Greasy Fork is available in English.
Add Rotten Tomatoes ratings to IMDb movie and TV show pages
- // ==UserScript==
- // @name IMDb Tomatoes
- // @description Add Rotten Tomatoes ratings to IMDb movie and TV show pages
- // @author chocolateboy
- // @copyright chocolateboy
- // @version 7.2.2
- // @namespace
- // @license GPL
- // @include /^https://www\.imdb\.com/title/tt[0-9]+/([#?].*)?$/
- // @require
- // @require
- // @require
- // @require
- // @require
- // @require
- // @require
- // @require
- // @require
- // @require
- // @require
- // @resource api
- // @resource overrides
- // @grant GM_addStyle
- // @grant GM_deleteValue
- // @grant GM_getResourceText
- // @grant GM_getValue
- // @grant GM_listValues
- // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
- // @grant GM_setValue
- // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
- // @grant GM_unregisterMenuCommand
- // @connect
- // @connect
- // @run-at document-start
- // @noframes
- // ==/UserScript==
- /// <reference types="greasemonkey" />
- /// <reference types="tampermonkey" />
- /// <reference types="jquery" />
- /// <reference types="node" />
- /// <reference path="../types/imdb-tomatoes.user.d.ts" />
- 'use strict';
- /* begin */ {
- const API_LIMIT = 100
- const CHANGE_TARGET = 'target:change'
- const DATA_VERSION = 1.3
- const DEBUG_KEY = 'debug'
- const DISABLE_CACHE = false
- const LD_JSON = 'script[type="application/ld+json"]'
- const MAX_YEAR_DIFF = 3
- const NO_CONSENSUS = 'No consensus yet.'
- const NO_MATCH = 'no matching r###lts'
- const ONE_DAY = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24
- const ONE_WEEK = ONE_DAY * 7
- const RT_BALLOON_CLASS = 'rt-consensus-balloon'
- const RT_BASE = ''
- const RT_WIDGET_CLASS = 'rt-rating'
- const STATS_KEY = 'stats'
- const TARGET_KEY = 'target'
- /** @type {Record<string, number>} */
- [STATS_KEY]: 3,
- [TARGET_KEY]: 1,
- [DEBUG_KEY]: 1,
- }
- classname: RT_BALLOON_CLASS,
- css: {
- fontFamily: 'Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif',
- fontSize: '16px',
- lineHeight: '24px',
- maxWidth: '24rem',
- padding: '10px',
- },
- html: true,
- position: 'bottom',
- }
- const COLOR = {
- tbd: '#d9d9d9',
- fresh: '#67ad4b',
- rotten: '#fb3c3c',
- }
- status: 420,
- statusText: 'Connection Error',
- }
- const ENABLE_DEBUGGING = JSON.stringify({
- data: true,
- })
- const NEW_WINDOW = JSON.stringify({
- data: '_blank',
- })
- const RT_TYPE = /** @type {const} */ ({
- TVSeries: 'tvSeries',
- Movie: 'movie',
- })
- const RT_TYPE_ID = /** @type {const} */ ({
- movie: 1,
- tvSeries: 2,
- })
- const STATS = {
- requests: 0,
- hit: 0,
- miss: 0,
- preload: {
- hit: 0,
- miss: 0,
- },
- }
- const UNSHARED = Object.freeze({
- got: -1,
- want: 1,
- max: 0,
- })
- /**
- * an Event Emitter instance used to publish changes to the target for RT links
- * ("_blank" or "_self")
- *
- * @type {import("little-emitter")}
- */
- const EMITTER = new exports.Emitter()
- /*
- * per-page performance metrics, only displayed when debugging is enabled
- */
- const PAGE_STATS = { titleComparisons: 0 }
- /*
- * enable verbose logging
- */
- let DEBUG = JSON.parse(GM_getValue(DEBUG_KEY, 'false'))?.data || false
- /*
- * log a message to the console
- */
- const { debug, log, warn } = console
- /** @type {(...args: any[]) => void} */
- const trace = (...args) => {
- if (DEBUG) {
- if (args.length === 1 && typeof args[0] === 'function') {
- args = [].concat(args[0]())
- }
- debug(...args)
- }
- }
- /**
- * return the Cartesian product of items from a collection of arrays
- *
- * @type {(arrays: string[][]) => [string, string][]}
- */
- const cartesianProduct = exports.enumerator
- /**
- * deep-clone a JSON-serializable value
- *
- * @type {<T>(value: T) => T}
- */
- const clone = value => JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value))
- /**
- * decode HTML entities, e.g.:
- *
- * from: "Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure"
- * to: "Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure"
- *
- * @type {(html: string | undefined) => string}
- */
- const htmlDecode = (html) => {
- if (!html) {
- return ''
- }
- const el = document.createElement('textarea')
- el.innerHTML = html
- return el.value
- }
- /*
- * a custom version of get-wild's `get` function which uses a simpler/faster
- * path parser since we don't use the extended syntax
- */
- const get = exports.getter({ split: '.' })
- /**
- * retrieve the target for RT links from GM storage, either "_self" (default)
- * or "_blank" (new window)
- *
- * @type {() => LinkTarget}
- */
- const getRTLinkTarget = () => JSON.parse(GM_getValue(TARGET_KEY, 'null'))?.data || '_self'
- /**
- * extract JSON-LD data for the loaded document
- *
- * used to extract metadata on IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes
- *
- * @param {Document | HTMLScriptElement} el
- * @param {string} id
- */
- function jsonLd (el, id) {
- const script = el instanceof HTMLScriptElement
- ? el
- : el.querySelector(LD_JSON)
- let data
- if (script) {
- try {
- const json = /** @type {string} */ (script.textContent)
- data = JSON.parse(json.trim())
- } catch (e) {
- throw new Error(`Can't parse JSON-LD data for ${id}: ${e}`)
- }
- } else {
- throw new Error(`Can't find JSON-LD data for ${id}`)
- }
- return data
- }
- const BaseMatcher = {
- /**
- * return the consensus from an RT page as a HTML string
- *
- * @param {RTDoc} $rt
- * @return {string}
- */
- consensus ($rt) {
- return $rt.find('#critics-consensus p').html()
- },
- /**
- * return the last time an RT page was updated based on its most recently
- * published review
- *
- * @param {RTDoc} $rt
- * @return {DayJs | undefined}
- */
- lastModified ($rt) {
- return $rt.find('.critics-reviews rt-text[slot="createDate"] span')
- .get()
- .map(el => dayjs($(el).text().trim()))
- .sort((a, b) => b.unix() - a.unix())
- .shift()
- },
- rating ($rt) {
- const rating = parseInt($rt.meta?.aggregateRating?.ratingValue)
- return rating >= 0 ? rating : -1
- },
- }
- const MovieMatcher = {
- /**
- * return a movie record ({ url: string }) from the API r###lts which
- * matches the supplied IMDb data
- *
- * @param {any} imdb
- * @param {RTMovieR###lt[]} rtR###lts
- */
- match (imdb, rtR###lts) {
- const sharedWithImdb = shared(imdb.cast)
- const sorted = rtR###lts
- .flatMap((rt, index) => {
- // XXX the order of these tests matters: do fast, efficient
- // checks first to reduce the number of r###lts for the more
- // expensive checks to process
- const { title, vanity: slug } = rt
- if (!(title && slug)) {
- warn('invalid r###lt:', rt)
- return []
- }
- const rtYear = rt.releaseYear ? Number(rt.releaseYear) : null
- const yearDiff = (imdb.year && rtYear)
- ? { value: Math.abs(imdb.year - rtYear) }
- : null
- if (yearDiff && yearDiff.value > MAX_YEAR_DIFF) {
- return []
- }
- /** @type {Shared} */
- let castMatch = UNSHARED
- let verify = true
- const rtCast = pluck(rt.cast, 'name')
- if (rtCast.length) {
- const fullShared = sharedWithImdb(rtCast)
- if ( >= fullShared.want) {
- verify = false
- castMatch = fullShared
- } else if ( {
- // fall back to matching IMDb's main cast (e.g. 2/3) if
- // the full-cast match fails (e.g. 8/18)
- const mainShared = shared(imdb.mainCast, rtCast)
- if ( >= mainShared.want) {
- verify = false
- castMatch = mainShared
- castMatch.full = fullShared
- } else {
- return []
- }
- } else {
- return []
- }
- }
- const rtRating = rt.rottenTomatoes?.criticsScore
- const url = `/m/${slug}`
- // XXX the title is in the AKA array, but a) we don't want to
- // assume that and b) it's not usually first
- const rtTitles = rt.aka ? [ Set([title, ...rt.aka])] : [title]
- // XXX only called after the other checks have filtered out
- // non-matches, so the number of comparisons remains small
- // (usually 1 or 2, and seldom more than 3, even with 100 r###lts)
- const titleMatch = titleSimilarity(imdb.titles, rtTitles)
- const r###lt = {
- title,
- url,
- year: rtYear,
- cast: rtCast,
- titleMatch,
- castMatch,
- yearDiff,
- rating: rtRating,
- titles: rtTitles,
- popularity: rt.pageViews_popularity ?? 0,
- updated: rt.updateDate,
- index,
- verify,
- }
- return [r###lt]
- })
- .sort((a, b) => {
- // combine the title and the year into a single score
- //
- // being a year or two out shouldn't be a dealbreaker, and it's
- // not uncommon for an RT title to differ from the IMDb title
- // (e.g. an AKA), so we don't want one of these to pre-empt the
- // other (yet)
- const score = new Score()
- score.add(b.titleMatch - a.titleMatch)
- if (a.yearDiff && b.yearDiff) {
- score.add(a.yearDiff.value - b.yearDiff.value)
- }
- const popularity = (a.popularity && b.popularity)
- ? b.popularity - a.popularity
- : 0
- return ( -
- || (score.b - score.a)
- || (b.titleMatch - a.titleMatch) // prioritise the title if we're still deadlocked
- || popularity // last resort
- })
- debug('matches:', sorted)
- return sorted[0]
- },
- /**
- * return the likely RT path for an IMDb movie title, e.g.:
- *
- * title: "Bolt"
- * path: "/m/bolt"
- *
- * @param {string} title
- */
- rtPath (title) {
- return `/m/${rtName(title)}`
- },
- /**
- * confirm the supplied RT page data matches the IMDb metadata
- *
- * @param {any} imdb
- * @param {RTDoc} $rt
- * @return {boolean}
- */
- verify (imdb, $rt) {
- log('verifying movie')
- // match the director(s)
- const rtDirectors = pluck($rt.meta.director, 'name')
- return verifyShared({
- name: 'directors',
- imdb: imdb.directors,
- rt: rtDirectors,
- })
- },
- }
- const TVMatcher = {
- /**
- * return a TV show record ({ url: string }) from the API r###lts which
- * matches the supplied IMDb data
- *
- * @param {any} imdb
- * @param {RTTVR###lt[]} rtR###lts
- */
- match (imdb, rtR###lts) {
- const sharedWithImdb = shared(imdb.cast)
- const sorted = rtR###lts
- .flatMap((rt, index) => {
- // XXX the order of these tests matters: do fast, efficient
- // checks first to reduce the number of r###lts for the more
- // expensive checks to process
- const { title, vanity: slug } = rt
- if (!(title && slug)) {
- warn('invalid r###lt:', rt)
- return []
- }
- const startYear = rt.releaseYear ? Number(rt.releaseYear) : null
- const startYearDiff = (imdb.startYear && startYear)
- ? { value: Math.abs(imdb.startYear - startYear) }
- : null
- if (startYearDiff && startYearDiff.value > MAX_YEAR_DIFF) {
- return []
- }
- const endYear = rt.seriesFinale ? dayjs(rt.seriesFinale).year() : null
- const endYearDiff = (imdb.endYear && endYear)
- ? { value: Math.abs(imdb.endYear - endYear) }
- : null
- if (endYearDiff && endYearDiff.value > MAX_YEAR_DIFF) {
- return []
- }
- const seasons = rt.seasons || []
- const seasonsDiff = (imdb.seasons && seasons.length)
- ? { value: Math.abs(imdb.seasons - seasons.length) }
- : null
- /** @type {Shared} */
- let castMatch = UNSHARED
- let verify = true
- const rtCast = pluck(rt.cast, 'name')
- if (rtCast.length) {
- const fullShared = sharedWithImdb(rtCast)
- if ( >= fullShared.want) {
- verify = false
- castMatch = fullShared
- } else if ( {
- // fall back to matching IMDb's main cast (e.g. 2/3) if
- // the full-cast match fails (e.g. 8/18)
- const mainShared = shared(imdb.mainCast, rtCast)
- if ( >= mainShared.want) {
- verify = false
- castMatch = mainShared
- castMatch.full = fullShared
- } else {
- return []
- }
- } else {
- return []
- }
- }
- const rtRating = rt.rottenTomatoes?.criticsScore
- const url = `/tv/${slug}/s01`
- // XXX the title is in the AKA array, but a) we don't want to
- // assume that and b) it's not usually first
- const rtTitles = rt.aka ? [ Set([title, ...rt.aka])] : [title]
- // XXX only called after the other checks have filtered out
- // non-matches, so the number of comparisons remains small
- // (usually 1 or 2, and seldom more than 3, even with 100 r###lts)
- const titleMatch = titleSimilarity(imdb.titles, rtTitles)
- const r###lt = {
- title,
- url,
- startYear,
- endYear,
- seasons: seasons.length,
- cast: rtCast,
- titleMatch,
- castMatch,
- startYearDiff,
- endYearDiff,
- seasonsDiff,
- rating: rtRating,
- titles: rtTitles,
- popularity: rt.pageViews_popularity ?? 0,
- index,
- updated: rt.updateDate,
- verify,
- }
- return [r###lt]
- })
- .sort((a, b) => {
- const score = new Score()
- score.add(b.titleMatch - a.titleMatch)
- if (a.startYearDiff && b.startYearDiff) {
- score.add(a.startYearDiff.value - b.startYearDiff.value)
- }
- if (a.endYearDiff && b.endYearDiff) {
- score.add(a.endYearDiff.value - b.endYearDiff.value)
- }
- if (a.seasonsDiff && b.seasonsDiff) {
- score.add(a.seasonsDiff.value - b.seasonsDiff.value)
- }
- const popularity = (a.popularity && b.popularity)
- ? b.popularity - a.popularity
- : 0
- return ( -
- || (score.b - score.a)
- || (b.titleMatch - a.titleMatch) // prioritise the title if we're still deadlocked
- || popularity // last resort
- })
- debug('matches:', sorted)
- return sorted[0] // may be undefined
- },
- /**
- * return the likely RT path for an IMDb TV show title, e.g.:
- *
- * title: "Sesame Street"
- * path: "/tv/sesame_street/s01"
- *
- * @param {string} title
- */
- rtPath (title) {
- return `/tv/${rtName(title)}/s01`
- },
- /**
- * confirm the supplied RT page data matches the IMDb data
- *
- * @param {any} imdb
- * @param {RTDoc} $rt
- * @return {boolean}
- */
- verify (imdb, $rt) {
- log('verifying TV show')
- // match the genre(s) AND release date
- if (!(imdb.genres.length && imdb.releaseDate)) {
- return false
- }
- const rtGenres = ($rt.meta.genre || [])
- .flatMap(it => it === 'Mystery & Thriller' ? it.split(' & ') : [it])
- if (!rtGenres.length) {
- return false
- }
- const matchedGenres = verifyShared({
- name: 'genres',
- imdb: imdb.genres,
- rt: rtGenres,
- })
- if (!matchedGenres) {
- return false
- }
- debug('verifying release date')
- const startDate = get($rt.meta, 'partOfSeries.startDate')
- if (!startDate) {
- return false
- }
- const rtReleaseDate = dayjs(startDate).format(DATE_FORMAT)
- debug('imdb release date:', imdb.releaseDate)
- debug('rt release date:', rtReleaseDate)
- return rtReleaseDate === imdb.releaseDate
- }
- }
- const Matcher = {
- tvSeries: TVMatcher,
- movie: MovieMatcher,
- }
- /*
- * a helper class used to load and verify data from RT pages which transparently
- * handles the selection of the most suitable URL, either from the API (match)
- * or guessed from the title (fallback)
- */
- class RTClient {
- /**
- * @param {Object} options
- * @param {any} options.match
- * @param {Matcher[keyof Matcher]} options.matcher
- * @param {any} options.preload
- * @param {RTState} options.state
- */
- constructor ({ match, matcher, preload, state }) {
- this.match = match
- this.matcher = matcher
- this.preload = preload
- this.state = state
- }
- /**
- * transform an XHR response into a JQuery document wrapper with a +meta+
- * property containing the page's parsed JSON metadata
- *
- * @param {Tampermonkey.Response<any>} res
- * @param {string} id
- * @return {RTDoc}
- */
- _parseResponse (res, id) {
- const parser = new DOMParser()
- const dom = parser.parseFromString(res.responseText, 'text/html')
- const $rt = $(dom)
- const meta = jsonLd(dom, id)
- return Object.assign($rt, { meta, document: dom })
- }
- /**
- * confirm the metadata of the RT page (match or fallback) matches the IMDb
- * data
- *
- * @param {any} imdb
- * @param {RTDoc} rtPage
- * @param {boolean} fallbackUnused
- * @return {Promise<{ verified: boolean, rtPage: RTDoc }>}
- */
- async _verify (imdb, rtPage, fallbackUnused) {
- const { match, matcher, preload, state } = this
- let verified = matcher.verify(imdb, rtPage)
- if (!verified) {
- if (match.force) {
- log('forced:', true)
- verified = true
- } else if (fallbackUnused) {
- state.url = preload.fullUrl
- log('loading fallback URL:', preload.fullUrl)
- const res = await preload.request
- if (res) {
- log(`fallback response: ${res.status} ${res.statusText}`)
- rtPage = this._parseResponse(res, preload.url)
- verified = matcher.verify(imdb, rtPage)
- } else {
- log(`error loading ${preload.fullUrl} (${preload.error.status} ${preload.error.statusText})`)
- }
- }
- }
- log('verified:', verified)
- return { verified, rtPage }
- }
- /**
- * load the RT URL (match or fallback) and return the r###lting RT page
- *
- * @param {any} imdb
- * @return {Promise<RTDoc | void>}
- */
- async loadPage (imdb) {
- const { match, preload, state } = this
- let requestType = match.fallback ? 'fallback' : 'match'
- let verify = match.verify
- let fallbackUnused = false
- let res
- log(`loading ${requestType} URL:`, state.url)
- // match URL (API r###lt) and fallback URL (guessed) are the same
- if (match.url === preload.url) {
- res = await preload.request // join the in-flight request
- } else { // different match URL and fallback URL
- try {
- res = await asyncGet(state.url) // load the (absolute) match URL
- fallbackUnused = true // only set if the request succeeds
- } catch (error) { // bogus URL in API r###lt (or transient server error)
- log(`error loading ${state.url} (${error.status} ${error.statusText})`)
- if (match.force) { // URL locked in checkOverrides, so nothing to fall back to
- return
- } else { // use (and verify) the fallback URL
- requestType = 'fallback'
- state.url = preload.fullUrl
- verify = true
- log(`loading ${requestType} URL:`, state.url)
- res = await preload.request
- }
- }
- }
- if (!res) {
- log(`error loading ${state.url} (${preload.error.status} ${preload.error.statusText})`)
- return
- }
- log(`${requestType} response: ${res.status} ${res.statusText}`)
- let rtPage = this._parseResponse(res, state.url)
- if (verify) {
- const { verified, rtPage: newRtPage } = await this._verify(
- imdb,
- rtPage,
- fallbackUnused
- )
- if (!verified) {
- return
- }
- rtPage = newRtPage
- }
- return rtPage
- }
- }
- /*
- * a helper class which keeps a running total of scores for two values (a and
- * b). used to rank values in a sort function
- */
- class Score {
- constructor () {
- this.a = 0
- this.b = 0
- }
- /**
- * add a score to the total
- *
- * @param {number} order
- * @param {number=} points
- */
- add (order, points = 1) {
- if (order < 0) {
- this.a += points
- } else if (order > 0) {
- this.b += points
- }
- }
- }
- /******************************************************************************/
- /**
- * raise a non-error exception indicating no matching r###lt has been found
- *
- * @param {string} message
- */
- // XXX return an error object rather than throwing it to work around a
- // TypeScript bug:
- function abort (message = NO_MATCH) {
- return Object.assign(new Error(message), { abort: true })
- }
- /**
- * add Rotten Tomatoes widgets to the desktop/mobile ratings bars
- *
- * @param {Object} data
- * @param {string} data.url
- * @param {string} data.consensus
- * @param {number} data.rating
- */
- async function addWidgets ({ consensus, rating, url }) {
- trace('adding RT widgets')
- const imdbRatings = await waitFor('IMDb widgets', () => {
- /** @type {NodeListOf<HTMLElement>} */
- const ratings = document.querySelectorAll('[data-testid="hero-rating-bar__aggregate-rating"]')
- return ratings.length > 1 ? ratings : null
- })
- trace('found IMDb widgets')
- const balloonOptions = Object.assign({}, BALLOON_OPTIONS, { contents: consensus })
- const score = rating === -1 ? 'N/A' : `${rating}%`
- const rtLinkTarget = getRTLinkTarget()
- /** @type {"tbd" | "rotten" | "fresh"} */
- let style
- if (rating === -1) {
- style = 'tbd'
- } else if (rating < 60) {
- style = 'rotten'
- } else {
- style = 'fresh'
- }
- // add a custom stylesheet which:
- //
- // - sets the star (SVG) to the right color
- // - reorders the appended widget (see attachWidget)
- // - restores support for italics in the consensus text
- GM_addStyle(`
- .${RT_WIDGET_CLASS} svg { color: ${COLOR[style]}; }
- .${RT_WIDGET_CLASS} { order: -1; }
- .${RT_BALLOON_CLASS} em { font-style: italic; }
- `)
- // the markup for the small (e.g. mobile) and large (e.g. desktop) IMDb
- // ratings widgets is exactly the same - they only differ in the way they're
- // (externally) styled
- for (let i = 0; i < imdbRatings.length; ++i) {
- const imdbRating = imdbRatings.item(i)
- const $imdbRating = $(imdbRating)
- const $ratings = $imdbRating.parent()
- // clone the IMDb rating widget
- const $rtRating = $imdbRating.clone()
- // 1) assign a unique class for styling
- $rtRating.addClass(RT_WIDGET_CLASS)
- // 2) replace "IMDb Rating" with "RT Rating"
- $rtRating.children().first().text('RT RATING')
- // 3) remove the review count and its preceding spacer element
- const $score = $rtRating.find('[data-testid="hero-rating-bar__aggregate-rating__score"]')
- $score.nextAll().remove()
- // 4) replace the IMDb rating with the RT score and remove the "/ 10" suffix
- $score.children().first().text(score).nextAll().remove()
- // 5) rename the testids, e.g.:
- // hero-rating-bar__aggregate-rating -> hero-rating-bar__rt-rating
- $rtRating.find('[data-testid]').addBack().each((_index, el) => {
- $(el).attr('data-testid', (_index, id) => id.replace('aggregate', 'rt'))
- })
- // 6) update the link's label and URL
- const $link = $rtRating.find('a[href]')
- $link.attr({ 'aria-label': 'View RT Rating', href: url, target: rtLinkTarget })
- // 7) observe changes to the link's target
- EMITTER.on(CHANGE_TARGET, (/** @type {LinkTarget} */ target) => $link.prop('target', target))
- // 8) attach the tooltip to the widget
- $rtRating.balloon(balloonOptions)
- // 9) prepend the widget to the ratings bar
- attachWidget($ratings.get(0), $rtRating.get(0), i)
- }
- trace('added RT widgets')
- }
- /**
- * promisified cross-origin HTTP requests
- *
- * @param {string} url
- * @param {AsyncGetOptions} [options]
- */
- function asyncGet (url, options = {}) {
- if (options.params) {
- url = url + '?' + $.param(options.params)
- }
- const id = options.title || url
- const request = Object.assign({ method: 'GET', url }, options.request || {})
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- request.onload = res => {
- if (res.status >= 400) {
- const error = Object.assign(
- new Error(`error fetching ${id} (${res.status} ${res.statusText})`),
- { status: res.status, statusText: res.statusText }
- )
- reject(error)
- } else {
- resolve(res)
- }
- }
- // XXX apart from +finalUrl+, the +onerror+ response object doesn't
- // contain any useful info
- request.onerror = _res => {
- const { status, statusText } = CONNECTION_ERROR
- const error = Object.assign(
- new Error(`error fetching ${id} (${status} ${statusText})`),
- { status, statusText },
- )
- reject(error)
- }
- GM_xmlhttpRequest(request)
- })
- }
- /**
- * attach an RT ratings widget to a ratings bar
- *
- * although the widget appears to be prepended to the bar, we need to append it
- * (and reorder it via CSS) to work around React reconciliation (updating the
- * DOM to match the (virtual DOM representation of the) underlying model) after
- * we've added the RT widget
- *
- * when this synchronisation occurs, React will try to restore nodes
- * (attributes, text, elements) within each widget to match the widget's props,
- * so the first widget will be updated in place to match the data for the IMDb
- * rating etc. this changes some, but not all nodes within an element, and most
- * attributes added to/changed in a prepended RT widget remain when it's
- * reverted back to an IMDb widget, including its class (rt-rating), which
- * controls the color of the rating star. as a r###lt, we end up with a restored
- * IMDb widget but with an RT-colored star (and with the RT widget removed since
- * it's not in the ratings-bar model)
- *
- * if we *append* the RT widget, none of the other widgets will need to be
- * changed/updated if the DOM is re-synced, so we won't end up with a mangled
- * IMDb widget; however, our RT widget will still be removed since it's not in
- * the model. to rectify this, we use a mutation observer to detect and revert
- * its removal (which happens no more than once - the ratings bar is frozen
- * (i.e. synchronisation is halted) once the page has loaded)
- *
- * @param {HTMLElement | undefined} target
- * @param {HTMLElement | undefined} rtRating
- * @param {number} index
- */
- function attachWidget (target, rtRating, index) {
- if (!target) {
- throw new ReferenceError("can't find ratings bar")
- }
- if (!rtRating) {
- throw new ReferenceError("can't find RT widget")
- }
- const ids = ['rt-rating-large', 'rt-rating-small']
- const id = ids[index]
- const init = { childList: true, subtree: true }
- const $ = document.body
- = id
- // restore the RT widget if it's removed
- //
- // work around the fact that the target element (the ratings bar) can be
- // completely blown away and rebuilt (so we can't scope our observer to it)
- //
- // even with this caveat, I haven't seen the widgets removed more than twice
- // (or more than once if the r###lt isn't cached), so we could turn off the
- // observer after the second restoration
- const callback = () => {
- observer.disconnect()
- const imdbWidgets = $.querySelectorAll('[data-testid="hero-rating-bar__aggregate-rating"]')
- const imdbWidget = imdbWidgets.item(index)
- const ratingsBar = imdbWidget.parentElement
- const rtWidget = ratingsBar.querySelector(`:scope #${id}`)
- if (!rtWidget) {
- ratingsBar.appendChild(rtRating)
- }
- observer.observe($, init)
- }
- const observer = new MutationObserver(callback)
- callback()
- }
- /**
- * check the override data in case of a failed match, but only use it as a last
- * resort, i.e. try the verifier first in case the page data has been
- * fixed/updated
- *
- * @param {any} match
- * @param {string} imdbId
- */
- function checkOverrides (match, imdbId) {
- const overrides = JSON.parse(GM_getResourceText('overrides'))
- const url = overrides[imdbId]
- if (url) {
- const $url = JSON.stringify(url)
- if (!match) { // missing r###lt
- debug('fallback:', $url)
- match = { url }
- } else if (match.url !== url) { // wrong r###lt
- const $overridden = JSON.stringify(match.url)
- debug(`override: ${$overridden} -> ${$url}`)
- match.url = url
- }
- Object.assign(match, { verify: true, force: true })
- }
- return match
- }
- /**
- * extract IMDb metadata from the props embedded in the page
- *
- * @param {string} imdbId
- * @param {string} rtType
- */
- async function getIMDbMetadata (imdbId, rtType) {
- trace('waiting for props')
- const json = await waitFor('props', () => {
- return document.getElementById('__NEXT_DATA__')?.textContent?.trim()
- })
- trace('got props:', json.length)
- const data = JSON.parse(json)
- const main = get(data, 'props.pageProps.mainColumnData')
- const extra = get(data, 'props.pageProps.aboveTheFoldData')
- const cast = get(main, 'cast.edges.*', [])
- const mainCast = get(extra, 'castPageTitle.edges.*', [])
- const type = get(main, '', '')
- const title = get(main, 'titleText.text', '')
- const originalTitle = get(main, 'originalTitleText.text', title)
- const titles = title === originalTitle ? [title] : [title, originalTitle]
- const genres = get(extra, 'genres.genres.*.text', [])
- const year = get(extra, 'releaseYear.year') || 0
- const $releaseDate = get(extra, 'releaseDate')
- let releaseDate = null
- if ($releaseDate) {
- const date = new Date(
- $releaseDate.year,
- $releaseDate.month - 1,
- $
- )
- releaseDate = dayjs(date).format(DATE_FORMAT)
- }
- /** @type {Record<string, any>} */
- const meta = {
- id: imdbId,
- type,
- title,
- originalTitle,
- titles,
- cast,
- mainCast,
- genres,
- releaseDate,
- }
- if (rtType === 'tvSeries') {
- meta.startYear = year
- meta.endYear = get(extra, 'releaseYear.endYear') || 0
- meta.seasons = get(main, 'episodes.seasons.length') || 0
- meta.creators = get(main, 'creators.*.credits.*.name.nameText.text', [])
- } else if (rtType === 'movie') {
- meta.directors = get(main, 'directors.*.credits.*.name.nameText.text', [])
- meta.writers = get(main, 'writers.*.credits.*.name.nameText.text', [])
- meta.year = year
- }
- return meta
- }
- /**
- * query the API, parse its response and extract the RT rating and consensus.
- *
- * if there's no consensus, default to "No consensus yet."
- * if there's no rating, default to -1
- *
- * @param {string} imdbId
- * @param {string} title
- * @param {keyof Matcher} rtType
- */
- async function getRTData (imdbId, title, rtType) {
- const matcher = Matcher[rtType]
- // we preload the anticipated RT page URL at the same time as the API request.
- // the URL is the obvious path-formatted version of the IMDb title, e.g.:
- //
- // movie: "Bolt"
- // preload URL:
- //
- // tvSeries: "Sesame Street"
- // preload URL:
- //
- // this guess produces the correct URL most (~70%) of the time
- //
- // preloading this page serves two purposes:
- //
- // 1) it reduces the time spent waiting for the RT widget to be displayed.
- // rather than querying the API and *then* loading the page, the requests
- // run concurrently, effectively halving the waiting time in most cases
- //
- // 2) it serves as a fallback if the API URL:
- //
- // a) is missing
- // b) is invalid/fails to load
- // c) is wrong (fails the verification check)
- //
- const preload = (function () {
- const path = matcher.rtPath(title)
- const url = RT_BASE + path
- debug('preloading fallback URL:', url)
- /** @type {Promise<Tampermonkey.Response<any>>} */
- const request = asyncGet(url)
- .then(res => {
- debug(`preload response: ${res.status} ${res.statusText}`)
- return res
- })
- .catch(e => {
- debug(`error preloading ${url} (${e.status} ${e.statusText})`)
- preload.error = e
- })
- return {
- error: null,
- fullUrl: url,
- request,
- url: path,
- }
- })()
- const typeId = RT_TYPE_ID[rtType]
- const template = GM_getResourceText('api')
- const json = template
- .replace('{{apiLimit}}', String(API_LIMIT))
- .replace('{{typeId}}', String(typeId))
- const { api, params, search, data } = JSON.parse(json)
- const unquoted = title
- .replace(/"/g, ' ')
- .replace(/\s+/g, ' ')
- .trim()
- const query = JSON.stringify(unquoted)
- for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(search)) {
- if (value && typeof value === 'object') {
- search[key] = JSON.stringify(value)
- }
- }
- Object.assign(data.requests[0], {
- query,
- params: $.param(search),
- })
- /** @type {AsyncGetOptions} */
- const request = {
- title: 'API',
- params,
- request: {
- method: 'POST',
- responseType: 'json',
- data: JSON.stringify(data),
- },
- }
- log(`querying API for ${query}`)
- /** @type {Tampermonkey.Response<any>} */
- const res = await asyncGet(api, request)
- log(`API response: ${res.status} ${res.statusText}`)
- let r###lts
- try {
- r###lts = JSON.parse(res.responseText).r###lts[0].hits
- } catch (e) {
- throw new Error(`can't parse response: ${e}`)
- }
- if (!Array.isArray(r###lts)) {
- throw new TypeError('invalid response type')
- }
- // reorder the fields so the main fields are visible in the console without
- // needing to expand each r###lt
- for (let i = 0; i < r###lts.length; ++i) {
- const r###lt = r###lts[i]
- r###lts[i] = {
- title: r###lt.title,
- releaseYear: r###lt.releaseYear,
- vanity: r###lt.vanity,
- ...r###lt
- }
- }
- debug('r###lts:', r###lts)
- const imdb = await getIMDbMetadata(imdbId, rtType)
- // do a basic sanity check to make sure it's valid
- if (!imdb?.type) {
- throw new Error(`can't find metadata for ${imdbId}`)
- }
- log('metadata:', imdb)
- const matched = matcher.match(imdb, r###lts)
- const match = checkOverrides(matched, imdbId) || {
- url: preload.url,
- verify: true,
- fallback: true,
- }
- debug('match:', match)
- log('matched:', !match.fallback)
- // values that can be modified by the RT client
- /** @type {RTState} */
- const state = {
- url: RT_BASE + match.url
- }
- const rtClient = new RTClient({ match, matcher, preload, state })
- const $rt = await rtClient.loadPage(imdb)
- if (!$rt) {
- throw abort()
- }
- const rating = BaseMatcher.rating($rt)
- const $consensus = BaseMatcher.consensus($rt)
- const consensus = $consensus?.trim()?.replace(/--/g, '—') || NO_CONSENSUS
- const updated = BaseMatcher.lastModified($rt)
- const preloaded = state.url === preload.fullUrl
- return {
- data: { consensus, rating, url: state.url },
- preloaded,
- updated,
- }
- }
- /**
- * normalize names so matches don't fail due to minor differences in casing or
- * punctuation
- *
- * @param {string} name
- */
- function normalize (name) {
- return name
- .normalize('NFKD')
- .replace(/[\u0300-\u036F]/g, '')
- .toLowerCase()
- .replace(/[^a-z0-9]/g, ' ')
- .replace(/\s+/g, ' ')
- .trim()
- }
- /**
- * extract the value of a property (dotted path) from each member of an array
- *
- * @param {any[] | undefined} array
- * @param {string} path
- */
- function pluck (array, path) {
- return (array || []).map(it => get(it, path))
- }
- /**
- * remove expired cache entries older than the supplied date (milliseconds since
- * the epoch). if the date is -1, remove all entries
- *
- * @param {number} date
- */
- function purgeCached (date) {
- for (const key of GM_listValues()) {
- const json = GM_getValue(key, '{}')
- const value = JSON.parse(json)
- const metadataVersion = METADATA_VERSION[key]
- let $delete = false
- if (metadataVersion) { // persistent (until the next METADATA_VERSION[key] change)
- if (value.version !== metadataVersion) {
- $delete = true
- log(`purging invalid metadata (obsolete version: ${value.version}): ${key}`)
- }
- } else if (value.version !== DATA_VERSION) {
- $delete = true
- log(`purging invalid data (obsolete version: ${value.version}): ${key}`)
- } else if (date === -1 || (typeof value.expires !== 'number') || date > value.expires) {
- $delete = true
- log(`purging expired value: ${key}`)
- }
- if ($delete) {
- GM_deleteValue(key)
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * register a menu command which toggles verbose logging
- */
- function registerDebugMenuCommand () {
- /** @type {ReturnType<typeof GM_registerMenuCommand> | null} */
- let id = null
- const onClick = () => {
- if (id) {
- if (DEBUG) {
- } else {
- GM_deleteValue(DEBUG_KEY)
- }
- GM_unregisterMenuCommand(id)
- }
- const name = `Enable debug logging${DEBUG ? ' ✔' : ''}`
- id = GM_registerMenuCommand(name, onClick)
- }
- onClick()
- }
- /**
- * register a menu command which toggles the RT link target between the current
- * tab/window and a new tab/window
- */
- function registerLinkTargetMenuCommand () {
- const toggle = /** @type {const} */ ({ _self: '_blank', _blank: '_self' })
- /** @type {(target: LinkTarget) => string} */
- const name = target => `Open links in a new window${target === '_self' ? ' ✔' : ''}`
- /** @type {ReturnType<typeof GM_registerMenuCommand> | null} */
- let id = null
- let target = getRTLinkTarget()
- const onClick = () => {
- if (id) {
- target = toggle[target]
- if (target === '_self') {
- GM_deleteValue(TARGET_KEY)
- } else {
- }
- GM_unregisterMenuCommand(id)
- }
- id = GM_registerMenuCommand(name(toggle[target]), onClick)
- }
- onClick()
- }
- /**
- * convert an IMDb title into the most likely basename (final part of the URL)
- * for that title on Rotten Tomatoes, e.g.:
- *
- * "A Stitch in Time" -> "a_stitch_in_time"
- * "Lilo & Stitch" -> "lilo_and_stitch"
- * "Peter's Friends" -> "peters_friends"
- *
- * @param {string} title
- */
- function rtName (title) {
- const name = title
- .replace(/\s+&\s+/g, ' and ')
- .replace(/'/g, '')
- return normalize(name).replace(/\s+/g, '_')
- }
- /**
- * take two iterable collections of strings and return an object containing:
- *
- * - got: the number of shared strings (strings common to both)
- * - want: the required number of shared strings (minimum: 1)
- * - max: the maximum possible number of shared strings
- *
- * if either collection is empty, the number of strings they have in common is -1
- *
- * @typedef Shared
- * @prop {number} got
- * @prop {number} want
- * @prop {number} max
- * @prop {Shared=} full
- *
- * @param {Iterable<string>} a
- * @param {Iterable<string>} b
- * @return Shared
- */
- function _shared (a, b) {
- /** @type {Set<string>} */
- const $a = (a instanceof Set) ? a : new Set(Array.from(a, normalize))
- if ($a.size === 0) {
- return UNSHARED
- }
- /** @type {Set<string>} */
- const $b = (b instanceof Set) ? b : new Set(Array.from(b, normalize))
- if ($b.size === 0) {
- return UNSHARED
- }
- const [smallest, largest] = $a.size < $b.size ? [$a, $b] : [$b, $a]
- // the minimum number of elements shared between two Sets for them to be
- // deemed similar
- const minimumShared = Math.round(smallest.size / 2)
- // we always want at least 1 even if the max is 0
- const want = Math.max(minimumShared, 1)
- let count = 0
- for (const value of smallest) {
- if (largest.has(value)) {
- ++count
- }
- }
- return { got: count, want, max: smallest.size }
- }
- /**
- * a curried wrapper for +_shared+ which takes two iterable collections of
- * strings and returns an object containing:
- *
- * - got: the number of shared strings (strings common to both)
- * - want: the required number of shared strings (minimum: 1)
- * - max: the maximum possible number of shared strings
- *
- * if either collection is empty, the number of strings they have in common is -1
- *
- * @overload
- * @param {Iterable<string>} a
- * @return {(b: Iterable<string>) => Shared}
- *
- * @overload
- * @param {Iterable<string>} a
- * @param {Iterable<string>} b
- * @return {Shared}
- *
- * @type {(...args: [Iterable<string>] | [Iterable<string>, Iterable<string>]) => unknown}
- */
- function shared (...args) {
- if (args.length === 2) {
- return _shared(...args)
- } else {
- const a = new Set(Array.from(args[0], normalize))
- return (/** @type {Iterable<string>} */ b) => _shared(a, b)
- }
- }
- /**
- * return the similarity between two strings, ranging from 0 (no similarity) to
- * 2 (identical)
- *
- * similarity("John Woo", "John Woo") // 2
- * similarity("Matthew Macfadyen", "Matthew MacFadyen") // 1
- * similarity("Alan Arkin", "Zazie Beetz") // 0
- *
- * @param {string} a
- * @param {string} b
- * @return {number}
- */
- function similarity (a, b, transform = normalize) {
- // XXX work around a bug in fast-dice-coefficient which returns 0
- // if either string's length is < 2
- if (a === b) {
- return 2
- } else {
- const $a = transform(a)
- const $b = transform(b)
- return ($a === $b ? 1 : exports.dice($a, $b))
- }
- }
- /**
- * measure the similarity of an IMDb title and an RT title returned by the API
- *
- * return the best match between the IMDb titles (display and original) and RT
- * titles (display and AKAs)
- *
- * similarity("La haine", "Hate") // 0.2
- * titleSimilarity(["La haine"], ["Hate", "La Haine"]) // 1
- *
- * @param {string[]} aTitles
- * @param {string[]} bTitles
- */
- function titleSimilarity (aTitles, bTitles) {
- let max = 0
- for (const [aTitle, bTitle] of cartesianProduct([aTitles, bTitles])) {
- ++PAGE_STATS.titleComparisons
- const score = similarity(aTitle, bTitle)
- if (score === 2) {
- return score
- } else if (score > max) {
- max = score
- }
- }
- return max
- }
- /**
- * return true if the supplied arrays are similar (sufficiently overlap), false
- * otherwise
- *
- * @param {Object} options
- * @param {string}
- * @param {string[]}
- * @param {string[]} options.rt
- */
- function verifyShared ({ name, imdb, rt }) {
- debug(`verifying ${name}`)
- debug(`imdb ${name}:`, imdb)
- debug(`rt ${name}:`, rt)
- const $shared = shared(rt, imdb)
- debug(`shared ${name}:`, $shared)
- return $ >= $shared.want
- }
- /*
- * poll for a truthy value, returning a promise which resolves the value or
- * which is rejected if the probe times out
- */
- const { waitFor, TimeoutError } = (function () {
- class TimeoutError extends Error {}
- // "pin" the window.load event
- //
- // we only wait for DOM elements, so if they don't exist by the time the
- // last DOM lifecycle event fires, they never will
- const onLoad = exports.when(/** @type {(done: () => boolean) => void} */ done => {
- window.addEventListener('load', done, { once: true })
- })
- // don't keep polling if we still haven't found anything after the page has
- // finished loading
- /** @type {WaitFor.Callback} */
- const defaultCallback = onLoad
- let ID = 0
- /**
- * @type {WaitFor.WaitFor}
- * @param {any[]} args
- */
- const waitFor = (...args) => {
- /** @type {WaitFor.Checker<unknown>} */
- const checker = args.pop()
- /** @type {WaitFor.Callback} */
- const callback = (args.length && (typeof === 'function'))
- ? args.pop()
- : defaultCallback
- const id = String(args.length ? args.pop() : ++ID)
- let count = -1
- let retry = true
- let found = false
- const done = () => {
- trace(() => `inside timeout handler for ${id}: ${found ? 'found' : 'not found'}`)
- retry = false
- return found
- }
- callback(done, id)
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- /** @type {FrameRequestCallback} */
- const check = time => {
- ++count
- let r###lt
- try {
- r###lt = checker({ tick: count, time, id })
- } catch (e) {
- return reject(/** @type {Error} */ e)
- }
- if (r###lt) {
- found = true
- resolve(/** @type {any} */ (r###lt))
- } else if (retry) {
- requestAnimationFrame(check)
- } else {
- const ticks = 'tick' + (count === 1 ? '' : 's')
- const error = new TimeoutError(`polling timed out after ${count} ${ticks} (${id})`)
- reject(error)
- }
- }
- const now = document.timeline.currentTime ?? -1
- check(now)
- })
- }
- return { waitFor, TimeoutError }
- })()
- /******************************************************************************/
- /**
- * @param {string} imdbId
- */
- async function run (imdbId) {
- const now =
- // purgeCached(-1) // disable the cache
- purgeCached(now)
- // get the cached r###lt for this page
- const cached = JSON.parse(GM_getValue(imdbId, 'null'))
- if (cached) {
- const expires = new Date(cached.expires).toLocaleString()
- if (cached.error) {
- log(`cached error (expires: ${expires}):`, cached.error)
- return
- } else {
- log(`cached r###lt (expires: ${expires}):`,
- return addWidgets(
- }
- } else {
- log('not cached')
- }
- trace('waiting for json-ld')
- const script = await waitFor('json-ld', () => {
- return /** @type {HTMLScriptElement} */ (document.querySelector(LD_JSON))
- })
- trace('got json-ld: ', script.textContent?.length)
- const ld = jsonLd(script, location.href)
- const imdbType = /** @type {keyof RT_TYPE} */ (ld['@type'])
- const rtType = RT_TYPE[imdbType]
- if (!rtType) {
- log(`invalid type for ${imdbId}: ${imdbType}`)
- return
- }
- const name = htmlDecode(
- const alternateName = htmlDecode(ld.alternateName)
- trace('', JSON.stringify(name))
- trace('ld.alternateName:', JSON.stringify(alternateName))
- const title = alternateName || name
- /**
- * add a { version, expires, data|error } entry to the cache
- *
- * @param {any} dataOrError
- * @param {number} ttl
- */
- const store = (dataOrError, ttl) => {
- return
- }
- const expires = now + ttl
- const cached = { version: DATA_VERSION, expires, ...dataOrError }
- const json = JSON.stringify(cached)
- GM_setValue(imdbId, json)
- }
- /** @type {{ version: number, data: typeof STATS }} */
- const stats = JSON.parse(GM_getValue(STATS_KEY, 'null')) || {
- version: METADATA_VERSION.stats,
- data: clone(STATS),
- }
- /** @type {(path: string) => void} */
- const bump = path => {
- exports.dset(, path, get(, path, 0) + 1)
- }
- try {
- const { data, preloaded, updated } = await getRTData(imdbId, title, rtType)
- log('RT data:', data)
- bump('hit')
- bump(preloaded ? 'preload.hit' : 'preload.miss')
- let active = false
- if (updated) {
- dayjs.extend(dayjs_plugin_relativeTime)
- const date = dayjs()
- const ago =
- const delta = date.diff(updated, 'month', /* float */ true)
- active = delta <= INACTIVE_MONTHS
- log(`last update: ${updated.format(DATE_FORMAT)} (${ago})`)
- }
- if (active) {
- log('caching r###lt for: one day')
- store({ data }, ONE_DAY)
- } else {
- log('caching r###lt for: one week')
- store({ data }, ONE_WEEK)
- }
- await addWidgets(data)
- } catch (error) {
- bump('miss')
- const message = error.message || String(error) // stringify
- log(`caching error for one day: ${message}`)
- store({ error: message }, ONE_DAY)
- if (!error.abort) {
- throw error
- }
- } finally {
- bump('requests')
- debug('stats:',
- trace('page stats:', PAGE_STATS)
- GM_setValue(STATS_KEY, JSON.stringify(stats))
- }
- }
- {
- const start =
- const imdbId = location.pathname.split('/')[2]
- log('id:', imdbId)
- run(imdbId)
- .then(() => {
- const time = ( - start) / 1000
- debug(`completed in ${time}s`)
- })
- .catch(e => {
- if (e instanceof TimeoutError) {
- warn(e.message)
- } else {
- console.error(e)
- }
- })
- }
- registerLinkTargetMenuCommand()
- GM_registerMenuCommand('Clear cache', () => {
- purgeCached(-1)
- })
- GM_registerMenuCommand('Clear stats', () => {
- if (confirm('Clear stats?')) {
- log('clearing stats')
- GM_deleteValue(STATS_KEY)
- }
- })
- registerDebugMenuCommand()
- /* end */ }