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Greasy Fork - Search scripts on other sites (Added more sites)

Add search option to search on Userscripts.org, OpenUserJS.org, MonkeyGuts.com (Code Remodified), Google.com(Beta;Work in progress;still functional) and Google Custom Search(Search all userscript websites with one click). Plus especially Userscripts-mirror.org(As Userscripts.org has shut down).

// ==UserScript==
// @id              greasyfork-search-other-sites@hackscomicon
// @name            Greasy Fork - Search scripts on other sites (Added more sites)
// @namespace       https://github.com/LouCypher/userscripts
// @description     Add search option to search on Userscripts.org, OpenUserJS.org, MonkeyGuts.com (Code Remodified), Google.com(Beta;Work in progress;still functional) and Google Custom Search(Search all userscript websites with one click). Plus especially Userscripts-mirror.org(As Userscripts.org has shut down).
// @icon            http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/6b10/64gmr1m4qul6xalzg.jpg?size_id=2
// @version         5.1
// @author          HACKSCOMICON Credits:LouCypher
// @license         MIT License
// @contributionURL http://loucypher.github.io/userscripts/donate.html?Greasy+Fork+-+Search+other+sites
// @homepageURL     https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/9630
// @supportURL      https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/9630/feedback
// @resource        LICENSE https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HACKSCOMICON/greasyforksearch/master/LICENSE
// @include         https://greasyfork.org/*
// @grant           none
// ==/UserScript==
function $(aSelector, aNode) {
return (aNode || document).querySelector(aSelector);
function createElement(aTagName) {
return document.createElement(aTagName);
function createText(aText) {
return document.createTextNode(aText);
function createLink(aURL, aText, aName) {
var link = createElement("a");
aURL && (link.href = aURL);
aText && (link.textContent = aText);
aName && (link.name = aName);
return link;
function addStyle(aCSS) {
var style = createElement("style");
style.type = "text/css";
style.textContent = aCSS;
if (document.head)
return style;
var sites = [
{ name: "Userscripts.org", url: "http://userscripts.org/scripts/search?q=" },
{ name: "OpenUserJS",  url: "https://openuserjs.org/?q=" },
{ name: "MonkeyGuts",  url: "https://monkeyguts.com/index.php?search=" },
{ name: "Userscripts-mirror.org",  url: "http://www.google.ro/cse?cx=006416817443944833046:kp4ssgm5w-8&ie=UTF-8&q=" },
{ name: "Google-Beta",  url: "https://www.google.ro/webhp#q=userscript%20" },
{ name: "Google-Custom Search",  url: "http://www.google.ro/cse?cx=006416817443944833046:icpbeh10o5k&ie=UTF-8&q=" }
function onsubmit(aEvent) {
var searchURL;
var query = aEvent.target.q.value;
var site = $("#search-other-sites");
switch (parseInt(site.value)) {
case 6:  searchURL = sites[6].url; break;
case 5:  searchURL = sites[4].url; break;
case 4:  searchURL = sites[3].url; break;
case 3:  searchURL = sites[2].url; break;
case 2:  searchURL = sites[1].url; break;
case 1:  searchURL = sites[0].url; break;
default: searchURL = null;
if (searchURL) {
location.assign(searchURL + encodeURIComponent(query));
function onchange(aEvent) {
var input = $("#script-search").q;
switch (parseInt(aEvent.target.value)) {
case 6:  input.placeholder = "Search " + sites[5].name; break;
case 5:  input.placeholder = "Search " + sites[4].name; break;
case 4:  input.placeholder = "Search " + sites[3].name; break;
case 3:  input.placeholder = "Search " + sites[2].name; break;
case 2:  input.placeholder = "Search " + sites[1].name; break;
case 1:  input.placeholder = "Search " + sites[0].name; break;
default: input.placeholder = "Search";
$("#script-search input[type='submit']").title = input.placeholder;
var form = $("#script-search");
if (form) {
addStyle("#search-other-sites{width:19px;direction:rtl}" +
"#link-other-sites li{line-height:1.5em}");
var select = form.insertBefore(createElement("select"), form.lastChild);
select.id = "search-other-sites";
select.title = "Search other sites";
select.innerHTML = '<option value="0">Greasy Fork</option>'
+ '<option value="1">' + sites[0].name + '</option>'
+ '<option value="2">' + sites[1].name + '</option>'
+ '<option value="3">' + sites[2].name + '</option>'
+ '<option value="4">' + sites[3].name + '</option>'
+ '<option value="5">' + sites[4].name + '</option>'
+ '<option value="6">' + sites[5].name + '</option>';
select.addEventListener("change", onchange);
form.addEventListener("submit", onsubmit);
if (location.pathname === "/scripts/search") {
var xpath = "//p[@id='script-list-sort']/following-sibling::p[text()='No scripts found.']";
var p = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, 9, null).singleNodeValue;
if (p) {
var query = $("#script-search").q.value;
p.appendChild(createText("Search '" + query + "' on other sites:"));
var ul = document.body.insertBefore(createElement("ul"), p.nextSibling);
ul.id = "link-other-sites";
var li;
sites.forEach(function(site) {
li = ul.appendChild(createElement("li"));
li.appendChild(createLink(site.url + encodeURIComponent(query), site.name));