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Last Picture Show

Link last.fm artist/album images directly to the image page

// ==UserScript==
// @name          Last Picture Show
// @description   Link last.fm artist/album images directly to the image page
// @author        chocolateboy
// @copyright     chocolateboy
// @version       1.2.4
// @namespace     https://github.com/chocolateboy/userscripts
// @license       GPL: https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
// @include       http://*.last.fm/*
// @include       https://*.last.fm/*
// @include       http://*.lastfm.tld/*
// @include       https://*.lastfm.tld/*
// @require       https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.5.1.slim.min.js
// @require       https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/eclecto/jQuery-onMutate@79bbb2b8caccabfc9b9ade046fe63f15f593fef6/src/jquery.onmutate.min.js
// @grant         GM_log
// @inject-into   auto
// ==/UserScript==
// XXX note: the unused grant is a workaround for a Greasemonkey bug:
// https://github.com/greasemonkey/greasemonkey/issues/1614
Thumbnail:    https://lastfm-img2.akamaized.net/i/u/300x300/{imageId}.jpg
Picture page: https://www.last.fm/music/Artist+Name/+images/{imageId}
<div class="grid-items-cover-image js-link-block link-block">
<div class="grid-items-cover-image-image">
<!-- XXX wrap this image in a link -->
alt="Image for 'Ellie Goulding'"
<div class="grid-items-item-details">
<p class="grid-items-item-main-text">
<!-- XXX grab the path prefix from here -->
<a href="/music/Ellie+Goulding" class="link-block-target">Ellie Goulding</a>
<p class="grid-items-item-aux-text">
1,783,906 <span class="stat-name">listeners</span>
<div class="grid-items-cover-image js-link-block link-block">
<div class="grid-items-cover-image-image">
<a href="/music/Ellie+Goulding/+images/1ce40dc1f3ec52cb78efb9f0ae54dddd">
alt="Image for 'Ellie Goulding'"
<div class="grid-items-item-details">
<p class="grid-items-item-main-text">
<a href="/music/Ellie+Goulding" class="link-block-target">Ellie Goulding</a>
<p class="grid-items-item-aux-text">
1,783,906 <span class="stat-name">listeners</span>
// selector for the nearest parent element (div) which contains both the image
// and a link to the artist/album
const ITEM = '.grid-items-cover-image'
// filter out "Similar Tracks" tiles (no way to determine the image page) and
// tiles without an image
function filterItems () {
const $item = $(this)
// XXX don't include the images in "Similar Tracks" grids. their pages are
// located in album (or release) "subfolders" e.g.:
//   - image: https://lastfm-img2.akamaized.net/i/u/300x300/fafc74a8f45241acc10158be6e2d8270.jpg
//   - track: https://www.last.fm/music/The+Beatles/_/Doctor+Robert
//   - image page: https://www.last.fm/music/The+Beatles/Revolver/+images/fafc74a8f45241acc10158be6e2d8270
// but last.fm doesn't include any additional data in the "Similar Tracks"
// grids which can be used to identify the release (e.g. "Revolver").
// XXX last.fm doesn't distinguish the "Similar Tracks" grid from the "Similar
// Artists" grid in any way (same markup and CSS), so we have to identify
// (and exclude) it as "section 1 of 2 in the similar-tracks-and-artists row"
if ($item.is(`.similar-tracks-and-artists-row section:nth-of-type(1) ${ITEM}`))
return false
// XXX we also need to exclude tiles with missing/default images. they have
// an additional .grid-items-cover-default class on their image-container div
// alongside .grid-items-cover-image-image
if ($item.has('.grid-items-cover-default').length)
return false
return true
function onItems ($items) {
$items.filter(filterItems).each(function () {
const $item = $(this)
const $image = $item.find('.grid-items-cover-image-image img[src]')
const imageId = $image.attr('src').match(/\/([^/.]+)\.\w+$/)[1]
const path = $item.find('a.link-block-target[href]').attr('href')
$image.wrap(`<a href="${path}/+images/${imageId}"></a>`)
$.onCreate(ITEM, onItems, true /* multi */)