กำลังแสดงผลลัพธ์สำหรับภาษาทั้งหมด แสดงผลลัพธ์ภาษาไทยเท่านั้น
MO Kab MukomukoJS-Boundary Polygons Kab Mukomuko, Bengkulu di WME layer
MO Kab Bengkulu UtaraJS-Boundary Polygons Kab Bengkulu Utara di WME layer
freeskier.com: anti blockadblock.jsJS-This will un-hide the video widgets, which are hidden by default
Fullscreen VoiceTubeJS-Make VoiceTube Video FullScreen !
Polygon Kecamatan di Kerinci.kmlJS-Polygon Kecamatan Kerinci
Dan Gilbert Comic Tweets !JS-Dan Gilbert's tweets show up in Comic Sans.
Fold All Gone Kickstarter RewardsJS-Fold all no-longer-available rewards at Kickstarter by default. (Click to unfold or refold again.)
Background changerJS-changes background on the web
ExtraTorrent Direct Torrent LinkJS-Skips the interstitial page for ExtraTorrent links
Ö1 – Simple <audio> Stream and DownloadJS-Sendungen auf Ö1 schnell und einfach anhören und herunterladen
Animemotes V2JS-Emoticons for v4c and other synctube rooms by Bronard formatted by hunter2
AutoFarmBot for GrepolisJS-AutoFarmBot
Wanikani Lightning ModeJS-Eliminates second Enter or Click for correct review answers.
Polygon Kecamatan di MeranginJS-Polygon Merangin
Politics and War Helper - Test ServerJS-Adds useful functions to the Game Politics and War - Test Server
Wayback Machine Image FixerJS-Attempts to fix broken images by replacing them with working timestamps based on JSON r###lts
IRON Nation AuditJS-Submit nation stats to our server
EL-Bot SortJS-Columns click-sort, shows EMU + free slots up top, Highlights guildies.
Borrar ActividadJS-Borra la Actividad de Taringa!
HRPG+JS-Heroes RPG+: Less effort, more info
Botones de Negrita y CursivaJS-Agrega los Botones de Negrita y Cursiva para comentar en Taringa!.
gofullscreenJS-fix missing button for full screen mode at html5 videos
Scan ModJS-Scan All Surveyors
NYT Article Limit RemoverJS-This script removes the limit on the number of articles you
Jenkins Local TimeJS-Jenkins Local Time Formatter
Yap helperJS-Очищает ЯП от рекламы и улучшает внешний вид
МегапереводчикJS-Перевод каталога ROPA Mashinenbau
BF4 battlelog garbage removeJS-BF4 battlelog garbage remover
Virtonomica: Исправляем ссылки из писем на исследованияJS-Разработчики игры сделали доброе дело — объединили кучу писем одной тематики, но об удобстве подумать забыли ;)
CDA.PL - łatwe pobieranie filmówJS-Dodaje link, dzięki któremu możemy szybko pobrać film bez przeszukiwania kodu źródłowego.
Simple YouTube Channel Subscriptions Filter-INJS-You have like 200 channel subscriptions but only really follow a few? put them on the 'matchList' variable and other channels will not be visible on the quick list.
Coub playback in backgroundJS-Enables coub playback in background
Images from Google books previewJS-Provides a button to open an auto updating page containing only images from the book preview of Google books
Enhanced dmhyJS-为动漫花园增加多项实用功能:添加支持迅雷离线的磁链,自动重命名种子文件,批量导出磁链,新番列表增强(完整列表、封面、字幕组、最近更新)
GM Last.fm Scrobbler for BandcampJS-Last.fm scrobbler for Bandcamp, based on GM Scrobbler for Pakartot.lt script
Polygon Kecamatan di Kab BintanJS-Polygon Kab Bintan
TVmaze DownloaderJS-Adds download links to TVmaze website
[HWM] takeSelArtsJS-Взять выбранные арты со склада за один раз
TorrentLeech EnhancerJS-Enhance TorrentLeech
Remove "Search Google Keep" TextJS-Removes placeholder text from search bar in google keep.
cats webcomic toolJS-initial scrolling and a hotkey
MOH_timeconversionJS-Ajoute des infobulles pour convertir le temps IRL<->IG
Gazelle to bB CrossposterJS-Fills the bB upload form with data from a Gazelle tracker
Empeopled direct comment linkJS-Adds a direct link to each comment
MonospacerJS-Adds a button to make the xkcd forums posting box monospace
Username EmpinkenerJS-Empinkens uncoloured usernames at the xkcd forums
Xkcd Forums TablesJS-Adds bbcode tables to the xkcd forums
Xkcd Forums Time DeltaJS-Finds the time since the previous post or a specified time
Xkcd Forums Edit HighlighterJS-Highlights posts edited after date
ThunderLixianBatchMagnetJS-Automaticlly add multi magnet tasks to Xunlei(Thunder) Lixian.
Blah BlahJS-Macro mass and auto custom settings
Open WME in Google MapsJS-Opens the current Waze Map Editor view in Google Maps
Anti-RickRollJS-Inserts a small picture of Rick Astley's face next to links to 'Never Gonna Give You Up' (currently set up for tumblr only).
mobileread.com forum - goto first unread redirectJS-mobileread.com forum - goes to first unread post.
Polygon Kecamatan di Kab KarimunJS-Polygon Kab Karimun
Youtube: strip https from share urlJS-Strip https from share url: youtu.be/xxxxyyyy
Homestar Runner FullscreenJS-Maximizes size of flash video while keeping aspect ratio
Xueqiu Follow HelperJS-在雪球组合上显示最近一个交易日调仓的成交价。允许为每个组合设置预算,并根据预算计算应买卖的股数。
URL StripperJS-Takes offsite links that stick the original URL into an onsite link with extra parameters and changes the href to that original URL.
Convert units to CelciusJS-attempts to convert all Farenheit temperature measurments to Celcius. Not infallable, but decent for cooking measurements
Text Highlight and SeekJS-Automatically highlight user-defined text with Seek function (2019-09-22)
WME Split POIJS-Split POI with a new seg
xkcd 1418JS-Replaces the word "force" with "horse" everywhere. Is expandable with other replacements.
tapuz stop link adsJS-stops tapuz from replacing links in ads
HF Staff OptiJS-For Optimized
LF Clickable UserbarsJS-Harvey R Specter
twitchplaysdarkJS-twitchplaysdark controller
UseClix viewerJS-UseClix automatic views
sanseido-query-titleJS-Adds search query to the title tag on sanseido.biz
Basecamp Keyword HighlighterJS-Highlights predefined list of keywords in the Basecamp task list at the beginning of task description
Greasy Fork - Auto Enable Syntax-Highlighting Source EditorJS-Auto enables greasy fork's syntax-highlighting source editor
Suggest Me NotJS-Block ads disguised as content on Facebook.
Split MacrosJS-Tricksplit With T, Triplesplit With 3,Double Split With D, and W for Macro Feed
sports.ru-blockerJS-block the shit out from sports.ru
SteamTrades - Have List FilterJS-Check if you own the games from someone's have list (instant Compare2Steam)
Stop stupid translationsJS-Replace language codes in URLs (like "pt-BR", for example) to "en".
Remove Google doodlesJS-Stop the doodle madness!
Pokemap Addition Patch (skiplagged)JS-Adding coordinate and a link for trigger pokesniper2 to catch selected pokemon
Pokemap addition patch (pokemongo.id)JS-Add coordinates and a link for trigger pokesniper2 to catch selected pokemon
Pokemap addition patch (pokeradar.io)JS-Add coordinates and a link for trigger pokesniper2 to catch selected pokemon
bcrawlinkJS-Provides links to the raw media files for previews on bandcamp to get around preview listen limits. Also allows you to easily download the previews. >:)
Deskthority: Mark forums readJS-Mark all forums read from the unread posts page
Sincere Skin changerJS-Add skin changing
OduzależniaczJS-Skrypt, który informuje cię, że wszedłeś na stronę od której jesteś uzależniony.
Confluence - Open editor inside main view (keep sidebar)JS-Open editor inside main view when creating and editing pages (known bug: when page creation requires multiple steps, the r###lting page will be opened without the page tree)
Confluence - remember opened branches in pagetreeJS-Confluence does not remember which branches of the pagetree you opened - this script records the opened and closed branches in LocalStorage and restores them on page change, reload or on other tabs/windows
Agar Copy i PasteJS-Kopirajte imena igrača u Agaru,trollujte ih kada ih teammate slučajno pojede.
MyDealz Toggle CommentsJS-Adds functionallity to toggles cascaded comments on mydealz.de
Auto Login for StarsJS-none
UnsurlyJS-Rewrites sur.ly links back to their original form
Auto Login for WebmailJS-none
BvS crane hotkeysJS-Hotkeys for BvS Crane
Politics and War PPU UpdaterJS-A simple script to automatically update the price of a resource to one minus the lowest offer when you create an offer. Only works for selling.