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GfyCat Redirect to WebM Video File

Automatically promotes GfyCat gif pages to raw WebM video

// ==UserScript==// @name         GfyCat Redirect to WebM Video File// @namespace    gfycatVideoRedirect_kk// @description  Automatically promotes GfyCat gif pages to raw WebM video// @version      0.2// @author       Kai Krause <[email protected]>// @match        http://gfycat.com/*// @match        https://gfycat.com/*// @grant       none// @run-at       document-end// ==/UserScript==// gifycat.com/gifs/detail/idvar videoPlayer = document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0];if (videoPlayer) {var children = videoPlayer.childNodes;for (var i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) {if (children[i].type == "video/webm") {var webm = children[i].src;break;}}} else {// gifycat.com/idvar webm = document.getElementById('webmSource').src;var mp4 = document.getElementById('mp4Source').src;}if (webm) {location.assign(webm);} else if (mp4) {location.assign(mp4);}