Autoscroll to set Y-position on specific Hosts
The original ScrollToY was published on by "@namespace"
and is mirrored at:
It stopped runing and the author was unavailable.
This script now is an updated and altered version of the original.
It offers a Greasemonkey menu entry to set and save the desired scrollTo-position for the current host.
Scroll to a certain position on a given page that you'd like to become the default scroll-position
whenever you visit that side. Than choose "ScrollTo_setY" from the GreasemonkeyMenu to save
this specific setting. A simple alert will popup to varify the setting took place. [modifiable]
A setting can be changed anytime by repeating the above described procedure.
A setting-value of '0' will remove the given host-entry from the setting on the whole.
enjoy ~ Vivre =^•◡•^=
// ***********************************************************************
// version 0.2 - 27.02.16: new: checkZero() to remove obsolete values
// version 0.1 - 22.02.16: initial release
// ***********************************************************************