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Cricut Store enhancements

Enhances Cricut product gallery pages.

// ==UserScript==// @name        Cricut Store enhancements// @namespace   A Better Geek// @include     https://shop.cricut.com/*// @version     1// @grant       none// @description Enhances Cricut product gallery pages.// ==/UserScript==//strip HTML comments from product listingd = document.querySelector('.category-products');d.innerHTML = d.innerHTML.replace(/<!--/g,'').replace(/-->/g,'');//fade and disable URLs for out-of-stock itemsn = document.querySelectorAll('.out-of-stock')for (i = 0; i < n.length; i++){n[i].style.height = '30px';n[i].style.lineHeight = '28px';z = n[i].parentElement;z = z.parentElement;z = z.parentElement;z.style.opacity = 0.5;z.style.display = 'none';z.innerHTML = z.innerHTML.replace(/<a/g,'<span').replace(/a>/g,'span>');}//reduce font size of "Add to" links and move links to one row of texta = document.querySelectorAll('.add-to-links');for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++){a[i].style.fontSize = '10px';}w = document.querySelectorAll('.link-wishlist')for (i = 0; i < w.length; i++){w[i].parentElement.style.float = 'left';}c = document.querySelectorAll('.link-compare')for (i = 0; i < w.length; i++){c[i].parentElement.style.float = 'right';}e = document.querySelectorAll('.products-grid--max-4-col > li')for (i = 0; i < e.length; i++){e[i].style.height = '500px';e[i].style.clear = 'none';e[i].style.padding = '0 10px';}