กำลังแสดงผลลัพธ์สำหรับภาษาทั้งหมด แสดงผลลัพธ์ภาษาไทยเท่านั้น
BunPro: JLPT PercentageJS-Adds percentages to the progress bars.
Bunpro: Example Sentence AudioJS-Adds Google Translate audio to all the sentences that do not yet have audio.
Bunpro: Egg TimerJS-Times your review session.
Bunpro: JLPT Level IndicatorJS-Adds a JLPT level indicator in reviews.
Bunpro: Jisho ButtonJS-Searches the sentence on Jisho.
Bunpro: Copy SentencesJS-Adds buttons to copy the Japanese and English sentences in review.
Bunpro: Auto-show InfoJS-Automatically expands the full grammar info when you get a review wrong.
Bunpro: Streak Chart AdditionsJS-Adds a bar for unlearned items and changes the labels on the bars to be more informative
Bunpro: Auto Commit 2.0JS-Automatically submits your answer once it's correct.
bunpro-plannerJS-Better visualization of upcoming Bunpro Reviews
Bunpro: Mistake DelayJS-Prevents premature wrong answer submission.
Bunpro Japanese Stack Exchange Search ButtonJS-Add Japanese Stack Exchange Search Button
Bunpro: Prevent cursor from jumping to end of input fieldJS-Restores the cursor position after romaji get converted to kana
Bunpro: Disable Backspace UndoJS-Disables the backspace functionality in reviews
Bunpro: Disable Undo on SRS 11 reviewsJS-Disables the undo button on the last SRS stage
Bunpro: Remove Undo ButtonJS-Disables the undo functionality in reviews
BunPro Training ModeJS-Add a training mode to BunPro after a lesson and before a quizz
Q to Accept QuizJS-Adds a keyboard shortcut to start quizzes!
Bunpro ToolboxJS-Adds various search options from Japanese resources
Bunpro: Toggle Furigana of Review SentenceJS-Toggle review sentence furigana with ArrowUp Key while answer input field is focused.
Hide distracting information on BunproJS-No distractions!
BunPro Extra StatsJS-Adds extra stats to the BunPro Stats page
Hide SRS rank image on new grammarJS-When looking at synonyms and antonyms on grammar pages, "new" related grammar, that hasn't been added to reviews yet, still show an image, as if they were on SRS Level 0-2. This script removes those images to properly mark them as "new".
Enable keyboard shortcuts for Japanese charactersJS-When making a mistake, while reviewing, also show the correct answer, when "あ" is pressed.
Scroll to Grammar InfoJS-When showing Grammar Info, scroll down to it, if hiding, scroll back up.
Bunpro: Toggle Furigana of Review Sentence (Review 2.0)JS-Toggle review sentence furigana with ArrowUp Key while answer input field is focused. Fixed for use with 2.0 reviews on 12 Apr 2023.
Bunpro Study Streak 2 DragonJS-Study streaks can be stressful or demoralizing, so we'll replace them with dragons instead 🐉 ...Or whatever you prefer.
ANKO! Bunpro with Anki Style ButtonsJS-Configure the Bunpro UI with simple Anki quiz style Easy/Hard answer buttons - demo at https://kyounojanaru.com/wanikani-and-bunpro/anko-anki-buttons-for-bunpro/
HANKO! Bunpro with Hangman Style Single Text RevealsJS-Configure the Bunpro UI with 'Hangman' style single character at a time answer reveals - use anki buttons or manual input for submitting answers
Bunpro Custom Layout For Vocab Reading ReviewsJS-11/28/2024, 6:43:44 AM