Greasy Fork is available in English.
This script allows you to download videos on Rai Play
这些是代码更新过的版本。 显示所有版本
Added link to Stacher guide
Fix for videos without numeric suffix
Let the relinker resolve to MP4 URLs automatically.
Fixes for Rainews
Changed hostnames
Fixed MP4 URLs with great workaround from @misiek1963! Huge thanks for this contribution
Added two new domains in the list
Fix for multiple qualities always leading to the 2401 bitrate
Fix for some videos without multiple qualities
Extended spray-and-pray approach with new domains
"Spray and pray" approach for the URL detection
Experimental support for some other M3U8 links
Added support for M3U8 URLs - November 2021
Fix qualities on TG 1 programmes (and possibly other as well)
Include additional server name used by some videos
Change detection of DRM errors for Chromium-based browsers
Fix script name
Fixed slight modifications on Rai Play and fullscreen issues
Fix for 503 errors on HEAD requests