Wanikani Forums: 10chars JS - Inserts invisible text into any post not meeting the 10 character requirement
Wanikani: Lessons & Reviews in header JS - Puts the lessons and review counts back into the header
Wanikani Forum: Regular Tracker JS - Tracks how regular you are
WaniKani Review Hover Details JS - Show extensive breakdown of review count
Wanikani: Fast Vocab Breakdown JS - Automatically displays the meanings of the kanji when you get a vocab item wrong
Wanikani: Review Answer Streak JS - Counts the number of times you have get review questions right in a row
Wanikani: Review Queue SRS Breakdown JS - Adds a display showing how many items of each SRS stage there are in your queue
Wanikani Forums: Deep Quote Hider JS - Hides quotes deeper than 3 quotes in posts
Wanikani: Review Queue Sizer JS - Lets you choose the size of your review session
Wanikani: Mnemonic Trigger Filter JS - Hides mnemonics containing certain words of phrases
Wanikani Forums: Bottled WaniMeKani JS - Adds WaniMeKani functions to your own posts
Wanikani Forums: Roll 6d6 JS - Adds a button to post @WaniMeKani roll 6d6
Wanikani Forums: Emoter JS - Custom emote handler
Wanikani: No Timeout JS - Hides the timeout message so that you can continue your reviews.
Wanikani Forums: Hide "HAS YOUR QUESTION BEEN ANSWERED" Popup JS - Hides the most annoying popup that Discourse has ever implemented
Wanikani: Back to back JS - Makes reading and meaning appear back to back in reviews and lessons
Wanikani Forums: Blobs JS - Convert boring face emoji to pretty blob emoji
Wanikani: Overall Progress Bars JS - Creates a progress bar on the dashboard for every level
Wanikani: Settings Exporter & Importer JS - Imports and exports your WKOF settings
Wanikani: Spread Review Intervals Display JS - Extends the SRS interval by a random amount by filtering out items that are not within the interval.
Wanikani: True Level JS - Don't level up until you finish all lessons from previous levels
Wanikani: WKOF Recently Failed Filter JS - Adds filters for recently failed items
Wanikani: Detailed SRS Popups JS - Changes apprentice and guru popups to say their respective numbers. E.G. Apprentice 1 or Guru 2
Bunpro: Buttons Bar JS (คลัง) - Adds an easy way to add buttons to the bunpro review page.
Bunpro: Helpful Events JS (คลัง) - A set of custom events which make it easier to detect changes on the page.
Wanikani: Review Cache JS (คลัง) - Stores reviews for other scripts
Heatmap JS (คลัง) - Simple script that creates a heatmap
Wait For Selector JS (คลัง) - Waits for selectors to match newly added nodes