ชื่นชอบ by azizLIGHT
กำลังแสดงเพียง ภาษาไทย ผลลัพธ์ แสดงผลลัพธ์สำหรับภาษาทั้งหมด
ChatGPT ChatTree 🌳JS-ChatGPT ChatTree 🌳, 🚀การจัดการที่ถาวรและไม่จำกัดกับการโต้ตอบของคุณกับ ChatGPT🚀 🔄การอัปเดตและการแสดงภาพของต้นไม้บทสนทนาของ ChatGPT ในเวลาจริง🔄 💡เคล็ดลับการสนทนา ChatGPT, หมายเหตุที่กำหนดเอง, บุ๊กมาร์ก💡🔍การค้นหาอย่างฉลาดใน ChatGPT: ค้นหาบทสนทนาเฉพาะอย่างรวดเร็ว🔍 📋แผงควบคุมการโต้ตอบกับ ChatGPT, อินเตอร์เฟซที่เป็นมิตร, ตัวเลือกการจัดการโต้ตอบที่ครอบคลุม, การจัดประเภท, แท็ก และอื่น ๆ📋
YouTube AlchemyJS-Toolkit for YouTube. Settings panels for customization. Features include: tab view, playback speed control, set video quality, set transcript language, export transcripts, prevent autoplay, hide shorts, hide ad slots, disable play on hover, square design, auto theater mode, number of videos per row, display remaining time—adjusted for playback speed and SponsorBlock segments, persistent progress bar with chapter markers and SponsorBlock support, modify or hide various UI elements, and much more.
Twitch - Disable automatic video downscaleJS-Disables the automatic downscaling of Twitch streams while tabbed away
Twitch Auto Channel Points ClaimerJS-Automatically claim channel points.
MPV Shim Local ConnectionJS-Allow Plex to connect to MPV Shim running on the same computer without a local Plex server.
Amazon CamelCamelCamel + Keepa Price ChartsJS-Add a CamelCamelCamel and Keepa price charts to Amazon product pages.
GreasyFork DarkJS-GreasyFork Dark Theme (adapative css)
Hacker News Author HighlightJS-Makes the author name more apparent when scrolling through comments.
Youtube Embed Tweak HTML5 (16 February 2018)JS-Forces all emdedded Youtube videos to the new player. With options for: Video size, https, hide annotations and hide related and hide controls
Reddit - Top Comments Preview (old & new design)JS-Preview to the top comments on Reddit (+ optional auto-load comments and images, auto-hide sidebar)
Reddit - Load 'Continue this thread' inlineJS-Changes 'Continue this thread' links to insert the linked comments into the current page
Stop Automatic Recommendations on SoundcloudJS-Stops the automatic playing of recommended tracks on Soundcloud.
Hacker News - Highlight and navigate original poster's commentsJS-Highlight original poster comments on Hackers News and navigate them with the keyboard
Mint.com Customize Default CategoriesJS-Hide specified default built-in mint.com categories
Zoom function for YouTubeJS-YouTube video zoom feature
reddit comments expandJS-when you've collapsed a lot of comment threads on a reddit thread and don't want to expand them all one by one
Amazon: Sort by Review Count RankJS-Adds an option to sort search r###lts by number of reviews
Youtube Card Annotations DisableJS-Assign an extra option to the default annotations button to toggle the new youtube cards
last.fm 1-click deleteJS-Shows a delete "x" button for scrobbles
TweetOver PlainText TooltipJS-Adds tweet text to a Twitter status link on mouse-over (title attribute) - EXPERIMENTAL - for LEGACY Greasemonkey
IridiumJS-YouTube with more freedom
Add YouTube Video ProgressJS-Adds a progress bars (or dots) at bottom of video, a progress text which includes video quality and subtitle indicators, and a chapter title box on the YouTube video page.
GitHub Sort ReactionsJS-A userscript that sorts comments by reaction
PlexExternalReviewJS-This tampermonkey.net script will add external links to review websites like [commonsensemedia.org]
Ebay no Redirect to similar itemJS-Adds "nordt=true" to all itm links on ebay, which prevents a redirect to a "similar item" //keine Weiterleitung auf ähnlichen Artikel bei Ebay
Youtube Peek PreviewJS-See video thumbnails, ratings and other details when you mouse over a Youtube link from almost any website
YT: peek-a-picJS-Hover a thumbnail at its bottom part and move the mouse horizontally to view the actual screenshots from the video
TrueTheaterMode - twitch.tvJS-Removes the small black bar that appears under the twitch player in theatre mode
Show Subtitle/Audio Names for PlexJS-Add the subtitle, video, audio track titles and media version info to the Plex Web app.
YouTube Popout Button [mashup]JS-Provides a button to pop out the YouTube video in a separate window.
YouTube Qualities SizeJS-Shows file size for each quality in YouTube
Play Youtube playlist in reverse orderJS-Adds button for loading the previous video in a YT playlist
Display remaining Youtube playlist timeJS-Displays the sum of the lengths of the remaining videos in a playlist
Collapse HackerNews Parent CommentsJS-Adds vertical bars to the left of the comments, enabling you to easily collapse the parent comments. It also can leave only a specified number of comments expanded and auto-collapse the rest.
trakt.tv grid++ IMDb, MetaCritic & RottenTomatoes movie ratings + links (PLOT VERSION)JS-Inserts movie ratings from IMDb, RottenTomatoes and Metacritic ratings in any grid view with PLOT
Plex- Add IMDB LinkJS-Add an IMDB Link to Plex
Youtube - unstick search bar and categories buttons rowJS-Unsticks youtube search bar from the top, so it goes away by scrolling
Youtube subtitles under video frameJS-Have you ever been annoyed by youtube subtitles covering some important part of the video? No more! The userscript moves subtitles under video frame (but you can still drag-move them horizontally). It works for default and theater modes.
Youtube - No scroll to top on timestampsJS-Prevent Youtube scrolling to top when clicking timestamps in description or comments
ProtonDB SteamPlay IntegrationJS-Adds game ratings from ProtonDB to the Steam Store
YouTube Playlist Time LengthJS-Adds the overall playlist length.
Hide Youtube player controls.JS-Hide Youtube player controls. Press key 'h' to hide or show player contols.
YouTube UndoJS-Undo and redo changes in playback position on YouTube
Auto dark mode HNJS-Dark mode Hacker News, respecting your system preferences.
YouTube chapter auto openJS-Automatically opens the YouTube chapter selection.
Hackernews Scroll to Next/Previous Top-Level CommentJS-Adds a button and keyboard shortcuts (down and up arrows) that scroll to quickly and smoothly navigate to the next/previous top-level comment. This scroller saves time by allowing you to skip comment threads you're not interested in. An alternative to collapsing the thread.
Plex playlist played statusJS-Show played status on playlist when using Plex
Stick YouTube Progress BarJS-Stick YouTube video progress bar to the player bottom
kbin collapsible commentsJS-Collapse and hide comments on kbin.social