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Multi-OCH Helper

nopremium.pl and premiumize.me. Inserts a direct download link on several one-click-hosters and some container/folder providers.


您可能也喜欢Multi-OCH Helper Highlight links

// ==UserScript==
// @name             Multi-OCH Helper
// @namespace        cuzi
// @license          MIT
// @description      nopremium.pl and premiumize.me. Inserts a direct download link on several one-click-hosters and some container/folder providers.
// @homepageURL      https://openuserjs.org/scripts/cuzi/Multi-OCH_Helper
// @contributionURL  https://buymeacoff.ee/cuzi
// @contributionURL  https://ko-fi.com/cuzicvzi
// @icon             https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cvzi/Userscripts/master/Multi-OCH/icons/helper.png
// @version          17.1.4
// @match            https://cvzi.github.io/Userscripts/index.html?link=*
// @match            https://www.nopremium.pl/files*
// @match            https://www.premiumize.me/hosters/*
// @match            https://www.premiumize.me/services/*
// @match            https://www.premiumize.me/downloader*
// @match            https://*.filecrypt.cc/Container/*
// @match            https://*.filecrypt.cc/helper.html*
// @match            https://protected.to/*
// @match            https://rapidgator.net/folder/*
// @match            https://safelinking.net/p/*
// @match            https://multiup.org/*
// @match            https://1fichier.com/*
// @match            https://*.1fichier.com/*
// @match            https://www.4shared.com/*
// @match            https://alfafile.net/*
// @match            https://*.alfafile.net/*
// @match            https://anonfiles.com/*
// @match            https://bayfiles.com/*
// @match            https://*.bayfiles.com/*
// @match            http://clicknupload.link/*
// @match            https://clicknupload.to/*
// @match            https://clicknupload.org/*
// @match            https://clicknupload.co/*
// @match            https://clicknupload.cc/*
// @match            https://clicknupload.to/*
// @match            https://clicknupload.club/*
// @match            https://clicknupload.click/*
// @match            https://clicknupload.space/*
// @match            https://dailyuploads.net/*
// @match            https://ddl.to/*
// @match            https://ddownload.com/*
// @match            https://*.dropapk.com/*
// @match            https://dropapk.com/*
// @match            https://*.drop.download.com/*
// @match            https://drop.download.com/*
// @match            https://fastclick.to/*
// @match            https://fastshare.cz/*
// @match            https://fikper.com/*
// @match            https://file.al/*
// @match            https://www.file.al/*
// @match            https://filefactory.com/*
// @match            https://www.filefactory.com/*
// @match            https://filenext.com/*
// @match            https://www.filenext.com/*
// @match            https://filer.net/*
// @match            https://filerice.com/*
// @match            https://filespace.com/*
// @match            https://filestore.to/*
// @match            http://fireget.com/*
// @match            https://fireget.com/*
// @match            https://hitfile.net/*
// @match            https://hil.to/*
// @match            https://isra.cloud/*
// @match            https://katfile.com/*
// @match            https://www.mediafire.com/*
// @match            https://mediafire.com/*
// @match            https://mega.nz/*
// @match            https://megaup.net/*
// @match            https://mixdrop.co/*
// @match            https://modsbase.com/*
// @match            https://nitroflare.com/*
// @match            https://rapidgator.net/file/*
// @match            https://rg.to/file/*
// @match            https://spicyfile.com/*
// @match            https://www.spicyfile.com/*
// @match            https://turbobit.net/*
// @match            https://turb.to/*
// @match            https://tusfiles.net/*
// @match            https://ubiqfile.com/*
// @match            https://uploadboy.com/*
// @match            https://uploadgig.com/*
// @match            https://uptobox.com/*
// @match            https://userscloud.com/*
// @match            https://usersdrive.com/*
// @match            https://vidoza.org/*
// @match            https://worldbytez.com/*
// @match            https://wrzucajpliki.pl/*
// @match            https://xubster.com/*
// @match            https://*.zippyshare.com/*
// @require          https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.7.1/jquery.min.js
// @require          https://greasyfork.org/scripts/13883-aes-js/code/aesjs.js
// @grant            GM.registerMenuCommand
// @grant            unsafeWindow
// @grant            GM_setClipboard
// @grant            GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @grant            GM.openInTab
// @grant            GM.setClipboard
// @grant            GM.setValue
// @grant            GM.getValue
// @grant            GM.deleteValue
// @grant            GM.listValues
// ==/UserScript==
/* globals confirm, alert, GM, GM_setClipboard, unsafeWindow, $, atob, slowAES, cloneInto */
/* eslint n/no-callback-literal: 0 */
/* jshint asi: true, esversion: 8 */
(async function () {
'use strict'
// And to keep for myself whatever I may find? - Certainly. For yourself, and any friends you want to share with you.
// This program inserts a download link on One-Click-Hosters and a few folder services.
// If you click on the button, the current website address (or the links on the relink website) will be sent to nopremium.pl and you'll receive a nopremium.pl download link.
// Standard actions for the button are
// * left mouse click:                      copy the link to the clipboard
// * middle/wheel click:                    start download of the link
// * right mouse click:                     open the nopremium.pl website and insert the link in the text box
// * hovering the mouse over the button:    open a menu with all the above option
const scriptName = 'Multi-OCH Helper'
const scriptReferer = 'multiochhelper'
const scriptHightligherName = 'Multi-OCH Helper Highlight links'
const chrome = ~navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome')
const greasemonkey = 'info' in GM && 'scriptHandler' in GM.info && GM.info.scriptHandler === 'Greasemonkey'
const config = {
position: [['bottom', 'top'], ['left', 'right']],
position_desc: ['vertical', 'horizontal'],
position_quest: 'Position of the Button. If you use "' + scriptHightligherName + '" this has to be set to bottom left',
leftClick: ['clipboard', 'download', 'showLinks', 'openWebsite', 'menu', 'sendToJD', 'none'],
leftClick_desc: ['Copy link to clipboard', 'Direct download', 'Show links like on website', 'Open the multihoster website', 'Show the extended menu', 'Send links to JDownloader', 'Do nothing'],
leftClick_quest: 'Action on left mouse click on button',
middleClick: ['download', 'clipboard', 'showLinks', 'openWebsite', 'menu', 'sendToJD', 'none'],
middleClick_desc: ['Direct download', 'Copy link to clipboard', 'Show links like on website', 'Open the multihoster website', 'Show the extended menu', 'Send links to JDownloader', 'Do nothing'],
middleClick_quest: 'Action on middle mouse/wheel click on button',
rightClick: ['openWebsite', 'clipboard', 'showLinks', 'download', 'menu', 'sendToJD', 'none'],
rightClick_desc: ['Show links like on website', 'Copy link to clipboard', 'Direct download', 'Open the multihoster website', 'Show the extended menu', 'Send links to JDownloader', 'Do nothing'],
rightClick_quest: 'Action on right mouse click on button',
mouseOver: ['menu', 'clipboard', 'download', 'showLinks', 'openWebsite', 'sendToJD', 'none'],
mouseOver_desc: ['Show the extended menu', 'Copy link to clipboard', 'Direct download', 'Show links like on website', 'Open the multihoster website', 'Send links to JDownloader', 'Do nothing'],
mouseOver_quest: 'Action on mouse hover over button',
mouseOverDelay: 'int',
mouseOverDelay_range: [0, 700, 3000],
mouseOverDelay_quest: 'Mouse hover time before action is executed.',
mouseOverDelay_suffix: 'milliseconds',
newTab: 'bool',
newTab_desc: ['Open in a new tab', 'Open in the same window'],
newTab_quest: 'Should websites be opened in a new tab?',
updateHosterStatusInterval: 'int',
updateHosterStatusInterval_range: [1, 168, 9999],
updateHosterStatusInterval_quest: 'How often should the status of the hosters be updated?',
updateHosterStatusInterval_prefix: 'Every',
updateHosterStatusInterval_suffix: 'hours',
jDownloaderSupport: 'bool',
jDownloaderSupport_desc: ['Show JDownloader button if JDownloader is runnning', 'Never show JDownloader button'],
jDownloaderSupport_quest: ['Show a JDownloader button in the menu?']
const settings = {}
// Load settings
const savedsettings = JSON.parse(await GM.getValue('settings', '{}')) // e.g. {  position : [0,1], newTab : 1  }
for (const key in config) {
if (key in savedsettings) { // Saved
if (config[key] === 'int') { // Int
settings[key] = parseInt(savedsettings[key], 10)
} else if (config[key] === 'string') { // String
settings[key] = savedsettings[key].toString()
} else if (config[key] === 'bool') { // Bool
settings[key] = (savedsettings[key] === 'true' || savedsettings[key] === true)
} else if (Array.isArray(config[key][0])) { // Nested array
if (!Array.isArray(savedsettings[key])) {
try {
const tmp = JSON.parse(savedsettings[key])
if (Array.isArray(tmp)) {
savedsettings[key] = tmp
} catch (e) {}
settings[key] = []
for (let i = 0; i < savedsettings[key].length; i++) {
} else { // Array
settings[key] = savedsettings[key]
} else { // Default
if (config[key] === 'int') { // Int
settings[key] = config[key + '_range'][1]
} else if (config[key] === 'string') { // String
settings[key] = '' // String defaults to empty string
} else if (config[key] === 'bool') { // Bool
settings[key] = true
} else if (Array.isArray(config[key][0])) { // Nested array defaults to first value for each array
settings[key] = []
for (let i = 0; i < config[key].length; i++) {
} else {
settings[key] = config[key][0] // Array defaults to first value
const JDOWNLOADER = ''
const SPINNERCSS = `/* http://www.designcouch.com/home/why/2013/05/23/dead-simple-pure-css-loading-spinner/ */
.ochspinner {
margin:0px auto;
animation: rotation .6s infinite linear;
border-left:6px solid rgba(0,174,239,.15);
border-right:6px solid rgba(0,174,239,.15);
border-bottom:6px solid rgba(0,174,239,.15);
border-top:6px solid rgba(0,174,239,.8);
@keyframes rotation {
from {transform: rotate(0deg)}
to {transform: rotate(359deg)}
// const LOADINGBARBG = 'background: #b4e391;background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #b4e391 0%,#61c419 50%,#b4e391 100%);'
let showOneclickButton = false
let showOneclickLink = ''
let showOneclickFromHighlighScriptAllLinks = document.location.host === 'cvzi.github.io'
let showOneclickFromHighlighScriptAllLinksLoc = false
let showOneclickFromHighlighScriptAllLinksLinks = ''
let showOneclickFromHighlighScriptSelectedLinks = false
let showOneclickFromHighlighScriptSelectedLinksLoc = false
let showOneclickFromHighlighScriptSelectedLinksLinks = ''
let linksBeforeSelection = false
const multi = {
'premiumize.me': new function () {
const self = this
this.config = {
apikey: 'string',
apikey_hidden: true,
apikey_quest: 'Enter your premiumize.me API key',
apikey_prefix: 'API key: ',
apikey_suffix: ' find it under <a target="_blank" href="https://www.premiumize.me/account">https://www.premiumize.me/account</a>'
this.key = 'premiumize.me'
this.name = 'premiumize'
this.homepage = 'https://www.premiumize.me/'
// this.updateStatusURL = 'https://www.premiumize.me/services';
this.updateStatusURLpattern = /https:\/\/www\.premiumize\.me\/services\/?/
this.updateDownloadProgressInterval = 5000
this.updateDownloadProgressInterfaceInterval = 500
this.status = {}
this.init = async function () {
self.status = JSON.parse(await GM.getValue(self.key + '_status', '{}'))
self.lastUpdate = new Date(await GM.getValue(self.key + '_status_time', 0))
this.settings = {}
this.loadSettings = async function (silent) {
// Load settings, use first value as default
const savedsettings = JSON.parse(await GM.getValue(self.key + '_settings', '{}'))
for (const key in self.config) {
if (key.endsWith('desc') || key.endsWith('range') || key.endsWith('quest') || key.endsWith('prefix') || key.endsWith('suffix')) {
if (key in savedsettings) { // Saved
if (self.config[key] === 'int') { // Int
self.settings[key] = parseInt(savedsettings[key], 10)
} else if (self.config[key] === 'string') { // String
self.settings[key] = savedsettings[key].toString()
} else if (config[key] === 'bool') { // Bool
self.settings[key] = savedsettings[key] === 'true' || savedsettings[key] === true
} else if (Array.isArray(savedsettings[key])) { // Nested array
self.settings[key] = []
for (let i = 0; i < savedsettings[key].length; i++) {
} else { // Array
self.settings[key] = savedsettings[key]
} else { // Default
if (self.config[key] === 'int') { // Int
self.settings[key] = self.config[key + '_range'][1]
} else if (self.config[key] === 'string') { // String
self.settings[key] = '' // String defaults to empty string
} else if (config[key] === 'bool') { // Bool
self.settings[key] = true
} else if (Array.isArray(self.config[key][0])) { // Nested array defaults to first value for each array
self.settings[key] = []
for (let i = 0; i < self.config[key].length; i++) {
} else {
self.settings[key] = self.config[key][0] // Array defaults to first value
if (!self.settings.apikey && !silent) {
// Try to get the apikey from the website
method: 'GET',
url: self.homepage + 'account',
onerror: function (response) {
console.log(scriptName + ': premiumize.me API Key could not be loaded')
setStatus('You have not set you premiumize.me Api key ')
onload: function (response) {
let s = ''
try {
s = response.responseText.split('class="apipass"')[1].split('</')[0].split('>')[1]
} catch (e) {
if (s) {
self.settings.apikey = s
GM.setValue(self.key + '_settings', JSON.stringify(self.settings))
console.log(scriptName + ': premiumize.me API Key was loaded from account and saved!')
} else {
setStatus('You need to set you premiumize.me Api key')
this.updateStatus = async function () { // Update list of online hosters
await self.loadSettings()
if (document.location.href.match(self.updateStatusURL)) {
// Read and save current status of all hosters
if ($('table.table tr>td:first-child').length) {
self.status = {}
await GM.setValue(self.key + '_status_time', '' + (new Date()))
$('table.table tr>td:first-child').each(function () {
const text = $(this).text()
if (text.match(/^\s*[0-9a-z-]+\.\w{0,6}\s*$/i)) {
const name = text.match(/^\s*([0-9a-z-]+)\.\w{0,6}\s*$/i)[1]
self.status[name.toLowerCase()] = true
await GM.setValue(self.key + '_status', JSON.stringify(self.status))
console.log(scriptName + ': ' + self.name + ': Hosters (' + Object.keys(self.status).length + ') updated')
} else if (self.settings.apikey) {
method: 'GET',
url: self.homepage + 'api/services/list?apikey=' + encodeURIComponent(self.settings.apikey),
onerror: function (response) {
console.log(scriptName + ': GM.xmlHttpRequest error: ' + self.homepage + 'api/services/list')
onload: async function (response) {
const r###lt = JSON.parse(response.responseText)
{ "cache": [ "uploaded.to", "filefactory.com", ... ], "directdl": [ "uploaded.to", "filefactory.com", ... ] }
if ('cache' in r###lt && 'directdl' in r###lt) {
self.status = {}
await GM.setValue(self.key + '_status_time', '' + (new Date()))
r###lt.cache.forEach(function (host) {
const name = host.match(/^\s*([0-9a-z-]+)\.\w{0,6}\s*$/i)[1]
self.status[name.toLowerCase()] = r###lt.directdl.indexOf(host) !== -1
await GM.setValue(self.key + '_status', JSON.stringify(self.status))
console.log(scriptName + ': ' + self.name + ': Hosters (' + Object.keys(self.status).length + ') updated')
} else {
console.log(scriptName + ': GM.xmlHttpRequest error: ' + self.homepage + 'api/services/list')
} else {
console.log(scriptName + ': Cannot update hosters, no html and no api key found')
} else {
alert(scriptName + '\n\nError: wrong update URL')
this.isOnline = hostername => hostername in self.status && self.status[hostername]
this.getOpenWebsiteURL = function (urls) {
// Return a link to the premiumize.me website that will insert the links
const url = this.homepage + 'downloader?link:' + encodeURIComponent(urls.join('\n'))
return url
this.checkLink = function (url, cb) { // check whether the link is supported and online
const host = url.match(/https?:\/\/(.+?)\//)[1]
let hoster = host.split('.')
hoster = hoster.pop().replace('-', '')
this.getR###lts = function (urls, cb) {
// cb($node,linkNumber) -- $node contains the r###lt, linkNumber is the number of links that should be online i.e. number of hashes
alert('This function does not work for ' + this.name)
this._notLoggedIn = false
this.getLinks = async function (urls, cb) {
await showConfirm('fairPointsWarning', 'You will be charged premiumize fair points for generating ' + (urls.length > 1 ? ('<b>' + urls.length + '</b> files') : ('<b>one</b> file')) + '!<br><br>Generate links?', function () { self._getLinks(urls, cb) }, function () { setStatus('Operation canceled!', 0); cb([], -1) }, self)
this._getLinks = function (urls, cb) {
setTitle('✈️' + urls.length + '🔗 ')
const N = urls.length
const downloadLinks = []
const errors = []
for (let i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
this._addSingleTransfer(urls[i], function (downloadlink, originallink, message) {
if (downloadlink) {
} else {
errors.push([originallink, message])
const checkprogress = function () {
if (self._notLoggedIn) {
// Stop checking and open premiumize homepage
setTitle('🔑 ')
setStatus(self.name + ' error: Not logged in!\nMaybe update your API key?', 0)
cb([], -2)
if (N === errors.length) { // All errors
setTitle('❌ ')
cb(false, -1)
if (errors.length === 1 && errors[0][1]) {
setStatus(errors[0][1], 0)
} else {
alert('Errors occured\n' + errors.length + ' links failed:\n\n' + errors.join('\n'))
} else if (N === downloadLinks.length + errors.length) { // All finished
setTitle(downloadLinks.length + '/' + errors.length + '✅ ')
if (errors.length > 0) { // Errors occured
alert('Errors occured\n' + errors.length + ' links failed:\n\n' + errors.join('\n'))
} else { // not finished yet
setTitle(downloadLinks.length + '/' + N + '⏳ ')
window.setTimeout(checkprogress, self.updateDownloadProgressInterfaceInterval)
window.setTimeout(checkprogress, self.updateDownloadProgressInterfaceInterval * Math.max(5, N))
this._addSingleTransfer = function (url, cb) {
method: 'POST',
url: self.homepage + 'api/transfer/create',
data: 'apikey=' + encodeURIComponent(self.settings.apikey) + '&src=' + encodeURIComponent(url),
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'
onerror: function (response) {
console.log(scriptName + ': GM.xmlHttpRequest error: ' + self.homepage + 'api/transfer/create')
cb(false, url, 'GM.xmlHttpRequest error: api/transfer/create')
onload: function (response) {
const r###lt = JSON.parse(response.responseText)
{"status":"error","error":"duplicate","id":"gfdgd5fgFddfgfhgfhf","message":"You already have this job added."}
{"status":"error","message":"This link is not available on the file hoster website"}
if ('id' in r###lt && r###lt.id) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
self._getFileFromTransfer(url, r###lt.id, cb)
}, 1000)
if ('message' in r###lt) {
addStatus(r###lt.message, -1)
} else {
if ('message' in r###lt && !self._notLoggedIn) {
addStatus(r###lt.message, -1)
if (~r###lt.message.indexOf('log')) {
self._notLoggedIn = true
cb(false, url, 'message' in r###lt ? r###lt.message : response.responseText)
this._getFileFromTransfer = function (url, transferId, cb) {
method: 'GET',
url: self.homepage + 'api/transfer/list?apikey=' + encodeURIComponent(self.settings.apikey),
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'
onerror: function (response) {
console.log(scriptName + ': GM.xmlHttpRequest error: ' + self.homepage + 'api/transfer/list')
cb(false, url, 'GM.xmlHttpRequest error: /api/transfer/list')
onload: function (response) {
const r###lt = JSON.parse(response.responseText)
"status": "success",
"transfers": [
"name": "test.zip",
"message": null,
"status": "finished",
"progress": 0,
"folder_id": "gfjdfsuigjfdoikfsadf",
"file_id": "trhgf982u30fjklfsdag"
"status": "success",
"transfers": [
"message":"Initializing Download...",
if (r###lt.status === 'success' && 'transfers' in r###lt) {
for (let i = 0; i < r###lt.transfers.length; i++) {
if (r###lt.transfers[i].id === transferId) {
if (r###lt.transfers[i].file_id) {
// Finished
window.setTimeout(function () {
self._getSingleLink(url, r###lt.transfers[i].file_id, cb)
}, r###lt.transfers[i].status === 'finished' ? 10 : self.updateDownloadProgressInterval)
} else {
// Downloading
if ('message' in r###lt.transfers[i] && r###lt.transfers[i].message) {
setStatus(r###lt.transfers[i].message, -1)
window.setTimeout(function () {
self._getFileFromTransfer(url, transferId, cb)
}, self.updateDownloadProgressInterval)
if ('message' in r###lt && r###lt.message) {
alert(scriptName + '\n\nCould not get /api/transfer/list\nError:\n' + r###lt.message)
cb(false, url, 'Could not find url in transfer list')
this._getSingleLink = function (url, fileId, cb) {
method: 'POST',
url: self.homepage + 'api/item/details',
data: 'apikey=' + encodeURIComponent(self.settings.apikey) + '&id=' + encodeURIComponent(fileId),
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'
onerror: function (response) {
console.log(scriptName + ': GM.xmlHttpRequest error: ' + self.homepage + 'api/item/details')
cb(false, url, 'GM.xmlHttpRequest error: /api/item/details')
onload: function (response) {
const r###lt = JSON.parse(response.responseText)
"id": "xxXxXxxxXxxx",
"name": "test.zip",
"size": 156,
"created_at": 1572458477,
"transcode_status": "not_applicable",
"folder_id": "XxXXXxxxxxx",
"ip": "",
"acodec": "",
"vcodec": "",
"mime_type": "application/zip",
"opensubtitles_hash": "",
"resx": "",
"resy": "",
"duration": "",
"virus_scan": "ok",
"type": "file",
"link": "https://down.host.example.com/dl/abcdefg/test.zip",
"stream_link": null
if ('link' in r###lt && r###lt.link) {
cb(r###lt.link, url)
} else {
window.setTimeout(function () {
self._getSingleLink(url, fileId, cb)
}, self.updateDownloadProgressInterval)
'nopremium.pl': new function () {
const self = this
this.config = {
mode: ['transfer', 'premium', 'none'],
mode_desc: ['Transfer User (Pakiety Transferowe)', 'Premium User (Konta Premium)', 'No account'],
mode_quest: 'What kind of account do you have at nopremium.pl',
downloadmode: ['direct', 'server'],
downloadmode_desc: ['Direct download (TRYB SZYBKIEGO POBIERANIA)', 'Downloading via NoPremium.pl server (TRYB POBIERANIA NA SERWERY)'],
downloadmode_quest: ['Which download mode do you want to use?']
this.key = 'nopremium.pl'
this.name = 'NoPremium.pl'
this.homepage = 'https://www.nopremium.pl/'
this.updateStatusURL = 'https://www.nopremium.pl/files'
this.updateStatusURLpattern = /https?:\/\/www\.nopremium\.pl\/files\/?/
this.updateDownloadProgressInterval = 5000
const mapHosterName = name => name.replace('-', '')
this.status = {}
this.init = async function () {
self.status = JSON.parse(await GM.getValue(self.key + '_status', '{}'))
self.lastUpdate = new Date(await GM.getValue(self.key + '_status_time', 0))
this.settings = {}
this.loadSettings = async function (silent) {
// Load settings, use first value as default
const savedsettings = JSON.parse(await GM.getValue(self.key + '_settings', '{}'))
for (const key in self.config) {
if (key.endsWith('desc') || key.endsWith('range') || key.endsWith('quest') || key.endsWith('prefix') || key.endsWith('suffix')) {
if (key in savedsettings) { // Saved
if (self.config[key] === 'int') { // Int
self.settings[key] = parseInt(savedsettings[key], 10)
} else if (self.config[key] === 'string') { // String
self.settings[key] = savedsettings[key].toString()
} else if (config[key] === 'bool') { // Bool
self.settings[key] = savedsettings[key] === 'true' || savedsettings[key] === true
} else if (Array.isArray(savedsettings[key])) { // Nested array
self.settings[key] = []
for (let i = 0; i < savedsettings[key].length; i++) {
} else { // Array
self.settings[key] = savedsettings[key]
} else { // Default
if (self.config[key] === 'int') { // Int
self.settings[key] = self.config[key + '_range'][1]
} else if (self.config[key] === 'string') { // String
self.settings[key] = '' // String defaults to empty string
} else if (config[key] === 'bool') { // Bool
self.settings[key] = true
} else if (Array.isArray(self.config[key][0])) { // Nested array defaults to first value for each array
self.settings[key] = []
for (let i = 0; i < self.config[key].length; i++) {
} else {
self.settings[key] = self.config[key][0] // Array defaults to first value
this.updateStatus = async function () { // Update list of online hosters
if (document.location.href.match(self.updateStatusURL)) {
// Read and save current status of all hosters
await GM.setValue(self.key + '_status_time', '' + (new Date()))
self.status = {}
$('#servers a[title]').each(function () {
const name = mapHosterName(this.title)
self.status[name] = true
await GM.setValue(self.key + '_status', JSON.stringify(self.status))
console.log(scriptName + ': ' + self.name + ': Hosters (' + Object.keys(self.status).length + ') updated')
} else {
alert(scriptName + '\n\nError: wrong update URL')
this.isOnline = hostername => hostername in self.status && self.status[hostername]
this.getOpenWebsiteURL = function (urls) {
// Return a link to the nopremium.pl website that will insert the links
const url = this.homepage + 'files?link:' + encodeURIComponent(urls.join('\n'))
return url
const getHashs = function (urls, cb, silent) {
// cb(hashes,sizestring)
setTitle('✈️ ')
setStatus('Sending ' + (urls.length === 1 ? 'one link' : (urls.length + ' links')), -1)
method: 'POST',
url: self.homepage + 'files',
data: 'watchonline=&session=' + (Math.round(Math.random() * 1234567)) + '&links=' + encodeURIComponent(urls.join('\n')),
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'
// "Referer" : "https://www.nopremium.pl/files" // FIREFOX57
onload: function (response) {
if (response.responseText.indexOf('<input type="text" name="login" placeholder="Login"/>') !== -1) {
setTitle('🔑 ')
setStatus(self.name + ' error: Not logged in!', 0)
return cb([], -1)
const hashes = []
// Find hashes
const re = /name="hash(\d+)" value="(\w+)"/g // <input type="checkbox" id="hash0" name="hash0" value="fab3c41988" onclick="UpdateCounter();" c
let ma = re.exec(response.responseText)
while (ma) {
ma = re.exec(response.responseText)
// Find errors
ma = response.responseText.match(/Pliki nieprzetworzone \((\d+)\)/)
if (ma && !silent) {
addStatus('Error: ' + (parseInt(ma[1], 10) === 1 ? ('One file is offline or unsupported') : (ma[1] + ' files are offline or unsupported')), 0)
// Find size
let size = '0 Byte'
if (response.responseText.indexOf('id="countSize"') !== -1) {
ma = response.responseText.split('id="countSize"')[1].match(/value="(\d+.?\d*) (\w+)"/) // <input type="text" name="countSize" id="countSize" style="width:80px;" readonly="readonly" value="1.38 GB">
size = ma[1] + ' ' + ma[2]
setStatus(self.name + ' identified ' + (hashes.length === 1 ? 'one online file' : (hashes.length + ' online files')), -1)
setTitle(hashes.length + '🔗 ')
cb(hashes, size)
this.checkLink = function (url, cb) { // check whether the link is supported and online
// cb(boolr###lt)
return getHashs([url], function (hashes, size) {
cb(hashes.length === 1)
}, true)
this.getR###lts = function (urls, cb, hashes) {
// cb($node,linkNumber) -- $node contains the r###lt, linkNumber is the number of links that should be online i.e. number of hashes
// Get download links from nopremium.pl and show the usual info about the file, that is normally shown on nopremium.pl
if (typeof hashes === 'undefined') {
// 1. Get hashes and show transfer warning
getHashs(urls, async function (hashes, size) {
if (settings.mode === 'transfer') {
await showConfirm('transferWarning', 'You will be charged <b>' + size + "</b> 'Transfer' for generating " + (hashes.length > 1 ? ('<b>' + hashes.length + '</b> files') : ('<b>one</b> file')) + '!<br><br>Generate links?', function () { this.getR###lts(urls, cb, hashes) }, null, self)
} else if (hashes.length > 0) {
self.getR###lts(urls, cb, hashes)
} else if (size === -1) { // Error was already handled (probably not logged in)
console.log('getHashs->cb: Error was already handled (probably not logged in)')
cb(false, -2)
} else { // No files found
setStatus('No online/available files', 0)
cb(false, 0)
// 2. Work with hashes
const $r###ltContainer = $('<div></div>').attr('id', 'generated-links')
const mode = self.settings.downloadmode === 'direct' ? 0 : 1 // 0 -> direct , 1  ->  via server
method: 'POST',
url: self.homepage + 'files',
data: 'insert=1&mode=' + mode + '&hh=0&hash[]=' + hashes.join('&hash[]=') + '&',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'
// "Referer" : "https://www.nopremium.pl/files"  // FIREFOX57
onload: function (response) {
method: 'POST',
url: self.homepage + 'files',
data: 'loadfiles=1',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'
// "Referer" : "https://www.nopremium.pl/files"  // FIREFOX57
onload: function (response) {
if (mode === 0) {
} else {
cb($r###ltContainer, hashes.length)
this.getLinks = function (urls, cb) {
// cb(downloadlinks)
if (this.settings.downloadmode === 'direct') {
return this._getDirectLinks(urls, cb)
} else {
return this._getServerLinks(urls, cb)
this._getDirectLinks = function (urls, cb) {
// Get Direct download links
this.getR###lts(urls, async function ($node, N) {
if (!$node || N < 1) {
const text = $node.html()
<td>16-08-2014 20:22</td>
<td class="dlBox"><a href="http://direct.nopremium.pl/9091456/7895ca02bfcb2c2e43806f1079b7ff069129e/r###lt.file"><img src="https://www.nopremium.pl/images/download_ico.png" alt="Sciagnij" title="Sciagnij"></a></td>
const files = []
const re = /<td>(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+) (\d+):(\d+)<\/td>(\s|\n)+<td class="dlBox"><a href="(.*?)"/gm
let m = re.exec(text) // wholeString, 16,08,2014,20,37,#newline#,http://direct.nopremium.pl/9091456/7895ca02bfcb2c2e43806f1079b7ff069129e/r###lt.file
while (m) {
if (m[7].indexOf('//direct.nopremium.pl') === -1) {
continue // Skip files via server, only use direct download links
const d = new Date(m[3], m[2], m[1], m[4], m[5], 0, 0)
files.push([d, m[7]])
m = re.exec(text)
if (files.length === 0) {
alert(scriptName + '\n\nAn error occured.\nCould not find download links in response.')
// Find youngest files by comparing their ids
const pattern = /\.pl\/(\d+)\//
files.sort(function (a, b) {
const x = a[1].match(pattern)[1]
const y = a[1].match(pattern)[1]
return x > y ? -1 : x < y ? 1 : 0
const r###lt = []
for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) {
await cacheLink([urls[i]], files[i][0], [files[i][1]], self.key) // CACHE single URLs
await cacheLink(urls, new Date(), r###lt, self.key) // CACHE all URLs
this._getServerLinks = function (urls, cb) {
this.getR###lts(urls, function ($node, N) {
if (N === 0) {
} else {
self._getProgress(cb, $node, N)
this._getProgress = function (cb, $node, N, ids) {
method: 'POST',
url: self.homepage + 'files',
data: 'downloadprogress=1',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'
// "Referer" : "https://www.nopremium.pl/files" // FIREFOX57
onerror: function () {
self._getProgressBlocked = false
window.setTimeout(function () {
self._getProgress(cb, $node, N, ids)
}, self.updateDownloadProgressInterval)
onload: function (response) {
self._getProgressBlocked = false
let data
try {
data = JSON.parse(response.responseText)
} catch (e) {
console.log(scriptName + ': ' + e)
if (response.responseText.indexOf('<input type="text" name="login" placeholder="Login"/>') !== -1) {
setTitle('🔑 ')
setStatus(self.name + ' error: Not logged in!', 0)
cb(false, -2)
} else {
window.setTimeout(function () {
self._getProgress(cb, $node, N, ids)
}, self.updateDownloadProgressInterval)
data.StandardFiles.sort(function (a, b) {
const x = new Date(a.insert_date.split('-').join('/'))
const y = new Date(b.insert_date.split('-').join('/'))
return x > y ? -1 : x < y ? 1 : 0
const r###lt = []
const runnning = []
let percent = 0
const progess = []
if (!ids) { // First run: Find the correct files: just use the first N files
ids = []
for (let i = 0; i < data.StandardFiles.length && i < N; i++) {
if (data.StandardFiles[i].status === 'finish') {
percent += 100
} else {
if (parseInt(data.StandardFiles[i].status, 10) > 0) {
progess.push(parseInt(data.StandardFiles[i].status, 10))
percent += parseInt(data.StandardFiles[i].status, 10)
} else { // Consecutive runs: Use the ids from first run
for (let i = 0; i < data.StandardFiles.length; i++) {
if (ids.indexOf(data.StandardFiles[i].id) === -1) continue
if (data.StandardFiles[i].status === 'finish') {
percent += 100
} else {
if (parseInt(data.StandardFiles[i].status, 10) > 0) {
progess.push(parseInt(data.StandardFiles[i].status, 10))
percent += parseInt(data.StandardFiles[i].status, 10)
Regarding caching in server mode:
If you add a file, that is already on the server (or currently downloading), you will not be charged additional bandwith - therefore caching is not necessary at the moment.
if (r###lt.length === N) {
setStatus((r###lt.length === 1 ? 'One file' : (r###lt.length + ' files')) + ' downloaded to server', 1)
setTitle(r###lt.length + '✅ ')
} else {
// Waiting
percent = percent / N
// setStatus('Download '+r###lt.length+'/'+N+' ('+Math.floor(percent)+'%)\n<span title="'+round(percent,2)+'%" style="display:block; width:120px; height:18px; background:white; border:1px solid black; border-radius:5px;"><span style="display:block; border-radius:5px; height:18px; width:'+Math.ceil(percent*1.2)+'px; '+LOADINGBARBG+'"> </span></span>',-1);
const dotheight = N > 2 ? 2 : 4
let h = 'Download ' + r###lt.length + '/' + N + ' (' + Math.floor(percent) + '%)\n<div style="display:block; width:130px; height:auto; background:white; border:1px solid black; border-radius:5px; padding:2px; ">'
for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) {
if (progess[i]) {
h += '<span style="display:block; width:' + Math.ceil(progess[i] * 1.2) + 'px; height:1px; background:white; border-top:' + dotheight + 'px ' + (progess[i] > 99.9 ? 'solid' : 'dotted') + ' green; margin-bottom:1px;"></span>'
} else {
h += '<span style="display:block; width:0x; height:1px; background:white; border-top:' + dotheight + 'px dotted silver; margin-bottom:1px;"></span>'
h += '</div>'
setTitle(Math.floor(percent) + '%⏳ ')
window.setTimeout(function () {
self._getProgress(cb, $node, N, ids)
}, self.updateDownloadProgressInterval)
const debridprovider = Object.keys(multi)
let currentdebrid = await GM.getValue('currentdebrid', debridprovider[0])
for (const key in multi) {
await multi[key].init()
if (key === currentdebrid) {
await multi[key].loadSettings()
if (!greasemonkey) {
GM.registerMenuCommand(scriptName + ' - Switch to ' + multi[key].name, (function (key) {
return async function () {
if (!confirm(scriptName + '\n\nSet multi-download provider:\n' + multi[key].name)) return
await GM.setValue('currentdebrid', key)
currentdebrid = key
if (!greasemonkey) {
GM.registerMenuCommand(scriptName + ' - Delete cached links', async function () {
if (!confirm(scriptName + '\n\nReally delete cached links?')) return
await GM.setValue('cachedDownloadLinks', '{}')
alert(scriptName + '\n\nCache is empty!')
GM.registerMenuCommand(scriptName + ' - Restore dialogs and warnings', async function () {
if (!confirm(scriptName + '\n\nReally restore all dialogs and warnings?')) return
await GM.setValue('dialogs', '[]')
alert(scriptName + '\n\nDialogs and warnings restored')
function round (f, p) {
// Round f to p places after the comma
return parseFloat(parseFloat(f).toFixed(p))
const orgDocumentTitle = document.title
function setTitle (message) {
if (window.parent.parent !== window) {
window.parent.parent.postMessage({ iAm: 'Unrestrict.li', type: 'title', str: message }, '*')
if (message) {
document.title = message + orgDocumentTitle
} else {
document.title = orgDocumentTitle
function popUp (id, onClose, thisArg, doNotCloseOnOutsideClick) {
// Remove window scrolling
$(document.body).css('overflow', 'hidden')
let zi = getNextZIndex()
id = id || ('popup' + (new Date()).getTime())
const $par = $('<div style="position:absolute; top:0px;"></div>').attr('id', id).appendTo(document.body)
const $background = $('<div style="position:fixed; top:0px; left:0px; right:0px; bottom:0px; background:black; opacity:0.5; z-index:' + (zi++) + '"></div>').appendTo($par)
const $div = $('<div style="position:fixed; top:50px; left:100px; overflow:auto; z-index:' + (zi++) + '; background:#E6E6E6; color:Black; border:#B555C5 2px solid;border-radius:5px; padding:10px; font-family: "Ubuntu",Arial,Sans-Serif"></div>').css('maxHeight', window.innerHeight - 100).css('maxWidth', window.innerWidth - 200).appendTo($par)
const close = function () {
if (onClose) onClose.call(thisArg)
// Restore scrolling
$(document.body).css('overflow', 'initial')
if (!doNotCloseOnOutsideClick) {
return { node: $div, close }
function configForm ($form, c, s, formid) {
for (const key in c) {
if (key.endsWith('desc') || key.endsWith('range') || key.endsWith('quest') || key.endsWith('prefix') || key.endsWith('suffix') || key.endsWith('hidden')) {
const $p = $('<p>').appendTo($form)
if (c[key + '_quest']) {
$p.append(c[key + '_quest'])
} else {
if (c[key + '_prefix']) {
$p.append(c[key + '_prefix'] + ' ')
const hidden = (key + '_hidden') in c && c[key + '_hidden']
if (c[key] === 'int') { // Int
const $input = $('<input type="number">').addClass('form_' + formid).data('key', key).data('parse', 'int').val(s[key]).appendTo($p)
if (c[key + '_range']) {
$input.prop('min', c[key + '_range'][0])
$input.prop('max', c[key + '_range'][2])
$input.prop('title', c[key + '_range'][0] + ' - ' + c[key + '_range'][2])
} else if (c[key] === 'string') { // String
const $inputText = $('<input type="text">').addClass('form_' + formid).data('key', key).data('parse', 'string').appendTo($p)
if (hidden && s[key]) {
$inputText.val('## HIDDEN ##')
$inputText.data('hidden', '1')
} else {
} else if (c[key] === 'bool') { // Bool
const $select = $('<select></select>').addClass('form_' + formid).data('key', key).data('parse', 'bool').appendTo($p)
const $optionYes = $('<option></option>').val('true').appendTo($select)
if (c[key + '_desc']) {
$optionYes.html(c[key + '_desc'][0])
} else {
if (s[key]) {
$optionYes[0].selected = true
const $optionNo = $('<option></option>').val('false').appendTo($select)
if (c[key + '_desc']) {
$optionNo.html(c[key + '_desc'][1])
} else {
if (!s[key]) {
$optionNo[0].selected = true
} else if (Array.isArray(c[key][0])) { // Nested array
for (let j = 0; j < c[key].length; j++) {
if (c[key + '_desc'] && !Array.isArray(c[key + '_desc'][j])) {
$p.append(c[key + '_desc'][j] + ': ')
const $select = $('<select></select>').addClass('form_' + formid).data('key', key).data('index', j).appendTo($p)
for (let i = 0; i < c[key][j].length; i++) {
const $option = $('<option></option>').val(c[key][j][i]).appendTo($select)
if (c[key + '_desc'] && Array.isArray(c[key + '_desc'][0])) {
$option.html(c[key + '_desc'][j][i])
} else {
if (s[key][j] === c[key][j][i]) { $option[0].selected = true }
} else { // Array
const $select = $('<select></select>').addClass('form_' + formid).data('key', key).appendTo($p)
for (let i = 0; i < c[key].length; i++) {
const $option = $('<option></option>').val(c[key][i]).appendTo($select)
if (c[key + '_desc']) {
$option.html(c[key + '_desc'][i])
} else {
if (s[key] === c[key][i]) { $option[0].selected = true }
if (c[key + '_suffix']) {
$p.append(' ' + c[key + '_suffix'])
async function saveSettings (ev) {
const $body = ev.data
const $form = $body.find('.form')
// Save preferred hoster:
currentdebrid = $form.find('.debridhoster').val()
// Save options:
const newsettings = { general: {} }
for (const key in multi) {
newsettings[key] = {}
$form.find('*[class^=form_]').each(function () {
const $this = $(this)
const namespace = $this.prop('class').split('_', 2)[1]
const key = $this.data('key')
const index = $this.data('index')
let value = $this.val()
const parse = $this.data('parse')
const hiddenAndUnchanged = $this.data('hidden') && value === '## HIDDEN ##'
if (typeof index !== 'undefined') { // Nested Array
if (!(key in newsettings[namespace]) || !Array.isArray(newsettings[namespace][key])) {
newsettings[namespace][key] = []
newsettings[namespace][key][index] = value
} else { // Normal
if (hiddenAndUnchanged) {
value = multi[namespace].settings[key]
} else if (parse === 'int') {
value = parseInt(value, 10)
} else if (parse === 'bool') {
value = (value === 'true')
newsettings[namespace][key] = value
await GM.setValue('setup', true)
await GM.setValue('currentdebrid', currentdebrid)
await GM.setValue('settings', JSON.stringify(newsettings.general))
for (const key in multi) {
await GM.setValue(key + '_settings', JSON.stringify(newsettings[key]))
alert(scriptName + '\n\nSettings were successfully saved!')
async function aboutMe () {
const popup = popUp('multiochhelper_about', null, null, true)
const $popup = popup.node
const $frame = $('<iframe width="' + (window.innerWidth - 250) + '" height="' + (window.innerHeight - 150) + '" style="border:0">').appendTo($popup)
$frame.bind('load', async function (e) {
// Load settings for all
for (const key in multi) {
await multi[key].loadSettings(true)
const $body = $($frame[0].contentDocument.getElementsByTagName('body')[0])
$body.css('fontFamily', 'Ubuntu,Arial,Sans-Serif')
$('<div style="position:fixed; top:0px; right:5px; cursor:pointer; color:White; background:#b555c5; border: 1px solid White; border-radius:3px; padding:0px; font-weight:bold ; " title="Close menu">X</span>').click(function () { if (confirm('Settings will NOT be saved!')) popup.close() }).appendTo($body)
$body.append('<h2>' + scriptName + '</h2>')
$('<a>').appendTo($body).attr('target', '_blank').css('fontSize', 'small').html('https://openuserjs.org/scripts/cuzi/Multi-OCH_Helper').attr('href', 'https://openuserjs.org/scripts/cuzi/Multi-OCH_Helper')
const $form = $('<div class="form">').appendTo($body)
// General options
configForm($form, config, settings, 'general')
// Preferred multihoster
const $p = $('<p>').appendTo($form)
$p.append('Preferred multihoster:<br>')
const $select = $('<select></select>').addClass('debridhoster').appendTo($p)
for (const key in multi) {
const $option = $('<option></option>').val(key).appendTo($select)
$option[0].selected = key === currentdebrid
// Options for multihosters
for (const key in multi) {
$('<a>').appendTo($form).css('fontSize', 'small').attr('target', '_blank').html(multi[key].homepage).attr('href', multi[key].homepage)
if (multi[key].config) {
configForm($form, multi[key].config, multi[key].settings, key)
} else {
$('<p>').appendTo($form).text('No settings available for this service.')
$('<input type="button">').val('Cancel').click(function () {
if (confirm('Settings will NOT be saved!')) {
$('<input type="button">').val('Save').click($body, saveSettings).appendTo($form)
$form.append('<h3>Other options</h3>')
$('<input type="button">').val('Clear cache (' + humanBytes((await GM.getValue('cachedDownloadLinks', '{}')).length - 2) + ')').appendTo($form).click(async function () {
if (!confirm(scriptName + '\n\nReally delete cached links?')) {
await GM.setValue('cachedDownloadLinks', '{}')
this.value = 'Clear cache (' + humanBytes((await GM.getValue('cachedDownloadLinks', '{}')).length - 2) + ')'
alert(scriptName + '\n\nCache is empty!')
$('<input type="button">').val('Restore dialogs and warnings').appendTo($form).click(async function () {
if (!confirm(scriptName + '\n\nReally restore all dialogs and warnings?')) {
await GM.setValue('dialogs', '[]')
alert(scriptName + '\n\nDialogs and warnings restored')
let greasemonkeyIssue = ''
if (greasemonkey) {
greasemonkeyIssue = `<li>In Greasymonkey it is not possible to select multiple links with the mouse and send them at once.<br>
The reason is this bug: <a href="https://github.com/greasemonkey/greasemonkey/issues/2574">https://github.com/greasemonkey/greasemonkey/issues/2574</a><br>
If you need this functionality, you can use Tampermonkey instead of Greasemonkey</li>`
<h3>Known issues:</h3>
<li>nopremium.pl sometimes omits a few links in folders</li>
<li>In Firefox the script sometimes does not work if the "Accept thid-parts cookies" policy is set to "Never".<br>
To resolve this problem open the Firefox options and go to the tab "Privacy". Set the "Accept thid-parts cookies" to "From visited" or "Always"<br>
Close and re-open Firefox. Log out and then log in your nopremium.pl account. Everything should work fine now.</li>
$('<input type="button">').val('Debug info').appendTo($body).click(inspectGMvalues)
if (chrome) {
$frame.attr('src', 'about:blank')
function inspectGMvalues () {
let iv
const popup = popUp('multiochhelper_inspectGM', function () {
const $popup = popup.node
const $frame = $('<iframe width="' + (window.innerWidth - 250) + '" height="' + (window.innerHeight - 150) + '" style="border:0">').appendTo($popup)
$frame.bind('load', async function (e) {
$($frame[0].contentDocument.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]).append('<style type="text/css">' + SPINNERCSS + '</style>')
const $body = $($frame[0].contentDocument.getElementsByTagName('body')[0])
$body.append('<h2>' + scriptName + '</h2>')
let keys = await GM.listValues()
if (keys.length && typeof keys[0] === 'undefined') { // Firefox 35+ workaround
keys = cloneInto(await GM.listValues(), window)
const $table = $('<table>').appendTo($body)
let $tr
$tr = $('<tr>').appendTo($table)
const deleteValue = async function (ev) {
const key = $(this).data('key')
await GM.deleteValue(key)
let total = 0
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
const value = await GM.getValue(keys[i])
let svalue = '' + value
let len = 1
if (typeof value === 'undefined') {
svalue = 'undefined'
} else if (typeof value === 'string') {
len = value.length
total += len
$tr = $('<tr>').appendTo($table)
$('<td>').append($('<input type="text" style="width:600px">').val(svalue)).appendTo($tr)
$('<td>').append('' + (typeof value) + (typeof value === 'string' ? ('(' + len + ')') : '')).appendTo($tr)
$('<td>').append($('<input type="button">').val('Delete').data('key', keys[i]).click(deleteValue)).appendTo($tr)
$tr = $('<tr>').appendTo($table)
$('<th>').html('approx. ' + humanBytes(total)).appendTo($tr)
const $reload = $('<div>').appendTo($body)
$('<div style="display:inline-block;width:20px; height:20px;" class="ochspinner"></div>').appendTo($reload)
$reload.append(' Reload in ')
const $timer = $('<span style="pointer:cursor;" title="Click to reload now"></span>').html('20 seconds').click(function () { this.innerHTML = 0 }).appendTo($reload)
iv = window.setInterval(function () {
let s = parseInt($timer.html(), 10)
if (s === 0) {
} else {
$timer.html(s + ' seconds')
}, 1000)
if (chrome) {
$frame.attr('src', 'about:blank')
function hexToBytes (s) {
return s.match(/([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/g).map(v => parseInt(v, 16))
function stringToBytes (s) {
return s.split('').map(v => v.charCodeAt(0))
function bytesToString (a) {
return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, a)
function addCSSHead (body) {
const style = document.createElement('style')
style.type = 'text/css'
style.innerHTML = body
function humanBytes (bytes, precision) {
// http://stackoverflow.com/a/18650828
bytes = parseInt(bytes, 10)
if (bytes === 0) return '0 Byte'
const k = ####
const sizes = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB']
const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k))
return parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(k, i)).toPrecision(2)) + ' ' + sizes[i]
function getNextZIndex () {
// Calculate: max(zIndex) + 1
let zIndexMax = 0
try {
$('div').each(function () {
const z = parseInt($(this).css('z-index'), 10)
if (z > zIndexMax) {
zIndexMax = z
} catch (e) {} finally {
if (zIndexMax < 20000) {
zIndexMax = 20006
return zIndexMax + 1
async function showConfirm (id, text, onConfirm, onNotConfirm, thisArg) {
// Skip
const dialogs = JSON.parse(await GM.getValue('dialogs', '[]'))
if (dialogs.indexOf(id) !== -1) {
const popup = popUp('confirm' + id, function () {}, thisArg)
const $div = popup.node
$('<input type="button" value="Yes">').click(function () {
$('<input type="button" value="No">').click(function () {
if (onNotConfirm) {
$('<input type="checkbox" value="remember">').click(async function () {
const dialogs = JSON.parse(await GM.getValue('dialogs', '[]'))
if (this.checked) {
if (dialogs.indexOf(id) === -1) {
await GM.setValue('dialogs', JSON.stringify(dialogs))
} else {
if (dialogs.indexOf(id) !== -1) {
dialogs.splice(dialogs.indexOf(id), 1)
await GM.setValue('dialogs', JSON.stringify(dialogs))
$div.append(' Always "Yes". Do not show this message again!')
function setStatus (text, success) {
addStatus(text, success, true)
function addStatus (text, success, clear) {
if (!document.getElementById('multiochhelper')) {
let $status = $('#multiochhelper_status')
if (!document.getElementById('multiochhelper_status_text')) {
if (!document.getElementById('multiochhelper_status')) {
const $div = $('#multiochhelper')
$status = $('<div>').prependTo($div)
$status.attr('id', 'multiochhelper_status')
} else {
const $loader = $('<div>').appendTo($status)
$loader.attr('id', 'multiochhelper_status_loader')
const $statustext = $('<div>').appendTo($status)
$statustext.attr('id', 'multiochhelper_status_text')
const $statusclear = $('<div>').appendTo($status)
$statusclear.attr('id', 'multiochhelper_status_clear')
const $statustext = $('#multiochhelper_status_text')
if (clear) {
} else if ($statustext.html().trim() !== '') {
if (success === 1) {
$statustext.css('color', '#33FF99')
} else if (success === 0) {
$statustext.css('color', 'orange')
} else if (success === -1) {
$statustext.css('color', 'cyan')
} else {
$statustext.css('color', 'white')
function showOnlyStatus () {
const $status = $('#multiochhelper_status')
function getMultiOCHWebsiteURL (links) {
return multi[currentdebrid].getOpenWebsiteURL(links)
function openWebsite (links, cb) {
// Call cb() and navigate to the website
if (!links) {
if (cb) {
const url = getMultiOCHWebsiteURL(links)
if (settings.newTab) {
if (typeof GM.openInTab === 'undefined') {
} else {
} else {
document.location.href = url
async function useCache (urls, cb) {
urls = '' + urls
const cachedDownloadLinks = JSON.parse(await GM.getValue('cachedDownloadLinks', '{}')) // [datestring,downloadlink,multihoster]
if (urls in cachedDownloadLinks) {
if (confirm(scriptName + '\n\nLink was found in cache.\nUse cached link?\n\nFrom: ' + (new Date(cachedDownloadLinks[urls][0])) + '\nWith: ' + cachedDownloadLinks[urls][2] + '\n' + cachedDownloadLinks[urls][1].join('\n'))) {
return true
return false
async function cacheLink (urls, datetime, downloadLinks, multihoster) {
if (!Array.isArray(downloadLinks)) {
const parts = downloadLinks.split('\n')
downloadLinks = []
for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
if ($.trim(parts[i])) {
if (downloadLinks.length === 0) return
urls = '' + urls
const cachedDownloadLinks = JSON.parse(await GM.getValue('cachedDownloadLinks', '{}'))
cachedDownloadLinks[urls] = [datetime, downloadLinks, multihoster]
await GM.setValue('cachedDownloadLinks', JSON.stringify(cachedDownloadLinks))
function showExtractedLinks (links) {
if (document.querySelector('.alertlinkscont')) {
$('<style type="text/css">.alertlinkscont{transition: left 500ms;}.alertlinkscont a{font-size:12px;user-select:all; font-family: monospace;} .alertlinkscont a:link,.alertlinkscont a:hover{color:black; text-decoration:none;}.alertlinkscont a:visited{color:rgb(70,0,120); text-decoration:none;}</style>').appendTo('head')
const $div = $('<div class="alertlinkscont"></div>')
zIndex: 10000,
position: 'fixed',
top: '20px',
left: '20px',
minWidth: '300px',
minHeight: '300px',
background: 'white',
color: 'black',
border: '2px solid black',
borderRadius: '5px',
padding: '20px 25px 10px',
fontFamily: 'monospace',
fontSize: '12px',
overflow: 'auto'
for (let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
$div[0].innerHTML += '<a target="_blank" href="' + links[i] + '">' + links[i] + '</a><br>\n'
$div[0].innerHTML += '<br><br>\n'
window.setTimeout(function moveMenuIntoView () {
$div.css('maxHeight', (document.documentElement.clientHeight - 100) + 'px')
$div.css('maxWidth', (document.documentElement.clientWidth - 40) + 'px')
$div.css('left', Math.max(20, 0.5 * (document.body.clientWidth - $div[0].clientWidth)) + 'px')
}, 0)
async function generateLinks (urls, cb) {
// Check cache
if (await useCache(urls, cb)) {
await multi[currentdebrid].getLinks(urls, cb)
async function download (urls, cb) {
// Get one/first download link and open it immediately/start download
if (urls.length > 1) {
alert(scriptName + '\n\nOnly the first link will be opened!')
await generateLinks(urls, function (r###lt, code) {
if (cb) {
if (r###lt && r###lt[0]) {
addStatus('Opening download...', -1)
if (window.top === window) {
document.location.href = r###lt[0]
} else {
// Changing location may be blocked by sandboxed iframe
window.top.location.href = r###lt[0]
} else if (code === -2) {
// Error was already handled
console.log('download() in generateLinks(): error already handled')
} else if (!code) {
addStatus('An error occured: No downloadlink to open', 0)
async function clipboard (urls, cb) {
// Get download links and copy them into clipboard
generateLinks(urls, function (r###lt, code) {
if (r###lt) {
let succeeded = false
setStatus('Trying to set clipboard', -1)
window.setTimeout(function () {
if (succeeded) {
setStatus('Trying GM_setClipboard()', -1)
try {
setStatus('Copied to clipboard', 1)
} catch (e) {
setStatus('Failed to access clipboard 02', 0)
alert('Failed to access clipboard.\n\nLinks will appear in next dialog window')
}, 3000)
try {
GM.setClipboard(r###lt.join('\r\n')).then(function () {
setStatus('Copied to clipboard', 1)
succeeded = true
}, function () {
setStatus('Failed to access clipboard 01', 0)
} catch (e) {
setStatus('Clipboard not supported by this browser', 0)
} else if (code === -2) {
// Error was already handled
console.log('clipboard() in generateLinks(): error already handled')
} else {
setStatus('An error occured: No downloadlinks found', 0)
if (cb) {
async function sendToJD (urls, cb) {
// Get download links and send them to JDownloader
generateLinks(urls, function (r###lt, code) {
if (r###lt) {
setStatus('Waiting for JDownloader', -1)
// Comment should be the original page in case of multiple links
let comment = urls[0]
if (urls.length > 1) {
if (showOneclickFromHighlighScriptAllLinksLoc) {
comment = showOneclickFromHighlighScriptAllLinksLoc
} else if (showOneclickFromHighlighScriptSelectedLinksLoc) {
comment = showOneclickFromHighlighScriptAllLinksLoc
} else {
comment = document.location.href
method: 'POST',
url: JDOWNLOADER + 'flash/add',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
Referer: scriptReferer,
'User-Agent': scriptReferer
// data: "source="+encodeURIComponent(scriptReferer)+"&urls="+encodeURIComponent(r###lt.join("\r\n")), // Moved "source" to Referer
// data: "comment="+encodeURIComponent(comment)+"&urls="+encodeURIComponent(r###lt.join("\r\n")), // See ExternInterfaceImpl.java
data: 'source=' + encodeURIComponent(scriptReferer) + '&comment=' + encodeURIComponent(comment) + '&urls=' + encodeURIComponent(r###lt.join('\r\n')), // See ExternInterfaceImpl.java
onload: function (resp) {
if (cb) {
if (resp.status === 204 || resp.responseText.startsWith('success')) {
setStatus('Sent to JDownloader', 1)
} else {
setStatus('JDownloader rejected the request', 0)
onerror: function (resp) {
if (cb) {
setStatus('JDownloader is not running', 0)
} else if (code === -2) {
// Error was already handled
console.log('sendToJD() in generateLinks(): error already handled')
if (cb) {
} else {
if (cb) {
addStatus('No links to send', 0)
function showLinks (urls, cb, append, n) {
const popup = popUp('showLinks')
const $div = popup.node
const $loader = $('<div style="width:20px; height:20px;" class="ochspinner"></div>').appendTo($div)
const $frame = $('<iframe width="900" height="500" style="border:0">').appendTo($div)
$frame.bind('load', function (e) {
$($frame[0].contentDocument.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]).append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://www.nopremium.pl/css/style.css" type="text/css" />')
const $body = $($frame[0].contentDocument.getElementsByTagName('body')[0])
multi[currentdebrid].getR###lts(urls, function ($node) {
$body.find('a').each(function () {
// Open links in new window
this.setAttribute('target', '_blank')
if (cb) {
if (chrome) {
$frame.attr('src', 'about:blank')
function decryptClickNLoad (cb, jk, cryptedBase64) {
// Get all the links by decrypting the Click'n'Load form
// return False for any error
// return True, run cb() and open the menu if Click'n'Load was successfully decoded
if (!cryptedBase64 && !(document.getElementsByName('crypted').length && document.getElementsByName('jk').length)) {
return false // Click'n'Load not avaiblabe
setStatus("Trying to decrypt Click'n'Load", -1)
try {
// Key/IV
if (!jk) {
jk = document.getElementsByName('jk')[0].value
if (jk.indexOf('return') !== -1) {
jk = eval(jk + '; f();') // eslint-disable-line no-eval
const key = hexToBytes(jk)
const iv = key.slice(0)
// Text
if (!cryptedBase64) {
cryptedBase64 = document.getElementsByName('crypted')[0].value
const cryptedString = atob(cryptedBase64)
const cryptedBytes = stringToBytes(cryptedString)
// Decrypt
const textBytes = slowAES.decrypt(cryptedBytes, slowAES.modeOfOperation.CBC, key, iv)
let text = bytesToString(textBytes)
text = text.replace('\r', '')
const splitted = text.split('\n')
const links = []
for (let i = 0; i < splitted.length; i++) {
// Remove any line that is not a http link
const t = $.trim(splitted[i])
if (t && t.substring(0, 4) === 'http') {
const N = links.length
if (N === 0) {
return false // Click'n'Load probably failed, try another method...
if (cb) {
setStatus('Found ' + (N === 1 ? 'one link' : (N + ' links')), 1)
return true
} catch (e) {
alert("Click'N'Load failed:\n" + e)
return false // Click'n'Load probably failed, try another method...
// Get all the links by decrypting the Click'n'Load form
if(!document.getElementsByName('crypted').length || !document.getElementsByName('jk').length) {
if(cb) {
setStatus("Trying linkdecrypter.com",-1);
const crypted = document.getElementsByName('crypted')[0].value;
const jk = document.getElementsByName('jk')[0].value;
GM.xmlHttpRequest( {
method: "POST",
url: "http://linkdecrypter.com/api/?t=cnl2",
data: 'crypted=' + encodeURIComponent(crypted) + '&jk=' + encodeURIComponent(btoa(jk)),
headers: {
"User-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11;U;Linux i686;es-ES;rv: Gecko/20100723 Ubuntu/10.04 (lucid) Firefox/3.6.8",
"Accept": "application/atom+xml,application/xml,text/xml",
"Content-type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
onload: function(response) {
if(cb) {
const N = response.responseText.split("\n").length;
if(!response.responseText || response.responseText.indexOf("ERROR(CNL2)") !== -1 ||  N === 0) {
setStatus("An error occurred while handling the response of linkdecrypter.com",0);
} else {
setStatus("Found "+(N===1?"one link":(N+" links")),1);
function getAllSerienjunkiesLinks (cb) {
// Get all download links from a serienjunkies.org download page (i.e. the page right after the captcha)
const urls = [] // [  [partnumber0,link0]  ,  [partnumber1,link1]  ,  .... ]
let total = 0
const rap = document.getElementById('rap')
const table = rap.getElementsByTagName('table')[0]
const forms = table.getElementsByTagName('form')
let j = 1 // part number, in order to make sure that sorting of the links is the same as on the page.
// This is only a fallback in case there is no visible part number in the actual downloadlink/filename.
for (let i = 0; i < forms.length; i++) {
const url = forms[i].action
if (url.indexOf('mirror') !== -1 || url.indexOf('firstload') !== -1) {
method: 'GET',
onload: (function (j) {
return function (response) {
const loc = response.finalUrl // Actual link after posible redirections
if (response.finalUrl.match(/part*(\d+)\./)) { // Try to guess part number
const part = response.finalUrl.match(/part*(\d+)\./)[1]
urls.push([parseInt(part, 10), loc])
} else { // fallback part number
urls.push([j, loc])
setStatus('Decrypting: ' + urls.length + '/' + total, total === urls.length ? 1 : -1)
if (total === urls.length) {
// Got all links
total = j - 1
function getSerienjunkiesLinks (cb) {
// Get all the links from the page
getAllSerienjunkiesLinks(function (urls) {
if (cb) {
urls = urls.sort(function (a, b) {
if (a[0] > b[0]) return 1
else if (a[0] < b[0]) return -1
return 0
let alllinks = ''
for (let i = 0; i < urls.length; ++i) {
alllinks += urls[i][1] + '\n'
function getFilecryptcc (jddata, cb) {
// Get all the links by decrypting the Click'n'Load form
const fieldJk = jddata[0]
const fieldCrypted = jddata[1]
const r = decryptClickNLoad(cb, fieldJk, fieldCrypted)
if (!r) {
setStatus("Could not find Click'n'Load", -1)
if (cb) {
function getSafeLinkingNetLinks (cb) {
// Get all the links by following each link
const crypticUrls = []
$('div.links-container.r###lt-form a.r###lt-a').each(function () {
if (this.getAttribute('href') && this.getAttribute('href').indexOf('/d/') !== -1) { crypticUrls.push(this.getAttribute('href')) }
const urls = []
let total = 0
let j = 1
for (let i = 0; i < crypticUrls.length; i++) {
method: 'GET',
url: crypticUrls[i],
onload: (function (j) {
return function (response) {
const loc = response.finalUrl // Actual link after posible redirections
setStatus('Decrypting: ' + urls.length + '/' + total, -1)
if (total === urls.length) {
// Got all links
setStatus('Found ' + (total === 1 ? 'one link' : (total + ' links')), 1)
total = j - 1
const linkSelectorFilter = {
_filter: function (key) {
const a = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)
return function () {
linkSelectorFilter[key].apply(linkSelectorFilter, a)
all: function (trs) {
for (let i = 0; i < trs.length; i++) {
trs[i].$check.prop('checked', true)
none: function (trs) {
for (let i = 0; i < trs.length; i++) {
trs[i].$check.prop('checked', false)
flip: function (trs) {
for (let i = 0; i < trs.length; i++) {
trs[i].$check.prop('checked', !trs[i].$check.prop('checked'))
has: function (trs, inpFilter) {
const s = inpFilter.val()
for (let i = 0; i < trs.length; i++) {
if (trs[i].link.indexOf(s) !== -1) {
trs[i].$check.prop('checked', !trs[i].$check.prop('checked'))
host: function (trs, $selHost) {
const h = $selHost.val()
for (let i = 0; i < trs.length; i++) {
if (trs[i].host === h) {
trs[i].$check.prop('checked', !trs[i].$check.prop('checked'))
fromto: function (trs, $table, $thead, $th) {
const _self = this
for (let i = 0; i < trs.length; i++) {
trs[i].$check.prop('disabled', true)
$table.find('td').hover(function () {
$(this).parent().find('td').each(function (i, e) {
$(e).css('background', 'PaleGreen')
}, function () {
$(this).parent().find('td').each(function (i, e) {
$(e).css('background', '')
$thead.find('th').css('display', 'none')
$th.css('display', '')
$th.html('Select from where to start')
$table.find('td').click(function () {
const from = $(this.parentNode).data('index')
$(this).parent().find('td').css('background', 'PaleGreen')
$table.find('td').unbind('click mouseenter mouseleave')
$th.html('Select where to stop')
$table.find('td').hover(function () {
const to = $(this.parentNode).data('index')
$table.find('td').each(function (i, e) {
const $e = $(e)
const j = $e.parent().data('index')
if (j > from && j <= to) {
$e.css('background', 'DarkSeaGreen')
} else if (j > from && j > to) {
$e.css('background', '')
if ($(this).parent().data('index') > from) $(this).parent().find('td').css('background', 'PaleGreen')
$table.find('td').filter(function (i, e) { return $(e.parentNode).data('index') > from }).click(function () {
const to = $(this.parentNode).data('index') + 1
$table.find('td').unbind('click mouseenter mouseleave')
$(this).parent().find('td').css('background', 'PaleGreen')
$table.find('td').each(function (i, e) {
const $e = $(e)
const j = $e.parent().data('index')
if (j < from || j >= to) {
$e.css('display', 'none')
const ntrs = trs.slice(from, to)
for (let i = 0; i < ntrs.length; i++) {
ntrs[i].$check.prop('disabled', false)
$th.html('Select ')
$('<button>').appendTo($th).text('all').click(_self._filter('all', ntrs))
$('<button>').appendTo($th).text('none').click(_self._filter('none', ntrs))
$('<button>').appendTo($th).text('flip').click(_self._filter('flip', ntrs))
$('<button>').appendTo($th).text('return to all links').click(function () {
$table.find('td').each(function (i, e) {
const $e = $(e)
$e.css('display', '')
$e.css('background', '')
$thead.find('th').css('display', '')
$th.css('display', 'none')
for (let i = 0; i < trs.length; i++) {
trs[i].$check.prop('disabled', false)
return false
every: function (trs, $table, $thead, $th) {
const _self = this
for (let i = 0; i < trs.length; i++) {
trs[i].$check.prop('disabled', true)
$table.find('td').hover(function () {
$(this).parent().find('td').each(function (i, e) {
$(e).css('background', 'PaleGreen')
}, function () {
$(this).parent().find('td').each(function (i, e) {
$(e).css('background', '')
$thead.find('th').css('display', 'none')
$th.css('display', '')
$th.html('Select from where to start')
$table.find('td').click(function () {
const from = $(this.parentNode).data('index')
$(this).parent().find('td').css('background', 'PaleGreen')
$table.find('td').unbind('click mouseenter mouseleave')
$th.html('Select next')
$table.find('td').hover(function () {
const to = $(this.parentNode).data('index')
const diff = to - from
if (to < from + 2) {
$table.find('td').filter(function (i, e) { return $(e.parentNode).data('index') > from + 1 }).css('background', '')
} else {
$table.find('td').filter(function (i, e) { return $(e.parentNode).data('index') > from + 1 }).each(function (i, e) {
const j = $(this.parentNode).data('index')
if ((j - from) % diff === 0 && j > from + 1) {
$(this).css('background', 'PaleGreen')
} else {
$(this).css('background', '')
$(this).parent().find('td').css('background', 'DarkSeaGreen')
}).click(function () {
const to = $(this.parentNode).data('index')
if (to < from + 2) return false
$(this).parent().find('td').css('background', 'PaleGreen')
const diff = to - from
$table.find('td').unbind('click mouseenter mouseleave')
$table.find('td').each(function (i, e) {
const $e = $(e)
const j = $e.parent().data('index')
if ((j - from) % diff !== 0 || j < from) {
$e.css('display', 'none')
const ntrs = []
for (let i = 0; i < trs.length; i++) {
if ((i - from) % diff === 0 && i >= from) {
trs[i].$check.prop('disabled', false)
$th.html('Select ')
$('<button>').appendTo($th).text('all').click(_self._filter('all', ntrs))
$('<button>').appendTo($th).text('none').click(_self._filter('none', ntrs))
$('<button>').appendTo($th).text('flip').click(_self._filter('flip', ntrs))
$('<button>').appendTo($th).text('return to all links').click(function () {
$table.find('td').each(function (i, e) {
const $e = $(e)
$e.css('display', '')
$e.css('background', '')
$thead.find('th').css('display', '')
$th.css('display', 'none')
for (let i = 0; i < trs.length; i++) {
trs[i].$check.prop('disabled', false)
return false
function linkSelector (links) {
const filter = function (key) {
const a = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)
return function () {
linkSelectorFilter[key].apply(linkSelectorFilter, a)
const trs = []
const selectedLinks = []
// Coyp array and remove empty elements
for (let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
const t = $.trim(links[i])
if (t) {
if (linksBeforeSelection === false) {
linksBeforeSelection = links.slice(0) // Save all links for later selections
const allLinks = linksBeforeSelection.slice(0)
const popup = popUp('linkSelector')
const $div = popup.node
const $loader = $('<div style="width:20px; height:20px;" class="ochspinner"></div>').appendTo($div)
$div.css('overflow', 'none')
const $frame = $('<iframe style="border:0">').appendTo($div)
$frame.attr('width', window.innerWidth - 190)
$frame.attr('height', window.innerHeight - 120)
$frame.bind('load', function (e) {
const $body = $($frame[0].contentDocument.getElementsByTagName('body')[0])
const $main = $('<div>').appendTo($body)
const $table = $('<table>').appendTo($main)
const $thead = $('<thead>').appendTo($table)
const $tr0 = $('<tr>').appendTo($thead)
const $th0 = $('<th>').appendTo($tr0).attr('colspan', 2)
const $tr1 = $('<tr>').appendTo($thead)
const $th1 = $('<th>').appendTo($tr1).attr('colspan', 2)
const $tr2 = $('<tr>').appendTo($thead)
const $th2 = $('<th>').appendTo($tr2).attr('colspan', 2)
const $tr3 = $('<tr>').appendTo($thead)
const $th3 = $('<th>').appendTo($tr3).attr('colspan', 2)
const $tr4 = $('<tr>').appendTo($thead)
const $th4 = $('<th>').appendTo($tr4).attr('colspan', 2)
$('<span>Select: <span>').appendTo($th0)
$('<button>').appendTo($th0).text('all').click(filter('all', trs))
$('<button>').appendTo($th0).text('none').click(filter('none', trs))
$('<button>').appendTo($th0).text('flip').click(filter('flip', trs))
$('<button>').appendTo($th1).text('Select from ... to ...').click(filter('fromto', trs, $table, $thead, $th4))
$('<button>').appendTo($th1).text('Select every ...').click(filter('every', trs, $table, $thead, $th4))
$('<span> Filter:<span>').appendTo($th2)
const inpFilter = $('<input>').appendTo($th2).attr('type', 'text')
$('<button>').appendTo($th2).text('Flip with filter').click(filter('has', trs, inpFilter))
$('<span> Host filter:<span>').appendTo($th3)
const $selHost = $('<select>').appendTo($th3)
$('<button>').appendTo($th3).text('Flip with host filter').click(filter('has', trs, $selHost))
const allhosts = []
for (let i = 0; i < allLinks.length; i++) {
const $tr = $('<tr>').data('index', i).appendTo($table)
const $td0 = $('<td>').appendTo($tr)
const $check = $('<input>').appendTo($td0).attr('type', 'checkbox').attr('id', 'link_checkbox_' + i).prop('checked', selectedLinks.indexOf(allLinks[i]) !== -1)
const $td1 = $('<td>').appendTo($tr)
$('<label>').attr('for', 'link_checkbox_' + i).text(allLinks[i]).css('font-family', 'monospace').appendTo($td1)
const host = allLinks[i].split('/')[2].replace(/^www\./, '')
if (allhosts.indexOf(host) === -1) {
trs.push({ $tr, $check, link: allLinks[i], host })
for (let i = 0; i < allhosts.length; i++) {
$('<button>').appendTo($main).text('Apply').click(function () {
const nlinks = []
for (let i = 0; i < trs.length; i++) {
if (trs[i].$check.prop('checked')) {
if (nlinks.length === 0) {
alert('No links selected?!')
setStatus((nlinks.length === 1 ? 'One link' : (nlinks.length + ' links')) + ' selected', 1)
if (chrome) {
$frame.attr('src', 'about:blank')
function menu (links) {
// normalize links:
if (!Array.isArray(links)) {
const parts = links.split('\n')
links = []
for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
if ($.trim(parts[i])) {
const $c = $('#multiochhelper ul')
const $select = $('<select>')
const m = links[0].match(/https?:\/\/(.+?)\//)
if (!m) {
console.log(scriptName + ": Not a valid link: '" + links[0] + "'")
const host = m[1]
let hoster = host.split('.')
hoster = hoster.pop().replace('-', '')
$.each(multi, function (key, val) {
const $option = $('<option></option>').val(key).html(val.name).appendTo($select)
if (key === currentdebrid) {
$option[0].selected = true
if (multi[key].isOnline(hoster)) {
$option.css('color', 'green')
} else {
$option.css('color', '#F00')
let $entry = menuentry($select)
$select.bind('change', function (ev) {
const $this = $(this)
// Change hoster
currentdebrid = $this.val()
// Check general support
if (multi[currentdebrid].isOnline(hoster)) {
// Check first link for support on this multi hoster
multi[currentdebrid].checkLink(links[0], function (r###lt) {
if (!r###lt) {
alert(scriptName + '\n\n' + host + ' is not supported by this hoster or the file is offline.\n\nChecked: ' + links[0])
} else {
alert(scriptName + '\n\n' + host + ' is not supported by ' + multi[currentdebrid].name)
// Add "Remember" checkbox
if (!$this.parent().find('#remember').length) {
const $div = $('<div>')
const $check = $('<input id="remember" type="checkbox" value="remember" title="Remember selection">').click(async function () {
if (this.checked) {
currentdebrid = $select.val()
await GM.setValue('currentdebrid', currentdebrid)
setStatus('Switched to ' + multi[currentdebrid].name, 1)
$entry = menuentry('Direct download')
$entry.click(function () { mouse('download', links) })
$entry = menuentry('Copy to clipboard')
$entry.click(function () { mouse('clipboard', links) })
if (settings.jDownloaderSupport) {
$entry = menuentry('Send to JDownloader')
$entry.attr('id', 'multiochhelperjdbutton')
$entry.click(function () { mouse('sendToJD', links) })
method: 'GET',
url: JDOWNLOADER + 'flash/',
onerror: function () {
onload: function (resp) {
if (resp && resp.responseText && resp.responseText.startsWith('JDownloader')) {
if (!showOneclickFromHighlighScriptAllLinks) {
$entry = menuentry('Show generated links')
$entry.click(function () { mouse('showLinks', links) })
$entry = menuentry('Show extracted links')
$entry.click(function () {
if (window.parent.parent !== window) {
window.parent.parent.postMessage({ iAm: 'Unrestrict.li', type: 'alert', str: links.join('\n') }, '*')
} else {
if (!showOneclickFromHighlighScriptAllLinks && (links.length > 1 || linksBeforeSelection !== false)) {
$entry = menuentry('Select links')
$entry.click(function () { linkSelector(links) })
if (!showOneclickFromHighlighScriptAllLinks) {
$entry = menuentry()
$('<a style="color:white !important;">Open Website</a>').attr('href', getMultiOCHWebsiteURL(links)).appendTo($entry)
if (showOneclickFromHighlighScriptAllLinks && showOneclickFromHighlighScriptAllLinksLinks) {
$entry = $(menuentry('Use all links on page...'))
$entry.click(function () {
// Switch to all links instead of one
const links = showOneclickFromHighlighScriptAllLinksLinks
showOneclickFromHighlighScriptAllLinksLinks = ''
$('#multiochhelper div:empty:not(:first)').remove()
setStatus('All links!', 1)
if (showOneclickFromHighlighScriptSelectedLinks && showOneclickFromHighlighScriptSelectedLinksLinks) {
$entry = $(menuentry('Use selected links...'))
$entry.click(function () {
// Switch to selected links instead of one
const links = showOneclickFromHighlighScriptSelectedLinksLinks
showOneclickFromHighlighScriptSelectedLinksLinks = ''
$('#multiochhelper div:empty:not(:first)').remove()
setStatus('Using selected links!', 1)
if (!showOneclickFromHighlighScriptAllLinks) {
$entry = menuentry($('<span style="cursor:default; color:silver">Userscript menu</span>').click(function (ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); aboutMe() }))
$entry.css('cursor', 'default')
$('<span style="cursor:pointer; color:White; border: 1px solid White; border-radius:3px; padding:0px; margin-left:20px; font-weight:bold ; " title="Close menu">X</span>').click(function () { $('#multiochhelper').remove() }).appendTo($entry)
function loader () {
// Show an animation, return function to remove the loader
const $div = $('<div class="ochspinner"></div>').appendTo($('#multiochhelper_status_loader'))
return function () {
async function mouse (action, linkText) {
// decide what to do after a mouse click
const removeImg = loader()
if (action === 'download') {
await download(linkText, removeImg)
} else if (action === 'showLinks') {
showLinks(linkText, removeImg)
} else if (action === 'openWebsite') {
} else if (action === 'clipboard') {
await clipboard(linkText, removeImg)
} else if (action === 'menu') {
} else if (action === 'sendToJD') {
await sendToJD(linkText, removeImg)
function menuentry (html) {
const $li = $('<li>')
if (html) {
$li.appendTo('#multiochhelper ul')
return $li
function button (label) {
#multiochhelper,#multiochhelper * {
font-family:Sans-Serif !important;
padding:0px; margin:0px;
#multiochhelper a, #multiochhelper a:link,#multiochhelper a:visited {
text-decoration:underline !important;
color:#3788e8 !important;
font-style:none !important;
#multiochhelper a:hover {
text-decoration:none !important;
color:#3788e8 !important;
font-style:none !important;
#multiochhelper ul li,#multiochhelper_status {
margin:1px 1px;
padding:1px 5px;
text-shadow:0 -1px 0 #333333;
border:1px solid #8B3D92;
background:radial-gradient(ellipse at center, #B555C5, #8B3D92);
list-style:none outside;
#multiochhelper div#multiochhelper_status_loader {
#multiochhelper div#multiochhelper_status_text {
#multiochhelper div#multiochhelper_status_clear {
#multiochhelper ul li {
#multiochhelper ul li:hover {
background:radial-gradient(ellipse at center, #CC6BDD, #8B3D92);
#multiochhelper select,#multiochhelper input {
// div container
const zi = getNextZIndex()
const $div = $('<div>').appendTo(document.body)
$div.attr('id', 'multiochhelper')
$div.attr('style', 'z-index:' + zi + '; position:fixed; background:#E6E6E6; color:Black; border:#B555C5 2px solid;border-radius:5px; padding:3px;')
if (settings.position[0] === 'top') {
$div.css('top', '0%')
} else {
$div.css('bottom', '0%')
if (settings.position[1] === 'left') {
$div.css('left', '0%')
} else {
$div.css('right', '0%')
// Status
const $status = $('<div>').appendTo($div).hide()
$status.attr('id', 'multiochhelper_status')
const $loader = $('<div>').appendTo($status)
$loader.attr('id', 'multiochhelper_status_loader')
const $statustext = $('<div>').appendTo($status)
$statustext.attr('id', 'multiochhelper_status_text')
const $statusclear = $('<div>').appendTo($status)
$statusclear.attr('id', 'multiochhelper_status_clear')
const $ul = $('<ul>').appendTo($div)
// Button
const $entry = menuentry(label || (multi[currentdebrid].name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + multi[currentdebrid].name.slice(1)))
return $entry
const isSetup = await GM.getValue('setup', false)
// Update hoster status
let updatinghosters = false
if (isSetup) {
for (const key in multi) {
if (multi[key].updateStatusURLpattern.test(document.location.href)) { //  usually in this is true in the iframe which is defined below
updatinghosters = true
// Create iframes to check hoster status:
if (!updatinghosters && isSetup) {
const now = new Date()
for (const key in multi) {
if ('updateStatusURL' in multi[key] && (now - multi[key].lastUpdate) > (settings.updateHosterStatusInterval * 60 * 60 * 1000)) {
const $iframe = $('<embed>').appendTo(document.body)
$iframe.bind('load', function () {
const frame = this
window.setTimeout(function () { $(frame).remove() }, 3000)
$iframe.attr('src', multi[key].updateStatusURL)
// Setup
if (!updatinghosters) {
if (!isSetup) {
await aboutMe()
if (!confirm(scriptName + ' Setup\n\nPlease take some time to configure ' + scriptName + ' and then save the settings!\n\nPress cancel to continue with the default configuration!')) {
await GM.setValue('setup', true)
alert(scriptName + '\n\nDefault settings will be used.')
if (document.location.href.indexOf('nopremium.pl') !== -1) {
// nopremium.pl Website
if (document.location.search.substring(0, 6) === '?link:') {
// Insert link on nopremium.pl
} else if (document.location.href.indexOf('www.premiumize.me') !== -1) {
// premiumize.me Website
if (document.location.search.substring(0, 6) === '?link:') {
// Insert link on nopremium.pl
} else if (document.location.href.indexOf('download.serienjunkies.org') !== -1) {
// Serienjunkies
if (!document.querySelector('.g-recaptcha')) { // if not on captcha page
const $b = button('Decrypt links')
$b.click(function (ev) {
const removeImg = loader()
} else if (document.location.href === 'http://filecloud.io/download.html') {
// filecloud.io
if (unsafeWindow.__currentUrl) {
showOneclickButton = true
showOneclickLink = decodeURIComponent(unsafeWindow.__currentUrl)
} else if (document.location.href.indexOf('filecrypt.cc') !== -1) {
// filecrypt.cc folder
if (document.location.href.indexOf('helper.html') !== -1) { // if not on captcha page
window.addEventListener('message', function filecryptmessage (event) {
if (event.data && typeof (event.data) === 'object') {
window.opener.postMessage({ filecryptData: JSON.stringify(event.data) }, '*') // Send message back to the opening window
window.removeEventListener('message', filecryptmessage) // Prevent further messages from creating several buttons
}, false)
} else if (document.location.href.indexOf('Container') !== -1) { // if not on captcha page
const $b = button("Please open the Click'n'Load Popup (several times)")
$b.click(function () {
window.addEventListener('message', function filecryptmessage2 (event) { // Receive messages from the popup
if (event.data && typeof (event.data) === 'object' && 'filecryptData' in event.data) {
window.removeEventListener('message', filecryptmessage2) // Prevent further messages from creating several buttons
setStatus('Decrypting', -1)
const removeImg = loader()
getFilecryptcc(JSON.parse(event.data.filecryptData), removeImg)
}, false)
} else if (document.location.href.substring(7, 22) === 'protected.to/f-') {
// http://protected.to folder
if (document.querySelectorAll('.links a').length > 0) { // If not on captcha page
showOneclickButton = true
showOneclickLink = ''
$('.links a').each(function () {
showOneclickLink += decodeURIComponent(this.href) + '\n'
} else if (document.location.href.substring(8, 23) === 'safelinking.net') {
// safelinking.net folder
if (!document.getElementById('captcha-wrapper')) {
const $b = button('Decrypt links')
$b.click(function (ev) {
const removeImg = loader()
} else if (document.location.href.indexOf('.firedrive.com/share/') !== -1) {
// firedrive.com folder
showOneclickButton = true
showOneclickLink = ''
$('a.pf_item_link:visible').each(function () {
showOneclickLink += decodeURIComponent(this.href) + '\n'
} else if (document.location.href.indexOf('rapidgator.net/folder/') !== -1) {
// Rapidgator folder
showOneclickButton = true
showOneclickLink = ''
$('#grid tbody a').each(function () {
showOneclickLink += decodeURIComponent(this.href) + '\n'
} else if (document.location.hostname === "dailyuploads.net" && currentdebrid === 'premiumize.me') {
// Dailyuploads.net: submit direct download link (after captcha was solved) to premiumize.me instead of link
if (document.querySelector('div.banner div.inner a>img[src*="redbutton.png"]')) {
showOneclickButton = true
showOneclickLink = document.querySelector('div.banner div.inner a>img[src*="redbutton.png"]').parentNode.href
} else {
showOneclickButton = false
button("Please solve the captcha first")
} else if (document.location.hostname === 'multiup.org') {
// Multiup.org mirrors
showOneclickButton = document.querySelectorAll('button[link]').length > 0
showOneclickLink = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('button[link]')).map(b => b.getAttribute('link')).join('\n')
} else if (document.location.href.substring(0, 55) === 'https://cvzi.github.io/Userscripts/index.html?link=sync') {
// Window opened from Helper script to sync hoster status (see postMessage events below)
showOneclickButton = false
const message = 'Updating hoster status...'
const h1 = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('h1'))
h1.appendChild(document.createTextNode(scriptHightligherName + ': ' + message))
window.setTimeout(function () {
const h2 = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('h2'))
h2.appendChild(document.createTextNode('You may close this tab now'))
}, 4000)
} else if (document.location.href.substring(0, 51) === 'https://cvzi.github.io/Userscripts/index.html?link=') {
// Iframe for a X-Frame-Options website
showOneclickButton = true
showOneclickLink = decodeURIComponent(document.location.search.match(/link=(.+)/)[1])
} else {
// One click hoster website
showOneclickButton = true
showOneclickLink = decodeURIComponent(document.location.href)
if (showOneclickButton) {
let mouseOverAvailable = true
// Split links into array
const splitted = showOneclickLink.split('\n')
showOneclickLink = []
for (let i = 0; i < splitted.length; i++) {
if ($.trim(splitted[i])) {
const $b = button()
function (ev) {
mouseOverAvailable = false
if (ev.which === 3) { // Right click
mouse(settings.rightClick, showOneclickLink)
} else if (ev.which === 2) { // Middle click
mouse(settings.middleClick, showOneclickLink)
} else if (ev.which === 1) { // Left click {
mouse(settings.leftClick, showOneclickLink)
if (settings.mouseOver !== 'none') {
let ti = false
mouseover: function () {
if (!mouseOverAvailable) { return }
ti = setTimeout(function () {
if (!mouseOverAvailable) { return }
mouseOverAvailable = false
mouse(settings.mouseOver, showOneclickLink)
}, settings.mouseOverDelay)
mouseout: function () {
if (ti !== false) clearTimeout(ti)
// Prevent context menu on right click
if (settings.rightClick !== 'none') {
$b[0].addEventListener('contextmenu', e => e.preventDefault(), false)
// Handle messages from the highlight script
window.addEventListener('message', function (e) {
if (typeof e.data !== 'object' || !('iAm' in e.data) || e.data.iAm !== 'Unrestrict.li') {
switch (e.data.type) {
case 'alllinks':
if (showOneclickFromHighlighScriptAllLinks) {
showOneclickFromHighlighScriptAllLinks = true
showOneclickFromHighlighScriptAllLinksLoc = e.data.loc
showOneclickFromHighlighScriptAllLinksLinks = e.data.links.join('\n')
if ($('#multiochhelper ul li').length > 1) { // Menu already opened
case 'selectedlinks':
if (showOneclickFromHighlighScriptSelectedLinks) {
showOneclickFromHighlighScriptSelectedLinks = true
showOneclickFromHighlighScriptSelectedLinksLoc = e.data.loc
showOneclickFromHighlighScriptSelectedLinksLinks = e.data.links.join('\n')
if ($('#multiochhelper ul li').length > 1) { // Menu already opened
case 'requesthosterstatus': {
window.setTimeout(function () {
const h3 = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('h3'))
h3.appendChild(document.createTextNode('This will only take a few seconds'))
}, 0)
const o = {}
for (const key in multi) {
o[key] = multi[key].status
e.source.postMessage({ iAm: 'Unrestrict.li', type: 'hosterstatus', str: JSON.stringify(o) }, '*')
}, true)