Greasy Fork is available in English.
filters out scripts and posts containing non-latin letters in title
// ==UserScript== // @name langfilter // @namespace trespassersW // @include /^https?://(gr|sl)easyfork\.org/([\w-]+/)?(scripts|forum).*$/ // @include* // @description filters out scripts and posts containing non-latin letters in title // @created 2014-07-05 // @updated 2019-04-11 // @version 2.019.0411.2 // 015-0115 fix for [] // 019-0411 +sleezyfork // @run-at document-end // @grant GM_none // ==/UserScript== (function(){ // either 'string' or /RegEx/ in title var filterz = [ /[^\u0000-\u2FFF\uFB00-\uFFFF]/ /* no KoC */ ,/\bKOC\b|\bCamelot\b/i ,/musicbrainz/i /* */ ]; var C=0,S,E; var inForum=location.href.indexOf("/forum")>-1; var locStor=null; function toggleV(x){ var t = ('N'===x)? false: ('Y'===x)? true: !S.disabled; S.disabled = t; E.innerHTML= (t?'hide':'show')+' ['+C+']'; locStor && locStor.setItem("langfilter",t?'Y':'N'); } function stickStyle(css){ var s=document.createElement("style"); s.type="text/css"; s.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); return (document.head||document.documentElement).appendChild(s); } function isListed(tc, bl){ if(tc) try{ for(var j=0,lj=bl.length; j<lj; j++) { if( typeof bl[j] === "string" ) { if( (tc.indexOf(bl[j])>-1) ) return true; }else if( typeof bl[j].test === "function" ) { // regex ? if( bl[j].test(tc) ){ return true; } }else throw "bad filterz"; }; } catch(e){ console.log(e+'\n j:'+j+'; tc:'+tc+'; bl:'+bl); undefined_function(); }; return false; } var listSel, titlSel; if(inForum) listSel='#Content .DataList > li.Item', titlSel=".Title"; else listSel='#browse-script-list > li[data-script-type]', titlSel="h2>span.description"; var a; a = document.querySelectorAll(listSel); if(a) for (var i=0, li=a.length, t; i<li; i++) { t=a[i].querySelector(titlSel); if(t && isListed(t.textContent, filterz)){ a[i].classList.add('greazy-forq-hiden'); C++; continue; } } if(!C){ return; // all clear } E=document.createElement('div');"greazy-forq-info"; = '\ position:fixed;\ left:2px;top:2px;\ background:rgba(255,255,255,.55);\ color:#670000;border:thin dotted 0xA40;\ text-shadow: #311 2px 2px 4px, #F73 -2px -2px 4px;\ cursor:pointer;\ '; E.addEventListener('click',toggleV,false); document.body.appendChild(E); stickStyle('\ .greazy-forq-hiden{border: dotted #A40 !important;\ border-width: 1px 0px 1px 2px !important;\ background-color:#FFFCF4}\ '); S=stickStyle('\ li.greazy-forq-hiden.Item *,\ li.greazy-forq-hiden > article {display:none;}\ li.greazy-forq-hiden {padding:0!important;margin:0!important;\ }\ '); var sh; try { locStor = window.localStorage; sh=locStor.getItem("langfilter"); } catch(e){ locStor=null; } toggleV(sh||'N'); })();