Adds a download link next to the Create link and enables right click on photos.
// ==UserScript== // @name flickr Download Link // @version 3.7 // @description Adds a download link next to the Create link and enables right click on photos. // @homepageURL // @contributionURL // @contributionURL // @copyright 2014, cuzi ( // @namespace cuzi // @license MIT // @grant none // @icon // @match* // @match https://** // ==/UserScript== /* jshint asi: true, esversion: 8 */ (function () { 'use strict' function page_photo () { const main_photo = document.getElementsByClassName('main-photo')[0] // Make the right click context menu available document.getElementsByClassName('main-photo')[0].style.zIndex = 10000 document.getElementsByClassName('main-photo')[0].parentNode.parentNode.appendChild(document.getElementsByClassName('main-photo')[0].parentNode) // Move photo a level up // Remove protection layer document.querySelectorAll('.facade-of-protection-neue').forEach(e => e.remove()) document.querySelectorAll('.facade-of-protection-zoom').forEach(e => e.remove()) // Make the zoomed image context menu available document.querySelectorAll('.zoom-modal .zoom-photo-container img').forEach(function (img) { = 'auto' }) const url = main_photo.src // URL of currently shown image let li, a if (document.getElementsByClassName('all-sizes server-only-link').length > 0) { // Download link in ballon const balloon = document.getElementsByClassName('all-sizes server-only-link')[0].parentNode.parentNode if (balloon.getElementsByTagName('li').length === 1) { // Download is disabled -> add download link for current resolution const orga = document.getElementsByClassName('all-sizes server-only-link')[0] a = orga.cloneNode() li = document.createElement('li') a.setAttribute('id', 'idllusgm2') a.setAttribute('href', url) a.setAttribute('class', 'server-only-link') a.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Download current size')) a.dataset.track = '' a.dataset.rapid_p = '' li.appendChild(a) balloon.appendChild(li) } } if (!document.getElementById('idllusgm')) { // Download link in nav bar li = document.createElement('li') li.setAttribute('id', 'iddllusgm3') li.setAttribute('title', 'Download current size') li.setAttribute('role', 'menuitem') a = document.createElement('a') li.appendChild(a) document.getElementsByClassName('nav-menu')[0].appendChild(li) a.setAttribute('class', 'gn-title') a.setAttribute('id', 'idllusgm') a.setAttribute('href', url) a.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Download')) } else { document.getElementById('idllusgm').setAttribute('href', url) } } function page_size_overview () { // Remove protection layer document.querySelectorAll('#allsizes-photo .spaceball').forEach(e => e.remove()) let allsizes, allsizesheader if ((allsizes = document.getElementById('allsizes-photo'))) { if ((allsizesheader = document.getElementById('all-sizes-header')) && allsizes.querySelector('img') && !document.querySelector('#all-sizes-header dl:nth-child(2) a')) { // Add download link to message const url = allsizes.querySelector('img').src const text = document.querySelector('#all-sizes-header dl:nth-child(2) dd') if (text) { const a = document.createElement('a') text.appendChild(document.createTextNode('. ')) text.appendChild(a) a.setAttribute('href', url) a.setAttribute('download', url.split('/').pop()) a.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Download current size')) } } } } function page_video () { if (document.getElementById('iddllusgm3')) { // Remove photo specific link from nav bar document.getElementById('iddllusgm3').parentNode.removeChild(document.getElementById('iddllusgm3')) } } function main () { if (document.getElementsByClassName('yui3-videoplayer-video').length > 0) { page_video() } if (document.getElementsByClassName('main-photo').length > 0) { page_photo() } if (document.getElementById('allsizes-photo')) { page_size_overview() } } window.setInterval(main, 1000) })()