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Disable Google Search R###lt URL Redirector

Disable Google URL redirector (i.e. user data tracking) on Google Search r###lt, including Google Custom Search Engine (CSE) which is used by many websites, and in Google Groups.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Disable Google Search R###lt URL Redirector
// @namespace   DisableGoogleSearchR###ltURLRedirector
// @version     1.1.16
// @license     GNU AGPLv3
// @author      jcunews
// @description Disable Google URL redirector (i.e. user data tracking) on Google Search r###lt, including Google Custom Search Engine (CSE) which is used by many websites, and in Google Groups.
// @website     https://greasyfork.org/en/users/85671-jcunews
// @include     *://*/*
// @grant       unsafeWindow
// @run-at      document-start
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
var disableGoogleAdSense = true;
var disableInterstitials = true; //e.g. malware warning page
function rwt_() { return true }
function checkElement(ele, m, obj, fn) {
if (ele.tagName === "SCRIPT") {
if (disableGoogleAdSense && (/:\/\/cse\.google\.com\/adsense\/search\/(async-)?ads\.js/).test(ele.src)) {
return false;
} else if (m = ele.src.match(/:\/\/www.googleapis.com\/customsearch\/.*callback=([^?]+)/)) {
obj = unsafeWindow;
m[1].split(".").forEach(function(k, i, a) {
if (i < (a.length - 1)) {
obj = obj[k];
} else {
fn = obj[k];
obj[k] = function(data) {
data.r###lts.forEach(function(res) {
delete res.clicktrackUrl;
return fn.apply(this, arguments);
} else if (ele.querySelectorAll && (m = ele.querySelectorAll('a[data-cturl]')).length) {
m.forEach(m => {
delete m.dataset.cturl
return true;
if ((/(www|groups)\.google\.[a-z]+(\.[a-z]+)?/).test(location.hostname)) {
//Google site
addEventListener("mousedown", (ev, a) => {
//web search
if (unsafeWindow.rwt && (unsafeWindow.rwt !== rwt_)) unsafeWindow.rwt = rwt_;
//image search
if (a = ev.target.closest('a[data-ved]')) a.setAttribute("rlhc", "1");
}, true);
//Google web search site
function removeInterstitials() {
document.querySelectorAll('#rcnt #res #search .g a[href^="/interstitial?"]').forEach(a => {
a.setAttribute("href", decodeURIComponent(a.getAttribute("href").match(/\burl=([^&]+)/)[1]));
a.rel = "noreferrer";
//Google image search site
let open_ = unsafeWindow.open;
unsafeWindow.open = function(url, target) {
if (!url) {
let wnd = open_.apply(this, arguments);
let wrt = wnd.document.write;
wnd.document.write = function(s) {
let m = s.match(/<meta http-equiv="refresh"[^>]+>/);
if (m) {
let e = document.createElement("DIV");
e.innerHTML = m[0];
e = e.firstElementChild;
e.content = "0; url=" + decodeURIComponent(e.content.match(/https:\/\/www\.google\.[^/]+\/url\?.*?&url=([^&]+)/)[1]);
s = s.replace(m[0], e.outerHTML);
wnd.document.write = wrt;
return wrt.apply(this, arguments);
return wnd;
} else {
let m = url.match(/https:\/\/www\.google\.[^/]+\/url\?.*?&url=([^&]+)/);
if (m) url = decodeURIComponent(m[1]);
return open_.apply(this, arguments);
//Google Groups and probably others too
let desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLAnchorElement.prototype, "href");
let setHref = desc.set;
desc.set = function(value) {
if ((/:\/\/[^\/]+\/aclk\b|\/url\b/).test(value)) {
this.rel = "noreferrer";
return this.href;
} else return setHref.apply(this, arguments);
Object.defineProperty(HTMLAnchorElement.prototype, "href", desc);
//Any search site
addEventListener("load", () => {
if (disableInterstitials) removeInterstitials();
} else {
//other sites
let appendChild_ = Node.prototype.appendChild;
Node.prototype.appendChild = function(ele) {
if (checkElement(ele)) {
return appendChild_.apply(this, arguments);
} else return ele;
let insertBefore_ = Node.prototype.insertBefore;
Node.prototype.insertBefore = function(ele) {
if (checkElement(ele)) {
return insertBefore_.apply(this, arguments);
} else return ele;