กำลังแสดงผลลัพธ์สำหรับภาษาทั้งหมด แสดงผลลัพธ์ภาษาไทยเท่านั้น
Indeed.com hide certain employersJS-Provides an option on Indeed to select employers that you are uninterested in working for and collapse their openings in search r###lts
Indeed.com: Design like StepstoneJS-This script changes the old-fashioned indeed.com design to the modern Stepstone.com design and adds new useful features like navigation, company search and unlocks 150km search radius.
Indeed.com Remove SponsorJS-Removes sponsored companies when job searching
Indeed: separate sponsored jobs from searchJS-Separate sponsored jobs from search making them appear yellow. Useful to distinguish those jobs you've not searched for, but are in the r###lts just because they're sponsored.
Indeed UX+JS-Removes Archived, Saved & Applied Job Posts from showing up & Allows select Job Posts via Arrow Keys