ชื่นชอบ by Darius S
กำลังแสดงเพียง ภาษาไทย ผลลัพธ์ แสดงผลลัพธ์สำหรับภาษาทั้งหมด
AdsBypasserJS-Bypass Ads
Google Translator Tooltip Expanded ForkJS-Translates the selected text into a tooltip automatically. Based on Google Translation Tooltip MLiteKeysOn.
Youtube HDJS-Select a youtube resolution and resize the player.
Affiliate killerJS-No more Affiliate Link! Plz Original URL!
Resize YT To Window SizeJS-Moves the YouTube video to the top of the website and fill the window with the video player.
AutoPagerizeJS-loading next page and inserting into current page.
Feedly SearchJS-Add search box on Feedly
adf.ly && lienscash.com && adfoc.us && bc.vc && sh.st bypasserJS-Ignorar links do adf.ly, lienscash.com, adfoc.us, bc.vc e sh.st.
Enable Right Click | ReekJS-Enable right click on websites having disabled
Inoreader: enlarge imagesJS-Replaces small Blogger, Flickr, Tumblr, and NASA Earth Observatory feed images with larger ones in Inoreader.
GreasyFork PlusJS-Improves the layout of GreasyFork.org
Hide videos seen on YoutubeJS-Hide videos seen on Youtube, on any page, by X'ing them
Remove inoreader ADSJS-Remove inoreader.com's advertisement in reading list, upgrae button and some annoying dialogs.
translate.google tooltipJS-Translates selected text into a `tooltip' via Google translate
Inoreader Masonry Extended ViewJS-Changes The Extended View to a nice card view which is nice
Remove Youtube AdsJS-Remove ads
Agar.io MouseJS-Agar.io mouse control: Left mouse splits, Right mouse feeds
youtubespeedchangeJS-Dodaje speed change na youtube
Allow Copy and Context Menu ContinuedJS-Allow Copy (include hot keys and some css) & Context Menu. Disable (remove) copy text protection and allow copy for all sites. Thanks Lex1 for example http://lexi.ucoz.ru/buttons.html
Infinite scroll for YouTubeJS-Implementation infinite scroll at youtube.com's search r###lt page.