EN: This user script shows the Trivia Crack correct answer (Facebook Game). \n ES: Este script muestra la respuesta correcta en el juego Preguntados (Juego de Facebook)
Userscript made for Greasemonkey (Firefox) or Tampermonkey (Google Chrome) or Violentmonkey (Maxthon)who shows the correct answer of Trivia Crack game (www.triviacrack.com/game) or also known by Preguntados (www.preguntados.com/game) for the spanish people.
Note: Don't works in challenge or battle mode Note: Not made by me. Made by MauroCendon. Just remodify some codes to work on Violentmonkey for Maxthon. Note: Dosen't work on some websites that have trivia crack? Tell me! Post a feedback so i can fix it.