Greasy Fork is available in English.
Protect from closing or navigating away from a web page with changed textareas.
- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Protect Textarea
- // @namespace
- // @description Protect from closing or navigating away from a web page with changed textareas.
- // @include http*
- // @version 1.3
- // ==/UserScript==
- // Version History:
- //
- // 1.3 (2011-06-06): Use pagehide/pageshow events for cache friendliness.
- //
- // 1.2.1 (2010-02-16): Reduce false-positive warning rate.
- // 1.2 (2009-09-15): Complete rewrite, less false positives for hidden
- // fields controlled by scripts, better handling of
- // dynamic/ajax sites.
- // 1.1 (2006-09-18): Add the "noprotect" class detection
- //
- var CHANGED_MARK=String(Math.random()).substr(2);
- window.addEventListener('keypress', handleKeypress, true);
- window.addEventListener('submit', handl###bmit, true);
- window.addEventListener('beforeunload', handleUnload, true);
- window.addEventListener('pageshow', function() {
- window.addEventListener('beforeunload', handleUnload, true);
- }, true);
- function handleKeypress(event) {
- if (
- // Ignore events not in a textarea.
- !
- || !
- || 'TEXTAREA'!
- // Ignore non-character keypresses.
- || 0==event.charCode
- // Ignore "noprotect" textareas.
- ||\bnoprotect\b/)
- ) {
- return;
- }
- if (0 /* debug? */) {
- console.log('saw keypress in',;
- console.dir(event);
- }
- // At this point we have noticed a keypress to a textarea. Record it.
- var textarea =;
- textarea.setAttribute('changed_mark', CHANGED_MARK);
- if (!textarea.hasAttribute('orig_value')) {
- textarea.setAttribute('orig_value', textarea.value);
- }
- }
- function handl###bmit(event) {
- var textareas ='textarea');
- for (var i=0, textarea=null; textarea=textareas[i]; i++) {
- textarea.removeAttribute('changed_mark');
- }
- }
- function handleUnload(event) {
- // Re-add later via pageshow. See
- window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', handleUnload, true);
- var textareas ='textarea');
- textarealoop:
- for (var i=0, textarea=null; textarea=textareas[i]; i++) {
- // Check for presence in the document.
- var parent=textarea.parentNode;
- while (true) {
- if ('BODY'==parent.tagName) break;
- // Skip if we climbed the parent tree and fell out before getting to the
- // <body>; this textarea was removed from the document, probably by the
- // script that submitted it via AJAX (or some such).
- if (!parent || !parent.tagName) continue textarealoop;
- parent=parent.parentNode;
- }
- // Skip if we haven't marked this as changed.
- if (!textarea.hasAttribute('changed_mark')) continue;
- if (textarea.getAttribute('changed_mark') != CHANGED_MARK) continue;
- // Skip if the value is the same as the first we observed. (I.E. only
- // arrow or Ctrl-C keypresses.)
- if (textarea.value == textarea.getAttribute('orig_value')) continue;
- // Skip if the value is empty. (Nothing to lose!)
- if ('' == textarea.value) continue;
- // Didn't skip, so do interrupt leaving the page.
- return event.returnValue='You have modified a textarea, and ' +
- 'have not submitted the form.';
- }
- }