
Greasy Fork is available in English.

Youtube: Space to Pause

Bind the spacebar to play/pause the video.

// ==UserScript==// @name            Youtube: Space to Pause// @description     Bind the spacebar to play/pause the video.// @author          Chris H (Zren)// @icon            https://youtube.com/favicon.ico// @namespace       http://xshade.ca// @version         1// @include         http*://*.youtube.com/*// @include         http*://youtube.com/*// @include         http*://*.youtu.be/*// @include         http*://youtu.be/*// ==/UserScript==window.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {var playButton = document.querySelector('button.ytp-play-button');var isKey = e.keyCode === 32; // Spacevar validTarget = e.target === document.body || e.target === document.querySelector('#player-api');if (validTarget && isKey && playButton) {e.preventDefault();playButton.click();}});