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Voat EnhancementJS-A simple script to provide some basic enhancement for voat. Includes auto-pagination, info bar detachment, and extra embedding for comments.
Disable Voat's share overlayJS-This will disable Voat's share overlay.
Remove custom css on VOATJS-Removes the dark custom CSS theme from subverses on VOAT.co
Voat Fill ScreenJS-forces voat to fill the screen
Show/Hide all posts on VoatJS-Adds a button which will "unfold" all artikles on the current Voat page.
Voat AutoexpandJS-Autoexpand Voat
Voat ArchiveJS-Mirror links on archive.is for Voat submission links
Voat FixerJS-Fix the sort by top issues found on voat.co
add rel=noreferrer noopener to voatJS-add rel=noreferrer noopener to voat links
Voat expandJS-Adds button to expand or collapse all posts.
Vote RatioJS-Mark who upvotes and who downvotes on Voat.co
Voat Post FiltererJS-Filter Voat Posts By Username