Greasy Fork is available in English.
Easily add site: or -site: to modify your current Google query. v1.5.2 2023-02-25
// ==UserScript== // @name Google site: Tool (Site r###lts / Exclude sites) // @author Jefferson "jscher2000" Scher // @namespace JeffersonScher // @copyright Copyright 2023 Jefferson Scher // @license BSD with restriction // @description Easily add site: or -site: to modify your current Google query. v1.5.2 2023-02-25 // @include http*://*/* // @include http*://*/* // @version 1.5.2 // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM.setValue // @resource mycon // ==/UserScript== // DISCLAIMER: Use at your own risk. Functionality and harmlessness cannot be guaranteed. var script_about = ""; /* Copyright (c) 2023 Jefferson Scher. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met and subject to the following restriction: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. RESTRICTION: USE WITH ANY @include or @match THAT COVERS FACEBOOK.COM IS PROHIBITED AND UNLICENSED. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ var gst_sty = document.createElement("style"); gst_sty.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); gst_sty.appendChild(document.createTextNode(".ghhpane{position:absolute;color:#333;background-color:#fcfcfc;border:1px solid #ccc;" + "border-radius:4px;padding:0.25em 1.5em;font-size:13px;display:none} .ghhd{position:relative;line-height:1.2em;cursor:pointer;} " + "#gstSiteForm input[type='radio']{vertical-align:bottom;margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:1px} .gstRadios{line-height:1.2 !important;} " + ".gstlinkbtn{border:1px solid #000;border-radius:3px;padding:2px 6px;text-decoration:none !important;cursor:pointer;color:#000;background-color:#d8d8d8;} " + ".gstlinkbtn:hover{background-color:#f4f4f4;}")); document.body.appendChild(gst_sty); var defaultPrefs, gstPrefs, gstPrefO, seemorelink, stripany, MutOb, chgMon; gst_Setup(); async function gst_Setup(){ // Get preferences from browser defaultPrefs = { "seemore":["Y-N","Add See More R###lts links (Y|N), Open in a new window (Y|N)"], "subdomain":["N","Strip leftmost subdomain (Y=all|N=www only)"], "reserved2":["X","Y"] }; if (typeof GM_setValue !== "undefined"){ gstPrefs = GM_getValue("gstPrefs"); } else { /* synchronous*/ if (typeof GM.setValue !== "undefined") gstPrefs = await GM.getValue("gstPrefs"); } if (!gstPrefs || gstPrefs.length == 0){ gstPrefO = defaultPrefs; } else { if (gstPrefs.indexOf("reserved1") > -1){ // update with new preferences gstPrefO = convertPrefs(defaultPrefs, gstPrefs); if (typeof GM_setValue !== "undefined"){ GM_setValue("gstPrefs", JSON.stringify(gstPrefO)); } else { /* synchronous*/ if (typeof GM.setValue !== "undefined") await GM.setValue("gstPrefs", JSON.stringify(gstPrefO)); } } else { gstPrefO = JSON.parse(gstPrefs); } } seemorelink = gstPrefO.seemore[0]; stripany = gstPrefO.subdomain[0]; // == == == Detect added nodes / attach MutationObserver == == == if (document.body){ // Add click events gst_checkNode(document.body); // Create form if (!document.getElementById("gstSiteForm")) gst_addSiteForm(); // Watch for changes that could be new instant or AJAX search r###lts MutOb = (window.MutationObserver) ? window.MutationObserver : window.WebKitMutationObserver; if (MutOb){ chgMon = new MutOb(function(mutationSet){ mutationSet.forEach(function(mutation){ for (var i=0; i<mutation.addedNodes.length; i++){ if (mutation.addedNodes[i].nodeType == 1){ gst_checkNode(mutation.addedNodes[i]); } } }); }); // attach chgMon to document.body var opts = {childList: true, subtree: true}; chgMon.observe(document.body, opts); } } } function gst_checkNode(el){ if (el.nodeName == "LI" || (el.nodeName == "div" && el.className == "g")) var liels = [el]; else liels = el.querySelectorAll('li.g, div.g'); if (liels.length > 0){ var i, cites, j, cite, citetext, ael; for (i=0; i<liels.length; i++){ //console.log(liels[i]); cites = liels[i].querySelectorAll('cite'); for (j=0; j<cites.length; j++){ cite = cites[j]; if (window.getComputedStyle(cite).visibility != "hidden"){ citetext = cite.textContent.replace(/ › /g, '/'); // version 1.4.2 - parse alternate cite format if (!cite.hasAttribute("sitelistener")){ if (cite.parentNode.nodeName == "A"){ // TODO - this is for cites under bunches of news articles; need to exclude Google } else { ael = liels[i].querySelector('h3 a, .r > a'); // version 1.4.2 - update selector for cite-on-top layout if (!ael) ael = liels[i].querySelector("a"); if (ael){ if(ael.hasAttribute("href")){ if (ael.getAttribute("href").indexOf("http")==0 || ael.getAttribute("href").indexOf("/interstitial")==0){ cite.setAttribute("sitelistener", ael.getAttribute("href").substr(ael.getAttribute("href").indexOf("http"))); } else { cite.setAttribute("sitelistener", citetext); } } else { cite.setAttribute("sitelistener", citetext); } } else { cite.setAttribute("sitelistener", citetext); } } if (cite.hasAttribute("sitelistener")){ = "pointer"; cite.setAttribute("title","Limit search to this site or exclude this site"); // *** version 1.4.0: un-embed the cite div from the r###lt link *** if (cite.parentNode.parentNode.nodeName == 'A'){ // get div container of cite var citeparent = cite.parentNode; // re-position outside the link (updated for cite-above - 1.4.3) if (citeparent.nextElementSibling && citeparent.nextElementSibling.nodeName == 'BR'){ citeparent.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(citeparent, citeparent.parentNode); } else { if (citeparent.parentNode.nextElementSibling) citeparent.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(citeparent, citeparent.parentNode.nextElementSibling); else citeparent.parentNode.parentNode.appendChild(citeparent); } // move the trailing br outside the link if (citeparent.previousElementSibling && citeparent.previousElementSibling.children[citeparent.previousElementSibling.children.length-1].nodeName == 'BR') citeparent.parentNode.insertBefore(citeparent.previousElementSibling.children[citeparent.previousElementSibling.children.length-1], citeparent); } else { // *** version 1.5.2: move cite for the new site icon + title + cite layout *** if (cite == cite.closest('a').querySelector('h3 + div cite')){ console.log('Move this guy!'); cite.closest('a').parentNode.insertBefore(cite.closest('a h3 + div'), cite.closest('a')); } } cite.addEventListener("click", gst_showSiteForm, false); } if (seemorelink.split("-")[0] == "Y"){ var divmas = liels[i].querySelector("div.s div.mas"); if (divmas){ = "22px"; var citehost = citetext; if (citehost.indexOf("http://") == 0) citehost = citehost.substr(7); if (citehost.indexOf("https://") == 0) citehost = citehost.substr(8); if (citehost.indexOf("ftp://") == 0) citehost = citehost.substr(6); if (citehost.indexOf(" ") > 0) citehost = citehost.substr(0, citehost.indexOf(" ")); if (citehost.indexOf("/") > 0) citehost = citehost.substr(0, citehost.indexOf("/")); var locnew = gst_reQry("+site:"+citehost, false); if (locnew != "cancel"){ var pnew = document.createElement("p"); pnew.setAttribute("style", "margin:0.3em 0 0 0;"); var linknew = document.createElement("a"); linknew.innerHTML = "More r###lts from " + citehost + " »"; linknew.href = locnew; pnew.appendChild(linknew); divmas.appendChild(pnew); // v1.1.3 fix links where the URL bar isn't updated until the link is created linknew.setAttribute("citehost", citehost); linknew.addEventListener("mouseover", gst_refreshLink, false); // v1.1.4 add target attribute to open in a new window/tab if (seemorelink.split("-")[1] == "Y"){ linknew.setAttribute("target", "_blank"); linknew.innerHTML += "»"; } } // v1.1.6 hide (duplicate) link Google adds under some r###lts var googmore = divmas.querySelector("div.mas-sc-row"); if (googmore) = "none"; } } } } } } } } // Functions relating to the siteForm function gst_addSiteForm(){ var sfd = document.createElement("div"); = "gstSiteForm"; sfd.className = "ghhpane"; sfd.setAttribute("style","z-index:105;top:-1.15em;") sfd.innerHTML = "<form onsubmit=\"return false;\"><p id=\"gstButtons\">" + "<a id=\"gstsf1\" class=\"gstlinkbtn\" title=\"This site only\"> + </a> " + "<a id=\"gstsf2\" class=\"gstlinkbtn\" title=\"Exclude this site\"> - </a> " + "<a id=\"gstsf3\" class=\"gstlinkbtn\" title=\"Close pane\"> x </a></p>" + "<p id=\"gstRadios\"></p><p style=\"padding-top:3px;cursor:pointer;color:#00f\" id=\"gstOptionsLink\">Edit Script Options</p>" + "<p id=\"gstOptions\" style=\"padding-top:3px;display:none\">Script Options:<br><label title=\"Show 'More r###lts from' link after selected hits\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chkseemore\" id=\"chkseemore\"> Add " + "'More r###lts from' link</label><br> <label title=\"Open in a new window or tab\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chksmtarget\" id=\"chksmtarget\"> Open in new window</label><br>" + "<label title=\"List domain without leftmost subdomain\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chkstripany\" id=\"chkstripany\"> First option always omit leftmost subdomain</label></p>" + "<p style=\"padding-top:3px\"><strong>Google site: Tool</strong> v1.5.1 (<a href=\"" + script_about + "\" target=\"_blank\">About</a>)<span style=\"font-size:0.8em;color:#aaa\">" + "<br>Copyright © 2022 Jefferson Scher</span></p></form>"; document.body.appendChild(sfd); fixseemore(); fixsubdomain(); document.getElementById("gstsf3").addEventListener("click",gstcloseform,false); document.getElementById("gstRadios").addEventListener("click",gstUpdateLinks,false); document.getElementById("gstOptionsLink").addEventListener("click",function(evt){document.getElementById('gstOptions').style.display='block';'none';},false); document.getElementById("chkseemore").addEventListener("change",updtseemore,false); document.getElementById("chksmtarget").addEventListener("change",updtseemore,false); document.getElementById("chkstripany").addEventListener("change",updtsubdomain,false); document.getElementById("gstSiteForm").addEventListener("click",ghhkillevent,false); } function gst_showSiteForm(e) { var r1=window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0); if (!r1.collapsed){ // Don't show dialog if user selected part of the cite (v1.0.0) var r2=document.createRange(); r2.selectNode(e.currentTarget); if (r2.compareBoundaryPoints(r2.END_TO_START, r1)<1 && r2.compareBoundaryPoints(r2.END_TO_END, r1)>-1) return; } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var citetxt, sitecomp, radp, path, k, z, sfrm, tdiv, lt; if (!document.getElementById("gstSiteForm")) gst_addSiteForm(); // Build radios citetxt = e.currentTarget.getAttribute("sitelistener"); if (citetxt.indexOf("http://") == 0) citetxt = citetxt.substr(7); if (citetxt.indexOf("https://") == 0) citetxt = citetxt.substr(8); if (citetxt.indexOf("ftp://") == 0) citetxt = citetxt.substr(6); sitecomp = citetxt.split("/"); radp = document.getElementById("gstRadios"); radp.innerHTML = ""; for (k=0; k<sitecomp.length-1; k++){ // TODO: do not duplicate a site or -site parameters already in the query? if (k == 0){ // check for removing leftmost subdomain if (stripany == "Y"){ // try to remove anything if (sitecomp[k].split(".").length > 2){ radp.innerHTML += "<label style=\"white-space:pre\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"sitestr\" value=\"" + k + "w\" checked=\"checked\"> <span>" + sitecomp[k].substr(sitecomp[k].indexOf(".") + 1) + "</span></label>" radp.innerHTML += "<br><label style=\"white-space:pre\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"sitestr\" value=\"" + k + "\"> <span>" + sitecomp[k] + "</span></label>" } else { radp.innerHTML += "<label style=\"white-space:pre\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"sitestr\" value=\"" + k + "\" checked=\"checked\"> <span>" + sitecomp[k] + "</span></label>" } } else { // try to remove www only if (sitecomp[k].substr(0, sitecomp[k].indexOf(".")).toLowerCase() == "www"){ radp.innerHTML += "<label style=\"white-space:pre\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"sitestr\" value=\"" + k + "w\" checked=\"checked\"> <span>" + sitecomp[k].substr(sitecomp[k].indexOf(".") + 1) + "</span></label>" radp.innerHTML += "<br><label style=\"white-space:pre\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"sitestr\" value=\"" + k + "\"> <span>" + sitecomp[k] + "</span></label>" } else { radp.innerHTML += "<label style=\"white-space:pre\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"sitestr\" value=\"" + k + "\" checked=\"checked\"> <span>" + sitecomp[k] + "</span></label>" } } } else { if(sitecomp[k+1] != ""){ path = ""; for (z=0; z<k; z++){ path += sitecomp[z] + "/"; } path += sitecomp[k]; radp.innerHTML += "<br><label style=\"white-space:pre\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"sitestr\" value=\"" + k + "\"> <span>" + path + "</span></label>" } if (k == 3) break; // let's not go overboard... } } // Position form sfrm = document.getElementById("gstSiteForm"); tdiv = document.getElementById("ghhtemp"); if (!tdiv){ tdiv = document.createElement("div"); = "ghhtemp"; } lt = e.currentTarget.offsetLeft + 20; tdiv.setAttribute("style", "position:relative;left:" + lt + "px;top:0;z-index:100;width:500px;"); var prnt = e.currentTarget.closest('#rso .g li, #rso .g, [data-async-context^="query:"] .g'); // v1.5.2 updated for autoload if (prnt) prnt.insertBefore(tdiv, prnt.childNodes[0]); else e.currentTarget.parentNode.appendChild(tdiv); tdiv.appendChild(sfrm); // Add link if user clicked part of the cite that's a link if ( == "A"){ var pnew = document.createElement("p"); = "gstlink"; var anew =; pnew.appendChild(anew); sfrm.insertBefore(pnew, sfrm.firstChild); } // Set up the + and - "buttons" (v1.5) gstUpdateLinks(); // Show form = "block"; document.getElementById("gstsf1").focus(); fixseemore(); return false; } function gstcloseform(e){ if (!e) return; var sfrm = document.getElementById("gstSiteForm"); var tdiv = document.getElementById("ghhtemp"); = "none"; var plink = document.getElementById("gstlink"); if (plink) plink.parentNode.removeChild(plink); document.body.appendChild(sfrm); tdiv.parentNode.removeChild(tdiv); } // Misc functions function ghhkillevent(e){ if ( == "button" || == "input") return; e.stopPropagation(); } function gstUpdateLinks(evt){ // v1.5 var rads = document.querySelectorAll('#gstRadios input[type="radio"]'); for (var i=0; i<rads.length; i++){ if(rads[i].checked){ document.getElementById("gstsf1").href = gst_reQry("+site:" + rads[i].nextElementSibling.textContent, false); document.getElementById("gstsf2").href = gst_reQry("+-site:" + rads[i].nextElementSibling.textContent, false); break; } } } function gst_reQry(d, go){ // compute new URL if (!d) return; var cancel = false; var qa = window.location.href.substr(window.location.href.indexOf("?")+1).split("&"); var updated = false; for (var j=qa.length-1; j>=0; j--){ if (updated == false){ if (qa[j].split("=")[0] == "q"){ if (qa[j].indexOf(d) > -1 || qa[j].indexOf(d.replace(":", "%3A")) > -1) cancel = true; else var ipq = qa[j]; var hashpos = qa[j].indexOf('#'); // for auto-loaded r###lts - v1.5.2 if (hashpos < 0) qa[j] += d; else qa[j] = qa[j].substring(0, hashpos) + d + qa[j].substring(hashpos); updated = true; var substqry = qa[j]; } else { if (qa[j].indexOf("#q=") > -1){ if (qa[j].indexOf(d) > -1 || qa[j].indexOf(d.replace(":", "%3A")) > -1) cancel = true; else ipq = qa[j].substr(qa[j].indexOf("#q=")+1); hashpos = qa[j].indexOf('#'); // for auto-loaded r###lts - v1.5.2 if (hashpos < 0) qa[j] += d; else qa[j] = qa[j].substring(0, hashpos) + d + qa[j].substring(hashpos); updated = true; substqry = qa[j].substr(qa[j].indexOf("#q=")+1); } } } else { if (qa[j].split("=")[0] == "q"){ if (go) qa[j] = ipq; else qa[j] = substqry; } else { if (qa[j].indexOf("#q=") > -1){ if (go) qa[j] = qa[j].substr(0, qa[j].indexOf("#q=")+1) + ipq; else qa[j] = qa[j].substr(0, qa[j].indexOf("#q=")+1) + substqry; } } } } if (cancel != true) var locnew = window.location.href.substr(0, window.location.href.indexOf("?")+1) + qa.join("&"); else locnew = "cancel"; if (go) window.location.href = locnew; else return locnew; } function updtseemore(e){ // Store settings for See More preference var chk =; var smparts = seemorelink.split("-"); if (chk.checked){ if ( == "chkseemore") smparts[0] = "Y"; if ( == "chksmtarget"){ smparts[1] = "Y"; fixexistinglinks(true); } } else { if ( == "chkseemore") smparts[0] = "N"; if ( == "chksmtarget"){ smparts[1] = "N"; fixexistinglinks(false); } } seemorelink = smparts.join("-"); gstPrefO.seemore[0] = seemorelink; if (typeof GM_setValue !== "undefined"){ GM_setValue("gstPrefs", JSON.stringify(gstPrefO)); fixseemore(); } else { /* asynchronous */ if (typeof GM.setValue !== "undefined") GM.setValue("gstPrefs", JSON.stringify(gstPrefO)).then(fixseemore()); } } function fixseemore(){ // Check boxes for See More preference if (seemorelink.split("-").length == 1) seemorelink = seemorelink + "-N"; var chk = document.getElementById("chkseemore"); if (seemorelink.split("-")[0] == "Y"){ chk.setAttribute("checked","checked"); chk.checked = true; } else { chk.removeAttribute("checked"); chk.checked = false; } chk = document.getElementById("chksmtarget"); if (seemorelink.split("-")[1] == "Y"){ chk.setAttribute("checked","checked"); chk.checked = true; } else { chk.removeAttribute("checked"); chk.checked = false; } } function fixexistinglinks(blnTargetBlank){ var seemores = document.querySelectorAll("a[citehost]"); for (var i=0; i<seemores.length; i++){ if (seemores[i].hasAttribute("target")){ seemores[i].removeAttribute("target"); seemores[i].innerHTML = seemores[i].innerHTML.substr(0, seemores[i].innerHTML.length-1); //» } if (blnTargetBlank){ seemores[i].setAttribute("target", "_blank"); seemores[i].innerHTML += "»"; } } } function updtsubdomain(e){ // Store settings for subdomain stripping pref var chk =; if (chk.checked){ stripany = "Y"; } else { stripany = "N"; } gstPrefO.subdomain[0] = stripany; if (typeof GM_setValue !== "undefined"){ GM_setValue("gstPrefs", JSON.stringify(gstPrefO)); fixsubdomain(); } else { /* asynchronous */ if (typeof GM.setValue !== "undefined") GM.setValue("gstPrefs", JSON.stringify(gstPrefO)).then(fixsubdomain()); } // TODO: Need to close and re-open dialog to regenerate domain list... } function fixsubdomain(){ // Check box for subdomain stripping pref var chk = document.getElementById("chkstripany"); if (stripany == "Y"){ chk.setAttribute("checked","checked"); chk.checked = true; } else { chk.removeAttribute("checked"); chk.checked = false; } } function gst_refreshLink(e){ if ( != "A") return; var locnew = gst_reQry("+site:""citehost"), false); if (locnew != "cancel") = locnew; } function convertPrefs(arrPrefs, oldPrefs){ var gstPrefOtemp = arrPrefs; var oldPrefsOtemp = JSON.parse(oldPrefs); if (oldPrefs.indexOf("seemore")>-1) gstPrefOtemp.seemore[0] = oldPrefsOtemp.seemore[0]; if (oldPrefs.indexOf("subdomain")>-1) gstPrefOtemp.subdomain[0] = oldPrefsOtemp.subdomain[0]; return gstPrefOtemp; }