; } .instant-youtube-title strong { font: bold 14px/1.0 sans-serif, Arial, Helvetica, Verdana; } .instant-youtube-title strong::after { content: " - ${_('msgWatch')}"; font-weight: normal; margin-right: 1ex; } .instant-youtube-title span { color: white; } .instant-youtube-title span::before { content: "("; } .instant-youtube-title span::after { content: ")"; } .instant-youtube-title i::before { content: ", "; } .instant-youtube-container .instant-youtube-title i { all: unset; opacity: .5; font-style: normal; color: white; } @-webkit-keyframes instant-youtube-fadein { from { opacity: 0 } to { opacity: 1 } } @-moz-keyframes instant-youtube-fadein { from { opacity: 0 } to { opacity: 1 } } @keyframes instant-youtube-fadein { from { opacity: 0 } to { opacity: 1 } } .instant-youtube-container:not(:hover) .instant-youtube-title[hidden] { display: none; } .instant-youtube-title:hover { text-decoration: underline; } .instant-youtube-title strong { color: white; } .instant-youtube-options-button { opacity: 0.6; position: absolute; right: 0; bottom: 0; padding: 1.5ex 2ex; font-size: 11px; text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px black; color: white; } .instant-youtube-options-button:hover { opacity: 1; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); } .instant-youtube-options { display: flex; position: absolute; right: 0; bottom: 0; padding: 1ex 1ex 2ex 2ex; flex-direction: column; align-items: flex-start; line-height: 1.5; text-align: left; opacity: 1; color: white; background: black; z-index: 999; } .instant-youtube-options * { width: auto; height: auto; font: inherit; font-size: 13px; vertical-align: middle; text-transform: none; text-align: left; border-radius: 0; text-decoration: none; color: white; background: black; } .instant-youtube-options > * { margin-top: 1ex; } .instant-youtube-options table { all: unset; display: table; } .instant-youtube-options tr { all: unset; display: table-row; } .instant-youtube-options td { all: unset; display: table-cell; padding: 2px; } .instant-youtube-options label > * { display: inline; } .instant-youtube-options select { padding: .5ex .25ex; border: 1px solid #444; -webkit-appearance: menulist; } .instant-youtube-options [data-action="resize-custom"] input { width: 9ex; padding: .5ex .5ex .4ex; border: 1px solid #666; } .instant-youtube-options [data-action="buttons"] { margin-top: 1em; } .instant-youtube-options button { margin: 0 1ex 0 0; padding: .5ex 2ex; border: 2px solid gray; font-weight: bold; } .instant-youtube-options button:hover { border-color: white; } .instant-youtube-options label[disabled] { opacity: 0.25; } .instant-youtube-storyboard { height: 33%; max-height: 90px; display: block; position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; overflow: visible; transition: background-color .5s .25s; } .instant-youtube-storyboard[data-loaded]:hover { background-color: #0004; } .instant-youtube-storyboard div { display: block; position: absolute; bottom: 0; pointer-events: none; border: 3px solid #888; box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px black; transition: opacity .25s ease; background-color: transparent; background-origin: content-box; opacity: 0; } .instant-youtube-storyboard div::after { content: attr(data-time); opacity: .5; color: #fff; background-color: #000; font-weight: bold; font-size: 10px; position: absolute; bottom: 4px; left: 4px; padding: 1px 3px; } .instant-youtube-storyboard:hover div { opacity: 1; } .instant-youtube-thumbnail { all: initial; width: 100%; height: 100%; max-height: 100%; overflow: hidden; object-fit: cover; transition: opacity .5s ease-out; } .instant-youtube-container [pin] { display: block; position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; top: auto; bottom: auto; left: auto; right: auto; border-style: solid; transition: opacity 2.5s ease-in, opacity 0.4s ease-out; opacity: 0; z-index: 100; } .instant-youtube-container[playing]:hover [pin]:not([transparent]) { opacity: 1; } .instant-youtube-container[playing] [pin]:hover { cursor: alias; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 0s; } .instant-youtube-container [pin=top-left][active] { border-top-color: green; } .instant-youtube-container [pin=top-left]:hover { border-top-color: #fc0; } .instant-youtube-container [pin=top-left] { top: 0; left: 0; border-width: 10px 10px 0 0; border-color: red transparent transparent transparent; } .instant-youtube-container [pin=top-left][transparent] { border-width: 10px 10px 0 0; } .instant-youtube-container [pin=top-right][active] { border-right-color: green; } .instant-youtube-container [pin=top-right]:hover { border-right-color: #fc0; } .instant-youtube-container [pin=top-right] { top: 0; right: 0; border-width: 0 10px 10px 0; border-color: transparent red transparent transparent; } .instant-youtube-container [pin=top-right][transparent] { border-width: 0 10px 10px 0; } .instant-youtube-container [pin=bottom-right][active] { border-bottom-color: green; } .instant-youtube-container [pin=bottom-right]:hover { border-bottom-color: #fc0; } .instant-youtube-container [pin=bottom-right] { bottom: 0; right: 0; border-width: 0 0 10px 10px; border-color: transparent transparent red transparent; } .instant-youtube-container [pin=bottom-right][transparent] { border-width: 0 0 10px 10px; } .instant-youtube-container [pin=bottom-left][active] { border-left-color: green; } .instant-youtube-container [pin=bottom-left]:hover { border-left-color: #fc0; } .instant-youtube-container [pin=bottom-left] { bottom: 0; left: 0; border-width: 10px 0 0 10px; border-color: transparent transparent transparent red; } .instant-youtube-container [pin=bottom-left][transparent] { border-width: 10px 0 0 10px; } .instant-youtube-dragndrop-placeholder { z-index: 999999999; background: rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.1); border: 2px dotted green; box-sizing: border-box; pointer-events: none; } .instant-youtube-container [size-gripper] { width: 0; position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; cursor: e-resize; border-color: rgba(50,100,255,0.5); border-width: 12px; background: rgba(50,100,255,0.2); z-index: 99; opacity: 0; transition: opacity .1s ease-in-out, border-color .1s ease-in-out; } .instant-youtube-container[pinned*="right"] [size-gripper] { border-style: none none none solid; left: -4px; } .instant-youtube-container[pinned*="left"] [size-gripper] { border-style: none solid none none; right: -4px; } .instant-youtube-container [size-gripper]:hover { opacity: 1; } .instant-youtube-container [size-gripper]:active { opacity: 1; width: auto; left: -4px; right: -4px; } .instant-youtube-container [size-gripper][tried-exceeding] { border-color: rgba(255,0,0,0.5); } .instant-youtube-container [size-gripper][saveAs="global"] { border-color: rgba(0,255,0,0.5); } .instant-youtube-container [size-gripper][saveAs="site"] { border-color: rgba(0,255,255,0.5); } .instant-youtube-container [size-gripper][saveAs="reset"] { border-color: rgba(255,255,0,0.5); } .instant-youtube-container [size-gripper][saveAs="cancel"] { border-color: rgba(255,0,255,0.25); } .instant-youtube-container [size-gripper] > div { white-space: nowrap; color: white; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1.25; text-align: left; position: absolute; top: 50%; padding: 1ex 1em 1ex; background-color: rgba(80,150,255,0.5); } .instant-youtube-container [size-gripper] [save-as="site"] { font-weight: bold; color: yellow; } .instant-youtube-container[pinned*="left"] [size-gripper] > div { right: 0; } `, /;\n/g).replace(/(::\w+)?\s+{/g, ':not(#_)$1 {')); // move our rules to the end of HEAD to increase CSS specificity if (styledom.nextElementSibling && document.head) document.head.appendChild(styledom); updateAltPlayerCSS(); }